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Do you use custom sprays, decals and graphics if a game lets you, or do you just don't care about that kind of stuff?
You just wanted to talk about the recent content restrictions
kill yourselves you subhuman furniggers
It can be fun, can't remember the last time I used one though.
When someone new comes along to replace them, I hope they make a mascot just as cute.
Oh, that explain why they deleted that Meloetta animation
>after_vore, hard_vore, soft_vore, auto_vore, anal_vore, cock_vore, unbirthing, tail_vore, oral_vore, absorption_vore, same_size_vore, urethral_vore, pussy_juice_vore, cum_vore, nipple_vore, breast_vore, pouch_vore, sheath_vore, cloacal_vore, horn_vore, unusual_vore, forced_vore, accidental_vore, transformation_vore, unwilling_vore, slit_vore, plushie_vore, abdominal_vore, udder_vore, wing_vore, smoking_vore, tuba_vore, bladder_vore, unaware_vore, techno_vore, toilet_vore, paw_vore, vacuum_vore, hair_vore, auto_unbirth, navel_vore, naval_vore, self_vore, pec_vore, mass_vore, plant_vore, goo_vore, tentacle_vore, partial_vore, auto_anal_vore, non_fatal_vore, reverse_vore, assisted_vore, casual_vore, endosoma, mutual_vore, partial_cum_vore, healing_vore, reverse_forced_vore, attempted_vore, fatal_vore, nasal_vore, trunk_vore, foreskin_vore, ear_vore, object_vore, belly_vore, willing_vore, tail_first
I only use custom sprays/decals if I'm making a meme loadout or something
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>recent content restrictions
Qrd? Did something happen with e621?
Loli is banned, if the subject is even remotely humanlike
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Yeah. They banned human child chracters, deleting thousands of posts without warning, and with lots of false positives. For a site claiming to be and archive, this is a clear failure of media preservation that makes the site as a whole untrustworthy, and could've been easily avoided with a few days of warning. Midna has been hit particularly hard.
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Yeah, but it's been a while since I saw that being in a game worth playing.
>artificial outrage
Do you know how many people used E6 for human stuff? It wasnt a small amount.
jfc anon
I don't really care either but ai could imagine getting mad in the case of human-like characters like Midna or human on anthro stuff
which one?
I never figured out how so I never tried again
they are based!
I hope they ban cub next
Yeah and they can fuck off back to rule34. Get that human shit off my furry site. Good riddance I say
You should care because they've created lost media, and not all of it is human stuff. A lot of art that featured both human and furry characters got hit, sometimes neither of them were even children. Also, since they've done this once, they could do it again. What if they decide to ban bestiality? They'd handle that with the same amount of tact. You already should have been saving your favorites, but this is another wake up call that the only safe place for art is on your hard drive.
Not only human stuff. Also all the human adjacent content like elves, dwarves , fairies, kemonomimi and so on
jfc chill out its just porn
Go back to Twitter.
loli is also ban on f95 did a new rule got placed in America?
Not a prude
I enjoy seeing porn addicts cry
>For a site claiming to be and archive
according to the lead janny it's neither an archive nor a porn site, at this point it's just a bad dragon advert site
loli isn't banned on f95, only photorealistic.
source for the number or whatever you need to use the sticker?
thought you always needed an account to search for loli on there
No, and keep in mind all the boorus are hosted in the USA. Even ATF (!) is hosted in the USA. If ever loli becomes totally illegal, you won't have to ask this question, it will be obvious.
Yes, but they straight up deleted all the images from the site now. Big forum post saying its not allowed anymore as well. Because of "advertisers."
>think of the advertisers!
>their only advertisers are scammy porn sites and baddragon
>the mods on e621 didn't even bothered to give a warning, so people can trasmigrate the content that was in danger to places like ATF, or rule 34.phaeal
>they also keep giving vague answers to all of the questions
That situation was handled so fucking badly, that it was kinda funny
(((Payment processors))) strike again
I think it was "donors", the one responsible for all of this mess, my best bet is that they were pissy that human underage stuff got into their cock vore website website, and wanted to get rid of it, probably because some retarded sense of morality
lol get fucked subhumans
It seems like it was more personal, so that would make sense.
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I'm using a site named furry34. It's okay.
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It’s so fucking weird to me how quickly reactive e621 is with this nonsense.
It’s just some side tumor attached to Bad Dragon, yet it’s the biggest furry porn pool ever and they can’t keep up with stuff that’s inside that puts BD in danger. It just feels like some vanity project to them when it’s not by any means then they pull the plug and fuck over more people than they should.
I demand context for this, if there is anything I will demand from this site or from any of you for this month, I want context for specifically this
Man, I was in the middle of going through dagasi's uncensored shit too
didnt they do this because the servers are in arizona and theres new porn laws
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When will we get a site with tags as good as e6 for human chracters? Gelbooru doesn't seem to tag anything other than character and outfit.
>people actually fell for the "blame the ad/payment providers/laws/etc" meme when it was clearly done 100% willingly

That site is run by a bunch of deranged troons, it was only a matter of time until they started mass purging huge chunks of the site because they personally don't like it
unrelated but i have to ask, is it normal for sadpanda to run like absolute garbage? im talking like 5 seconds to load a pic that's less than a MB, it wasn't this bad 2 years ago
When you can find another community half as autistic as the furries
the law was repelled if I remember correctly
Gelbooru is also censored anyway. Sankaku is the only one left from the old guard but the site is barely usable.
Happens randomly depending on which instance is serving that specific image.
I think there's a button somewhere that forces the image to load from another endpoint or source or whatever?
WTF since when?
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You have to click a checkbox to see it, but it's all still there.
sankaku is just awful at this point. only rags without pay. full of AI crap, loli behind registration and tons of galleries only available to mods. because they actually don't delete anything.
All those lost pictures of pokemon fucking their trainers are the real loss
gel is not censored, you have to check a box to enable all content, but that simple instruction is too much for some people
I know they purged toddlers. Also less known issue is the mods will randomly delete posts they don't like for being 'too western'.
My account got banned for saying a guy who bypassed filters and posted cub shit was a sicko
>"tons of galleries only available to mods. because they actually don't delete anything."
Wonder if that's the case in e6 too, I was banned and now I can't access my favorites anymore
Cub is still allowed, which dispels the idea that this change was made with puritan motives rather than "Only porn I like should be allowed" motives.
That's fucking cope and gaslighting. Lead janny is a subhuman who bent the knee to the advertisers. The site is said to be an archive and the fact they sprung this with zero notice indicates an ulterior motivation than the original mission of the site.
I don't think I've played a game in the last 15 years that had the option.
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I made some for AC6
Cub is next dumbass. This is going to be the next furaffinity.
god I hope so
hmofa es mi pasión. that's the problem.
I hope e6 becomes completely fucking unusable
I do, but it's very difficult to make something original and good. In AC6 I only finished two decals. all other attempts were either shit ideas, or I couldn't make them look the way I wanted
shut up latine
>hes a repliforce dicksucker
A reminder for anyone who doesn't know about the scrapers; the permanent booru (onion site) and iwiftp.yerf exist. The latter seems to have the most up to date scraper but I don't how people are expected to parse through it.
probably just a SigmaCHAD
All their doing is creating the library of babel irl. Storing art is pointless if you don't catalog and sort it.
There were so many good animations, that incluided a human children fucking a furry women, and now that shit was erased, even if you think than is not a big deal, or than that wasn't the point of the website, you should atleast feel scared at the willingess of the jannies to erase a shitload of images, without warning
there's nothing we can do now, get your scraper of choice and try to make an archive of the site before jannies go completely off the wall and DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING
What scrapers? I don't see anything there. Surely there's someone out there who had a full archive of e6.
Both of those sites preserve the tagging system. The problem is that iwiftp needs someone who knows what they're doing to use the files to host a new booru archive or something as it's not really usable while it's just a data dump.
I'm not skilled enough to rip a website and have an organized download afterwards
>he didn’t save the entirety of ~pokephilia -male/male sorted by character by game by generation along with a national Pokédex of every picture available regardless of tag
shiggy, it’s like you “people” didn’t learn from the previous cleansings.

Like tears in the rain...
Then cross your fingers and pray.
The permanent booru is the most full archive that's easy enough to use, though images that were uploaded as replacements instead of new posts are missing (like a bunch of dagasi uncensored art). You can find the URL by googling but also need TOR.
I hope furry jesus hears the fallen's pleas
Why? There's so few good art hosting sites left, do you really want to cede more ground to fucking Twitter?
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Just go to fucking e-hentai and the other e-hentai. Bad enough you're using a furry site for cake, count yourself lucky the mod isn't one of those oldschool "groom them into the fandom" types who would leave it up just to temp you with fuzzy creatures.
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He's hoping something will come along and replace it, but the reality is everyone will just migrate to Rule34.xxx. Assuming they don't already have an account there.
>open sadpanda
>half of the front page is AI slop and cosplay
that site is slowly going to shit too
e-hentai's tags suck. I can never find what I want.
>everyone will just migrate to Rule34.xxx
You mean the site that doesn't allow any underaged characters at all? Why the fuck would anyone migrate to it?
Fuck their tag system, literally the barest bones of any site.
I blame AI shitters. i hope all sites works like ass in the future
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From internet networking for porn consumption to the most advance tagging system for porn. Good lord, what would you degenerates do without furfags?
damn that's a great mavericks logo
Furfags and cognitive dissonance regarding loli drawings, name a more iconic duo.
>It doesn't matter that I want to rape dogs wearing diapers, it's fiction! It's a drawing!
The furry community has no sense of self-preservation other than wanting to throw every other fictional content enjoyer under the bus in hopes that normies will accept them if they're loud enough about lolisho being bad. They are the modern internet community textbook example of
>First they came for the communists, and I did not react because I am not a communist.
They'll get theirs, once seething about lolisho drawings starts to get boring among normalfaggots, they'll realize the furries they're allied with like to fuck roadkill in their spare time.
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Anon was responding to another who said he wished e6 went down for good, not specifying just underage content. If E6 does go down, they will migrate there because of its large userbase and allowing a broad range of content. Gelbooru only allows anime related art and other sites worth mentioning are just scrapers, you can't upload shit yourself. Apparently with the Permanent Booru you have to ask the owner, which I haven't gotten around to yet.
The furfags were out in force on the forum to complain about this change.
For every furry with a brain that understands that fiction is fiction and it doesn't matter what genre it is, there's probably 10 furries who are vehemently anti-loli while having their favorites list filled with feral, rape, bestiality, diapers and cub porn. The cognitive dissonance that supplies these conflicting views is extremely prevalent in the furry community as a whole.
non humans are hot
By persecuting others they are able to momentarily forget their own guilt. Aren't you doing the same against them right now?
"Anon" here I'm pretty sure 34x is clogged with ai garbage, poor edits and literal reposts of reposts so I'd rather not use that site more than I have to
Well the difference is I have absolutely no problem with people indulging in fictional porn as long as they aren't hypocrites. If someone wants to jack it to drawings of dogs fucking women then go ahead, as long as you aren't being two-faced about it and trying to get other fictional drawings banned and removed for being immoral or some horseshit.
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>Furfags and cognitive dissonance
You repeat yourself.
>This entire diatribe that ignores the existence of cub

You say they have no self preservation and here you are self advertising them to be more virtuous then they actually are. You also call them

>the furry community
And where is your community of degenerate shit? Oh "here"? No we hate you equally and aren't a commune like those other normie fag sites. Tells me "they'll get there's" despite never not fucking getting it every day of the week.

>For every furry with a brain that understands that fiction is fiction
They walk around in fucking polyester colored suits and pretend they are their own fanmade horror beyond comprehension.
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Normalniggers swerve.
>I jerk off to furshit but am not a furry
>they're the ones with cognitive dissonance
oh /v/
It doesn't ignore the existence of cub. Furries have the cognitive dissonance go disregard or even embrace the existence of cub porn while at the same time attacking lolisho to try and seem respectable to normalfags that hate them anyway. Furfaggotry survives on throwing potential allies in fiction enjoyment under the bus to try and deflect from their own fetishes.
cubs aren't human
>I cut my cock off and I'm a woman now
>they're the ones with cognitive dissonance
Oh, troon!
they don't really delete posts, if you go to a deleted image and click on "view original" below you can see the pic in good quality
I figure being a furry means having some sort of self-image that is non-human.
Wanting to fuck ebony women doesn't make me black, right?
The real elephant in the room is the Bad Dragon owner, I'm 90% sure he would be the one that forced the E6 purge and considering it's basically proven that he's a criminal zoophile, would make the ordeal more hypocritically ludicrous. Not to mention E6 mods have been complicit in covering for him by banning any mention of his crimes.
Having chocolate fever means you're no different from Tyrone "Jiggaboo" Jones, crack dealer and fried chicken eating champ '07 '08 AND '09
Being a furry and furry characters are like going to read a book or having read a book. Wanting to fuck a furry (species) doesn't make you a furry (species) but it does make you a furry (attraction). It's needlessly confusing.
they are banning cub next everyone fucking PANIC
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Furries have the cognitive dissonance
Of course they do. They literally want to live in a fiction world as an anthro.

>while at the same time attacking lolisho to try and seem respectable to normalfags that hate them anyway.
Have you ever considered that everyone even not normalfag attacks those people? Have you considered that there is no part of this argument that is redeemable? Oh no, furfags hate loli. I'm quite sure the opposite is the case too and that they too also try their hardest to seem respectable to normalfag, especially cops.

>Furfaggotry survives on throwing potential allies in fiction enjoyment under the bus to try and deflect from their own fetishes.
It survives because you normies can't fucking draw and you keep buying the pictures. You just keep buying them is all! Oh and the pillow prints, you fags really love those too. It's such a trope that people become artists just to make bank on fanmade horrors.

There is:
>Being a "furry" to normalfags
Which means you like anthros/animals in the "special" way (even though beastiality is also one of those things furries speak out against which I'm sure lolifag would like to chime in on). You in reality might hate the living shit out of suit wearers, FA or anyone associated with the furfag fandom, but none of that is relevant to the normie who will still associate you as a furry
>Being a furry to anons
Everyone is furry for this fucking character but only a moron would wear a polyester and go to a convention with other plastic people.
>walls and walls of ESL slop
not reading that
Contrarians btfo
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>Midna has been hit particularly hard.
Everyone really just repeats shit they heard on here without thinking huh
About 60 images featuring Midna got deleted, less than 1% of the total, all of them having her with Young Link or a young Zelda girl, which is the material that the purge targeted
The purge is completely indefensible and they handled it terribly, so I don't understand why anyone feels the need to lie about it
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Yeah sure you didn't now go buy another pillow cover, homo.
Huh. I didn't know it wasn't that bad. What's a accurate example I could use to describe the scope of the false positives instead?
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>sadpanda galleries
Wow it says this set might have some pictures of the character or artist I like, and all I have to do is sort through 2000 unlabeled unorganized images to find it!
It's a catchall term for one's fondness for fictional animal people, it lacks nuance in its usage and the ones to throw it around the most don't care for specifics.
there needs to be a scraper so i can put more tags without needing to pay. they got rare shit on there
that image is truly appalling
Dagasi toriel on human boy is gone...
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no but somebody made a war thunder skin with furry art I made
so that was pretty neat
They deleted some of my smut just because it was tagged as young but the character is both canonically an adult and not humanoid at all
i use sprays in tf2 to distract my foes
fuga? more like futa
im gonna make a objector with furry art you made
Are custom spays banned in official servers?
they're disabled but i swear i seen 1 rarely in casual during startup
I wish hydrus could download files that are in PTR, but not downloaded.
Wait what? The BD owner is a criminal? I mean obviously someone who makes a living out of oversized horse dildos isn't exactly right in the head, but he actually got caught?
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I made a decent rendition of the neverwinter eye logo as my battlefield 4 emblem. Never took a picture of it, though
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I wish more games had Emblem Creators. I would spend so much time making emblems in games that let you do.
goddamn I remember some people made some pretty good lewds in bo3
one was a shark girl, a fox girl in a red dress, and a digital fox with big tits
I took pictures of them on my phone and I still have them to this day
based 20 minute man
bruh you cant just say this and not post the pics
You can still use them but no one else can see them on valve servers.
Anons are there any alternatives to e621?
I kinda want to make it bigger buts its made of a gorillion small pieces and its going to take a while to zoom the pieces while keeping the proportions right.
No. Gelbooru and inkbunny are your best bets.
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alright alright
it doesn't show it but these were definitely from BO3
Meanwhile the funny horse board has like 6 alternate boorus once derpibooru started censoring shit. Are you even trying, furries?
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Founds some more emblems, unfortunately Black Ops 2 is really messed up on PS3 so I can't even go on to check all my emblems there.
Oh no!
So anyways...
for bo2 I only had some pretty edgy art pieces that I thought were really cool
and in bo1 because you only had 12 layers to use, mine were all low effort shitposts, one was 9/11 themed, and I did the kkk behind the bush with the watermelon in a box and stick trap
I missed when people didn't give a shit, nowadays you can't fun because of someone's "muh feelings"
kill yourself nigger
cub is based, lolishitters get the rope
this. as long as cub is still allowed, all is well
i will never forgive cryptofaggots for ruining the idea of alternative payment systems
For ACV and ACVI I usually go with kirby, a mad bob-omb, or a skull wearing a battle damaged cpt falcon helmet. The last one is always my go to emblem.
A lot of furfags revealing their pedofag insults to be accurate after losing mostly only the latter's content. Or just a bunch of weeb secondaries, take your pick.
Greed knows no bounds anon, those who are the best at it will happily ruin everything.
OG Armored Core was probably the only real reason to get a PS1 mouse back in the day, wish I had one.
what's an objector
>its another furry defends cub but shits on loli episode
Remember when Discord furry admins were trying to make excuses for it? There's a reason all the actual peds do furry and nothing makes them fume more.
conscientious objector, a sign melee weapon from team fortress 2 that you can put an image on
ha, based
Cute shark
How vore is too vore?
The scary part is that pretty much all of those tags are actually needed. But I just put "vore" into my blacklist since I don't trust people to tag it properly.
Most people who use them are troons or bronies, even still today
Such a shame this cute character is associated with one of the biggest degen porn sites there is.
>A porn site banned human child characters

Anon that's a good thing.
>all the hmofa pokemon x trainer content now lost
No it isn't
your pearl clutching is misguided since they explicitly stated that furry children were still ok
> healing_vore
how do you even DO that???
does any modern games even have custom emblems and sprays anymore?

>a page and a half of my favs got nuked
eh, could be worse, guess I'll manually download them
healing_vore is when a character has a stomach that heals its prey
Would be the most embarrassing way to go. Vaped to death.
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>cub isn't banned
Could be worse I guess.
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>milk-chan emblem
Horse fags are still underestimated to this day, I respect their autism.
Except when it is. Most Alvin and the chipmunks posts are still up yet new posts get deleted now. You can't even tell what's allowed by just looking at existing content.
If you have sprays in your temp folder from playing on servers and someone sprays it in casual it will appear. I've seen it a few times

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