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Something about this is castle...deeply unsettling.
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No there fucking isn't you stupid fucking zoomer.
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Whatever you do....don't look up the Space World suicides.
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No it isn't.
Don't look up the Mario 64 blue tapes.

Croc 2 is worse
I'm driving on the lawn!
>Mario 64 stages exist as floating islands amongst a void of empty nothingness surrounded by an infinite number of parallel universes that cannot be rendered
>Something about this is castle
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Ninja Hattori-kun is TERRIFYING (3:32:01)
One time I drove there as a kid and turn the game off to switch on Mario 64 to pretend Mario had to drive there to start the game.
coming here in Cursed Halo was really enjoyable for me
hes not wrong though
Don't look up the Mind of Mario (Psychology) [1994]
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>How Decap Attack....BREAKS you
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Don't look into the death of Nintendomad
it's probably the fact that it seems to be in an isolated island in the middle of nowhere
And what is that?
Why doesn't Mario Kart do this more often? They keep making up bullshit nonsense like Wario Mountain or The Cheese Dimension instead of making tracks actually based on Mario stuff
That's not scary in the slightest, that's just level limitations for a 1996 N64 launch title.
are you me
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Don't look up Koizumi is a freemason
I'm your own clone.

Let's fuck
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Every time I see zoomers losing their shit over some 90s video game I think of this screencap
Just a completely mindbroken generation of children
limitations can be scary for those that did not grow up with them
How did you get a picture of one of those dreams I had as a child?
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how were you supposed to know?
the intro box tells you
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Was it kino?
I am going to enter the castle to have sex with princess peach.
>deeply unsettling
You mean fucking amazing? I remember playing this when I was 11 and being blown the fuck away by it. I spent like 30 minutes just doing stuff in the courtyard. Even my dad, who was a blue collar boomer who considered video games nerd shit, was very impressed.
Nobody ever said that castle was creepy or unsettling until fucking zoomers came along trying to fish for views
>zoomers are afraid of old video games, think shit like Sonic 06 is good, and have no idea how to use computers
what went so wrong with them
The only part of the castle that was slightly spooky was a Boo suddenly being at the end of a corridor that was empty before that. The Boos outside weren't spooky since they were just enemies but you might be a little startled to see the first one in the hallway, for a moment. Other than that it's a nice classy looking place.
Zoomer website
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>Nobody ever said that castle was creepy or unsettling
The infinite staircase scared the shit out of me the first time I played through the game as a kid. Made me grab every single star I could get and even then, I was still terrified of trying to go up the stairs again.
Is that.... grass??? Where is the heckin husslin and busslin of a big city?
>the first hub-world has been the most well-designed hub-world in vidya history

It's rather odd, yeah.
I mean even Galaxy falls short of it, even though probably a lot more effort and thought went into it.
jokes on them, I always knew Sonic 06 was kino
I used to do things like this in games all the time. Good stuff.
the underwater eagle or whatever was scary too

so was the shark
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>make a post on /v/ 10 years ago about how WDW is an unusual concept for a level
>a decade later
>zoomers are genuinely terrified by fucking mario 64
What a world we live in
In the end it all comes down to a shitty parenting
Do you have a life?
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Actually wait yes, >>683642158, the infinite staircase was a little unnerving, especially since it breaks the standard unlocking from the last two Bowser doors and lets you straight in, it's a nice trick.
I mean the actual castle itself, not in the levels.
oh no, z-fighting, save me niggerman
The flesh eating piano scared the fuck out of me.
Also those eels
my friend's mom thought this is what made mario satanic
I feel the same way famm.
>SUPER MARIO 64 (temporary)
Why was it temporary?
Don't forget this new hotness.
>Pic related
It's a fucking eel. Eels are cuddle buddies in the wild
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>every single thread is full of dumbfucks thinking this is a zoomer thing
>when all the games involved are decades old
>when the phenomena is deeply connected to nostalgia

Zoomers don't know what limnal spaces are. Zoomers don't know what mario 64 is.
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>laugh at the people scared of the big fish in Tiny-Huge Island
>mfw the piano
I thought I was the only one creeper out by this old shit
The DS port ruined this by breaking the illusion with the minimap. It wasn't clear how they were making it infinite on N64 since the walls and stairs blend together when you run.
I never liked the basement.
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Forgot my pic.
>>when the phenomena is deeply connected to nostalgia
No, it isn't.
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The oldest zoomers are in their mid 20s.
Old games are just creepy
this "Mario 64 is TERRIFYING!!!" shit is not from people who grew up playing it, it's from people born after it even came out
Why speak with such confidence on topics you are so clueless about?
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Come on in!
Buddy being scared of fucking Mario 64's hub level is definitely zoomer shit because anyone who actually played the game and thus had nostalgia for it isn't fucking scared of it.
No, old horror or thriller games are creepy.
games used to be fun
prove me wrong
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FNAF ain't shit, we grew up with REAL horror in our vidya.
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All early 3d games have the same unnerving feeling.
Because I grew up playing Mario 64 and nothing about the castle is scary other than the brief spook of the infinite staircase. In levels there's the piano, the eels, and the big fish, as things that might unnerve a small kid, but terrify, no.
It's not just zoomers who find this game unsettling
What makes you think that?

Yeah dude haha every single human being have the same experience of every single game hahaha
It's this psychedelic looking empty nightmare scenario, emptiness and rough angles
So if I go see a horror movie and I didn't find it scary, I can then conclude that no one else finds it scary? What kind of retarded argument is that?
it's because the kids that had n64's were the sheltered middle-class/upper middle class kids, rugged kids had ps1's instead
Super Mario 64 is not a horror game.
>So if I go see a horror movie
We're talking about Mario 64, not Silent Hill.
Hmm okay you got me there that was a bit of an "oh shit" moment. I can still hear that music..
Don't forget how they get all their opinions from Youtubers, to the point where they think everyone else does too, which is why it's such a common refrain from them that Sonic 06 was only disliked because of Youtubers and not, you know, people actually playing the game and seeing it was a massively broken buggy piece of shit.
>a horror movie
Not even remotely true, are you even 18?
brother I'm 35
You're trying really hard to deflect from the fact that you find Mario 64 scary lmfao
Mario 64 always had this melancholic feeling of being a snapshot of a world. Small levels with interesting skyboxes you wanted to explore.
There are TWO things in the castle hub that might be a little spooky to kids; the Lethal Lava Land portrait, and the infinite staircase. That's it. At least talk about things in the actual levels like the piano jumpscare if you want to do this "Mario 64 is SCAWY" schtick.
How is this not creepy as fuck to you???
why would you bring up " a horror movie" in response to someone saying SM64 isn't scary? do you think SM64 is a horror game?
Because I am not retarded.
Same vibe lowkey
I hung out around the train tunnels in Kalimari Desert, and drove along with the train pretending I was the train driver. I don't even have a train thing, it just seemed cool to drive a steam engine in the desert.
>bright scene with upbeat music and colorful mascot characters made for children
jesus ipad babies never experienced authenticity huh
The purple gorilla and those killer dolls spooked four year old me.
>gen-xers saw these graphics and jizzed in their pants
Cheese Land is great but I agree
They tend to reuse boring concepts like ordinary cow farm or ordinary city with mushroom cars instead of drawing inspiration from the actual games
Why would it be creepy?
It wasn't the graphics that were amazing it was the fact things were moving in complete 3d
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe remains the best mario kart game of all time, boomer.
Roblox literally looks better than this spooky old game
Name your other random interconnected shit you did that just seemed correct, /v/.
Are you really not able to extract the central point I'm trying to make?

You not being creeped out by something does not guarantee that everyone else in your generation reacts to it in the same way. How we experience media is more complicated than "if genre = horror: brainstate = scared".
Given the deluge of N64/PS1 era "inspired" indie games apparently you do too
It looks dead, barren, ghost town, can't make anything out it's so surreal looking
I can see why you'd think that since it's probably the only new Mario Kart game that came out in your short lifespan
The likelihood of every person who saw a video that claimed Mario 64 is scary, and then also claimed it must be scary because the video said so, is in fact a person who specifically grew up with an N64 and lived in pure terror of Peach's Castle and its red carpets and marble walls, is astronomically low.
yeah and some people get struck by lightning twice
they're also functionally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, and that grand scheme is that virtually nobody who was alive when mario 64 released found the castle by itself scary
It doesn't look like any of those things.
It's just an open field with 3 people and an escarpment in the background.
Used DNMONSTER cheat in Duke Nukem 64's city or spaceport levels to turn off monsters, then went around to the areas as if I was playing a simulation game living there.
Bet, it's a bit of a vibe fr fr
I cant get over how the castle looks like it's screaming that's a big nope from me you guys
The peach painting turning into bowser was kinda creepy the first time I saw it.
t. didn't play late at night with the sound off to avoid waking up parents
I hung out in the hub of diddy kong racing just chilling. did that more than racing
And I can end your lifespan
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Yeah, this piece of shit lives in it.
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>dead, barren
>bright and sunny green field with trees
>ghost town
>no buildings, visibly has pink Bob-Ombs and goombas walking around
>just a fairly ordinary looking valley with some green hills and a mountain
Jesus christ that's fucky
the only scary thing about that was getting caught and that would've applied to any fucking game
jesus christ I hope I'm not alive when I see some gen alpha kid make a youtube essay about how fucking kirby's epic yarn is spooky or some shit
you're gay and retarded. you also sound like a bitch. imagine being scared by sm64 lmfao
Those bloopers were my elementary school memories
Coupled with the fact that I've been in blogs and forums about Mario 64 for over 2 decades and can't remember a single time when somebody described the game as unsettling outside of the piano and maybe the music for that level as well.

Somebody one day went "whoa, big low poly castle = scary, I gotta make a video on this" probably after playing NextBot or some shit, and then thousands of zoomers followed suit.
Definitely spooky by today's standards yes.
I mean, I wouldn't call Bob-Omb Battlefield "fairly ordinary looking"
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Funnily enough since for the first couple of months we only had one N64 controller and couldn't do 2 player Grand Prix, we'd do 1 player GP and take turns pretending to be in a sidecar on the kart or whatever, and that person was who picked up the item boxes and threw the items while player 1 drove.

Which is more or less the premise of Mario Kart Double Dash, six years later.
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>what you think you are:
big badass who ain't afraid of nothing

>what you actually are:
emotionally retarded
I hate Peach's old hair. She looks like a soccer mom.
This is a really bizarre attempt at trolling.
I don't think I was a "big badass" for not being frightened of Super Mario 64.
this form of autism is extra annoying
EVERY copy of SM64 was personalized
>big badass who ain't afraid of nothing
>not being scared by a bright cheerful castle means you must have never scared by anything ever
OoT had parts that scared me, Shadow Man and DOOM 64 scared me throughout. Mario 64 did not.
congrats, you're tougher than an 8 year old kid, want a medal?
>Mario 64... broke me...
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Yeah. Everyone mentions the piano. Because it's an intentional jumpscare meant to shock the player, and it did just that, and it's in a "haunted house" level so it's exactly where it should be. A lot of people mention the eels, which were huge and were underwater where Mario moves very sluggishly, so that's a pretty common reaction. But other than maybe the infinite stairs I've never heard of people being spooked by the castle hub itself, not before these very recent youtube videos which I strongly suspect are made by people not even born when the game came out.
>to pretend Mario had to drive there to start the game.
Dude he literally comes out of the warp pipe to start the game, pay some fucking attention for once in your life
it's not scary, you guys are a bunch of bitches. i bet you fags still sleep with the light on kek
>Big liminal space
>Colorful yet completely desolate
>Brutalist architecture
It's almost... Lovecraftian
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For me it's the Delicious Cake
only sleep during the day when the sun is out and the windows are open
i dont trust the lights, they went out once
way too much ornamentation going on to be brutalist
I think we've located the biggest badass in the thread. I bet this guy doesn't go to bed until 3 am. Sometimes he even watches R rated movies even though he's not allowed to!
He doesn't if you already have a save file.
When I said start I didn't mean start an entirely new game.
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>Wdym my childhood toys are creepy?
Boomer anons itt
Compared to more abstract levels like Wet Dry World, or Tick Tock Clock, or more exotic looking levels like Shifting Sand Land, it sure is; a green valley with some hills, a typical first area in a game, indeed that's World 1 of SMB3. Even Whomp's Fortress has the oddity of being a fort floating in the sky.
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Guys, don't click this, it'll scare you out of your chair, it's too terrifying.
It doesn't unsettle me, it just sexually arouses me.
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6 year old. And I got the N64 with Super Mario 64 and Shadows of the Empire. Super Mario 64 was not scary to me. Shadows of the Empire on the other hand had a number of scary parts, both levels and enemies. But Peach's Castle and its bright and cheery halls and plush trimmings, no, that was not scary.
Horror movies? "Ain't afraid of nothing"?
No wonder people are mocking you, you keep leaping to these wild responses as your comparison point for SUPER MARIO 64
and you deserve mockery for being unable to spot the world's most obvious instance of trolling
stop replying to him
Not in Mario Kart, the entrance is off Royal Raceway. If you drive in there, you can easily imagine getting out of the kart and going into the castle to start the game.
It's a fucking castle. How is that liminal? It's the opposite of liminal.
shadows of the empire had those goofy-ass wilhelm screams when you kill an enemy kinda working against its horror factor
We are all zoomers retraded?
What do they eat?
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The zoomers who go on about Mario 64 being
a liminal space and how the "castle is unsettling" and retarded cryptic lore are fucking obnoxious but you're disingenuous if you think that Mario 64 didn't have unnerving elements that are absent from literally every other 3D Mario game (stuff that'd be spooky to a young kid).
>the giant Eels
>the ghost house music
>the Chain Chomp
>the piano
>the Lethal Lava Land portrait
>the giant fish that chases you down and one-hit kills you

These were all things that were notoriously scary and scared children. For a lot of people it was their first encounter with scary things in a video game.
It stucks out like a sore thumb because no other mainline Mario game has anything like this, save for the Eel dentist mission in Sunshine.
Anything remotely close in later Mario games doesn't really have the unintentional scary vibe because of the much more cartoony artstyle.

It's just something I realized while replaying SM64 a few years ago. I don't find these things scary now but I have tons of memories of being afraid to do certain sections of SM64 when I was a kid. I was still a kid for Sunshine and an early teen for Galaxy 1 but neither of them really made me feel that way.
Look in a dictionary fag
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Yes, and those were really funny, and I enjoyed blasting stormtroopers and making them fall off. The falling death animation was also funny with the loud thud that played after Dash fell out of view. But several of the bosses and enemies were still scary, and the more realistic graphics made intense.
Yeah but this thread is about the least fucking scary part of the game.
The Secret Ritual was performed by another?
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The reason all of you make fun of it is because you think if something creeps you out that "shouldn't", it makes you a pussy, so you refuse to examine it in any detail what so ever. It's probably an indicator that you're emotionally insecure.
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>think Liminal Spaces are stupid
>remember that I used to be afraid of this level as a kid
Oh yeah the eel could give a bit of a spook if you're near him when he comes out of his window yeah, I wouldn't call it scary just more of a kneejerk reaction. Maybe the carousel could be unsettling looking back but it certainly didn't seem that way as a kid.

People these days seem to point to that empty city level as well but... I dunno I think they're overthinking that, nobody cared at the time at all.

Kek, don't scare me like that anon!
>In anthropology, liminality is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the rite is complete. During a rite's liminal stage, participants "stand at the threshold" between their previous way of structuring their identity, time, or community, and a new way (which completing the rite establishes).
More specifically on locations
>In architecture, liminal spaces are defined as "the physical spaces between one destination and the next." Common examples of such spaces include hallways, airports, and streets.
Now how the fuck is Peach's house liminal?
The one where you shoot the stormtrooper off the ledge from a distance in Hoth always made me laugh
SM64 is 1000% a creepy as hell video game that's not news you fucking dorks
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Wet Dry World was cool, not creepy.
Well I happen to like the non-Euclidean construction.
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I feel extremely emotionally secure in not being creeped out by a low poly castle surrounded by neon bright pixelated grass, and even more emotionally secure in thinking that anyone who's actually creeped out by such a thing to be more emotionally inexperienced and sheltered than literal children.
That's not a liminal space, that's literally a sealed room of water where the only way out other than grabbing a star or leaving the level in the menu is to drown. There's only so many coins in there to replenish health.
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Peach wanks there
SM64 is unintentionally spooky in the same way that alpha/beta Minecraft is unintentionally spooky.
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>deeply unsettling
it's by design
There's nothing scary about Minecraft either.
this is basically how I feel when I meet someone who is afraid of harmless bugs like spiders or roaches IRL
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>Something about this is castle
>he screamed securely
>the physical spaces between one destination and the next
I'm sure if you think as hard as you can you'll figure it out
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Your unhinged greentexting and ranting about this makes you look more emotionally insecure than anyone else in this thread.
Soul. I agree though. Most videos I've seen on it make up lore about why it's not populated and that's where they get the spook.

It's not populated because the entire game is 8MB and they were already pushing the systems limits in regards to texture memory use.
I wasn't scared of drowning in that level.
It was just the idea of being enclosed by a bunch of windows, as a kid I sort of had a fear of empty rooms with large windows and my overactive imagination expected something to peek at me through them while swimming around in there.
Is that a cute boywife I see?
Emotional security is about being comfortable with your own emotions. The fact that not being creeped out makes you secure betrays your emotional insecurity.
The level is an isolated point in space, much like earth.

It's scary to kids because it's a reflection of their mortality / our place in the universe.

Our brains are made to wonder what is over the horizon, and we go to a dark place when we feel like we've been cornered.

Modern games go to a much greater effort to give the illusion of a space outside the level boundary, so it's probably just a case where kids playing these older titles feel claustrophobic.

When they look at that skybox on an hd screen via an upscaled emulator, they don't wonder what's on that distant island, they just feel trapped in a box.
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A castle, her home, IS a destination. A liminal space would be the warp pipe Mario takes to arrive at that destination.
Well those are pretty basic fears regardless.
Thats a child
So are the paintings real places in the Mushroom Kingdom, or seperate self contained mini dimensions that exist solely within the paintings?
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This is what video games used to be about.
Do I have to spoonfeed you everything?
The liminal space here is the outdoor area before you enter the castle aka the OP picrel. Want your ass wiped too?
Not me but my brother played Half-Life pretending to be either a security guard or a HEV grunt, which included only using their weapons and also firing with the same cadence and posture the NPCs and enemies did with the pistol or the machine gun. Later on of course Opposing Force and Blueshift made playing as those official but I think he'd stopped doing that by then.
skibidi fanum tax indeed
What was the point of the sign?
Oh yeah when OP mentioned the "brutalist architecture" (which it doesn't have), he didn't mean the castle
A lot of this is castle, actually. But it's not really unsettling.
congrats, you're tougher than an 6 year old kid, want a medal?
>lush locations that aren't filled with black people and litter absolutely terrify city dwelling zoomers merely because they are so unfamiliar and alien
When I was a wee lad back in 1996 I got a chance to demo Mario 64 at Toys R Us and the music legitimately frightened me, especially the sudden Bowser laugh. Previously my only video games were Mario Bros, Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario World 2, and Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past. I totally get it that the younger generation finds this particularly vidya unsettling.
this isnt real
but they're not scared of things like the sudden Bowser laugh or the jumpscare piano, they're scared of...the marble walls, or the green grass
ebic portal the cake is a lie 2007 reference
Yeah, and I'm comfortably not "unsettled" by a bright, colorful cartoon castle with literally no unsettling elements.
If you showed one of these zoomers an actual horror movie I think they'd die of a heart attack.
When I was a big lad who had lived for 30 years under a rock, I got a chance to demo Mario 64 at Toys R Us and the grass legitimately frightened me. I pissed and shat myself on the spot like a dog would on that grass.
What if YOUR favorite game had a BB313 style romhack?
I'd love to play it. But VLDC doesn't give those vibes.

I'd like to play something that uses real unused SMW assets without any custom music that doesn't fit
Really spooky the older it gets
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hail koopa
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what the fuck is that?
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My reaction to this liminal space stuff is, "yea it kinda looks a bit uncanny" Kinda like an abstract painting. Think it's a bit overblown because of how people are easily influenced by clickbaity youtube titles and meme comments though.
Castle is the central part of B3313. I don't think there are many games that would work as well as SM64 in this format.
Probably we remember it being in higher quality back then.
As a kid things that were a lot bigger than my character just scared me. Seeing the Chain Chomps jump to the foreground in Yoshi's Island on SNES made me afraid of going near the one in Bob-omb Battlefield when I fired played 64. Hell Banzai Bills in SMW made me panic. Seeing the Peach painting turn into Bowser and floor letting out from under you. Fighting Bowser at all. Ocarina of Time was worse because everything was bigger than Link, especially when first starting out as a child. I was a big ass coward back then and I'm not afraid to admit that.
Ive been waiting for Kinoko Island .
Funnily enough even as a kid these were some of my favorite levels because of how mysterious and beautiful they were. Like these were places I wish were 10 times bigger and were like a dreamscape, which in a way became realized in that B3133 hack.
Oddly enough I was never scared of the Boo level and the piano as a kid. Maybe it's because I've always been into that sort of horror house aesthetic. The eel was a bit scary though, especially the way he snaps forward.
Fuck you faggot I was born in 2004 and I didn't end up afraid of empty offices.
I have no idea why zoomers latched onto Mario 64 instead of OoT, which was actually fucking scary at times, especially if it was someone's first video game exposure to the genre (high fantasy, in essence)
>tfw used to run through Castle Town Market with my eyes closed
because the youtube told them to
The only somewhat spooky part of Minecraft are the Endermen, and it's not unintentional
Brutalist can contain ornaments tho
>He's never been digging in a cave at 3am when "that" sound plays

The citizens and NPCs all over the place take away from the empty and uninhabited vibe Mario 64 had
Because this is motivated more by contrarianism and attention-seeking than actual feelings. Nobody would bat an eye if they said parts of Ocarina of Time are scary, but by saying something as obviously retarded as Mario 64's hub level being creepy, they get attention.
Lol I remember playing Minecraft with my cousins on ps4 around midnight when we got link related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37LFjNitlSU

We had to turn it off it caught us so off guard kek
perhaps the lack of windows
This music is actually pretty scary...
>Zoomers are scared of synthesizers
Don't listen to anything from the 80s without a diaper anon.
>le oomer oomer oomer
Go be underage somewhere else.
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>he didn't find the Delicious Cake
point and laugh
Zoomer is literally the most common term for referring to Gen Z now, to the point where it's even on the mainstream news. Can't put that cat back in the bag anymore.
I showed my dad this secret as a kid and then he beat me
I thought calling you a zoomer was a bit more polite than "retard" though both are true
b3313 was fun
why do people hate fun?
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And the actual spooky creepy content in OoT...?
It's traditional creepy not ironic creepy like the zoomers love
See >>683650918
I was expecting a SilvaGunner track. Why did you post the normal jovial background music?
Sounds like there was no fear involved at any point then.
>Something about this is castle
yeah but i cant pinpoint it
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I can't way for certain
Kids these days are a like a foreign culture of tribal savages who believe cameras are devices that can steal their souls
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Yeah the secret bowser room was pretty spooky.
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I recognize this as a callback to a thread that a schizoanon made about old 3D games that had "sinister energy". It predated liminal art and was probably the progenitor of it becoming a meme. Uncanny Valley threads were a common thing here too, but I guess the people that post here now would rather get mad at children they made up in their heads than ever experience board culture.
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I could only imagine what an uncontacted tribe would make of our technology now
millenials are the tribal savages who make up assumptions and have elaborate strawmen about people they dont like in their head
Is there even a Kitchen in this place?
This, that guy is a massive faggot.
>no u!
So are all those Youtube videos with hundreds of thousands of views about how spooky old Garry's Mod maps are or how the emptiness of N64 games is unsettling all made up in my head too?
>sees green sunny place populated with characters
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It was pretty unnerving the fact they did this giant island in the north, but didn't make anything there.
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Why was the painting crooked anyways?
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>tfw got my dad to take the controller when going through this part or Hyrule Field at night
How did zoomers of all people become the "subtle horror" generation anyways? You'd think with how popular jumpscare horror was with zoomers in early 2010s youtube they'd love loud, in your face scary monster horror but instead zoomers have a much more nuanced and mature outlook on horror than millennials did.
I wish my house had this song, this is not scary.
zoomers are the next greatest generation after the greatest generation, the greatest generation
zoomers are generally more mentally mature than millenials
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Zoomer horror
>makes one question their own reality
>open to many ways of interpretation
> resonates deeply within the human condition

Boomer horror
>so there's this guy
>and they're in the woods or in a lab or some shit
>and then some crazy knife-wielding maniac
>or a monster
>that jumps out and screams at you
>and there's hyperrealistic blood everywhere
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How do you get him to appear?
You need to want fun.
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i remember being lost in this area for ages as a kid
It is like... so liminal bros... psychological horror... it's terrifying......
Are these actually from something?
I'm a Zoomer and I loved this game growing up :)
Where's this screenshot from?
Ah yes, advanced horror such as "what if my game had a giant face of Wario in it" and "what if I was stuck in a really boring endless maze of yellow wallpaper" and "what if I logged into a multiplayer game and nobody was online"...like...woah...
Beta 3313

A massive romhack (the original game's only 9 mb, this is 23 mb) that has nearly 500 stars. It turns Peach's castle into a massive liminal space maze with an extremely confusing and cryptic layout and hundreds of levels, an actual built-in AI that personalizes the game for you, and incorporates as many SM64 myths and urban legends. It has some horror aspects but it's not entirely a horror hack, it's more like if you combined Yume Nikki and LSD Dream Emulator but built it in Super Mario 64
this sounds very gay
It's the best SM64 romhack unironically.

I was really scared as a kid when i went through the part with the carosel that spins and the ghost section. I had nightmares from that shit
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Boos ARE pretty scary!
Are they still working on it or is it over?
I feel like I explored enough of it but if they come out with another update I might give it a go again
The idea that anybody gets off to this is actually the scariest thing in this thread.
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you drained the water
so is this game like yume nikki if it mario or something
>a "nineteen year old agender human" is a complete mental case
color me surprised
>the scariest thing imaginable....a lack of people everywhere!
FNF Zoomers are too talented for us 4chinners
They aren't subtle though. How many just devolve rapidly into "there's a MONSTER here!" or flatly spelling out a lame "the REAL monster....was anxiety!" repeat?
No idea, looks fucking gay though
this one is actually good
I like when a game youtube can make me see the world differently.
>the (game) iceberg EXPLAINED!
>an actual built-in AI that personalizes the game for you
literally how?
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It tracks many different variables as you play ranging from your coin count, movement inputs, rooms you've been into in what order, levels you've been to, stars you've caught, signs and NPC dialogue you've read and it alters your game accordingly, a lot of the changes are mostly subtle like enemy placement but some more drastic like what areas loading zones will put you in or whether certain events will trigger and when or where.

It's supposed to simulate the "Every copy is personalized" meme.
Even the real time of day is taken into account for some stuff.
Here's some autistic stuff I did during my summer holidays spent entirely indoors as a child/teen:

-I would play Taito Legends 1 or 2 pretending I only had 10 coins to spend, allowing myself to win more coins for some things like every 10th stage I pass in Bubble Bobble. When I ran out of coins I couldn't play Taito Legends 1 or 2 again that day.
-Inspired by the trophies of Melee, I had a book where I drew trophies of some symbol representing something that had happened recently in my life and then wrote a description of it. I hope nobody ever saw this.
-When playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue I became so emotionally invested in it for some reason that I opened the chest freezer and sat inside of it during a snowy part where you're ran out of the town because I felt I had to experience what they were experiencing.
-I have a specific memory of masturbating in the bath, and suddenly feeling intensely as if Weezing (the Pokemon) was disapproving of me, and then saying 'I will not stop until I have experienced the pure satisfaction of masturbation!' and finishing under the water.
it's pretty neat just don't read into the making of it too much
>He dodged the mind enslavement
You get to live, congratz.
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I went through this poster's history, there's no fucking way they are not a troll, almost every post reads like a parody.
Not to downplay this but couldn't you just describe that as a randomiser that randomises a lot of stuff, is it necessarily as impressive as a 'built-in AI'?
It's what it's described as.
Plus it kind of has bearing on the game's lore/meta story, not that the game actually has a story.
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>I have a specific memory of masturbating in the bath, and suddenly feeling intensely as if Weezing (the Pokemon) was disapproving of me
yup it's evil
You guys don't get it. Seeing you guys talk about "the boos" or "staircase" makes it clear. If I had to explain what is the most scary about this game it's the sense of "almost real, but something is off", or "the game is too quiet" as if there is some sort of suspense. A fear that the game is not telling you something.

The scariness of this game is two-sided. On one hand there is a general sense in the game that there is someone following Mario. This is true technically because lakitu is following Mario at all times, but also in the broader sense that someone is watching. Like the Truman show or an entity that transcends the world mario is conscious of. This ominous feeling is further exacerbated by the castle's unassuming music. The music gives a feeling of tension, as if someone is watching but not acting. Time standing still. The general abstractness of the low poly visuals combined with the ambiguous textures gives the game an eerie sense of it's "almost real, but something is off". It's like an uncanny valley of symbol and object interpretation. It's the fact you are struggling to tell if the narrative or mario is real at all, does any of this matter, or am I just being played for a fool. Is Mario even aware that anything is happening in the game, is mario a person or just a puppet, an abstract concept running back and forth in a digital nothingness. His face, largely unanimated convey both familiarity and lack of precence. At the same time there is an intense sense of loneliness as if everyone has gone away and only mario and the player are left. There is birdsong, but not a single person around. The most terrifying part of the game is the sense that you are not in the game. The fact that you see the game but at the same time recognize that it's all symbols, the sense that you are playing the game for someones entertainment but the game you are playing is not the game itself.

Hope someone can add to this if they have similar experiences.
>tribal savages who believe cameras are devices that can steal their souls
They are.
This is what happens when you take video games too seriously and don't spend enough time outside.
No there ain't dumbass
shut the fuck up you fuckin faggot
You don't even speak English. I don't trust your knowledge of soul stealing technology.
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>the adjective noun of game
it's true; we're so lame!
>this is your average gnosticfag
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>>The (adjective) (noun) Of (game)
The Scrumptious Blood of Artic Adventure
Finally someone who gets it
mario can really be molded into funny and spooky and that is what makes him fucking cool
Because they did that in the first game.
This but unironically. Zoomers are based, meanwhile millennials are the ones currently ruining everything. Who is putting DEI shit in games? And I don't mean who's behind the money, who is actually volunteering to implement ugly women and blacks in every single game? It's millennials. Who is localizing away any content that could be perceived as "problematic" when translating foreign games? Also millennials. Who is making every new character gay and putting troon flags in games? Millennials. Fuck millennials.
Galaxy is similar.
When I was young, I always stop playing Sonic Adventure 2 at some point, the ghosts in Pumpkin Hill legit scared the hell out of me
I think I actually did that too once.
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I played Duke Caribbean once with the cheat to turn off enemies, and played it like Duke was actually getting a vacation from all the alien blasting and world saving, at the hotel, at the casino, at a cruise ship, at a waterpark, etc.
The game tells you that you can't go up there until you have 80 stars
>doesn't know thorg's name
Zoom zoom!
And yet, the door opens, unlike the previous three Star doors in the game, so you aren't expecting an impossible staircase and weird xylophone tune.
>I can't go up... le heckin stairs? AHHHHH!!! SAVE ME NIGGERMAN!!!
Why do you type like that?
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These shitty videos exist because making Youtube essays is just these people trying to get out of working a real job.
And I can't blame them.
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>play m64 for the first time couple days ago
>was told about the bowser painting, the piano, endless staircase, and muh empty atmosphere
>had no idea about the fish and that you have to SWIM AROUND the fish several times to grab a star
>noone told me there are segments where you have to frantically navigate underwater or you run out of air
>was so nervous in the end i got spooked by the fucking blue dinosaur
I was with you until about halfway through when you started getting meta. I understand that sense of dread, that something is "following" mario, but I don't feel any loneliness, the world in the game is full of life. Hearing birds but not seeing them, or people, is normal. I do feel like I am in the game when it happens.
But there is something to SM64 that makes it feel weird. The fact that it is so early 3D makes it feel like a really polished, fully fledged tech demo, the only games that share this atmosphere are early FMV and early 3D point'n'clicks like Myst.
it's the scanlines guys, the missing information they create on the screen is deeply unsettling
No it isn't
That's not a compliment
The greatest generation were the quintessential good goys
Do you want zoomers to be good goys?
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>zoomers when they see a CRT
Well yeah, when all you saw back then was 2d platformers or overhead strategy games or jrpgs, seeing everything in 3d and playable was an experience to witness as a fresh, new technology.
>arkham asylum bb313
>deeply unsettling
Deeply? Why is everything so fuckin dramatic with these types. Everything is "TERRIFYING" or "BREAKS ME".
was this an actual course? looks like a romhack
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You make a good point. SM64 is a simulacra of a mario game. It's like if someone made a mario game based on what someone told them mario is like. It's all familiar but at the same time completely different.
Why would Peach bake a cake? Why are the toads wispy ghosts who materialize in and out of reality? Why is the castle so small with only 3 levels and a basement? Why is a Lakitu a sworn enemy of mario filming him on camera? Why is Yoshi on the roof? Why make such a weird ending scene with the cake?
None of this makes sense. It doesn't feel like a real mario game.
SM64 is like those vaporwave songs. It's an imitation that takes on the superficial aesthetics but is completely different.
No gen x or millenial that played the game when it was less than 20, almost 30 years old was afraid of empty hallways or literal children's games like mario 64. Nobody from those generations the youngest of which are probably 29 right now, is going to be afraid of it.
It's only zoomers and gen alpha pulling this horseshit, and the best possible explanation is everyone involved started off pretending for attention, then got stuck having to keep the act up because everyone in your shit generations are too pussy and terrified to so much as hold an opposing opinion to what you perceive as the accepted, mass-adopted opinion.
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Royal Raceway you runt
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Nothing like that but I often imagined myself in the game alongside the protagonist and talked to him or the party members, etc.
I still sort of do it now to a very small degree, subconsciously sort of imagining my character having thoughts and feelings about things. Like in World of Warcraft for example, when logging out, I used to place my characters in places that made sense for them to be when they were done with their adventures, like in an inn in their racial city, or in some comfortable outpost in a chair or a bed.
I still do that sometimes.
My autistic friend who used to unironically play holding the controller upside down because his brother told him to as a child said when he was a kid he was scared of the second half of the castle music and would always jump into a painting before it came on so he didn't have to hear it.
Well yeah, or else it's pointless to have link carry the triforce of courage
So basically there's actual scary content in OoT, so rather than be scared of that, they went off to a game with no scary content and made up imaginary content?
ok whatever, the original pic is retarded because it makes it seem as though you're going to enter the castle
>broader sense that someone is watching.
Yeah, it's you the player that's watching
>original pic
They included the entire exterior of Peach's castle in the track, it doesn't serve any purpose on that track but it's where the victory cutscene takes place after a cup.
Since creepiness is clearly a sore spot for you, consider taking this approach to someone that finds comedy in a certain scene/frame/character design/etc. They don't have to be pissing their pants from laughter but merely saying that it's amusing to them but if you pretended that you not only can't even begin to understand why they feel that way but actively look down on them for being "lowbrow", then it would speak to your insecurity just like what's happening in this thread.
> this is 23 mb
it's almost 100mb anon
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It kind of already exists? Error was good.
Though, I'd love a proper mod around the alone at the enrichment center videos
Jangit! *windshield cleaning noises*
To me it's always been rather mundane. The castle is a reoccurring thing you saw throughout the 64/DS era so it brought a sense of familiarity from game to game.
Wow what do you know, a situation where avatar posting is justified.
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Is this the underagedb& thread?
Am I the only one who finds horror to be comfy rather than scary? I literally watch horror movies to unwind rather than be scared.

So on that note, even if Mario 64 was scary (which I could see if you try and argue that it’s uncanny), I’d still find it weirdly comfy.
The whole UNCANNY OOOH EARLY 3D is so forced, there are certain early 3D games that are uncanny, but it's being exaggerated into pretending all of them are.
what the fuck are those windows?
OOoOOOoohoooaha spooks!
Zoomers like you are bitching about the entire game, including the castle itself, not only the outdoor area.
I can see it still applying for those that played Mario 64 DS so they have this memory of the castle grounds, but here is a version that looks just slightly different from the one you're familiar with.
But then, Mario 64 DS is also 20 years old at this point...
And the remake in Mario Kart 8 gated off the whole castle. Lazy stinking japs.

I used to play through entire 'storylines' in Melee VS CPU mode, starting in the mario stages, the Great Fox would be transportation to the next place, etc

I always thought the emptiness was serene and tranquil. Also people always ignore the fact that there are Toads and MIPS inhabiting the castle
B3313 should've made a version of the aquarium where you can swim out of the windows and you'd be presented with a differently colored cloudscape in each window
I always had to switch my PC to day time when playing it in the evening because i despise the new night music which is just forcing a xylophone sound font onto every track which completely ruins some tracks with long stretched background notes like Lethal Lava Land
>-Inspired by the trophies of Melee, I had a book where I drew trophies of some symbol representing something that had happened recently in my life and then wrote a description of it.
i kneel

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