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we took 00s lucasarts for granted bros...
Still to this date they cannot create a better game than jedi academy.
Of these games Lucasarts only developed Bounty Hunter and Republic Commando. The rest were only published by Lucasarts.
You millenials forget that Lucasarts was a legendary developer before it lowered itself into being a souless Star Wars factory
I played all of these and love them. They were important games in my teenage years. I wouldn't say I took it for granted. I would add galactic battlegrounds and x-wing alliance.
>Monkey Island
>Grim Fandango
better times
I kneel
Sleepovers with the bros and battlefront multiplayer made for some very fun sleepless nights
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>EaW space battle
>Sir, I...
>I got 'em...
What did he mean by this?
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1999 - 2005 was truly the golden era of Star Wars content.
Outcast is a better game overall. JA might have a slightly better level design and more lightsaber moves, but it's basically a glorified expac.
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Say what you want about the Prequels themselves, but everything surrounding them was pure kino
Exactly. PT managed to create a new generation of content addicted fans, something that the D*sney losers have utterly failed to do.
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Academy was worse than Outcast.
This. Not by much, but still worse.
Star Wars has always and will always be shit.
honestly there was a lot of mid games from that era but there was more good ones too
I want KOTOR3 so much it's unreal bros...
It was a different time, when you could have a licensed video game and there was an actual chance it would be good, great even. The Spiderman 2 movie game was pretty good, and there was hardly a LoTR game that I didn't like whether it was shit like The Third Age, Battle for Middle Earth, or the action hack and slash games.

Twas a better time, when the industry made games, and not glorified cash shops.
a shame 2006 was the last year we had a good star wars game
Didn't Revan like pretzels?
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JA had way too many lightsaber battles near the end.
Outcast keeps them sparse but every single encounter with a Force sensitive enemy feels really impactful.
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While Republic Commando is good, Bounty Hunter is not good. I don't even know how you're supposed to get all the bounties in the level with people constantly shooting at you and the non-existent stealth system.
>Bounty Hunter is not good
At least it had Jeremy Soule's music, although it's evident action pieces aren't his strongest point.
Just don't bother with the bounties and the game is fantastic.
Republic Commando, my love
Fuck off the games cool as fuck.
Would have made a great tv series
Oh, ok. You've convinced me with your very eloquent post.
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lmao no
enjoy your TOR slop
You were trying to get all the bounties like a sperg and talked about a stealth mechanic as if thats ever used. You're just stupid. All the bounties do is give you concept art and shit if i remember correctly. Just grab suspicious looking people and feel cool when you're correct.
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The cancelled star wars games have to be some of the coolest shit ever made.
Zahn expac was kino as fuck
https://youtu.be/lhBAWVvVkFw?si=e8djcqG2Pomd5mVp Battle of the Sith Lords was also cool as fuck.

We were supposed to get a lot more games on seventh gen and pc than just The Force Unleased (and #3 was in the works there too.) It's just it all came under dev hell like battlefront 3 or got cancelled in between stuff like LucasGames' financial troubles during the development of The Force Unleashed 2 and the Disney acquisition. We got robbed.
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I loved the Pazaak minigame. Yes, even in KOTOR1
I actually finished Kotor 1 recently, I was curious on what happens after the game, since it just ends with you being congratulated then being sent right back to the menu. So after becoming a hero and seducing a Jedi into breaking their retarded code, instead of plapping Bastila's jedi pussy and giving her 10 children, Revan gets Bastila pregnant, gets his memory back, and fucks off for decades into some schizo journey that no one gives a fuck about and dies? What the actual fuck is that conclusion?
>What the actual fuck is that conclusion?
LucasArts notoriously had a change of leadership around 2006 and their new CEO figured it'd be better for the company to chase after the MMO market or some shit, which resulted in that abyssmal The Old Republic mmo and Karphyshin's equally disgusting Revan novel.
No sane person who liked K1 and K2 accepts TOR as the canonical continuation of the story.

Here's how it was supposed to go originally
Yeah. Lightsaber fights are cool but Academy gets to the point where they start feeling like a slog because there are entire levels with nothing but enemy Jedi. In Outcast you're mostly fighting stormtroopers with increasingly dangerous weapons and mechs with the occasional Reborn fight to switch up the pace.
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>learning that the only actual games Lucasarts made were kino unique point and click adventure games that were basically just trying to mirror the movie part of star wars with the adventure part of Luke's... adventure like when he has to use his wit to creative get out of a situation a la picrel

honestly made me respect him a bit.
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That first fight on Bespin is nothing short of kino
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Low STR post
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Missionis gets really awesome around 13lvl. I always use her to bust the main trio out of prison on Leviathan
Disney Wars is sooooooooooooooooooooo GARBAGE
Yeah, I always use her because Sneak Attack is hilarious. I just think her low STR is funny
eh, they're equal by different standards
Star wars and all its games were never good
>I always use her to bust the main trio out of prison on Leviathan
T3-M4 for me, gotta give the lil' guy some work to do, he's a glorified swiss army knife otherwise.
You don't want that, it will be pozzed slop.
>Rebel Warrior
>star wars but its a musou
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ngl I'd settle for a KOTOR3 game that looks and plays like the first two games as long as it tells us the final chapter of the story as originally envisioned by Avellone

yes, I'd even pay $30-40 for that shit
>Star Wars Vader
I'll never be not mad about this one.
>Jedi Knight III Brink of Darkness
>actually makes the DS ending of JA canon (fuck you, Rosh)
>Kyle Katarn embarks on his last great mission to stop his wayward apprentice who now wields a powerful Sith artifact
The Prequels were great in general honestly. SW fans took Lucas for granted even though he was the literal brainchild behind the whole IP.
the prequels were garbage it just happened the disney sequels were even worse
it was mainly red letter media that were retards for hating it so much
and normies followed
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>The Prequels were great in general
No they weren't, and I'm saying this as someone who mostly liked the PT. I'll admit the creative vision behind them was rather inspired and fairly coherent, but they were a piece of whack otherwise.
The Phantom Menace in particular is a fantastically pointless movie. Sure it sets up a couple things but they could have done that in a lot of different ways.
people were shitting on the prequels for years before RLM you dumb bitch
Nah. The Prequels were just as iconic as the OT and form the baseline of what we think of when we think of SW today. I’d actually argue that Episode III is the quintessential Star Wars movie since it had literally everything you could possibly want from a Star Wars movie and has the perfect balance of action and quieter story driven moments.
correct, there is zero reason not to start the prequels with Anakin as a teen at the youngest
dual blasters sneak attack makes mission the highest dps in my party every time
then he wouldn't be groomed by Padmé
>The Prequels were just as iconic as the OT and form the baseline of what we think of when we think of SW today.

fucking kill yourself you retard, Star Wars the original is still the second highest grossing movie of all time adjusting for inflation and frankly Gone with the Wind shouldnt even count because it was re-released every year for 40 years
maybe once you grow up you'll not take this shit too seriously zoomer
you claimed it was RLM dont pretend youre some cool guy all of a sudden
yeah cause i was alive and watched it in theaters
it was generally well like, except for the weirdos that took this shit too seriously
maybe think for yourself
>waaah everyone actually hated the prequels!!1
>no proof
>errrm, w-well, you're just wrong OK!?!
lol lmao even
The older I get, the more I realize that the prequels aren't "bad" because of anything specific in the films, they're bad because they tell a genuinely interesting story in the most confused, jittery way possible.
Are you pretending that things like the clones, the Maul duel and the Mustafar duel aren’t iconic pieces of cinema. To say nothing of how well regarded the opera house scene is.
don't forget that Duel of the Fates is the best piece of star war music ever to be created
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1 & 2 were pretty ass, especially 2. 3 was better but still not amazing.
The important thing is that Lucas was still doing all his weird worldbuilding shit, which set up a really huge landscape for books and games and whatever else to pull from. The greatest sin of the sequel movies is that they're creative black holes that have spawned zero (0) games, not even shit ones. I think the newest Battlefront has some maps from them and that's it.
I didn't. I played 4 of those games
it's ironic that the newest Star War games still make their setting around prequal era or slightly after (Jedi fallen order and jedi survivor)
yes they arent

duel of the fates is amazing but doesnt make up for retarded shit like anakin creating R2D2
>Jedi fallen order and jedi survivor
>we've only gotten 2 painfully mediocre SW games in the last 10 years
>Outlaws most likely going to be a pile of bantha poodoo
>anakin creating R2D2
he didn't
>Prequels were great in general
Fuck off. The prequels were shit and phantom menace was my first star wars movie. I never understood why my parents loved star wars so much. Until I watched the original trilogy. Then I understood.

Empire was the best of the OT. Followed closely by new hope. ROTJ dropped the ball. It was the worst of the originals. It lacked presence. Felt too repetitive. Opening scene at jabbas palace was too long and made no sense. Second death start felt like a retread, a plot device. Why couldn't the rebels just go for the jugular and attack the emperor directly at the imperial capitol? Would've made the final battle so much better. Why didn't yoda fight? I dont care that he's a fucking puppet, all you gotta do is blur the screen and make it look he's moving too fast to see. Speaking of lack of fights. Why didn't the emperor fight? It should've been like this; Luke vs Vader, then Luke vs The Emperor, but this time you see that the emperor's not holding back on luke like vader was. Then finally its Vader vs The Emperor. Show the true strenght of vader. Show two powerful sithlords going at it. Their fight should warp and destroy their environment while luke just helplessly watches along. Would've made rotj so much better. See, a good third part in a trilogy should be when all story lines are neatly resolved and the spectacle is magnified. Pull out all the stops. Just like what ROTS did. That's why it was the best of prequels. Exact opposite of ROTJ. Attack of the clones was the worst of the prequels. Phantom Menace was ever so slightly better.
it's C3PO anon
even worse, C3P0 is the gay robot
Compared to post-Mouse games, TORtanic is a masterpiece.
What were they thinking with this design?
he was too busy naming the Ice Planet as Hot H
TOR is unironically a good Star Wars game, but sadly a remarkably shitty KOTOR continutation. I just treat it as an alternate universe within the EU continuity.
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>the only video game to touch the sequel movie settings is a glorified ad for the theme park that's also VR only
"Let's make a tank, but make it look like it's from Star Wars"
Why do people think AOTC was so bad? I wouldn’t call it the best SW movie, but it’s still nowhere near as bad as people claim. I like it more than TPM, and even then I like TPM too despite it being the worst of the Lucas movies.

Star wars vehicle designs were always pretty bad looking
Judging by that meandering wall of text you're either an OT boomer or an RLM slave who didn't understand their (mostly inaccurate) criticisms. Either way Phantom Menace was definitely not your first Star Wars movie.
looks like something from gmod
you mean RAD looking
>noir political thriller first act
>seedy Coruscant underworld
>KamINO, best realized planet in the franchise
>awesome species design - Kaminoans, Dex, Changeling, Jedi Masters, colosseum monsters
>Jango “I’m 1000x cooler than Boba" Fett gives us the first and only bounty hunter badass scenes of the series - both in person and on his sweet ass ship
>Tusken raider massacre. Taste of young Vader we all wanted
>sexy Natalie Portman bared midriff
>colosseum gladiator bit is charming
>Christopher Lee himself as a sophisticated, erudite Sith Lord with a GOAT lightsaber takes on Obi and Anakin 1-on-2
>Mace and the Jedi Council unleashed and tearing through literal armies
>clone bros get introduced. Become one of the best parts of the franchise
>R2 and 3PO’s best ever adventure + physical comedy
>based Yoda faces down Dooku first with the Force, then with his saber in a crowd-pleasing spectacle showcasing his true power
They can't stop cringing at the love scenes. I love AOTC despite them.
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and the sequel movie made it worse somehow
the love scenes between the autistic traumatized monk and his royal groomer that's a senator despite her young age?
in context, it had to be stilted
KT has actually wanted to make a Star Wars Warriors game for a while now if I'm not mistaken. Unfortunately that might actually be enjoyable so the rat will never let that happen.
I can see something like this working for planets that have anti-repulsorlift surfaces, either natural or artificial. Not terrible, but definitely uninspired looking.
>you'll never play as an ewok mowing down legions of storm troopers with kungfu super moves
why live
I don’t even find them to be that bad. It’s a pretty accurate depiction of a spergy teen falling in love.

Anakin and Padme is also a far more compelling and fleshed out romance in general compared to Han and Leia, which felt forced and was only saved by Harrison Ford oozing charisma.
KOTOR1 demo looks rad
Lightsaber combat in particular feels more fluid and natural than the goofy crap we got in the final version

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>yes they arent
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>sexy Natalie Portman bared midriff
fuck anon, why couldn't the sequel get this right
>Lightsaber combat in particular feels more fluid and natural than the goofy crap we got in the final version
The whole "fight" is probably scripted instead of being actual combat. The player character doesn't ever fight anything in that demo, it's all NPCs allegedly fighting.
Is empire at war still worth playing? I wanted to play it as a kid but my pc couldnt handle it (luckily I sill had galactic battlegrounds)
Definitely worth it for the space battles alone, but the ground battles are a slog to get through.
>it's all NPCs allegedly fighting.
Yeah, but IMO it looks way better than this bit in the final game (0:55 - 1:02)
speaking of demos, I hope someone leaks the Aspyr demo for the K1 remake someday
People are just parroting RLM memes like "i DoN't LiKe sAnD". Damn, the line isn't that bad, and Hayden is as awkward as any other horny teenager.
Even if it's through D*sneywars slop, I'm happy Hayden is getting a second chance at acting career. The guy deserved it.
he acted circles around the asoka actress
not really that high of a bar
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yuthura ban my love
I wish she was playable
Yeah, K1 needed the option to refuse Juhani's companionship for male players.
Let the femRevan have the boring catgirl dyke.
it was too based for this gay world
>Uthar can survive
>cute Twi'lek girl always dies
fuck you Bioware
I would rather have the hot Twi'lek Sith as a femRevan, Juhani a shit
>uncharted type game
>uncharted type game that got canceled

Fuck off, look at the trailer again, its everything people hate about modern games
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>*hits bong* duuudee... there's like, not enough vehicles for empire early game... what if we like... made a TIE fighter... but for LAND...
The level design overall felt more polished in Academy, but narratively it has nothing on Outcast, which felt like a true odyssey.
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>playing a femRevan
I played through JA recently and I felt the opposite.
I wanted more and the game was over.
Throw 20 fucking cultists at me at once, I CAN TAKE IT I AM JEDI
The best Jedi Academy level was Korriban on the dark side route
>Sir, I...
burned into my memory like a hot piece of rebar to the chest cavity
the corellia and coruscant missions are my favorite
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Love me some force speed. Best power in the game.
The concept is fine, but the actual execution just looks like hollywoods cheapest concept artist tier.

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