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How do you go from this...
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...to this?
well when a women lacks enough attention they tend to go to great lengths to get it back
>incel chud is easily identifiable
bottom left for me
>wouldn't it be funny if i pretended to be a schizophrenic right winger on an anonymous image board for the better part of a decade
What causes this?
that's a tranny
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...to this?
I recently found out that American companies over a certain size are obliged to have a % of women, blacks, faggots, etc., otherwise someone can go to court claiming that the company is discriminatory, because if it wasn't, it would have to have a similar % of women, blacks, etc., that exist in society as a whole (which is clearly a fallacy). Another interesting thing I've read (but haven't looked into further) is that when some states started backtracking on these crazy ideas, the corporations themselves lobbied to keep the idea alive, one of the possible explanations being that since these corporations already have diversity departments, it gives them a competitive advantage against smaller companies and so they prefer to maintain the current status quo.
So no, it's not "capitalism", it's just state intervention in business, often under pressure from the companies themselves. Not that intervention is always a problem (otherwise companies could for example offer child slave prostitution), but in any case, it's not the fault of "capitalism" in this case.
I used to think I wanted a gamer girl when I was younger, I'm so glad I dodged a bullet and just got a normie into games instead.

you didn't answer the question
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>you'll never change the video game industry forever together with your pals in a comfy lakehouse
why even live
you already know the answer: tokenism and forced diversity
Would most of them.
u sure, looks like an scene hag
to be honest, if someone were to apply to a game company and got denied cuz they were a women, is that morally justified even with the skills they have? the only thing wrong is that there is more 'wo' than 'man'
ESG shareholders will reward you with free money for hiring women
they're all disgusting except for the 2nd girl in the front row
I wouldn't complain if my job offered canny...
If they don’t fit the company culture then yes. I don’t want my disgusting autistic nerds distracted by a female when they should be working
Who is the best programmer in the world and why is it John Carmack?
Literal gods of the industry that gave us so much for free vs jews and diversity hires the world needs a cure
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Lmao I always knew Eternal was troonshit. Eternalfags were coping that it was le manly because Doom Slayer™ is a roidtranny capeshit superhero.
>they're all disgusting
So am I.
gaming was a male hobby until females found out nerds had money and it was all downhil from there
My transdar is overloading
i dont get how carmak's scrolling method is considered revolutionary. it's literaly part of the hardware of the machine, and the machine does it the same way the NES does.
the nes as you can see had a tile buffer double the size of the "camera". the pc only had one extra tile buffer row, up and down to the camera.
why was what carmack did new? was this not the reason the PC had the extra tile buffer with a camera that could be moved?
Even Gary Spivey there in the background?
I'm going to go shitpost with this on /fit/ thanks anon
Carmack had some arms on him despite being a computer nerd
if their doing side gigs under a desk then wouldn't that...boost productivity?
all corporate DEI practices are based on a single falsified study
Like most innovations of the era, it was doing something that was previously done with special hardware completely in the software.
>American companies
Every western country does this.
I can't even comprehend how much fun that would have been.
>i dont get how carmak's scrolling method is considered revolutionary
Because nobody in the entire world managed to achieve it before he did.
but it wasn't done in software. that one extra row of tiles just outside the camera was a part of the hardware.
did that function just sit there for a couple of years without anyone using it before carmack?
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that's so weird to me.
>Carmack designed the software engine based on a scrolling display for large images from the 1970s
he moved the rendered screen with hardware functionality, then just redrew the new or animated parts of the screen.
carmack is smart, but he must have been lucky to get to that first
the sheboon is the cherry on top the crowd of 4s and troons lmao
>Because nobody in the entire world managed to achieve it before he did.
on a slow ass pc*
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fuck, scratch that. i misremembered an interview with carmack. my link here about Adaptive tile refresh
explains it.
it had been known since the 70s. but nobody had used it for games yet.
>Not that intervention is always a problem
it is dumbass. the only capitalism is an honest to God free market with absolutely no goverment nooseying around whatsoever
Man I wish I'd been born in time to be around that age at that time instead of being born in 1989. I was born just before everything started to become shitty.
Why is there always one ridiculously obvious tranny in these images?
What did Robin Williams do on Doom II?
I'm seeing at least four.
The doomguy and enemies grunts
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no, i DID remember it correctly
the way he explains the PC hardware is EXACTLY how the NES does scrolling. when the camera movies out of bounds it just wraps around.
that means you just have to update the 10 or new tiles you moved the screen towards
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>Phil Spencer will save us.
Guys on OP were trying to make a product and profit from it
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We do not live in a capitalist society, all the tenants of the communist manifesto have been achieved.
None of them are trans and the Ruskie Grandma looks like she codes hard.
What an insanely accurate image. The gym cope from people u deer 6 feet tall.
guaranteed all of those are artists or are in HR that don't work on anything to do with the actual game design.
No. There are things that are harmful to the community and should not be traded. I'm not talking about loli hentai, I'm talking about hard drugs that turn people into zombies all full of leprosy on their skin or things like that.
Libertarians are retarded and think that these things will be magically solved, but they won't, there are problems that only a strong authority, like a religious one, or a king, or any piece of shit with the power to impose limits, can solve.
Communists don't even oppose capitalism per se, Cuck Marx thought that capitalists should exploit workers even more so a socialist revolution could happen. Whenever a commiecuck says he's against capitalism he's lying (as usual).
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Would these
Ever considered that if you're retarded enough to get into hard drugs maybe you should just die? You're an equalitarian cuck like the leftoids you whine about.
>why was what carmack did new?
Masters of Doom Page 50
PC would need to Redraw everything so not only it was side scrolling it was also optimizing the props that actually moved. PCs at the time were not capable of smooth sidescrolling for the way memory and graphics worked at the time. I think

Back in the 80s you needed specialized hardware for gaming (MAME, Arcade Cabinets, Home Consoles and such) and even in the 90s it was not streamlined. Replicating the feel of a Saturn is still very damn tricky.

This is an example of how PC platformers used to be:
Also don't be mean to Microman, that game was based.
It's going to be okay
It's all going to be okay
Things will only keep getting worse
So you have nothing to worry anout
>Robin Williams liked Quake
Absolute Legend.
Would you fucking cucks at least try to talk about videogames?
We have like a dozen happenings you can discuss on /pol/ plus several generals on how to make games? Eternal was the only AAA title worth a damn this past years and Id software veterans are already working on a game that is part Killzone and part FEAR already with Romero releasing new stuff as well.

Instead of being a mopey faggot, try at least creating something, or kill yourself because you are such a fucking drag.
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I know nothing about any of these people but something tells me the person to the far right doesn't want to be there.
>standing a foot away from anyone else, not just avoiding any group hug but actually leaning further away onto their outer leg
>no Bethesda/Zenimax community shit or whatever
>sweatshirt is actually zipped all the way up
>hands are in the "I just unclenched them for the photo because they told me to" position
>the eyes of a code monkey whose superiors don't know what the hell they want and the facial expression of pic related
John Carmack was too autistic and drove all the creative people out of the company
weren't they in texas at the time?
also the only one not wearing short shorts or skinny jeans
You have never read the Communist Manifesto. If you think modern day America is anywhere close to a communist society you are completely delusional kek.
No, there's a leech at the bottom of that whale that's responsible for this one. Starts with an "S"
get some standards faggot
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but in this interview carmack says the machines COULD to smooth sidescrolling(wrapping the screen to the other side of the sceen) but it was a bug.
seems silly to me on the hardware producers part. since it was a functioning bug, why not just fix it up a bit and make it a advertisable feature
That's what Blizzard thought, didn't really work out.

Though the breast milk drinker probably accomplished superhuman feats of programming.
Could, as in capable when it was thought otherwise, it was a literal hack that allowed this since it was not like how the SNES was allocating resources because consoles were specialized hardware focused on graphics while PCs started as the worst platform for games since Apple and Amiga were factually better at it until the next generation of Intel Processors and when floating point operations could be done with your stock CPU and did not need an additional chip.

See also the Fast Inverse Square Root for another example of how Carmack incorporated hacks into the game code to make fundamental changes that simply work. In short he was reducing processing time that allowed for smoother gameplay.
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>Id software veterans are already working on a game that is part Killzone and part FEAR
that thing on the top left looks like its trying to pass as the chick that tried to get in my pants once
Be owned by Betheseda Softworks, and then sold to Microsoft.

Happy to help.
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...to THIS????
Go back faggot
None of them are even fuckable lmfao. How is it even possible to get a group this far below mid?
it's kind of a hack i guess, he did just move the camera out of bounds.
also,Greg Walsh made the Fast Inverse Square Root method
see carmack's use of binary space partition in rendering doom
No, Lousiana. I think after Doom 1 they moved to Texas and then Romero left a few years later for Ion Storm.
Imagine in glorious non-capitalism where you could waste all the resources in the world on your diversity slop without any pressure of it actually making money.
>muh blackrock
Muh 500 studios going out of business after producing one of those flops.
I'm the guy with the fingerguns fucking that guy in the middle
It depends on what the reason for rejecting someone because they're a woman is.
Imagine the smell.
Mick Gordon is working in the music.
Everyone else is from Id, Naughty Dog, Insomniac and even got a guy from Tripwire. They got 3 guys who worked on Doom, Doom 3 and Doom 2016 / Eternal respectively.

Looks solid.
She's good looking so probably
You need to give credit to the quality of the result.
For example Bungie did everything from scratch and the way vertices are drawn in Marathon is bound to give you a headache, it is like playing with the shrooms power down from ROTT at all times.
So it is an elegant solution that displays the result with that of the same quality of a company that allocated resources into specialized hardware made possible by this one person
Since when does "Jew" start with S?
this group made the better game tho...
why is this not the case in american nigger balls ?
You can't just say this with a straight face, because you're a gigafag
>nes with an advantage hooked up to the crt on the right
Excellent taste

Fuck off, these are the best this group has to offer
Okay, let's check if this is actually true then.
>Demands of the Communist Party in Germany
>1. The whole of Germany shall be declared a single and indivisible republic.
True in America. Checked.
>2. Every German, having reached the age of 21, shall have the right to vote and to be elected, provided he has not been convicted of a criminal offence.
Minimum voting age in America is 18 and even some convicts can vote. Checked.
>3. Representatives of the people shall receive payment so that workers, too, shall be able to become members of the German parliament.
True in America. Checked.
>4. Universal arming of the people. In future the armies shall be simultaneously labour armies, so that the troops shall not, as formerly, merely consume, but shall produce more than is necessary for their upkeep. This will moreover be conducive to the organisation of labour.
Not true in America. Ironically enough nowadays communists want workers to be protected by the police they so much claim to hate. Not checked.
>5. Legal services shall be free of charge.
True in America. Checked.
>6. All feudal obligations, dues, corvées, tithes etc., which have hitherto weighed upon the rural population, shall be abolished without compensation.
True in America. Checked.
>7. Princely and other feudal estates, together with mines, pits, and so forth, shall become the property of the state. The estates shall be cultivated on a large scale and with the most up-to-date scientific devices in the interests of the whole of society.
True in America. Checked.
>8. Mortgages on peasant lands shall be declared the property of the state. Interest on such mortgages shall be paid by the peasants to the state.
True in America. Checked.
>9. In localities where the tenant system is developed, the land rent or the quit-rent shall be paid to the state as a tax.
True in America. Checked.
>10. A state bank, whose paper issues are legal tender, shall replace all private banks.
True in America. Checked.



>11. All the means of transport, railways, canals, steamships, roads, the posts etc. shall be taken over by the state. They shall become the property of the state and shall be placed free at the disposal of the impecunious classes.
Partially true in America. Private transportation requires government approval. The part where commies want to offer free transportation is simply a lie because that's technically impossible. Checked.
>12. All civil servants shall receive the same salary, the only exception being that civil servants who have a family to support and who therefore have greater requirements, shall receive a higher salary.
Not true in America. Not checked.
>13. Complete separation of Church and State. The clergy of every denomination shall be paid only by the voluntary contributions of their congregations.
True in America. Checked.
>14. The right of inheritance to be curtailed.
Not true in America. Not checked. Ironically enough, Marx was an heir himself (hypocrite piece of shit).
>15. The introduction of steeply graduated taxes, and the abolition of taxes on articles of consumption.
This one is simply a contradiction. Abolition of taxation cannot coexist with progressive taxation. Still checked because the US government does engage in progressive taxation.
>16. Inauguration of national workshops. The state guarantees a livelihood to all workers and provides for those who are incapacitated for work.
Another contradiction. The state cannot guarantee shit, but I will check this one nonetheless because America does have national workshops.
>17. Universal and free education of the people.
True in America, doesn't matter if retards get into debt to pay private colleges. Checked.

So 14/17 demands of the onions party are attended in America nowadays. But you don't live in a communist society sweetie, you just live in a society that does shit that communists want. kek
That's quite the cope
NTA but take into account Carmack himself has not touch Id Tech since the end of the 2000s so this team managed to improve on it and its performance. Compare the current state of Id to that of 343i who cannot do jackshit on BLAM / Slipspace engine and have decided to just kill it off in favor of Unreal Engine.

I know you are the type of brownie that just parrots whatever political shit I tell you to say, so parrot this too: NuDoom is good, got that?
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And you can see SMB3 on all three monitors in front of Carmack and Romero there so I'm pretty sure that photo was specifically in the middle of making Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement.
They should fire the white women in that picture to hire more trans black women.
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I would kill to be in a position like this. I honestly don't know how people find other based developers, solo dev is starting to take a toll on me and seeing pics of these OG teams kills me further
I live with the fear that one day that bitch who controls Xbox studios will walk pass Id one day and say this.
There is no such thing as a free market because people can be misiformed and people can collude.
There is no such thing as freedom because sometimes people can violate your freedom.
NIGGER, she's a white woman at heart and smocking milf too, she would never do that.
Thus, her Jew handlers surely would...
Yes. If there are concequences you are not free.
343 being shit has nothing to do with anything. You are a brown ESL retard who does not understand what the word logic even means.
And if there are no consequences you are still not free because freedom is not real.
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Chuds will always find a new boogeyman to blame. A few years ago it was white dudes that made excited faces
You have a corrupted memory and can only speak in programmed post 2016 chan slang.
You are worse than a brownie, you might actually be a slav, how lamentable.
You should not have passed since the first trimester, oh well, the winter will take care of you.
I was excited until I saw all those guys worked on nuDoom and the late 7th gen and beyond ND and Insomniac games.
Silence, Halo baby. Grownups are talking.
what are you working on?
The first guy swore off roids though, it's MorePlatesMoreDates on youtube.
We don't have TECHNOLOGY threads anymore instead we have pieces of shit that only want to talk politics all day from their gay safe space like this was reddit.
Because pretty much all those games have this one or the other knack that is really hard to accomplish visually, like meshes deforming in real time by enemy fire that go way beyond decals and other programing tricks to work on shit like 7th gen consoles and NuDoom is factually a great a series.
Its called progress you fucking imbecile
Talking about what? You talk like a retard and act like a faggot.
people spawn into a desolate brutalist map, have to escape as an infection mutates other players into enemies that hunt the remaining humans before they can escape
thats the tldr without vomiting details
I should play more brutal doom.
That sounds like Halo's zombie mode.
2D or 3D?
Yes, some of those games have impressive technology. If you want to bring up specifics, I still remember a thread about Uncharted 4's TECHNOLOGY where people posted how the characters' ears were translucent and the ambient occlusion looked great. That said, most of the games on their profiles suck in terms of actual gameplay, story, etc.
>NuDoom is factually a great a series.
I've played nuDoom, so I know it's shit.
too much based to be contained in a single photo
I got a lot of influence from OG css z-escape game modes, but evolving it in ways that give people tools for emergant gameplay. 3D of course
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>Makes a cutesy cartoon platformer
>In one of his next games shows the protagonist of said game hanged and then made the player gore him with a rocket launcher for shits and giggles
>All this in a level filled with swastikas

Today's devs would never.
You KNOW how
They're not attractive, they needed to find another way to adapt.
You're lucky. I was born in 2000 and missed just about everything.
>excited faces
that onions face
none of those creatures have ever finished doom eternal on nightmare so a lot of them are a lot like /v/
Probably not, they'd have to more-or-less beg me.
What part of it you would say is shit? I liked it a lot.
>What part of it you would say is shit?
Visuals. Sound design. The fact that you have "builds" in a Doom game. The hallway arena hallway style of level with lots of small spawning in enemy waves. The stupid gimmicks for ammo drops.
I largely agree, but get rid of the one with glasses and third from the left front row, and replace them with mousy girl in glasses second from left middle row, and storebrand Emma Stone on the furthest left.
The fear grimace combined with dead eyes is still a mystery.
Amazing, they transition to fat black women!
So beautiful.
Pretty sure they were in an office already when working on Doom. The door axe rescue incident happened there during dev of Doom, that one video/interview with Bobby showing off music and John playing Doom with Apple Wolf 3D sounds also was in an office space. Pretty sure id mom can't remember the name was also in the credits for Doom 1 already.
Maybe I'm wrong though.
I do know somewhere around Commander Keen development they also moved to Wisconsin because Louisiana was a shithole.
I'm guessing no one replied to this because it only took them three seconds to name one private bank or one public Catholic school that they've seen with their own eyes and pittied you a retard.
would x5
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she must be the only one with a tech job in there
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how did i do?
one on the far right is 50/50 because of the baggy clothes
Donna does not want to be in this photo.
You sell your IP to investors in california and walk away a millionare
Speaking of legend, how would he react to modern Zelda?
Native american here, give me a white boy nerd and a metalhead artist and I promise I will give you some kino, to finish it all off I want a bimbomaxxing college aged esports gamer girl.
>Native american here
What did this have to do with anything?
You're no better than a female vegan
at least one of the ones you circled is a troon, purple hair. standing behind everyone else doesn't hide all those features.
hey how are ya hey how are ya hey
Nice try, Chief Grand Cherokee. We all know you'd take the money and run to buy booze and diabetes.
Damn all this shit sounds like good stuff that benefits society commies are pretty cool I guess
If it means they make another game as good as Doom Eternal then sounds good to me
That's why I said capitalism you idiots
I meant capitalism, not capitalism
Leftmost, frontmost one seems like a man to me too.
They don't want it to happen, they know it will happen. Capitalist wants to make profit, worker feels like he isnt being paid enough. Conflict of interest arises. Repeat millions of times over on a societal scale. Just the way things naturally play out
>capitalist cope
They bought this with capital and capital enabled them to enact these changes. Comrade Stalin would have unironically put them up against the wall and shot them instead. I choose Comrade Stalin.
Three of those are literal trannies.
Because teams of white men require a Hispanic man to lead them.
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And most ESG shareholders generally are foreign or are proxies for foreigners, because it makes their own local market and industries way more competitive against western markets and industries.

It's almost like its... foreign subversion.
>reminder that Intel moved to Israel recently
Soon NO westerners will have money, jobs or rights at this rate and it will be illegal for westerners to try and even get any of these things in their own country. This is how a psyop genocide works. It relies on proxies and laundering to cover up it's genocide.
Is that right, chang?
Also I'm all for this. Death to America.
this. literaly to kill pissrahell you need to stop muttland first
Most likely to be on the FBI's watchlist.
Leftmost is cute but I'm a sword swallower so I think you're probably on the money.
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I hope I'm on all of them.
Also niggers.
>/v/ meetup
Yeah , she's probably the only one in this photo who is competent at her job and it's probably coding
>Fuck this is a waste of time, I have to get back to work
>I don't know any of these people
>Fucking sales reps who don't do anything , don't group me in with them
>Just take the photo already

I know that feel
don't worry. This stuff plateaud already and is now in decline. Those companies that ESG funds pushed into hiring women and blacks have underperformed and money talks. Soon we'll be back to groups of nerds making games.
What is Trent up to these days? Is NIN still a thing?
I miss male(XY) white people...
Corpo bloat isn't just a symptom of DEI, DEI is a symptom of corpo bloat. DEI will just be replaced by whatever bullshit pushes for political hiring practices in order to "maintain an inclusive and active work environment".

Game dev work is grinding work only meant for a select few, that doesn't sell in a corporate level and it never will.
I don't think you understand. ESG is an industry. ESG will literally promote more ESG because that's it's financial incentive. It's there to make money while making everything else complete shit. It's a literal parasitic industry and will eventually kill the host. The reason why is that money is only part of it - the other is legal tethers. These two things in conjunction force industries to obey it. It's beyond marketing. It's beyond mere capitalism. It's a cult.

It's like the catholic church promoting more catholic church for their own income while demonising competition. It's a toxic parasitic situation the ESG industry has on the economy and it's why the west has been in decline for decades.
Holu fuck amerimutts are so damn retarded
Cool but they're actually declining though. Money talks, and the funds underperform.
I've even seen U2 have some regrets about how they went about things so yeah things might be changing as people realise we don't like being suffocated by dogmatic machines. If you didn't know, they've been active with these assholes for like 2-3 decades and their recent album is almost an apology I think about contributing to the thing that caused covid.
Yes weaklings like you are the real men.
There are only ants on this planet, son.
Nothing but weakness and weak people pretending to be strong.
Bros doing bro stuff making cool bro games
"I don't want a real job" grifters.
Whatever gets you through the day pal
It doesn't. It really doesn't.
It's horrified me since I was at least a teen, though likely earlier.

Playing things like simcity really teach you early about the struggles of mankind and how pathetic we are.
I was wondering if anybody would zoom in on this dude. Kind of seems out of place
>we are
you are
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Nice Feet
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Look, the insect thinks he's not an insect.
How pathetic.
pretty sure this pic was made before doom. Here they worked for softdisk, and take their work computers to carmacks house to make their own games in the weekend.
unironically yes
How many of them are men
Well I'll give them credit, it's possibly the one time a bunch of women and troons made a solid non-Indie videogame that doesn't once virtue signal and instead pushes sheer fun and difficulty. The old Carmack/Romero team you keep parading taught some good standards I suppose.

>incel groomer freak is easily offended
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>that line where her thigh becomes her buttocks

Society destroyed within 30 years
>incel groomer freak is easily offended
so a man activist?
No. It's Socialists and Marxists.
Believe it or not but in Marx's utopian vision on the progression of humanity as a species; while he states it's manifestly unjust, capitalism ultimately succeeds in creating anything anyone and everyone could ever want and the only way people can further improve their lives is by not worrying about the operation of the systems that provide everything. He proposed a central power (government) assume this role in which he termed Socialism. Which then goes on for some length untill everything becomes second nature and there is no longer any need; which become Communism.

The problem Marx and Marxists fail to realise is that scarcity is and will always be ever present. The conditions in which Socialism will "naturally" come in to play (post-scarcity) will never arise. Any and every time for the past 150 years or so, they see abundance and don't understand how fragile it is. Only visible under certain conditions, the second they change it all falls apart. They start pushing socialist measures anyway on a system not capable of handling them and it falls apart shortly afterwards.

All it took was 2 years of a reduced productive capacity from an overreaction to a mild flu and the world is thrown into chaos and supply chain issues are rampant across almost every sector.

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