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>nearly 20 years old
>not considered retro
>>nearly 20 years old
this is so retarded. it should be 20 years since discontinuation
It's too similar to what we currently have now. That's why I imagine people wouldn't consider it "retro".
>Yep, GTAV, Skyrim, Mass Effect, Bamham, they don't make games like that these days
When the first gameboy released, and 20 years after it was immediately considered retro, hell even before 20 years of release.
why do retards like this still insist shit like the xbox still isnt retro today
Retro is a style, independent of time
Because assigning arbitrary timelines to the concept is retarded
The SNES was retro the day the PS1 came out. The PS1 was retro the day the PS2 came out.

7th gen will never be retro because the 7th gen never fucking ended, we are still living in it
I like how the two sides of this argument are always

>it can't be retro because there's no identifiable paradigm shift that distinguishes it from the AAA games still being made today, many of which are "remakes and remasters" that are the exact same game just released again with increased texture resolution
>*taps calendar* *taps calendar harder*
What's your favorite retro film?
They don't make kinos like this anymore
lol, is this you?
They really need to just delete /vr/ the day janny caves and lets 360 posts in
Just like they're gonna have to do with /k/ when Russia finally gets their slow motion tard victory

Just give 'em the /qa/ treatment
Wouldn’t that first point be more telling of modern (post 2010ish) vidya lacking a paradigm more than 360 era games?
I think there aren't "retro" films. They're just [decade] movies or "classics" if they're considered really good
I’ve never been on /vr/
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Ah yes, my favorite retro style shooter: Call of Duty
you mean Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 3
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My favorite retro movie
This movie was so bullshit
I watched the whole thing and Will Smith doesn't robot ONCE
PS2 is considered retro and the last game for it was released in 2014
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Retro has a hard cutoff; any console made before the advent of relative realism (i.e. 6th gen, when things like picrel were released and looked reasonably realistic) is retro. Anything past that is in the current era of game hardware, or else will be subdivided in the future, presumably with a similar term like "millenial games" or some such.
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I miss retro platformers so much bros
he is robot
imagine in the future you can play 360/ps3 games as simple as running snes9x
the future is now, old man.
>A game is considered retro if it's at least 15 years old, or if it's based on outdated or discontinued systems. Retro games can also be styled in a retro way, such as having pixel art, 2D systems, or turn-based combat.
It was getting games until like 5 years ago.
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People really look at this and have no counterargument except "but number, BUT NUMBER"
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I don't care where you got that definition from. Public concensus or trusted sources could claim 5 years old is considered retro; it would be exactly as valid a stance as what you just cited.
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Can't wait to discuss this retro shooter on /vr/ in 2026.
Some PS3 games might require a little tinkering to run optimally but you can already do that
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Holy cope.
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retro - 20 years old
classic - 40s
vintage - 60s
antique - 100s
people in charge of this site said so
>I don't have an argument but I win anyway
Retro is already a label used for the first wave of video games. The 360 is a classic console, not a retro one
AI will be the thing that finally makes modern gaming Retro, it will be as big of a jump as 2D to 3D at least, possibly bigger. And then we will finally be able to stop having this conversation.
What a bunch of retards then, I will call "modern" games and platforms retro the moment the new ones have a big enough leap in tech and design similar to what happened with whats been considered retro for the longest time now.
Games have barely progressed in these past couple of decades, like how the fuck is stable 60fps still a selling point.
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It really underlines how progress has stagnated
Crysis is closer to Wolfenstein 3D's release date now than it is to our own current date

So, what's the game today that makes Crysis look like Wolfenstein 3D?
good morning, we are at very much early, sir, arent we sir, good morning
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>Dude jeans are over a 100 years old, it's RETRO fashion now

Datefags, this is your argument.
Thats because games stopped evolving during the 7th gen, modern games are exactly the same just bigger and with better graphics.
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Back to bed gramps. It's past your bedtime.
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You mean his bedtime is retro now, because enough time has passed.
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>bigger and with better graphics

kek gottem
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Did he really still have hair in 2021
You might as well just make blank posts
Ok, what now?
Old =/= Retro
That's not what retro means. You guys should actually look up a dictionary some time.
Age has nothing to do with it.
Eg - https://store.steampowered.com/app/813230/ANIMAL_WELL/

That's a retro game. It came out in 2024.
1985 - 1994 = Retro
1995 - 2006 = Classic
2007 - Present = Modern
Actually yes it is
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Sonic 06 is retro
Me too. Halo 3 is my favorite retro shooter. I am not being sarcastic on the internet. I am being serious. I consider Halo 3 retro, because it is.
How can something be 'retro' if people are still buying the fucking games on it?
No that's called indie pixelshit
Ps1 still wouldn’t be retro then retard
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>You guys should actually look up a dictionary some time.
oh yes oh uh huh yep I see now thx
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>360 almost came out 20 years ago
holy fuck this can not be happening
>don't make games like that anymore
I fucking promise you if there was a next generation console that appeared out of the fucking aether, rockstar would be ready to re-release GTAV/O on it, and bethesda would be right on their ass with skyrim: ultra mega sooper dooper ultra delux diamondassballa special edition II with a coin operated peripheral for paying by the second for mods.
lmao you thought it would never happen to you, didn't you.
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For me, it's retro cars
>2000s everyone drives used 90's cars
>2010s everyone drives used 2000's cars
>2020s everyone drives used 2010s cars
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I think that retro in tech means the first attempts of trying to figure out a new technology, what can you build with this thing?
People were literally inventing genres and gameplay styles.
The golden age of experimentation, many diamonds surfaced in that area, as developers had ambitions and creativity.

After a point (ps2) everything had already been explored,
There is nothing new to invent now,
That's why video games have stagnated HARD

in that sense, the 360 is not retro. The PS2 is pushing it, but fine, I can draw the line there.
What you're describing basically happened twice with 2D, then 3D, and that ~1995 era is especially jarring because it goes from god tier 2D (compare SOTN to Space Invaders lol) to shit tier 3D before 3D has to spend just as long climbing back out of the hole
It just means old grandpa. Nothing special.
Are we really going to come up with new terms every couple gens?
You really gotta

Nobody ever says "I enjoy classic rock, such as Elvis, AC/DC and Limp Bizkit"
It's not distinct enough from modern consoles to be next gen. Graphics haven't really improved beyond the 7th gen and the gameplay of most new titles isn't much different now than it was then.
That's because retro is a style, not an age. The objective divide between retro and modern happened in the 5th generation. Everything before the 5th is retro, everything after is modern. 5th itself pulls both ways. Until there is another massive shift in the medium all modern games and consoles will continue to be modern. Hope this helps.
No, the pedantic fucks keep trying to do this with everything.
>I was born in 1990
>I’m not a millennial because I’m better than my older brother
>I’m not a zoomer because I’m smarter than my younger cousin
>I’m a zillenial and it is only this super special group of 4 or 5 years before the dumb dumb poopy head came back from magically skipping over me and my best friends
PSX isn't retro.
They still get called oldies, the radio station just focuses on decades.
They don't have any real reasoning because they think "retro" is a term of endearment or honor that they want used on "their" consoles they grew up with and they're too young to know how different the medium was prior to 1995. Then there's the completely autistic baldfats from /vr/ who think were discussing what they are allowed to talk about on /vr/
No it isn’t a term of endearment it is a term of age.
>classic - 40s
Are video games from the 70s considered Classic now?
I've noticed that pre-NES stuff gets treated differently to stuff that came after by most people now.
>Graphics haven't really improved beyond the 7th gen
7th gen was honestly pretty impressive, if you look at those early gams and then some of the last games released on the consoles it was pretty impressive.
I still have nightmares about frank west's horrifying muppet face, and then shit like gtaV and MGSV released on the same hardware, which you can argue how good they were as games, but they look fucking fantastic.
Meanwhile 8th and 9th gens were just a dusty dry fart that never felt like anything besides late 7th gen games, but with less gameplay.
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>PS2 is considered retro
No it isn't
>>A game is considered retro if it's at least 15 years old, or if it's based on outdated or discontinued systems
Yes it is
You're agreeing with him that we're still living in 7th gen DLC lol
anything that came before 2012 is now retro
early x360 had a special sauce. i dont care about retro or wtv, i just know it was different. they literally devolved past the tech-demo honeymoon. shit like pgr3, saints row 1 (compared to the later ones), kameo, were kind of glorious.
I wasn't arguing with him. Just wanted to highlight that the 7th gen was kind of impressive with where it started and ended because recently I went back and played some old games on my 360 since the EOL of the store has been in the news and I only need a flimsy excuse to replay ace combat 6.
And honestly for big devs like rockstar, they can barely land one release per console generation anymore because dev cycles have gotten so long and bloated because of the steeple chase for muh grafix.
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I know this isn't *my* bias talking because I grew up in the PS1 gen but yeah nothing before the NES really matters at all

It's like how even for movie buffs there are very few relevant movies that came out before the 1930s; that Frankenstein and King Kong and Snow White and the Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind still resonate but you don't really go "Oh my god I saw that dude crash into the moon's face and beat an alien with an umbrella for 7 minutes, that's a favorite, my life has changed forever"
i dare you to name one console you think is retro. im gonna rescusciate my grand-grandfather to whoop your ass.
Nope. It's a term describing the style of how things were.
No it isn't.
Hot take
While the tech was the same the current design and cultural paradigms what define the modern era didn't come fully into being till the 2010s, roughly around 2011-2012.
So the first half if the 7th gen can and should be considered retro if not for the absolute clusterfuck of adding in a exact cutoff date halfway through a gen.
Here's the problem with your reasoning, some small change will happen over the next two years making the current modern "technically" not fully modern and the bar will constantly move making the distinction of retro irrelevant.
The Zileneial term has one good justification. And that is if you were aware of your surroundings and had your childhood in the interstitial period between the 9/11 paradigm shift and the popularization of smart devices and mainstream social media.
I was born in 2000 my brother was born in 2006. I grew up going outside, dealing with prime web 2.0, and consistent analogue tech. My brother had an Ipad in his had at age 5 and never looked back.
>some small change will happen over the next two years making the current modern "technically" not fully modern
That'd be pretty fucking surprising considering it hasn't happened in the last fifteen years or so
his hairline recedes further with every upload
>there are very few relevant movies that came out before the 1930s
Because most of that shit is lost media and no physical copies exist anymore because film was seen as a disposable medium, and the actual film itself is a fucking fire hazard. That is the reason why people go to the old chestnut "Yelling FIRE in a crowded movie theater" It's specifically a movie theater because its only going to be less bad than a fire at a fire works factory.
And honestly, a trip to the moon is pretty based and Méliès is one of the few people who had their work preserved because of a few hardcore film nerds that refused to let it fall off the face of the earth.
Is it necessarily on par with things being done today? No, objectively. But objectively, this guy was inventing special effects and the film is as much a magic trick as it is a dick wave as it is a piece of cinema for an audience.
You grew up on the internet so you're gen z. There's no getting out of that box.
DESU Any definition beyond "no longer the current design paradigm and system structure" for Retro reeks of insecurity from people who cannot handle the games that they played in college being in the same grouping as the game they played as kids.
>PS2 is considered retro
Lmao at this zoombaby. Let me guess, you were born in 2004?
what was the game, fifa?
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Your argument is zoomer cope for the fact that the very concept of video games utterly reinvented themselves about every 12 to 18 months for over two decades straight and then you had the misfortune of being born into the hellworld right when they ceased doing that
None of those fags had an answer to this lol.
True but there is a difference between having a childhood engaging with the world before the info blitzkrieg and after. Any attempt to lump the two groups together will cause massive cultural dissonance. I have seen it with my own eyes.
Really Zilennial or whatever the term is should be treated more as a sub section of the greater Gen Z then as entirely its own thing.
Not even bigger and better graphics a lot of times, and gameplay is worse. Gaming has devolved. PS2 games shit all over the garbage I’ve played on the PS4. Didn’t even bother with a PS5.
I think the hardware of the Xbox 360 is pretty retro at this point, but that's all.
>the year is 2080
>the last two 4c/v/cks still arguing
>"you ready to accept" *shits himself* "that seventh gen is retro now?"
>"you mean consoles that" *flat lines for 20 seconds* "spawned skyrim, a game that was rereleased just this monday?" *falls of bed and breaks his skull on the drawer*
>"heh, baited again" *dies from vitamin D withdrawal*
And that stagnation happened halfway through the 7th gen and any attempts to deny the technical and design developments up to that point as different is a boomer cope.
>*taps calendar*
>take a look, in 1960 people 10 years old were considered baby boomers
>*taps calendar harder*
>I'm 10 years old, I'm the baby boomer now
You people need to stop using marketing terms as if they're actually meaningful distinctions.
The only real generation that exists is the boomers, because it was everyone coming back from war with money fucking and having kids in a period of upward mobility. It defined the generation. Arguably after that it just gets muddy.
I'd also say the only other real watershed was maybe late millenials, kids who existed after a point where the internet was ubiquitous.
Everything else is just jewish marketers inventing new names to advertise to.
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Me? I'm a based 36-year-old Gen Xer
>And that stagnation happened halfway through the 7th gen
You mean at the start of the 6th gen.
Nope, it is just another word for old.
if you're wearing 49er style pants for miners it would be an argument, or 70's bell bottoms, or high waisted jeans. I mean fucking bell bottoms are never more than 7 years away from a comeback.
t.stopped engaging with games besides the ones I played before I was 14
Gen x is the perfect example, try to draw the line between that and gen-y/millenials.
I'm from the early 80's and the line of generation divide always shifts, and as someone who has been shitposting on the internet since 1989 the actual line, if you want to argue it exists, it much younger than people think, and at the end of the fucking day, the ancient greeks were whinging about how shitty the next generation was.
if the "biggest leap" in gaming was 2D to 3D, why is the retro cutoff between 3D and HD then?
No I play many modern games.
That's because there is no argument to be made. Calendar smashers are zoomers who want to steal a label they think is cool when SNES was already called "retro" before they were born.
>why is the retro cutoff between 3D and HD then?
It isn't. Zoomers will tell people that was a significant change. Older wiser people know each gen brings enhancements to resolution.
time and terms are relative and change constantly. to us, there's a huge difference between the NES and the PS5. to the people of 2200, they're the "same era".
In the same way that Abe Lincoln and Hitler are in the same era
That just adds to the argument that retro is a form of bygone style, and not defined by years
>less time passed between Lincoln's death and Hitler's birth than passed between the release of the NES and the PS3
i don't disagree, I was more just pointing out that it's a shitty analogy. I appreciate it wasn't a food metaphor, so gold star for effort.
they both got shot in the head by a misunderstood hero too
>the people of 2200, they're the "same era".
No I have more faith that our future people will be able to think critically and understand 2D beep boop pixle game came in a different era than GTAV.
This. Its the same reason Modern art refers to art from over a 100 years ago rather than contemporary stuff
Nah look at everything launch until about 2008. Dead Rising, Chrome Hounds, Lost Planet 1, GRAW, COD 2+3, Saints Row, Crackdown, Halo 3, Mass Effect 1, Blue Dragon, are all very different beasts from what came in the second half of the consoles life. I’m having difficulty explaining it, but the Blades era of 360 has more in line with old games. The slim line NXE update is a clear divide where everything becomes uniform. Mass Effect 2 kills a ton of role playing elements and changes to traditional third person gunplay. Modern Warfare is the default for all FPS from now on. Experimentation is dead. The hard drive is no longer optional and the memory card is also not viable. Early 360 and PS3 have very little in common with the modern era, but also don’t have much in common with the previous generation either.
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Retro doesn't mean "Old".
>imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past.
You wouldn't say jeans, hoodies, t-shirts are retro the same way you would say a tophat is retro because one is still commonplace.
Vidya still uses the same styles, franchises, and design principles that were solidified in the 5th and 6th generation consoles. Now its just at higher resolution with higher rez textures. So many modern games are literally just remakes of those old games with a new coat of paint on them.
Nope, just old.
They won’t because I an going to teach them properly that retro just means old.
Early gen 7 felt like a proper evolution of the 6th gen in the same way it was to the 5th, while the second half of the generation hit technical softcaps and gaming became so big that basically all AA studios died off.
Repeating an assertion 65,000 times does not constitute an argument
I absolutely would and do call jeans from 2008 retro.
Style. see: >>683650131
It is when it is a fact. The sky is blue, the 360 is retro(old).
>wanting RROD, online pass, DLC, Microtransactions, and all the other shit that comes with the 7th gen to be considered the same thing as the NES and SNES

No fuck you
So you're just going to autistically screech it to yourself forever, making you the victor?
It's ok to be proudly wrong. Nobody has corrected your behavior yet, and nobody will in the future. Go get em sis.
>Vidya still uses the same styles, franchises, and design principles that were solidified in the 5th and 6th generation consoles. Now its just at higher resolution with higher rez textures. So many modern games are literally just remakes of those old games with a new coat of paint on them.

And what does that have to do with anything? You just posted:
>imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past.
So the only "retro" games are pixelshit and lowpoly indie games that try to look old, and not the games they are mimicking.
Saying the 360 is retro has the same energy as
>2000's nu-metal is classic rock now
No it's not, it's fucking nu-metal.
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No you drooling retard, older 3D games were largely experimental, try actually playing old vidya, around the PS1/PS2 era games became pretty solidified and fundamentally have not changed since beyond graphics.
It isn’t screeching. It is self evident. You can write paragraphs and try and change meanings of words but it will not change 2+2=4. Xbox 360=retro
FUCK skubniggers
People can write paragraphs because there's actual points to be made, like the guy saying PS2 is the cutoff and the guy saying the 360 changed dramatically in 2010.

All you're doing is going "no u" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

Shut the fuck up for real
Because your paragraphs are wrong.
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because there is nothing that differentiates that gen and modern games

in fact it’s ground zero for a lot of the cancer we have now

that gen will never be retro
deal with it
>wanting weakening borders, sackings of rome, barbarian kingdoms, the battle of adrianople, and all the other shit that comes with late rome to be considered the same time period as the greek city-states and ancient egyptians

>No fuck you
So are PS2 and Xbox games though.
That's exactly why i argued against 6th gen being retro
Any modern gamer could pick up a PS2 hack n' slash or 360 third person shooter and learn how to play very intuitively, but they'd get completely filtered by the archaic mechanics of a PS1 or SNES game. That's what should fall as 'retro'.
>I asked mom if I could be retro and she said as long as I finish my homework
>No you drooling retard, older 3D games were largely experimental, try actually playing old vidya, around the PS1/PS2 era games became pretty solidified and fundamentally have not changed since beyond graphics.
??? Again, what does this have to do with anything?
Retro means copying an old style. The games you are telling me of don't do anything of this sort; therefore they are not "retro".
NTA but the "I'm going to pretend I can't follow the simple conversation I'm having" is a particularly irritating form of bait, kudos
>Some top selling PS2 games
>Grand Theft Auto SA, VC, 3
>Gran Turismo 3, 4
>God of War 1, 2
>Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex
>Rachet and Clank 1, 2, 3

>Some top selling PS4 games
>Grand Theft Auto v
>Gran Turismo Sport
>Nu God of War 1, 2
>Crash Bandicoot Remake
>>Rachet and Clank

Many such cases!
No it sounds like screeching. Also calendar tapping.
in Mein Kampf, Hitler literally said he decided to kill the jews after they kept doing that to him lol
Theres a big difference between early and late gen PS2, early PS2 feels pretty goddamn retro. Later on when you got games like BLACK you could feel the start of the modern era
IDK about you but saying Timesplitters 2 and CoD MW3 similar games doesn't feel right to me.
They aren’t. Go play Shinobi, DMC 1, and Ninja Gaiden. There is no rhyme or reason to the action genre. Even Ratcher and Clank took forever to default to twin stick aiming. GTA controls like complete ass. It was still the wild west.
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it took a while for 3d controls and dual analog to get figured out, some early 3d games are just wonky ass shit.
Those franchises do not play the same. At all. GTA 3 is unplayable. God of War and Dad of Cuck don’t even share themes let alone control schemes. And the overlap between PS3 GTAV is unrecognizable between GTAV on PS4.


>Retro gets coined to refer exclusively to indie pixelshit and the games that inspired them
>Zoomers get jelly as fuck and steal the term to use it on everything.
"Retro" is to videogames as "grifter" is to insults
Not that anon but they figured those franchises out in later PS2 releases, if you are capable of playing DMC3 I'm confident you'd do just fine playing DMC5 because the gameplay is largely the same, in some cases with the exact same combos and inputs and this is true of many franchises, especially fighting games.
>Those franchises do not play the same
Doesn't matter.
Regan was just inaugurated when I was born. The 360 is retro.
I guess tranny fits this mold, too.
>Pitfall atari
>Pitfall PS2
>Atari is modern
Thanks for clearing that up
The issue is that "retro" doesn't mean "old" when it comes to videogames. Much like how "roguelike" doesn't mean "any game where you restart when you die"

>brings up definition

>I apply now defined word to the games erroneously called retro

>you start refuting some arguments nobodies been making

>then you tell me I'm trolling because I'm still on the semantics topic

Are you an actual shizoid?
You have to go back.
Retro does indeed mean old
>games where you can die and game over are now a specific subgenre
I do find it funny when certain retarded kids get super bent out of shape over fail states and game over screens.
The term was coined specifically for new videogames in a specific style.
Is this about the reddit spacing? Sorry for that, I just had to space away the post replies.

Anyway, this still isn't an argument.
No it wasn’t. It has meant old but cool/novel from invention.
What I'm mostly concerned with, other than the fact that your a 40 year old stomping her feet on the internet in an obvious autism fueled tantrum, is if you're going to take your retro pronoun for your own selfish L/vr/gbdqp agenda, what words can the rest of us normies use to describe the uniqueness of past eras when looking at the video game medium as a whole without triggering your cohort of xisters?
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Do you know what "NTA" stands for
For example, games like cave story and shovel knight were called "retro games" when they were new. I'm sorry that you don't know the language that you speak.
>Zelda Skyward Sword
>Zelda TotK
I can do it too!
Yeah, sorry I only noticed it after posting. :p
Nah, style
what are you talking about, I just went to the mall to pick up my preorder and sonic 06 a few days ago... or maybe it was last month, or late last year...
>you know in retro 2000’s games…
>2010’s retro games were
Or just the console itself, as it denotes its age. This makes the retro implied or silent.
>You know with the PS4…
He's just like this. I think it's the tism. He's been doing this for at least 5 years now. I really don't understand his agenda because he hasn't yet made any argument in that entire time.
Nope, old.
How did you type this and submit thinking it was a well thought out post? Is your keyboard broken or something? I can't find a single articulated thought in that post.
>The Xbox marketplace shuts down in less than a week

How long do you think it'll be before Sony pulls the plug on the PS3 and PS Vita PSN stores?
Retro is 15 years after mainstream support ends. For the 360 that would've been ~2013/14, so it'll be retro in 2028/29.
not three gens behind yet. maybe when PS6 cums out.
God I hate zoomers. Retro-style was used to sell bell bottoms to tweens in the 90’s. It literally meant “old novelty”. Then and now. The 360 is an old novelty, especially pre-NXE.
>*calendar tapping intensifies*
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The Wii is literally just a repackaged gamecube with a gimmicky controller, a fun and unique console UI, analog video capable of 480p at best, and a library full of soulful and experimental japanese games. It's an honorary sixth gen console and should be considered retro. Same for DS being the last console to use sprites and pixel graphics for hardware reasons.
The two HD brown shooter westernslop boxes need not apply.
They already announced they were shutting both of those down and then there was backlash so they reverse there decision. I wouldn't count on it being around much longer than 2025.
They unironically don’t make em like this anymore
Classic is generally defined as 25 years old, or older.
In the US it's legally defined as that for classic vehicles (which don't have the same regulations as newer cars).
The DS has a hardware 3D engine
is there really ass in classics, when i buy classic flavored chips my eyes zoom in on the "ass" part and i wonder if it contains more ass than other chips?
If you can use an HDMI cable with it, I don't think it's completely retro. This technically makes the Wii retro... back to the drawing board.
It also means "half of the 360s" guy wins again because the first models in fact did not have HDMI and were designed to be used on CRT TVs
it's closer to what people consider the modern era than what people consider the retro era
so it can only be considered modern

>modern is contemporary
no, honey
there's words that have meanings
Retro means old. The 360 is old.
The NES wouldn't have been considered retro when the "retro gaming" community first formed by that logic.
I never owned one but thought those did initially come with HDMI ports. Just component, I guess?
And it was considered retro.
nope, the 360 called itself modern
it is modern, verbatim
Yeah it was just component and vga like the Dreamcast. I had my unit hooked up to an old computer monitor and had the the sound coming out of broken 5-disc cd player.
Modern meaning current. It is no longer current. It is in fact old and busted.
my uncle keeps bugging me about whats retro and whats not, should i feed him heroin?
ASD kun, you still haven't answered >>683655931
Nah, the PS3 and 360 are retro now
Officially retro in 2 years
With 3D about on par with the PS1. The N64 is unironically slightly more powerful than the DS
Check again, retard. It is the first replay.
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>words don't actually mean things, they just mean this other word
go on
thou art god
>schizobabble is an argument
Best argument I can get out of you I suppose. Are you allergic to talking to people or articulating your thoughts onto paper? Do you have an internal voice or a minds eye?
The last NES game came out in 1994 which was only about 10 years before the Xbox 360 was released. Technology just used to advance way more rapidly
You asked how to address specific retro types. I showed you three ways to start a conversation about it. I also addressed it this way. >>683656947
I know reading comprehension among zoomers is in the toilet with the… skibidi is it?
Ha, cool. I didn't know they ever came with VGA ports.
I've toyed with idea of picking one up; might have to look out for one of the older models if I do ever get around to that.
Nothing more. It is self evident. People who don’t want the 360 to be retro are having their midlife crisis. You’ll get over it and have fun making others shit themselves in terror when the PS4 joins the retro party.
Going to be difficult considering the RROD, but there might be a few out there that still work.
NTA but we have defined console gens for a reason.
It's "self evident" to you because you didn't live through gaming progress coming to a screeching halt you underaged fuck

There's no bias from "games when we were kids" because anyone with eyes can recognize the leaps that happened in 1985, and in 1993, and in 1997, and in 2002 - and frankly if we're going to be objective, in 1977. Were we supposed to have been adolescents for thirty consecutive fucking years? We're just nostalgic for our childhoods that stretched from the Carter to Bush administrations?
The big problem is we DON'T have defined console gens anymore

There is absolutely nothing that tangibly defines a PS5 game, or an Xbone game for that matter, in the very linear way that you can look at a game you've never seen before and intuit with some accuracy "Oh, that's a Mega Drive game, that's a Famicom game, that's a PSX game"

The console "generations" we actually got in real life have ended up being
>1st gen
>2nd gen
>3rd gen
>4th gen
>5th gen
>6th gen
>7th gen
>7th gen 2
>7th gen 2 turbo
You're completely stumped aren't you? You didn't think this far it seems. You wanted to take away a word that already has a specific meaning and repurpose it for something that already has that same definition, and your only recourse is inventing hyphen mashed words you made up on the spot. I didn't ask you to invent new words and phrases. I asked you if retro isn't used in its proper way, then what word is supposed to be used? You're so fucking far over your head right now. Why do you even have this agenda? Are you seriously only doing this because of /vr/ talking rights?
Gamecube isn't retro, sorry.
And what would you call the collective of gens 1 through 4 and the collective of gens 6 through current, which each clearly display unique medium defining differences? We had the "retro" era, and you got triggered and canceled it. What do we call it now?
Retro is not about how old something is. The word you want is 'vintage'.
The issue is that gaming completely plateaued around 2012 with budgets that were so bloated the AA gaming scene completely died.
It would be more accurate to have
>7th Gen
>7th Gen 1.5 (2010s split)
>7th Gen 1.6
>7th Gen 1.7
Ok kiddo!
wait until you learn about how modern art doesn't refer to art created today, but from the 1860s to the 1970s
>midlife crisis
I'm not the one making up terms to cope with reality
Your fallacy is combining Arari Era systems with NES onward systems
1st and 2nd gens are the Atari Era
3rd and 4th gens are the 8 &16bit Era
Anyone who has a vauge understanding of video games from any historical standpoint would know what your talking about.
You literally just made those words up on the spot.
Still 40. You are still wrong. 360 is still retro.
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It came out 19 years ago, that's what when it did. It was a great affordable console. And in this house, Xbox 360 is retro. End of story.
Honestly no. I thought I would have died/kms a long time ago. Guess I didn’t account for being a little bitch.
This is a literal “I know you are but what am I”. You are the one redefining terms because you didn’t know what they meant to begin with.
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What words have you not heard before? I would be happy to teach an ESL some new stuff.
It by definition is not. Look up what retro means.
Stop your feet harder, aspie
ima say this for the stupid bots arguing the other stupid bots and for the dummy dumbs caught in the middle

3DO and SNES and ATARI and COMMODORE-64 are retroactive consoles
It means “old novelty”. It has always meant that.
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Let's say hypothetacithically, it's 2044.

What is the latest console generation that is considered retro?
Why must you project your pants shitting fear of getting old? Or retro if you prefer.
>grandma died at 80
>doctor pronounced her dead at X:XX PM
>but she's in heaven
Ok so she's not truly dead until we're done with infinity
Retro shit doesn't feel modern. For instance, do movies released 20 years ago feel in any way retro or vintage like how a 70s or 80s film feels? Of course not
Maybe give seventh gen consoles another decade
Will the Series S/X ever get a hack that lets it run pirated 360 and Xbox1 games? I know it has a hack at the moment that lets it run old stuff up to the ps2 and gamecube.
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>projecting 40 year old foot stomper says everyone else but him is in a midlife crisis
My brokerage account and retirement savings and steady employment indicate that I am in fact not in a midlife crisis. Getting older as a guy is getting better.
>old is bad!
>old is retro which is good!
Tell us more, revisionist.
Depends, has the PS6 or 7 come out?
The latest Playstation that came out on Christmas day in the morning 2043
360 era games are not really that different from current gen games. It was like that with older gens.
>Money means I can’t have a midlife crisis
>No don’t ask me why I just bought a sports car and only browse “barely legal” tags.
>S,s,s, sugar site? What’s that?
Yes, old novelty. Retro ‘00’s style, Retro ‘10’s style.
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Console hardware lifetime doesn't really change that much, I think. There may be dimnishing results with specs, but they're still going to have regular intervals once money dries up.
>360, PS3, PSP
Bro I'm fucking stacked. What are you projecting about? You're afraid /vr/ won't let you discuss certain things? Tell me your motivation.
>Retro ‘00’s style, Retro ‘10’s style.
This does not exist in video games. The styles haven't changed since then.
You Early Millennial not gen x
Wrong, the answer is /v/ will fight over PS4, marketers will say PS5.
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>screeching greentext
We're on the home stretch. Next stop meltie town!
They have
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Hmm, a reputable source on gaming topics.
It's settled then, no?

You may all disperse.
>brand new hyphen mashed terms I made up right now
Very conpelling. Certainly beats calendar tapping.
Take me back bros
Yup. Even with games that crossed over show that those consoles are retro. GTAV on PS3 is unplayable and indecipherable.
GTA5 was fine in the 360 the day it came out.
Money does not stop the biological desire to prove they are still “it”. Every man has a midlife crisis. Money just determines how deranged they can get with it.
Nope, frame rate issues out the ass and blurry textures had people think Franklin was Indian till the yeeyee scene.
Please help me understand your desire for your revision of history to be true. You're not even a zoomer, you're older than me but you're calling me old. And old is bad, to you, but old means retro, which is good to you. I think. This is /vr/ board war shit right? You're not just super fixated on the definition of this one word just to troll people, are you? Or maybe you're bored and this is how you get attention?
>Or maybe you're bored and this is how you get attention?
It's definitely that one, like the guy who's been spamming "Hitler was trans" for 18 hours a day for the last decade on /tv/ (last I checked he had been banned 21,000 times but that was a couple months ago)
But usually guys like that are wall of text spammers. This guy is just a NUH UH NUH UH YOU'RE WRONG. Like he doesn't even want to discuss this, just wants to be right.
yeah. the Recession killed gaming
Old is old. I do not refer to old being bad. I refer to your refusal to accept that you are old as bad. A midlife crisis is something a person can’t see until they have gone through it. The same way a moody teenager thinks no one understands. It doesn’t click with them much later.
Them until much later*
Ok but you're wrong, men get finer with age. Now address the last half of my post. Don't worry I can wait until you've finished tab surfing the other 20 open arguements you have trolling people on the internet for entertainment.
I’m not wrong. The fact that you argue I am is part of your crisis. Retro is old. The 360 is old. You are old. You don’t want to be old, so you don’t want the 360 to be old.
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I'm literally just going by the commonly accepted definition of the word. You're not even arguing with me, you're arguing with scholars. Why would any of this have to do with me being unhappy with my age anyway? Are you unhappy with your age?
>You are old.
Don't you mean retro?
>You don’t want to be old
No I embrace it like a warm blanket. Men get better with age and my life isn't any different. Are you a woman?
>so you don’t want the 360 to be old.
360 is 19 years old, and it certainly isn't retro. Age is relative btw. It's utterly meaningless to call anything old without context.

You are doing this because of /vr/ board wars. I'm certain now. You keep ignoring this every time I bring it up. I'm not from /vr/. I'll never visit that shithole. I only know of your faggotry. If you think I'm some bad faith actor from there trying to troll you then you're misguided. I'm not your enemy in whatever conflict you're experiencing right now.
DS smokes the PS1 in basically every way except resolution. PS1 can't even do perspective correction and has a fucking 5-bit gourad shading palette
Games now are virtually identical to games from 6th gen, just higher resolution and lower quality.
There was no drastic shift other than the vidya investment bubble popping.
Because you don’t understand the definition. Even the screenshot says it is
>old decade+style
That’s it. I understand why teachers gave up on your generation. Nothing going on in there and when you do try you over complicate it.
I enjoyed mine. Shame about the huge power supply and the stupid fucking RROD that killed mine. Fuck that.

It also introduced paying for online game and games being killed, so
This. It's about gaming before the HD era where it became heavily corporateized and politicized with multi-hundred dev teams consisting of "diverse" talent.
It isn’t. Retro is a file folder that gets added to every 5-10 years. The file tends to be named “decade.doc”
Nah the word literally exists to describe differences in things from different eras. That's literally the only reason why it is a word in the first place. It has nothing to do with things being old. Sorry this triggers you.
No it isn't. Retro is a word used to describe differences of eras. It never gets added to until another dramatic shift occurs.
>>old decade+style
>That’s it.
Correct, the style of a past time. do you have autism? Be honest.
>That's not what retro means
It is. You'll see people call NES games "retro" during the SNES era. Don't believe me watch vidya tv shows from that time. You're just not old enough to remember the meaning of the word changing over and over again
And that style changed all the time. In NES era NES wasn't a retro style, Atari was. The word "retro" wasn't invented in 2000s you know, people used it for a long time and the meaning always changed
Nope. Retro is not static. Retro is Pacman, the decades and console generations are the dots.
No you're just a zoomer eager to get their first console on the epic retro list. It's notnthat great kiddo, it just describes how things were. You're not missing anything.
I disagree. Retro refers to the 2d era. Modern refers to the 3d era. You will never change my mind on this. Sorry.
>’00 isn’t a past decade
Not autism. That is literally what is advertised on the box. To help put it to bed further “retro” comes from a millennial misnomer meaning retroactively cool. It is proto-hipster speak. The reason it is a misnomer is because the things that were being called retroactively or ironically cool in 1996 were also considered cool in 1976. It was a mix of Old Navy marketing and teenage girls stealing their mom’s bell bottoms. But it was never static to one set place in time. We had girls recreting shit from the 20’s and calling it retro. As long as it wasn’t expressly a 90’s thing, it was retro. You guys probably aren’t even saying retro right. It has a valley girl flair. Oh my god like so whatever its so Ret Trow.
Source or it's made up
>Localization bad thread
>is [enter console here] retro thread
>twitter screencap thread
>off topic thread
>ragebait thread
yep classic /v/ discussion time
Do you want a year book or something? Go watch the movie Clueless.
I heard somewhere We've been culturally stagnant since 2006
Trust me we know that gen z is retarded and unable to learn. We deal with it every day at work. Pretty sure the schools only passed you because they didn’t want to spend summer school and potentially another year with you repeating the same grade.
Made up. Got it.
you'll survive
>>683642543 >>683647824

>GTAV, Skyrim, Mass Effect,

Those games are more than 10 years old, so they quite literally don't make games like this anymore. GTA V and Skyrim were released on PS3, then they skipped a generation and now PS5 is in the middle of its' lifespan, so those games are 1,5 generation old.
>*taps calendar*
>they quite literally don't make games like this anymore.
Are you pretending to be a retard just to troll? These style games are literally all that's made by AAA studios these days.

Do you even play games, you retard? What game was released lately that can rival GTA 5? Nu Saints row-LMAO. What about Skyrim-an open rpg game with immersive elements ? Name two or three Skyrim like clones released in the last years. Mass Effect -space opera with choice and consequence - name a few games like it made in the last few years.
Don't need to name a god damn thing faggot, I have eyes. GTAV is currently still one of the most popular video games RIGHT NOW. It is mainstream RIGHT NOW. Seriously what narritive are you pushing and why? Also link to your discord, freak.
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>>I have eyes.
But no brain.

>>These style games are literally all that's made by AAA studios these days.
>> GTAV is currently still one of the most popular video games RIGHT NOW.
Claim games like a GTA V are being made regularly - proves it by saying GTA V is still played ????

>>Seriously what narritive are you pushing and why? Also link to your discord, freak.
Anon, didn't you you forget something today ???
This might be a hot take in these 'ere faggy parts, but: If a console has HDMI-out, it's not retro.
Yes. The PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube should also not be considered retro.
GTAV is literally a game that is popular, manufactured and sold right now. You fucking autistic baldfat freak.
the problem is that you are caring too much about what other people think, to me pic rel is retro and I grew up with the ps1/2, to zoomers the 3ds is retro and that system is only 13 years old.
Nah, they are. They're not HD. They only have composite or, at best, component-out.
I'd say the last retro handhelds were PSP and DS, the screens for 3DS and Vita are technically "HD" so they're past the point of being retro.
What does it matter, anyway?
still not as old as a SNES or N64
Nothing made after 2000 can be retro, not even in the year 2100
Holy fuck I’ve had such a blast replaying this game than with any other modern shooter. It’s like they found the perfect formula that had no need to be improved upon.
Sounds about right with the absolute state of /vr/
4chan definition is king.
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OP's sad attemtp of a shitspost thread aside.

>mfw cracking my head trying to connect my 360 to marketplace to bypass the geo locked stuff
Only have a normiephone and no idea how to. SmartDNS doesn't work. Any way to do it with a smartphone mobile hotspot?
Check /vr/ again, everything before december 2007 is now retro.
Yes, Gears of War, Team Fortress 2, CoD 4 and Assassin's Creed are now retro games
>Check /vr/ again, everything before december 2007 is now retro.
That was for mods, not /vr/. Barely anything gen 6 hangs there, the board dna doesn't accept it as gen 6 is the blueprint of modern games with no end to that
Wrong, it has to be a game released on a console that came out no later than 2001. 360, PS3, and Wii aren't considered retro yet, but they will be within the next few years.
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Yeah, read that and try to understand what it means this time.
Platforms released no later than 2001 and games on those platforms released no later than December 2007.
An expensive PC from 2001 could run games released up to 2007, especially Valve games
Games haven't evolved, todays games are just ps3 and xbox360 games but with less fps and more blurry effects
Alright, go make a thread for CoD 4 then retard.
my 9500 pro could barely run hl2 at launch, there was no way my geforce 2 gts was going to do that
Take a SNES game, then compare it to a N64 game and then to a Gamecube game.
Take a PS1 game and then compare it to a PS2 game and then to a PS3 game.
Retro is more than how old X is, is the entire concept, ideas and how things looked because specs, basically if your game has autosave it never will be retro
I'm a pick me zoomer for despite no growing up with ps1/n64 style graphics, I legit prefer that over current day? It started with when I realized I found nothing appealing about gta 5 and couldn't understand why people thought it was good.
I wish skinny jeans were in style again. Then again i'm probably considered too old to wear them now.
>posts on /v/ - Oppositional Defiance Disorder expecting to discuss things
See you in the faimitsu general
>And that stagnation happened halfway through the 7th gen
End of gen 6 with games like God of War 2, Shadows of the Colossus, Resident Evil 4, Black, Metal Gear Solid 3 or Devil May Cry 3
It's actually worse

>Gen 7 games re-release but worse visually
So if PS3 is a retro console does that make TLOU and GTAV retro games?
their 7th gen versions potentially
What makes TLOU1 retro in a way that TLOU: Part 1 isn't?
>Those franchises do not play the same
They do, sometimes the more modern ones don't even play at all and is just a movie
This isn't true
shit graphics
forced multiplayer mode
>The Wii is literally just a repackaged gamecube
And that's why the Wii ended being the best console of his gen, shame that I didn't have one around that time, well atleast Killzone 2 and Resistance were fun
It is, you want a change of paradigm? take any ps1 game and then the first Ape Escape that forced people to use the joysticks
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2004 is the retro cutoff. When the last vestiges of 90s culture died. From 2005 onward it's modern.
>this is so retarded. it should be 20 years since discontinuation
By that logic the PS1 isn't retro because it wasn't discontinued until 2006.
No it isn't. GTA3 doesn't play the same as GTAV
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>shit graphics
What does "forced" multiplayer mean? You weren't forced to play multiplayer in order to beat TLOU and the sequels didn't have multiplayer modes at all. Is third person multiplayer shooters a retro concept now?
It does retard you do the same shit and you control the character the same way the only difference is the graphics and autosave
No it doesn't
>What does "forced" multiplayer mean?
devs in the 7th gen had to waste time working on a multiplayer mode most people would ignore
The multiplayer was pure kino, fuck you.
Ocarina of Time plays the same way as Tears of the Kingdom. You do the same shit and you control the character the same way the only difference is the graphics and autosave
Just accept you're old you fags, COD4 is retro
TLOU multiplayer was popular on PS3 and most AAA shooters still ship with multiplayer.
>COD4 is retro but the latest COD isn't
Is it the shit graphics and forced multiplayer
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Everyone should have an RGH'd Xbox 360. It's God's gift to man. Plays most OG Xbox games and the entire 360 library.
>most AAA shooters still ship with multiplayer
most AAA shooters are just multiplayer now, sometimes with a singleplayer campaign forced on
how the tables have turned
Call of Duty Warzone: Season 1 is retro and Season 2 will be retro soon
"AAA multiplayer shooter with a singleplayer campaign forced on" describes every Battlefield game released in the last 20 years
Are you retarded or something? Being part of the same franchise has nothing to do with it. Everyone would agree that Mortal kombat 1 to 3 are retro but the new ones obviously aren't
We should start using Age-system.

1st gen - Stone Age
2nd gen - Iron Age
3rd gen - Silver Age
4th gen - Golden Age
5th gen - Platinum Age
6th gen - Rhodium Age
7th gen - Bronze Age
8th gen - Lead Age
9th gen - Dark Age
OG Xbox BC sucks on the 360 unless you're playing Halo 2
Mortal Kombat 1 came out last year
Fucking clown
>Are you retarded or something?
Are you? Your go to example to argue COD4 is retro is comparing the original mortal Kombat games with the new ones
OG Xbox BC is fine. Most of the bugs occur when you play the games above their native resolution. I've played plenty of regular Xbox games on me modded 360 and they work great.
He's not the one using mortal Kombat to say COD4 is retro
OG Xbox BC is not fine on the 360. It's software emulated and most of the Xbox library isn't BC on the 360.
Late 7th gen and the first half of 8th gen was the actual dark age for console games
From late ps2 onward is not retro, simple as that
From after I graduated high school onward is not retro, simple as that
With a modded 360 you can expand the compatibility whitelist to make most of the library BC. I'm not arguing that it's perfect, but it's completely fine playing OG Xbox games on the 360. I would know because I've done it before, and I will do it again.
Xbox 360 is retro since it didn't even get a HDMI port until July 2007, nearly 2 years after it first released. Microsoft knew niggas were still hooking these things up to their CRT TVs with composite cables.
If it were completely fine most games wouldn't have bugs. Backwards compatibility on the 360 was clearly designed to play a few flagship Xbox titles like the first two Halo games because those are the only sort of Xbox games that run without noticable bugs and glitches on the 360.
I knew /v/ was stupid but this just blows my mind. COD4 is 17 years old. Grow up millenicucks!
>COD4 is retro but the latest COD isn't
Is it the shit graphics and forced multiplayer
Ah so you're a braindead bot, good to know. The internet is fucking dead
There's more stimulating conversation to be had with a decade old bot than a braindead bitch like you
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This is what COD4 looks and plays like now
I am telling you that a significant portion of those original Xbox games can be played perfectly well on a 360. More than you're letting on. Obviously it was designed to curate major titles, but if you crosscheck the compatibility list and the game you want to play is listed in a good state there's no reason to not play it on the console.
Obviously the perfect solution is just playing the games on an original Xbox. Literally the only thing I am saying is the 360 can play many of the original Xbox games completely fine especially when modded.
>I am telling you that a significant portion of those original Xbox games can be played perfectly well on a 360. More than you're letting on
This isn't true.
It is literally true. I've played them. If you claim otherwise you are simply lying. I don't care to entertain your dumb ass anymore.
It literally isn't true. Everything you posted is a lie.
>Everyone should have an RGH'd Xbox 360
This. Including Winchester, now where's my hacking methods you literal hacks
Cyberpunk 2077 and Starfield have no bugs. I've played them. If you claim otherwise you are simply lying.
Dark age began in 6th generation.

>you now remember fps cancer infecting consoles
All downhill from there
I'm big into retro gaming. I just finished crysis and am about to play mega turrican. I just love retro!
My top 5 retro games
Age of empires 2
Halo 4
>Find my 360 in a box during a move
>Oh shit I should hook this up for old times sake
Fuck me
It's happening in movies as well. People can easily tell apart movies made in each decade. But for some reason everything halted in 2000.

Take any movie between 2002 and 2020 and try to find a distinguishing feature. The Fidelity, the digital camerawork, the sound, the CGI. It all looks like the same era. Although a movie is 20 years old you'll never see someone calling it vintage or retro or classic.
I can easily tell a movie made in the year 2002 wasn't made in 2020.
Name 1
Minority Report. 0% chance that movie would have been directed and choreographed like that if it were made today. Even capeshit movies from the 2000s are easily recognizable. Just compare Sam Rami Spiderman to any Marvel movie that came out in the past four years
CoD 4 doesn’t play the same. Hand it to a 12 year old who has been raised on warzone and watch them struggle.
False on so many levels . The only thing the same is 3D space. Everything else in botw/totk is dogshit
There is no game that plays like old God of War anymore. Aside from Itsuno stubbornly bringing DMC back there isn’t an action game that plays like that anymore either. Ninja Gaiden is also in the ground in favor of souls slop.
Vita is retro
Malding pissing and shitting yourself. 360 is retro.

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