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>Makes the game playable
You're welcome
>more anime avatar mods added to the forums

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Sex with Abrams
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>Can't change character mid game
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>be the biggest forum tryhard
>don't even get mod while some nigger bigshot gets mod with 3 messages
Damn I'd kill myself if I were him
>can't change team mid-game
I'm assuming all the mods are discord tranz
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>pre leak forums
Community leaders, artists, pros and valve friends/family members discussing the game
>post leak forums
Pic related
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>can't change servers mid-game
The brownification v_v
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>Can't change game mid game
>North America games in 30 minutes!
>troon and ukraine flags
>Europe games in 30 minutes!
>Russia flags, not a single troon flag
what makes EVROPA superior? why do amerimutts think they are "white" and on our level?
Wait, I didn't know there was an update with patch notes yesterday.

- Fixed a recent issue with Bebop gun not using lag compensation correctly when hitting orbs
- Mid Boss starting health increased from 5000 to 6000
- Mid Boss health gained per minute increased from 275 to 350
- Mid Boss warning sound now plays at 50% HP
- Fixed bot behavior with the new Urn locations
- Fixed some bugs with Hero Demo options not working due to a recent update
- Fixed a rare case where you could abandon a match accidentally when accepting a friend invite
- Fixed some cases where the confirmation to abandon match wasn't showing up
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>rape noobs
>get to high mmr
>not enough high mmr players to queue
>queues are taking 10+min and at some point the mm system gives up and drops you in with noobs to balance out your high mmr
>your enemy isnt great but just good enought to 1v6 you as they farm the other 5 noobs on your team
>you lose every single game now
>10+ loose streak later you drop down to shit rank again
>proceed to step 1
having a low player pool is quite shit
Here's your (You) for posting it again.
>- Fixed bot behavior with the new Urn locations
Unironically huge
that's the first time ive posted it and i havent seen such a post yet. dilate tramerican
>he plays bot games
you literally havent even played deadlock
Another (You) for the road! And some Reddit Gold too!
>Spirit Surge isn't a default item on Mo&Krill
but why
how do you even check your mmr?
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Since these threads are infested with russians, can one of you translate this caption for me? I had this file saved for years and never found out
if your queue pops instantly most of the time your average/shit rank
if its long queues most of the time youre high mmr
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Why are Ivyfags like this?
I play them when the servers aren't up sweaty
It's not rape if it isn't alive (stone form included)
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>Play Yamato for the first time
>Getting anally raped but my team is made up of carry gods like Wraith and Lash just casually melting people

The matchmaking and per hero MMR makes no sense and we need an open beta
i fucking hate ivy
makes perfect sense, you're more likely to see retarded 24-1 scores in low mmr play
Then i guess i'm high mmr, good to know, my queues are taking 5 minutes. I thought it was just the servers being shit

so how much is deadlock going to take from these? venom has some viscous/lash stuff going on
it says "HR noka?"
I really want to kill all Slavs
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>CAN change gender mid game
I really want to kill all Americans
Why can't you retards just group up as 6 people going to 1 lane, shredding the guardian and the walker, then the base guardians and the shrines, then the patreon and win the game in 5 minutes?
Tell me literally 1 thing wrong with this tactic.
>They can't gank you because they're too ASSFAGGOT brained to teamfight this early into the game and they don't wanna look like they're heroes of the storm players so you'll always be at a number advantage
>they can't reach your base faster because you deployed the tactic earlier than them and therefore reach the the goal first
>they can't spread out, take the guardians fast, get soul advantage and gank you because you've already killed the patron by that point
i dunno maybe if you had friends you could try it
you mean, like, right from the start of the game?
you deal very little damage and your team will get barely any souls. by the time you kill the walker you are all extremely outscaled
I made a mistake in the writing btw.
it's not supposed to be "shredding", I meant to say either "shred" or "and shred" and hen continue my post as is
>lose all your other guardians
>make no money from splitting the lane 6 ways
>get collapsed on by people with ultimates while you are still at 1k souls each
I feel like this wouldnt work in coordinated play.
this is the equivalent of a retard sitting in front of a math equation and thinking "why can't I just count on my fingers until I get the result"?
how many brain cells did you use to come up with this strategy?
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>last thread died early
lol you're retarded and i'm not telling you why, literally go try it
This guy is so obnoxious. He made like 60 posts in one day alone. He adds nothing to discussions.
These threads are only active during american hours, which is fine. I'm sure most of us are just waiting for August 1st anyway.
That doesn't work maybe but you can do stupid annoying shit like buy boots and be at 2 lanes at once, farming twice as fast. Absolutely broken.
Japanese "meow" (nya) but written in Cyrillic, followed by "bye" in Russian. I have no idea what the fuck it means, probably some nonsense meme phrase that's supposed to sound cute.
Also I don't even play this trash, so I don't know why I'm here.
the sad part is that there are actually people in the playtest right now that think this is a viable strategy and will sperg out in voice chat when you refuse to group at like 6 minutes and run your face at a lane guardian with them and then will post something like

only ones I like:

- venom, mix of viscous ult and lash with wallrunning and web swing, I think that's a cool kit

- loki has shapeshift, which is a pretty good rubick-ish adaptation I think, in addition to illusions, backstab, and invis.

- strange has a portal, flight, paradox wall, kinda cool

- mantis/luna snow is the anime idol hero kawaii uguu with AOE healing, magneto has wrecker ball

all in all I'm not actually impressed, there's a few standout kits but a lot of copy-paste. there's a lot of movement abilities, but it's not quite as free-form as deadlock's basic movement. also they went with cholo namor instead of classic namor, yuck.
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>steals your 4chan OC and reposts it on the forums as a "community clip"
Nothing personal westoids
Allegedly and according to documents from the Valve vs Blizzard trial, Icefrog is a single guy named Abdul Ismail.
i fucking love ivy
there's also a fake IceFrog called Bruno Carlucci that took over Dota 2 and the IceFrog twitter account in 2018 when Abdul left to work on Citadel and HL Alyx
>be perma ip banned for clearly accessing the notorious anonymous nazi hacker website known as 4chan to acquire this image
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oh i know, that's also a pseudonym
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I think that's the guy who draws the sprays/emoticons for dota 2
>frank grimes on the chart and crossed off
I don't hate the "campo santo guys" or anything, but I am curious if Bruno referred to Icefrog for the new dota 2 patches or if it was a real "handing down the torch" kinda thing. I like the facets, although I do think they need a second round of balancing/patching up.
>Have sex with sex god icon
>Get punished for it
Clown world
Why are russians so bad on the forum. This one made a massive paragraphy post in russian on the fucking community clips page and then bumped a week later when no one replied to it.
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i sure fucking love being forced to play through these humiliation rituals where half my team does literally nothing but feed one player
>on the forum
lmao even
>blizztranny sucks at the game
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so many "people" RANDOMLY getting banned!
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Can you be coherent for a moment, you slav
>forum account not banned
why is volvo like this
i really like how venom looks but fuck me it's so weird that not a single one of his moves has him land a punch or use his hands at all, it's ALL symbiote tentacle shit
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Why would you even hate her... she just want to protect you
Bruno isn't from Campo Santo, he used to be an analyst in the Dota 2 scene, unfortunately he just doesn't have the skill and talent for game design that Abdul does
Sean Vanaman is the founder of Campo Santo and also started working on Dota 2 in 2018, ruining it along with Bruno, the difference is that he's a subhuman bay area soiboy niggerfaggot who tried to cancel pewdiepie, had to apologize for manually banning a Dota 2 player in his match because said player didn't defend mid tower, was developing a literal we wuz kangz game before gaben bought his company, and pays shills to defend him on /d2g/ threads and reddit
If you're reading this message Sean Vanaman, kill yourself you worthless piece of black baboon niggershit
what does the monetization look like for this game?
because they didn't use the steam forums and haven't been tracking which forum account belongs to which steam
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Deadlock time
Deadlock time
Load up cheat engine
Find match and get in
We ruin game
We are so lame
In our words мы pyccкиe
And now you will see

Turn on voice chat
Shout and scream "blyat"
Turn on aimbot
Enemy get shot
We are so smug
Valve no fix bug
They never stop cheaters
Enemy becomes feeders

Deadlock time
Deadlock time
Load up cheat engine
Find match and get in
We ruin game
We are so lame
In our words мы pyccкиe
And now you will see

Load up game again
Watch loading screen, then
Get error on screen
What does this mean?
Go to spam forum
Get self banned from
Complain on the discord
Get banned after one word

Deadlock time
Deadlock time
Load up cheat engine
Find match and get in
We ruin game
We are so lame
In our words мы pyccкиe
And now you will see

Russia banned from game
Everyone celebrate
Except for us
Deported by bus
And now we get drafted
To Ukraine we get sent
Cannot even make an alt
Could this somehow be our fault?
at least screencap his post so we can see what you are complaining about
the usual slavshit drama
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>open a thread on the forum
>half of the posts are in Russian
the lyrics don't match up starting from the 2nd verse. It's "we turn on voice chat" and so on.
what >>683639409 said, but I'm a ruzzkie zigger so here's some context - around 8 years ago a girl named Rina Palenkova posted a video of her suicide (decapitation by train, she put her neck on the rail in front of a moving train) and captioned it with 'Hя пoкa'. You can look up the pictures too, they're everywhere. You know it's the girl if she's wearing a pink hat and has a scarf across her face.
I was expecting way more oomph from hulk, but you can't really expect valve tier consideration for visual/sound design
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>there's also a fake IceFrog called Bruno Carlucci
Don't think Bruno is a game designer at Valve. He's a data engineer, hence the "stats-man" trope. I'd guess he's doing mostly back-end stuff. Fair to say data analysis could be included in the balancing process.
>took over Dota 2 and the IceFrog twitter account in 2018 when Abdul left to work on Citadel and HL Alyx
Pretty sure acquiring the IceFrog handle was part of Valve's deal for DotA to smooth up the transition from the original. The twitter account is likely managed by multiple people working on the game.
That would imply they straight up lied in court. Not impossible but very unlikely when a lot was at stake. Even if you stretch it and say, IceFrog was always a group and Abdul took it for the team that's also quite risky.
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This guy also goes into month old russian threads to bump them for some reason. Maybe his alt account
kek and weirdly catchy
it's a tournament invitation
>valve tier consideration
listen i get what you mean but if there's something that valve ALWAYS just messes up besides how /k/ minutia is meele combat. there hasn't been a single game of their where it doesn't seem like a complete after thought
Just won a 5v6 with the most kills and damage done
fuck I'm finally doing good, don't sleep on watching other players anons. Helped me out tremendously
I was more thinking about the L4D Tank compared to the hulk, there's rumbling, loud footstep sounds, etc, in marvel rivals he just moves around like a plastic toy
top jej
wow that "double KO!" announcer is fucking annoying
that's an ad for tournament and his website, he is not "bad at forums" he is doing it on purpose, potentially a bot, at least use Google translate next time
why are russians obsessed with ai art?
because it's free
Oh, that, yeah I see what you mean then. They should've had the ground shake and him running more like a gorilla on his world breaker form, it SHOULD be fine since it's temporary so you wouldn't have the ground shaking the entire match. Maybe also just have him scream the whole time.

Same thing with venom really. Dunno why the more "deranged" characters are walking and moving so upright
>play on EU servers
>pausing, CONSTANT FUCKING PAUSING, "oh i drop 1 packet cyka pause"
>brool, only brool, never consider anything about the position of the lanes, MUST BROOL
>extreme deltas between player performances every game, teams will have 0-10-2 players alongside their 16-2-10, even with lots of spectators on front page (so presumably high MMR)
fucking awful
gonna have to wait until wrecker releases and see if valve can do a deranged monster character well
>4chan OC
Fairly certain that was posted on the official discord first.
>he's stuck in slav servers
Oh no no no no
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>piece of shit game freezes
>cant even kill the process
>finally it graciously crashes completely
>try to relaunch
>doesnt despite steam saying its running
>gay games process nowhere to be found in task manager
why would I waste 1 second of my time trying to read slav slop when i can just screenshot it and shitpost about it. How is a tournament invite a "community clip"
primal beast fits that category pretty well but that's a moba, a lot easier to just cram a giant monster in there since you don't really have to worry about visual clarity or map collission like, at all. And even then you could argue he's still kinda small for what he's supposed to be. We'll have to wait and see.
>muttniggers pretending to be playing on eu servers just to bad mouth EVROPA
yup, its muttmerican schizo hours
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Vindicta feet
>brown c&d subhuman trying to sow discord
it's pretty obvious i'm not from muttmerica though?
>muttniggerican literacy
>team is ahead and making space for our Infernus who is actually farming
>he then wastes all that farm by playing like I'M THE PROTAGONIST and constantly dying 1v3 for twenty minutes
>this gives the enemy Bebop enough time to buy every spirit item so he can run around double bombing people for 2k+ damage
We didn't just lose, the match also took twenty minutes longer. But at least this guy is really cool.
>>Europe games in 30 minutes!
>>Russia flags, not a single troon flag
there's always trans flags
>and on our level?
you're not white Ivan
for some reason some really fucking stupid miku players do this too, despite the fact she's far better as the best splitpusher in the game
don't forget
>playing against 4 man stacks on a discord call that all coordinate to rape your asshole with ultimates
>your 4 stack is useless retards that all wanna jungle, likely discord janny niggers
I'm not a Russian myself but I do hope their victory comes swift
>there's always trans flags
not in the latest announcement. Even then, there are WAY less flags than in muttnigerian region, and it's probably just muttniggers posting them to sow disinformation
a larger player pool with forced solo queue option can't come soon enough
im a yuro myself unlike you putrid esl shitskin. go be a subverting nigger somewhere else.
you aren't from europe, brown subhuman
>the mongolian rape babies
so now ranjesh is just going to copy random words from my posts and reply with them? third world really isnt sending their best today.
there is not a single english-first language country in Evropa, every country in Europe is filled with ESLs you fucking brown monkey.
What was that shit that snowniggers were saying? EOL Like English only language. Makes me think of AOL lmfao.
>England is not in Europe
You're so retarded it's crazy
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it's not a Evropean nation, retard. One could argue that it used to be but all they ever did was fucking the continent over. No wonder they focused on colonization, they wanted to reunite with their subhuman brothers. You had this vast empire and for what? what did you achieve in either world war? pathetic excuse of a nation.
stop replying to me shitskin filth
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Everyday I wake up feeling great because the great Russian purge happened in a game for once. And the game state has been overall healthier.
Birds sing in the morning and the sun shines into my room. It really feels great.
Hawf is a Phil Fish levels of touchy french canadian that tried really hard to turn his Dota 2 items into a job, also one of the avid Facepunch users. Expect more of these faggots down the line
didn't read. russians aren't white.
>And the game state has been overall healthier
you still get full on snownigger lobbies in the white man part of eu server because for whatever reason they can still change which queue they can get into with console commands. granted its slightly better than it was.
Want to play but you can't be fucked to post your steam and an email to probably be trolled/humiliated?

Try this:
>type "steam://rungameid/1422450"
>press enter

Ignore that shit warning steam gives you and then do this:
>press u
>press u again
ok? I'm not a Russian and I think they are white. Just by using the term "white" you show you are a muttnigger, noone in Evropa cares about this shit. Because everyone here is white, you are at best swarthy. But don't think about it too hard, brown shitskin tumor
didn't read, still not white
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>muttnigger can't read
i did this and my pc started releasing mustard gas help
wtf this worked
im guessing valve didnt think about hiring european or indian marketers
they only paid some minimum wage nogs to shill
starts to make sense once you see how the speaking mannerisms are in these threads
I refuse to believe the forums are moderated it is such a shithole
Visible forums are just a containment board, real shit happens in the private forums.
indians and russians are the same caste
where is the vindicta butt?
>Bebop and Infernus in my team
Literally every fucking game they are 0/8 or something.
Meanwhile, the infernus in the enemy team is a 14/2 speeddemon.
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>russian saying he's white
Just give up, Ivan. You're a nigger.
>nearly all discussion about this game anywhere on the internet is absolute aids
>the matches themselves are almost always filled with totally pleasant people that are just playing the game and having fun
very odd dissonance
you don't meet muttniggers on human servers, that's why
how cancerous is abrams Jesus Christ
abrams is trash he does literally nothing if you rub your 2 braincells together to figure out you just have to buy healbane and not go literally next to him
kys abr*ms abuser
i have never picked abrams
Just joking
I'm slowly getting better, playing Paradox, after watching someone else play I feel much smoother. Decent stats every game, good damage, kills and souls. But I seemingly can't carry. And that last game, we were winning the entire game and abrams somehow had 40k fucking souls out of nowhere, when I had like 26k and was the 2nd highest in the game. He just seemed unkilleable, ulting onto us, massive damage and just couldn't die
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>can't change storefront mid-game
I just want to grind this game mindlessly but I can't get an invite.
>16k lead

that's why he was unkillable
>it's a 2-7 paradox spamming us to start a teamfight episode
well yeah but how the fuck did he do that?
he got smashed on the lane and we got a lot of gold through pushing. Is afk farming+jungling while ignoring the team for 30 minutes the cause of that? I haven't seen through most of the early-mid game
Amerigolems are on EU servers though when their servers are down. I know because they can't help but shout down the mic every game
Your best is not enough you stupid flying rat
if i had to take a guess, your team of retards just feed him a million souls because they are mouthbreathers and at some point he had enough souls to just shit on you anyways because he has a ton more souls
that or he pushed and jungled completely undisputed
>afk farming+jungling

i'm assuming you're talking about abrams. yes, getting kills in between efficient farming lane or npc is how you get it.
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Melee is such janky fucking dogshit I hate it
>Lemme dive Lady Gyat with ult

This example honestly help your bug report
yeah I kinda keep grouping in the later stages of the game. I guess getting a bunch of kills isn't worth as much as split pushing and getting solo souls value. Gotta work on that
not only that, but diving into the guardian
what are you talking about, he would've killed her 100% if melee worked
>being afraid of t1 guardians
you are new, you can literally dive guardians from min 0, now that guardian parrying is consistent
>melee is such janky dogshit
>parrying is consistent
pick 1
This game any good? I’m tired of hearing biased opinions.
here is another one
yes it's good
isnt this thing just another concord?
Concord couldn't even reach our playercount peak
>asks in deadlock thread
there's no such thing as an unbiased opinion
yes it's good
>Being in a spectated match brings out all the annoying teammates who talk shit when they cant even get more than 2 kills as a warden
>Enemy infernus with 40k souls and like 20 kills and nobody can stop him

Im not that good at this game man just put me back in the shitter matches so i can have fun again please
Never played a MOBA before, but this one seems fun.
It's not a hero shooter. It's a moba. Think Smite.
>"it's a 2/7 wraith decides to ignore the team and exclusively farm, announces this on voice chat" episode
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>entire enemy team alive
>"let's go midboss"
>it's a "no one goes for mid after you've killed 5 of the enemy team" episode
to be fair, infernus was just completely overlooked and he snowballs into a 1v5 tanky dps, hope he gets some nerfed aug 1st
i like it but i don't like how much you have to rely on your team not being mouthbreathers to win, and the stomps are too stompy
i know this probably comes with playing assfaggots but it's my first one honestly
it's hard not to tryhard and just play chill too
I have a clip of an infernus being attacked by like 4 people at once and not doing for a full minute
Yeah, every moba is like this. you get used to it.
>t. seething ivanoid
are the russkies in the room with us right now?
no, they're contained in their gulag thanks to yoshi
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It keeps happening constantly.

no sex with abrams
>22k healing

buy healbane/decay
speaking of, do we know how anti-heal mechanics interact with each other?
if you have toxic bullets, vindicta bird, and healbane, do the anti-heal effects experience some kind of diminishing returns?
I have to stop joining the deathball.
I want to push lanes and occasionally farm, but people BITCH and moan of ONE person isn't in their retarded deathball.
9/10 times, we lose the deathball, so no souls and nothing gained, when instead I could have been taking a walker or getting more souls for a good item.
they grow with diminishing returns, i think stacking healbane and heal bullets reduces healing by like 75% or something instead of 100%
literally ignore their bitching and tell them "you win the game by doing objectives not killing people"
let them seethe and mald then they'll see they have 247 obj damage while you have 10k and they'll be too embarrassed to even rage report
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>heal bullets
i mean toxic bullets
also picrel for proof
Felt like I didn't need it this game and then Haze killed the team 3 times at the end BECAUSE THEY KEPT FUCKING SPLITTING. Unless you meant bane for the healing which would've been nice but I had to start stacking weapon damage to try and help carry this.
>doesn’t matter because you have kelvin
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daily reminder
>So called high MMR and a pocket is running at a warden and Mo with blood lust and not even securing a kill for this death

Yeah of course the bad pocket is on my team but never the enemy team
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In that case I love her
When are they going to stop bullshitting around and go open beta? No way I'm posting my steam on here, ever.
i like the chase the remaining enemy for like 50 seconds and finally get him and then midboss when the first 5 dead are back up plot twist
It's going to be a long while, the game is still incredibly early on and they're constantly adding and changing shit with multiple characters still using old designs from when the game was still neon prime. The soonest I could see valve being okay with doing some kind of open beta or sending out their own wave of private invites is in 4+ months
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also this is the lowest i could get it with infernus 1 + heal bane + tox bullets + decay
i play with coms disabled almost entirely because of this reason
what am I remembering?
my guess is late october/early november
source: i made it up
>4chan is scwary!!!
i would swap for solo lane if i'm in a duo lane almost 100% of the time, i'm sure other players would too
Trailer and closed beta date probably announced at ti
have you tried
it looks too shitty still
what happens if I post my steam on here

I have furry games and porn games in my library
you could just private them first
so it seems pretty good to stack 2 of these effects, but after that it falls off pretty hard
Just drop a friend code if you're that scared
I would bet against this being revealed at TI pretty heavily, they've kept TI strictly dota 2 for awhile and this game is still so clearly pre-beta. If the game enters a beta in state anything close to what it is now it'll get thrashed.
but the artifact reveal went so well
gay sex with lash
this tanky dps shit is too much, they need to make getting into siphon bullets easier, maybe making it part of active reload?
>dive guardians from min 0
no one does that you fucking stupid nigger
yeah, so great that it made valve realize that announcing something as boring as a card game at a big event for their flagship game without even having something big to announce for the flagship game itself was a massive fuck up.
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This shit is ridiculous
Imagine buying Health Nova, Rescue Beam and Restorative Locket, then getting hardcountered by a 1200g item
yoshi is gonna have to create a pajeet containment zone in the asia servers, like he contained the ivans on eu
they all live in NA, mainly canada
>try user builds
>get fucking stomped
>use default build
Every fucking time, why are the user build so shit?
Lost 3 matches in a row so far and my last loss was with an ivy, abrahms, vindicta while they had infernus, pocket and lash

Cool matchmaking
how do i play this
I have seen like five times as many games lost by people overgrouping and committing too hard to objectives as I have by people refusing to group up while they selfishly farm.
Valve ones are probably based on winrates and shit, like dota plus in dota
source: im a dev
wrong. They are just set by default and don't change unless Valve manually swaps the items like in Dota.
They work well because Valve, the devs, actually designed the heroes and know their strenghts and weaknesses.
lol nah buttons hard
>shit team full of retards
>ESC...anime tranny avatars

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>no indiana jones world
get use to it bitch our shrivelled up little girl cocks are here to say uwu nyaaa
Oh no you slowing hexed and decay'ed an infernus now he will just naruto run away or the grey talon will sprint and stamina his way out of hex cause his speed scales with spirit
>getting pushed back so far I'm getting forced to Seven ult over my weakened patron's pit to save said patron
>game ends with my team coming back and I end up ending the game Seven ulting in the enemy's patron pit
comebacks in this game almost feel like magic
i had this happen and i squirted from my little shrivelled up girl cock in my jean shorts ~NYAAAA YOSHI SAMA NYAAAAA~~~~
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What is a decent build for ivy since they keep nerfing her tether and kudzu bomb? What items are even worth getting on her?
I just buy active reload, heal booster and bullet lifesteal and shoot people
Everything else is situational
So just a gun build with stuff like tesla bullets and toxic bullets

Kinda sad its come to that but whatever
This but unironically
ASSFAGGOTS can go fuck itself
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i think *item* is good on ivy because *item description*
lol filtered
i usually go healing items + tankiness and utility items (curse, knockdown)
for somedamage, i go for ammo + tesla bullets
haha filtered retard can't cope
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>unironically implying implications
didn't as + don't care + blocked
you can't even type lmfao
you should try this game it might be more your speed
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>Abdul Ismail
>icefrog worked on csgo
yeah right
>it's a gun mcginnis that can't wall an ulting warden episode

where do these retards come from?
>slowing hex
>naruto run
The character design in this game look like hot garbage. Concord levels of bad, but at least with concord they had a distinct theme going. Deadlock, they look like characters from different games. Seeing how ugly the character are, I'm guessing a women/commie at Valve designed them.
lol go back to dungeons and dragons loser ass fag with animated discord profile this game is for manly men who love shooting guns quick reflexes tons of skill no fucking book reading faggot
infernus is tanky enough to not care about about any of that, same with mo&krill
>they look like characters from different games
half of them were literally from a different game
A bunch of them are WIPs but there's a very clear "prohibition era pulp" look they're going on for here that I don't know how anyone could miss unless they were underaged.
sounds very uninspired
the designs are kino as fuck and if you disagree you are literally a zoomer faggot shit eater
I don't love the designs myself and I hope the rougher ones get some good adjustments but I'm just saying, the theme is extremely distinct. I doubt anyone in this thread lived through the prohibition era but even not having grown up in America, I'm familiar with it since it was all over cartoons I watched growing up. The vast majority of the cast is just a prohibition caraciture with some extra occult or sci-fi skin thrown on top of them.
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they're a bit better than dota's which is mostly just very simple fantasy schlock but let's not get crazy here, they're ok at best. we'll see how they look once they actually have the art done.
zoomer faggot shit eater detected
This is bias as I'm not a moba player but I've always found the designs of Dota/LoL and other MOBAs to be always very gaudy and generic

I think Deadlock's character designs are is biggest strength. It's go a unique aesthetic which it's using well.
McGinnis just isn't fun to play against. Every match she just rats the lane and if you aren't careful, she feeds off you. It's not a good strategy, but it requires so much work and delays the game really, really long

you can like them just fine (i do actually like the simplicity of Axe for example) but let's not pretend like they're not just mostly really, really basic fantasy shit. Even the newer heroes/models fit this description at times and those are clearly trying to be more unique.

No, you're absolutely right, they are gaudy and generic. And Deadlock's ARE more unique than them, it's just that they... well, don't really seem that interesting if you're not into the setting? Like okay you can be a gargoyle. Or hellboy. Or a samurai. Or an asshole. They don't stand out that much as of right now, they're pretty simple and don't have anything going on besides what's inmediatedly identifiable. Maybe it'll change once they finish the art and integrate all of them properly within the setting. Someone like Seven actually seems kinda unique
ALWAYS rush monster round if you're laning against her and play for farm until you can all in her.
nigga i'm not even him but her "macro gameplay" is just 3 torbjorn turrets on a bigass map
>torbjorn turrets
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they're literally fire and forget, and you have 3 of them so you can just throw them willy nilly and it won't matter
>- Fixed bot behavior with the new Urn locations
Fucking finally. I've been complaining about that on the forum for weeks.
Yes thank you for your input!
I hate niggers!
- Yoshi
>south american servers already dead
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making them stand out TOO much is why moba characters are so guady. Everyone being super flashy and amazing and cluttered isn't good design. Sometimes a more sublte approache is best. What isn't interesting about a supernatural CIA agent or a serial killer socialite

Some characters are more boring than others (mcginnis) but that isn't inherently bad

Over doing it would be giving Bebop a big glowing core and moss all over his body or giving everyone glowing eyes and badass heroic backstory. Except most of them are just randos in a magic world and most of them are criminals—which is fun
I wish. I haven't gotten any Yoshi response/reaction since my first few weeks, but I did get a few reactions from other people. I realize not many people fuck with bots, but I'm usually playing when servers are down so and I'd rather play bots than nothing.
Just play on NA servers :)

You're welcome here
Lmao, some tumblrtard thinks he knows better than people that has been doing this shit for 3 decades. I can reduce any design to "guy with a sword" or "green poison creature", if you knew any better, you would realize these are not bad, but actually their strengths.
Except dota does that exact same thing and you see absolutely NO ONE (not even dotards) say that their hero designs are industry stand outs and the very best. They're just mid, they do the job, that's it. That's whenever you don't have a mirana model in your hands of course.
I'll grant you that making them more gaudy with big glowing eyes and spots would make them look even worse, dota again is a clear example of this where 99% of inmortals are dogshit gold shine and blinding particles BUT the personas and arcanas actually do a nice job making the heroes stand out.
You say that "most of them are just randos", which sure, some of them can be. No one expect someone like Lash to look like this total badass ultra boxing champion rocky-like figure. But they're still supposedly fighting for this godly creature, they were hand chosen by them, weren't they? they're HEROES, they DO have something special about them. Give them some power so the player is attracted to playing them. Shit I wouldn't even be opposed to bebop having some clear self-made barely kept together parts made by himself just for fighting or parts of him that are indoubtedly older than others because he's so focused on helping her old lady that he doesn't care for himself. Shit like that just ain't there yet, it might be later, but not at the moment.
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what happens when they run out of period piece characters
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this nigga has literally never played dota and it really shows
That filter russians and most SEA shitholes, but feels that is a bit too late.
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>they were hand chosen by them
No they weren't. They're trying to summon them to get a wish granted. Anyone can scamble for it. They just happen to be the most driven on the matter

Lash being a bum is funny and makes it more interesting than if he looked like Kratos with gloves on. They look like they came from a real place, not just invented for the sake of being in the game.
do overwatch kiddies really
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>russians are actually giving the best feedback!!!
Do people actually believe this?
maybe delusional enough russians do
>They just happen to be the most driven on the matter
In these kinds of games that's what "being a hero" means. It's the same thing with Dota lore, I wouldn't be surprised if they recycle the lore they had for the creeps there with the little candle guys here. Again some of them looking like bums WORKS for them, but most of the cast looks like that here no matter where they come from. It's not something that attracts people to play them because they, well, look weak.
Russians have the same brains as Indians. They're all retarded yet they think they're like a super power.
It's the default line for when you click on mid. Whoever clicked it might have meant to say that the enemy team is doing the boss.
no, people are saying "let's do mid boss" in chat
>infernus is tanky
he's not tanky, he HEALs
i stopped playing the first time because the game doesn't feel good to play with lag
He's the one who actually made it, he asked me to share it on the discord a few days back since his discord invite expired.
>no headless self-insert soldier pictures
>he made it
(X) Doubt
honestly russians do know their way around music they are the leading reason classical music is still around unironically.
>they are the leading reason classical music is still around unironically
Every single russian composer of worth was born before the 1917 revolution.
yea but just giving the devil their dues while the rest of europe became overtly degenerate jew controlled and threw most of their culture away to be mini americas after the 40s willingly or not the soviets coopted classical russian culture to gain some legitimacy.
To this day the most classically taught musicians come out of the russian space.
>To this day the most classically taught musicians come out of the russian space
well that's just untrue.
it was for a while
>*presses debuff remover*
that she's cute and cool.
How do you respond without sounding mad?
>Zoltan the magnificent
What do they sound like? I don’t see anything online about who this is
That she has a smooth and hairless gargussy
>decays, slowing hexes infernus
>still too tanky to die, 1v4's with a mild 3k soul lead

yea no, maybe you're just low mmr and don't fight serious infernus mains?
phrases only insecure people say
>1v4s while being drained and having presumably 85%+ healing reduction (because your team would also have healbane and possibly toxic bullets)
>high MMR
im sorry all of you have dogshit aim
because it's actually "Zoltar"
I'm baffled how anyone can think that Infernus, a character with no defensive layers except unreliable life steal that has to be close up to use the vast majority of his kit, could possibly be hard to kill.
>well that's just untrue.
The most strict and classical schools of art are in Russia, music, dance, painting, sculpting. Not even the revolution brain drain managed to dent it.
>start the flamerun and once everyone dumps their disables just pop "Debuff reducer" and fuck off
It's that easy
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Infernus isn't that great but he is annoying due to how braindead easy it is to gang noobs with him and snowball. You can literally do it right at the start after unlocking 2 abilities. I saw the enemy infernus purchase healbane before anything. Fuckers know what they are doing, they wouldn't attempt this clown ass shit when game gets popular and we get a real high mmr so no more noobs to feed on and snowball.
>game plan is to invest 4200 souls to counter 1200 souls that only works if your opponents are retarded
>doesn't even stop every retarded counter play
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>no Broodmother Hero
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>push out a HUGE fart

worst item
Why does Valve's newest game, Deadlock, not run on their newest hardware, Steam Deck?
They specifically do not let the device queue for matches.
what the fuck
it's tricky to take stuff from a game that was announced at least 5 years after you started work on your game
big retard
it's been a few weeks since i've played whats the wraith meta
farm and carry game, nothings changed
Nothing has changed at all.
I never go heal build Ivy anymore since they keep nuking her healing.
I go damage nade, support nade (debuffs), or fast gun with big mag (Tesla is for fags).
you have to keep in mind it gets a tier above in vidya discourse just by being a new valve game (that can be played by poorfags)
>run deadlock
people found ways to run poe legally with custom reduced graphics. dont count out poorfags
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Maybe get good and play in higher level lobbies.
>uuuuuuuuuuuuh infernus is bad!!!!
>one of the most common picks in high elo besides wraith

another high pick is spirit talon, but i'm sure some people will pretend he's bad too
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get your overwatch shitter energy outta here..
As someone who is just going to wait for the game to come out, how are the character voice lines? DOTA 2 had excellent voice acting.
love flying around the map with 5 sec cool down on his 2
Why the fuck would a bebop buy majestic leap?
I’m in love with some of characters. Characters like bebop and lash have stellar acting. Some like vindicta and mcginnis are a bit subpar
the voice lines are one of the best parts of the game so far, atleast for certain characters like seven and lash
jump in the air so he can hyperbeam in slowmo kind of like seven

except with bebop it probably just makes him an easy target
Could go majestic leap + unstoppable so you're a satellite beam for a few seconds if someone tries to Dynamo ult/Knockdown.
*activates ethereal shift*
nothin personnel
Why can't I find this game in the Steam Store? Is it in a closed beta?
That is the game anon
>start playing briefcase boy
>Actually carrying games left and right with my superior positioning and baiting

Holy shit lmao
>me + 5 new players vs 5 200+ hour players and some noob

Any time I touch his firewall for a fraction of a second it does 400-500 damage, but if I play Niggerman enemies will roast their nuts on my flamewalk the entire duration and barely take any game.
source 2 is unoptimized as fuck compared to source 1, good luck to any poorfags, deadlock is just too demanding cpu-wise for old rigs, you can do a bunch of config trickery to make the game's graphics look like dogshit and you will barely gain any framerate
i've got an i3-8350k and i get perfectly reasonable performance, so I wouldn't say it's really unoptimized. could be better but could be WAY worse than it is
real poorfags are still running shit like 3rd-4th gen intel cpus which get trounced by deadlock even if you turn down all the graphics
>1 creep snuck into the base
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I get down to 35 fps at times with a ryzen 7 and a 6800 xt
Was the r-word really necessary.
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drop your graphics settings dumbo
What's an r-word, retard?
it's a fucking source 2 game on beta with pretty much every texture and model being unfinished and with as many polygons as three and a half morphlings, why the fuck would bringing the graphics down help?
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>Play Kelvin, duo plays Bebop
>Combo his hook with my ult the entire lane phase and kill the enemy Dynamo 5 times with this
>He rage quits
if you turn off distance fields your performance will improve significantly, it's severely not optimized rn. The level and heroes is not a problem in any shape or form, the actual level is so tiny and so many things are occluded, you get absolutely no performance issues from models or textures alone.
Level textures are also a couple of big atlases that are reused everywhere, and the entire level geometry is brushes.

If your PC can play Half Life 2 Episode 2, it can play Deadlock. Except for those two options, because they're actual new "tech" being added.
>why the fuck would bringing the graphics down help
you really are a retard huh
>bigot has no reading comprehension
you can't rape their patron until the shrines are destroyed
>i turn off one single graphic setting and my fps goes from 90 to 140
kill yourself
Making these comments as I watch the video. Some stand out stuff.

Loki has a Morphling ult. I think we'll eventually get one.
The Dr. Strange Portal is awesome. Perfect fit for Deadlock.
Punisher's entire kit could work in the game too.
The ice chick does an idol dance lmao. Based. I hope Cadence isn't a fat opera chick.
Webswing is a neat ability, I wouldn't be surprised to see a grappling hook hero in Deadlock. Maybe a wall crawl too even.

Hard to comment on the general mobility since every hero in Deadlock has the access to the same dashes, rolls and double jumps with items that can augment mobility.
At least Rivals has decent verticality though.
Also maybe its just me but the skills and attacks in that game lack a bit of oomph.

Oh and another interesting thing is that there seems to be hero based synergies. Overall it seems neat. It lacks the autistic theorycrafting though that ten builds bring in. I think some of these could definitely fit in Deadlock
unironic retards that can't see the issue

actual helpful and knowing lad
i'll try that cheers
Consider necking yourself
Consider reading a book
lmao what a dumbass
Not that faggot, but I have a 1080 and an i7, all graphics on the lowest, and render scale at 75%, yet it constantly drops to 30 frames.
if you have to ask WHY lowering certain graphic settings will increase your fps you unironically need to kill yourself. other than that you are just spewing nonsense
>an i7
That doesn't say much.
This doesn't sound right, send them some feedback with your dxdiag.
>Also maybe its just me but the skills and attacks in that game lack a bit of oomph.
yeah it's not just you, from what i've seen the game LOOKS beautiful and the artstyle is a complete hit but the actual attack/running animations are pretty damn stiff. I'm trying to figure out why and I think it might be because they're using the same kind of animation tech Deadlock might be using where they have the top part of the model locked to what the player is doing and the bottom part tries to follow along with things like running and turning around, so with top heavy characters like venom and hulk you end up with this weird feeling like they're moving "too upright" for what they're trying to do. The other characters have this same issue but not to this degree imo. characters like black panther also move fast between enemies so you don't really see the impact you leave on them neither
Jesus fucking christ. Can they at least optimize this fucking game? Base fights are unplayable
>just lower the graphics bro!!
>lower every single one except the 2 that matter
>nothing changes because the game already looks worse than source 1 games from 2004

nigga you might be autistic
it's pretty easy to figure out which graphic settings improve performance while maintaining in-game clarity. took me probably about 2 minutes..
>already looks worse than source 1 games from 2004
I wish it looked like source 1. Would be pure sovl
Just realised you can just not give a fuck an feed. Makes no difference at my mmr. You might win or lose. Now I just push Walkers and just die to defenders.
the game is... super fun
>4 double negative losses in a row
Maybe this game isn't for me.
>That inactive pause after recovering from Parry stun
I chuckled every time I see it.
Nigger you're playing a game that wasn't even announced yet with a hidden steam page, at least you're getting games.
like I said if you miss the two that matters as that other anon explained you might be forgiving for thinking it literally does not matter at all because nothing would change besides the game looking even worse

I still can't believe how they manage to look as good as they do. The textures might be worse, the animations might be choppier, the lighting might not be as good and the model not as detailed but fuck me there's just something about the way source looks when done right. Maybe it's just nostalgia, although I don't know how the fuck HL still has better facial animations than some games being released TODAY
Only way to get better is learning and playing, but if you're not enjoying it don't push yourself anon.
Play a support character and focus on assists until you get a better feel for the game
how do you win 1v6 games when the enemy are all equally 26k, like yourself. while your team ranges from 10-18k
rat hard once they're distracted squashing your team
god this game is so good bros
He got into the super secret cool club.
>finally give in and build tank on damage heroes because no one frontlines and I get most damage tanked every game
>6 game win streak since I started
>feels way less cancer when team is permanently playing for their kd
Bros the game is finally enjoyable again
hi Max
I'm thankful the core game mechanics are free enough that even when a character clearly isn't meant to do something, they aren't just totally shit to pivot to other jobs if you need to compensate for your team or answer the enemy team.
Man how much do you have to play for high MMR. I win something like 4/5 games and I'm coming up on 100 hours of playtime and I'm still very clearly not there.
cant wait for forced 50% mmr system from dota

I just love being matched with the worst players on the planet since i won 5 games in a row
Idk I started getting spectators the first week I started playing. I was getting like 20 kills a game though and Yoshi said your early game stats matter for your mmr but stops mattering as you get games in
Marvel Rivals is giving me a great appreciation for this game. Imagine having a game change its focus at random intervals due to numerous variables. Yet some people will remain content with just pushing a cart back and forth
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>want to learn heroes im shit with
>puts me against mega teams because my mmr with bebop/lash is too fucking high that it thinks I can carry a bunch of sub 1kdr players on their mains
>go like 2-15
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gargoyle wife
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>sitting in queue so long i got an idle matchmaking alert
>a dozen-odd games have started in the last 5 minutes
>12+ players in queue
Same shit. I'm writing a strongly worded letter to Yoshi if I still can't find a game by the time servers go down.
>be Micky G against Pocket
>for 7 minutes straight he denied almost all of my souls, despite me having one of the fastest gun RPMs in the game
>I even had Rapid Rounds
latency or skill issue, also mcg gun has a windup. buuut tbf some chinks on high mmr sea/aus server always have perfect/auto soul denies so i think there may be some exploit regarding denies/bug abuse that is unreported atm.
I'm prefiring the souls every time
pretty sure its ai generated.. seems fake af.. has no character and sounds like shit
holliday day today in one week
Sorry but it’s Shiv’s turn first
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they will likely add all 4(shiv, holliday, callico, viscous) at the same time
why would anyone want to play as her?
she sounds so clunky with her weapon windup and low stamina
press wall
lane is free
dead game
dead lock
nobody plays this game stop making these threads
Ivy lock
>pockets just casually going 10-0 in the first 10 minutes effortlessly
so the devs know he's overpowered, right? they're going to nerf him on august 1st right?
I'm busy nerfing Ivy of all things!
>play overpowered hero
>perform well
>instantly start attributing it to skill and mind games when your hero just doesn't die while doing 1500 damage in 2 seconds
lol lmao
I'm not gonna lie if August 1st doesn't have kudzu bomb + falling grace buffs and nothing but I might just be signing the fuck out.

i play this game :)
no way this is chia long qua
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>Play like a moron all game
>Literally teleporting right on top of dynamo and mo who have their ults up and die twice stupidly
>Go 21-2 anyways because this hero literally just two shots everything in less than 2 seconds
Oh so this is the hero I pick when I have zero game sense
60 hours in, primary lash main here.

love getting my early edge on the inevitable ranked mode when the game goes live.
There's just not a whole lot you can do about that.
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>game gives me Ivy vs Paradox
>lane sucks but I go even
>constantly get reminded of how bullshit Paradox is but win match
>I get Paradox vs Ivy next
>crush lane, carry game, win
>don't feel good at all because I just spent a game seething about the hero I played
kwab (me, I'm the bitch)
What happens in August ?
>If your PC can play Half Life 2 Episode 2

Really? I haven't downloaded HL2E2 yet but I can play Dota 2 on 1080p with highest render quality and get good fps 50+ on my Ryzen 4800G. But when I played this game I never got above 40 on 768p lowest everything.
How do you even get an invite? Or should I not bother and just wait for an open beta; if/when will there be one?
it's insane how developers get paid millions to do retarded balancing like this, in basically every popular multiplayer game ever made. Maybe that's the whole point, buffing a few characters beyond human belief, and keeping them strong for years, so that casuals and normies (99% of players) can play the game and get a surge of dopamine believing they are actually competent, so that they keep playing.
why would they optimize performance at this point in development?
you can bypass needing an invite
>type "steam://rungameid/1422451"
>press enter
>ignore error from steam
>press u
>press u again
>game gives me Ivy vs Paradox
Literal nightmare lane. Paradox hard counters Ivy. You need to track to do any sustained damage and the bitch just hides behind their wall. You try to use ult they just swap you back down and cancel it. You try initiate they just carbine you and walk away. You try run away they just carbine you into a swap and you're dead.
I'm counter-meta in every game I play. I try to find ways to make less successful heroes work because I see it as the real challenge in the game.
>t. 60% winrate ranked rubick over 1000+ games
True, the thing is the game felt very presentable already and i thought that the optimization could be done to the game is small but i reckon i need to understand that closed alpha mean very early development.

The game gave me the same feeling when i was a child of wanting to ask my parents for a new pc to play a game that my current pc cannot run and that feeling is something i haven't felt for a long time
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We need to keep nerfing Ivy by the way
must be nice getting hired and paid millions of dollars to balance a game like a complete and total retard just because you went to college
>both heroes do 57 DPS
>paradox just gets to have 3x more ammo economy for no reason on a baseline
what a fucking joke
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literally doing no damage
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Always nice seeing Ivytroons malding
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>Wow this hero is shit in my games
>Huh, what do you mean you want it buffed?
>Decent Laning partner
>Has good toolkit to deny big ults
>Decent healing
>Nah bro, she must also have top tier left clicking too!
Are you also the tard who complains that Dynamo is "shit" early game?
pocket is too op, he needs lower spirit scaling on all his abilities and cooldown nerfs. he should be a right clicking slippery puck not a sven that blinks and blows people up within 2 seconds with a backup veno ult to lifesteal from
literally all these are only true because her 3 carries her, the 1 is dogshit and the 2 got nerfed into the ground
>Throw bomb
>Does 30 damage before being dashed out of
>Enemy laners have to be actually mentally handicapped and go all in and blow all of their stamina for stone form to ever land
>Tether up
>Whatever "healing" you're talking about amounts to like tens of HP, literally
>Try to use ultimate
>It's just a basic ability with a 70s cooldown
>Yeah no bro this is actually all justified because you can spend 7250 on a healing set that gets hard countered minutes into the game by a 1250 Decay/Healing Bane
>Oh yeah by the way Slowing Hex just disables your ultimate so not only is it dog shit, it's literally unusable.
You're legitimately delusional if you think the top 1% of players making her work sometimes means the hero is ANYWHERE on the level of other characters on the roster.
>tfw the heroes im the best with are fucking BORING to play
Talking mostly about Geist, Wraith and Warden.
If I pick them, I almost always decisively win, prolly have around 90% winrate with those, they just feel very strong and I end up every game like 20:4 kd, but they are just such a fucking drag to play...
stop playing gun builds

gun geist is low mmr noob bait anyway
Im not, im stacking spirit on her
hey ethan I like your abrams art
Do you bomb build or what? here's my build
Max bombs first before anything, then lower cooldown on dagger, level two ult for 10% lower health swapped then max drain for silence

buy order:
Healing Rite /Monster Rounds - Burst, Reach, Stamina
Spirit Life steal, Mystic Vulnerability, Healbane, Improved Burst

depending on the game the following in vague priority order
Escalating Exposure, Mystic Slow, Superior Stamina, Superior Cooldown, Kinetic Dash, Soul Shredder Bullets, Leech
Bomb build yeah, more or less the same items with prolly 1 or 2 more gun items, like mystoc shot
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When will they port my wife Hoodwink?
They would port her as Ivy's skin.
i sont have reddit
>hoodwink - 2020
>post icefrog champ

so is vanana-man a furry or something
based rubro
Rainal gaped by PSG
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It's funny how a lot of 1 trick pony wardens pussy the fuck out/die if you counter their cage play with Warpstone
I am just saying you can
say, you got very good trade early and enemy is hugging guardian instead of staying outside of los (in that case diving would be even easier), you just dash into guardian, parry its melee and kill your opponent
usually you do that later on laning after a godd trade or during ganks
previously you would have to pray guardian doesn't double melee
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>tanks just solo feed all game while vindicta does absolutely nothing
Honest question, are you people actually enjoying the game? Was I the only one that eye rolled when news of this game dropped. Third person hero shooter with towers and lanes? is this not just paragon again? Seems like valve slapped the most common denominator generes together and made a game. Haven't people had enough of these genres already? I already hit enough creeps in dota I don't wanna do it again in another game.
I heard this will save gaming, when's the release?
febuary 30th, 2025
you deserved it
>tanks do their job while ivy killsteals, talks shit after game

typical for an ivy player
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I heard someone said Ivy
a tank's job isn't dying, it's literally the opposite of that you are supposed to never die
I'm sorry anon, player damage is clearly displayed near the bottom, ivy wasn't kill stealing from these retards.
Who the fuck is that one on the far left? Looks like a yellow necked dickhead
Is that Warden?
a tank's job is to be the frontline/initiate and occasionally peel, if the carry is too retarded to do their job, that's on them
so what does this actually do?
>it's okay for me to feed if the carry isn't around to baby me
okay bro whatever you say
>>press u
>>press u again
win+x u u shuts down your pc iirc
the first part will actually launch deadlock if you have it in your steam library except this poster fucked up and incremented the game ID by 1 (probably to see what it says if it's for something they don't have) and then win+x then u then u just shuts your computer off assuming you're running windows 10/11
nerve gas
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Hoe will this game do against marvel rivals?
you did nothing too tho so whats the problem here exactly?
completely separate demographics
one is MARVEL CONSOOOOMERS with brain damage
the other is gamers
they'll both do pretty well
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>made contact with someone and got my email submitted

One step closer to joining you homies
patch day?
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problem fren?
you're holding it wrong
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>been having a blast raping noobs and winning after a recent loose streak which means im back in shit ranks
>queue today
>10mins waiting with no queue pop
>im back in high mmr purgatory where you get queued into noobs
its over
>watch the hour on twitch
>dont get a key
>I don't see a badge on your profile in a 3v6 so I guess you just did nothing
It's Warden yeah.
>Going out into the map and feeding solo into 6 people with no back up is your job
>projecting your crossdressing fetish insecurity onto the world
Aug 1st
obvious eyeroll but it all boils down to execution in the end

its executed quite well imo
>a tank's job is to frontline, initiate and occasionally peel
I'd agree with you if you meant with their team backing them up. But I clearly said the two tanks were just solo feeding off on the other corner of the map with no comms so I guess you think they're supposed to be providing 'space' by never being in a team fight?
You can try to snag one again today in about 7 hours
>delusional ivytard
>le healing is le important
sorry you wernt doing nothing, you killstole all game from carries and still had no networth
I was extremely skeptical of this game being able to blend the genres it's blending without it being a shitshow
I got in, was impressed, still play it now
at least there will be no tether nerfs today haha....
Not so fast! We'll still have unscheduled mini updates for anything that benefits from a quicker hotfix or balance adjustment.
You're right anon. Healing isn't important. Not when I have retarded team mates that you apparently feel such affinity with that you'll defend them to your grave. Must see something of them in yourself and that's why you're upset. Go look at damage numbers. It is absolutely embarrassing to be playing vindicta, warden or abrams and get out damaged by a mo and ivy.
my brother died that way
it's just that having my pc suddenly shut off gives me flashbacks to my parents turning off the electricity and beating me for staying up too long on the computer.
>healing is bad you guys
>that's why we nerf it every patch
but no, pisslow russian retards know better about the data.
did they beat you because you followed advice on this website?
marvel already flopped lmao
I'm not answering that
Speaking of cosmetics, you guys ready for valve to make chinky skins for your favorite hero to celebrate glorious chinese new year?
> How will this game do against marvel rivals?
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again, more of an Overwatch competitor and probably gonna get the coomer crowd.
Friend of mine told me that the game is hilariously imbalanced.
you're an ivy player, you are not trustworthy
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>part 2
>this is the game i got into after 10mins of waiting
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> Shooting is shit
>abilites are shit
> Sound design is shit

I'll say this till I die. Soulless chinks cannot make shooters. They are genetically incapable. The only good thing is the Art &
Graphics. They have big ass Art colleges in China that shit out hundreds of clones like a factory.
nobody is defending anyone
youre are a shitter playing with other shitters
you fit right in with them
can't wait for lu bu abrams, lu bu lash, and lu bu krill on red-hair moe
>youre are
>It's a much better idea to solo feed into 6 players like a retard
Yeah okay dude. You enjoy your life.
indian shit skin.

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