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She's popped millions
why is it whenever i open threads for this game i never see webms posted
is there gameplay at all
that's a man
Bet she can't slice a tomato
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sure there is
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I love NK's code, it's so fun to tryhard in this game
Resorting to co-op for the top 50 I see, are you playing with alts or disconnected randos?
Someone I know. I had to leave for a bit when we got to round 60, then he left while I was away and when I came back this popped up constantly, making it unplayable.
The current second place in 2p elite is also a run I played but I was the one who had to leave mid way through so he ended up alone up there.
to save gorillions
new player here what should I be focusing on in the monkey knowledge points
RIP, doing timed runs without being able to restart rounds must be hell
Give me a heads up when you want to do the co-op boss, if you want to do it of course
Extra Cash in Primary
Discounted Military tower in Military
Magic Shield in Magic
Weakened MOABs in Support
Start of game road spikes in Powers
Everything in Heroes
Get Mo' Monkey Money in the magic tree asap
Right now if you can, I was waiting because usually we do it later but the sooner we go the better I'd say.
This is the first event where I've actually tried to do well in timed and it's cemented my opinion that I dislike this mode, it's so much more involved and requires doing so much shit. Least cash/tiers are "relaxed" in comparison, although they're more of a find the strat puzzle and just finishing a run is hard.

There's a few videos out there that should be more specific but at the very least go for the Mo' Monkey money in the magic tree to begin with. Then I'd probably go for the free dart at the bottom of the primary tree but I really don't remember how the new experience goes.
>Start of game road spikes in Powers
While this is great to have I would never get this until you're like level 100 or so. It costs 5 MK just to get this, hardly a priority. At least from my point of view since I don't use powers so everything else in that tree is a complete waste.
Chutes - Elite Lych
I feel the same way, I didn't even bother trying to get a decent score this time, honestly served as a nice little break from doing lc/lt competitively.
Lmk if you want to do normal version too
It's pretty nice for impoppable since mana shield doesn't work there, also nice on harder, multilane maps on difficulties where you have to leak a bunch of shit like ABR or Half-Cash
Can you get a village to the left of the IMF
I want to make a opolis under the IMF
I kind of went with a similar strat to ranked here since it gives good enough money
Do you mind using the engi trap? To the left of the IMF, I don't have space
Fuck me, it disconnected and now I need to wait until the end of the round
Can you send the round so we die and I'll pay the restart
Doing this on 34 is fine since the round isn't hard and it comes to the left, now it's kinda fucked to do in 35. Maybe get the trap before the opolis so this doesn't happen
022 boat for extra defense? We can use it for favored trades later too
Do we get rubber to gold or a second bloontrap?
I know it's bad but can you get a farm where you got the dart?
ohhh right the r2g I forgot, yes
also don't send to me willy nilly, I have loan to pay and we'll lose money we could use if you have to upgrade something
okay end of ranked farming
What do we do now? Usual ninja stuff?
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but not lead
>>683632867 (Me)
Elite Defender should be enough for T1 I think
Elite Defender is great on Lych but it's pretty expensive for t1, if we go that route we might need to sell our farms and engi/alch
Ninja didn't work very well on my experience since it can't hit the souls and MOAB spawns on the other side of the map
Up to you really
do you guys build farms on half cash? kind of feels like a waste because it's twice as long to make back what you spend, but I don't actually know the numbers.
Sell alch and engi too? Used the wrong emote accidentally
We can keep the opolis if we sell the alch + boat? I don't think alch + engi is enough
Get jungle drums on the village
Leak the round so we die, I sold before we got favored trades
I can't believe edefender is not enough
We probably need to sell the opolis I hate to say
With support I was trying to say spactory but I don't know if it would have been enough
Do you think drums + alch on the sniper is enough or do we need more
I think the real issue is that we don't have enough lives to tank the drain from Lych's soul, I say we keep the opolis, buff the sniper and build marketplaces asap to try and outspeed the life drain. If that doesn't work we try something else
She can pop my balls any day. Wait, no. That's horrible
We're not outspeeding the life drain so we need to kill the soul before it saps, or at least enough of them
What the hell is that chained moab
I'm selling the opolis so we can get a proper defense, but what do we get before I sell so we can get some discount on it if it goes there
A ninja + edef?
Ninja + E.def sounds good, maybe an alch buff too?
yeah gameplay is literally this >>683627227 so webms are kind of tough to understand
Also if you move the trap you should be able to get it and some money since we started from 40
Buy bigger radius for the ninja
The problem is the chained moab that appears almost at the end
Set elite defender to first and I'll buy a spactory
okay from the start, focus the moab before it gets there, the original one
Are chained moabs determined on a round basis or are they seed-based, like the randomly generated rounds in late freeplay?
They respawn from dead moabs. So if a moab dies right at the exit, it will spawn at the same spot.
So killing them asap is important to have more time.
What the fuck do we do about that f.moab?
We focus it, let the soul sap to buff the edef and since we have enough lives pray the edefender kills both before dying.
I'll put a spactory at the end too
Could you get rubber to gold in place of the cleansing foam?
Also what do we use to defend until round 60?
We need something to kill the extra moabs that come practically every round because lych
Sniper fucks with the trap so it's kind of annoying even if it is good against them
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>Me? I only play with Sauda
>Any challenge without heroes/Sauda? Dropped
Could middle path bomb or 302 sniper work? I had a lot of trouble with the spactory strat used in the ranking video
If I were to make a tower defense game, would goats or squirrels work better as the towers?
guy's I'm doing half cash on candy falls, is Benjamin appropriate for the situation
It's very annoying to do that spactory strat which is why I didn't suggest it, even though it's probably the best at that job. Middle path bomb sounds good since it can focus the moabs
We also need a second trap at the very least
Would it be worth to make the mauler an assassin? I don't think a single 031 bomb kills fmoabs
Yeah I was gonna do that, we get 041 and then we get rubber to gold. It's regular attack should pop moabs and we reserve the ability for fortifieds, if it can't then we get jungle drumds and deconstruction on the engis
Up there it said 44 and I thought we were on 44, sorry
I was aware 45 had camos but thought it was next round
whenever I play BTD6, I mostly choose less towers, is that okay
when I finish my game I will play BTDB2
Nah don't worry man, the round counter is really confusing and unreliable, I learned that on glacial trail
Btw could you get bigger radius on the bottom right village?
This is a game where getting higher tiers is better than spamming towers
A second engi trap, I don't know how to convey that through emotes lol
What killed us wtf??
The emote guessing game is really fun don't worry
A pink bloon, and since we have 4 hp pretty much any leak will kill. We might have to get a druid and I don't like it
if Brickell was in BTDB2, what kind of showcase would she have
That's the meta believe it or not
2 engis should be pretty much 100% trap uptime, we need to get a third too right?
Get a third one then
I meant later, we get rubber to gold first
Don’t play chimps then, there’s like 10 other game modes you can play to farm in, not to mention boss events if you really want to farm hard
Don’t try to black border everything on the first run, just use the retry last round button and keep going, get the gold border, then you can come back later and use what you’ve learned to help black border the map or you can use a guide
I lost my game, I will now do Cubism Impoppable, which hero should I use
Striker Jones + Mortars
Corvus and nothing else
I upgraded on my screen but it desynced oh well
btw place the foam in the middle so we don't forget on a round
Get your own opolis?
>doesn't play half the maps in the game
He can work but I feel like skimming stops working at some point
my brain interpreted that as oppailolis
Uhh, sell the sniper?
Did I get it right?
I meant send to me so I get the markets first because I'll be able to send them with a boat
didn't mean to send primary that was an accident
Do we get a spirit of the forest just in case?
when is the mermonkey happening
Now, mermonke will be real in 15.33 seconds
These chaineds man, so annoying
>48 seconds ago
how dare you lie to me
I more meant making it moab elim but I guess that works too
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>mfw 1 minute has elapsed since this comment
Banana central was a good idea
placing it there stealing 2 farm spots from me kind of fucked up
I'm about to do every map on Half Cash, what am I in for?
Also will NOT be using any powers or instas because I don't need crutches to win.
>what am I in for?
approximately 50% less monkey
suddenly finding yourself in a loop of
>oh wait i need camo
>oh wait i need lead popping
>oh wait i need moab damage
>oh wait i need group popping
and finding yourself unable to buy 80% of the stuff in the game to fix all of these issues
Oops, don't worry I'll move it once we get heli paragon
Sorry about it, maybe you could fit another one with arctic wind
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>heli paragon
Nah it's fine don't worry
Also what paragon do we get
I think we should go for boomerang because dart won't be enough I think, I used it for T2 on 2p and it had trouble with the chained moabs
Damn, I don't want to sell the farms, you think we can make enough in time with this setup?
Went with 2x set of T5s with the intention of keeping it but I think we should just ket a d20 because I don't know if we have enough cash otherwise
The heli paragon dude, you know, the one that can move tier 5s and other paragons? The one that can push back BADs? Have you even played the game?
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Let's go and if it doesn't we do it with just the minimum to get a d20
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and what if i am
you chimp chump
I think selling the central was a big mistake, do we sell the paragon or keep it?
We can either sell the paragon and get the centrals back or keep it and save to them during these rounds
I think selling is better but both should work
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its not happening is it
Can you make your 002 village a monkey city so it buffs my opolis?
Ninja for tier 4 right? And maybe ace for tier 5?
Why did all of you faggots stop playing CT
I'll sell my farms and you get it on 101
Sell every alch and don't overclock shit so it doesn't heal after getting the paragon
I think we need to sell at the very least 1 central
Also get a helicopter with a boat to sell shit in for more
Which hero would you give your banana to?
okay we do the same but I get the paragon, don't place all T5s
Is this game actually fun? Every time I see it, it looks like the most basic, shitass mobile game I have ever seen.
Also instead of selling your central I sell my brfs
get the helicopter+boat combo ready
Thoughts on Monkey pubes?
You can't move around the tier 5 boat
Get a moab elim you too maybe we can kill it with 2 abilities
It's fun because it is the most basic shitass mobile game. It draws it's strength from that.
Ok, get a primary expertise too to reduce the cooldown
First strike won't recharge in time right?
don't think so
was thinking maybe supermines if all else goes wrong
Yeah give me money and I get supermines
Ah, so if I'm expecting Defense Grid, I'm gonna be disappointed, I guess?
Maybe it's the paragon placement
If we got arctic wind and placed it in the pool on your side it could cover a lot more area
I'm sorry this is being so troublesome
Okay sell your city near my opolis and place arctic there? Or can you place arctic without selling anything
Does top crosspath bomb shooter not affect recursive bombs?
It is hard to tell, but I feel the attack speed is just better.
do i really need to pay real money to get more heroes
No, the currency to buy heroes, monkey money, is free and given readily by playing the game more.
Play the game and you’ll get more than enough money to get the heroes
GG, holy shit that was hard, the curse of chutes never ends
And we didn't get top 50 FUCK
That ice zero ability was on purpose to heal lych so we wouldn't trigger the last skull so soon and I could afford the super embrittlement right? You're a tactical genius.
Seriously though gg, unironically we might have died without that
I think regular embrittlement's debuff would've been enough but I'm not sure, souls can get pretty far into the exit before dying
>no boomerangs
>no aces
>no druids
man this is starting out hard already
When I saw no restrictions and 65% speed I thought it would be easy
I forgot how short chutes is, now it makes sense
Chutes is notoriously hard on co-op for some reason, doesn't help that Lych is a really bullshit boss too
Hope you still had fun tho
Oh I did, I hope you did too. my monkey wallet sure didn't but then again that's what it is for anyways
I can't ever quite drop the paragon, the rock bloons leak like crazy that late and eat me alive without an ace to hold them off and punch through that last primary immunity in the 90s

also can b team please actually fucking play this time so we can not end the event still stuck on island 4
How the fuck do you use them?
042 boomerangs are my go to dreadbloon killers early-mid game when it doesn't have primary immunity
I had fun, it's always nice playing with you. I'll start paying for continues once I've got more MM saved up, don't worry
I have no team :(
First continue should always be free.
Fuck you ninjewkiwi
Ninjakiwi rep here. Git gud.
Dark Dungeons sure does suck with Half Cash.
i bought rosalia as my first hero. the discount seems so small.
Congrats, you just bought the worst hero in the game.
She may be cute but she's kind of underwhelming gameplay wise
You could join the B-team, they're in need of active players
What the fuck
Continues shouldn't even be a thing honestly, every gamemode should have "retry last round" available for free
i thought the cute monkeys were strong. ive been lied to...
Should have bought Adora, Ezili, Geraldo, or Ben. Corvus and Sauda would have also been valid heroes to buy.
I bet she's gonna get buffed on the next update. But even then, she's the kind of hero that requires a bit of micro so you gotta get used to that
this game does not require some sort of meta, all of them are valid
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what do you mean, they are
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But they are, anon
She was intended to be a hero that didn't require much micro because she was supposed to be easy to use coming off of Corvus. Instead you need to micro her to get...still pretty garbage results.
She needs to be adjusted to gain experience at the same rate as Quincy.
Her pursuit ability needs to eventually turn into a targeting option similar to Heli pilots with the ability just having her use both weapons at once.
Her weapon shifting needs to either needs to feel more substantial to feel more worth it or entirely reworked.
Her "synergy" with flying towers needs to actually be a synergy. The discount can be a nice starting aspect, but it should be 10% at the beginning. The anti-bloon discount is entirely worthless on her so needs to either be moved up in her levels or entirely replaced for a flying tower boost.
You want a "meta" hero as your first hero to help carry you to get the money to afford more heroes.
My dick wasn't ready for goatboydraws.
Anti-bloon getting the discount makes no sense, if anything it should've been Flying Fortress to get the discount
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Bro, this is a SFW website.
I think the tech terror buff is fine if she had a higher leveling speed and could reach level 20 at a reasonable round, without needing to buy levels and thus wasting the whole point of the buff.
How the fuck do you beat r100 on deflation? You are meant to cheese it with instas, right?
am I the only one who wants Rosalia to function like the Heli Pilot
Even with Quincy's leveling speed, I feel you'd get her to 20 too late on most maps to make it worth it.
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Do it on Logs, it's easy.
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the bloons...
Get a hero that scales well into the late game, then support it. I used Churchill but you could probably do it with Corvus even after the nerfs.
if Rosalia doesn't get buffed next update I will regret wasting my money for R34 bait over Map Editor
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>R34 bait
Well it didn't work 'cause she hasn't gotten that much porn, sad
Featureless crotch sexo.

Intredasting. I'll look into that. Also, fuck Corvus. And Rosalia. Micro a shit.
either way she kinda cute, I even pair her with Etienne
She'd have gotten more if they weren't so quick to say she wasn't loli.
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I mean we do have a loli shota? monkey and they also have almost no porn either
Heard it in his voice.
Because he's ugly.
how dare you, psi is a girl and i will fucking have sex with her
Psi has no gender, only psychic powers
You can have him, all I need is Adora.
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You WILL start with the sniper monkey.
And you WILL beat the boss.
>forretress with jones
I hate explosions
I hate explosions
monkes are pretty close to pokemon honestly
Interesting to think about how the bloons monkeys would interact with monkey pokemon, both are monke but the pokemons act like actual animals
nice art
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>down to less than 5k monkey money after last CT
i'm so fucked, at leash boss rush gives good cash
Good lord anon, what happened?
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I don't even play your game but I like your art
I don't really do much other than log in to play CTs so I don't earn money, and CT is a net negative
Kill yourself.
uh, that ain't that little kid artist
Glussy, yes or no?
>every boss rush is either spactory or ace spam
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why thank ya
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inb4 off the coast later on
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Sooner than you might think, it's the next isle
>it's another spactory spam into dart paragon island
i'm tired, boss
It’s also not the person who drew it posting the image
Those are the best islands though
Okay I've seen enough of these threads, I'm considering jumping in. Give me three tips for someone who only played the original Bloons on kongregate or whatever the fuck flash site I played it on.
try all the towers out, read the descriptions and don't be shy on using farms and stuff that makes extra money
do the beginner maps first, just a good intro to the game and it's mechanics
finally ________________________________________________________________monke________________________________________________________________
No spoilers
Ezili, Geraldo, and Corvus are a waste of money for someone that just started the game. Ezili does fucking nothing until late game and the other 2 are far too micro heavy for a noob to be using. Honestly even Adora isn't a great recommendation for beginners because of sacrifices, but at least her other abilities are powerful.
Don’t be like that one retard anon a couple threads ago and ignore heroes, use them they are extremely beneficial. (turn off the dialogue) Buy Sauda asap don’t be like that retard who just bought Rosalia first, it’ll pay dividends because she’ll earn you a lot of money to buy other heroes easily
Since you’re just starting prioritize leveling up towers with the in game xp and move onto another tower once it’s maxed out, you never know when a tower is gonna get a big buff, mortars were terrible when I started playing and now they’ve been buffed and they’re pretty good now
And lastly… learn2farm
Sorry just posting it in case anymonke wants to optimize their runs
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I wish boss rush had all towers available and just added different boss modifiers/game modes instead.
Being pigeonholed into doing a strategy and then having to do the same thing 4 times in a row sucks out the enjoyment of the game mode.
anyone have any good skin ideas?
>boxer/fighter sauda
Shinigami Sauda
who else jerked it to monkey feet b4
Like IRL? That’s pretty fucked up man
Needs goatboy art.
If you want to earn cash quick try beating all the easy difficulties on expert maps, each one gives you 300 cash and since there's 12 maps with 3 difficulties each then that's an easy 10k cash, taking Mo' Monkey Money into consideration it's more like 12-13k really
Wait I’m retarded I posted way too far ahead here’s island 2
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she already got that one goatboy drawing where she had like six of those vibrators in her anus. i dont care if she gets anything more man, im satisfied
i love this yaoifag and his gay ass fixations.
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They're really trying hard to filter the casual teams, aren't they? Between Bloonarius on a water map with no boomer/druid/boat/sub and last week's Dreadbloon with nearly only military towers, this has been miserable. It wasn't this bad the first few weeks.
I genuinely wish your ancestors got blown up into goopy chunks by artillery shells so I wouldn't have to read your retarded ass posts
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The first few weeks of boss rush were really fun and I loved sharing strats and stuff with other anons but I'm starting to get sick of it now, it's so repetitive and when it's not repetitive it's really lame and unfair instead
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the beast
You gave me an art idea
Anybody got the little icons for every possible tower buff? (Permabrew, Call to arms, overclock etc)
Heroes are for noobs
Looking forward to see what you'll make
Perfect! Thanks
Man the icon and character design for this game is great
Cry about it bloongger the Sun God fights on the side with the best artillery
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is there a monke afterlife?
If there's mayan sun gods then there must be a mayan hell where all the bloons go to
Various afterlives depending on how you died and what God most claims you. The vast majority go to the Sun God's realm where banana are plentiful and thn24ne sun shines just right
I love running middle path wizard and increasing my blood pressure
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Alright, how's this?
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unbelievably beyond based
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And a textless version
me when monkey boobs
i enjoy the implication he is multiple towers and multiple tower types at once
I was merely too lazy to erase the incompatible buffs but yeah it is funnier when there's THAT many buffs
It's not even all the buffs, he's still missing Geraldo's items
Geraldo's for shitters anyway
Even more than farms
>starts collecting bananas from other anons games
Did they actually specify this somewhere? lol
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Yep, it's in her wiki page if you want to check
And this is to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND!!
gotten to the point I only come in these threads to look for catbox links, i've lost control of my life
I blame goatboy
I still appreciate tomboy monke
Geraldo is just fine, I assume the people who say he needs a ton of micro have never used him because the most you'll need to do is reapply camo potions or sharpening stones when they run out, and maybe place down a tube of glue or blade trap if bloons start getting too far
>I only come in these threads to look for catbox links
Boy, you must be starving
What did he mean by this?
You don’t like getting fat stacks of cash and having a flying fortress by round 60?
Needs making "orange juice" art. I would drink straight from the tap
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Why is the reward for Monkey Teams so comically shit? I mean it's like 2.5% extra for all the effort.
Also is there a good way to deal with stealth bloons on higher difficulties with this setup? I was kind of stumped. Sauda could deal with them, but anything beyond Medium and I'd be boned.
superstorm has camo detection
Neat, but I wish it would say these things ingame, it's kind of silly
Thanks, that's a possibility then. With Sauda abilities and farms I could probably have made it in Hard... maybe. 60k is a big ask
Island 4 strat
Obyn gives druids in his range camo detection at level 10. It's not great, but it's something
when they're doing requests, can you tell them to recreate the Which Chipmunk is getting the best head meme but with Quincy, Etienne, and Benjamin receiving head from Gwendolin, Rosalia, and Adora respectively
I hate monkeys.
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>hate doing bosses
>getting bored of the regular game modes
Am I finally breaking free of the curse?
then why are you in a thread about monkeys
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I'm mostly done with most of the grindy achievements, and I've got a ton of monkey money I probably won't ever use.
I think soon I'll just be getting the daily rewards (for that achievement) and playing super casually, the need to grind has finally left me.

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