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>Space Marine 2s entire game gets leaked
>No one discussing the plot leak
So, can anyone discuss the leaks from the game? Seems everyone is more tight lipped about this game than anything. Yes, I know Thousand Sons are the 2nd antagonist faction but that's about it.
>40k slop
Don’t care. The franchise is pozzed now
>No one discussing the plot leak
There's been like a week of WH40k threads consistently hitting the bump limit. You're just late.
>nu 40k
Sorry, I don't wanna play as Da Hood Ravyns
Does anyone actually care about the plot in a WH40K game? It's all just an excuse to murder shit. Not that that isn't the case for most games, but 40K is less apologetic about it.
Holy fuck read a fucking novel or go watch some decent tv shows/films if you're so interested in stories you dumb fucking retard. You could find better writing in fanfic websites than modern triple A slop.

Kill yourself.
What's to discuss? It will be a generic 40k story
>Imperial world invaded by shitters
>Space marines come to the rescue
>clues start popping up that not everything is as its seems
>turns out that this OTHER faction was really behind everything all along
>Space marines must race to beat them to the Macguffin
I beat it and replayed all the missions thru the Campaign menu. I'm gonna restart it on the hardest mode now. Tyranids are more fun to fight than Chaos
isn't that a year old build? how much different will it be from the actual release?
question, can you change the controls in game or switch to the original control scheme from sm1?
my gamepad controls were fucked up in this build so I just used kb + mouse. But I can see in the options there's 7 different control schemes and a bunch of swap options. so probably.
I've seen constant threads for it but didn't bother going in since I'd prefer to play the full game.
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I don't think anyone cares
>old man leaves
>CEOs eat the carcass

And with that i shall leave as well. I don't like products, i like products that are a labor of skill and passion.
because it's deihammer slop
I can only assume it's because the game is good and doesn't need to rely on cheap drama and female space marines to draw the attention of this place. How quaint.
What's with the 40k hate around here? Is this another pol psyop?
Not that I defend the setting turning into primarch wank and GW being greedy assholes, but I'm pretty sure that in this interview he was talking about how over the top his original concepts for them were and how retarded they look once put in miniature form.
It got too popular lately
>No one discussing the plot leak
why would you think there'd be any real crazy twists and turns in the story? it's 40k, the story has to follow all the rules so nothing too unexpected can really happen.
im sure the story is fine and really just a vessel to carry the above average gameplay, the leak would just be
>they go to the planets, there's bad guys on the planets, they kill most of the bad guys but there's some ambiguous ending hinting at more bad guys
>no one discussing
>multiple threads per day hitting bump limit
>they kill most of the bad guys but there's some ambiguous ending hinting at more bad guys
I think I saw some Necron stuff people posting
Do I have to pay for the DLC separately if I don’t preorder?
Is it already wolf time? No? Then I don't give a fuck.
no one is expecting a good story, we just need a reason to keep moving forward and killing stuff
I just want to play it co-op with my brother on the hardest difficulty.
The game just needs to be good.
>unironic zigger devs
>plot leak
let me guess
They fight a horde style enemy but then halfway through they find that a 2nd, more elite faction is secretly pulling the strings.
no I don't care
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>in a setting that's first and foremost a backdrop for a wargame
foolish concept
gotta fight through the blacks to reach the jews
The same shitters who ruin the /40kg/ thread come into this /v/ thread

like for example this guy >>683594939

He posts this whenever people discuss primarchs and he gets mad when people do it because they like them
Brother Chaplain Leandros was right
Brother Chaplain Leandros is ALWAYS RIGHT

You cannot touch the warp without coming out unscathed
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Hi Discord
but....why though? Why demoralize 40k fans?
these /v/ space marine generals are unironically just rejects from /tg/ pushing the same arguments and the same talking points every thread.

Very few have played the leak probably too scared because of malware or some shit we have barely gotten leaks outside the initial ones did /v/ users forget to torrent?
>caring about warhammer after end times
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It's crazy how kids don't understand that this doesn't work unless you are a literal child of retarded.

The people that dislike the way GW is being handled already left and the people that are still buying their products will do for life.
Discord troons have no lives and only get pleasure from schadenfreude
You boomers should be happy, we know new 40k sucks and know true older warhammer was better
Why is /tg/ such shit nowadays anyway? It looks like it has become a dead board.
They don't want my money. Let the gender cultists buy it
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Personally I just buy secondhands/singles from eBay and paint them, if I like the model. Most new stuff is shit, but there's some decent models.

Not buying gw prices though.

Pic related, a current wip of mine.
Why are you part of a raiding discord?
I'm ready to take all the insults and metaphorical spit, can someone please tell me how to diwnload this shit? Someone posted a torrent link but I kept "running out of memory" mid download. no idea how to fix that. I have no idea how to torrent.
I just saved it from /40kg/ tho
do you live on the equator or something?
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>He likes nu 40k
>He reads lore past 7th edition
>he says he hates primaris marines but still ends up painting them
>he copes by putting old helmets on them
>>he says he hates primaris marines but still ends up painting them
>>he copes by putting old helmets on them
You can detransition them
Lmao it's 4chan fucking up exif data that contains orientation data as well
placing a mk7 helmet on them doesnt fix them your part of the problem
you can do more
Warhammer went from being my favorite thing to talk about on this website to utter dreadful. It happens with certain fucking franchises here long time 4chan staples utterly morphed into garbage.

Madoka, Gundam, Warhammer all three are things I love but utter hate the fanbases here now
Madoka was trash from the start tho
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Sheeesh i wonder why
Well, Leandros is the Chaplain so there is that I guess
Honestly seems more retarded than anything really and goes against what 40K is, which is random dudes fighting and being heroes for like one week and then dying in the next fight and being forgotten save for one folder among thousands in some archive that'll one day be destroyed by xenos or heretics and nobody will actually care much when it happens because they're too busy trying to be heroes too at the time...for five minutes, anyway
There it is the fucking concern trolling too
the 40k critics arent discord raiders the franchise is entering its death right now. Its becoming marvel narrative quip slop. Thats it simple as.

Maybe play better table top games /v/? Infinity or Battletech are good alternatives
What the fuck is concern trolling you faggot?
I just posted my opinion in response to some other anons opinion
How can you function believing that everyone is a fucking boogeyman coming in to attack your threads or your hobby or raid 4chan or whatever other bullshit you convince yourself is actually happening?
its a playbook from the discord that raids these threads, I know your motives.
>>No one discussing the plot leak
It's fucking Space Marine, the plot is laughably thin.
Loyalist Space Marines in general make for poor protagonists and Ultras are beyond fucking boring. You might as well ask for the plot behind an EA Madden game.
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> Infinity or Battletech are good alternatives
Well I'm of the belief that they shouldn't have even brought Titus back, let alone Leandros or the fucking Ultrasmurfs
Clue is in the fucking games name
We should now be seeing a completely new chapter that we've not covered yet with gameplay changes based around that chapters method of making war
Maybe, just maybe, one cool Titus mission as DLC where you play as some unnamed member of the Deathwatch who wears a helmet for most of the mission and then reveals their face at the end for the THEN I STOOD UP AND CLAPPED!!! moment as you realise it is Titus, but that's it
They could make a whole fucking chain of SPACE MARINE games and just focus them on a different marine in each chapter as they follow the exact pattern that
pointed out
It would have been great
But instead we get a shitty CoD campaign as the fucking vanilla flavored Ultramarines yet again
Whenever I see Ultramarines in media I know it has geedubs fucking greasy slime all over it, the only purpose this has is to sell models and make people buy kits
There's no actual love or passion
w40k got uncool very fast, gw witnessed wotc throw their goodwill and customer base in the garbage and thought they should do that too
>Weh weh weh Ultramarines suck...BECAUSE THEY JUST DO ALRIGHT?
>The game should be about the EPIC Black Templars bro!!! Or the wholesome Lamenters!!!!! Or man the Raptors are all tactical

This is concern trolling, your complaining over it being the ultramarines making it like its bloody murder is so odd
>Brother Chaplain Leandros
I want a Raven Guard game based around jump pack combat.
Or an Iron Hands tank warfare game.
Or a major AAA game that's focused on an actually interesting faction.
He unmasks himself in the end

Tzeentch goy kills Titus' two new buttbuddies but they fight a bit and get zapped to an earlier time with Titus and the Tzeentch goy knowing what will happen

Titus saves both of his buttbuddies thanks to the warp
ultramarine hate is so 2008 guys
Is Leandros a chaplain or Tzeench goy? I have zero clue about the plot
do people actually discuss warhammer plot? its usually just powerlevel circle jerking or xenophobia
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Actually managed to get this working on my RX480 playing around and average of 35 fps (with stutters though) - so anyone with something at least as powerful as the GTX1080 should be able to run this
The game is fun and when the action gets going it leaves you wanting for more
Overall I already like more than the original but I have some concerns:
>there's a bright, chaos shaped, HUD element that alerts you whenever an enemy is about to execute a Parryable attack ; imo this sucks, makes the combat less engaging and I wish there was the option to disable it (in the current build such option doesn't exist in the settings menus)
>playing on the 3rd difficulty, the game is challenging but not particularly hard as your AI companions are very efficient figthers ; I am not going to criticize good AI, but what really makes matters worse is the fact that since this is a co-op campgain, there is a Revive mechanic (Titus will go down and your companions have to reach you before the timer runs out, I estimate you recover around 20% HP if they manage to rescue you)
Would prefer if this last point was disabled during offline play
Also on this last point, anyone here knows how exactly this mechanic works?
Because in some cases the enemy whacked me and I went straigth to "Game Over" screen and in others had Titus on his knees waiting for revival...
I like Word Bearera and Eldar. Unfortunately neither of them ever get to really do anything because they aren't headliner factions/subfactions.
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There are hundreds of warhammer books so someone must be into this shit
>could have easily added DEldar in the game
Why are these toys so expensive if you have to do all the building and painting?

why are these baseless questions asked every thread?
Ultramarines are just ultraboring. Quite possibly the most milquetoast chapter out there, except for maybe Imperial Fists.
To remind you of how dumb you are for liking 40k.
supply and demand
and discord is not raiding this thread huh?
Made in UK, not China
You pay the design, not the toy

But most importantly
>People are willing to pay those prices
Keep in mind there's not a single US or UK based company with prices THAT much lower than 40k; even historicals, which have no licensing fees nor artists to pay, cost very similar to warhammer stuff, at least the good stuff like Victrix.

Mantic used to be much cheaper, but they used China plastics. Infinity is actually more expensive, and 4 Battletech mechs will cost you £25, it's only cheaper because that's the size of the average lance for a battletech game.
box prices are essentially game-balance factors. a squad of ordinary guys are as expensive as a single hero so the average player will get maybe one for his army. too bad most competitive players are rich
tbf I never took the miniatures literally. The biggest game you could have on a table has like 200 miniatures, it's hardly epic if you don't imagine them as representing something else. That's what Warmaster and Legion Imperialis are for.
>We should now be seeing a completely new chapter that we've not covered yet with gameplay changes based around that chapters method of making war
>Maybe, just maybe, one cool Titus mission as DLC where you play as some unnamed member of the Deathwatch who wears a helmet for most of the mission and then reveals their face at the end for the THEN I STOOD UP AND CLAPPED!!! moment as you realise it is Titus, but that's it
Yeah that could be cool
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I don't get the appeal of vidya leaks. I'd rather know as little as possible about a game I'm interested in.
I still desire a good Eldar game
the new sculpts look fucking awful, the most noticable difference I think is in how they do cloth now, it all just looks like plastic or a nu-warcraft kind of 3d model.
In a way its a blessing that eldar models dont get updated very often
Same. A game where you could play as an aspect warrior would be cool.
I hate giant nagash, even if his original sculpt was goofy as fuck
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They used to make good units out of metal and charge x2 or x3 for them. It was a good way of sucking kids in (me) with tons of useless plastic. For all the shit GW gets, things are relatively better now with a constant flow of good value starting sets. If you play your cards right it's probably cheaper to build a decent 2000 point army now than it was 20 years ago even before inflation.
They would be worthless if they came prebuilt and prepainted. You are buying collection of bits, which you can then combine with other bits. You will be left with leftover bits after finishing building. You are supposed to build, kitbash, convert, sculpt and paint them for fun. It's creative hobby. Buying preassembled and prepainted minis is like buying leveled up account in MMO or beating game on cheats. It's getting cucked out of fun.
>Thousand Sons
thank god it's not fucking Nurgle, again. I'm tired of Nurgle zombies
yes, the green/blue ghost shit is gay, I like vampires creepy and dark not whatever that is
>Pick a different aspect to play as for different missions
>Final level has you play as an Autarch with abilities from multiple paths as you go all out
Its such an easy concept to make a video game out of. You could slap in co-op and multiplayer with ease, have a dozen different mission types to play with multiple approaches. Make a mission where you have to infiltrate an Ork base and you can go stealth with a striking scorpion or Warp Spider, go full postal as a Dark Reaper or a Howling Banshee, etc. It would be so easy to make a good game out of that, fuck.
the actual game leaked, you can be playing it now
Eldar are fucking gay and shouldn't even be in 40k. Fuck off.
every 40k game has been the same woke stuff for years now
What was woke about Shootas, Blood, and Teef?
go back to /40kg/ please

utter garbage general post that there since I know you do use it
It's infested with cringe redditors and retarded paypigs, no one wants to interact with them.
generals rapidly degenerate into shill threads
a lot of normies became manchildren and shit like boardgames and D&D became fashionable
Yeah. Could take some notes from warframe in terms of mobility etc to get across the speed and agility of the Eldar.

Utterly shit tier taste detected
/tg/ has ran out any good posters, /40kg/ is ran by a group of mentally ill regulars with a janitor who will cry about primaris but will also cry that you need to play 10th edition only and hate 3d printing
The 40k general on /tg/ is utter dogshit, other 40k threads on the board are simply bait, and everything else is dead
No, it does work, because they clog up every thread they come in contact with, then nobody wants to interact with those threads. It's like claiming the shit-flinging chimpanzee isn't an issue, because you can just ignore it, but people would rather leave than have to ignore a chimpanzee flinging shit everywhere. Just the volume alone makes 40k talk miserable on this site, I just want to talk about my stupid plastic army men, I don't want an incessant stream of crybaby bitch tears about every little thing they don't like.
Do they achieve something by killing threads of things they don't like doe? Most people don't realize how unimportant 4chan is, it's not going to hurt GW sales, it's just going to hurt everyone that browse the site including them.
The only people who like Eldar are literal homosexuals or rulesfags. There's a good reason they've essentially been written out of the setting.
Oh no! The 4chan thread!
yeah but they’re the most fun in dawn of war i slaughter marines for days
are the discord troons on watch on /v/ 24/7 or something
It's kinda funny seeing Rubric marines melee via teleport kicks, but huge missed opportunities for Tzeentchian daemons like Horrors or Flamers, instead there's just traitor guard and Tzaangors for their trashmobs.
its even more of a reddit colony than /v/ is which is terrifying now that I'm thinking about it
vidya at least has the filter of needing to operate a machine correctly to not immediately out yourself as a complete retard in a discussion
outside of making retarded builds because you can't read you can just make up whatever fake ebin stories you want and fit in in a post critical role /tg/
>they go to the planets, there's bad guys on the planets
ummm everyone is a bad guy, the imperium of man is evil, the space marines are evil: with the possible exception of the salamanders
>on watch
who do you think made this thread
That's a cope invented by retards. The Imperium are objectively the correct faction in 40k.
Quest threads killed the board, then what was left was just generals
Anons have no game.
generals correlate so obviously with low quality discussion, you can even see it on /v/ where gacha/porn addict threads aren’t controlled
Anyone care to answer? I’d rather buy the game in a sale if the DLC is gonna be free
a theocratic totalitarian state that kills each other as much as they kill ayy lmaos and chaos. even going so far as to turn people into catatonic half machine door knobs. yeah ok retard
This. Selling my minis and buying some Bolt Action
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hi leddit
The reason I prefer 4chan to other shit is that it avoids the trappings of most social media. There's no username (usually), no persistent posting history, and no arbitrary engagement score, all of which contribute to modern social media absolutely sucking balls. This also makes it less attractive to advertising, which is the other half of the problem.

The fact that so many people here are willing to throw those advantages away because "it's just 4chan lel" is kind of disappointing. It's probably not important to half the people here, but it'd be nice if the entire internet didn't degenerate completely into an AI-fueled corporate hellscape.
To force them out of the fandom through frustration so they can parasitize GW's attentions.
Most companies cater to reddit and twitter, not 4chan.
Lmao stay mad Taufag.
So does it seem worth the asking price or what?
>Evil is objectively real, organized
way to out yourself tertiary
what happened to madoka?
Inceloids are buttblasted about femstodians
Black Legion and IW are very organized
Honestly at this point I feel like AoS is a more interesting setting and game than 40k.
Whats your CPU? I tried the leak and my game just black screens after initial dev logos with 100% on all my cores/threads on i5 9400f and it stays like this for at least 7 minutes but i didnt tried to keep it any longer. I tried launching individual scenes and its same with infinite loading,same with loading into main menu or launching game through executable directly lol.
I only played the intro mission cause it's really buggy and unfinished and I don't want to spoil myself for the full release

if you're trying to run the game off an HDD it will take several minutes to load and just give you a black screen, happened on my friends PC but it did eventually load
we ended up just quitting immediately and copying it to his SSD instead cause we figured the texture streaming and pop in would be awful
I lost interest when I found out they replaced Mark Strong.
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Call me when it gets its own game in a similar vein as Space Marine.
No its on SSD. Im afraid to leave my CPU on 100% for fucking 10 minutes,only other time when this happens is when RPCS3 builds caches/SPU's during first launch of games but that takes 2 minutes. I know that CPU is pretty dogshit but game doesnt even load into menu and again i waited over 5 minutes and its always 100% on all threads/cores during that blackscreen.
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Gladly. Would be neat to play a Reclusian.
corrupt me mommy
>caring about warhammer after the 80's
i hate the fucking edgefest the millennial fags and zoomer's turned the setting into
go back and learn basic high school tier economics
as organized as protestant christianity is
>Black Legion
Failbaddon the Armless biggest activity is making sure slaaneshfag with khornefag doesn't murder themselfs and everyone around the moment he would leave those troops alone for a nanosecond, and anyway he wasn't a threat until GW made him waste a blackstone fortress on cadia in their gay new lore,
warhammer first and foremost was and still should be a setting of eternal war for whatever "your guys"™ you'd want imperialfag tertiary,
you're unironically the same as fruithair faggots demanding the hobby to be changed into your narrative when the very first excerpt of imperium rulebook has a line
>"It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable."
seems solid when you add multiplayer
I hope Tuomas there does well with his new game. The discord drama was super overstated but it gayified the community a lot with concern trolls and activists all popping into what had been a cool little community. Still a cool ruleset and model line, but the trend of
>centre-left old school nerd boomers makes game
>Hires hyper online fucks to moderate social media
>Disaster when Internet people make it the new moral battleground
Is a recurring problem. See helldivers, whatever. Developers shouldn't own or moderate their own communities, let fans run those. It's that simple.
Chaplain. Makes zero sense too, because Calgar straight up tells you he was furious that your loyalty was ever questioned.
i shit on sigmarines for a long time but they're slowly improving
The slimmed down models were a big step.
They also need to stop making them be gold all the time. The silver/steel models in the new box looked far better. Shame they're going back to gold.
I'm gonna be honest, the second they revealed Tidus was a Primaris I just lost all desire to give a fuck. Any possibility of strange warp taint, blank status, or other weird shit somehow not noticed by his librian/chaplain was just thrown out the window.

Modern 40K has just lost most of the shit I cared about and I've moved on.
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For me, it's the Dark Eldar (I won't call them Drukhari GW shills go kill yourself)
I am glad I enjoy videogames for their gameplay and don't really care about that shit. It is cool being these space paladin brotherhood guys kicking the ass of armies of aliens with 10/10 visuals
>Wah wah muh protagonist who's already kulling things way above his weight isn't SOOPER speshul
You're a fucking retard.
can anyone tell me how long the game is? How many levels are there?
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>caring about warhammer when it was just a few paragraphs about left over models they had from a different game
>box prices are essentially game-balance factors

Tell that to imperial guard players.
>Druk Breaking
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Calgar saves you at the end
Demerium is a Necron tomb world
The Chaplain is Leandros
>Whats your CPU?
there's no talk about mystery in that clip
it's a spectrum though. making usable models for the main chaos Gods and current day big E is stupid, but everyone has there tolerance for what should be playable and by now you should expect a business to do short term gain moves.
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>chaos was actually there for the necron loot
feels like this happens a lot
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I can't believe dumbledore fucking died.
>GW starts bringing back primarchs
>story is still shit because underlying lore is still grim dark trying to take over a lulz universe.
Chaos always had an edge in the Primarch count

Loyalists only have 2 and they won't be getting any more until the next edition
Rare bolt rifle with grenade launcher is the best weapon
Melta gun is also great
the whole reason Horus went traitor was to compensate for his baldness
Whorus isnt bald and therefore has no reason
ergo why the Emperor shouldve made the Primarchs female
you cannot dispute my logic
Reminds me how DoW3 also teased Necrons and then it died and Necrons never arrived kek
>nids on a tomb world
I thought they stay far away from those.
yeah but its 40k so the more (enemies) the merrier
dafuq is The Redeemer vidya gee dubs?
Admech were there for the 'cron loot, which included a blackstone warp nullifier/amplifier that the 1ksons were actually after along with what remains of the power source from SM1.
I'm mainly waiting for PvP.
how long is the main campaign? is it worth 60 bucks?
>We should now be seeing a completely new chapter that we've not covered yet with gameplay changes based around that chapters method of making war
wrong, this is Titus' story
Maybe they just didn't know? I mean, there are people living on the planet (Im pretty sure)
>lets discuss strong wyman number 23232 and black guy number 534342 screaming at the camera about how evil and stupid white men are
no thanks
the gameplay demo they showed was enough for me were literally every weak or stupid imperial guard member was a white guy while female characters were the tough leaders
Leandros IS correct in that you cannot touch the warp and come out unscathed
Doesnt erase the fact he disregarded his own book to rat to the Inq instead of his Chaplain at the time
They will generally stay away from any world that has been cleansed of life by the necrons since it's a waste of time but if a world is full of life then it's worth eating. There may still be necrons under it, of course, but it's not immediately obvious
aside form a view nice reminaigns of older models to be bigger and more detailed modern 40k really is just woke shit about some ugly woman or black guy or just straight up retarded new ideas and designs like Primaris or that new tech mini chaos god.
there's no nids in that mission
Main campaign is about 8-10 hours on Epic which the 'hard' difficulty, but you could get another dozen or so playing the co-op missions and multiplayer.
Definitely not worth 60 imo
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I haven’t even seen the leak but I can guess the plot from the trailer and screenshots

>Captain Titus demoted
>Sent to hellfuck planet invaded by Tyranids
>In the process of destroying the xenos it’s revealed that Tzeentch faggots want to kill the space marines and/or capture Titus because of his warp exposure
>Fight a Swarm Lord
>Fight a Lord of Change
>Kill a Daemon Prince

The end. How close am I?
Missed a bit at the start.
Titus is part of the Deathwatch due to Inquisitorial shenanigans at the start. His squad gets wiped but the Ultras pick him back up.
He's only 'demoted' because his role as Captain had been filled in his absence.
or you could get hundreds of hours from the coop/multiplayer if you enjoy it
Is the Black and Asian Ultramarine useful?

Can you command and equip them or are they like NPCs like in the first game?

Do they actually help Titus or are just background fluff?
Do you fright Necrons or just Chaos?
They are bots controlling your prospective coop partners. As bots they are useful for distracting enemies, chainswording melee swarmers / spamming bullets, getting you up when you are incapacitated, and occasionally knocking raveners off you.
They also steal your executions a lot if you're not fast, which is kind of annoying (since executions restore your armor) but it looks cool when you're both executing at the same time
They can take care of themselves in battle, at least until Epic difficulty, not sure how much of a burden they will be on the hardest difficulty. AFAIK you can only edit them if you're playing co-op with friends, otherwise they use the default Bolt Rifle + Chainsword + Bolt Pistol loadout and never pick up other weapons.
They do interact with Titus, the nigger being a rookie by spess mehren standards and the asian sergeant being nu-Leandros, who is the most distrustful of Titus but much less of a codex thumper and eventually respects him.
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you are the faggot from >pic ruining 40k and fantasy in general

GW went to hell the moment Blackrock and Vanguard bought 40% of the company's shares
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Necrons haven't woken up yet, Thousand Sons takes over as the main enemy faction after Titus calls Papa Smurf for backup
>Papa Smurf
Which one
Fucking lame, they should be upgradeable and be able to be issued basic commands like ME squadmates.
go donate to arch or some shit
no, that would be fucking gay. Co op is far far better
Calgar, Grandpa Smurf Girlyman is mentioned a couple times but doesn't show up.
No thank, i will not donate to a Grifter either, and plastic crack post Eye of terror campaign isnt either
>that company banner last stand
>papa smurf shows up
>chaos sorcerer lord stops time
>papa smurf literally just walks through into hell to fist his ass

At that moment, he was HIM
Well there's always next time
Here is the plot. There are heretics, witches, mutants, and xenos. You are a big loud man who will have a jolly time stomping them into the floor. Trannies will seethe because they hate seeing non-failed men having fun and being loud.
Fact, Space Marine is canonized to happen after the first and second tyrannic war
Titus served under 2 commanders before he was promoted for valiant service, while Cunto Shittarius wasn't promoted because he was too immature for a position like that.
When Space Marine happened and the Asshole chaos possessed inquisitor tortured him for years, Shittarius became Captain because they had no choice but promote him.
If there is a canonical reason of why people hates Cato Sicarius, is because he sucks even as a commander and his predecessors, including titus were better.
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No I don't want sploiters.
Saged and hidden.

>The black and Asian ultramarine die due to main thousand son actually winning
>Titus is pissed and tackles him through the portal
>Both Titus and T Son are sent back in time 20 minutes
>Titus now knows how to defeat the Thousand Sons
>Saves the black and asian ultramarine
>Later Titus is talking to the chaplain
>Titus admits the 2 squamates were saved through chaos technically and hes unsure if he should report them now
>He reveals himself to be Leandros who says he is sorry for what he did and wont make the same mistake however he will look closely at all 3 and if any taint is suspected HE will make the judgement,
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There is no canonical reason why people hate Cato people hate Cato because it stems from a parody animation that had a hate boner agasint him

Cato does based things like this Alfabusa is a hack
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Leandros is >pic
>having fun and being loud.
yet the game refuses to have a part where i get to throw tau civilians into a volcano
why do the ad mech get to have that kinda fun but not me huh?
We don't talk about how the Imperium lost twice to the blueberries
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>People still spreading my fake leak
You stupid retards, that's the ending to Galaxy Quest.
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they are furries
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I feel like GW will have to redeem themselves and quickly, because all this woke lgbtranny slop they have been pushing lately in almost all of their product lines won't fly in the long run
anyone knows how exactly the revive mechanic works?
Anon 99% of the people who actually buy and play 40k don't give a flying fuck about that crap. If anything you have more people who are mad about playable Custodes in general than you do about female Custodes.
When you run out of HP you are incapacitated and lay there til you die after like 20-30 seconds.
You walk up to them and hold E for a couple seconds to get them up
people arent mad about custodes being on the table top you fucking /tg/ faggot
There's definitely plans for a sequel or expansion because Titus follows Calgar and Chaplain Leandros, who still doesn't trust him, for a secret assignment at the end of the game.
Aka the new fags who got into 40k because of alfabusa and the fact that he was enabling alot of that you nu/tg/ fag?
because i remember the troon cosplayer fag whom he and eliphas shilled on /tg/
Those people don't care about 40, they buy thge stuff to be called "Nerds" when they all are normalfags desperate for acceptance, mainly women who doesnt give a shit and wants plastic crack so she has a army of simps behind her.
About 99% of the people who buy 40k spend hours every day watching grifters on youtube from one side or another. Just look at libsoftiktok, those aren't normal people, they're nerds, that's what nerds look like now.
/v/ niggas hating on /tg/ makes no sense now
/tg/ died when a majority of the userbase were cheering and hollering for the death of 1d4chan

Actually go fuck yourself /tg/ faggot im sure the 40k general needs extra garbage in it right now
>Implying people wanted another fucking Imperial Power Armor faction
Custodes should never have been playable at all and that's a common sentiment across stores.
TTSfags and YTfags don't play 40k.
Perfect setup for grandpa to show up and save the day then
>he doesnt know how Critical Role and its consequences ruined tabletop gaming and /tg/ in general
They Never played old 40k and fantasy games either.
I thank Final Liberation and Dark Omen for bringing me to the crack.
Was it all just according to keikaku?
>YTfags don't play 40k.
I played 6 games this week
Alfabusa and his group are actually all giga liberals btw and wanted female custodes if this ever publicly came to light so much youtube 40k bros would lose their minds
Then you're not a YTfag.
With his wife?
I felt this way before the first game came out, but now I'm invested in the characters and want to see them again.
The sequel has some big writing shoes to fill.
the divorce has been pronounced
The main writer is a tranny, I will not engage with this game.
Yvraine is currently in a state of utter dementia trying to cope with her repeated failures and lack of purpose. Guilliman dropped her a while back, my dude.
go back to /40kg/ please faggots
Get bent, retard.
so you dont deny it?
The jannies ban you for saying anything that could even be perceived as slightly right wing of mao
I've posted in both boards for years now, dipshit. DoW got me into tabletop.
What's your issue with it?
Trying way too hard to act like an old fat and fit in, new fag. No one talks like this anymore, you literally just read a 1d4chan article and thought that’s all you needed to be le epic oldtroon
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>Get up you pussy!
Bunch of no models shitters think that board games is the perfect place for politics and complaining about geedubs

Total war, etc. Ruined /tg/ to the point of no return
Based to be honest. Letting political drivel in is how you get the modern state of /v/
Why would you need to say anything political on /tg/ to begin with?
>I learned this from Calgar himself!
w40k is boring when it's not zealous and fashy
GW went woke.
Not buying wokeslop GW.
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A Space Marine 2 wich improves on the originals gameplays implies the potential for a Fire Warrior 2 wich makes the originals gameplay even worse
see >>683633098 pic, the asspained bot response
And the fact that all of these problems started right around when TTS became mainstream, 1d4chan died and later the rumors that /tg/ "pemanent" janitors are in reality GW and Wizards employees who's life is to derail and delete anything that exposes and bashes both companies or bein on such a low and shitty state right now that even amazon is backpedaling it a Cavil, and many of the old warhammer guard in favor of people who doesnt even care about the games and the fact that the miniatures now has a quality worse than early 3dprinting.

All board culture was wiped out.
Tau are inconsequential to 40k. Keep dreaming.
>ripoff halo with blueberries 2, the reboot
Ultrachads already took the FPS spot with the boomer shooter.
Would be ok if they did it to both sides, the issue is that 90% of posts are basically like “kek female space marines are coming, chuds on suicide watch!!!”

And they stay up forever, but if you say “lol ok don’t care troon” you catch a 3 day ban from all boards. It’s just an unuseable garbage board with the most corrupt jannies. Would be based if they silenced all political gay talk
I hate how every modern model has the rock
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>there is a difference between furfags and 40k slop slurpers
these groups are the same.
Nice one, newfag. He was Matt Ward's pet and this single passage was a single nugget in a mound of shit.
I find it ironic that the drawfag who made these images has also been a furry for the longest time and it's still being used as a macro in sincerity.
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If you want a good summary of why the board went to shit, look here:


It got taken down by the jannies when it was getting a lot of traction, but several posts give good summaries. The reasons often cited are:
>300-post bump limit
>5e and DnD
>jannies shilling similar to what was described here >>683640758, with Trench Crusade being a recent example
>productive and creative threads getting autosaged or deleted by said jannies
>the exodus of good posters after being alienated by all these things
It's gotten so bad, there are rumors that 4chan's administration is trying to kill off the board. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if that's true.
>>5e and DnD
I forgot to mention, OSR is alright, but the usual suspects are trying to gaslight people into believing 2e is OSR and made a thread called TODD in an effort of revisionism. Everyone obsessed with the editions of 40k after 7th are also insufferable.
frankly the only editions of 40k i care are 5 and backwards since DoW1 was made on top of 4th ed
And fantasy everything before archonwank
is there no way to just die (skip the "waiting for revival" part)?
for example in RE5 if you had red hp and got hit a fatal blow you would immediately die
I hope they put an option to disable it
the enemies, specially melee ones, are dangerous enough in the 3rd difficulty to give the game some challenge, but if you can be revived at any point it just removes any challenge the game might had
quadrillions must be purged
Imagine if rightoids did 1/100000th of the cringe forced shit leftoids do. Like imagine if every video game the bad guy was a joe Biden analogue and warhammer had articles about custom republicuck space marine chapters with red maga helmets
To be fair nobody fuckin' buys White Dwarf any more. This shit was blatant attention grabbing.
they usually stay away from awakened tomb worlds because they tend to be devoid of life
all i care for is if that bitch ass leandros gets his redemption arc in this
is the game actually fun though? my only worries was that it was gonna be extremely simple and easy where you just mow down enemies and mash buttons
The setting is tens if thousands of years old and in the darkest age that has ever been a dark age. Yes, shit that happened ten thousand years ago is a source of mystery to neo-medieval peoples.
Christ you're retarded. Zulu being a bunch of tribal savages who's only real tactics is to feign a charge and encircle doesn't make them not an organized fighting force.
Tomb isnt awake yet. Hive mind thinks it can take a profit before it does then bugger off
It's loads of fun IMO.
The combat is lots of running around kiting and managing swarms of hormigaunts / tzangores while also fighting/dodging big warrior enemies and executing them for shield recovery + AOE damage. There are many times where you are utterly swamped by like 40 enemies, but the iframe dodge, kiting + spamming bolter, and grenades can keep you safe.
You can fly in jetpack and do ground pounds in some missions. And if you dodge at the last moment you can do a special cinematic pistol shot to the head counterattack
it was always slop.
just get helldivers if you want to squash some bugs or wait for the next doom if you want to murder demons.
>ignoring chaos lore
a singular warband of the same god can murderfuck itself before even reaching the enemy,
even with the excepion of nurgle his worshippers have to not rot apart before reaching the battlefield,

the only reason why chaos hasn't dominated the setting is the amount of infighting it does to itself,
the only reason why imperium hasn't dominated the setting is because how allergic to progress and innovation they are and how much they will sacrifice to maintain their stability,
the only reason why orkz haven't dominated the setting is basically the same as chaos but hey are living the best time of their life anyway,
this goes for every faction except for the nids and tau with the latter never being properly developed faction lorewise
Yeah, I got a 3 day one time for
>replying to off topic post
When said post I replied to was still up since it was some leftie shot I disagreed with. Even /co/ at least has the balls to be upfront about it instead of pretending they don't have a bias
So? Armies of the 1800s were bleeding a quarter of their officers to dueling.
It's still an organized military force, same with orcs/orks. The more fitting word is undisciplined since chaos marines are far worse than chaos warriors when it comes to ignoring realistic consequences.
stick of chaos along with the orcs is more of a chaotic force of nature, demented by the war and suffering of the entire galaxy,
but sure, I'll agree that chaos warbands are "organized" the same way tribal niggers in africa are, your point now?
still however, nigger more than anything are part of the fauna really being overfed for the half of century causing the disaster of today by (((you know who)))
The tau are such fucking bullshit. Everytime they are losing they get some bullshit superweapon that perfectly counters the threat they are fighting.
>b-but space marines have le plot armor
Space marines still have terrible shit happen to them like entire chapters getting corrupted or wiped out, meanwhile the tau have not had one major bad thing that has happened to them
It got really bad when the Trench Crusade drama happened. Watching the threads as it happened was surreal; it was very apparent the jannies were targeting any posts that criticized the game or the community managers on the Trench Crusade Discord server. Did they think people wouldn't notice?

30k is the only thing from GW I'm following at this point. I already play 40k 2nd and 3rd edition and NetEpic: Armageddon, as well as a bunch of other platoon size wargames, so it's not like I have anything to lose if that becomes unplayable.
>foolish concept
the story is now far better than playing the game
Apparently this build is a year old, so its probably been in the polishing phase and doing QoL like that. The build people like ShillUp played definitely looked more along than this.
>the only reason why orkz haven't dominated the setting is basically the same as chaos but hey are living the best time of their life anyway,
And that's why they are the best faction
Speaking of, I missed out on playing that speed freeks game or whatever it's called
The readme says:

>Pre-release version.
>The game is being developed in Russia by Saber Interactive studio
Release September 9, 2024
>All game modes are available including online.
>There is a separate dedicated server - you can make your own public server for this game.
>There is also a Linux version. Version for debugging and some tools.

so how do I use the server and play online?
>I missed out on playing that speed freeks game or whatever it's called
I don't think you're missing much, it's cartoony (mobileshit style) shooter with maybe some rocket league appealment,

I would do a speed freeks concept mad max style with twice more speed and occasional combat during the heigh of speed,
I just mean that the speed should be prioritized
In a better world there's an ork game with the nemesis system ported in.
You just bling out and fight. Just find something faster than you and kill it for his stuff.
Dark Eldar? White Scars? Other Orks? It doesn't matter.
the part with all the rippers is gay. Playing on necrology
You’re correct in questioning that faggot as this entire website is comprised of bots and discord faggots now.
Titus killing two Chud Lords is more than enough to grant him his captain rank back

If he were in a lesser Founding he'd be instantly promoted to Chapter Master regardless if the current one is still alive
You can't discuss how artificial all the non whites/strong women pushing is and since all the games are trash that have terrible rules and do this there is nothing of quality to discuss besides old stuff that has been discussed to death
Can't discuss the forces behind that push either.
It is the same reason /co/ blows and has sucked for a long time.
Fuck off Ward.
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Has GW put in female space marines yet? I have no interest in their setting until they bring equality to it and boot out all the fascists that play it.
They used to do this and it was just called "story telling".
Only recently do we have the trend of forcing people where they clearly don't belong or trying to reframe everything that is clearly good as being bad and vice versa
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UltraCHADS we can't stop winning
Seeing how bad modern Halo is, sure, I'd welcome it.
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>Blood Angels confirmed for Tacticus

gachabros, we eatin good
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No but...

Also the latest is that there are female Custodes.
>40k but gacha
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It's fun
>Adepta Sororitas
So Bolter Bitch, not Custodes
well, no, there is at least one female adeptus costodes, as outlined in the lastest custodes codex

I mean there's the black AS and then there's also female custodes, as in both things are getting pushed now
The very first Custodes ever created (and the basis for which all future Custodes were based off) by the Emperor was a woman if the latest leaks are true.
would be based if she also ruined everything forever like the astartes retcon and the galaxies biggest woman moment
I see GW is attempting to speedrun becoming worse than Disney
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I meditate on the sacrifices of my forebrothers
>The people that dislike the way GW is being handled already left
Nah, bitching about GW is the secret extra pillar of the hobby. Painting, tabletop, lore, vidya, and bitching. And yeah, we do just 3D print everything
Pic you replied to is insanely autistic, even if I agree with most of the opinions.
Astarte and Erda are two different characters.
Astarte was just one of the geneticists who worked with the Emperor to refine the Space Marine process.
Erda was the one who had the Giga Woman Moment
The only way that would work if she was like an ant queen birthing custodians
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We already had 2 full threads going on for like 4 days and in the meanwhile I played through the game twice, there isn't much else to say until we can actually play the multiplayer.
lictor? i hardly knew er
>GW retcons that the Emperor's wife freaked the fuck out and tossed all their children into the warp and scattered them across the galaxy

What did they mean by this /v/?
Who was the most based Primarch and who was the most cringe?
There's a short story with a female Custodes in their 10th Edition codex, which is genuinely one of the worst insofar with being almost a copy/paste of the previous and bad rules otherwise. However, it's very half-assed considering you could flip the pronouns around and nothing in the story would've really changed, and insofar there are no models or other media with them whatsoever, with only Twitter intern-kun went validating their existence otherwise.

Regardless, you do get one bit of info to piss off Custodes players with.
Also Lorgar
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>retcon in a female character to the origin
>make everyone hate her
why does GW keep doing it? like how the first high lord was actually a (brave independent black) woman (who also betrayed the emperor)
Sanguinius and Curze, respectively.
Roboute Guilliman
It's hilarious because I would have been acting like a tranny fangirl about this five years ago, but I don't give a single shit about this franchise anymore. I've never seen a major franchise get massacred this hard besides the MCU
jaghatai was the most based by virtue of not fucking up catastrophically at any point during the heresy
lion for consistently fucking up catastrophically at almost every imaginable point in the heresy
Perturabo and Perturabo, depending on who is writing
The fact that woman moment is synonymous with a illogical thinking is hilarious
i respected curze's "if i am awake and capable of movement i am grabbing the nearest living creature and torturing it to death immediately" grind, at least he never pretended to be anything else
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All Lorgar wanted was the truth, and gods willing all those who doubted him will see the light
>Space marines fights ork/Tyranids then suddenly Chaos happens. Eldar are there too somehow.
I haven't even seen any leaks and I know what the plot is.
Dorn was the most autistic. Which in my book makes him the most based.

The most cringe was Perturabo. But the most based legion was the Iron Warriors. They deserved better.
you never got this shit from malcador, just saying
>yeah turns out all the gods were actually mega satan but im going to worship them anyway because mega satan is better than no gods
fuck you, lorgar
Maybe Daddy E shouldn't have been an autist and wreck his son's equivalent of a preschool drawing of him and his son
no, it's more like if the drawing was made out of cigarettes after i specifically forbid him from smoking and told him how pissed i'd be if he smoked
i don't give a shit how well you made the cigarette art, im going to fucking spank you
Lorgarbros rise up
The Khan
Does Girlyman show up?
>no no no, it's not about calth or revenge on the ultramarines
>but we are absolutely going to focus every ounce of our military effort to destroying all 500 worlds on ultramar then stomp on the ashes over and over as we siege every planet for years
>but it's nothing personal
If anything it was Robot Gorillaman who spanked his little brother as the Emps lectured him that drawing is wrong
actually its not that bad, I was mostly mad at it crashing when I died. I beat it right after I said this

The part where you ride the cargo elevator to the Adeptus Mechanicus facility on Avarax is easily the worst part of the game. You just stand around for 10 minutes sometimes shooting gargoyles off the chains
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Imagine going from pic related to pants up don't loot energy.
I wish the emperor was given better reasons for stuff like just taking angron from the battle and having his friends all die instead of helping him and blowing of monarchia. Or at the very least not written by Araon daddy issues bowden
Wasn't that just Abnett being a retard as usual with his books?
I wonder if he was jewish
he actually fucking got away with it, all of it
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It means you should ignore and shame them, anything written by shitter library is not canon, the only true lore lies in the old rule books, supplements and codexes.
watch the final game be worse than the leak
My apology for the reddit filename, I looked up Erebus and that's what I picked.
it really is amazing how shit most the BL books are. there are a handful who are half-decent and many who are just "meh", but way greater in number than the "decent" ones are absolute unironic pozzed retconning garbage. it's weird, just how pozzed WH40K books are.
I'm of the opinion that most of them wanted to be a writer, but kept getting told to fuck off by actual publishers and GW historically had retarded writers ala Ian Watson's "Imperial Fists get all new recruits together to eat out of a huge bowl of literal shit"
Why is whenever I find a video of someone playing this leaked build of the game they always seem to have high-end setups but the person playing it is so fucking trash at playing it? They also seem to be trash at video games in general when you look into other videos of other games they uploaded.
None of them seem to grasp basic controls even with them popping up during the tutorial.
Do they just flex with their frames they get with their rigs and not play video games at all or something?
Truly the home of Slaanesh degeneracy
That's a neat model. What's to stop me from painting her skin white?
No one gives a shit about nu40k. No one wants feminist trash in this genre.
They're laying the groundwork for female space marines surely
the whole thing was women weren't suited to be space marines as the transformation would kill them but they're now capable to be custodes which are just bigger marines?
You're just describing Gorkamorka and I'm still pissed it came and went without any real effort put into it at all.
No, that's the foundational concept. 40k was best when it sold you the idea of "your dudes." If we are given the exact names of all 1,000 chapters of Space Marines, there's no room for a fan to have his own custom space marine chapter that fits among them. He's directly told that it can't fit, because here's the list and you're not on it. When there's mystery, there's still room for your dudes to fit. When there's mystery, there's room for a fan's army to be descendant of one of the 9 loyalist primarchs or 2 unknown primarchs or even loyalists descendant of a traitor primarch, like the Blood Ravens. If you're told "no loyalist chapter is or was ever descendant of a traitor legion," then that goes out the window too. On top of that, never outright stating the Blood Raven's origins - keeping that mystery for fan debates - had its own charm, letting fans run different takes of the same thing.

Mystery gives room to creativity.
I fucking hate Tau and Tau players. It's so obvious they'd have no interest in 40K if it wasn't for the existence of the Tau.

>The setting is a grim, dark world where each faction is powerful, yet a mere shadow of its former self. Trapped by dogma and ancient sins, they seek to reclaim their former glory.
"I'm going to choose the one faction that's not like that."
>Despite being set in the far future, technology has evolved unconventionally, and armies employ a mix of ranged and melee combat. We also incorporate fantasy elements like magic and dark gods.
"I will play as the mech suits with guns. Also they're fast as fuck and can fall back and shoot if you get too close."
>Every faction commits evil deeds to some degree, creating interesting moral conflicts between characters and factions. Even the Tau have Ethereals, who are implied to use mind control.
"I don't like the Ethereals, I'm going to play as Farsight enclaves. We're like the good guys!"
Have you tried the Necromunda Ash Waste rules? I haven't played with vehicles yet but when they were coming out a lot of people seemed to be drawing comparisons to Gorkamorka.
The worst part for me is how every faction has had bad shit happen to them that's fucked their shit meanwhile the tau recover from everything and effortlessly dab on the others. Like take the taros camapign for example which is nothing but the imperium getting shat on for the entire book, made worse by the fact it's the tallarn desert raiders fighting in the desert and yet they get utterly mogged by the tau or shit like how the tau developed a plane that can effortlessly take out titans. I enjoyed the imperial armour books but the taros campaign is probably my least favorite
I think he's talking about the cancelled video game not the tabletop game
A bit of a specific question but are there any fight cutscenes?
The neurothrope boss is hard. I died twice but my invincible bot teammates got me up anyway.

The dodge is very forgiving in this game, but you still get hit by melee swarms because they all jump attack you too constantly to dodge them all. So you have to always kill those little fuckers first
he does___
If Emps wasn't a fucking gigafaggot he would have just told Lorgar to not use Monarchia as a religious beacon and instead devote it to the betterment of Mankind itself.
But nah, Big E has to be a giant fucking prick about it despite Lorgar being among his most loyal Primachs who put in a lot of work on the planets he took.
blame adb for that. Faggot projected his own daddy issues into horus heresy and shat it up
people who can afford the best rigs don’t usually spend their lives gaming. poorfags have nothing to do except game
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Yep, that's a dirty birdfucker
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That doesn't even make any sense, idiot.
Why the fuck does she have hair? Fuck this shit.
Nemeroth was better and much more formidable
Nemeroth had terminator armor and didn't have the retarded side cut that really only works in setting with the dregs of the Imperium and Emperor's Children
>that haircut
I'm guessing Titus was originally meant to fight Slaanesh and frens but then Blackrock intervened

Can't have killing troon cultists, multi-titty daemons and Noise Muhreens
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I really really really really hate the whole primaris thing.
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Jaghatai Khan. Chris Wraight wrote his books, that's why.

Either Russ or the Lion.

I always felt that Jaghatai Khan and the White Scars were totally halfassed as a chapter.
They were kinda supposed to be mongolian-themed but then just ended up some weird oriental mishmash neither here nor there.
It's not ultramar is all that roman either
Black AS doesn't seem that out of place imo but female custodes is pure retardation. It literally opened the gateway for female SM now.

idk ultramarines managed to somehow coalesce into a proper visual identity and "branding". they internally "make sense".
so the most of the chapters, but white scars were halfassed like whoever came up with them couldn't distinguish between mongolians, chinese and japanese so they just kinda winged it and still couldn't formulate a proper look or feel of the chapter

for me though I wish Imperial Fists were properly updated. Always liked the red blue and yellow of blood angels, ultramarines and imperial fists as the "face" of the astartes
The issue with IF is that they're the most bland of the bland to the point where in HH their legion bonus is literally just "+1 to bolters" and all of the interesting shit is done with their successor chapters
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Why does 40k keep becoming more soulless with each release?

They outgrew the topknots

What a downgrade holy shit

it has to appeal to people that play(ed) LoL/DotA and various card battling games and so on...otherwise it looks too dadcore
Perturabo hands down. The man was a petty little bitch in every endeavor.

The world he landed on had a coming of age ritual where the young adult takes a new name, Perturabo refused and kept his childhood name. He constantly shit on his step-bros, then when one beat him in an art contest he destroyed the statue in a temper tantrum. Fedora-tipping r/athiest. Chocked out his step-sister who realized he was being deliberately retarded on purpose in the hopes he would be pitied and praised.
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I play Custodes and I'm not really phased by it. I guess it means I'll have to learn how to paint feminine faces which I'm terrible at
Simple, people didn't gatekeep so it hit mainstream audiences and now has all of the negative effects of it. Just look at how dogshit the Souls games got after everyone circlejerked how hard Dark Souls 1 was
Dark Souls became shit because they tried making it too much like Bloodborne.
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Digital art instead of illustration and painting.
CAD instead of hand-sculpting minis in greenstuff.

Art is suffering, modern convenience and shortcuts sabotage creative endeavors even when theoretically the "organic" quality should be replicable. The temptation to use software to avoid pain and tedium is too great, in concordance with the fact that you ain't getting credited for your work or paid shit regardless of effort level.
seethe more trannie
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I personally think 2 was a sign that they had no idea what the fuck they were doing and was the start of the games getting absolute dogshit
Digital art can imitate physical art though. There is even art software that specialises in getting as close as possible to the real deal. Sounds to me like it's the artist's fault.

>CAD instead of hand-sculpting minis in greenstuff.
Yes, and no, I think it's less of an issue in 40k since CAD lends itself better to making sci-fi elements, but it sucks for AOS and TOW/WHFB.
2 was in absolute development hell and was scrapped like two times, I think it truly started with 3.
Astarte had a woman moment too. When the Primarchs went missing, she tried to destroy all the geneseed and died in the process.
So yeah, TWO women had woman moments in rapid succession. Technically there were three, with a female minister of the Imperium thinking that Valdor was mounting a coup, and teaming up with Thunder Warriors to arrest him.
Valdor and the proto-Dark Angels killed them all, but let the femoid live for some reason. (The novel's name is Valdor: Birth of the Imperium.)
That there is GW's need to have art be accurate to the models. No decorated skulls, just Chaos Space Marine™ helmets. The model doesn't look like the left, the art has to match or it might be False Advertising.
>the most based
Sanguinius > Khan > Dorn
>the most cringe
Lorgar > Perturabo > Horus
What a great image the one on the left is. The over-the-top armor embellishments, crazy shit like the flying death metal cherub, the fucking halo, dude's mouth opening too wide making him look extra unhinged. Those rad skulls in the foreground, dude fucking crunching on them as he steps. Even the background looks dynamic, you can almost feel it swirling.
The one on the right looks dead by comparison.

Rarely have I seen such a valid "soul vs. soulless" comparison.
Peter Turbo is cringekino precisely because he fell from mere human failings of pride and ego despite being a genius in many fields, not Chaos shit like most of his fellow traitors or some forced circumstance like Angron.
>they hate seeing non-failed men having fun and being loud.
You'd think they'd like the sexually mutilated child soldiers.
jesus wept, thin your paints
NTA, but you should kill yourself.
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lol I didn't think would blow up. OP here, so to sum up from trudging through this shit thread.
>Titus is a Primaris(who cares)
>Have a negro and an oriental as a partners
>Sent to planet to fight Nids
>Turns out its the Thousand Sons(pros for armor shattering upon death)
>Fight more, find out its a Necron Tomb world(I don't think that their a 3rd antagonist faction.
>Leandros is the Chaplain and says sowwy
>Calgary also shows up

Am I missing something?
Leandros doesn't so much as show any sign of regret and tells Titus he got his sights on him, and will blam him if he shows even a hint of corruption
>would blow up
>400 replies in 24 hours
The woof.
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based retard
you’re a fat incel neckbeard

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