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Still have faith in future titles?
They've yet to disappoint me aside from DD2 but that was more Itsuno's fault, so yeah.
No? What kind of question is that? Capcom has been shit for decades.
Capcom having a fetish for having their pr ruined since 2003.
Shareholders are a blight on humanity. If every "investor" on earth died, the world would be better off.
MH will always be great so yeah, no problems here.
Press S to spit
SF6 game cover told me everything I needed to know about Capcom.
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lmao I hope some shanequa or tranny joins as the next RE director since thats probably the franchise with the most female appeal, its gonna be hilarious
mh was never great so maybe they’ll produce a good game now
Im sick of people like you saying this, who cares if they ruined or stop making some obscure franchise, they still make good games when higher up arent complete retards or they let someone like Infuane self sabotage
However that's gonna change fast if OP is true and your gonna see what a woke Capcom really looks like instead of overreacting to a couple bad games
Its the same thing with Sega, if they make one bad Yakuza game people will pretend they haven't released a good one in a decade and a half
>Inb4 you pretend to not like it since it got popular
How far has Capcom become so far gone?
No after DD2
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Not after Demake 4 and Tranny Fighter 6
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>more roasties who don't know the first thing about video games
>westoids infiltrating jap companies
I just wanted an alternate breath of fire III where ryu and his adoptive family stayed together after losing the scripted boss fight, all in the PS1 style of the original
>Im sick of people like you saying this
I'm sure that will get people to stop disagreeing with you.
No, its over. They are gonna get Forspoken'd but by that time DEI will have their hands so deep into their organization they'll never get rid of it.
It's beyond over.
RE sucked for a long while, SF6 is SF6, MH is shit, I don't have much of a reason to care for Capcom.
>westoids infiltrating jap companies
Capcom would have severely benefited from more Westoids in their home nest. Many of their biggest missteps in the 2010s was because they were listening to another Jap preaching their weird worldview of what they personally assumed the West wanted, while refusing to actually listen to the West directly, even when it would've been an objective improvement (e.g. it being a documented fact that Capcom of Japan ruined SFxTK because they refused to listen to Capcom of America)
Just FYI: Retard culture warrior faggots believe having a quota like this means companies are hiring underqualified people based on their identity. This is a lie. Having a quota for "diversity" works by seeing roughly what the % of available minorities is, and if the number of minorities in the company are below that number then applicants with IDENTICAL QUALIFICATIONS get decided on based on minority status. This means an overqualified white men will not lose out to an underqualified nignog, because they were not equal candidates, and thus the diversity hire process does not kick in. If they are equally qualified, whitey loses out.

So in a case like this, let's say 1 in 4 qualified managers are women, but the company has only 1 in 10 of their managers be women. So what would happen is that during the hiring process for new managers, women of equal qualification to men, would win out UNTIL the ratio is 1 to 4. (Or whatever goal the company set)
This is because unconscious biases cause these hiring inequalities. And if some dumbass culture warrior faggot tells you that woke companies are hiring gang-niggers instead of qualified pilots, they're lying to you. Fucking obviously.
It's okay to hate niggers, and such. Just don't let your dislikey for monkeys get in the way of actual facts
why does literally every thatparkplace headline involve someone "admitting" to something
Patiently false.
it seems like Pragmata is dead and that was the only game from capcom I was particularly interested in no not for weird 4chan reasons fuck off
>having a quota like this means companies are hiring underqualified people based on their identity
correct. I'm glad you stupid leftards are finally starting to catch on
they already did this "appeal to westerners" shit back in the 360 days and it tanked them hard.
but i guess time is a flat circle.
Why are you like this
>more roasties who don't know the first thing about video games
>who don't know the first thing about video games
Hahahahaha, do you think the people working a t a video game company are all video game nerds? Are you like.. actually retarded? Capcom has 3000+ people that work there. Managers and most employees (regardless of roastie status) do not care about video games. It's their job. A manager manages. A coder codes. The people who need to care about games are specifically the game designer positions. You have no Idea how corporations work dude.
Ever watched Linus Tech Tips? They now have just above 100 employees. Working at THE nerdy youtube PC gaming tech channel. Ever seen the videos where he works with random employees to build a PC, or watched secret shopper? The vast majority of people working at LTT have no Idea about computer stuff. Some are using MACs. The Designers design, Social Media managers do social Media, Mangers manage.
The IDEA that "video game lovers work at a video game company" is a 5 year olds understanding of how the corporate world works, and you need to be 18 to post here.
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I sometimes wonder if the people into this actually do some research, look for information on their own or they just wait for a tweet and genuinely surprised about companies... this is old as fuck at this point.


Pic is a screenshot I took in september 2023.
it is just a matter of time for Crapcom
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i still didn't forget what they did to megaman legends 3.
people also seem to not get what their priority is for the last few years.
nta but I too like watching beloved things destroyed
lol no
They made all their good games decades ago and they’re readily available through emulation.
You can even play the good shit online
I have faith in Capcom swapping out Denuvo for garbage ring zero spyware made by literally who's living in hostile foreign countries the instant they get tired of paying for it
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Source: my feels.
do you really need to ask?
i want them to get a reality check, the same as what square enix got for example.
who fucking cares? giving that idiot any attention at all is like trying to teach the pervert who flashes you on the bus a lesson by giving him the roughest, driest handjob ever
oy vey
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I hate zombiefaggotry with all my being its the setting that is the most appealing to fags and women because of its massive drama potential, I want it to die
based BLACKED enjoyer
/v faggots dreams might finally come true once capcom gets completely corrupted from within. you faggots been cheering and rooting for this to happen for a long time. gratz faggots the world is a bit closer to becoming a complete hell hole, so celebrate.
Enjoy the troon slop they're going to be shitting out now crapcom fans :)
>Surely the PS3/360 era approach will work this time
Well looks like we are sliding into the Capcom sucks era again
Capcom is the company that their internal docs leak literally showing them having diversity guidelines and shit. And this all happened YEARS ago. Anyone just complaining about this now has had their head in the sand
let them.
let's see how successful they gonna be with that business practice.
they started this shit at the worst possible time. people already got wind of how fucked up DEI can be and how it ruins every game in existence
I didn't know about it. seems that this BRIDGE/DEI shit is pure overhead
nippon has fallen
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After Rebecca took over, Warframe has only been getting better and better, so as long as they're bases I don't give a fuck.
Please no western directors, though.
>Retard culture warrior faggots believe having a quota like this means companies are hiring underqualified people based on their identity
That's exactly what quotas do.
so? no one cared when internal docs released showing they hate christmas, christians, demand use happy holidays, that women cant be shown like problematic representations with examples of link rescuing zelda or mario and peach and all the trannies promoting sf6 when it launched. capcom has always been a shit shovelware dev that shits out rehashes, cuts content to use in sequels 6 months later and single handedly destroyed arcade business with their retardation. no one cared then, no one cares now.
bridge/dei goes far beyond video games, movies or media in general. the products you purchase at the market, the education children receive at schools, your job structure. it will all be geared towards fully concentrating on globalists transhuman propaganda. ((they)) wish for majority of humanity to fully embrace becoming one with AI and willing to insert a chip in their noggin. personally I dont think it will ever happen and these faggots plans will fail miserably.
It's not. Fucking obviously. Think about for just a second. Literally stop hating nigger for just long enough to understand that this world, where they're putting illiteral gang-niggers into airline pilot seats because DEI does obviously not fucking exist.
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Yes yes of course they are qualified... until they have wrong opinions of course.
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because consequences for dissidents... are problematic.
>be Japan
>watch the entire western world capitulate to DEI insanity and eat shit for over a decade
>proceed to do exactly the same thing because you don't want to be seen as impolite or nationalistic

Why is every country like this now?
At times like this i'm glad Megaman is a pseudo-dead franchise.
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That's exactly what they do.
Only if they release Dino Crisis 3
who's gonna tell him?
It's been over for 70+ years, you are just watching them (and us) bleed out.
While technically true, sweet baby inc exposed the reality that these DEI positions are achieved through nepotism which is the opposite of identical qualifications, it's just an incestuous application of discrimination
like 99% of the shit you learn at medical school is completely irrelevant by the time you graduate. This is a terrible example
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Good old 'this time for sure!'
Corporate culture has a complete collective inability to learn, adapt, or improve.
If we purge women to where there aren’t enough to proliferate and inject into every facet of society, yes the population will collapse, but at least we’ll be spared garbage entertainment, is that not worth it?
Imagine actually believing this. Fucking retard.
T. HR hiring officer
You guys still think this is about money and the people putting these quota demands don’t know exactly what they’re doing? Kek
I do hope they keep pushing; it means the lynchings will happen sooner.
Capcom of America, like Nintendo of America, is filled with genuine, unironic troons.
They should always ignore what the west wants to make what is fun. They were westaboos to start with because of fun gaijin things.
>no new Mega Man game
I sleep, Capcom gets no money from me.
Cope lol.
nope they are a shit company obsessed with pandering to gay westerners
they've been producing nothing but garbage for years so why would they do any better in the future
Oh the little piggy got angry at people criticizing his favorite slop maker
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>hiring non japaense directors
wait so you cant be a game director at capcom if you're not japanese? isnt this racist as hell?
That's what happened with that Xbox game that mimicked Jet Set Radio's artstyle, jap game with gaijin director
>Sweet baby inc
The most overblown fucking drama ever. They are hired as a consoluting firm to make sure that when devs write characters that come from different cultures they don't shit the bed. Like when Mass Effect included a trans woman as a character who in her second line to you tells you what her male name was. SBY makes sure you don't do dumb shit like that.
But somehow gamers let themselves be convinced that SBY just exists to make every game more gay, more black, more anti-white and that's just not the case.
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Here's your Terry, losers
Pay up
I formally order you to immediately reply to this post with the word "nigger" and the phrase "you will never be a woman".
but isn't that what they did to Flintlock? the girl was originally going to be a redhead
after they went full globo homo with sf6, i have zero desire to ever give them one penny again
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Hmm, alright, I believe you sweaty.
And people wanted darkstalkers to return. Be fucking glad the franchise is so dead even capcom doesn't give a fuck about its anniversary, and Morrigan fanart is made.
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there is a reason they are the most hated corp in japan
>companies are hiring underqualified people based on their identity
Correct, because most of the time they don't find equally qualified "minorities", but when they do:
>If they are equally qualified, whitey loses out.
Which is systemic and structural racism the left always talks about.
Surprising lack of EA.
it's not racist to not hire them if they're white. the entire point of diversity is to give non-whites a chance in the spotlight to make up for the injustices they suffer in life you stupid 4channer
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wtf how is ubisoft more hated than EA?? sure they put slop after slop but EA literally treats their playerbase like monkeys by putting gacha in their sports games, which i would guess is what most normalfags plays.
Maybe most people actually love EA and I was delusional
man you think men can be women what makes you think anybody will take your dogshit posts seriously?
>Which is systemic and structural racism the left always talks about.
No. it is a solution to systemic racism.
If a region has 50/50 qualified white and black people. But a company has 95/white 5/black people hired, then there's some racism going on there. Correcting this, by giving the job to equally qualified black people until the ratio is closer to 50/50, (don't get hung up on this number, it's a fucking example) is not itself a form of racism, it's correcting for a racism.

Think of it this way: Your grandma gives your brother $50, and gives you nothing. Then next time your grandma is over, your mom tells her: "Hey, you gave anon nothing, but gave his brother $50. You need to give anon $50 now, to make it fair".
If your brother now goes: "Wow, you're giving anon $50 and I get nothing? How's this fair! You're being evil and discriminatory towards me now, by excluding me from getting $50!"
Correcting an inequality, by it's very nature, needs to prefer the person that inequality disadvantaged, at least to the point that the inequality is resolved.
People telling you that doing this is just "reverse racism" are lying to you, and just want to continue to benefit from the racism. (can't blame them, it is pretty sweet).
have you considered that it was probably not an option on the survey
>systemic racism
mentally ill conspiracy theory.
post dismissed.
Capcom can piss off for all I care. Only reason its still alive is MH and RE.
You’re clueless. They are blackrocks arm forcing you into the right-think and agenda.

> SBY just exists to make every game more gay, more black, more anti-white

Exactly the case.
Facts don't care about your feelings anon. Systemic racism is real.
Plus: I only fucking brought it up because the anon I replied to mentioned it.
and why would that survey omit such a big company as EA? hmmm
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>no link
Why are these threads always like this
>Systemic racism is real.
against whites and 'white-adjacent' races (read: Japanese)
I'd like to buy Wilds. but I can't have Enigma on my machines
You can google it, faggot

I'm never buying anything from them again after they started censoring games. don't care if they change course the damage is done
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This makes more sense now...
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Fuck Capcom
https://thatparkplace.com/capcom-admits-it-has-an-internal-quota-to-increase-percentage-of-female-managers-and-is-considering-hiring-non-japanese-directors/ the actual details are even worse than the screenshot of the article would have you think
You wouldn't have a quota if you just hired the best people for the job tard
I have yet to care about Capcom anything that isn't Megaman so the company might as well be dead.
Never did. Capcom died with the PS2.
No, John, you are the racist.
Choosing based on gender, skin colour or ethnicity is sexism and racism, no matter how you want to spin it. Hiding it behind the pretence of giving equal opportunities to "minorities" is hypocrisy. Especially when you consider that this happens only in western countries with a majority of white people. These quotas are forced by ideologies, jealousy and envy.
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Why is he hellbent on ruining video games?
everyone will be constantly pulled from production in order to attend seminars. no first draft will be so sensitive that it couldn't be even more so with revision and reevaluation
I will stop having faith when they have a year with only bad games. That has not happened for many years now. Capcom is still arguably the best AAA studio right now.
Kunitsu-Gami just came out and that was a good game.
Because games take 5-8 years to make now. We're still receiving the fruits from the pre-pozz era, just wait a little bit.
Nah, it doesn't work like that. Shit that was censored from SFV is uncensored in SF6, that was long after the 'Capcom is pozzed now!' artificial outrage happened
its over.
Dead Rising 2 was directed by a Canadian.
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I can't wait for the excuse that the normies and lefties will make when Capcom's good run (according to what they believe) will end after this news.
Who will they blame?
wypipo wouldn't be as overrepresented as they are if they weren't privileged. we're just setting the record straight you braindead bigot
Source: your feels.
Nigger you are LITERALLY posting what your feeling is, and pretending it's a fact. It has been proven MULTIPLE TIMES that when you send an employer IDENTICAL resumés, where the only difference is a black sounding name, vs a white sounding name, the white sounding name one gets picked way more often than the black sounding name. The whole point is that qualified niggers are not getting the jobs because they're black. That's why quota exists. That's the entire point.

Again. If you were JUST choosing based on identity. Yes, that would be discriminatory. But that's not what is happening. What is happening is that people are being discriminated against based on identity, and in order to correct that discrimination, obviously the the discriminated need to gain the benefit of the correction, or else you are not correcting anything.

Once again:Your brother gets money, you get nothing. Do we fix this by A: doing nothing: B: giving you the same amount your brother got?
This is not hard to understand.
>It has been proven MULTIPLE TIMES
you both need a good dose of shotgun mouthwash
>b-but nogs don't get hired!
they should have tried to act more white then
(You) could have tried learning proper English, you third world macaque. but what would cavemen like you know about systemic racism if you haven't experienced it in your rapecave in the middle of Africa, where you live like crowded like baboons eating your own dung
Here's a recent one: https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w32313/w32313.pdf
"Firms assigned the worst grade are estimated to favor white applicants over Black applicants by more than 20%,"
Here's another one from last year:
"we find that participants are 30 percentage points (pp) more likely to hire workers perceived to be white compared to Black."
here's an old one from 2003: https://www.nber.org/papers/w9873
"White names receive 50 percent more callbacks for interviews. We also find that race affects the benefits of a better resume. For White names, a higher quality resume elicits 30 percent more callbacks whereas for African Americans, it elicits a far smaller increase."
This is a thing that has been studied to fucking death. There's dozens and dozens of these.

It's fine to not want to be friends with niggers. I don't really give a fuck. But this discrimination shit has been studied to death and it's real. And because equally qualified minorities get discriminated in this way, quotas exist. To do the reverse UNTIL the number of white people to minorities is more reflective of the number of qualified applicants.
It's not discrimination against white people, it's taking away an unjust advantage white people have.
Capcom makes games for hispanics and has done so for 2 decades.
Stop posting my wife
Why would you do that?
since when do hispanics like drag queens and black homosexuals in their games?
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They are 100% hiring unqualified employees.
Look at the secret service which has a plan to have 30% female staff by 2030.
You had secret service WOMEN cowering behind president Trump during the assassination attempt. You had 5'3' lunch ladies unable to handle a pistol, attempting to holster the pistol 6 times in the span of 10 seconds.
If you think there is no difference between the physical nature of man and woman you are a retard. If you think there is no difference between the mental nature of man and woman then you are a double nigger.
They canceled MML3.
Ironic shitposting still is shitposting, seething white female (male).
>But that's not what is happening.
That is exactly what is happening in the real world. You never have the exact same candidates that are of the same value. You either have someone who checks the most boxes or you have your second choice who is inferior. And even if that magically happens one day, it's still racism, because the "minority" gets forcibly chosen based on its ethnicity and skin colour.
>Your brother gets money, you get nothing. Do we fix this by A: doing nothing: B: giving you the same amount your brother got?
You fixed nothing, you just reversed it by applying actual racism. I now get the money and he doesn't, because he was singled out and I was favoured due to fitting into your ideology.
It is absolutely normal and natural for companies in white countries to have a white majority and it also normal and natural to have specific professions with men only or majorly male oriented. As is it the case with female over representation in specific fields. "Minorities" should never be favoured over a country's main population.
You don't want equality, you just hate white people in a white people country.
>If a region has 50/50 qualified white and black people. But a company has 95/white 5/black people hired
stopped reading there
the company has 5% blacks because 95/5 is the ratio of qualified whites to qualified blacks in the region
leftist politics demand that everyone ignore this and act as if 50/50 qualification ratio is the reality, the extra 45 blacks that get hired are UNQUALIFIED
Do you have any evidence that any of those is because of racial prejudice? If so you should report them to the authorities for illegal practices, instead of doing your own illegal racial hirelings.
Capcom was never good but somehow the Resident Evil remakes made people forget how shit of a company they actually are
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I lost hope in Capcom the SECOND I saw that grotesque, retarded looking teaser for SF6. The end product was not any better.
I somehow lost hope even further when they pozzed my Steam games with Enigma; I uninstalled every one because now I know they can and will add it on a whim and without so much as a notice of any kind.
I fucking hate this company so goddamn much...
Gonna be worse than their western studio outsourcing phase
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That internal quota is because of BlackRock ESG.
>Sweet baby inc
>The most overblown fucking drama ever.
If you say so sweetie.
Capcom is gonna fail again. They tried to appeal to normies once and almost went bankrupt. They spent the last decade or so apologizing with remakes,remasters and long awaited sequels.

Now they will try to get normies agains. This time instead of COD dudebros is DEI troons
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Come on, baby (don't fear the reaper)
Baby, take my hand (don't fear the reaper)
We'll be able to fly (don't fear the reaper)
Baby, I'm your man....
When i was interviewing for a job at Capcom USA in SF every director i interviewed was female. They even have a female CFO who ultimately probably denied me the position in the end as well lol.
Their internal DEI bullshit leaked over a year ago.
It's already deep
source: history of failed DEI games
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I'm sure it was an accident that the GTA III remake trilogy was complete garbage because the DEI hires held the same qualifications
>hates Game Freak the most
>still buys yearly Pokémon entry
Quintessentially american, not unlike a self-conscious landwhale and greasy food
They simply cannot help themselves
Nigga have you SEEN How rockstar treats the old GTA games? Remember the last few re-releases? Even before the remake trilogy, they put out fucking mobile ports on PC, and other absolute dogwater. These are upper level management decisions, made by greedy corporate fucks who want the highest fucking profits at the lowest fucking cost.
If you think these ports were bullshit, because blue haired feminists and niglets decided "Hey, how about we make another re-make based on the mobile ports and fuck it up completely??" If this happened, then Rockstar would have seen the result, said "Jesus Christ this is utter trash" thrown it all out and given the project to someone who can do it properly. No this was fucked up from the top. By execs who wanted the most profit for the least investment. They call it "minimum viable product" and it's NOT DEI.

And again: it's fine to be racist. Be racist all you fucking want. I'm on 4chan, why the fuck would I care. But if you let your racism convince you that games are getting ruined by DEI, and not by corporate fucking greed, then I'm gonna call you a retard, because you're dumber than any fucking nigger I've ever seen.
>Mexicans hate Activision
nigga DEI is a result of corporate greed
This tranny actually trying to blend in by using the nigger word
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Non-Japanese you say?
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What's that?
Because humanity lost the great war.
it's only great cause nerdy nip MALES still work on it. The second a FEMALE is introduced then they introduce all this weird social shit that's nothing but mainstream NPC faggotry.

t. work with and around femoids, I have successfully blended in
It's fucking not. DEI dollars are a fucking lie.
>saudi's hate rare
What the fuck did they even do in recent memory?
If its female Japanese managers I’m ok with it but if its female foreign managers we have a problem
World is less good than the classic games, Rise was even less good.
Wilds will very likely double down on all the bad shit introduced in World.
I hope she's your doctor faggot
Mumbai Mai
Gen-Z and a mini
Maybe they'll be easier to emotionally manipulate into making Megaman Legends 3


>A fair amount of modern Resident Evil girls are thrown into basic tank tops and jeans
>Claire uglified, ass toned down
>Jill Valentine's remake design is generic, Art Director specifically cited in an interview to remove the sex appeal
>Everyone curses like a sailor because that is supposedly """mature"""
>Documents leaked in a hack that showed their commitment to political correctness
>specifically cited, and agreed, with the blatant hypocrisy that shirtless Ryu is OK but Rainbow Mika's buttslap is not
>Tried to shit on Princess Peach and Princess Zelda, while praising Ellie (TLoU) and nu-Lara Croft
>Street Fighter 6 pronouns
>Street Fighter 6 has a flamboyant host that's clearly not some joke or gag as some try to cope argue
>ALL breasts in Street Fighter 6 were nerfed
>Capcom USA used Drag queens to promote Exoprimal
>Capcom allowed a western company to censor all of Resident Evil 4 VR
>ALL fanservice and sexual banter removed in Resident Evil 4 Remake
>Ada's stylish, campy dress is replaced with just a basic sweater because REALISM even though RE4 defenders claim the game is supposed to be cheesy
>TheSphereHunter, tranny, used multiple times to shill Capcom products
>Added a content sensitivity disclaimer to Mega Man Battle Network Collection
>Lead writer for Resident Evil 8 in an attempt to pander tries to imply that Lady Dimitrescu may be possibly a lesbian
>Made Marisa in Street Fighter 6 blatantly bisexual
>Committed to Diversity and actively hiring more non-Japanese and foreign employees(https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/csr/social/employee.html)
>Claimed that "simply translating games developed under Japanese norms can end up hurting users"
>Capcom USA celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride
>Capcom booted the commentator Aru just because he said "autistic"
>Capcom says they are concerned over "mods that are offensive to public order and morals"
>Capcom wants to hire more non-japanese directors
Except it wasn't. The reason we have record firings in the industry now is because the DEI dollars are running out. DEI incentives was corporate greed.

Reminder that Capcom has officially joined the ranks of every other western company. They have fulfilled their destiny. Inafune would be proud, he finally got his wish.

/v/ is running out of copes in their perpetual denial about the state of modern Capcom despite their protests. What is left to latch onto at this point? Constantly going "b-but Lady Dimitrescu!!!" (that the Lead writer tried to give to the gays LOL!)? RE2 Remake Ada? In due time the evidence will be surmounting and /v/ can't deny any longer.
I dont get it, you seem rather happy at this parasitic faggotry infiltrating everything. why are you like this?
Thanks for admitting
I almost bought that new capcom tower defense game
do you know what a "diversity hire" is?
pro tip: if youre a minority that was hired and meets qualifications, you wouldnt be called a diversity hire
They should have a requirement of the director having development experience, like frontline shit with actual programming knowledge involved.
so what developer is safe from this bullshit now? it is over for video games in general?
maybe if people with black sounding names didnt commit more crime
source: literal factual crime statistics
Here's a hint: if you would've qualified for the job based on your skillset alone and you just happen to be a marginalized person, you were not a diversity hire, you were a skilled person who happened to tick a box and have nothing to fear if that were the case.

Diversity hires were hired not because of their resume or skill set but because of what they look like or identify as.
No words needed
Pretty much.
Some people hope for a pendulum swing but I don't see it happening.
It's time to take the /vr/ pill.
stereo types are real.
being racist is a good thing and every race should strive to live among their kind only.
Is this bait?
The fucked thing with people like you is that you know you're wrong, but say this shit anyways because you somehow believe that discriminating against capable people will somehow make the world a better place.
>Art Director Psychonauts 2
I knew the character designs in that game were fucking fishy.
Nigeru blue hair girl! !
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Remember Naked Chun Li caused the downfall of Capcom.
>Capcom locking DMCVSE content behind platforms
>Removing permissions to play MH Rise after buying Sunbreak DLC on steam
>stealthily removing DX11 support when pushing their DX12 update to REengine games removing the ability to play REengine games from DX11 consumers
>told PC users to upgrade to a DX12 GPU to play their REengine games then walked it back along with DX11 support when talk of a class action lawsuit was brewing
>Capcom localization document saying they would change gameplay elements for a global audience
People will look at this face and tell you, without even a hint of irony, that this is the best Chun-li has ever looked.
but it is.
Chink devs. The problem is that their games aren't good because they prioritize money over quality.
Yes! exactly like that, thanks for illustrating, I guess?
>female managers
If you played videogames and knew capcom this isn't a new thing, or a bad thing.
>non japanese directors
This also isn't new, but this one has more chances to go wrong.
Either way, if they make a bad game I'm not buying it, if they make a good one I'll buy it (or at least consider it)
Retarded niggers and schizos will always ruin everything for everyone.
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after how they treated Dragons Dogma 2? Hell nah
>To do the reverse UNTIL the number of white people to minorities is more reflective of the number of qualified applicants.
The problem is when you have a substantial proportion of management being non-whites (e.g. Indians in health care) you end up with discrimination against whites - any race that isn't the majority - because there are no laws subjecting non-whites to anti-discrimination laws.
no, I've given up on all of their IP because all of the modern releases either suck or are inferior to stuff from 20 years ago. they're also infecting their own games with the enigma drm just to fuck with us
Filthy /pol/ faggots
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Hmm... Strange how it happened twice with two different companies.
Average israeli poster
>they're also infecting their own games with the enigma drm just to fuck with us
This is the part that makes me livid.
I can very easily ignore the shit they are putting out now, but why the FUCK would they do this to their old games?
>Something from 3 years ago will justify my political outrage bait
not a option? not a valid survey.
Oh, have they stopped adhering to those guidelines and are now focused entirely on making good games? I didn't know!
Capcom fanboys on /v/ have been running damage control after damage control for the company for years. When you bring up the "parasitic faggotry" they'll always find an excuse. They will not listen to reason. What else can be done but laugh when reality sets in?
Objectively wrong, Capcom was nuking Ashley Graham mods way before the Chun-Li controversy.

Interesting how Spherehunter was allowed to publicly share lewd mods for male Resident Evil characters though (I think Leon Kennedy). Really makes one thing...
It's amazing how anti-Capcom /v/ became and how it coincides with all the political outrage.
What exactly are you saying here?
Capcom are the best software company. Deal with it
Just pointing something out, is all.
Because you think they are losing money. Suits and their buddies are not the ones losing millions and millions.
>non-japanese directors
Capcom has been doing too well for its own good. They were lucky to recover from the Inafune-era, yet inexplicably seek to jump right back in.
If you are able to make the connection, then surely you can also identify when and how Capcom games started getting worse?
yea they are sill on top. lets hope the world as a whole burns to ashes before we see their games become faggot propaganda akin to all westerns ones.
I hate that the fate of the western world is literally in the hands of the Burgers and /pol/
Racist bigots got Megaman Legends 3 cancelled because it has so many strong female characters. If Megaman Legends 3 came out straight white males would be soooo mad. Omg the patriarchy would be so owned if you released Megaman Legends 3. Racists would literally be destroyed if Megaman Legends 3 came out.
The moment you take their ethnicity, skin color, background, race, or other factors like that into account is the moment you are racist.
Diversity quotas are racist by that simple fact alone as they are quite literally discrimination based on race.
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No. Capcom has been dead for 20 years now.
Yeah. When they listened to Inafune in the 2000s. Then when he left and Ono got thrown out, they started to improve.
They were already censoring shit lols.
I had no faith to begin with, I aint paying for their shit.
OK retard.
>Noooo, you have to hate Capcom blindly as it fits /vpol/'s political outlook!!!
>l-le inafune!
no excuse, guy's been gone for more than a decade and capcom's still shitting the bed and being the greedy jews they've always been
"Hey, these people are being discriminated against based on their ethnicity, skin color, background, race or other factors, should we maybe do something to combat that discrimination?"
"OMG No! If you fix the discrimination, that's discrimination!!!!"
You are so smart anon. At least 15, maybe 20 IQ.
Being a brainrotten retard who literally cannot stop thinking about muh left, muh right or muh /pol/ is a (You) problem buddy, not mine.
You are either being disingenuous or you truly believe current day Capcom is good, either way you are retarded and not worth talking to any further.
Rise was mid and Wilds looks extremely questionable
Did you play SF6?
>Shit that was censored from SFV is uncensored in SF6
they brought back Cammy's nipples and R. Mika's ass slap?
fuck yeah
MH world/rise, RE series, DMCV, SF6 and yea DD2. all fantastic games. your taste is abysmally shit.
dont worry though faggot, once capcom games get filled with faggot propaganda I wont buy their product anymore. so you go ahead and keep cheering for such moment to come.
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This game signified Capcom being a fuck up for years to come
>World was great MH Rise sucks
Most NPC opinions ever by people who never played it. World is slow as fuck and Rise you just play the game.
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still it was the king of fighting games
during its time, taken over only by SF6. sad…
tekken 7 completely raped it
in your opinion.
sf5 was still played by a much larger group and had way more attention.
Street Fighter has always been the benchmark of Capcoms internal health. SFV was the start of it they came back with luck on MH, DMCV and RE2,3 Remakes, the FGC, Ace Attorney(despite how awful the translation is). But honestly I can feel that SF6 was a warning shot. Kunitsu Gami is the only decent game recently.
>quota like this means companies are hiring underqualified people based on their identity.
That's the definition of a quota system you dumb retard.
Nowhere in my post did I say World was great, you imbecile.
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Literally, LITERALLY all the games you mentioned are lesser versions of games made by Capcom last decade or before.

No, of course not.
It is EXTREMELY fucking ugly and I can very clearly see it doesn't even play like a Street Fighter anyway so no, I did not and will not play it.
shit opinion.
name a developer which escapes the looming dei dread. what games do you play? let me guess, youre a gatcha nigger.
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You're not fooling anyone.
People know that scum like you know you're lying at this point.
>immediately has to invent an imaginary enemy to make himself feel better
No, I don't play gacha.
your opinion is shit. carry being a faggot, faggot.
OK retard, keep eating up whatever Capcom shits out, they very clearly have plenty more in store for you.
here >>683657789
>>immediately has to invent an imaginary enemy to make himself feel better
/v/ does that everyday
Here >>683658569
I genuinely hate everything about nu Capcom and this made up redemption arc because of RE2make and DMCV
DD2 was the final straw for me so if they starting shitting the bed even more because of three letter acronym or whatever so be it
It's over.
your opinion is shit! why are you faggots always so elusive about sharing what games you play? kill yourself nigger.
I play Tekken 8, Strive, Granblue Fantasy and KoF XV. All better fighting games than Dix.
I also play a bunch of different, single player shit.
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whatever. less shit to filter through.
imagine shitting on capcom about dei while playing strive. again, kill yourself you nigger faggot.
Point me towards the post where I said Capcom is bad because of DEI
Nope, its over. It was already trending bad with the leaks two years ago and this is way worse
well, your opinion is still worth less than dogshit and your taste in games is abysmal. I can tell youre a massive unironic faggot by the games you named.
Absolutely none, all their good devs have left.
OK retard.
shit games lmfao kys
says the nigger faggot. kill yourself.
Telling creatives what they can and can't do is dystopian, this is not an exaggeration.
Nigger it's not "telling developers what they can and can't do". it's developers going: "Hey, I want to put a niggerfaggot into my game. But I know NOTHING about niggerfaggots, can I give you some money and you go over my script telling me what I got right, and what I got wrong about these niggerfaggots?" and then SBY going:" alright, well first of all, instead of calling them 'niggerfaggot' you should probably call them a gay black man. Or maybe a gay person of color. We'll go from there". They're not the content gestapo, showing up at your doorstep going: "Hmm, why don't I see any black jewish lesbians in your story? We'll need to fix that now."
Disingenuous faggot.
Pandering to westerners and becoming more involved in sociopolitical nonsense is one and the same.
Yeah, this deranged post truly helps your argument and your credibility kek
Cause mem liked the FIFA games and women love the Sims.
meanwhile IRL flintlock was going to have a redhead girl lead until SBI got involved
Why IS that still such a common thing?
Some of the other faggot trends I can sort of understand but why are redheads so targeted?
Because EA hasn't been relevant in ages. They already burned down everything you loved ages ago.
There is nothing left except Madden and FIFA and the normalfags who play those games don't give a fuck.
Ubisoft meanwhile keeps dragging around the corpses of its beloved IPs.

Bioware RPGs?
The last one was fucking Andromeda which released in 2017
Nobody even remembers it - It's now called "Apex Legends"

Boomers will always cry about the loss of studios like Bullfrog or Westwood but modern audience only know EA for Apex, Sims and FIFA.
I truly genuinely hope your plane doesn't fall because the indian coder forgot to make sure it didn't fail midflight. I hope the black doctor that got the job through 'progressive policies' doesn't leave a scalpel inside you or your loved ones. I hope you don't get shot by a female cop just because you turned around too fast during a simple DUI check. I hope you don't pass over a bridge built by women that will collapse and kill you and other unlucky people. I hope your pc doesn't brick over wasting entire weeks worth of work because a faulty update was issued by DEI-lenient companies with kernel access to your pc through job-required applications, potentially making you lose your job.

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