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Thoughts on Overwatch?
Pozzed trash
shit game
shit company
remarkable porn
Lena Ogundimu
kys shill
not even threads about overwatch can save overwatch
>He doesn't know Doomfist is a confirmed FAGGOT
I want tracer to sit on my face
It's shit. It's great.
I swear to god her ass isn't that good in game
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hot take: the porn is bad
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I want to BE Mercy!
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>$80+tip for an axe
I think I'll just keep cooming my brains out to Sombra porn instead
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fag game
fag streamers
fag developers
fag playerbase
All of them
Porn induced mental illness is no joke
what would you do as mercy? asking for a friend
you have to pay money for weapon inspects?
but i thought microsoft wasn't gonna be greedy....
No man. No man at all. A crippled little rata.
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Imagine all the clowns who spent money on this game thinking it will be big

now it's just dead

They might as well commit suicide and join it
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r34 is the only reason its still around. And now they are failing on this too.
i still play it sometimes
it's quantity over quality
I can't be the only one that finds overwatch porn to be overrated, right? Something about that blizzard style is just so fucking sterile and plastic.
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idk idc
I play Paladins and piss people off with this Pepper skin and deathcard :>)
you post this stupid shit every fucking day man
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garbage game, garbage threads
played till 2018 , stopped playing when they made soldier76 a fag , i still jerk to the continuos sfm porn releases from this game , widow will always be the sexiest vidya character ever
Looks like the result of every overwatch female fed to an ai generator and you picked the first result
when is the GOOD porn coming? it's been like a week now
To be fair she isn't out officially yet. She was only playtested over the weekend. Her full release next month should come with alternate skins, highlight intros, voicelines, etc.. and should spark higher r34 interest methinks.
That webm can't be real.
Your lungs would catch fire and your feet would melt if you could even get remotely that close to the lava.
ok mr shill, how is the game on switch? im tempted to download it just to scratch the pvp itch.
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I don't really care about repeated posting because overwatch butts are pretty much the only good thing worth discussing from this game, and this board is shitty and astroturfed to hell, so whatever chuddy
This looks like a nice ass
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I like overwatch a little bit. Quick someone post the cropped ow sluts
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Blizzard knows exactly how to hook their audience in like this, and they're eating big fat cat meals such as thanksgiving turkeys and laughing at how much it works
>company wants money
>makes thing that makes money
impressive, and it's better than wasting time on DEI bullshit that helps no one and that no one wants except some bored jew
tf2 aleast has a community market to sell the crates instead of buying their keys
and also exist pages to trade the items of your choice
A corpse game
GG blizzard hope bobby kotick gets the control of blizzard again ruins the remain content of that wasteland of a game.
They repeat the same characters
the same plots
the same scenarios
maybe is time to pull the plug and let the destroyed amalgalm die once for all.
Poor piggie streamer he unconsciously foreshadow that.
you don't actually play the game pal, it's shit
kneeling out of respect
There is no way that OW2 is playable on the Switch.
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god fuckin damn. she's pure sex
>Multiplayer game
>No story
Why bother?
>Most of the characters made by literal rapists
Can't even play the game without constantly getting reminded of this
>Almost all the characters are made with a mathematical diversity/appeal formula.
So all of the characters are forgettable and lame as fuck.

Multiplayer games are a fucking waste of time and I regret the time I spent them not with friends. I only play fortnite cause it's the one game my non-gamer friend from another state plays.
They really should have just focused on the shorts and comics
I am the one that made people realize Reaper is S tier
tracer is the most amazing thing in the universe
uhh yea I'll bump it I guess...
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Slut trio.
Really? You sure you aren't confusing him with Bap?
I want to be vored by tracer to be digested and my body distributed evenly on her ass.
crops are hot
Akande Morrison
Bap is bi I think
And there's bad blood implied between him and Mauga. Mauga being the weirdo ex who never got over it.
Wheres the porn?
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>mauga is a fag
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A writer heavily implied it on twitter.
Bap was getting that Samoan meat, bro.
why is it always women, i stg
get a man to write the lore or whatever
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in OW1 it was some asian guy who shipped mercy with his self insert (genji). But now that he's gone it seems like Pharah/Mercy route is gonna become canon.
>why is it always women
Fujos, man, They're not that different from the coomers on here, they just hide it better.
>now that he's gone it seems like Pharah/Mercy route is gonna become canon.
I remember the anger when the Genji x Mercy voicelines were one day just gone from the game and the new voicelines between Genji and Mercy barely even seem friendly now. Funny as shit more than anything.
After I just got done trying Marvel Rivals? I like it more
are you really surprised? Bap was always a nesty nigga. Just not in a generic flamboyant fruit basket kinda way.
My thoughts are as follows: Post more Tracer cheeks.
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nta but
God me too..
or Widowmaker
or Kiriko
or D.va
I want to eat Juno’s asshole
its funny that they made it canon that Mercy groomed a child
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When did ass eating meme fetish become a default for most degenerates?
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>he knew
When Jewish porn producers told them to do it.
i doubt you're even white but try to sound less fragile. you embarrass us.

What's the context of this comic?
> Thoughts on Overwatch?
i saw a pic about a mercy in chat that required people to pay money to say hi or see her feet it sounded hot
she looks nasty as fuck you guys are legitimately, and i say this cautiously, fucking incels
>calling anyone fragile when you get this mad at people disagreeing with your diversity slop
I'm still ashamed for my species that Tracer and others being revealed as bi or gay made people angry.

Like have you ever seen anyone more queer coded than Tracer?
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McRae was a former criminal. Pharah was a child when Overwatch was still around. Mercy is trying to keep protect pharah from McRae thinking he’s a bad influence. Just fanart of a scenario the artist thought up based off this art
It's always funny to think about all the mental gymnastics they did with Mercys age to make sure her being with Phara wasn't creepy.
Even then it should be what. At the very best a 6 or 7 years gap?
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>sits on your bad and incorrect opinion
when the fuck is the guy on the left gonna show up its so jarring that he's a nobody
Tracer was obvious from the beginning and I saw it coming but 76 was absolutely retarded
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Nice try mercy main. We all know exactly Mercy tried to 'protect' Phara!
when they need an emergency white guy
76 was obviously having some romance with Ana set up before they made him gay. Its really weird they refuse to confirm interpersonal romances beyond them being formerly involved and even thats just an implication
her ass is godly, but her face is nasty bug you know what
its still really bad lmao, Mercy clearly knew Pharah as a child and i think there's a line of her babysitting her
I miss the days when I naively thought they were gonna do anything with the lore instead of just sloooowly hinting at couples for shippers.
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Dead Game.
play Deadlock or Marvelwatch.
mobas are for brown people and snow apes
will probably be my side bitch when ow hits lows
Never forget literally NOTHING happens between the opening cutscene of OW1 and OW2
>when the fuck
i guess when they'll come up with some new interesting abilities for him
>Emre Sarioglu. One and the only Turkish Overwatch agent.
>Emre Sarioglu was a member of Overwatch.
>During or after the Omnic Crisis, Sarioglu took part in Operation White Dome, where Overwatch forces were deployed to Istanbul to root out omnic resistance forces. Despite heavy resistance from the omnics, the operation was a success.
>Operation White Dome (codenamed ZX24AL) was an Overwatch operation that took place during or after the Omnic Crisis. . A strike team under the command of Captain Ana Amari and another Overwatch member was deployed to the outskirts of Istanbul to deal with a pocket of omnic resistance. Personnel included Lieutenant Reinhardt Wilhelm, Chief Engineer Torbjörn Lindholm, and Private First Class Emre Sarioglu. After routine insertion, the team was ambushed, taking heavy fire from the entrenched omnics. While the battle saw all the omnics being subdued, both Wilhelm and Lindholm were injured, seriously in the case of the latter. Wilhelm managed to save Lindholm's life.
>In the after-action report, Ana commended Wilhelm for his 'conspicuous bravery', and suggested that he receive a commendation for his actions.
hey man that's not true, Winston made the recall vid in OW1 and then they finally all met up on OW2, that's progress!
he screams DPS to me which might be why they haven't released anything yet, cause they need to fill out the rest of the roster before going back to DPS
why is the 6v6 discourse only big now among all the faggot streamers etc?

they seem to think that they can convince blizz to change it back now. after the game died. if it had come years ago then maybe they'd have a tiny little chance.
>Map set in Greece since the first game
>Hint at a Greek hero
>Still no Greek character
they are playing the game, maybe the are right (lmao but also maybe they are right)
yes of course they're right. stop being a porn addicted little slave and start playing videogames please. or at least stop talking to me, you're disgusting.
why are zoomers so obsessed with asses?
>stop talking to me
Lmao shut the fuck up tranny; nobody talks to you, faggot. You are literally nobody on some anonymous board. Get a grip.
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I miss OW1 specially prenerf moira . Great ip shitty management . Blizzard can have a raw diamond and turn it into a hot steaming turd.

true vidya alchemy .
>Thoughts on Overwatch?
My favorite is obese Mei with massive saggy tits, a thick veiny cock, heavy sagging balls, fat pussy with huge thick labia, pubes thick enough they've been officially classified as a rainforest and asscheeks big enough to completely engulf a man.
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>fucking incels
She is canonically lesbian
They abandoned traditional definition of beauty with wokeshit Sojourn, Junker Queen, and Kiriko. Made Tracer lesbian and Soldier gay just for the sake of virtue signaling. Their talented devs bailed out and now Team 4 is filled with incompetent diversity hire who get outpaced by chink in both content and sense of aesthetics. It's been on life support since OW2 flopped.
this shit looks so out of place in the overwatch world
white women try to not buckbreak black men challenge IMPOSSIBLE
She sucks dick in every video I see of her
I tried playing this for a week and my opinion is that the game is ass. Braindead casual slop.

>wipe enemy team
>they counterpick
>enemy team wipes yours
>you counterpick
Outside the blizzard retard circle, we call this “bad balance.” If the publisher didn’t sponsor all the tournaments, why would anyone play this competitively? The individual skill ceiling seems super low.
You can still be a lesbian and suck dick.
I like playing as Sigma, and for how goddamn fruity he is, Lifeweaver is a pretty fun support. Being able to retardleash teammates should be a support standard
That doesn't make sense.
You know
It's bad but made worse when you consider that Mercy is probably older than she claims to be.
>only one aside from Tracer who hasn't aged a day since the original team photo, but unlike Tracer has no explanation for it
>aggressively prods Mei for details about cryogenic freezing solely because it's made Mei also avoid aging
>Moira, the one who knows Mercy's research best, calls her out for having the luxury of time to play with
Pharah does not deserve being shackled to her, and honestly neither did Genji
Needs a puffier vulva. If she sported a massive cameltoe, that would give her some real character.
Tracer being lesbian felt obvious. It was revealed officially in a cute Christmas comic, but with her it always felt like the plan, so nobody really cared except for people who cry at the sight of any rainbow. Just like nobody really cared about Lifeweaver being gay because it's obvious he is.
S76 was retarded and clearly an asspull to try and distract from some drama in the company at the time so that all Blizzard media coverage in the gaming news circles would be on that instead. Exact same thing when they decided Pharah was bi.
Nobody cares about Baptiste in the first place. Venture being FTM trans riled people up, when Venture could have looked and acted exactly the same being a quirky tomboy.
she doesn't look very queer coded here >>683684321
It gave me AGP
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I unironically like Venture as a character. Being ugly doesn't stop r34, look how much Simpsons porn there is on the internet. But slapping the non-binary label on her instead of just letting her be a dorky tomboy killed all r34 potential she had. Non-binary doesn't even mean trans, but that's all peoples minds jump to nowadays.
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>Non-binary doesn't even mean trans
t. ranny
The Disney tier superhero music makes me cringe hard
I played the beta and didn't have phun.
>all flat-chested
Tracer nooo
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She needs to sit on my face right FUCKING NOW!
This fucking juno slut is like 4ft tall and has the fattest ass in the game, how
geckoscave has a kino Mei animation
The last time I played OW was during the open beta because it was free. I really enjoyed Tracer and her time mechanic, and I thought some of the other characters abilities were unique too. My honest feelings at the time were that I would have enjoyed it more if it were a single player story mode experience that was lore heavy and had platforming and enemies that synergized with the heroes' move sets. When the game came out I never bought it but I thought it looked enjoyable to some extent and I liked the little short films they released. As they kept updating it and adding new characters it looked worse and worse to me. And now it's gone, and replaced by a game that looks significantly worse than OW 1 ever was. I wonder if I missed out by never actually getting OW 1 once it released though
all of these girls look at me with disgust and contempt as they mock me
Trans lesbians exist
why do I only get to see her feet...
that's the only thing we deserve to see. you should be thankful for it
tracer looks so good blonde
God I wish that was me.
Either of them.
not for me...
Blizzard killed Overwatch, promised a full sequel, never delivered on that, removed 6v6 and made the game shit and they're greedier than ever.
Blizzard deserves eternal destruction. Fuck them
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edited to look like she falled into lava but really she falled into wawa
of all the current overwatch clones, what has the best gunplay?
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Don't you want to have the cuck pov?
>They abandoned traditional definition of beauty
They didn't fully abandoned it, there's still Kiriko and Juno who are conventionally attractive (although the former has a bland design) and Junker Queen who fills the 'big muscled dominant mommy' niche much better than Zarya.
can we just fast forward to people fapping together whilst posting cropped nyl2/zzzxxxccc pics, they're the only good part of OW threads
Nah, I'm partial to cocking, not cucking.
why are bbcleftoids so fucking mentally ill and schizophrenic and why do they always feel the urge to share their inner scihozthoughts with the world?
is it morally wrong to not kill every single leftoid on the planet?
lol leftoids actually hate blacked because they think it's racist. only actual racists find it hot
Which one are you?
I'm the racist Cuckchad (I don't actually want to get cucked irl, it's just a humiliation fetish)
These are too arousing ...
Only Kiriko looks flat-chested there.
Maciej Nowicki, husband of the most advanced artificial hyperintelligence. Eve. Stellar Blade.
It's was ok 6v6 but 5v5 has basically ruined everything that was fun about the game, and the devs continue to double down at every turn
kek did you listen to my recommendation
based keep it up anon!
what is happening here?
Can someone explain how is that not a money getting stolen?
>Buy Overwatch 1 for real money
>Bizzard replaced it with F2P Overwatch 2
>I dont get all new stuff for free and have to buy packs like everyone else

?????Hello, Blizzard?????
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>Every single early concept for her is cute
>Final product is dios mio
Her final concept didn't look too bad either. It's always the transition to 3D that really fucks it up. That said, those concepts you posted look really good. I really like Sound Wave Weapon 2 there.
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Also final concept was actually cute tomboy
>but her face is nasty bug you know what
/pol/ has rotten your brain, my dude.
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>Still no hero from Spain, Portugal, Italy or Greece
Why do they hate medchads so much? They keep setting maps on those countries though
fuuuuuuck that's so hot anon...
dead game, dead company
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Heroes from those countries would probably be fair skin. They have to make sure to get many browns out in game before adding those I suppose.
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Only blacks look at blacked porn? There's no way white people watch it, right? Everytime i even see a thumbnail it looks disgusting af.
game was dead to me ever since they cancelled pve, nothing could realistically bring me back unless they do a full campaign (like they promised) or they rework the gameplay like they did with ow2 because right now its stale asf
they are completely capable of translating concept art faces to 3d, but i think there's something going on with the 2 art teams. concept art team has no qualms about making every character look anime as fuck but the 3d team seems to always want to code "ethnic" characters by giving them gigantic noses and shit. for some reason it's completely ok to give every white/asian character extremely generous stylized features but it's not ok for ethnic types?? idk
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If you're dumb enough to take a covid vaccine you're probably dumb enough to watch shitted
overwatch fans get nothing and deserve less
It's disgusting to anyone with decency.
It's meant to degrade the people fucking the same way ugly bastard porn does.
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I hate that a butch dyke looking freak is one of my favorite characters to play in that game but Junker Queen is genuinely really fun. At least Kiriko is always overpowered and cute, Juno can't come soon enough.
It's funny seeing the poltards lurking threads about themes they supposedly don't like, always ready to reply
I’m trans by the way not sure if that matters
Lowest IQ countries.. Makes sense.
>janny deleting all the BBCuck shit
for once the janny was not acting like a tranny
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I don't play the game but I'm addicted to the bond Ana and Pharah share
>implying the smart ones search "bl*cked" straight up on google
I think it could have been great. I wish it had a Single Player feature, and that you could still play Overwatch 1.
Microsoft is the optimity of greedy software
well maybe Apple got them beat
You think Juno will be buffed or nerfed when she's out? I felt like she was lacking compared to the other supports.
>janny deleting the spam
>leaves the spam thread up
have some fish
The final design isn't even bad, they look cute, the 3d model is fucked
how have jannies still not filtered OP's webm
what's wrong with it
Yeah, I always geuninely assumed she was like Tsunade from Naruto, keeping herself young with her tech.
cope marvelcuck
>missed my chance to get bimbo mercy again
Will I regret this?
Nah, the value dropped the moment they brought it back in the first place. Only reason to purchase was just as a way to donate to the breast cancer awareness.
Oh. Screw that
Coomer slop.
Remember when no character in this game was a faggot?

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