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I'm not even just talking about localisers censorings things or adding their own shit in because they're failed writers, so many of these english translations are very poorly translated too. Why does this happen to Japanese games in particular?
Because the people localizing it have no respect for the material or the people who enjoy the product. That and none of them know a single fucking ounce of Japanese. Everything is already roughly translated for them and they just edit in your own politics and 5-10 year old Memes to fill space. Sometimes to the point of completely rewriting a characters personality.
The best recent localization was River City Girls Zero. Because it had a dual English translation. One by the localization team and one being at literal as possible without the fluff.
Guess which one everyone liked.
yet they cared enough to change the translation
not an argument, plus you cared enough to reply.
>localization hypes mondo up as the leader of every biker gang in japan
Pretty based translation
Because that's the way it's always been, all your base are belonging to us
It makes them feel like a writer. It's just selfish ego shit. They want to leave a mark on it when in reality their input should basically be invisible.
A load of localisers came out of the woodwork and lost their shit over the River City Girls thing kek.
Their mark on the game should be "Localizers: [insert name here].
Nothing more. You think a QA went out an fixed bugs they found or Made new mechanics and content because they weren't satisfied with what they were assuring? No. They did their fucking jobs and got a name in the credits. They weren't in a position to changing anything personally. The localization team should also never be in this position.
Of course they did. It was a huge Floodlight pointed at their incompetency and corruption of the product. So they scrambled to defend themselves.
DongShlongRonPaul is a dogshit VN anyway, so there's no loss.
imagine being some monolingual mutt obsessed with other people translating cartoons for you and thinking they owe you literally anything lmao
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It's hilarious seeing localisers like pic rel panic and pretend that they care about high quality translations when they've bragged numerous times about intentionally butchering translations.
Imagine being a Trannylator with games out that nobody bought thinking the consumer owes you anything.
What is even the problem here?
And the problem here is?
Not going to another website, can you explain what the problem is?
Honestly if tiny details such as this bother what are you even doing wasting your time with localizations instead of learning japanese?
That reads like a lot of autistic screeching that the translation plays up the cast as a bit over the top then Kodaka described them, even though the entire cast are already pure over the top shonen archetypes in the end so it makes zero difference to the story in the end.
They compare multiple screenshots of the JP and EN versions.
That's not explaining what the problem is, you're just describing what the link is supposedly about. Can you explain what the problem is with the pic in the OP?
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Because I don't want a solution. I want to be upset!
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this is the solution.
The Japanese version says he's the leader of Japan's biggest biker gang while the English version says he's the de facto leader of every biker gang in Japan. That's a pretty big difference.
Unironically a conspiracy to obscure the culture to outsiders.
It takes between 10-15 years to learn Japanese anon and that's if you do it for hours daily.
Hardly. It's utterly ridiculous either way that a teenager would be declared a royal prodigy to the whole world just for being the top greaser in Nippon.
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post a picture from your gaming immersion NOW
learning Japanese won't make you stop hating shitty translations, it will probably make you hate them more
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As a person that has been studying for 10 years and still not competent or fluent I'm calling bullshit. I'd be lucky if I be decent at the language by 2034.
The students at the school are meant to be the best at things. How the fuck would Mondo be the best if he's only in charge of a single gang?
>gain the ability to completely ignore shitty translations
>they still live in your head rent free
Hate learning is a good motivator.
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Look at this again>>683644531

Also pic rel is yet another shit translation
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It took me 1.5 years to get fluent. Also, you don't need to know a lot of jap to watch anime for example.
That's just the exact same sentence worded differently. None of these details change the context of the lines at all. Again, this just sounds like autism that it's not the same sentence that the blogger came up with.
Western publishers hire luncatic translators on purpose. You won't get hired unless you have an open agenda/bias.
You won't see the translations and won't be thinking about them.
nobody speaks like rough TL, the official TL is superior
This one feel like the official TL is an ESL or have very little understanding on the subject they are translating.
You can do it in 5
lol Fuck off
Because Anglos are EOPs. They never learned how to properly learn a second language.
You sound like one of those YouTube clickbait videos.
Because within the West and especially in America there is a strong culture of disrespect and contempt for Japan.
Jazzy passed the n1 in 9 months
>I'm not even just talking about localisers censorings things or adding their own shit in because they're failed writers, so many of these english translations are very poorly translated too. Why does this happen to Japanese games in particular?
people who says stuff like that havent done an actual professional translation in their lives.

been reading a book, legends of localization for undertale and the amount of consideration needed to make the Japanese translation accurate as possible while at the same time, making sure it is also relatable to the target audience. And they have Toby Fox as a very involved consultant for that.
There was a famous Japanese translation of "I love you* as "The moon is beautiful tonight." and none of these literal purists would be ever do a better job than actual professional translators.
Localizers are racist, thankfully AI is ready to replace them
Of all the shit translations you could find in anime or video games you pick a handful of examples where the meaning is completely unchanged, and it's just reworded to get rid of the stilted way the Japanese language translates into English.
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I learned Japanese after being annoyed at translations and now I don't think about them at all. I dont even willingly play games that are originally in english.
You cared enough to comment, Schlomo
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That's only the first four hours of the game. The Danganronpa series is riddled with mistranslations, spelling errors, localisers censoring things and injecting their own garbage into the translation.
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Welcome to the club. You have reached the path of enlightenment.
I think it’s safe to say there’s extremely little oversight or quality control in the industry, and as far as the devs are concerned they don’t care what foreigners end up with so long as they’ve no reason to believe it harms their bottom line. That’s why the majority of the time if a game gets some of its translation errors/fuckery fixed it’s a relatively niche title that needs every single sale it can get
Maybe OP could have picked a meaningful translation error then instead of the insignificant ones he posted.
Based shiteaters
It's even more obvious since this shit is exclusive to English localizers
You've really failed at showing any of those details beyond some blogger's admitted rough translation having different wording than the offcial one, but really if you want people to take the issue seriously why pick a series that's already infamous for it's notoriously bad shonen writing?
The official translation implies he leads all the gangs personally due to them respecting him.
The fan translation implies he only leads the biggest gang and the lower ones respect him.
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will this fabled "AI" of yours get rid of censorship like pic related?


Describing someone as in charge of every biker gang as opposed to the largest one is a pretty wild error. Are you acting retarded on purpose?
Yeah because eventually their rot will infect the Japanese version too. See RF5. Nothing short of total trannylator death will fix this
Why do translators always have to fuck with shit though? If there's text to be translated and the text is "Oranges taste so wonderful." these retarded translators will pull shit like "Oranges are like perfume that kiss your lips", it's just such fucking garbage. It might make sense to some, maybe even matches the literal translation of the text; but instead of making it "close" to the original, they fuck it all up. The localization should just be something simple like "Oranges are so yummy!" or something.

I don't need literal robotic translations. I just want something as close to the original while still being fully understandable in English. While still making it make sense in context as well as the context of the text. I genuinely ask how fucking hard that is???
You could have just started with those examples to begin with, granted it's already commonly agreed those lines in V3 suck.
>and now I don't think about them at all.
Well you should considering how often western fucks try to communicate with the developers and get the source material itself changed these days.
Never assume an enemy will go away if you just try to avoid it. It will only gain more ground in your absence, and before long set its eyes on the ground you fled to.
It's Danganronpa. Their talents are superpowers, so it wouldn't be surprising at all for a high schooler to be the leader of every biker gang.
While the wordings different, both still establish he's the best biker in Japan so it's only a superficial difference.
They are parasites. When people call them failed writers they aren't kidding. It's the crowd you'd see writing cringe Harry Potter fanfics 15 years ago.
What reasons would assume someone could have to go into translating vidya? You'd guess it's for the love of the medium, but you'd be dead wrong with these people.
Self-delusion is a scary thing. They see vidya as easy vehicles to live of their trite prose. They submerse themselves in echo-chambers and attend circle jerking sessions about their position to affect change on the problematic nature of foreign cultures.
But that's just what all these threads turn into?
How dare you expect a quality product?!
If you wanted quality writing then why did you buy Danganronpa to begin with?
Could you at least open your thread with a game that isn't shit? The hack frauds that wrote DR could have translated it to english personally word for word and it would still be dogshit
It's not only a difference in wording. Please don't tell me either of you are native English speakers.
You must be trolling, I can only belive you're being disingenuous here.
Yet here you are?
You're right, it's not just a difference in wording which I never implied. The translation makes his talent even more impressive.
You'll have to explain how the difference changes how ridiculous the context is if you believe it's that extreme.
It's fanfiction
Got nothing better to do and nowhere better to be
Here's an American-friendly explanation
>He's the manager of the biggest McDonalds in the country
>He's the manager of every McDonalds in the country
See the root problem here is that both wording imply that Mondo is an absurdly powerful teen biker and the best in the country, cause he's either the ruler of the most powerful gang that all others respect or he's just openly acknowledged as the kingpin by all of them.

A single dude being the leader of every biker gang gives the reader loads of false information. You'd assume there aren't any biker turf wars since they have all been unified. You assume every gang member this person meets in all of Japan will be loyal to him. You assume he has power in every city all over the country, not just his own gangs turf. If you wronged him you wouldn't be safe anywhere. Likewise, curryin favor from him would be vastly more valuable.
It basically paints a completely different picture of the structure of the underworld of Japan.
It just goes on and on.
Sasuga, the power of the speed reader
No wonder Weinstein wanted to cut Mononoke in half for the American audience
Those are all the assumptions your supposed to be making though, his very title is being the greatest biker in all Japan and it's why he was at the school to begin with. Every character except Makoto has the exact same ridiculous backstory.
Danganiggrrs get the rope
I have to wonder if this is deliberate, because this lines up with the SHSL -> Ultimate change. Localization made the characters seem more powerful/ridiculous than even the original script.
Please stop pretending to be retarded
have you read Danganronpa?
Bro this is the same game where a total societal collapse occurs just because a single gyaru and her sister had a few gifted kids shoot each other. If you think none of this is remotely over the top than I can only assume you've never read a single book ever.
And it leads to a feedback loop because they convince corpos that this style of localization is necessary to sell the product.
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Americans only care about the large strokes of the story because reading is too hard.
Subtlety is a foreign concept to them.
Here's another example that americaniggers will defend.
>his very title is being the greatest biker in all Japan
It's not.
"Ultimate" is also a mistranslation. It's actually "Super High School Level". It's still ridiculous but it's on a lower scale.
The translation is dead wrong. It doesn't matter if the concept and plot of the story is wild and unhinged.
Why are you running interference for the localisation of this title? What gain is there in arguing for a less accurate translation?
You seem to simultaneously not care about the property while still somehow finding the energy to stick around here. It's very odd.
I should have said that it's even more important to get the details and minutiae correct when the story is so unbridled
Only the first one. Why?
Chō Kōkō Kyū is actually way more of a chunni phrase than it sounds like, in English it might sound like a basic title but in actual Japanese titles it'd be inpar with calling someone a Super Ultra Valedictorian at something.
Because it's not wrong at all, you're judging a random blogger's rudimentary translation of the text as being more accurate while missing just how ridiculous the actual text is. The complaints about the unnecessary American Poltical references added to the text are far more valid than the translation playing up how silly the script innately is.
something something V3
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You know exactly why.
>it's not wrong at all,
So the character in question is the leader of every bike gang in Japan?
The Finnish are behind it.
Pretty much, especially since checking the original script for chapter 2 says they took down every lesser gang to become the biggest anyway.

Those are all complaints about V3, we're talking about the first game.
is the retard who makes these falseflagging? why is he nitpicking the worst examples ever? I'll still not support english localizations
because westoid localizers are kike puppets intentionally sabotaging japanese media, what else is new
so defensive
we need more layoffs
Why are sabotaged localisations so common in japanese games? Why can't these people just do they job they are paid to do correctly?
This one pisses me off to no end because it completely changes the context and perfectly explains the look on Tidus' face when he turns around because despite everything they went through that was the first time in entire game he was told "thank you."
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just a coincidence goy
>he said hi instead of nihao?
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I am tired of these threads. These people.

Post new material.
>Gangs everywhere love the guy
means they like him. But he isn't LIKED. He's feared and respected. That isn't like. That's terror. That's power. If you can't read that's your own damn problem.
>having children changed into getting a cat
this is up there with Etie’s advocacy of meat consumption getting edited for silliest but most pointed acts of localisation in FE
Convince me that the translator fags aren't the same fags who make these threads.

I'm waiting.
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>not my problem, learn japanese
caring about strangers is retarded so yeah I'm siding with the "learn nihongo" crowd
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things like that are how you know a line made a pissy troon upset, they know they will never have a real biological kid because they chopped off their dicks and will never be a real woman with an actual womb
traditional gender roles is heckin wrong. women can't be seen talking about having children or housework.
>b-but japan is based, they don't use pronouns
Competent translators can get paid much better working for more important companies.
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I know right. It was already obvious that they loved each other with their earlier interactions. The line is so simple yet so meaningful because it's something that you would have never thought about until it was explicitly mentioned.
So he isn't the leader of multiple gangs, he is the leader of the only gang. Those are two different scenarios.
Not surprising, the chosen people are empathically challenged
Nah, more like they didn't care enough to properly translate it.
>no respect for the material or the people who enjoy the product. That and none of them know a single fucking ounce of Japanese.
How are they any different from /v/ then
I'm in a green state and I know the 15 to 20% is just Philly
Companies wanted what localizers gave us.
>so many of these english translations are very poorly translated too. Why does this happen to Japanese games in particular?
because only people who translate games are retards with an agenda. if you were a competent translator why would you translate game scripts for peanuts when you could be translating business emails or industrial manuals for an actual good salary
It's not that English locs are terrible, it's that Japanese is such a shit language that it's really hard to make it sound good in English
>RF5 adds some options
>this makes "longtime fans" seethe to no end
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>Japanese is such a shit language that it's really hard to make it sound good in English
Why are moonrunes at fault for English not being able to translate it? Sounds to me like English is the shit language here
Great post.
I despise when absolute morons say this shit because it doesn't solve the issue at all. The "localization" fags won't stop sabotaging the products and censoring images/text just because you learned another language. They will even go so far as to ruin the native version of the product itself so that even if you do learn the language, you are still stuck with the censored version. (Persona, Guilty Gear, Rune Factory, etc.)
The whole point of official translations are to not have people learn another fucking language just to enjoy their product. If the "localization" fags can't even do that much, then there's no reason why they shouldn't be fired and blacklisted.
>adds some options
>implying it was optional
>american version makes the characters more crass and makes it food-related
Fucking kek
>allies forever
No one talks like this and they're already allies anyway, it's such a pussyfoot that if they're going to avoid the subject matter they should go all in and just change the context of the conversation.
Dumbing things down for simplicity's sake has been a disaster for translation conceptually
Both of those translations omit 'Yankee' the main descriptor of the character.
you're brown you don't know what you're talking about
>now I don't think about them at all.
He said, in every thread about localizations that he willingly enters and thinks about and postures in.
What a surprise. The retarded weebs come to the defense of glorious nihon
Yankee is not being used to describe Mondo in that line and the rough TL does not omit it.
Just how hard are these women seething at the fact that fictional characters in an anime video game that in no way represent real women happen to think and talk about their attractiveness to men?
the jello drama proved westoids outright lie to the japanese side by giving them reasonable scripts first, getting approval, then turning the scripts into goyslop after the fact
And so comes the kikes desperate to slander japan and spread anti-japan propaganda.
that's what fucked sabotaged jp>en dictionaries get you lmao
This thread is a demonstration of what psychology calls Master Suppression Techniques.

Making invisible:
>ignore inconvenient posts and rebuttals
>bury uncomfortable truths with noise

>"lmao imagine the absolute loser who even cares about this shit lol" etc.

Withhold information:
>retreat into jargon and lofty references to "how professional translators do things" while not providing sources
>"you should know this already"

Double binding (damned if you do damned if you don't):
>"if you don't know Japanese you shouldn't criticize"
>"if you do know Japanese then it doesn't affect you so you shouldn't criticize"

Heaping blame:
>it's your fault for not knowing the language
>it's your fault for supporting capitalism
>it's your fault for playing shitty games

Consensus cracking is when you have someone come in with a deliberately weak position. The rest of the "team" then moves in and debunks it with the position they desire the uninformed observer to have.

If it is happening here, it isn't the first time. It's really surprisingly sophisticated. These are literal glownigger techniques being used here. Someone really does not want this topic discussed. And it's happening right when anti-Japanese sentiment is at an all-time high across the entire site.
lmao this stupid bitch got so fucking destroyed that she deleted the posts and privated her profile.
(and of course, she's so braindead that she has pronouns, is lesbian, disabled, and mentally retarded. As usual.)
what are you even trying to say
i realized this truth a long time ago when having to listen to other kids read aloud for the class. asking another person to read a passage from a textbook aloud is instant tell for who is basically retarded and who isn't.
>we changed the script because the story
Did anyone ask these people to be the story's editors? I honestly don't even care if their changes are objectively better, I would prefer the product as it was designed (picrel).
>weebs are chuds
There's really no denying this, most are openly proud of it.
>don't advertise changes
This one really bites trannylators in the ass because you know the only reason they make changes is to brag for clout.
>unless it's already in the subtitles
That localizers make sure to change ahead of time anyway.
>planning on how to insert idpol nonsense discreetly as blatantly as possible
Just sad, really.
>weebs are NPCs that le hate when we add hecking politics references and that makes them braindead
Ironic considering they're only obsessed with adding these things because they were told to care about them...more than caring about just delivering accurate and legible localized dialogue. A pathetic display by what is sadly the average localizer faggot.
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I hope that all localizers and the powers that back them lose their jobs, become unemployable and go bankrupt.
you tell me
>nip writes something as blandly as humanly possible
>"why did they make it sound like something a human being would say!?"
The real kicker is that japanese has all this subtext and retarded nuance so there are plenty of times where trannylators will take a line at face value and assume it's just some bland bullshit then proceed to, as their job describes, make it into some reddit tier Borderlands slop and/or throw in a dig at republitards for good measure because their writing qualifications don't extend beyond making shitposts in political threads on twitter.
>this job didn't exist then
It did, it was just "translate the thing" and not "rewrite this to suit the modern tiktok user."
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please tell me no one has hired this fag
I still don't understand how this "japanese relies on subtext and context" meme got so proliferated in the first place, it doesn't any more than any other language does.
I'm pretty sure most of these are just bad faith arguments made by stupid people who aren't even capable of considering the psychological techniques behind a smarter person using them on purpose.
>video games aren't art lmao
Which way /v/ brownoid
literal decades of sabotaged learning material since WW2 leaves people to literally guess what the fuck do things even mean
things haven't gotten any better either with both MTL and modern dictionaries being actively tampered with making you to actively go out of your way to try find alternatives
Thank you for explaining all the psychological tactics being used in this thread. The more people that are aware of what's happening, the less people that will end up falling for those dirty tricks.
I've noticed a steady increase in these types of posts as well. I wonder what the end goal for the people behind these posts is. Is it to create a false consensus that every country thinks in this politically "correct" way, when in reality every country is against this way of thinking in one way or another?
The worst part is it doesn't only apply to America either. Canada has the same issue and I've had classmates who couldn't even read the most basic of sentences without struggling. It was a very eye-opening moment for me.
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The more I learn Japanese, the more I realize how little of it can be properly translated without losing meaning, like >>683663953 exemplifies. Even more in games where character limits come into play, since Japanese is very information-dense and can convey much more meaning in fewer characters. It makes me dislike translations altogether--not just the people who read them, but the people who make them too. Translating Japanese into English is doing it a disservice.
why can't they add TL notes
The industry has a thing against TL notes for some reason. Only fansubbers have ever included them
Because of Kanji and different dialects.
Not to mention english has degraded to the point adding TL notes would easily triple the text in any given translated media
the chance that this person is lying is higher than not
i like how all the worst states nobody likes are illiterate
akshually it's due to sabotaged learning materials making something as simple as rudimentary particles a guessing game
in fact i don't even think any grammar guide ever explains something as simple as the difference in conjugation between 食べる and 食べてる for example
in fact i have never seen a single conjugation guide ever explain something as simple as 見つける differing from 見える and in turn being different from 見る
and this is just basic shit mind you, no fancy keigo, no complex dialect shit, no role language shit, no casual speech per dialect, no polite speech per dialect, no intentionally fancy prose, just basic shit
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I don't know about subtext, but context is definitely important when your language has 1,000,000 homophones.
which just continues proving westoids are retarded at learning japanese if they can't even notice pitch accent making "homophones" a literal non-issue
Got any screencaps? Sounds like fun stuff.
The only one of those I don't think I've seen in multiple grammar guides is 見つける
That's just google being shit.
Akuma is evil spirit, Mashin 魔神(can be spelled Majin which google does, unlike the 魔人 that is shown earlier) is supernatural being. Google takes a million liberties and translates them both to devil which is incredibly inaccurate.
Translators are obsessed with turning Japanese words into English words. Both words could be translated into devil, yes, but that is over simplifying it for the sake of using a general term. There is no reason you can't use evil spirit instead of devil. It could cause a problem if you encounter akuryo but that has way less conflicts than translating it as devil.
How many different ways do you think there are to voice しんせい? You do know how pitch accents actually work, right?
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>he thinks any other MTL solution is any better
whos gonna tell him?
Are you >merely pretending or are you genuinely ignorant? Pitch accent isn't some black magic; I'm looking at しんせい in an アクセント辞典 right now and the pitch accent is the same for literally all of them.
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Seems pretty good to me.
>westoid continues doubling down
so not only illiterate, you're also deaf lmfao
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.
>b-b-b-b-b-but english
No need to cry after you lost the argument so easily, retarded kike.
/v/ isn't getting paid and praised for it.
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Tangentially related, but I've been reading the yugioh manga lately. It's making me think a lot of the old abridged series, and in hindsight, 90% of the mockery is over things made up by the dub.

Like every observation is about stupid names and weird edits and mistakes and bad jokes, and much of the stuff that doesn't make any sense was because they were rewriting everything. It's a parody series that's almost entirely just about how much dubbing fucking sucks as an industry, seemingly somewhat without realizing it, and then everyone involved used it as a springboard to enter the exact same dubbing industry and continue making all the same mistakes. Legacy fucking ups. I dunno. I think dubbing should just stop. Cut it out, it's embarrassing.
I can't describe how much I love this passage. That man knew.
>people who says stuff like that havent done an actual professional translation in their lives.
>Japanese translation of "I love you* as "The moon is beautiful tonight."
tbf they would translate it as "my friend, I think of you like a close relative".
Kek coomers get rope!
Kys jew
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Cause they hate the source material
The people who actually consume these products care
Your translation is less accurate.
They accounted for と思うと but you didn't faggot. You just omitted it.
>90% of the mockery is over things made up by the dub.
It's worse than you think.
While with the Yugioh manga in particular this is not as egregious, a lot of the "fixes" (both in story and characters) and good jokes abridged slop tends to have are just on the original but not on the dubs.
The worst one about this is possibly the DBZ one.
One of the most rage inducing images known to man
I want these people fucking dead
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It because it is one person.
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>that WayForward post
holy fucking based
Evil spirit is 悪霊 you lying kike.
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the smell of their fear is 愉快
You don't know shit about Japanese if you believe that.
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>"literal" wasn't the right choice of word
>so we're going with "original" to better show our intent
holy fucking kek
It's honestly comical how racist they are against japan and how desperate they are to replace the original depth with their shallow goyslop.
How is the fuck 見つける in any way comparable to 見える? The usage is nothing alike.

You'd have to be literally fucking retarded to confuse them, in which place you shouldn't be trying to learn a foreign language, let alone one as far removed from English as Japanese.
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Actual room temp IQ retards who have zero reading comprehension. Fucking street shitters, either go back to india or actually bother to learn the fucking English language
ill take soulless janky localizations over incompetent narcissistic localizers with an agenda and 30 alternative twitter accounts to boost their ego
I think the funniest part of EOP idiocy is claiming that MTL will somehow save them.

Over 12 years ago, I was running H-games through ATLAS and getting the general gist of the story. It's never been difficult to ruin a game with MTL. As time goes on, the output gets more intelligible, but it's still riddled with basic mistakes, and the idea that this is some kind of savior is laughable.

What you'll actually get is MTL slop that is then jazzed up by the same tranny editors for a while, and then maybe the trannies will be replaced by an AI editor that rewrites in their style. You've traded possibly accurate work ruined by trannies, for completely inaccurate work ruined by trannies, and all the while the parasitic localisation company is laughing to the bank because they've fired 90% of their staff. If you want to see what the MTL future looks like, just go play any of the Japanese "translations" on F95.
Did you even read what he said?
He mentioned 悪霊 within his post.

The problem is that these words don't conjure a clear mental picture of the thing being described in Japanese any more than the word 'demon' does in English. An 悪魔 could well be something physical that runs around in the underworld throwing exploding penguins at people as much as it could be an invisible force that tempts men into sin.
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>because they've fired 90% of their staff.
This is all I want really, I'm already learning Japanese and had no intention of reading AI slop in the first place
Damn, that's rubbeth a dub dubbeth tier
Thanks for your post anon.
>I have a small white penis
Post 'ick
Why haven't people been pushing a narrative that localisers are racist. 95% of english localisers are white people and they do this to media made by asian people. It seems like a fool proof way to cancel them in 2024.
>There was a famous Japanese translation of "I love you* as "The moon is beautiful tonight."
Is this the single most misquoted line from any Japanese media ever?
The Japanese are honorary aryans, so you can't be racist against them because they're practically white.

You have to remember that modern leftist dogma insists that racism is something that can only exist between the "oppressor" and the "oppressed".
Localizers cant actually speak or read japanese. They are like 2 year students doing it, and since its hard work when youre not fluent, they get lazy and rush
Because the ones who point it out are usually racists themselves.
>fuck localizers and their xenophobia towards japan
>but also behead all niggers and nuke everyone but america and japan
>The best recent localization was River City Girls Zero. Because it had a dual English translation. One by the localization team and one being at literal as possible without the fluff.
>Guess which one everyone liked.
So basically like Azure Striker Gunvolt, you can choose between trannylation and translation.
I don't get why these threads exist when the answer is very obviously that Japanese devs don't give a shit about overseas audiences and get the cheapest translations possible. Like no shit the translation made by some retard on Twitter is bad, people buy the games anyway so why should they care?
>well I don't buy them!
4chan users are a tiny portion of gamers in general and half of them pirate the games anyway
Is the AJATT method for learning moonrunes good?
Speak for yourself, I only want to nuke the middle east. Also you fuckers already nuked japan.
If that were the case, the translators would be Indians running google translate. Western want higher wages than that. The errors in translation are are caused only by lack of Japanese knowledge, but by hatred of Japanese culture.
>For me to get jobs there has to be no point of comparison
>How do I convince anyone I'm worth paying for if I have to compete with a direct translation?
The first dude haha he pretty much says his work his shit without saying it's shit. Also these fucks need to finally realize what their job and position is, they aren't writers and don't have any creative input into the product, much less "creative autonomy", they are just supposed to translate and at most change a minor turn of phrase into the most similar thing of the target language if the original doesn't work anymore, not make it more verbose, add stale memes, push their social media sensibilities or rewrite entire characters.
While translators should keep to the original as close as possible, the only people who want a 1:1 translation are monolinguals who don't understand how language works and would cry if they got what they say they want.
Cause personally I don't want
You finding it?
I tomorrow help
We finding it morning
As text in my video games you stupid fucking retards.
How widespread are these malicious english localisations of japanese games in the industry? is it a few bad apples or is it widespread?
>in 3 years when the AI fad is dead
They really live in a bubble. I work in a field that is completely unrelated to any creative or entertainment shit and AI gets implemented all over the place in it. They aren't even aware how far spread it already is because all they know is chatbots and image generation. AI is not going to go away anymore.
Algo shit is soulless garbage. It's the new crypto bubble, lots of investment, nothing of any value being produced, just a lot of boomers being taken for a ride by grifters selling them on the idea that we're super close to AGI and that people will let a chatbot tell them what to do.

Algoshit will replace a lot of dull work, but all that work will still need checking. And as people get lazier and lazier, and the cracks get bigger and bigger, the whole thing will crumble.
I'm suddenly interested in playing River City Girls.
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AI should completely replace these people.
A 1:1 translation doesn't mean retaining the order of the verb, subject and object of the sentence in all cases. You're being facetious, I hope, rather than moronic.
Oh the irony.
You don't know Japanese, so even your straw man is bad. Subject, object, and tense in non-past verbs is often implied, so your examples would look like this literally:
>You finding it?
見つかった? = was found?
>I tomorrow help
明日、手伝う = tomorrow, help
>We finding it morning
朝になったら見つけよう = when becomes morning, will find
hating AI shit is woke now
even japanese yellow monkeys are not immune to anti-AI globohomo mind virus
Always has been. People still reeee over fan translators using MTL. If you so much as admit you used the aid of a machine to translate your romhack, they'll remove it from RHD.
That's why both people and companies cover it up by rewriting the dialogue.
Didn't realize we had a lady in the thread.
Yeah, but we just call it a discord tranny raid lol. They've been trying to use this for years, and it's only made their opposition more numerous and more pissed off.
Your translation sounds like a random princess was invited to a picnic. Change the particle は to が to specify that it was THE princess, and flip the verb to active voice with くれる as the auxiliary verb to show the speaker is the one receiving the action. Also, no reason to render 優しい in the perfective aspect.
>yeah fuck making things sound nice, all translations need to sound as cut as dry as possible
that's as retarded as suggesting that prose should be phrased like the user manual of a computer
I'm not defending trannylators, just saying that things aren't black and white
did you mean

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