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Aerith the Goddess
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Tiny tits
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She is cetra
Is aerith white or jewish?
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All breasts are perfect regardless of size as long as they're real.
Aerith butt!
Ancient pussy all up in my mouth(still not buying rebirth faggot).
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How can one be so afraid of an interview?
got debunked sadly
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That one got debunked by Kitase sadly
sadly got debunked by hamaguchi >>683604852
What did he say?
Ethnicities from our earth don't exist in FF7. Yes, she is just white
The only jew in the game is Sephiroth (how shocking!)
How is he a jew?
The great calamity, Jehovah
Like flowers
sefirot is from the kabalah
also his mom was sent to destroy the world
Is he or one of his parents coming from our Earth and from Israel? If no, the he is not a jew.
jenova was a bioweapon created by israel and launched through space, eventually colliding with gaea
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>oh anon, you are finally awake!
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-is dead
-didn’t even get a kiss in her own game
-is flat
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>YWN hold Aerisus hand
What if remake trilogy is a remake of the OG?
They can't give Aerith a kiss with Cloud before he get his mind fixed from the SOLDIER persona, because people will say he is doing it because he larps as Zack.
You know, Cloud sometimes does Zack mannerisms like putting his hand on his waist, giving flowers with a Cocky gesture and very confident saying things like "not one bit" - things Zack would do
Sex with Sakaguchi
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>Ahhh, Aerith, or some say Aeris...
somebody post the cute tan girl that utterly mogs her, you know the one
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Typical dirty tifag. You retards are so predictable. Your rebound kiss was as empty as tifa's characters. Go cry elsewhere.
I'm more of a Tifa guy desu
Ah so the Tifa sex in part 3 will be the real Cloud's actions?
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Aerith deserves finally to get her happy end with Cloud
I played the OG and i don't remember sex in the FF7 OG
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Cute and canon
previously i used to hate her, now i want to protect her, guess i got >pic's curse with heart shaped box playing in my head.
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The sex only ever happened in your head, maggot. It's a T-rated game that refrains from showing blood at most times, wtf are you expecting exactly?
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It became natural for them
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>Heart shaped box
good song
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I started Remake with leaning more Tifa, but Aerith's personality, interactions with Cloud and the overall writing of the Remake project made me an Aerith fan.
Aerith is precious, the heroine of FF7 and Cloud's true love.
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Why did the japs did this to her?
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Because B-cups are better than bimbo tits, it's true.
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Aerith's black panties
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wish you fucking schizos would talk about the gameplay or something
>we've already talked about that to death
Oh and Aerith/Tifa shipping wars is totally virgin territory is it
A woman or tranny wrote this post.
Yeah her personality is everything. She's too freaking cute.
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People talked about the gameplay the first 2 months, now we have only waifus and theories left to talk
bro those aren't panties. it's a void. there's nothing there.
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epic sex scene
Through eugenics we can infer that Cetra and Barret would conceive the strongest and healthiest children.
Tifa sits next to Cloud, after that they will fall asleep and?
>Doesn't understand that sex can be implied without being shown
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>Scene ends with Tifa saying words aren't the only way to tell people what you're thinking
>fades to black
>Tifa and Cloud wake up next to each other
>When you go back to the airship and find the other crew Tifa asks if they were watching
>Collapses in shame when she doesn't get an answer
Yeah seems like they fucked to me
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>>Scene ends with Tifa saying words aren't the only way to tell people what you're thinking
not in my playthorugh. It ended awkwardly after cloud wasn't responsive.
Tifa just said if they were listening.
Yeah it changes if you don't have enough affection built up with Tifa. If you have high affection what I described happens
The only thing fucked is your mind.
In your opinion, which is better? They fuck and Cloud ignores her after OG, choosing to live in Aerith's church, or they didn't fuck and Cloud still ignores her after OG anyway.
that still doesn't confirm sex, but you are free to headcanon it.
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The Shinra's top scientist already concluded that the best match for a Cetra to create the best offsprings is a person with SOLDIER powers. Hojo was thinkig about Sephiroth, but Cloud wants canonically to make the babies with Aerith so much, he didn't say to him the "ex-SOLDIER" line
Just what a man needs.
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I don't care what happens after OG, I've never played anything besides OG FF7
>Sex doesn't happen unless it's explicitly shown
I wanna see Tifa's naked tits too, but come on. The implication here is not subtle

> Do you hear her prayers? No! We shall not abandon the dream!
>Collapses in shame when she doesn't get an answer
Maybe, Because they saw them sleeping next to each other. For a shy girl like her, this is embarrassing, because they could thing something happened that would make her look like a slut.
If you can't show me a scene with them fucking and not just sleeping like 6 year old siblings, then its just your headcanon
It was a different time
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You sure about that?
They could have easily just kissed and the implication would still fit. Also fits more with their characters IMO.
Anyway I don't really care much what they did since I will never get that scene anyway. Believe what you want
>headcanon headcanon headcanon headcanon
You're like a broken record, holy shit.
>Maybe, Because they saw them sleeping next to each other.
They sleep next to each other in the low affection version too, but in that version Tifa asks the crew if they listened, not if they watched, so something else had to have happened.
>because they could thing something happened
>that would make her look like a slut
Aren't you an Aerith guy? Isn't your whole thing that Tifa's a slut and Aerith is trad or whatever?
It doesn't look like a void at all. Even without this proof >>683620217
You can even see some shading from the lighting
Tifa and Aerith both wear black panties.
Doesn't Tifa wear shorts in FF7R?
It's a biased response, when in truth violent and tall Avalanche bulls make the best suitable mates.
kek the fact he doesn't say ex-soldier is pretty funny in the context
Spats are skintight, tightly fitted. What Tifa wears are shorts because of their protrusion and texture
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> As Cloud approaches Tifa under the Highwind, he sees Aerith's sporit

> "Fuck her for me, Cloud. She's our little fucktoy, and I want to watch you pound her tight holes all night long." She's ours ar last, Cloud."
meanwhile cloud
No, it's you guys who have nothing other than headcanons and optional scenes for your ship. Every one of your Tifa scenes that you guys love clamouring around are optional scenes.

Besides, why the fuck are you Tifa guys here? No one here gives a fuck about Tifa and are just trying to enjoy some Cetra cuteness. Have nothing better to do since your ship is so devoid of things to talk about?
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>Cloud ignores her after OG
see pic
>choosing to live in Aerith's church
when he's sick with geostigma
once he's cured this happens
Yes they slept like 6 year old siblings and the people can think there is something more and this is embarasing for a shy girl
>They sleep next to each other in the low affection version too
Exactly, In the high affection version she sees Cloud romantically about Cloud and when she hears people saw them sleeping next to each other her mind goes to "maybe they think we did more than just sleeping".
In the low affection version she has more of platonic feelings for Cloud and she is not thnking that people seeing them sleeping next to each other is just seeing the sleeping next to each other and nothing more

>Aren't you an Aerith guy? Isn't your whole thing that Tifa's a slut and Aerith is trad or whatever?
Believe it or not i dont hate Tifa like you sick people hate Aerith. I HATE tifa fans because they are so nasty to Aerith. I think Tifa is too innocent to just fuck like cheap whore in the open field. Tifa and Cloud are both too shy to do this stuff. I I think Cloud, Aerith, Tifa and Yuffie are in a kids friendli games and wolud have sex after marriage
White (Anime)
>still no 3m sales
>low affection version she has more of platonic feelings for Cloud and she is not
i made a mistake
I mean In the low affection version she has more of platonic feelings for Cloud and she is thnking that people seeing them sleeping next to each other is just seeing the sleeping next to each other and nothing more.
This is more of a innocent thinking about the situation if you are more platonic with a person
When I said what I was confused by the absolute ESL babble you had written not trying to make an actual point against you
>Believe it or not i dont hate Tifa like you sick people hate Aerith. I HATE tifa fans because they are so nasty to Aerith
I don't hate Aerith, she's cute
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Dead relationship, Cloud only has one girl engraved in his heart in DoC and it's not tifa
>Besides, why the fuck are you Tifa guys here?
I like Aerith I just like Tifa more
>An invitation to go do something nice together along with a bunch of kids equal to they are fucking (again?).
Why are you guys like this?
If you are going to bring up post AC stuff, are you forgetting that the DoC guide still called Tifa Cloud's friend while Aerith is the girl engraved in his heart?
Besides, what's the point of engaging you Tifa stans anyway, you guys are a disingenuous bunch with some of the most insane takes ever.
And for the record, I wouldn't give a flying fuck if he hooked up with tifa post-AC, but that's just the thing, he doesn't, so stop making shit up.
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>Tifa's a slut
made from a 1989/1994 slut and voiced over (also face modeled) by a slut and not a slut, truely the miracle of the universe.
>Cloud is sick with geostigma
I love how certain people think that's his true self
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based sensible anons. It's funny how /v/ seems to have the chillest people regarding this topic (outside a couple schizos).
I love sluts
Its basically depressed cloud, and he had no problem saying he loves Marlene..
The fact tifa can't help him and he instead looks for solitude in Aerith's church is telling, but you just brush it off. He could have went anywhere
>>An invitation to go do something nice together along with a bunch of kids equal to they are fucking
That's your interpretation. The argument is Cloud ignores Tifa after OG but that clearly isn't true based on those two excerpts.
Ah yes, the game where Vincent Valentine is the main protagonist and the characters you're talking about only show up briefly in cameos
>Aerith is the girl engraved in his heart
And everyone else's. Did you miss the part where they're all wearing memorial ribbons?
>you guys are a disingenuous bunch with some of the most insane takes ever
absolute irony
There are a lot of ways to interpret his reticence towards Tifa in that scene but if he honestly doesn't like Tifa why would he say the things in >>683622969?
I am not from an English speaking country and i am not offended. Mistakes can be made.
My point was that Tifa is not the degenarate character her fans want her to be.
>I don't hate Aerith
I don't think i should belive you, but Good if its true, Like i said i like Tifa. My problem is with the Tifa fans who hate on Aerith
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>because muh geostigma
at least three promos of AC say he lives alone SINCE Sephiroth was defeated.
1. セフィロスを打ち倒したあと、誰とも接しず1人でひっそりと暮らしていたが・・・・・・。
>getting mad over fake vidya sluts
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2. 戦いのあと人知れず姿を隠し、1人で静かに暮らしていたクラウド。
>he lives alone SINCE Sephiroth was defeated
so then why does he bother hanging out with Tifa and the kids after he gets cured then?
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3. ティファは今、ミッドガル七番街の酒場「セブンスヘヴン」を1人で切り盛りしていた。「元気にしてるの?」という言葉から、2人がしばらく会っていないと推察できる。
your entire reply = disingenuous shit.
>That's your interpretation. The argument is Cloud ignores Tifa after OG but that clearly isn't true based on those two excerpts.
So where in that 10-second convo does it state that they are together now?
>Ah yes, the game where Vincent Valentine is the main protagonist and the characters you're talking about only show up briefly in cameos
So DoC is not evidence or part of the compilation any more, eh? Good to know.
They specifically mentioned in "CLOUD's heart", not everyone's, Cloud's. It must mean something, but apparently not according to you.

Call me whatever the fuck you want, Remake/Rebirth has been constantly taking a shit on you and you then come here to try taking a shit on us. You ain't convincing anyone here. Why don't you go back to some Tifa thread and continue this circlejerk with other Tifa stans instead?
>where in that 10-second convo does it state that they are together now
>Because I have you this time

>So DoC is not evidence or part of the compilation any more, eh?
Of Cloud ignoring Tifa? Definitely not.

>They specifically mentioned in "CLOUD's heart", not everyone's
So no one else cares about Aerith? There's this weird dichotomy of you making presumptive arguments about specific things while ignoring others that seemingly don't fit your narrative.
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Barrifa and a depressed mailman
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This is getting tiresome. This is exactly what I meant by fucking disingenuous shit.
I never said the others don't take care about her. But the devs/writers made it a point to mention 'in Cloud's heart'. And you do realize that this line was specifically mentioned on Cloud's DoC profile, right? Fucking hell, Aerith wasn't even mentioned in that game, other than that line. Gee, I wonder why they did that.

>Because I have you this time
Wasn't this line in CoT? So it's pre-AC. This line was followed by Cloud leaving her and living the church. Jeez. So he gets sick, and instead of seeking the comfort of his 'girlfriend', he goes to the church where he met Aerith, which Rebirth confirms as being 'their spot'?

And again, for the record, I don't do headcanons (like you), the only thing I give a shit about is what's being shown in-game and the official written material that follows. If they had made Cloti canon, I wouldn't give a fuck, but they didn't so, again, stop making shit up.
>I never said
now you know how it feels when people put words into your mouth
>the devs/writers made it a point to mention 'in Cloud's heart'
Great, too bad that has nothing to do with Cloud supposedly ignoring Tifa
>Wasn't this line in CoT? So it's pre-AC
Again the argument is Cloud is ignoring Tifa post OG FF7, that line clearly contradicts that claim.
>I don't do headcanons
Disagree. There's a clear bias where you try to ignore the implications of certain conversations while trying reinforce the most presumptive of arguments.
Oh man, you win. Now I am fully convinced they will have explicit raw sex under the highwind in part3 just like OG. I can't wait to see it.
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Dev here, I need to give Aerith 2 new weapon abilities in part3, what do you want to see?
>I am fully convinced they will have explicit raw sex under the highwind in part3
as you should be
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I leave it in your capable hands, dev-san.
The whore that blew half the slums for 5 gil while Zack was dying.
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But she died anon, Why did it have to happen again?
While Spirit Aerith watches enthusiastically.

5 gil each or 5 gil for the whole slum?
Jenova the Scourge from the Stars
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Hmm okay
stick it in that jenovussy

Maybe he will accidentally call her 'Aerisu' while he is pumping away.
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I saved her little frog
Of course you did, Cloud
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Some Clotis really are scum and if Tifa was real she would hate them for the things they say about Aerith
CloTis says that is because he feels guilty of what happened to Zack, not Aerith, lol.
Ok, I'll talk about gameplay since I'm only just playing though it now. The game's combat system is really good but the story is too easy, items in battle really help you out but I get the impression you don't need to rely on them, especially after you get revival materia.
The combat simulator is where most of the challenge is but it's pretty imbalanced. The summon fights are cool as fuck and very enjoyable but the difficulties are: impossible, just about doable but will take forever and you'll probably run out of MP, easy and I haven't done the easiest variant.
Game's still a 10/10 even if the chocobo flying minigame is hellish.
July 2024
Still no Rebirth on PC
>especially after you get revival materia.
i would argue its backwards
you dont care about revive materia since you have access to phoenix down
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>he summon fights are cool as fuck and very enjoyable but the difficulties are: impossible, just about doable but will take forever and you'll probably run out of MP, easy and I haven't done the easiest variant.

Second hardest is perfect balance. Felt like a challenge but not unfair. I think I had to 2 try most bosses, except alexander for whom I needed 3 tries and the final one(forgot his name) for whom I probably did it 5 times until I started debuffing him hard to prevent his one hit bullshit
Remake took over a year to come out on PC
>CloTis think Cloud is having a pity relationship with Tifa because of Zack
that makes zero sense
Remake had +6 months of exclusivity after Intergrade, Rebirth has 3
I find it weird that people had so much trouble with odin in general. Hes not exactly easy but as long as you keep using ATB he gets pressured easily

I would upload my own gameplay where i screwed up big time multiple times yet i won with zack/cloud, but i dont know how to upload videos or turn them into webm or some shit
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>actually no one knows why this thing exists with Jenova
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What I meant was that you're able to do without items once you get revival materia
I can't do the second hardest when I first unlock them, I was only able to do Titan on that difficulty. The rest have giga death moves that wipe my party. For some of them, like Alex, I would fight for like 7 minutes and still only get him to like half health.
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>it turns out that's just a thing they copied alone with the design of Shinra HQ from a 1927 film
How does her farts taste like?
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the promised land
Was I the only one who thought Dyne was turning into a RE4 monster when he did the metal arm thing?
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I want to learn
Yes. Everyone else thought he was Tetsuo.
It's my personal conspiracy theory, that when they censored Tifa in a time crunch, they gave Aerith's body to Tifa and then used a basic body for Aerith.
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God I want to cum on her face so bad
Did we reach tifafag thread degeneracy?
not yet
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Do we need foot anon to come here and say he wants to cum on her feet?
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This AI tends to give her Cloud's gloves.
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And Tifa's earrings?
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Cloud is whipped!
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can i get a qrd on aeris vs aerith?
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It comes with translating games from JP -> English.
Her true Japanese name is エアリス
When game came out in US in 1997 her in-game name was Aeris, it was also her name in the guidebook, although there were other media where her name was Aerith.
Afterwards in compilation and media her name was always Aerith and Aeris is known as a mistranslation. Although since neither are a direct translation from Japanese (which would be Aerisu) you still have some saying Aeris is the true name or that it simply sounds better.
Pic related is an example of another mistranslation that was shown pre release -Ealis.
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since October '96
Fun fact, if you skip her naming section her name defaults to Aerith instead.
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Reunion and kiss in Part 3, trust the plan bros
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I want them to be happy
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Me too, but will it be possible this time?
Stop posting Aerith x Cloud pics. Just post solo Aerith pics. Thanks.
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If Aerith remains as the only girl without a kiss in Part 3 that hack Nojima has some fucking explaining to do
Why isn't Sephiroth known as Sephiros in the original translation
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>1st ability:
Aerith leaps in for the melee bonk. Stuns target
>2nd ability:
Aerith creates a powerful floral laser attack between her current position and the place of her last placed ward
>You know, Cloud sometimes does Zack mannerisms like putting his hand on his waist, giving flowers with a Cocky gesture and very confident saying things like "not one bit" - things Zack would do
When they confirm next Ultimania that Cloud was once again larping as Zack at the end of Tifa’s date the shitposting will be fucking glorious
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Under that cute frilly outfit, she wears a thong.
post her ass
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Don't tell me. I got involved in an argument with PS5owners this afternoon, for the fact that SE want's to "assault" the PC market, but the are completely unprepared to do so. After the release of Rebirth, SE twitter went silent about PC release informations. To not mention that FF16 exclusive expired 7 months ago and still no info about the release date. No marketing campaign like what seen for the PS version. To not mention that, if the release of the game comes late, it would be faded by new games and so their opportunity of getting money from the customers. We're talking an AAA title. Why they waited and not worked for the PC version, before the releasing of the PS5 one? More they wait, more spoilers comes out, the game turns old. I only hope they're optimizing it for good this time, and not like what happened in Remake, that still has stuttering problems, if you play the DX12 version of it.
In Remake, you use Revive materia only in Hard mode, because most of the materia slots are occupied with power or energy boosters. In FF7 OG it wasn't like that. You could have more spells materia, because the game mechanic was of the kind you had to choose with strategy in mind, but FF7R battles are too quickly, you just punch or hit with sword etc., than staying there with the menu to decide what to use.
Even about the enemy skills on Remake, you collect them, but barely use them. Even bad breath.. you don't stay there wasting your time casting it, and in the case of a boss fight, the enemy don't take the major part of the malus effects, so its cast is pointless and a waste of time.
Wish Brianna could play modded skyrim
No, CloTis says that, because they think Cloud is depressed due to what happened to Zack, not to Aerith. And they says that he goes on Aerith's church for he was protecting Tifa etc. from the geostigma and that was the place more near to go. He could go everywhere for that purpose.
I used enemy skills a bunch
Sonic boom at the beginning stages
Plasma Discharge is super nice vs electric weak enemies
Soothing Breeze is situational but fun to use
And Mind Blast for some style points
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Aerith knows her cetra butt smells nice and has healing properties
This exclusivity bullshit is only backfiring to SE. It's pointless. To not mention that, before the hype vanish, you should release the game a day after the exclusivity finishes, otherwise people watch something else, and you're unable to force them spend money on your product. If the story gets spoiled, if bad words about the product starts to go around, you're done.
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He's depressed for what happened to both of them, not just one of them. And also because of geostigma afflicting Denzel and himself.
>guilty over zack
That's so gay.
I don't think is going to happend, without CloTifags turning ballistics. Remember what happened with the Loveless dress trailer. They literally submerged Kazushige Nojima with shit on twitter.
Better gay for zack than sephiroth I always say
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You need more?
Wut, the e skills were far more useful now

FF7 og never stopped you from using phoenix downs. Revive materia was only useful for life 2, but so is in rebirth.
Meanwhile in rebirth/remake revive materia is a MUST to actually win fights.
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>healing wind
Various Aeriths in that picture.
I really can't wait for people to stop gaslighting themselves into thinking the remake version of Aerith is any good. This character was a pure, stoic shrine maiden type for like 25 fucking years. Now she swears, and is a swindly little fucking lesbian.
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False. Nojima said he wrote both Aerith and Tifa's personalities to be the opposite of how Nomura designed them to look.
This is the most beautiful female gaming character I have ever seen. She is the most beautiful woman period.
ugly whore
But enough talking about Lunafreya
Not today, Satan.
Fuck off, i love my Aerith who calls you a faggot and applies the Kinniku Buster
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>believing Nomura's shit and a placebo fuckdoll who came from an eroge has whatsoever "personality design" at first place.
In the unused script MTCRL9,
>C: I'd catch you. (normal ans.)
T: Cloud, I bet you'd say that to anyone.
>C: A fall wouldn't kill you bitch. (LA ans.)
T: Ah, you're terrible. How can you think that!
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she was only a stoic maiden in the compilation garbage like Crisis core and Advent children, although I get the AC characterization since she is supposed to be a lifestream Goddess there.
In OG she was spunky and full of life and she is the same in Remake. Besides you still get her tradfu moments as well
People forget that Tifa and Aerith are friends, and are both both big enough people to not allow their feelings for Cloud affect their friendship.
So you were avoiding the question rather than making any kind of pertinent point, got it.
>In OG she was spunky and full of life and she is the same in Remake.
Only in the english localization. She's much different in the japanese version.
and your proof of this is...
You mean OG or Remake? I know in remake she doesn't swear in japanese when ladder falls otherwise not sure of many changes.
In OG her personality in japanese was the same just better presented since parts of it got lost in the sloppy translation.
For example she keeps calling Cloud mr. everythingman since he said he 'does a bit of everything' when they met.
Dumb pick-me whore behaves like a Tktok zoomer
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She will ride the Highwind.
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It seems all her part in Icicle (script name HYOUxx.DAT, ICEDUNxx.DAT etc.) were deleted AFTER Dec21, 1996. Even though two of her lines still remains.
>english research

>french research
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Why not? The game takes place on our Earth.
no it doesn't. It's a planet called Gaia
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the power of prompt leakage
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why is she making me dizzy
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She put something in your drink, and it's already too late for you, anon.
if he was actually jewish he'd be ugly
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no regrets, let her have me
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that dress looks the best on her
she looks off here
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You sure?
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Aerith and Yuna spinoff game please. They would be great friends and understand each other.
i like the red one but i feel like the pink is more her style
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Can’t wait for the seethe when Aerith gets her eventual Yuna crossover oufit in Ever Crisis
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smug because she has zack simping over her
No, that's Shin-RA.
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July is about to end
She looks so good with this hair
The red dress is the canon because she had only a red dress in the OG, but the dark pink dress is more her style imo
The Aerith Garnet reveal and subsequent cope was hilarious. EC needs more crossovers
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>meet you at the top!
Why is she so excited? Maybe because later Aerith tries to go on Junon date with Cloud, but Barret was cockblocking.
This would mean a Kalm date, a Junon date and a Costa del sol date. shit, I wish in Rebirth we could go on an official date with her in every region
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I need CloudxSquall and AerithxRinoa
BBC queen
you hear a lot of tifaXbarret crap but just based on personality it seems obvious aerith would be OBSESSED with black guys and have like 10 mixed offspring desu
Only thing I remember seeing was people annoyed that Tifa got saddled with lame-ass Amarant's outfit since they're both monks and some saying it should have been Beatrix's outfit instead
Based on personally they made Aerith obsessed with Cloud , they have the extrovert and introvert dynamic. This was planned even in the OG. And Barret, he has more of a hothead personally so a girl like Tifa with a more calm personality fits for him.
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Lazy should do more Luna
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>tfw you lose what you cherish most
Wonder what they'll do when she's Zell in the inevitable FFVIII crossover.
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okay Tifa
I hope this is true, Advent Children was kino of the highest order.
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Time to dump cute and canon barrifa folder again
Depressed Mailman is NOT happening anymore.
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continue not spending money on the gacha
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I'm playing OG ff7 before playing the remake. Do I also need to play Crisis Core?
No you don't.
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Cloud & Aerith are always together in the Nip promo material. She gets bumped down the pecking order in the Burger materials though.
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Now Rebirth
You are good. CC can make you confused because they try to push a lot a new character obsessed with loveless who changes events from OG like Nibelheim and i did not saw this character back in Rebirth
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Tifa will look hot cosplaying as Zell. She will have very short jeans
Why did The Lifestream stop choosing bitches?
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The lifestream is choosing?
I'm assuming so, based on the song "Those Chosen by the Planet" and the fact that humans are described as being Cetra who abandoned their pilgrimage, subsequently and ambiguously losing their power to commune with the Lifestream. Maybe it's just a metaphor? Maybe anybody can be a Cetra if you just walk around and shit, I don't know.
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>Aerith thread
I will never let go
An ability that detonates her wards and returns ATB based on enemy damage like Cait's Let's Ride does so you can use the wards as a trap and quickly set up again.

A shield that advances forward from where you set it and knocks enemies back as it moves so you can push enemies away and keep distance.
I think cetra is something like an ethnicity with having the cetra powers in their genes. Do we know how Ifalna was the last 100% Cetra left?
Aerith feels pretty bad to play because she gets no ATB and runs out of MP so fast. How do you use her?
If the devs created something so cute and extra beautiful as Aerith just to repeat the OG and not bring her back alive in part 3, they will be the biggest assholes in gaming history to me
First strike/ATB boost materia + Immediate Radiant Ward. From there she has no problem with ATB. For MP you have to stack MP up materia and use Soul Drain
Thought ATB ward looked good but I wasn't sure exactly how it worked. I only started Rebirth last week only just unlocked that ward.
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If OG ending is still endgame despite Remake literally telling us that it is the bad ending we are trying to prevent then the devs are literal hacks. What the fuck was the point if we are going to get the fucking depressed mailman ending
With radiant ward she charges ATB very fast when she hits the target with the lasers. She is very OP. Put radiant ward + atb ward (this gives atb to the whole group not only her. Use use combat savior synergy skill so she can't be knocked back. Have synergy materia linked with thunder or fire on her. When you charge the atb of your group switch to the other member use a skill and Aerith will follow with magic from her linked materia. Later you can learn the transendence skill, it has the highest skill dmg in the game I think when the timer is on lvl 2
ATB ward gives atb to her and the other 2 member but its only effective with radiant ward because radiant ward charges atb faster. If you find a way to defend her almost all fights on normal are very easy except Odin.
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>theme of defying fate/destiny
>95% of Rebirth is unchanged
What did they mean by this?
That they're filthy fucking cowards.
I assume they heard how much everyone hated the Time Jannies and so dialled that stuff back in Rebirth. How they operate isn't as egregious in Rebirth as well, in Remake characters act like they don't exist until the very end,they never talk about them unless they're on screen.
Rebirth bombed lol
ok please point at Europe shaped continent on the game map
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They lied lol
If any game was going to go majorly off script it was going to be Part 3 because they won't have to make a follow up.
>Confirm OG is bad end
>Show 2 visions of Aerith’s death, including the water burial omitted in Rebirth
>Defeat fate controlling whispers
>”We can do it, we can change it, make it right”
It’s the most blatant setup for Aerith happy ending and if they deny it to her after all this I’m going to seethe
But they changed a lot on rebirth maybe 40-50% is changed
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Fate/destiny is kind of misleading wording because all they mean by it is "the will of the planet". That's the only thing being defied. The planet is now another 'character' in the struggle of things.
You're still going to get all the familar things from FF7, see pic related. This setup basically exists to change the ending as Kitase and Toriyama want to close the book on their involvement in the franchise.
If you play the OG again before Rebirth you will see how many changes they made than Remake
>in Kalm Tifa tells Aerith that Cloud was not in Nibelheim. Cloud and Tifa talk about the scar.
>in Junoin, Yuffie takes scenes from Precila's in the OG. Rufus meets Glen and tries to make a deal with Cloud, Tifa and Aerith
>you see a weapon in the Corel Reactor
>A lot cnages in Gongaga, with Tifa falling in the Reactor
>in Nibelheim Cloud remembers Zack
>the play in the GS is now loveless and they remove Cait Sith from the party after he betrayed them. In OG he stays in the party because he blackmailed the 2 party members who know he stole the key stone
This are some examples, but every chapter has more changes than similarities to OG. No point even to talk about the last 2 chapters, because they are very different.
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are you playing on dynamic? Cause I kinda felt the same way about the difficulty until like 80 percent through, and then theres a big difficulty spike.

The last 2 'areas' of the game have relatively hard fights. The final fights will probably have you reloading on dynamic.
Synergy skills are super helpful for building up ATB on pretty much any character. Aerith's aren't the most direct but the ones other party members have with her are. Take Cloud's Spellblade for example. You can use that during an opening to fill up a whole bar with a decently damaging charged attack and from there set up Radiant Ward like the other Anons have said.
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Like others said First strike materia and Radiant ward are a must.
Also remember that using the 'bodyguard' synergy ability is faster than her regular block, so it's easier to perfect parry with it. Additionally Aerith won't take even the reduced damage, instead another party member will, which is good for a glass cannon like aerith. I spammed that synergy a lot.
You also have combat savior that will prevent any knockback from taking her out of the battle
Ward hopping triangle ability means you always have an escape if you are surrounded and without atb for the AOE lightning attack.
Arcane ward doubling spells is one of the most busted abilities in the game, a must on hardmode.
She is fun to play just zapping around the battlefield and shooting death lasers while being constantly protected
Climate change.
Also, see supernova for undeniable proof it's the same earth
Are you sure they lied?
Lol the ff7 planet is very small and with different continents. Its smaller than our moon maybe. And Bugenhagen showed us that their planet can die without mako. It's a fantasy planet.
I want to see all the multiverse Aerith to start kissing each other in front of Cloud and his blushing face and then undress him and start to take turns riding him
now that you mention it, I want to see that too
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he should do more aerith
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There were 5 visions:

>red and his descendants in the future, midgar was not explicitly shown
As long as Red is alive and mates, this will come true
Cloud is hand delivering the black materia to Sephiroth so this will come true. Also the main plot of part 3.
>cloud soloing sephiroth in the void
Immediately came true in Remake itself later
>white materia fell off aerith and fell into the water
Already came true
>cloud laying down aerith in the water
Already came true
What is Aerith doing here? Is she summoning Holy?
Looks more like Cloud is using her to summon some holy from his balls
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Underrated Aerith moment.
I can't seem to remember what scene it's from, help me out pls
In junon when they first meet Yuffie and Barret gets annyoyed by her behavior
Oh, yeah, I remember now...Thanks!
So what was the point of the remake ending?
They said if they fail all this will happen and they won.
To explain why Zack and Aerith are not absorbed into the lifestream in AC.
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Narrative does suggest it
>to make sense of the thing that isn't even part of the same continuity
They already had books about it. And stay on topic, the visions in the end of remake are about OG if the OG scenes are not changed then its pointless. They said the games before remake lead to the bad ending, why do the bad ending again?
>says that before he fucks off to the church
>never get brought up again after AC
Really easy to figure out if you're not a biased moron
Yes Aerith dying and meteor is the bad ending. But it's a bad ending that leads to the world being saved.
What comes after AC?
>Open link
>see ign
>close the link
Red said it's the bad ending before the Aerith visions, this makes you comment nonsense.
And even if what you said is true. If the world is saved this means it's not a bad ending, right? Then why call it something bad that needs to be changed.. and they won the fight
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Such shit taste, disgusting.
Imagine even considering being nothing but a Zack Stand-In
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I want to see her getting fucked by a goblin
the bad ending is the og ff7 one but without the lifestream intervening
remake ending will be aerith saving the day with lifestream
this leads to AC
The first true love can't ever be defeated and everyone after that is merely a stand-in
Tyuffie is the only choice
I never needed voice acting to love aerith
i just liked her mannerisms and color scheme

you faggots are just newbies
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There's no way any retard at IGN actually understands what's going on.
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DoC aka still chilhood friends
>remake ending will be aerith saving the day with lifestream
She learned to control the lifestream in the temple, so no need for her to die

Imagine still thinking this, FF7 fanbase has a media literact problem
Big misconception
Aerith NEVER needed to die
Holy would have worked if the party was faster in beating sephiroth
She used the lifestream as a last resort
An OG ending without the lifestream intervening doesn't exist.
Yes they are childhood friends
They won the fight and those visions came true.

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Yup, Cloud never got over Aerith, poor guy
Yes, this is the contradiction. Winning the fight was about changing the visions.
At least they all stopped wearing those pink ribbons
Pretty much this but Tifags are so afraid of Aerith living that they keep repeating this retarded shit or how it 'goes against the theme of the game' even though these games are sequels and won't replace the OG

talk for yoursel, nigger, anybody who thought this would happen has brain damage.
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同鄉の友達, yes
幼馴染, no
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Probably Cloud's idea to stop it, they probably wore it out of love and guilt but Cloud understood he needed to forgive himself and move on from that.
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Fuck, I forgot they really weren't childhood friends, the Tifag retardation is contagious, I need to be more careful.
But winning means Zack could live in an alternate timeline, which slowly leads to the explanation on how he's not absorbed into the lifestream in AC. If they had lost then Zack wouldn't have lived in the alternate timeline. The concept of multiverse is always that if somebody dies then there could be another universe where that somebody lives. But guess what that universe where that somebody dies is still there.
Zack doesn't live in the lifestream, only Aerith and Sephiroth managed that.
Rufus is going to find the promised land and actually create Neo Midgar and save the world.
Rufus obviously has some knowledge of the OG and he can see the whispers.
>Rufus obviously has some knowledge of the OG
Like I told you the point about remake ending was not about explaining stuff about the lifestream and other stuff we didn't see in the visions. The point was that if they win they will change the visions.
There could be a happier world somewhere but beagleverse is still the one that follows the OG.
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How well does the original FF7 hold up? I don't want to play the remake.
Rufus is an entirely different compared to the OG. First as I mentioned he can see the whispers. Outside of Cissnei, hes the only character that can see them, and I strongly believe thats going to be major in part 3. So far its only been seen by characters that have significantly changed their fate.
Then Glenn spent all of Rebirth trying to distract Rufus and get him into a war (not in the OG), which will probably kick off in the third game, however Rufus figures this out.
The Sarruf scene is also highly suspect since it appears an invisible man is speaking that no one else can see. They spent way too much time on that scene highlighting that nobody is there. I doubt this scene is meaningless because it directly compares to Aerith being invisible to everyone in the ending except for Cloud. (I believe) Sarruf is part of another timeline and Rufus has a special power to see him, just like Cloud has. Sarruf could be another Rufus from another timeline, but regardless who he really is, Rufus knows something the rest of Shinra and we as the player do not.
And lastly Hojo said its time to think bigger, which suggests hes going to aim for the multiverse, which Rufus smiles implying he knows the multiverse exists and approves of the idea.
Really well, IMO.
It's a bit hard taking the serious scenes seriously because of the lego models but it's very a very entertaining game.
Cloud can throw her ashes at enemies to blind them LOL
>Rufus is an entirely different compared to the OG. First as I mentioned he can see the whispers. Outside of Cissnei, hes the only character that can see them, and I strongly believe thats going to be major in part 3. So far its only been seen by characters that have significantly changed their fate.
Whispers can be seen by people who are important to the fate of the planet, Rufus can see them because he played a crucial role in saving Gaia when he destroyed Sephiroth's barrier, even if it was unintentional.
>Then Glenn spent all of Rebirth trying to distract Rufus and get him into a war (not in the OG), which will probably kick off in the third game, however Rufus figures this out.
Glenn is dead, that was Sephiroth inpersonating him to fuck with him and, probably, prevent him from destroying the barrier in the Northern Crater.
>The Sarruf scene is also highly suspect since it appears an invisible man is speaking that no one else can see. They spent way too much time on that scene highlighting that nobody is there. I doubt this scene is meaningless because it directly compares to Aerith being invisible to everyone in the ending except for Cloud. (I believe) Sarruf is part of another timeline and Rufus has a special power to see him, just like Cloud has. Sarruf could be another Rufus from another timeline, but regardless who he really is, Rufus knows something the rest of Shinra and we as the player do not.
I'm pretty sure Sarruf is Rufus, since he was the one who founded and funded OG Avalanche to overthrow his dad, nothing mystical about it.
>And lastly Hojo said its time to think bigger, which suggests hes going to aim for the multiverse, which Rufus smiles implying he knows the multiverse exists and approves of the idea.
I think you're reading way too much into it, he really doesn't even know what the whispers are or how Sephiroth is here and how he works, he has no idea of the multiverse
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>when she's 'buried' in a lake
Aeris has a true beauty to her. But holy shit is she annoying.
But in Rebirth we saw the other other worlds are doomed to be destroyed because they don't have Mako. Elmyra explained this to Zack. Only the main world can survive so this has to be the world that will be changed. Maybe with merging the worlds again in part 3
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It's funny seeing ENG dub fags try to argue and theorize over the result of blatant mistranslations.
Red never mentions anything about the vision being the outcome of their failure in the original script. The others ask what was that, Red looks at Aerith and goes 'This is what we are throwing away.', driving the point that the events of the OG are neither good or bad, they just won't happen now because of the process the gang has started. Huge difference.

This is why JP games should never be localized, especially by a bunch of retards who literally rewrite lines at random. That thing about Aerith saying she misses the steel sky at the end of part 1 was also a big fuckup they had to go back and rectify. Wouldn't be surprised if they did the same thing with Red's line when part 3 comes. And these are only two examples, both games are littered with this crap.
These games should only exist with the original dub with proper, English translated captions.

You people are trying to make sense of shadows of what's actually going on.
The devs only felt like only that line was worth correcting so, wether we like it or not, that's what we have.
I just wish SENA wasn't full of retards.
Why would beagle Rufus start a war against another country while pretending to be the general of that country? What I'm suggesting is that Sarruf is likely Rufus, but not beagle Rufus. Sarruf seemed like a throwaway joke where everyone just mocked an "invisible man" giving a speech, but based on Rufus's face he saw something everyone else didn't and looked uncomfortable. If he saw a different timeline version of himself, he'd probably connect the dots that their is a multiverse out there, which is why he liked what Hojo was suggesting. Glenn being a living person or a puppet doesn't matter, because Rufus realized something was up and will no longer go along with his plan.
>Why would beagle Rufus start a war against another country while pretending to be the general of that country?
He probably didn't know they were planing this, Glenn/Sephiroth seems to have been doing something to make Rufus and Wutai go to war again. We'll see in the third game but I think you're too deep into your headcanons
>wether we like it or not, that's what we have.

Speak for yourself, dubfag.
By the way, it's spelled whether.
If you're going to worship English as the only worthwhile language on this Earth, try to at least write it properly.
Zack is dead in beagleverse so he's gonna die if your idea of merging is gonna happen. Tifa, Barret and Red are also going to die.
The translation has the exact same connotation. It being a "good or bad" outcome is something people make up themselves.
"A glimpse of tomorrow if we fail here to day": if we don't do this, this is the future.
"This is what we are throwing away." : this is the future we dismiss if we do this.
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>having a meltdown over a word
calm down, autismo, and take them.
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i rather see a FF7 and TES Or Fallout Crossover
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Aerith Gainsborough
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I just beat Crisis Core and cried like a bitch.
I'm guessing Remake and Rebirth wont be any easier on me. (I've played OG 7 and DoC)
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Can't agree, the nuance being on him introducing the idea of failure in English which is absent from the original script, immediately giving the OG events a negative connotation, which influenced the audience. The discussions around here and on other fan social media is proof of that :
If it was the same, you wouldn't see people using the English line as a base for the remake timeline being the good end in theorycrafting ever since part 1 released.

Again, absolutely misguided because of a mistranslation. You could argue it doesn't matter, but given how convoluted the direction they've decided to take the plot towards turned out to be, that sort of thing matters a lot.

There are a lot of other examples, here's another one for you. I suppose you'll say it doesn't matter as well so I'm gonna leave it here and do something more productive with my time instead of spending it with people afraid of the truth because English is the one true language and the English script is totally the canon script guys, because lazy burgers afraid of subtitles keep saying so.
Ignorance is bliss, after all.
When Sephiroth tried to merge the worlds they didn't die. You don't know if Zack will die if they merge the worlds. Maybe the Zack souls will merge back together in the strongest body in the new created world
Dont listen to
About the cutscenes. I never touched a Final Fantasy game until last year. I JUST beat the Original FF7 for the first time about a week ago and all the emotional scenes hit me HARD despite the low poly models
REAL SPOILER even though you probably already know
Yuffie's reaction and animation to Aerith's death made me tear up irl, and shes only like 20 polygons
>If it was the same, you wouldn't see people using the English line as a base for the remake timeline being the good end in theorycrafting ever since part 1 released.
Most people don't go for the JP version because they don't know Japanese and they just go with the EN version, not because anyone thinks something about both versions.
Most still don't know about Ore/Watashi Sephiroth and EC just made it clear it was an important point but very few people know this because they never saw the JP version.
>don't listen to someone saying the game holds pretty well
You're a fucking retard
Crisis Core is a bad written fanifiction and DoC is garbage.
>this two in that pic
This is was mistake, used against Aerith for years from people who hate her and the devs finally destroyed it in Remake and Rebirth
Damn straight. Most of the compilation is fucking dumpster fire. The only FF7 you need are OG, Remake and Rebirth (and part3 of course).
>English script is totally the canon script guys
I made no such argument.
Zack's body is rotting in beagleverse and so is Aerith's
This is why i said he will not use the main world Body when the worlds merge, he will use one of the living bodies
You mean he has to possess someone to be alive in beagleverse? Are you hearing yourself?
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>You mean he has to possess someone
No , when the worlds merge, Zack's bodies and souls will merge too, This will not be the beagle world anymore it will be a new world and he will be in one of his alive bodies.His merged souls can't use the dead body and his dead body will not exist in a new world
>About the cutscenes
Aerith Queensboro bridge
Shit tier opinions
AC, DoC and CC are based and FUN.
You should play it because Rebirth is kino but Remake, especially at the start. I lost count of how many times you're forced to walk slowly while someone prattles for ages on about boring crap. It does get better but then it takes a turn into Clown Town at the very end, I understand they didn't want to reveal everything butI knew so little that I didn't even know what was happening with Sephiroth and the Time Jannies. Using Sephiroth like that might have made Youtubers make onions faces but I didn't know who Sephiroth was so it was extremely confusing.
OMG, CCfag thinks his retard games and opinion matter.
Enjoy it for gameplay? Sure. But the story and writing have made a mess of FF7 and have only ever created retards like you.
>it's a bit hard takin the serious scenes seriously
>a bit
reading isn't that hard, you know?
I have played all 3 of them and watched a full CC playthrough (what a waste of time that was). Yeah, not a fan of the time jannies or what they did to Sephiroth but if it leads to a happy ending in part 3, all will be forgiven.
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>AC, DoC and CC are based and FUN.
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Jesus, FF7 fans who ONLY like the original have to be the biggest faggots on the face of the planet. The plots in the compilation are no more convoluted or retarded than in the main game. What is going on in your retard brains?
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It's really funny how they put the OG story in a pedestal and it's just as covoluted as the rest of the compilation, though better executed, I'll give them that
It all seems to fit together fine to me, I played all 3 games back to back and had a great time learning more about Vincent/Lucrecia/Hojo and Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth.
Im honestly kinda dissapointed there's no official next chapter that involves Genesis and Weiss.
I'm gonna start the Remake tonight. OGfags seem to love it here so I hope it's not shit.
The difference is, back in the day, people weren’t expected to play 5 games, watch 1 movie and read who knows how many books to have an “informed opinion” about what is going on, everything people needed to know was in 1 game, and they were free to speculate anything about it from 1 single game. Now the compilation stuff not only failed to clarify any of those speculations or theories, but made them worse.
OG doesn't even have a Gi Tribe lore wiki
>The difference is, back in the day, people weren’t expected to play 5 games, watch 1 movie and read who knows how many books to have an “informed opinion” about what is going on
They all address different stuff. You dont need to play/watch all of them at all.
I can see why people might dislike them, I don't like a lot of stuff CC did, but it is what it is and dismissing it just because they don't like it is retarded.

Enjoy Remake, it can be very frustrating with the padding at times but it's a really good game and it makes the OG fags seethe.
Is wanting to rim her really a sin?
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Not really, Cloud and Zack want to do it so it must be a natural thing.
I see the point. But what's wrong with answering some questions while building new mysteries.
I suppose the biggest problem is making those new mysteries as engaging as the originals.
I think it's starting to make sense.
Based opinion.
The ONLY thing i thought was kinda silly was how Zach visited lime 3 locations and fought Genesis twice after leaving Shinra Mansion.
It makes sense and doesnt really conflict with the story...it's just kinda weird.
>Enjoy Remake
Thank you anon, i'm excited.
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Even dead she's more beloves and important than t*fa.

Gainsbros, looks like we flyin' high these days.
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Honestly, everything about Genesis was terrible, I really hope the third Re game doesn't include him but it might.
Have fun and don't pay attention to these /v/irgins, some of them are too bitter to enjoy good things.
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>You needn't promise that you'll wait. For i know that i will find you here
Was she autistic?
That's a man
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>tfw what you cherish most wakes up in your arms
she is so cute
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extra kino connection in japanese
hmm, i see it more as a paralel with the ending when he flyes away. They did not say the words, but the dialoge in end of the GS play is the meaning of what that part of the story is. He will return to find her when time comes
You know what i mean. Sorry about the mistakes i am doing other things rn
He and Angeal are going to be featured in Ever Crisis so expect to see them in some form in part 3
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Please, tell me she's not a prostitute.
Only Angeal is confirmed. And we get a stupid young version again
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Prostitutes are not virgins
>so expect to see them in some form in part 3
[citation needed]
It's always funny how Barret is used like a bludgeon in these shipping wars
>Your girl likes Barret!
>No YOUR girl likes Barret!
It's not even unironic BBCfags it's legitimate shippers looking for the nearest available male to pawn the other girl off to so their ship can sail it's amazing
Sephiroth calls Genesis on a cell phone asking for him to pick up in the reveal trailer for EC
Not only they are not as engaging as OG's, but a lot of them suck ass in the worst possible away, Just look at >>683724668
>Honestly, everything about Genesis was terrible, I really hope the third Re game doesn't include him but it might.
Once they include something in the plot, it's there and people can't just pretend it doesn't exist, and given some of SE recent stories, they've shown that they are really bad at concluding plots, Honestly, this is their last chance at closing the main story in a satisfacory way, but by the way they are managing the Remake project, I am not confident they can do it. I really wish I am wrong, only time will tell.
You are mentally ill
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Barret is respected by fans. He has a very close relationship with Tifa and she is like a mother to his daughter.
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If you are going to post ai slop at least make it interesting. Have her go surfing or something
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The game and the devs are to blame, not shippers
Not even MS AI is getting her right because the DEI is censoring everything there
Kek for real.

But on a serious note.. Everyone knows Aerith was made for knotting.
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This doesn't mean they're gonna appear in Remake.
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I've legit seen people who blinded remake ship the two.
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Calm down Hojo. It was one time
The only one getting on all fours near Red is Tifa
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I used bing ai
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I can't blame them, they basically live together, Tifa takes care of Marlene and they've been together for a while, it kinda sounds like an established relationship.
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Prompt: Explain the ending of FF7: Rebirth without using text.
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>ai is a zackCHAD
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Good thread
>'zack chad'
>all three look miserable
it looks more like what Tifags want
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why is she like this
looks like lucrecia
vincent might just be the biggest cuck in vidya

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