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Mexican bros

We're finally getting proper representation in one of the most popular games ever
I want to FUCK Yaoyao!
Sex with xilonen
You know a thought just occured to me.
You can't be bothered by Africans being the new face of Europe when Europeans are the new face of Central and South America.
I will roll Clit
I will roll Xilonen
Top is guaranteed more sales. Call it a gut feeling.
She might be a 4*
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I want to roll geo hag but I also want the pyro archon
But I'm probably going to want to roll for Mualani...
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I hope she's not
top deserves peropero
One is geo and the other is cryo. Both are going to be terrible if we're being honest.
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Post something cute and potentially lewd
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>Proper representation

Genshin hasn't really done "proper" representation since Sumeru started. They mix and mash different things together but it's no more real world accurate than the shit in Final Fantasy 14 and it's notAmerica expansion.

The ship with accuracy sailed once they left East Asian states. And then they hammered it home by letting Yupeng go.
>hammered it home by letting Yupeng go.
Have you listened to his post genshin stuff? A complete bore, dude's a hack
Cute 14 year olds
It’s mostly Brazil looks
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Nah, Mexican
If it means that much to you, sure
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>Sexy leopard woman in tight jean shorts
>They are using Ai for the japanese voice
It's over.
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funny, but shes actually great
Sex with Xilonen while she call me good boy please...
That sounds like a nasty disease desu.
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Its actually another name for an Aztec fertility goddess. Take that information as you please.
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My qt White Mexica Axolotl wife Citlali
Sounds like something a substance would be called
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How to get qt White Mexican Sucrose cosplayer gf?
That's somebodies son.
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Sexy feet. Last chance for more sexy feet before Snow land and everyone is covered, unless they give us Clara expy
Yupeng was already barely involved with current songs releasing when he left. He was only responsible for like one or two songs during all of Sumeru’s update cycle.
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>Xilonen is slightly tanned
Dehya-tier confirmed

If she's a 5* yeah Hell CItlali is already far more popular than the archon. Hags just don't sell.
>brings politics into mexicanfu thread
Fuck off who invited you
They are native american, not M*xican
honestly this is looking like a filler region might c0 archon and save for notrussia
Is she popular? They might bump her rarity if she is
Xilonen is geo kazuha. Everything will change
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Pretty popular in China
>the region where all 7 gnosises would finally be retrieved
Does she work at danberu? Based. Too bad I don't play gacha.
>Be mexican
>Will call my daughter Citlali
>Nobody will bat an eye
Jajjaa they will never know.
yeah but they wont do anything with them until the next one anyway
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This is probably the best Furina cosplay I've ever seen.

White women are so cute
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Mexico and anime style, you say?
Meak Xilonen bob more seeable
Post the konosuba one.
>Beth Curry

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What kind of fucked up fetish is this even
>pink haired armpit slut
There will be hell to pay if she's hit with the '4 star characters must be mediocre' nerf
And by that I mean just not playing Genshin
Mexican brainrot
wow fucking rude
Liyue and Inazuma aren't accurate either and Xiao is a a Yaksha and Kokomi and the enkanomiyans are greek
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>one of the most popular games ever
Not anymore lmao
I don't recall MHY ever claim their games are "accurate representations" of any reality, it's fucking fantasy anime game.
But Yaksha(夜叉) is literally part of Chinese culture due to Buddhism influences, Chinese also literally call bad temper fearsome women with pretty face and buxom body as 母夜叉(Female Yaksha), this term can be seen in many traditional Chinese novels and tales.
Then you can claim Indian, Persian and Egyptian stuff make sense in Sumeru because they all have muslims.
not him but there are Indian, Persian and Egyptian influences in Sumeru
>Then you can claim Indian, Persian and Egyptian stuff make sense
Yes, it makes sense since these are literally Sumeru's inspiration.
Why is that even up for that debate? Those are clearly influencing Sumeru
>Jojo's voice actress playing a South American Genshin

>muh representation
I hope sjws kill themselves
Why am I arguing with three different people?
Anyway my point was sumeru wasn't where representation became inaccurate because they were never representing one culture alone in a given region. Which is especially the case for Sumeru which has two different civilisations in the desert alone with the sumeru. city and the forest being a completely different civilization.
She played Hibiki in the dumbbell anime too holy shit
You lost polskin.
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I saw this really funny rant by a person that claimed to have sent dozens of emails to Hoyoverse complaining about Natlan and that the only response they got was basically saying that its all fictional and not in any way representing reality
I'm not arguing, you are right
Sumeru being inspired by those cultures doesn't mean it represents them in the way players were expecting. To make it clear: those players wanted to see traditionally indian, arab, etc looking people.
And the same thing is happening again which is all bullshit of course but for them, it is a serious issue
>Why am I arguing with three different people?
Because you posted a pretty ignorant stupid reply while acted as if you're sarcastic and smart like what you do right now.
You act like dumbass pretending to be smart, you get smacked.
This, I don't usually butt in when people are talking about boring subjects but if you say something particularly dumb I might have to interfere
well yeah because they are smart enough to not add the bad parts, thats why Mond isnt all fat, Liyue and Inazuma dont have chink eyes and Sumeru people arent brown and stinky
your reasoning for Yaksha being present in Liyue is what I was making fun of, the Chinese government isn't a fan of their Buddhists
There seems to be a misunderstanding here. The game is not developed by the government.
but Mond isn't America
is EU this bad these days?
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>tfw still no esp latino dub
Germans always had a big number of fatties too, not as much as americans obviously but still, and contemporary UK is pretty bad as well
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>Mond isn't America
Something tells me if this character got a Spanish voice she'd easily have the sexiest voice out of every character in the game. Or it would be the pink haired slut in OP.
did I dream it or did we get a model rip of iansan and she's electro
doesn't matter China doesn't take kindly to them so having one their because historically china has had buddhist is just as bad as overlapping Zoastrian cities with Muslim genies.
Didn't the boycott fags got exposed as still playing the game
yeah she's electro
I'm definitely rolling for Xilonen and Mavuika. The others they'd have to be really good
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They have always said the opposite.
Where's the vitiligo?
Does it matter if it's seen as Hinduism instead of Buddhism? Because it's hard to tell them apart with so many overlaps in-game, but Genshin for sure is a Buddhism/Hinduism game, especially after Sumeru and Fontaine
Narayana got namedropped back in 4.2
wow top girl is cute is it time to start logging in again? what's her gameplay like? main dps or swap in q/e swap out?
no idea yet
hmm Pure land buddhism is considered a core chinese religion for a long time whereas islam and Christianity are viewed as foreign ideologies; the CCP loves utilizing Buddhism to incorporate patriotism

unless you are talking about tibetan buddhism, which is quite different
Using muslims in middle east and india as comparison to the yaksha in Chinese culture is pretty dumb and shows you don't really know what you're saying.

China also have muslims community almost as old as Islam itself, muslims & islam had traveled to China and settled down since 8th century, but Islam has never taken root in Chinese culture and gained as much influence as Buddhism did, muslims and Islam remain as closed community in China till present time.
In contrast, the concept and name of Yaksha comes along with Buddism, but it becomes a folklore and casual term wildly accepted and used by average Chinese populous even if they don't believe in Buddhism, because Buddhism has being heavily and thoroughly Sinicized unlike Islam.

If you want to do comparison, it's more like "nine tails fox" legend in both Chinese and Japanese culture. Nine tails fox is Chinese folklore originated in China but also deeply influenced Japan and rooted in Japanese culture, so it's often being seen as part of Japanese folklore as well. Similar to Yaksha in both India and China.
Why don't muslim men look like this in real life?
they want to leave some pussy for the rest of the world
qe swap UNLESS you swipe for C6 in which case she becomes playable
>Using muslims in middle east and india as comparison to the yaksha in Chinese culture is pretty dumb and shows you don't really know what you're saying
Why it show the shared belief system especially as genshin's time period is all over the place. The concept of djinn is also spread across culture

>China also have muslims community almost as old as Islam itself, muslims & islam had traveled to China and settled down since 8th century, but Islam has never taken root in Chinese culture and gained as much influence as Buddhism did, muslims and Islam remain as closed community in China till present time.
The game never puts islamic belief in china so I'm not sure why you brought it up it does mix zoastrian and hindu mysticism which isn't that strange as India already does just that.
Why are we talking as if religion is real? Who the fuck cares. It's all fanfiction which Hoyo translates to pretty anime characters that they sell.
>doing last summer event quest
>it's 2 hours long of dialogue about some dumb book
Why is Collei so...
this is getting censored isn't it
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.......C U T E!
she asks for it
that was a weird one
they just wanted to add every sumeru character so people still stop saying duuh we haven't seen X in Y months
>Vast majority of girls in genshin go braless
>Despite this, Collei wears a bra
erotic rape victim
Bros why is Klee not in this summer event? She's supposed to be there every year.
>read Xilonen as children
It's over
mom didn't want her there with a mad dragon
Collei's delicious toes...
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I'm still mad hoyo didn't have the quest voiced, cheap bastards
Play the summer event
I literally already explained why right in the same post you replied to, are you pretending to be retarded or you actually are? The situation of muslims in those regions and yaksha in China are not the same. Furthermore, Chinese learn yaksha through Buddhism but Buddhism is nearly extinct in India, what shared belief? Yaksha exists in India is due to Hinduism, and Chinese don't believe in Hinduism.

>the game never puts islamic belief in china so I'm not sure why you brought it up
You brought up muslims first and muslims are literally Islamic believers hence they're muslims. I merely respond to your words.
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Mi esposa Mexica Citlali la amo tanto
>Mona in the event
Last time I heard her voice, she raped Rudeus
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finish it
Who is this then?
i'm still angry that italy got represented by a 1square km island in the middle of nowhere
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maybe you should...play the event?
Yaksha aren't apart of ancient chinese stories just because they imported budhism and know what a Yaksha is they would still be out of place like a Djinn in a Zoastrian story. Either both are good representation or neither is.
The summer event was instantly ruined by klee
Sorry I'm taking my time with it. I do like an hour of the event a day, I'm almost finished exploring the whole first area.
same but i did the quest first so i won't get spoiled by these niggas
>Fairouz AI
sex, when are they coming out? Late August?
Which one? Petrichor? It's not like it's the only thing that took Italian inspiration.
its fun watching twitter niggers get buck broken by chinks
yes that, even worse its under the french and half populated by germans
We don't know when top girl will release, but the bottom one should come out during 5.1 which should be around October.
The one on the bottom is most likely (unconfirmed) coming in patch 5.1 which should be in the start of October. The top one is unknown but will probably be later
Then we are getting >>683621450, this chick? Fuck I should start farming and doing the event, but I'm just so over Genshin until I force myself to play it and start to enjoy it for a week or two. I still havent farmed Chlorinde properly despite pulling for her god knows when.
The whole boycott being forgotten once everybody got the their free 10 pulls from the neuvi shitshow was pretty funny
5.0, last week of August
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Why is she like this?
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5.0, but you can't really farm for her since she'll need Natlan mats, unless you're talking about primos.
The event itself is pretty good so I recommend doing it.
At first glance I read that as "I wasn't peeing"
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I really REALLY need a QT White Mexican Sucrose cosplayer gf

I wonder if she's making tons of money with her Onlyfans, those anime figurines are hella expensive.

Hopefully she will make a Citlalí/Xilonen cosplay
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>2000 free primos
>BTFO'd xwitter fags and stopped a boycott
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For real, why do Mexicans love Genshin so much?
that's just having two kazuha
they have their kokoro in the right place
someone explain to me the purpose of the sumeru quest in the event about the book
they never stood a chance, western audience is barely a blimp on their radar when it comes to spending. they could've gotten EVERY EN voice actor to boycott and threaten resignation and mihoyo's response would just be "do it, we'll replace all of you."
Yeah, their boycott means not buying shit but still playing nonetheless
I'm a proud f2p player (welkin+bp) who is equally proud to have joined the boycott by declaring that I won't spend any money for the rest of this entire region
nobody knows, its either an elaborate prank on genshin lore content creators or blatant foreshadowing.
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Geo is the best element and anyone who disagrees is wrong.
When you say you won't spend money you're obviously excluding your welking right?
>t. geocoin bagholder
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Geocoin only goes up.
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Mexicans are weeabs.
Of course, I did a strategic purchase five minutes before joining the boycott. Now Hoyoverse won't get another dime from me for the rest of Fontaine's lifespan
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friendly reminder that kachina is flat out the best free 4* in the game thanks to her 40% all damage bonus to geo and pyro/hydro/electro/cryo characters, and is a certified chiori friend
chiori/kachina duo is looking to be one of the strongest combos of 2 characters in the entire game
she gets kicked out the second there's an actual character worth putting the artifact set on
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For me its dendro
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We need a playable Aranara. It's completely unfair we went all of Sumeru without the strongest characters.
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yeah you're probably right
still, it's good to see a decent free 4* character for once
Cuckshit but the author was bored of blacks.
Is that why you're flooding the US?
Flashy and gaudy outfits
Pale skin chars in warm places
Natural weeaboos due to dubbing
all electro characters have a mental illness, whats Citlali's?
>BotW for free on your phone with cute anime girls
Same reason why free fire is so popular down there.
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Not only that but their new protest is to go AFK in-game to stress miHoYo's servers and cause them to lose money, upsetting non-existent sharholders.
being cryo instead of electro, probably
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xi doesnt care about censoring videogames anymore, that was just 2019-2020 bullshit.
I think she's cryo
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Are you gonna roll for this Mexican Buddypoke?
isn't she free?
God, I really want to fuck her so badly...
rana with aranara skills please
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Multiple personalities like Furina.
she's just a shut in or something
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I hope her and her autistic dragon husband are happy together forever
>went to vg to check out the genshin general because i was curious why there always is a thread here
Jesus christ now i know why there are refugee threads here
Do you think they are going to change up the imaginarium theater in 5.0 due to all the whiners?
they added a 24 characters super hard mode
I think they'll wait 1 or 2 more rounds before drastically altering it
I can't imagine anyone liking it really. Besides interacting with your characters it's a giant waste of time for like 3 lines
Its dendro/hydro/pyro in 5.0
Yume Stacey
Damn Mexicans look like that?
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Not interested. Besides, americans don't deserve to enjoy a rich culture like ours. I'd prefer no representation, before you do what you did to blacks by portraying them all as ugly, afro-wearing, strong women.
5.0 is probably too soon for an overhaul of the entire game mode
I expect it to be done at a later date or they'll simply try to quietly sweep it under the rug and hope that peoples' resentment towards the theatre fades away with time
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The only major change coming is in 5.0, which adds unlockable permanent upgrades to the elemental reactions


They probably won't do major revamps of the event since they need time to collect ideas, test them and implement them. For now this is all we get.
i think that's just stuff in the data that isn't confirmed to go live yet
Just adding in a fourth element or letting you run a battle with less than a full team would go a long way.
nilou is going to be really fun to use in the theater when you only get offered pyro characters whenever she shows up so she gets bricked
This is retarded. I only play games with Japanese-only names like BLUE ARCHIVE
oh yeah i forgot to mention, i believe they're also adding a few modifications that allow you to have higher control on what characters you get
for example, i think since 4.8 you'll now be able to choose one of 2 characters to join your team rather than just getting 1 at random at the end of a round
yeah it kinda sucks, you'd have to plan in advance and add more dendro and hydro characters than pyro characters just to increase your chances of having a functional nilou team
but hopefully the changes i mentioned earlier make building these nilou teams easier on the RNG
I'm f2p (welkin+bp+topupbonus+$100 monthly)
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There's very few threads that are worth going to /vg/ for and those ones are typically on death's door 24/7 while also having a thread on /v/ anyway. Very rarely do you get a topic like Multiversus that has no threads on /v/ but only on /vg/. It's just not worth it.
I would rather have one post a day on the WuWa thread on /vmg/ or a 30 post thread on /v/ than deal with /vg/ ever, and I'd rather talk to people here or /vmg/ about Genshin than ever deal with /vg/.
Wanna know what's even more alarming? All the shitposts you see on the /vg/ threads are the work of 1-2 people
Yes, and?
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kaveh BUFF
And it feels good being f2p
How do you even play kaveh, are you supposed to on field dps with him or what
Unironically asking, but why is top OK and bottom isn’t?
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You tell 'em, Leaf
They’re both ok if you don’t have political brain worms.
Because there's a group that's underrepresented. Top is fixing that by making so said group is represented
Bottom is actually supposed to be the underrepresented group, but they removed it completely
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He's a bloom driver but his own bloom sucks, kavehfags just use him as a driver in nilou teams
Maybe the underrepresented should represent themselves instead of requiring others to do it for them. There's literally nothing stopping them.
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>throwing a hissy fit about the hilichurls
>whining about Sumeru's characters
>getting completely mindbroken by Natlan
Genshin's EN Twitter fanbase is the literal fun police.
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She voices a fit girl in Granblue.
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guilty as charged
/gig/ has been borderline unusable these past few years and jannies won't do anything about it
Do Chinese have a lot of representation in American media
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rich niggas on ice
Natlan can represent an even more underrepresented group, but twitter folks still act and ask that they should represent Africa

the ones that require that are mostly the other group, just look at twitter
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Kaveh is one of my most disliked characters personalitywise but i gotta admit that his kit is really creative and i really really wish he was actually good
Sort of, but the argument against it in the bottom example is that they took inspiration from those groups while not respecting what they look like
Btw, those are not my views. I just understand the logic
That's not exactly the case, there's people crying for native/indian as well as african looking characters
anemo should be an airplane toilet with that succ
But then that goes back to the original question: if both the top and bottom are taking inspiration from other cultures, why is only the bottom one that’s “wrong”?
Fucking funny how Amerisharts and and SEApags cling to this Chinese game and cry and cope.
>That's not exactly the case, there's people crying for native/indian as well as african looking characters
The vast majority is demanding for African themes and looking characters, we both know that, it was an expectation that carried from back in Sumeru
I would understand if the issue was Ororon and a few other characters, but we both know it's everyone
>I would understand if the issue was Ororon and a few other characters
Aren't they mad that Ororon is the name of some African god? I wonder how they feel about hispanics being named Jesus.
No, you misunderstand, top is literally race swapping an existing character for the sake of representing a minority that's not frequently featured in the media.
In the bottom example no race were swapped, those characters were created with the intent of looking the way the look while taking inspiration from minorities
I'm being honest, I have not seen that or at least not remarkably so. What I've seen is: people asking for african named characters to look black and aztec/whatever look like american indigenous people.
wait why were people saying abyss rewards were improved. Before you could get 1200 primos in a month (600 for every two week cycle). Now you can only get 800.

Fuck off, East Asians do not want to own black characters.
Think about it a little more you have all the information.
I don’t know Jim, but I feel like race swapping is more egregious than making a new character. Like right now no one thinks nothing of it since it’s white -> black, but could you imagine the outrage if a show turned King Mansa Musa into a white man?
Anon, IT exists.
600 for the Abyss reset in the first half of the month
600 for the Abyss reset in the second half of the month
620 for the IT reset in the first half of the month
800 for the Abyss reset in the second half of the month
You get 220 extra gems per month
yeah, but the actual name is Olorun on top of that, there's a non-zero chance it's an unlucky coincidence, but I doubt, otherwise the only character shown from the "African" tribe would be Iansan

they were crying and shitting their pants when the first three were shown and asking why they were "white" when they're supposed to be black, none of which have any ties to Africa
>aztec/whatever look like american indigenous people
you don't help your point when you don't even know where those other characters are supposed to be from

you're replying to the wrong anon, retarded chink
what's there to think? They nerfed spiral abyss rewards big time from 1200 a month to 800. I know they added imaginarium theatre but they could have kept abyss the same
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>twittards mad about genshin characters having names that are inspired by real world deities, only slightly different spelling, but not properly representing them or their cultures
>in the last unvoiced quest of the summer event about the weird book, candace brings up the fact that one of the characters in the book is named similarly to king deshret, but is an awful representation of him, then says because its fantasy she doesnt really feel offended by it.

im almost certain they shoved this quest in at the last second to make fun of the boycotters and that's why it feels so out of place and is unvoiced.
I think race swapping is always a terrible idea, but that's not the point. In simple direct terms: White to black is considered okay because historically there used to be few black characters so it was a way to even things out, get it?
Here's the thing, I'm not trying to make a point or convince you of anything, I'm just stating my experience navigating genshin online communities
>oh they added a new mode so they can cuck me in the old mode
youre the retard
>Muuh representation

Hillichurls exist, they are representation for you enough.
The entire point of IT is to be a replacement endgame mode to rival Abyss. It forces players to now think about both endgame modes instead of just doing the same Abyss shit twice per month
Abyss incentivizes bruteforcing with pure power DPS checks, and favors vertical investment
IT incentivizes competent teambuilding and learning different game styles, and favors horizontal investment.
Now you no longer have to play the exact same shitty abyss twice per month. That, plus 220 primos is definitely a good deal.
Just play spiral abyss twice a month now and pretend your IT rewards are from abyss. That should help you out.
Oh ok, at the end of the day we just got to see different perspectives then, but my experience is far away from yours, all I've been seeing is a hypocritical behavior coming from twitter, where they're clearly aimed at a specific group and not the whole picture
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A> Game is woke > chuds say they wont touch it> game bombs
B> Game is not woke > twitards say they wont touch it > they keep playing it anyway
>competent teambuilding
>pick 2 fillers (level 1 weapon and no artifacts) and solo/duo the room with your remaining regular characters
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I love her. Between the geo loli and her, my geo stocks are going to go up, bigly.
I mean, yeah, I've seen people drawing obviously mexican characters with black features instead of looking latino, but not enough to make me think the majority wants those characters to be all black whether they're inspired by african stuff or not. That would be insane contradictory on their part
i mean yeah you can bruteforce it if your on field DPS is strong enough, but you can only use an on field DPS twice
either you have 4 beefed out on field DPSs that can handle the entire IT run on their own, or you start engaging in competent teambuilding with your normally invested on field DPSs
Here's the thing, twitter troons are not saying they won't play. They're just saying they won't spend money until hoyoverse 'fixes' it.
Which is stupid because HYV is clearly not going to
hoyo literally doesnt care
And then the baffling thing is that they spend money on it anyways. I've seen plenty of twitter troons fangirling over Wanderer and buying the Nilou outfit right after talking about the boycott
Twitters gonna freak...
Well their stated stance is "genshin is fantasy, please don't get confused"
It's a good thing Natlan folks are confined within their own nation.

Liyue and Inazuma does not need their shitty culture.
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i don't get it
what's the parallel here
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Have you seen literally any taco stand in Mexico?
I have not seen that but I believe you. I'm convinced lot of those people are just doing it for engagement on social media or to fit in. Its really not a big issue and you would have to be really naive to think HYV would be that diverse
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Sumeru should build a wall
Why do they love goku so much anyway
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Holy BASED I love being the "Witness!

I love to watch!
Because DBZ was extremely popular
The Jaguar slut is the hottest design of this game
Her micro shorts are really sexy
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I for one am a modern feminist man and approve of this.
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I can't explain it but even though a big chunk of the natlan cast look appealing to me for some reason Citlali was the one that activated my almonds.
Russian asylum seekers are "Europeans"?
do people actually self insert as the traveler? Half the women in this game are taller than him last time a woman was taller than me was when I was like 9 years old.
I can't imagine self inserting as some twink manlet running around with his midriff showing and hair that goes down to his waist
I think the majority of video game players self-insert
Genuine question: why? She seems like a generic tsundere hebe to me. Is it just the visual design?
Don't reply to the NTR ragebaiter
Not the guy you're replying to but for me I suppose it's a mix of both. Something clicked when I saw her in the trailer even if I can acknowledge that there isn't anything in particular about her that seems to stand out
I guess her design just has something that triggers the sexo receptors
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>micro shorts
The cut is good, but they're those retarded censorship ones that cover her stomach/bellybutton. Not micro at all.
why is there no latam dub for this game? It would be kino not like the dogshit EN dub we have
I self insert into most games I play but I could never self insert as a midget, no offense to my dwarf bros
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I love it when women look at me like I'm walking garbage
no one here can read your schizo runes, ching chong
the character in the book they are discussing, al-ahmal, is named very similarly to their deity (king deshret's name is al-ahmar), and candace is saying that they shouldn't overthink the similarities because the book is so fantastical and weird. one of the talking points of the boycott over natlan is that ororon is named very similiarly to olorun, a yoruban deity, and its offensive that he is lightskinned because of his name being so similar to an african deity.

its basically commentary from the devs that people shouldn't be overthinking the similarities between the names of characters and real world deities their names are taken from. its also funny that they used sumeru characters to make this commentary because when sumeru came out this same representation/skin color debate shit happened.
Wtf surprisingly based
I love sumeru so much
I want Chiori to cuck me and make disgusting remarks and faces at my ever growing erection.
Idk it's a mix of grumpy neurotic hebe being funny and the way she wants to reject the tournament call I predict she is going to be one of the "close" characters. Reminder that when Fontaine leaks came out most people thought Navia would be the most boring one and ended up being one of the most unanimously praised characters of the patch.
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woah, actually based
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>I guess her design just has something that triggers the sexo receptors
NTA but its this for me. There's little details on her design that are subtle enough to get your neurons firing
>leotard with strategic holes
>tie that leads your eyes downward over her hebe body
>cute feet with toes rings
>tie around the waist that accentuates hips while also drawing attention to her lower region
>name resembles the word clit
>But fake cat ears
Why do they do it?
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>chiori in cutscenes
>eviscerates people with her eyes and words
>chiori in my party
>innocent deredere cupcake
I don't self-insert into anything
>fake cat ears
doesnt she have a tail? im pretty sure the ears are real.
(sad news) this one is a real jaguar
Can't imagine people actually play chinkslop gachas either lmao
Gachaslop are not video games
>there are mentally ills who still play genshit
Why does Twitter have to have a race war everytime a new region arrives?
They're retarded
because they cant separate fantasy from reality.
We didn't have one back in Fontaine's release and Inazuma's release.
It's just the twitter users in particular that are really obsessed with black people.
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Sumeru mindbroke millions
they love being outraged
if there's nothing to be mad about they just make something up
Where is this chest? When I check the little cave with the pinwheel theres nothing there
Did you finish the world quest and reunite the guy with his gay flower lover? I think it's from that.
Other side of the island, below
that sounds like a place I know
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If you already reunited the doll man with his gay flower, then all you're missing is a common chest hidden in a shitty cave.
The cave is blocked off by a pull block. Stand here (i think) and look towards the island to find the pull block
lol you got him
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Sombrero-quilting reminder
Hispanics aren't black
I hope Scaradouche dies so I dont have to see him ever again
i never said they were, i'm just saying that twittertroons are obsessed and believe that everyone that isn't european, asian or north american is black
t. hispanic that is white as snow
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i hope he keeps showing up so the scara-nahida ntr cuckposters mald forever.
that was it thank you
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I'm sure I can speak for absolutely everyone that Ayaka should've been in this event instead of Scara. Then we would have had the three canon wives together.
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it's a shame that wanderer has been used as the mascot for shitposting because i genuinely really like what they did with his character arc
retcon tree is a bit hard to agree with but i still like what they did overall
>"D-Durin dindu anything wrong!"
im tired of the hat guy joke though, it was goofy and fun in the interdarshan championship but in this event it just felt stale. especially hearing albedo call him hat guy right before talking about super serious shit.
It's because he doesn't have a name. "Wanderer" is a placeholder and we gave him a new name at the end of his quest. But that's also just a placeholder for us. He doesn't really have a real name and Nahida just made him Don Sombrero.
>Fairouz Ai
Xilo was already my favorite in this lineup, Hoyo, no need to twist my arm
Actually, I'm surprised she wasn't in already. Still not reinstalling.
Nah Ayaka precisley works great when she visits other regiins for official business and shennanigans hapoen because she is generally a grounded character unaware of the main lore happenings.
i get that but there has to be a better way to deal with it than a comedy nickname.
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When is Genshin going to get another playable maid? It's not fair that Noelle is the only one.
yeah i agree
i can understand why they don't like using the name the player gave him since it can be a bit silly, but i wish they called him "sumerunian hermit" or just "wanderer" when characters are being serious
Well he'll never decide on a name for himself and Nahida clearly doesn't see the problem with calling him Don Sombrero forever. Just think of it as his punishment for all the shit he did in the past.
Because xitter, like all social media, is ruled by women, and women can only like something if it looks like themselves. Women project this onto others, and get offended on others' behalf.
Shitskins look disgusting and do not fit the roles. How is that political?
what a blast from the past
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Kasachi-san, fuck me from behind.
sandrone is probably the closest thing we will ever get to a maid design again, if she ends up playable.
inb4 >she
kinich and kachina's entry animations are kino
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Sandrone in 6.x trust the plan
? These faggots were begging for nigger Fontaine characters every single update.
>My Kirara is finally C1
That's kinda depressing.
f2p and every latinx is a weeb
>we gave him a new name
no he's still wanderer, if he want to become a real boy he can do that on his own time
Sandrone is a she, don't worry
t. loreGOD
Regardless of where the pale skin is from they are European
True native central and South Americans do not look like op
If he can't be bothered to think of a name for himself, then he'll just have to be Don Sombrero.
Sigewinne is actually really fucking adorable. What's her most ideal team? Please tell me it involves Wriothesley.
Something something Alain lets the doll free before dying Sasori style.
So I'm guessing that big lug behind her is probably a modified Ruin machine and the main source of her firepower. But like, is a Ruin machine really Harbinger material?
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her most ideal team is any team with furina, so you could run wriothesley, furina, sigewinne, and a flex character and it would be fine.
The jobbing bothers me, but it's obvious Traveler is gonna incest.
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Sigewinne likes to be with off fielder DPSs who use their skill. Her best friend is Furina, but some other notable best friends are
Unfortunately, Sige and Wrio don't really have much synergy beyond Sige providing heals for Wrio's self health drain
You could try wrio/emilie/deyha(or bennett)/sigewinne though, but sige won't do much
well she has a clockwork key in her back, so i think she is just a puppet like raiden shogun and scaramouche, and the ruin machine is super-mega genius alain guillotin's conciousness placed into a ruin machine
>What's her most ideal team?
Nahida, Raiden, XQ, Sige
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I don't care for either of these char-
>Fairouz Ai
FUCK. Now I need Xilonen out of obligation and loyalty to my wife.
Also I hope she's cryo
>monkey boy turns aryan if he screams a lot
i wonder
I do not like this image of Siggy. Her smug aura mocks me.
yeah, it's pretty obvious she's her own existence and not Alain
Nah. I get the feeling that the Ruin machine's basically a Svarog-type deal and what's doing most of her fighting for her.
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I forgot about Sandrone, but that's good that we at least have one more coming soon-ish.

I was also referring to the fact that the Knights have a bunch of maids but Noelle if the only one we can use.
>Colored eye shadow
>Heavy eyeliner
Yes yes yes yes
I might be cool but I can't help but think people would complain about having to play the game for characterization and history of a character that would appear to come out of nowhere
>any team with furina
Awesome. Why's that though? I don't read.
I don't like the look of Emilie so I'll try some weird Frankenstein mishmash team of Furina Raiden Nahida Sigewinne.
Thanks guys.
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>all these white libtards whining about Genshins not being black enough
>not realizing the actual spics WANT to be huwhite
>boycottcucks mald while Argentina becomes the #1 region for Genshin and its economy completely collapses as what little money remains in the country is funneled to China through gacha rolls just for a chance of being white
coincidence, since this quest was probably made before the drama
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I don't need any other maids.
sigewinne buffs off-field skill damage, which is where all of furina's damage comes from, and furina wants a healer that can heal the whole team to maximize her damage buff, which sigewinne does.
>yfw most Mexican like white/light skin characters.
I need C6 Noelle, I hope I can get her one day.
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>Why's that though? I don't read.
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>Awesome. Why's that though? I don't read.
Sigewinne is one of the few characters that can heal the entire party without using their burst. One skill usage will pretty much max out furina stacks.
Beyond being a healbot, the only other thing that Sigewinne does is buff the damage of off field elemental skills. This means Furina's reliable pets.
HOWEVER that's not all. Sigewinne's buff is a shenhe-style flat damage buff, like Yunjin or the Catalyze duo of reactions
>the fuck does this mean
This means that Sigewinne's buff grows in value the more crit rate, crit damage and damage bonuses the target of the buff has. Furina provides a shitzillion damage buffs, so it means that not just Furina but also any Sigewinne friends in the party are also gonna get a shitton of buffs.
You can do a lite version of this with Kachina thanks to her signature artifact set.
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maybe, but the whole quest feels like very meta commentary that is out of place from the rest of the event. it would also explain why its the only quest in the actual quest list for the event that is unvoiced, because they rushed it out after the drama as a lark and didnt have time to get all the voice actors into the studio. if it is just a coincidence then it is a very aptly timed commentary either way.
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The doll has a chunk of Mary's brain
i mean they have been hyping up alain since the end of sumeru. by the time we get around to meeting sandrone players will have had nearly 3 years to do the relevant world quests unless they are brand new to the game.
And I hope you faggots follow them. Then maybe Twitter and /v/ can finally be free of your bullshit culture war.
I'm afraid nothing will come of it, more than anything.
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Fair enough, I just want more Genshin maidfus.
I think they figured out how to put souls into machines which is what ruin machines are but the harbinger awoke from its programming or whatever and is now sentient
Ruin machines have souls? They seemed like pretty mindless machines to me. All they do is attack any humans they see.
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What's lewd about this?
Zoomers are such prudes/virgins that rubbing against a girl's leg is considered lewd.
it's like the bargain bin version of albedo that needs a soul since they couldn't create them like rhinedottir
and then they fucked..
Come to think of it, Ei gave Don Sombrero a soul completely by accident. Originally she was just gonna make him a mindless receptacle for her Gnosis, but she accidentally gave him a heart and was all like "Whoopsie, tee-hee" and couldn't use him for that anymore.
Zhong smashed Hu Tao's walnut right after.
Not while the cat's right there
Don't care
What is Sucrose thinking here?
yeah it's something that seems overlooked but since nobody knows about it anymore because of irminsul shenanigans I guess hoyo can just forget about it
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Hu Tao smashed her own walnuts
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seeing the mondstadt cast again collei is an honorary mondsadt'er for the event epilogue was a nice surprise
also hyped to hear about Durins revival. still remember stumbling upon his heart back in 1.1, always felt like it was too cool of an area to just be set dressing and not be part of any major quest line.
Technically, that's probably not how it works. What Don Sombrero did was erase his names from the Irminsul. He removed "Nation Destroyer", "Scramouche" and "Balladeer". Also whatever other names he was associated with. But Ei never gave him a name.
Feels like all the soul that was in sumeru went to work on ZZZ. Fontaine was completely soulless.
citalì sexo
Me use her with Wrio, Shenhe and Dehya. Not optimal but fun and cute
god pretentious dumbasses fellating yupeng are so irritating, you'll see these "people" pretending to have taste going "ugh the music sucks now it's worse than *song that wasn't even composed by yupeng*" fuckin posers
>Abusive drunken wine aunt Yae
what were they thinking
You would be surprised how having her as the avatar pic filters the worst tards in co op.
She's Ei's familiar so of course she's gonna be evil, look at her trying to turn Gorou into a girl.
How would that filter anyone?
I loved Fontaine and all of its style and history, I think it had plenty of soul
Impossible, he doesn't know what sex is
I did an experiment and there was even a conversation on /gig/(pre forma cancer) and the curious thing was if you choose a meta character e.g. Kazuha you get pelted with tards who only want to join to collect flowers and other pointless shit. Yae on the other hand attracts newfags who will obey every direction I tell them. Idk if it's because they assume I'm a chick or a tranny but at least they follow directions and don't complain.
Then how did he bang grey loom?
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I know that they probably won't, but it would be nice if this were to be extended to the current cast. Imagine if Raiden's burst infused NAs could count as NA damage for yunjin or beidou
thats what i was thinking, specifically beidou. i also doubt they will rebalance old kits though.
>Ei can casually make archon tier dolls completely independent and sentient
Whats stopping her from mass producing robo-shoguns and curbstomp celestia?
I think they'd send someone to curb stomp her.
You're a retard though.
>i also doubt they will rebalance old kits though.
Man, I really wish they started thinking about updating old character kits.
I know that it'd be better to put that effort into new characters to sell more, but modern mechanics really make some of the older characters seem very dated. Look at Albedo's clunky horrid flower versus kachina's drill.
Qiqi could be useful if only her entire kit wasn't so backwards. Skill uptime sucks, particle generation sucks, burst is way too expensive for what it does and it can very easily miss
nothing technically, unless the means to create the puppets are no longer available to her. like if they require extremely rare materials or something. similar to how dottore can make more segments, but he says its incredibly difficult and time consuming.
>Man, I really wish they started thinking about updating old character kits.
They kinda did? Sumeru perked up electro to the stratosphere and Fontaine basically made every hp scaling character god level.
those are indirect buffs though, im pretty sure he means actually adjusting numbers inherent to their kits post release.
That's true, that's the indirect buffing/nerfing that mihoyo likes to do.
But none of that will remove the inherent clunk some of the old characters have.
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Is this the place wher e I can have meaningful discussion about Genshin? That other place is unusable right now...
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Yeah, there /v/ refugee threads are fairly common.
Not as fast as the other place but maybe that's a good thing.
Discuss away.
>right now
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>right here
I still don't understand why anyone would want to run them together
>right now...
As if it's ever usable.
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you could use the board that nobody uses.
Electro resonance, Beidou gets a big burst damage bonus from Raiden and Raiden helps battery her up.
Could be great in a Chevy overload team.
>But none of that will remove the inherent clunk some of the old characters have.
And that will continue. Have you seen Mualani's NAs? They are as bad as Klee's. This shit is intentional.
The water balloon tosses? As far as I'm aware, she doesn't use those.
Isn't her main damage source shark surfing and biting?
The time has come to admit you judged Ayaka and Yoimiya too harshly.
i always liked both of them?
Ayaka pls go.
No. Come home to Inazuma.
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Bwos.............................. ;_;
But I never disliked them? In fact I'd rather see them more often than any of the Sumeru faggots
>Isn't her main damage source shark surfing and biting?
That is what weirds me out the most. According to her kit and what can be seen in the videos the shark is summoned by burst and then it bites enemies in odd intervals. Then of course the region introduces a new mechanic (nightshade or whatever it's called with an opposite version) very similar to what was pneumosia, of which half o it's properties were abandonde half way through 4.x. So I have no idea if I can freely slap an HoD or Nymph set on Mualani like I respecrively did with Arlecchino and Clorinde (CW and TF) or the devs are gonna go full draconian and press for the new sets.
in what way? I don't have much to say about their character but yoimiya does no damage
Forgot to mention is that Mualani is supposed to have a high cv ceiling so I can't get a grasp of how she can deal massive dps or elemental reaction damage when her aoe is so odd and her damage aplication is too.
As I understand you surf the shark, mark targets, NA to make the big damage, repeat
She doesn't really need to do a ton of attacks with multipliers that fucking retarded

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