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How'd they do it?
by prioritizing presentation over gameplay
>make the best game engine anybody has ever seen or will see for years to follow
>put most effort into shitty side-MMO that 1% of players bother to play
>make no expansion DLCs

what the fuck were they thinking
RDR2 is the most boring game ever created.

Every single aspect is tedious, slow and not fun.
why play an outside simulator when you can just go outside?
Hired really fucking talented people. As a software engineer I can say it's unbelievable how good their engine is. Too bad the story is gay as shit.
The base game is already like 100 hours long
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>real game looks better than the trailer
How the FUCK did they do it?
Totally bro it's like not even trying to compete in the esports realm.
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You literally couldn't name a more believable, immserive, and detailed open world.
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That first trailer is such a perfect distillation of what playing the game is like. It really lived up to it, the world really does feel like its alive.
This game makes me want to fuck horses
This trailer was exactly what I wanted when the game was first teased. It captures that era and the untamed American frontier perfectly.
Probably the greatest lighting engine I've ever seen in a game. Absolutely stellar use of volumetrics.
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"great plains"
>bunch of mountains in the distance
the plains in middle america are flat as fuck
Don’t care how good it looks that game is soooo fucking boring
the gameplay is fine zoomer-kun
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Video games will never reach this level of graphics
>All of that empty space
Open world was a mistake
you might have autism becasue the game is 100% spammable for hours straight and days and weeks straight even months
>dude it looks like a movie (I hate video games)
For me its Rhodes.
are there any fun mods or anything else that would make replaying this game more fun?
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But Anon, that's the whole point of open world genre. Sometimes people just want to roam freely into the unknown, even if it means exploring a boring huge empty space. There's a reason why BOTW became so loved. It doesn't need to have a boss fight placed in every corner like Elden shit
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why yes i am a one percenter, how could you tell
that's 2 percent, retard
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>spammable for hours straight and days and weeks straight even months
that's a thing that autists do. saying he is autistic for not doing that is so dumb.
truly sad. They robbed us of undead nightmare sequel
don't ever reply to me again pleb
>why play game when you can not play game
You have to go back.
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one playthrough (missing cheevos are from Online, i hated that shit) i think i spent 70% of that time hunting to max the compendium
>>make no expansion DLCs
How dare they realease a full game in one part!
do something about it
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Post more screenshots or webms of the best game ever made
Amazing gameplay.
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>when u have to sleep in the same building as micah
The gameplay is fine. Not brilliant, but fine.
Probably my favorite game ever if I'm being honest. Only game that I can consistently come back to and not be bored
forgetting they are making a video game and made a movie instead
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times when kino was surpassed
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>put most effort into shitty side-MMO that 1% of players bother to play
Rockstar didn't put any effort into it, they passed it on to their pajeet employees in India and all swapped over to GTA6.
But RDR2 has a better open world and a better main storyline than BOTW. Imagine if RDR2 had a handful of rival gangsters every few hundred metres and every few hours, you would get a cutscene where those gangsters were rising from the dead instead of just more of them replacing the dead ones.
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what were they doing over there?
Cuphead looks better
>First weapon you get is the coolest in the game
Thank you Rockstar
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Really big but really empty, nothing in it so it looks nice but is boring
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I wish they put more stuff to see or do in the snowy part of the map like a yeti encounter, it's my favorite part to fuck around
So, did anything ever come out of all the mysteries surrounding the game? Or was it all just bunk.
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You can always spot out the zoomers in /v/ they
will always defend RDR2 non existant gameplay
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Outlaws for life.
Watch dogs 2
Zoomers are too dumb to realize why the game is so good
Also I bet you played on controller with auto aim
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stop red flagging urself
>red flagging
Zoomer term
>young soldiers
Did you miss the entire 6th chapter making the army in that game to be rapists and murderers just as bad as the gang and Indians that they're fighting? Same with the Pinkertons? Bootlicker
How hard was this? How many hours?
Tell me a single moment the game even considers showing something bad about indians, go on I'll wait.
If you take a leaf off a tree there will already be more details and information to research and learn about than entire games.
This is the real problem with open worlds, they offer space but with no real information embedded.
The first step to correcting this is to put aside generic procedural generation and start creating worlds through geological simulations. Then there needs to be a robust simulation involving erosion, vegetation, climatic conditions, etc.
If a game has all this, you'll naturally see interesting things start to emerge. Like, for example, a waterfall which, if you follow, you'll discover is caused by the thawing of the ice at the top of the region's high mountains. A world like that has meaning, and everything that has meaning is interesting because it can be fucking interpreted by a human being.
>Fat zoomer too boring and dumb to even banter
You're pathetic
>hur I was only pretending to be retarded
It's not hard just takes a shit load of time. 100 hours minimum
Are you just parroting sayings you've read here newfag? Doesn't even apply
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Only took me a few seconds.
Eagle Flies commits like 4 different acts of terror and dooms his entire tribe
Think about it my man. RDR2 cost $60, the same as a 20 hour game like TLOU2 or AC6, and the same as Space Marine 2 which will probably be a 10 hour game. How do they profit? Not that many people seemed to play the online. They should have made at least one DLC.
look at all that TAA blur in the distance
its like someone smeared Vaseline all over my screen
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Bearded Arthur in Chapter 6 looks so fitting.
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>game sets Eagle Flies as a heroic indian helping his people to escape the nazi evil army
>has a tragic death in his father's arms to show how evil the people who killed him are
can you try again?
>even if it means exploring a boring huge empty space.
There are no boring places if you have the knowledge. No matter the place on Earth, a naturalist will be able to tell a story that involves everything from the soil and rocks of the region, to the interaction between animals, the formation of clouds, the direction of the wind, etc.
As I wrote in another post, it's this idea that open worlds in video games need to contain. The world can't just be a bunch of random terrain (worse, procedural terrain made in a soulless mathematical way). They need to be terrains that tell a story. BOTW, for example, tries to do something like this in a few areas. You have a plain full of small puddles and lakes, which you discover by exploring that it was the area of a major battle (the puddles and lakes are craters generated by explosions which over time have been filled with water).
In fact, one of the biggest reasons why TOTK is so terrible is that not only does it lose this ability to tell stories with its world that way, but it openly destroys the BOTW story and makes the player realize that the effort of trying to interpret the world is a waste of time, because it's all just a big souless playground made by people who don't care.
It's maybe the one game that benefits from being open world specifically because of this. It's a western, which requires a big, empty open world. The game looked and ran better than it had any right to, I still have no idea how they did it.
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>game sets Eagle Flies as a heroic indian helping his people to escape the nazi evil army
Kek You might be a literal child
The game constantly puts in perspective he's doing the wrong thing with both his father and Arthur repeatedly telling him to stop what he's doing, meanwhile Dutch is purposely convincing him to keep going for ulterior motives.
The game shows all sides as equally responsible for everything
Neither the Indians, Dutchs gang, or the army are any good
I wish I was still naive as you, seeing everything as "good and evil" lmao
I really don't know what to tell you if you thought they were trying to portray him as a hero
>Helps in a feminist rally
So that he can rob the treasure from one of the feminists.
>Saves slaves in Saint Denis
Completely optional, and he is unenthusiastic about helping.
>Lenny, my black friend in the 1800s, where are you?
Lenny is a fellow gang member, and Arthur was influenced by Dutch and Hosea since he was a teenager.
>Charles, my native American friend, of course I'll help you kill those poachers!
Charles is also a fellow gang member and a bro, and Arthur was influenced by Dutch and Hosea since he was a teenager. His side mission is also completely optional and Arthur doesn't need to kill the other poacher. Also, Charles killing the poacher is clearly shown to be an overreaction.
>Kills a man because he legally owned slaves one time
The man was a slave catcher, the mission is an optional side mission, and Arthur only burns his ledger if you do the side mission. The player can decide whether to kill him or leave him.
>Micah, how dare you act like an outlaw
Most outlaws were poorfags that stole things and robbed and killed people to survive. Micah was a retarded murderhobo that was a jerk to everyone in camp, was trying to raise Dutch's bounty as high as possible, and did retarded things such as shooting his way through a town to get his revolvers back instead of escaping.
>Kisses a French tranny
It's an optional side mission, Arthur actually gets forcibly kissed by the French crossdressing faggot, and his only response is to politely say "Please do not do that again.". It's still woke.
>Mary, of course I'll help you now that your husband died
The game makes it clear that they both loved each other, but her side missions are completely optional.
>Kills KKK members
>Votes Biden/Harris in 2024
Big difference between RDR2 open world and other open world games I've played is what you wrote. Almost anywhere I went in game there was something interesting to notice or find. Contrast that with a game like Elden Ring where it's mostly copy pasted terrain and dungeons, it has no real reason to be open world at all.
>Game called Red Dead Redemption
>Story is about a brutal criminal that finally realises that he wasted his life and makes some attempts at making amends and then dies painfully no matter what
>This filters the retard
>>Helps in a feminist rally
>So that he can rob the treasure from one of the feminists.
Not only that but later you find out if you go back in chapter 6 that Rhodes lynched the leader
I think the point is the ludonarrative dissonance of giving a player freedom to choose how they behave in game but not necessarily being reflected in the story cutscenes.
there's no redemption there
arthur got raped
Only if you walk into Sonny's house. You can kill him after Arthur wakes up.
I knew about the rape beforehand so I saved it for John
>awful story comprehension
>uses game of thrones image
Kek like pottery
kek calm down Edgar Ross
The cutscenes change a bit depending on how the player behaves (such as Hosea mentioning Arthur spending a lot of time away from camp during his hunting mission if the player chooses to do so), but yes, the low-honour route is mostly an afterthought. However, many other games (such as Fallout) usually have the "evil" route be an afterthought compared to the "good" route.
>John spends entire game trying to redeem him (and his family) in the eyes of law by hunting down the remaining of his gang (not the indian or the mary sue because they werent invented by tranny writers yet)
>gets killed trying to save his family
>his son that John spent entire game trying to find a better life for him kills his father killed
Seems to check out
>Spent entire game killing towns of people while hanging out with the multi cultural gang
>gets sad because get disease that fates him to death
What was the Red Dead Redemption here?
>him kills his father killed
Did he redeem him to death sir?
I've never played RDR2 (only the prologue), so I don't know how it works, but I really don't understand why people liked the open world of the Elden Ring so much. Not only is its world incapable of generating context in the way I mentioned, but when it tries it's openly nonsensical. For example, you meet a lord who says his castle has been invaded, and you find the castle with some enemies, but it's just ruins in the middle of nowhere. There's no attempt to make the world you're exploring contextualize that castle and tell you a "story". It's just randomly placed assets.
Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but if your open world has no function other than gameplay, then why the hell is it open world in the first place, precisely the worst way to offer solid gameplay to the player?
i bet you clap when a character says the name of the movie out loud
Hire a retardedly huge team of talented developers and then make them work like slaves doing 100 hour work weeks on salary.
i wish there was more of this it was such a rare weather event to happen
>see that mountain over there?
>you can climb it
>if you take the road
>the road only goes half way
>no you cannot actually climb it
>did you think you were playing a mountain goat?
>the horse? How the fuck could that climb it?
>Just go shoot a deer for $0.50
I wish they would've put more effort into it if they were going to implement an honor system. At least the endings were very good.

Arthur redeems himself, or at least tries to during the final act. Saving John was his Red Dead Redemption 2™.

Now get this. That castle layout is then used in every single zone for the rest of the game. It's a great contrast of an open world done well in a game that benefits from being open world (RDR2), and one that doesn't (almost every other open world meme game).
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>Doesn't criticize the gameplay
>Calls it woke instead
a lot of shit in ER implies that there is still people about doing stuff like they aren't just mindless hollows™
Crazy what devs can do on modern technology with actual talent
Looks and runs miles better than Unreal slop with the "raytrace" button ticked on
this movie is a chore to play
I tried to like It I put 10 hours into it but I cant enjoy the gameplay its boring as shit.
>Dropped enemy guns can go off
It's the little things
no it's just that anime and pornography have corroded your zoomer mind
I always kept a pretty big beard on Arthur
First introduced in GTA4.
>Edgar Ross
Wish they did more with him in this game. He gets like 3 lines total and one cutscene implying he's gonna do something to John in a few years and that's about it. For the main villain of the first game you'd think he'd be more present.
what are the settings that you can crank the most while still keeping 60fps? Im running at about 100fps and I wanna put some of that overhead into graphics. I wish the game was capable of detecting hardware on its own.
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Indeed, whoever came up with that knows what makes video-games fun
They must've fired the guy before they started working on RDR2.
>What was the Red Dead Redemption here?
The part you left out where he saves John and his family from the law in order to allow them to leave behind the outlaw life and the shit the gang put them through. I also don't really get why you're acting like Arthur thinks he deserves a happy ending or something, the guy clearly hates himself, thinks he isn't worth redeeming, and that his outlaw nature has come to define him so much as a person that his only hope is to try and prevent John's family from meeting the same fate he has.
>60 FPS
>Maximum model quality
>X16 anisotropic filtering
>Minimum everything else
>Delete temporary files after every gaming session

The main killers for me were grass quality and water physics quality. Turn down the water physics all the way, shit tanks your fps
>can't have sex with my horse
Immersion ruined
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Nah probably got moved up to creative director or something
All the shitters there who ruined GTA V went on to work for Nintendo though
>Nah probably got moved up to creative director or something
Not for rdr2, that's for sure.
I think it's a great game but I've never been able to replay it
no, I just dislike bad video games
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Must suck to get filtered like you have
Dan's farewell. It is a shame that the story and gameplay is mid. The interaction mechanic was in Bully back in 2006. Body weight mechanics in 2004 with SA. Gore in 2001 with GTA 3.
I see why some zoomers love it though.
Do I need to play the first one to understand the story? I've tried to emulate it but it keeps stutering like hell.
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>uses the word mid
>calls others zoomers
Yeah, I wish I could enjoy boring games.
i'm an old zoomer, i'm allowed
is that a code word for arrested development?
it was a good movie
Only someone who's insecure about their own taste, or themselves in general, would go out of there way to join threads about something they don't enjoy and whine about it
no you don't, 2 is a prequel. also RDR1 PC port is around the corner going by my predictions.
I don't like the cowboy theme, it's garbage
lmao imagine tanking anonymous taiwanese basked weaving forum this seriously
You animal fucking cunt
imagine stinking up the place as a pathetic newfag
The irony.
The irony is that you're here talking about video games when you could be on that treadmill getting rid of that excess weight
I'm already working out almost every day. Excess weight is not a problem for me.
Dumb take.
Rockstar has never been known for its gameplay.
I genuinely meant what I said. Clearly a lot of effort went into this shitty game.
Jerking your boyfriends cock doesn't count fatass
Sorry you didn't enjoy it, what do you want people here to do for you though?
>Man is incapable of taking a minute to just enjoy a calm view of an idyllic west
Sad to know people have lost the sense of beauty. You're even below bears mentally.
I remember when i was a fanboy too
On god fr fr no skibidi toilet rizz. Deadass chud squad sheeeesh not bussin
do what? copy paste the gta iv engine with a few extra shaders and add some horses and cowboy hats?

fucking retard. garbage in garbage out
>Says the third world phoneposter
I remember when I thought it was fun to shit up threads about games I didn't like, then I realized how pathetic it was to even spend time thinking about something I don't care for
No that's not a workout. It's curious that your mind immediately made such a connection though.
i couldn't make it passed the intro series of walk 'n talk sections that just goes on and on
but i don't really care for western as a setting either and i torrented it
>talking to a faggot makes you think of jokes about faggots
yes? you retarded or something, as well as gay?
What makes you think I want people here to do anything for me?
Why else would you be here? You said you don't like the game so that's why I'm asking
I have no strong feelings towards the game, i'm not getting mad about it. You clearly are however
>he assumes everyone he speaks to is a faggot for no particular reason
Very telling, again.
>getting upset at gay jokes on 4chan
Faggot newfag be gone
What made you think I'm mad? Trying to save you some time and spare the rest of us having to read through someone's unwarranted whining
To talk about stuff? Is someone disliking your favorite game disturbs you this much? Not every place on the internet is a reddit hugbox.
>Arthur was a strong uncle to Jack and an older brother figure to John in the prequel
>His death let John build a life and set the stage for RDR1
>John avenges Arthur in RDR1
>Jack avenges John (and thus Arthur as well) in the RDR1 post-game
This means RED DEAD REDEMPTION flows through the pseudo family unit the gang became.
All games should take place at golden hour for the entirety of the playthrough.
>Remembah da time dutch said trust the plan
Yeah but you've added nothing of value yet, follow the chain up. You can't shit-post like that and then think anybody's gonna take you seriously
>Yeah but you've added nothing of value yet
>You can't shit-post like that and then think anybody's gonna take you seriously
Oh no!?
I played this game in VR. Even without motion controls it felt like real life.
By making a nothing interactive.
kek you weren't wrong, and he's still spamming. Removal of ip count was a mistake
Yes. Insist.
It's like poetry. It rhymes.
If you actually played the game you'd be able to shitpost about it properly buddy
I played it from start to finish, but it was so boring I hardly remember any of it.
>Rockstar has never been known for its gameplay.
Sounds like it's fair to say they prioritized presentation over gameplay then.
ton of people played the online, it still made a ton of money thing is that it's expensive to upkeep two live service game (GTAO and RDO) at the same time while also developing probably the most technically complex game of all time(GTA6). RDO likely made less than GTAO and was harder to develop for so they cut it.
Of course, pal...
I'm glad you understand.
Yes I'm very understanding of mongs, I'm aware memory can be an issue for ya no biggie
Whatever makes you sleep at night, little guy.
looks like compression
Just knowing that someone like you has the opportunity to try and live like a normal human being, that's all I need to sleep good at night champ!
how much of a fag do you have to be to come up with this much cope

marston killed his old buddies because they were self-serving hypocrites who backstabbed john then each other at the quickest chance they got

but why should i take pity kid - you were in daycare when 2010 came around

why dont you get a summer job - i hear they pay $15 an hour now if u flip burgers bitch boy

u will never experience life before hell
and you will never know what it was like to play RDR1 on the superior360
fucking pajeets absolutely killed RDO. game could have been wild, but they put a bunch of "people" on it who have not one clue about the American Wild West aside from some gay niggers music videos
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That's good to hear.
>he's a leftist
They made a game that looks amazing and has lots of cool technological aspects, but sucks to play and has dogshit writing. That's what happens when you throw hundreds of millions of dollars and countless manhours at something and have at least a few competent employees.

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People seething over RDR2 are usually tendies, prove me wrong
>top: has gameplay and is actually fun
>bottom: is a goyslop moviegame
>Instantly proves him right
What other developers give fuck all to quick development times and actually put out games that feel meaningful like Rockstar?
BOTW's gameplay is bad, its story is bad, and it stops being fun after 20 hours. RDR2 has an actual linear story, a fun open world, and its gameplay is fine.
This is the best murder simulator I've ever played. The feedback is just next level.
>start mission
>follow yellow line while woman or minority explains the plot to you
>shoot people
>follow yellow line back to camp while woman or minority explains the plot to you
>end mission
riveting game
bottom: empty open world with bland filler content D:
top: empty open world with bland filler content, japan :D
You're not wrong
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>top: has gameplay and is actually fun
Only game where the npc reactions were so real it actually made me feel bad about some of the stuff I did
I like both, and they aren't trying to do anything similar when it comes to gameplay so it doesn't reall ymake sense to compare them. It's like trying to compare mario kart and gran turismo
One good thing about Rockstar's games is that headshots will instakill most enemies, so you don't have to deal with boring damage sponges if you have some skill and it makes the combat faster.
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see >>683651506
The one on top doesn't give me a game over for getting on the wrong horse.
the gameplay is more than good enough but I have to agree that the game definitely prioritizes the presentation over it.
>consolefags think gtaiv enb is impressive
welcome to 2010 i guess
same, I always go back. Easily the best designed area. At least there is a treasure and the fastest horse in the game there.
>real game looks better than the trailer
not on my system
Pretty sure horses and sunsets have been in games before
>tfw i couldnt wait and bought it through rockstar
>no point doing any cheevos
It's slow but fun to play
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Give me a call sometime.
the gameplay is incredibly boring
I want to but I cant find any good servers
I gotta give it to Rockstar, in other open-world games you can't help but notice some graphical flaws in the faraway distant places in their maps; repeating textures, texture pop-ins, etc. It didn't happen here in RDR2 at least not as much.
howd they make a sequel less fun than its predecessor?
Already finished it on PS4, it is worth it to play on a maxed PC?
Plays a shit load better on mouse and keyboard without gay auto aim so I'd say yeah
Damn, I completely forgot about the auto-aim. I recently replayed Max Payne 3 on PC and was surprised that the debate between gamepad and mouse & keyboard wasn't more prominent back then. The console version was objectively gimped because of it.
Yeah never been a fan of auto aim in shooters
On kbm it plays a lot like Max Payne 3, same combat director from that game was brought on for RDR2 I believe
make a boring, dogshit game?
easy, just throw unlimited money at it
Same guy been spamming this thread for hours lmao
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Their attention to detail for this game was insane. This screenshot was taken in an out of bounds area that is across the games main ocean at Saint Denis, meaning you can only see a glimpse of it from a shoreline across a river. And it's facing towards more out of bounds area.
>all that effort
>completely wasted because exploring it is done through the most tedious game mechanics known to man
This game is retarded and I don't trust anyone who says he enjoyed it.
extremely blurry shit
This is what most AAA games have been doing for over a decade now and this still beats the shit out of 99.99% of them so even if I agree with you, the question still remains, how'd they do it?
It looks even better with mods like Visual Redemption, TAA and texture overhauls to a degree that no other available game comes remotely close
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>the plains in middle america are flat as fuck
How do I get a huge beard ingame?
t. beardlet irl
Can run on a 1060 btw, it's not the hardware's fault, you have no excuse Timmyfags.
pound hair tonics everyday
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Just never shave, you get the most beard growth when the game does a timeskip, like when Arthur gets abducted by the O'Driscolls
did they really have minoxidil in 1899?
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The skinning animation of an animal for the first time is good but when you make hunting a requirement to get better gear and make that animation unskippable, that was some bullshit
I'm a firm believer in the "look at the player's controller to see the level of gameplay" belief and the gameplay, when you get into it, is fine.
Kingdom come deliverance
Play more games retard zoomer
>disingenuous souls poster tries to demoralize gaming that isn't specifically to his tastes #1,415,577
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At no point, EVER, is it this dark with the sun so very clearly overhead. Clouds are not that thick.

Undoubtedly very beautiful picture though, anon. Possible wallpaper next.
what's this from? that's brilliant, i want to see more

people that worship this piece of shit are cut from the same cloth as third-world retards who think they'll come across as intelligent if they praise the writing in the matt reeves batman film.
Someone post those rainy RDR2 webms
I forgot to save them
that one's more believable but definitely way less detailed, I remember seeing the hares sliding around because their animation wasn't close to matching their movement speed and they are one of like three types of wild animals you can find
>noooooo you can't just kill the hecking soldierinos even though it's required to stop your lifelong comrades for being turned into swiss cheese
You're right, good 'ol 100 charisma master spokesman Arthur should just have tried to find a diplomatic solution to all this violence even if it meant that most likely it would ruin Dutch's latest plan and get everyone he actually cares about killed.

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