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No Battle Passes tho

Quickly /v/ros, this trashfire can still be salvaged. Explain in three words how you would fix Concord.
Your point?
Fire all involved.
Cancel it, reinvest service and support budget into astrobot 2
More hot babes
Close Sony California
Hot characters
Nuke west coast

Kills the studio that made it (Seattle) and Sony California
Pull the plug
already preordered the game and played in the first beta. no progress carries over so i see why id play in the second beta instead of just waiting for launch. i dont care if this game has legs or staying power, im just gonna have fun going for the platinum and putting it on the shelf. i dont see why im expected to just play one single game forever
sneed feed seed
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Make it F2P for one.
40 fucking dollary doos for this shit?
Have the characters scream the n-word at least 10 times a minute.
>make it free
>make all the characters conventionally attractive
>paid cosmetics for characters that people actually want to play as
>give the characters changeable equipment pieces that alter their playstyle subtly with occasional gear drops that upend their mechanics to a 'demoknight' level
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Reminder that sony most likely spent more than $200 million + on this because it's only the game they funded but they bought out the whole studio for this.
Wishful tendie thinking
Paid to play
fuck off with that shit. im tired of constant mobile tier battle passes and nickel and diming over new characters added.
*it's not only the game
Anon said salvage, not make better.
Either it goes F2P or it dies like Hyenas.
nobody cares about betas
millions will buy it on release
12 v 12 quickplay
User hosted server option.
Single player campaign reminiscent of perfect dark with weird objectives.
Mid round joining.
Lootbox skins and cosmetics that are interchangeable between characters.
Player marketplace to trade skins and cosmetics.
nuke san fransisco
you might want to drop the 's' in 'millions' there
white male pandering
Sexy alien babes
might want to drop the "million" too
but either way this garbage will have the usual battle pass garbage even as a paid game.
Fat horse cocks
anon, it's already going to have F2P transactional shit in the game, just like Foamstars did.

F2P or Pay to play is no longer enough for Sony, they want it to be both.
Shut it down
>Verification not required.
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Add ivy wife
they literally announced there will be no battle passes, which i prefer. i hate that fear of missing out manipulation tactic
they need to pay more streamers to shill this
for example:
that one nigger kai

and voila! if your game wont sell to zoomers after this, then there was no reason to make this at all
it's money well spent ":D"

Boob Butt slider
what anti-cheat does this game use?
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no battle passes,
>im tired of constant mobile tier battle passes and nickel and diming over new characters added.
Paid games do this anyway. Its not 2010 anymore.
no playerbase
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Reminder that Japan Studio died for this.
They already did. Lirik, Shroud, Summit1g, etc. were sponsored, and already played it and none of them liked it.

xQc bought into the beta himself and he was trashing the game for 45 minutes straight before quitting and refunding.
>F2P transactional shit
>'he must mean battlepass, they said they don't have a battlepass, so hah!'

enjoy paying 14.95 for a character skin.
There wont be any battle pass or post launch content because the game will be shut down in a month.
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They are still doing that shit, but now you have to pay 40 bucks for the privilege to get even more scammed.
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literally no battle passes and all new characters are added free
>>I’m just gonna have fun
No, you aren’t, and that’s the problem. Nobody playing it is having any fun.
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extremely base
Slop: The Game
I genuinely don't know, some things are just doomed from the start I guess
i had fun in the first beta,
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>saw this game
>bought out the studio because they thought they saw gold
how? how in the fuck did they thought this game was worth buying the whole studio?
single player hack n slash with cute anime girls
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Make good game.
>no battle passes!
Why do devs feel entitled to a medal and a blowjob for not being as much of a scumbag as they could be.
Sony is ran by extremely low IQ morons. They are the same company that paid nearly 4 billion dollars for Bungie, because they were convinced that they could just make their own CoD competitor and beat CoD.
add some lolis
TF2 chads still going strong
they seem to just be correcting misinformation. plenty of people in this thread think there are battle passes for the paid game, and the devs are making it clear there arent. why do you assume they want a medal for it instead of just stating what the game is
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Ruh roh, better pay game journos to write some articles telling gamers how they've misinterpreted their own opinion about Concord.
Sony bought Jade Raymonds new studio that hasn't made a single game yet and paid $3.6 billion for Bungie
100% that this shit is going f2p, bizarre that they decided to charge $40 for it, maybe they thought it would be like Helldivers 2.
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are you saying this won't be a CoD killer?
sony helped fund the creation of both of these studios, people always skip over that part. buying them if they liked where the milestones were at was always part of the plan. these arent just random devs, they are teams created by sony
Marathon won't be a CoD killer. It's in a completely different genre. It's gonna more like Escape from Tarkov had sex with Apex Legends.
that sounds really expensive
maybe 300 million+ for each studio over the course of 5 years
murder rape pillage
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Its almost as if the games characters are designed to appeal to less than 10% of the gamer population.
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it's worth it for this masterpiece
for a brand new studio that doesnt own any IP of its own? you have zero idea what devs sell for. Insomniac has two studios and a long history and talent pool and only sold for 229 million, and that was after spider-mans massive success
6 million players on release day guaranteed
literally any retard could take a look at the character roster and say with complete confidence this game would be an utter flop
how it gets past committees, investors, legions of employees, etc. is just absurd. i would love to know what the pitch looked like.
>we need another millennial hero-shooter starring repellent characters!
said some middling executive at Snoy, who probably already moved to a different job and never gave another thought to whatever shit he left, since that's how corpo rats be.
>Its almost as if the game is designed to appeal to game who didnt ask for it in an already over saturated market.
ftfy dont want anybody to think you're a moron who thinks the game is bombing due to character designs based on a insecure narcissistic viewpoint
They were fucking robbed then if bugthesda goes for 7birrion
bethesda actually owns a massive library of IP, insomniac doesnt, and neither does firewalk or haven. insomniac wasnt robbed, they were guaranteed a long contract of many many AAA budget games, instead of just working as mercs for hire that own nothing and have no sure way of finding a publisher
Pick any GaaS shooter, the playerbase is not going to
1. Drop their game
2. Drop their game to play another GaaS shooter
3. In the case of Overwatch and Fortnite, seriously? Do corpo rats really think people will drop their game that features girls like Chun-li and D.Va for an awful granny?
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Remodel all the characters, remove pronouns, new voices etc, make use of the gameplay/tech stack that already exists, add a battle pass if it doesn't have one. Re-release as f2p.

After that don't sink ANY more cash into it. Cut your losses there unless it somehow gets an audience, if it does then reevaluate the situation.
I thought this was cancelled?
>how it gets past committees, investors, legions of employees, etc.
i work in a large office and it's easily explained
>Sarah made these designs
>"shit that looks awful, who gave the okay?"
>"the Head of Marketing"
>"okay, guess I'll start on making the assets"
>add a battle pass if it doesn't have one

nobody ever looked at an online multiplayer game with a shit player count and thought "wow, this game sure is struggling, I'll play it to boost the playercount and surely others will follow!"
The point is to recoup costs, and right now the salvageable part is the actual underlying game, however that underlying game has competitors that are literally free.
The open beta was free and not even snoy cultist played It
it needs to do what battleborn did. become badass
So it's confirmed that between Steam and PlayStation the total peak was ~7k that's DOA territory.
Remake the game as a genshin clone in the next month and put $1 billion into marketing it.
>defies logic
Well yeah that's the entire slogan of concord
No to Hamas?
Is that a mod for DD
Yep, personal one
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Execs will look at this and will come to the conclusion that it flopped because it didn't have a battlepass
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I wondered why when Hyenas was canned why they didn't just reskin the game to be less shit and more military sci-fi themed. Like why waste the resources of all the parts that aren't being clowned on.
Same here, why not just reskin it like sonic.
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>Sarah made these designs
why make up fictional people, we know who the lead character designer is. ex-bungie bro
dude weed lmao
Hot anime waifus

There you go your game is a success now. The brain rot weebshit market is boundless.
>defies logic
How out of touch are these retard journos...
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>how jewish do you want your lead designer?
They will use this information to determine people want battle passes
At least Sega had the sense to can Hyenas before losing more money on it.
>shadow drop new update with a trailer
>concord heroes show up
>immediately get gunned down
>camera pans to a bunch of regular soldier dudes
>"Who the fuck are those clowns?"
>game becomes old school multiplayer fps
Refund and shutdown
This. I'd have done the same with Concord and Deadlock by now. And anyone else having games with these type of designs still in early development better course-correct.
They saw the "made by ex Destiny devs" line and thought it would be gold
This plain looking slop is only Marathon in name. Why the fuck are they trying to appeal to?
This game is already axed for future development when battle pass is not there to make more money for sony. Battle pass would make whales more invested in this game and sony knows they shit the bed with this concord and they need those sonywhales to move on to the next eleven other live service games they are trying out if some would gain popularity.
>the game is bombing due to character designs
That is one of the big reasons, however. There are several posts of people posting the roster and receiving tons of replies making fun of their designs.
>look up specific hero gameplay on youtube
>all videos range from <200 views to no views at all
that bad, huh?
Change the collor scheme from "vomit" settings to something easier in the eye. Also, go cartoonish instead of realistic. Free to play instead of $40
Nude patch
Single-player game.
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Make a subreddit called ConcordPorn and have the creator say "OH MY GOD GUYS I FOUND A PORN SUBREDDIT OF THE GAME" on twitter.
I wanted to try the game but they were like nuh uh you gotta preorder. IT'S THEIR OWN FAULT
that wasn't three words retard, try again
>Join the ack reboot.
Add a klansman so I can kill the niggers
the second beta was open to everyone, no preorder required
Don't release it and absorb the loss on taxes like Warner did with Batgirl
they gave two shits about helldivers before it blew the fuck up then scrambled to support it, and now they're putting all their eggs into one ugly concord shaped basket
sony is asleep at the wheel
>When Sega execs of all things show more common sense than you its time to seriously reconsider your life goals
>im tired of constant mobile tier battle passes
I'm tired of companies giving us games fro absically FREE

You retarded zoomers are a case to be studied, your brain is letrally fried of being born in the age of cosmetic as microtransactions.

it'll be a bungiekiller if anything
The cinematics don't look cheap either.
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kek time to be sold again bungie

Sexy White characters.
This is what boomers don't understand
just don't play it
chuck suck fuck
False, shitch is what's bombing
Remove tranny shilling.
they release the PS5 numbers now?
100% profit from selling skins and other microtransactions
Except the characters are ugly, Ooops!
>defies logic
>Why is people not consuming the propaganda?
People without logic (or reason for that matter) are truly amazing.
so they're concealing the scam elsewhere; it's still a scam slop game
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they know everyone will buy Jade's game
lmao fourth post best post
And turn it into a horror shooter?
Anon.. the official cost was stated to be 100m+, so you can bet your ass that they spent double that amount on useless garbage, marketing and manager salaries.
no fat chicks
Total DEI death
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fix disgusting roster
Overwatch porn models
>linking directly to shlomotaku on slash v slash
Make it fit it's name by making it about everybody fucking each other instead of fighting
>All the characters are incredibly ugly
Maybe not
Hey, don't be bigoted. There's lots of highly skilled jewish people who make great entertainment. This isn't one of them of course, and this is a contender for biggest budget failure ever, but it's not because of his jewishnes.
>spend billions to try and make the next call of duty/fortnite out of panic
>the company that stole the series goes completely thirdparty anyways

There is a serious art problem in the video game industry. Terrible art everywhere.
>Concord is bombing
Why'd you keep going?
Feel kinda bad for anyone who was actually excited for this, but I'm honestly a bit surprised.
Usually flashy high budget shallow bullshit like this gets eaten up.
I guess 4chan isn't the only place that thinks those designs are hot garbage.
Redesign for waifus!
I like the plumbercore aesthetics
The investors don't know the first thing about videogames. They know that fortnight makes money and they want that fortnight money, that's it. Imagine being an investor and decision maker for a TV show production company, when you've never even owned a colour TV. They don't know what they're looking at.
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Naah fucking kikes are to blame
Is the logo supposed to be the letter N for something or the star of David?
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Close the studio
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Because the first beta wasn’t closed to pre-orders. It was open to everyone with ps plus. So everybody.
Why the LGBT faggot background?
Someone make this flaming retard a Sony executive immediately. Your fucking brand and company is being held together by tape and nostalgia. Get your fucking shit together retards.

COD is on Gamepass stop jerking eachother off in the bathrooms at Sony California.
Fat Puffy vaginas
I want sony to double- no, TRIPLE down on gas games.
porn porn porn
it worked for Overwatch
Bundle. Lie. Numbers.
More like less than 1 percent. Reminder that this "modern audience" doesn't exist.
Original Overwatch character designers were god tier indeed, up there with TF2, these days, though, lots of talent have fucked off from Blizzard and NOBODY at any Sony studio has that kind of concept talent.

Real neon talent is still rare as fuck, the industry is extremely over saturated with hacks.
Let it die
Sony isn't scared of flops, they've made a lot of questionable shit throughout the years, we only remember the hits, but for every hit there's a load of duds.
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Make different game.

I'm honestly not joking. It needs a top to bottom rework. As is, it's a sluggish amalgamation of Destiny and Overwatch. I've had as much fun flinging shit at the godawful character designs as anyone else here, but the game would be able to tank those criticisms if it were actually fun to play.
Burn it down
Can you make something as fun and wildly profitable as Call of Duty? Do you have the raw creative talent and flex to roll with the big dogs? I don't fucking think so.
Remind me: how many years has it been since BRINK flopped and shitted?
I think I could probably churn out something a bit more inspired than Concord given the same resources its dev team had, yeah.
Some madlads figured out if you just pitched BRINK BUT BLACK AND GAY to hordes of investors over and over you can generate infinite money from their retarded greed.
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It's incredible! It's like I've been watching the exact same game get released for over a decade now. It doesn't always have the same target, but it's always been designed as some kind of "killer" of another game.
Suits are so easy to fool.
I only play single player games. Snoy doesn't really cater to me anymore like they did with the PS1 and PS2 and PS3 and PSP and to lesser extent the PS4.
If you had genuine neon talent you'd have been a millionaire indie solo dev by now, those people are rare as fuck, bro. No offense. Only a handful of people become Rockstars, that's the problem with gaming now, too many shit bedroom musicians on stage.
anon I think it's just more like having to admit that just some guy would probably be more effective at making creative decisions than some of the dickweeds in charge of video games. You don't need a rockstar, you need someone with an actual direction in mind.
Maybe BRINK has a killer pitch or something, kek, you're 100% correct, it's a fucking miserable formula at this point. It's like investor bait.
>8% more than who'd pre-ordered
>less than 5000
>modern audience level

even normies arn't "modern audience" types. good luck making even double "modern audience" customers!
For sure, but the truth is the industry used to have neon talent behind the wheel, youd have a load of games release in a year that would fucking floor anything today easily on their own. Multiple decades long franchise starters back to back to back, it's tragic how little genuine talent is left in the machine.
on paper there was nothing wrong with brink but it was just a mediocre game with an ugly art style and no charm that no one played and is only remembered for the funny statue, and being a giant flop.
Cute mares
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You think I'll ever click on a kotaku link you must be fucking retarded. Fuck off dog shit piece of shit shill. If you actually read that rag, you should reconsider all your life choices.
I thought it was cool, but I was a zoomer then and retarded, I thought everything was cool, kek.

Syndicate on 360 was cool though, fight me.
They unironically need clicks right now, anon, we owe it to them for years of quality rage bait.
>youd have a load of games release in a year
You could also release a game in a year.
Big AAA development cycles and budgets have bloated so much, with so much corporate cock up their ass they're being worn like a halloween costume that there's no opportunity for risk, and its a demonstrable fact that the longer it takes to build something, the more opportunity for compromises, and changes and more slowdown as people come and go, and the original mission is lost, and eventually something is finished because you have to finish it to get paid. And you just get weak sauce trying so hard to appeal to everyone it appeals to no one.
So this is Sony's Redfall, basically the product of forcing devs to make shit they don't want to make.
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>someone concepted this
>someone modeled this
>someone signed this off
i like the EOD looking dumpster bot
I would not ever play 3/5 this rooster
You're right, anon, scope these days is probably completely out of control, add outsourcing and timezones and all kinds of shit it probably quickly spirals into clusterfucks.

Even COD, multi Billion franchise apparently development there is completely chaotic as all fuck.

I was surprised that Blizzard hired project managers from outside of gaming entirely, real hardcore types from brewing industry and even military civilian sectors. It seems qualifhy project management is a challenge.
Can't be fixed.
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Huge Tits.
Big Asses.
Ohhh yeaaa.
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completely cancel it
Nigger has been posting this exact "its so over for concord" thread for the last like 2 months as if it was a surprising conclusion to make
/v/ is so unoriginal
got me way fucking harder than it should have
Fix the gameplay.

That's all it would take to save it no amount of good looking characters will salvage this game because everything about the gameplay is bad on a fundamental level and whoever thought it was a good idea for the main game mode to punish the winner honestly deserves to be fired.
Deadlock looks fun
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White man representation
Aren't you fascinated by it, though? Not every day we see giant projects like this go up in flames this badly. It's a Sony product too, surprised there aren't more threads, honestly.

Dude they set fire to like $200m or some shit, people will talk about that.
If I was in charge of a big video game developer or division the first thing I'd do is peel off some money tagged for marketing and create a label that's devoted to making smaller games with modest budgets and development times, and just throw the money around at some smaller developers and farm some fucking talent with games that's budgets would be a line item of Final Call of Skyrim of us XVII shit, so if they flop no one cares, and if they actually did moderately okay with a niche audience, then you just made a fucking profit that funds a dozen more low risk games that can be as weird as they want.
Do what Hyenas did.
Cancel the game and sell the source code to a Chinese mobile studio to reskin into something people would actually want to play
Drop the Playstation Network requirement on PC.

I ain't GAPEing myself for their lack of security.
No DEI shit
Passable: mushroom ayy, yellow trashcan
Fixer upper: lizard guy, big red and blue guy, uhhhhh
Dispose of: everything else
I think the big failure here with shit like concord is you have instructions to generate new single IP with big budget, but you're also required to be risk averse, seems like a fucking lethal combination.

I agree, the Hearthstone-esque micro side project spam thing is legit, less risk averse too because smaller budgets etc. But publishers are cunts, you can't pitch anything to Valve unless you literally point out how it'll pull over a Billion a year, lots of publishers are retarded, including Valve.
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Penguin ass nigga
Because executives are genuinely retarded hell for all we know concord was a great game but when sony bought out the company they demanded all sorts of changes that they thought would make the game sell better and the head of the studio just went ok because sony just gave him a fat paycheck and does not care if it succeeds anymore. We won't know for a while what all actually happened.
Yeah Valve's greatest strength is always their greatest weakness in that nothing gets fucking done. Deadlock seems like the safest most generic shit that is also somehow 7 years out of date.
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bring the rest of the lethal interjection crew
How fun paying 40 dollars to play with the 10 people that actually bought this game
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This has to be one of the worst designs I've ever seen in any form of media.
Worse than Michael Bay's transformers
Worse than Roland Emerich's Godzilla
Worse than that one Scooby Doo show about Velma

It's really fucking bad, really really bad.
has anyone said Doctor Hoebotnik yet
That's a good one.
revolting uninspired dogshit
>someone concepted this
someone probably concepted good looking designs which were later on butchered by a consultation studio and other idiots
>someone modeled this
someone who probably knew how badly the new butchered designs were but couldn't say a thing about it as it is not his place to do so, he's just hired to model, most probably outsourced, a pajeet maybe that can't tell the difference between good or bad design, and just models things for a few dollars an hour
>someone signed this off
A bunch of suits who know shit about design.
I hope Sony lost millions over this shit
Actually, I would play that.
When I saw the webm of this thing running I thought it was an elaborate shitpost
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PS5 is looking grim....50% of revenue from the PSN store is only from 10 games
Maybe this will bomb bad enough to have Sony move PlayStation HQ back to Japan and fire every single Californian.
I hope MS stops giving them COD
Lovecraftian horror theme, I like it.
can I see it?
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>50% of revenue from the PSN store is only from 10 games
Now that's some proper danger.
I hope they make it shit on purpose just to fuck with them.
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>millions will buy it on release
it's actually billions
Give me a good $60 game, none of that 40 dollar multiplayer live service bullshit
Sony is just really desperate for live service money. For example, they recently cut a deal to fund ex-CoD devs despite the fact they cut the exact same deal with the same people like 4 years ago, the devs never even announced a game, and then shut the studio down a year after the studio head bailed. Either that guy has freakish charisma, or Sony is desperate enough to fall for anything, including the same trick twice.
I could see this will bite Herman Hulst in the ass so hard that he'll be fired within a year.
Sony is paranoid that their live service tentpoles will be taken away from them, which is why they've been scrambling to fnd the next big thing. Hell, if MS decides to take CoD away, that's a 5% loss in revenue....
Vore fetish game with shrinking and permanent digestion deleting your account
So that's why sony bought Bungie. They would probably buy EA, 2K and Hoyo ifthey could, but they cant.
What a great time to be a grifter. Maybe Chris Roberts should promote the FPS portion of Star Citizen as GaaS?
>Hey let's replace this popular game with a game that has no mass appeal
What was this line of thinking? Like are they retarded? I swear people are retarded.
Full. Frontal. Nudity.
Explains the retarded journal articles acting surprised at the games failure
I wonder if this was all stuff Jim Ryan started thanks to bloated current day dev cycles and now Herman Hulst is going to enjoy all the backlash it gets.
I think Marathon actually has a shot of succeeding because the competition is poor right now. EFT isn't on Steam + they're constantly dropping the ball. And...that's pretty much it for whatever's in the shooter extraction genre. There's a few subgenres like Dark and Darker but that's medieval fantasy with no guns and even then they got fucked over by Nexon hard.
If Bungie had a shred of dignity left they wouldn't have turned their greatest IP into this shitfest.
That shit company isn't even Bungie anymore. Anyone left is just there to scrap whatever they can, make it gay and then let the ship sink.
Live service is the fault of every chart reader who demands people play to the detriment of their normal lives.
>Replace models
>Full modding support
>Server browser
>Remove shitty ps launcher bs
Otherwise it's lost cause. Blizzard already started fixing OW2.
It's part of Jim's games as a service initiative, so yeah, it's part of his legacy.
That is true for a lot of ither games but I think it's worse than that. I know the trannies working on this and they would legitimately concept these. You are looking at 100% genuine trannycore.
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I honestly have to wonder how the atmosphere is inside the studio knowing they're about to push out a complete and utter bomb. It doesn't matter if they're owned by Sony because Microsoft has proven how brutal it can be for first party developers.
stop bullying the american
Freegunners. More like free agents, as in theyre all gonna be fired
No one working in AAA plays games
Leftist Brainrot, unironically
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Big alien titties.
Free cosmetics
Ngl 12 maps in this day and age it's something
Arguably the only good thing alongside the no battle pass
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>getting FOMO over THIS
preordering in general is retarded
preordering this game is incomprehensibly subhuman
niggers into titcows
Announced after confirming it is a dead game? Why not before?
SNOY is operating on the corporate equivalent of magic dirt theory, not realizing a company is only as good as it's employees, the name is irrelevant
That looks too healthy to be a Plague Marine.
Must be a favor for some fellow jew brothers.
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This whole thing is a scam, the small team that "developed" this "game" used AI for the whole thing and forged fees and expenditures to steal the money from Sony. It's fraud, I guarantee it.
It's absolutely not the work of a small team, it's a very polished game.
Just a very polished turd of a game.
>I'm a overconfident retard
This game has impressive production values, very expensive cinematics and very fluent high quality animations.
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Nigga please.
Does anyone have the steam numbers for this beta vs marvel rivals one?
This peaked at like 2k
Marvel Rivals was floating around 50k
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>da COD killer!!1!
The only cod killer is cod itself.
They changed it from being an escape from tarkov rip off, now its supposed to be a hero shooter
>everyone is a silly chungus
Remove woke shit
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>Jon Weisnewski
Change the nigger costume to red and just pass it as a hellsing tribute
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I've had posts get more likes than this and I'm a fucking nobody
that fat blueberry is supposed to be "medic"? lmao
Bringing game like this out in summer is like dumbist decision ever.

Only chance they had was bring it out in winter
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What are you going to do when you incel chuddies get blamed for not buying this masterpiece?
it will be your fault that those devs end up on the street and die
make all the characters cute boys and girls set in hot topic era of 2004
also put in tons of gore and a punk rock tony hawk esque soundtrack
i genuinly dont see how that statement is wrong
>the aliens acting like humans
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Oy gevalt!
Remove all minorities
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>make woke game
>huh it’s bizarre nobody is playing this despite our PowerPoint slide meetings saying they would
How it's possible that sega canceled Hyenas, but Sony doubled down on Concord? How the fuck Sega was more in touch with industry?
Marathon already changed directors and was delayed because of how shit it was...... now that it's a hero shooter it sounds like the game is going from bad to worse. One of the biggest mysteries is why so many devs are pushing for hero shooters when they are a nightmare to balance and not even that easy to monetize.
Sega doesn't have as much money to burn as Sony, that's all
DEI Blackrock VC board members, they think they can just throw money at random garbage, and even if 99% fail, just 1 has to hit big for them to cover the loses on everything else

Also it’s not their money it’s Blackrock money I.e the pensions from every boomer on the planet
>Also it’s not their money it’s Blackrock money
You keep overselling this point and every time you do you hurt your cause. People who aren't part of your culture warrior bubble look at all the studios closing down and all the devs getting fired and think that you have to be full of shit and they're right..
>Change the nigger costume
Which one?
Sony probably has a lot of arrogant management that would rather sink the company then admit they were wrong
It's going to be bigger than Horizon btw, and you know how much they love that bundleware that comes with every PS5
Remove tranny developers
Remove all non-white-non-female-non-little-girl-characters
I knew a person in college that went from working on Redfall, to working on Concord.
Can't wait to see his next project.
>second free weekend
This game's been out for two weeks?
It's open beta.
you mean like the leaked Insomniac inclusivity video?
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And its fans are openly beta, ha-cha-chacha-cha
What the fuck are they, the pariah dog?
"Tax write off" at this point, too far along to actually salvage it.
The battle pass incurs costs for development and maintenance. Since that game was a complete failure and can't release a battle pass, they are trying to make it seem like the game is healthy. Moreover, even if they do release a battle pass, no one will want it for the ugly character skins.
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who is this game even made for

anyone that's actually interested in a hero shooter is probably playing one they're committed to like OW, Valorant, Apex, or even Paladins
development HAS to have started when it's clear that the market was pretty oversaturated and response to other new hero shooters were met with disappointment and mockery
I cannot imagine the game doing well. The game could be perfectly fine gameplay-wise and they could have genuinely interesting and engaging mechanics but it won't even matter because no one wants this shit. It's the same issue platformers tend to have, where mechanically they can be great but no one really wants to play them because there's so many god damn options.
Sexy girls in sexy outfits

But they won't do it
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What do you mean just try to imagine those characters in sexy outfits
kinda. I believe she did campaign work on Redfall. I stopped contact with her after school. She got all the fancy game internships because she had internship experience (yay capitalism). Her favorite games were Dragon Age Origins and League of Legends. Definitely one of the types that popped up due to gamergate
Disavow all involvement.
Cool artwork, have you released the mod anywhere?
You're brainwashed bro. Asians and Africans don't think about (((self-priviledge))). It's their own country/culture, no shit.
the only right thing to do
It isn't. They just want to bitch.
No anon it's nepotism and DEI practices which is anti capitalism. In a capitalism system someone wouldn't get hired just because they were a woman
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This game is a woke money laundering scheme right? Investors with millions of dollars can't be this stupid right?
They probably bought the studio early on off of who founded it (ex-bungie guys) and the game they pitched (AAA hero shooter live service with Marvel characters and writing) before ever seeing what the actual game and characters would end up looking like
No more blacks
No more minorities
> player count is bizarre

Yeah bros this is so bizarre, y’know? My California faggot friends worked really hard on this game and the number of players online just doesn’t make sense. I hope Russia is not involved…
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I actually like the design of the top left, but in this awful art style it looks worse than it should

This 'retro pulp scifi with facescans' shit is wretched on top of all the DEI nonsense
Something funny about the article's text box covering the face of the "correct" protagonist.
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cat girl kinda cute but i also want to punch her in the head
hire a Korean artist and redesign each character based in a different fetish and make them all attractive.
Rocket launcher girl is cute
Three words?
A couple of sentences.
Drop the hero shooter part.
Drop the microtransactions.
Rework it into a normal FPS with both single and multi.
Make single a GoTG-style multi-path adventure where you select your squad members and roll out. Not to mention traveling in your cool ship through the system where the game takes place and over time upgrade your characters and the cool ship.

Here. Simple rework.
It's begging for abstract styling, but instead they went for realism.
that was clearly a pr stunt from the get go anon, cmon now...
But they announced the partnership with Firewalk studios on April 22, 2021..... by then Overwatch is a dead game and it should be blatant that there's no money to be made in an Overwatch wannabe. Yet somehow Firewalk studios impressed Sony enough that they feel the need to buy them years later?
Suits live in a bubble, same as those Warner Bros retards pushing for Suicide Squad
Thats what being surrounded by yesmen and "trend analysts" does. There are probably asking themselves why people refuse to play their new pozzed product oblivious to all those other pozzed games that flopped

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