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Stellar Blade still getting free outfits added. Photo Mode coming next month.
>sony movie game
>coomer movie game
the fact they game didn't ship with photo mode is ludicrous
You have no idea what a "movie game" is.
Where's the PC version?
What's the other?
Censored garbage
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This makes the penis the big penis
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What's stopping Sony from releasing an Eve-themed onahole accessory and updating the game with a sex minigame? At this point just go full coom.
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>Photo Mode coming next month.
girl fetishists are weird and fairly douchey
Good attention to detail.
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Alright but I'm gonna need more Lily outfits.
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Hyperintelligence Eve, wife of Maciej Nowicki
dumb twitteroid bait
How much you want to bet this outfit gets censored just like the outfits from the last update?
this is where you peak in life
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Why are you such a dishonest faggot?
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pc version when
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>Game catering to assfetish which is the part of the woman americans find the most attractive
Finally their playerbase(represented in red) will take the best photos of her ass since that is the entire reason to play this game
Just your friendly reminder that this game flopped in japan really really hard because they have an unique culture where they don't worship black culture, unlike americans of course where this game actually got rated as the best console game of all time since it caters exactly to their tastes
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April 2025 at the earliest. I'm guessing October 2025.
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>Sublime Blade
stellar blade eve maciej nowicki
>Censored Blade
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you're trying way too hard now
kill yourself
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>Succulent Blade
Cool, when is the steam version coming out, because I'm not buying a snoy pisstation 5 for ONE GAME.
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>sold 1 million in 24 hours
>sold 48k on launch in Japan over 3 days
>16k per day
>currently at 111k in japan
>6.9 million global estimate, lowering it to "at least 5 million" to be in the safe side
Not even close to a flop, will likely hit bare minimum 10 million by the end of the year, especially with how strong of a holiday ps5 is expected to have, literally no competition at all
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>Spectacular Blade
we did it sonybros
Good character model
Tendies in absolute shambles
movie game doesnt mean "game i dont like"
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It's sonysistas you chud.
I can hold my semen until then
>tranny porn addict thread #34268234
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you forgot
>Trump won
Final model is the best.
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EVE 06 Will Never Be Forgotten
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Steve Carson approved.
This is most likely not the final design. You'll get a toned down version when it drops.
go back /pol/tard
Dilate trannoid subhuman freak
False. Trump has never and will never win an election.
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>Episode Tachy
>Episode Adam
>Episode Raven
>Episode EVE
>Episode Lily
Why is she flaunting her armpits?
go back /pol/tard
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Trump won in 2016, won in 2020, and will win in 2024. Sony is going bankrupt. And you will sneethe and dilate, Eric.
cool gameplay vids
How can anyone find that emotionless stare attractive?
False, false, and false
He stole the election with Putin's help in 2016, and lost fair and square in 2020, and will lose even more humiliatingly in 2024. Trump and Nintendo both lost. Sony won. Progress won. Religious barbarism lost.
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>This is most likely not the final design. You'll get a toned down version when it drops.
Why are you still on about this horseshit?
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it's literally from Stellar Blade's own twitter
Why is she praising the sun?
So uhhhhhhhhh

How's the gameplay?
wait all of that drama... WAS OVER A CONSOLE EXCLUSIVE
Better than anything on shitch, that's for sure
why not?
i don't like her british accent
custom posing for photo mode? nice
I don't like you
Has anyone here actually nutted to Eve?
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Where is this "toning down" you seem certain of?
You guys are gonna lose it when you realise you can just google boobs for free and spend your money on actual good shit
False, false, and false
>spend your money
What a strange thing to insert into your post.
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I can google liveleak if I want gore but I prefer to murder pedestrians on GTA myself.
>you can just google boobs for free
wtf it's real
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I googled "real boobs". The first result was a plastic surgery website.
My bad, I forgot about those. I meant the update with the asian style dresses that reduced the opacity and added more fabric.
those were literally unfinished
And your explanation of them literally showing this outfit on their twitter?
Photo Mode + Poses, but still not barefoot. What's even the point?

They almost had my sale.
Never ask a Stellar Blade fan to post gameplay from the game.
That's what we're calling it now?
And your explanation of them literally showing outfits in promotional videos, then those same outfits being censored in the retail release?
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>this is "censored".
They already do unprompted
This guy thinks he's slick.
Which skin is this?
PC when?
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Did they add more hairstyles yet? I stuck with the same hairstyle for all my playthroughs because so many of them look like crap with the ponytail.
That's great
Thanks man
I would actually play it if it was like that
Yes. The dress part was more narrow, and more see-through.
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Is this outfit released already, or is it still coming out?
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you lost
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Just teased on their twitter today, so presumably a patch for July. Photo Mode is supposed to be coming in August.
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This art style looks familiar.
So both you and them are admitting it's just a coombait game?
The combat cinematics are cool, music is good. I find the lack of fast travel a bit tedious at times but the game play is solid. Challenge yourself to beat a boss without getting hit
It’s a great game. 60 hours in and I haven’t jacked off once. It’s more than just a sexy lead female: it has good gameplay and a good story and I think many people agree with me.
>i are sublte
Next year Q1 is my guess https://career.shiftup.co.kr/en/o/105648
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Uniconically? Yes.
I wouldn't call Stellar Blade a movie game.
He knows that, he's just trying to bullshit
Those are some stellar pits
Nigga everyone should praise the sun.
Prudes don't get that most people don't jack off while playing games with hot girls, at least not constantly or intermittently.

We just like looking at them.
They seem to immediately think of porn, sex and masturbating the second they see even the slightest hint of sex appeal.
Did they make it good yet?
Yes, on release.
We got this outfit on release day. You get this in the opening scene:
this faggot set up a spambot for eve threads day 1
A ritual post posted in every thread is one thing, he was just posting like five times in a row there.
Reducing opacity would mean it was more see-through you ESL retard.
always was
Daily reminder that "left hates sexualized female characters " is a myth created by culture war grifters. If the conservatives were in power they would ban this game.
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Horseshoe is correct. Both extremes would do that.
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But we had hotter characters than eve when the conservatives were in power.
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I can't tell if you're mad or just horny
>literally replies to a picture of the character with her tits on display in a swimsuit still mumbling about asses
Ah yes, such staunch conservative entities as Frosk, Kotaku, Polygon, the neo Xbox CEO, and every modern marketing department, PR department, and community manager. "Rape culture", and "toxic masculinity" are terms stripped straight from the Bible, and well all know how much those conservatives hate the harmful stereotype of """traditionally""" feminine women!

You're a lying piece of shit. Feminists hate that male sexuality exists as anything other than a validation tool for women. You belong to a hate cult.
this game isnt on pc
Every. Single. Thread.
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And this was largely destroyed by the very conservative individual known as Jim Sterling.

I'm sure that you, as a blameless leftist who has no ill will towards male sexuality, will condemn Jim Sterling and the cowardice of the Japanese devs. This definitely isn't more leftist gaslighting.
Too much stuff on my backlog, gonna wait for a PS5 Pro to play this and Rebirth.
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I wonder how good the Photo mode will be.
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lemme draw more eve wife of Robert Downy Jr. seen here.>>683641384
how's the floor down there bitch
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Oh, and the incel insult for anyone who says anything that they don't like, especially those who don't like the ugly women in modern media.

It's those damned Bible thumpers, you know. They just can't stop bringing every single topic back to sex, including insults. And attacking the concepts of masculinity and femininity.
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gateKEEPIN' bastard
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1 million in 24 hours lol
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Damn right. Gender communists who want to trample on our spaces and subjugate men to their convenience and comfort can fuck off. Every last one of them. Same with their simps.
Another fucking outfit again ? What about a real content like an expansion or some shit ? No wonder why this slop died very quick because all they give a shit about is outfit outfit outfit. If i wanna jack off to hot chicks, i go watch porn. Holy shit, Shit Up is fucking brain dead.
Maybe they're saving it for the PC release.
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No, everyone should reap what they sow as hard as possible. I've hear years of
>"PlayStation is le one and done. Sony need shooters, multiplayer, PC! PC! PC!"
and I'm laughing myself to death at Concord. The monkey's paw hath given. kek
Hopefully good enough to zoom in on Raven from odd angles without too much trickery.
>What about a real content like an expansion or some shit ?
What do you want?
That bellybutton looks like anus
I hope the tweets are a hint at its capabilities. Because I don't think those are poses you can achieve in-game as of now.
Day 90
Stellar Blade is still censored
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The fact that they went all in anyways makes the lazily edited costumes from launch more insulting.
DOA6 pulled the same shit.
All I want is the godddamn soundtrack with lyrics
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>No pc
>no mods
>no stable fps
I'm kind of curious what the korean songs are saying.
>>no stable fps
I have never seen it drop from 60fps.
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*>includes having been packaged in dozens of PS4 bundles, constantly being bundled with games that people want, and being given away
Biggest manufactured success in entertainment history. I've never met a fan IRL. Which is odd, because when a game breaks 10M, you usually can't get away from discussions about it. And I live in a deep blue area, BTW.
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i didnt know stellar blade and ff7 were bundled with every ps4 and ps5 sold
The savior of video game only sold 1 million in 2 months and 399 fanart after 3 months lmao
Navel pusy
Xion's two themes have apparently been mostly transcribed and translated since they're pretty easy to hear.
I want to know what the lyrics to Tachy's themes are.
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It's all the same retard always spamming attacks at the game isn't it? The same phrases and the same pictures over and over.
Might be a matter of intensity. Fromsoft fans have been pretty intense over the years, but you'd kind of expect that from those games. Horizon/Spiderman/nu God of War fans all seem like the very casual type. Even something like Tears of the Kingdom or Hogwarts Legacy faded away pretty quickly despite selling 20M+ units.

So, it's like a weird thing where some games may sell quite a bit but the fans of said games don't exactly go around being hardcore fans of those games. Maybe. Kind of reminds me of maybe CoD, FIFA or Fortnite people. I know they're super popular, but I rarely come across discussions about it.
I hear plenty of talk about God of War, and Spider-Man at least a little, even if it's clear it was a fairly standard experience that didn't change anyone's world. But I've never heard anything about Horizon besides "it looks nice".
Oh, wow. This is pretty great.
Remember when grifters thought this would save gaming?
Yes, that's been obvious for months.
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>FF7 Rebirth budget: 200+ million
>Forbidden West budget: 200+ million
>Spiderman 2 budget: 300+ million
>Stellar Blade budget: less than 50 million
Nice false equivalence, learn what ROI is.
I believe it was only shitposting, this game did not deserve to become ragebait material.
Why does every "big" game have a dedicated shitposter now?
In this case it's a weirdo who hates Korea or something, and hates that this game ended up well liked.
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They thought right.
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>modelled cameltoe
God I love this game
>Stellar Blade budget: less than 50 million
How do you even get this screenshot? How would you get her to look down?
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>stellar gook lost to a DLC
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Stellar Gook was more fun.
How so?
Why don't you have sex with real women instead of beating your dick to cartoon women?
Shadow of the Erdtree feels like a bunch of cut content stitched together, and outside of a few boss fights none of it is as fun as the main game. Doesn't help that the main game is already too long with any sense of progression being over by the end, so they threw in the awful Skibid Fragment system to create a fake sense of progression.
If you idle for a little while, EVE turns her head to stare at the camera.
It's not worth the effort. I am ugly but I wouldn't fuck anyone below a 9/10.
Elden Ring sold 25 million copies, it's one of the biggest releases of the last several years.
They're gonna celebrate 5mil tarnished, but they're not gonna tell you what percentage of them stopped before Messmer, or genuinely just didn't like it.
Same story as always, though.
You don't even need skibid fragment to clear the dlc though, maybe you just got some skill issue lol
>it's not fun cause i couldn't QTE parry everything
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>EVE turns her head to stare at the camera.
Oh, that's right. I never thought to try and see if she would do that when climbing.
I hate myself and any woman who doesn't hate me I also hate so they disgust me. The book-length suicide letter Two Arms And A Head describes it pretty well.
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My wife
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Chuds won
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>still no PC release
What's taking it so long?
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Playstation contract, post-launch content development, PC optimization and enhancements.
I've heard never.
These things, they take time.
I watched a friend fight the final boss and all he did was parry him because it would interrupt his retard-strength combos, seems to me like you can literally QTE Parry bosses to death
>I watched
I beat the base game, looked at the DLC and decided I'm not gonna waste my time and money on it. Problem?
why do you just throw out random terms in your posts?
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Just wait two more weeks!
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What's she saying?
My trigger finger wise but my nine dumb, middle finger blind so it's fuck A-N-Y-one
We continue to win day in and out
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>nipples outlined
>lips accentuated by suit
I'd play with the skin suit if it wasn't hard mode
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Crime R
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this game looks good and my Penis likes it.
I think there was a black guy NPC as well. Everyone else was an asian NPC.
Difference between actual character and random NPC models is always at least one console generation.
>I think there was a black guy NPC as well.
Why? I have an idea why but I want to ask anyway.
Because they're populating a town and make a bunch of models that walk around. The bias is toward making Asian looking characters even though Xion doesn't seem to be in Asia, not east Asia anyway. Only a couple look like anything else.
>Jim Sterling
so glad this fucker died lmao
Now if it'd only add some playability.
your idea would be correct. it's SHITny's black quota. Like I don't fucking understand the obsession with including blacks into every thing, why aren't Arabs / Hispanic ppl (and whoever else) included also, if it's for "Diversity"?
Wtf woke
>this fucker died
Actually died, or because he became a tranny?
>give game away for free with bundles
>it sold 30 million copies
Remember how Palworld outsold all this woke garbage and had 2 mil online players at any moment
umm stellarbros...?? was our based chud game woke all along?
how the fuck is SB a "moviegame"?
Nobody posts the gameplay
Stellar sisters....its over

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