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>I'm tired of third party characters in Smash we need more first pa-
The only good first party character left is Ring Fit.
I’d love all of these, though
>2000s: animal crossing
>2010s: splatoon
Do you think nintendo will make a franchise as big as these two in the 2020s?
I hope pushmo and starfy get more games soon
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Hop off Pushmo
No clue why they haven't put the games on Switch because I'd 100% double dip
I don’t understand either, I thought the games sold well
>first party
Only Sukapon and Cranky Kong are first party (and even then Cranky stems from a second party game)
Starfy's developed by Tose
Isaac's Camelot
Lip and Mallo are Intelligent Systems
Nintendo doesn't own those studios, they just work closely with them (well except Tose at this point)
Hope tose starts working closer with nintendo now that their squenix stuff has flopped, maybe they could make more starfy
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I want Toad.
The last thing Smash needs is more characters. The roster is bloated and character functions keep overlapping like mad
nah, I'm fine with Semi-clones as long as they have their own expression, having Fox and Falco was never a bad thing
I'd take any of these over another soulless current popular thing character
>Pushmo joins the battle to slap your shit
I wasn't talking about clones, just characters that function 90% like other characters with the same gameplan. There's little variety or uniqueness. It doesn't help that there's no new universal mechanics to play with and the only system changes they make are for the worse.
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Nothing wrong with those characters. You don't need a hype 3rd party rep every time, and that's precisely why Smash went downhill, too many guests and not enough Nintendo characters.
What would be his moveset
I miss fireden
sounds like you are talking about clones
>maybe they could make more starfy
Given Nintendo just put the three GBA Starfy games on NSO (yes untranslated but still) out of nowhere, gives me some hope that Starfy might be coming back soon.
Imagine if we see a 4-5 remake dual pack next direct
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Your strawman argument only looks bad because it completely failed to include any Kirby character. Next time, bait better.
he pushes
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Those are both fine choices, but we need someone else first.
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Worst option.
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They would be awesome!
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>another sword fighter
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Dillon deserves a slot.
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Eggman, Shadow or Knuckles?
hate to say it but they might cave in to the autists
He was dead when he wasn't in Melee.
He was dead when he was a Mii Costume.
He was dead when he was the exact same Mii costume and they added FOUR OTHER SQUEENIX CHARACTERS.
He's dead.
hey I don't want him in, I can just see it happening more that those I had on the right
It’s a crime kirby’s smash content is largely limited to the games sakurai made, it’ll be especially awkward if sakurai does it again since star allies and forgotten land are the best selling games in the series
I don’t care if people think that I’m seething over a puppet but the tears of genofags are more delicious than haters KEK
Smrpg’s remake released less than a year and sold well so he does have that
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Sub Kris out for any other big SHOT indie protag if we still don't have the first paid chapters of Deltarune by this year's end.
>one remake of a 30+ year old forgotten game
>enough to bring him into smash bros
Bro fucking Mallow has more of a chance of getting into smash because of his unique weather based moveset
Is there any chance of us getting an advance wars rep next smash bros or us getting another advance wars?
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The remake was the end goal, now that he's got that, he doesn't need Smash. Smash was supposed to be a marketing draw for newer games, Geno didn't get in Smash as a fighter but he got his game remade. Contrast that to Banjo-Kazooie and K. Rool who are still MIA in terms of a new game.
I wonder if he’ll get a new game anytime soon
thats another thing, people act like that Geno's game(well only smashies) when we already have Mario, Peach and Bowser, I don't see people going crazy about Vivian in TTYD
nobody mentioned Ayumi or Emio despite having a huge trailer. Sad!
Lol No, assist trophy got cut.
it depends
That's because Smash doesn't get characters new games, and it never did. New games tend to help get characters in Smash. That whole line of thinking has always been dumb from the start.
what happened to gamefreak?
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based Endless Ocean enjoyer
It takes less resources to add a character from a game in Smash than it does to make a whole game with said character in it.
But the character needs a reason to be added in the first place, and if they don't have a current game to promote, they have little reason to invest in for Smash unless it's one being done for shits and giggles, but somebody like Geno is too expensive for that.
>But the character needs a reason to be added in the first place
They don't. They really don't. Banjo-Kazooie wasn't promoting anything.
>but somebody like Geno is too expensive for that.
I doubt Geno was expensive. I'd wager Sora and Sephiroth cost more money, mainly Sephiroth and the music he came with.
Yeah the series should be on switch. Nintendo didn't always need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to these franchises
We could’ve at least gotten a port
I'd pop that fucker in my mouth and swallow him whole
Dude, my biggest never ever is an obscure Nintendo character even for obscure Nintendo character standards
Just accept the fact that it ain't happening
Nintendo/Sakurai isn't gonna prioritize obscure characters simply because they're (co-)owned by Nintendo
Characters who haven't had a game in ages let alone aren't even highly requested among Smash fans themselves
Sakurai does take popularity and global reception into consideration when choosing characters and he outright panders more to the Western fanbase than Japanese when it comes to Nintendo character picks
>any character from Square Enix
>not expensive and/or tied behind labyrinthian red tape for each asset associated with them
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Nah this cute lil sucker should be in Smash Bros
everyone would play as cranky kong if he was in. idk why sakurai thinks people want to play as a nondescript anime character that nobody knows or can distinguish
Geno is purely Square and I don't think SMRPG's music is tied to Sony or whatever label FF is being vicegripped by. I also mentioned Sephiroth for a reason. Sora is Disney, and Hero is Sugiyama which admittedly could be pretty pricey but Final Fantasy exclusively has that problem with its soundtracks and songs.

>Dude, my biggest never ever is an obscure Nintendo character even for obscure Nintendo character standards
>Doesn't mention said character
Don't be a coward.
>Don't be a coward.
Pious Augustus from Eternal Darkness with DeMille from Tomato Adventure coming in second
This should be on the NSO gameboy app
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See? Nothing to worry about.
Reminder that Smash Bros' popularity boost for other franchises' is overrated
Chibi-Robo, Starfy, Panel de Pon, and Golden Sun would still be FUCKING DEAD
FE was dying but was saved when it become persona style loserb8
I want to fuck that star
That's a male you faggot
Exactly. Smash really didn't have nearly as much of a hand in the series' growth as smashfags think it does. Even the decision to start bringing the games west was because of Advance Wars more than Melee.
Starfy, please come back
Tose is actually in really bad shape right now. Their July 2024 fiscal report is pretty bleak
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All of you are lightweights. Lets get some deep fucking cuts in here.
Neither of them have moveset potential, and the series isn't big enough to warrant making one up for either of them.
>This stale argument YET again
Based Toad-enjoyer.
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>Only one person brought up Travis Touchdown
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The rosterfag hivemind is losing its grip
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it's pretty simple
>characters I like
god tier
>characters you like
faggot tier
Nice cope
>mobilefag bringing up shit from almost twenty years ago as an argument
Again, Geno won. He got his game remade and I speak as a K. Roolfag; that's really what matters. K. Rool can come back to Smash at any time but if he doesn't come back to DK, it's no better than Captain Falcon being the Smash Bros. guy.
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How much salt will there be when Ayumi is picked as the spear/naginata user instead of Bandana Waddle Dee?
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Saki should have been playable.
Lets be honest. Theres gonna be a subset of smash fans that will be always angry that their favorite platforming blorbo wasn't picked.
Third party
that was me, hi
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my personal only (you) ask for him has to be Mr. EAD from F-Zero

I love how he is a sentient Nintendo console as an android so I think he would be perfect for Smash Bros
Even with your obvious cherrypicking Isaac, Lip, Cranky and maybe Sukapon would be cool as fuck, you only want exclusively 3rd party because you want to see your favorite youtuber doing the basedjak face and phony reactions.
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You are playing the beta tomorrow, right?
not a fan of her redesign
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Aside from changing her eye color from brown to blue, it's really not THAT different in my opinion.
Same. Seeing that link immediately made me a little sad.
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Cranky Kong is extremely based. He will mop the floor with your asshole.
I wasn't a fan of her redesign for the remake either. Mostly because they changed her hairstyle a bit. Fortunately for Emio, I'm happy her hairstyle is closer to her iconic 1988/part 2 look.
What would her moveset be? An UMvC3 Dante stand-in or something?
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>That collarbone
Not as high as a new FE rep but there will definetly be bitching. Also does she really use spears in her games? Haven't played FDC yet.
bring back the kururin assist trophy you fucks
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The own the IPs to all these characters, you mug. I don't know why some idiots go "acksually they're second party" when Nintendo owns the IPs regardless of what the dev studio is actually doing. Nintendo still owns the IP for something like Style Savvy, even if synSophia is making fashion games for other publishers. It's why their latest game is called Fashion Dreamer and not fucking Style Savvy.
Why? It didn't assist you at all, it just got in the way.
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>Also does she really use spears in her games?
Unfortunately not, but it's listed in her bio and in official art.

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