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>create the first truly successful digital card game
>desktop and mobile support
>braindead easy to learn and addicting to play
>fantastic art and animations that ooze the old Blizzard seal of quality
>countless competitors come and go, nobody can touch you
>effectively have an iron grip on an entire genre
>your audience is Blizzard fanboys, TCG players, and mobile gamers, the three horsemen of paypigs

10 years later:
>nearly all content creators have jumped ship, the few who still play look absolutely miserable
>card power level spikes more with each new set of cards than it used to increase over an entire year
>card artwork looks like it belongs in a Supercell game
>every online forum for discussing Hearthstone is a ghost town with 80% of posts being made by the same handful of power users
>the game is being held afloat financially by the last remaining mega whales and an entirely separate game that launches from within Hearthstone
How did Blizzard manage to fuck this up?
It's a tcg, powercreep is a dangerous thing
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Hearthstone was never good
I wouldn't mind novelty sets if they spread them out more instead of putting one novelty set after another
>t. so young he can't even remember 2014
Hearthstone was the single most talked about game in the entire world for over a year following its release. Everyone was playing it. Some of the biggest internet personalities around today built their entire careers off of streaming Hearthstone when it first launched, it was that popular.
>10 years later
Try 3 years later. HS being dead isn't a new thing. The games popularity fell off a cliff harder than a steam FOTM game around 2017.
>your audience is Blizzard fanboys, TCG players, and mobile gamers, the three horsemen of paypigs
HS was so greedy that it couldn't even keep the most loyal paypigs around
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I hate how Hearthstone created a tsunami of other failed card games that tried to copy it's non-sustainable formula
>mana based
>atk and hp
>set rotations
>class/color/faction to separate deck building
>horrid monetization
every fucking digital card game for the next several years was just a copy/paste of hearthstone with 1 additional gimmick and of course they all failed spectacularly, with Artifact probably being the most famous example.
It's hard to keep any live service game popular for an extended period of time. Shit like Fartnight (which itself is still probably way less popular than in 2018-2020) is the exception.

Bobby knew this and that's why he sold the company when he did. All of the Actiblizz IPs were past their peaks with no hope for a recovery on the horizon.
it went to shit after Ben brode left.
well maybe even before that desu
I literally uninstalled when they censored Jaina's cleavage
How do you deal with power creep in games like these? Do you just obsolete old cards constantly?
this but normalfags think popular = good
newfag fucks here genuinely argue that hearthstone invented collectible card games
Overwatch could have been massive for much longer but they destroyed the game balance so hard with reworks and new heroes that the gameplay was no longer fun
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>HS was so greedy that it couldn't even keep the most loyal paypigs around
It's the exact opposite actually. It's not because they were greedy, it's because Blizzard are clueless and couldn't figure out how to monetize their F2P game until it was already too late. I don't know if it's due to the success of WoW's subscription model making them complacent or what, but Blizzard have never been particularly good at monetization.
They had a free to play CARD GAME and didn't even think to add alternate/full art cards as a cosmetic item until 8 years into the game's lifespan. Cosmetic cards, the one proven way that all past and present TCGs have used to milk their players. When they did finally add these things, it was this hideous greyscale art and massive border that looked worse than the normal variant. It took them another expansion to fix this, but then they made them virtually impossible to get outside of paying $40 PER CARD. Cards that have no value outside of the game and can never leave your Hearthstone account.
Nowadays it's become funny to watch them desperately release dozens and dozens of shit tier portraits and other cosmetics every expansion trying to wring the last remaining pennies out of their whales before it no longer becomes profitable to keep the servers running. You can tell they're kicking themselves.
yes they have cards on a rotation so all the cards you spent money for in 2023 will be unusable in 2024 once they rotate out (except for the wild format where everything goes but nobody plays it because it's incredibly unbalanced)
Feels good spending money when you know you can only enjoy it for so long yeah? No wonder people quit
Adding alt arts sooner wouldn't of saved HS. People got sick of needing to spend hundreds on each new set drop with no real F2P option because the game would give you piss all for gold from dailies. The greed genuinely killed the game.
>muh streamer shit
Hearthstone was never good
that's the point though, if they had a better way of milking retards besides forcing them to buy packs just to be able to fucking play then maybe the game would've been more f2p friendly while keeping up profits
the alternative is that the game does make money, but it stagnated in growth for years (because cardgames are a niche genre for nerds that only nerds actually play) and every time management changed they tried to force the game to grow and failed miserably every single time
picture unrelated i just wanted to post panda tits
>People got sick of needing to spend hundreds on each new set
That's actually an example of exactly what the other anon was talking about. Blizzard gambled on monetizing the actual sets themselves rather than the 100 other cosmetic things they could (and should) have monetized. The perfect counter example to this would be dota2: completely free to play, but they milk every other possible aspect of the game from loading screen art work to voice lines to complete hero replacements. Blizzard wasn't greedy, if they wanted to be they could've easily taken a page from Valve's book and capitalized all the cosmetics they could've sold. Instead they were complacent and genuinely thought that interest in the game would never depreciate and people would just keep buying new sets (just like they thought WoW would never depreciate and people would keep buying expansions).
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This is how
This really is what it is though. They made a kick-ass card game and just copied physical card game monetization. But forgot it was a digital game. Physical cards will always exist in my house to give me some tether to the game but my awesome HS card collection is lying forgotten on a server somewhere.
threads like make me scared if it will not be dead...
Meant to reply to this
>trading card game
>can't trade cards
>Giant man feet
For fuck's sake.
People just moved on. The game hasn't really gotten worse, just stale.
Hearthstone is 100% dead and has been for a long time. The only thing propping it up is the free auto chess mode.
>The game hasn't really gotten worse
The game was always bad. People just enjoyed being able to play a TCG easily online. Yugioh, MTG, Pokemon, or any other established card games took too long to make online clients so Blizz freely scooped up that market.
The longer a game continues on in life, the harder it is to maintain its stability.

Every so often its time for them to "end" a game and create a whole new replacement sequel from a scratch code to get a fresh slate. Like they should have done with WOW.
I like to imagine a world where they made Hearthstone 2 and immortalized the early days of Hearthstone in a standalone game as Hearthstone Original or some shit. Let people earn cards in story and stuff then have the online mode for weirdos who still want to play old Hearthstone.
it pisses me off that every single card added to the game is androgynous design. even old cards that had sexy art were redesigned to be ugly. it was so unnecessary to take it to this extreme
>The Bazaar STILL isn’t out yet
>Reynad has turned into a homeless crackhead hippie feeding apples to deer in a forest
>CCG’s have fallen off so hard that The Bazaar got scrapped into an auto battler akin to Backpack Battles
>it’s STILL not out yet
But artifact was a copy of old MTGO, complete with the horrible pricing model.
I got banned, and havent looked back.
>How did Blizzard manage to fuck this up?
Blizzard can't balance for shit, even early on the game became an RNG fiesta of imps and knife juggler. Losing a game because of a bad top deck is already salt inducing in card games, but losing because a good top deck rolled poorly is infinitely more frustrating.
Same reason why alchemy is such a hated format on MTG arena.
>How did Blizzard manage to fuck this up?
>it was popular, so it was good
Why are you here? This isn't the most popular website on the internet so your own ruleset doesn't permit you to be here.
What do you mean? I remember them allowing you to get those fancy golden cards that were fully animated with just using dust from cards totally free. Last time I played was years ago too.
Now there are additional cosmetic tiers, like signature cards that are cards with different art. Or diamond cards that are cards with more animation. It is all very retarded.
>>Reynad has turned into a homeless crackhead hippie feeding apples to deer in a forest
What the fuck happened to him?
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I miss this guy
he was invited to the local freemason lodge and said no
Reminder that Legends of Runeterra died because Hearthstone conditioned digital CCG players to not be able to focus on any card-game that doesn't let you send-it-and-forget-it, and the only audience left has their identity grafted to Magic.

Card players deserve nothing but the dopamine exploitation they're lost in.
>loud mouthed critic tries their hand at actually making something
>realizes it's WAY harder than they ever considered and what they do make ends up being subpar
many, MANY such cases
I miss the 4 mana 4/4 blue dragon whatever it was.
kinda based desu
>fat fuck Cora will die during your lifetime
Exactly like a 15 year old kid, except he's what, 33?
This is just a persona, right?
Most of the interesting themes already ran dry. Part of the charm was the retelling of WoW events and characters with a bit of comedic spice. At some point, the spice went out of hand, and they started to just rely on the same jokes and return of "fan favorites" (i.e. all that Reno Jackson and Dr.Boom bullshit got old too fast, and yet they kept pushing it). HS was doomed when it tried to be its own thing. Also:
>No more Ben Brode
I don't think the game would hold if he were still working on it, but at least it would be less depressing
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Azure Drake was based. It was an amazing card in the early days. Great body with utility and card advantage.
When they had to buff it I knew the powercreep was going somewhere scary.
I heard he's a heroin addict
I swear they nerfed it at some point.
>Reminder that Legends of Runeterra died because Hearthstone conditioned digital CCG players to not be able to focus on any card-game that doesn't let you send-it-and-forget-it, and the only audience left has their identity grafted to Magic.
Releasing the most braindead deck in the game (Azirelia) that entirely broke the game over its knee also didn't help.
TLC was still more oppressive imo.
Did it used to have +2 spell damage?
No, they buffed it. Original was 4/4
The game was fun when I played around with it on launch but I haven't seen anyone even talk about it anymore. I assumed it's because the card game playerbase is just smaller compared to other riot games genres. Is the game really dead?
Fuck did Runeterra die already? I thought the way you could purchase cards directly was refreshing and some of the mechanics were neat but it didn't feel cohesive enough for me.
What are those 3 pips next to the mana cost?
Pretty sure they EOS'd it. Hearthstone controlled so much of the market it made it basically impossible to break into the CCG sphere if you weren't already established in some way.
LOR tried to prop itself up using the LoL IP, but what Riot is learning quickly is that no one actually cares about these characters or the lore; they just like playing LoL. Riot's autochess clone also ate a lot of the playerbase, further pulling people away from LOR.
Which is a shame because LOR was MILES better than Hearthstone ever was, even though it suffered from some seriously imbalanced decks. The mechanics were great, the "colors" had good identity, and there was a lot of depth in deckbuilding despite the Dev's attempts at making a bunch of overpowered prebuilts.
You’re 500% wrong about that.
Runes, death knight specific deckbuilding restriction. 3 blood on a card means you can only play it in a full blood deck and won't be able to use unholy/frost cards
>Hearthstone controlled so much of the market it made it basically impossible to break into the CCG sphere if you weren't already established in some way
Everyone was sick of HS by the time all these other online card games started popping up. All these CCG failed because HS made people sick of the genre, not because HS was still dominating the market.
the game absolutely got worse
t. actually played it for a significant amount of time
it used to have ups and downs but ever since around last year it's just down down down and the game has never been in such an unplayable garbage state
As soon as MTG:A caught on to their formula and managed to turn Magic into a viable mobile game I lost interest.

HS helped me to get better at understanding game logic, though. But it’s overstayed its welcome and then some.
Blood runes. Death Knight has a unique mechanic that restricts what type of cards you can place in your deck. You have to select any combo of blood/unholy/frost runes, and you can only use cards if your rune setup has at least that many. If you wanted to play that specific card, you'd have to go 3 blood runes, which means you cannot play any unholy or frost rune cards.
It's not dead but the last 3 patches have pretty much been focused on their PVE gamemode, which is your bog standard deckbuilder gameplay like STS.
Those are a DK-specific deckbuilding restriction called runes. You can only have 3 runes per deck, choosing from Unholy, Frost, or Blood. So, for example, if a card has a 3 Blood rune restriction on it and you put it in your deck, you cannot put any card with a Unholy or Frost rune on it in your deck.
It basically fractured DK into 3 different archtypes: Frost became direct-damage burst, Unholy weenie boardflood, and Blood late-game control. They've added more mixed-rune cards to improve the class but for a while you basically just went all-in on one rune.
this is just what psychadelic drugs do to you
Both Hearthstone and Runeterra died because they are genuinely bad games.
>All these CCG failed because HS made people sick of the genre, not because HS was still dominating the market.
No, it's pretty well proven that people who play CCGs basically play one exclusively, as there's a massive entrenchment that happens through buying cards, cosmetics, etc. Couple that with FOMO-style incentives to keep playing and you cultivate a group of players who only want to play HS because it takes all their time and they've been playing it forever.
I was pissed they killed the WoW TCG for it.
Holy shit thats nuts

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True, at least when you’re using them like a madman. I’ve had it happen to a friend of mine before.

What happened to the sexy Armenian guy?
>it's pretty well proven that people who play CCGs basically play one exclusively
That is absolutely not true. Card game players will gladly jump ship to another game if a format is shit.
sometimes I eat mushrooms. he must've been on something way stronger or he ate a heroic amount of very potent shrooms. I can't imagine ending up like that
Card games in general are a niche genre and Hearthstone dominates that niche. If you make a card game that plans on competing with Hearthstone then you're still only going to get a fraction of the already tiny playerbase at best. It's mpossible to sustain another digital CCG right now, there simply isn't enough interest overall. Hearthstone did so well when it first came out because the concept of a digital card game actually made for the computer (ie. not just tabletop ported to digital) was somewhat novel. The only way another card game can rise to prominence is if Hearthstone dies completely.
Slaving away at Hearthstone Battlegrounds 90% of the time. Still being angry when the opponent does anything.
You could say he's pretty Bazaar
Yes, for a brief period before returning back to where they've spent hundreds/thousands of dollars.
We've seen this with multiple games over the years and it will never stop happening, it's basic human psychology.
The Bazaar is finally releasing soon, not joking. I've had zero interest in it ever since he turned it into autobattler slop, but I have to admit it actually looks pretty good visually for a brand new studio and brand new IP. The polish is there to attract Hearthstone players.
A true man of his craft
Out of all the "big" streamers, I never understood how this dude got any popularity. He is so fucking boring.
I miss watching hour long Kripp salt edits
who the fuck is giving this guy millions of dollars? what kind of investment firm sees these ramblings and thinks "yep, he's the CEO for our fund!"
private servers when?
no it's not lol... the last gameplay was three years ago
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>rotating what cards are allowed in ranked
perfect way to make me not want to come back after exactly 1 year
TCGs can never be good because of the low skill ceiling and RNG.
I remember when LifeCoach hired 3 others pros at his level to focus on him in an attempt to break a 50% WR and get better, and after a month he realize he couldnt get any better. Their games for retards.
Decks like Azirelia and TLC adopting shorter-gameplan designs were a response to the market having a shitty attention span.

PvP is dead, they're entirely focused on PvE.
dont know either, but I used to watch his ytb videos all the time and I liked them because they were calm and silent.

There is appeal for no commentary-gameplay
its joeover isnt it? hearthstoneniggers, i dont feel so good...
It was dying like in 2016. Tons of cards have random effects that just win you the game. They introduced a bunch of cards that gave you 3 random choices of bonus cards to choose, dogshithearthstone died at that point.

I'd rather get mana screwed in MTG arena than playing a slot machine.
>being this confidently wrong
This is retardation I can almost respect. Almost.
The launch trailer was uploaded last month:
They've been uploading item showcases ever since then, like this one from 5 days ago:
Nice try though!
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I completely agree.
>spend tons of dust to FINALLY get Sylvanas and Ragnaros
>Wild is announced just a week later
And it's all because of bronzebeard and the haunted creeper
Look what they did to my boy
wow, it actually looks decent! the trailer was nice
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Online only TCGs are just fucking dead, besides like yugioh masterduel. Hearthstone succeeded due to the fact it was one of the first F2p games on the market and got lucky on Twitch viewership Way better f2p games out there now
In YGO "sometimes" is enough with just banning a few old cards. Even limiting the amount of copies allowed in a deck is good enough to prevent some strategies to dominate. But if the cards are new then lol lmao just buy them asap and dominate while you can, before they get limited/banned.
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it's incredible to me that to this day yugioh is still the best player v player TCG
>Hearthstone succeeded due to the fact it was one of the first F2p games on the market
lmao what the fuck am I reading you stupid zoomer
does "non-sustainable formula" include all the >meme >arrows elements? even YGO has creatures with atk/hp, and screeching about keywords is always really funny
YGO doesnt have HP on monsters, just ATK and DEF, if you can swing over the relevant number the monster is dead, if you cant then is not.
That being said, Teppen has al those arrows and didnt fail spectacularly, granted is not a massive hits either, more like sitting comfy in its niche
Hearthstone didn't drop the ball. Better card games just got online versions.
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thats a nice board state you have there. it would be a shame if...

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>the first truly successful digital card game
>card game
>no communication with other player
Nobody involved in this has ever played cards of any kind.
>no communication with other player
literally the best part. i don't have to smell my opponent

also makes the emotes come off as horribly sarcastic. Anduin's 'Wow...' s the best one
For me Hearthstone died when they intentionally distanced themselves from the subtitle "Heroes of Warcraft"
Well, the only reason Hearthstone looked good in the first place was because they poached all the high quality art from the old wow TGC.
ah, you mean like literal hit points that can be lost or restored, as opposed to hard defense values
still, no idea what's the point of >implying all those elements and assigning them to hearthstone, since they are all (amusingly) borrowed from mtg
i'd say the key elements of HS that have spread to other games are digital-only mechanics (like all the random summons), lack of instant interaction (sans secrets), and no distinct phases (which favours the attacker)
I think he means one of the first CCGs to do it.
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It is because blizzard has outsorced tge art to brazilians and pinoys, look up, im not kidding
He's Romanian, isn't he?
hs is a turn based strategy game NOT a card game
stop comparing it to lor mtg
thank you

I quit because the game was just too fucking expensive, they should have made the packs significantly less expensive
That's like the thing, HS power crept itself in like a year at best iirc
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>check out his channel because of this post
>4 hours live stream
>click in a random time stamp
>"The way evolution is taught in school is horseshut, there is no missing link ever found, everyone is cro magnum abd mst of us died in the flood and then we came down from the artic circle and mount ararat..."
>close video
he's right you know
Seems to me he is the average ameriorc christian that watches too much joe rogan
Game died when they started relegating staple cards to wild so they could reprint them once a year. Greed. Also them acting like making adventures was costly. They sold like crazy, they just wanted to scrimp another few percent profit like the rats they are.
I Miss Paladin Murloc and everyfin is awesome
Hearthstone would have been better off as a minigame built into WoW, it would have been just as fun and could have helped prevent WoW from tanking as hard as it did.

Blizzard doesn't get to rip everyone off so that would have never happened.
The power creep killed hearthstone for me. They release mechanics and cards that are fun, but those cards are unplayable at launch as every expansion has this clear completely overpowered combo that never gets nerfed. And then a new expansion comes out and it completely shits on everything that came before it.
You have a cool mechanic 2 expansions ago, a really fun card 5 expansions ago, a card you love from 7 expansions ago. And they are all unplayable.

I want to have fun and play decks I like, not play constant catch up with the meta and watch my favorite cards that were never good in the first place get deleted from standard and put into wild where the power level is even higher.
It's not fun for anyone except braindead autistic freaks who copy the top decks and just grind ranking.
The most fun hearthstone mode is arena and it costs 150 gold. If you want to play the fun mode you have to grind game modes that are not fun and complete stupid quests like ''play 100 murlocs'' when no one with a brain wants to play fucking murlocs.
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He bought his Greek wife a van she uses to solo tour with.
you forgot the Artifact copypasta
It makes me sad to see that he's still trapped within Hearthstone, it's such a waste.
>pve card game

>fiery war axe is now 3 mana from 2
>why? because fuck you
uninstalled that very day and never looked back. a level of balancing idiocy only achievable by blizztards
It's not that they fucked it up, it's that real card games that actually have depth (mtg, ygo) got official digital clients and now there's no reason to play hearthstone

Battlegrounds is fun though
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a lot of video games has been outsouced to Pinoys since early PS3 look up the credit of the first TLOU
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Retarded easy low depth gameplay that got really boring 1 year in and the game never progressed from that.
Demon hunter came in like 5-6 years too late.
We should've gotten new classes as early as year 2 or so post beta, instead Ben Brode sat on his ass and they literally did nothing except add sets and that's it, the entirety of the games "hype" was crafted around these sets.

The game needed new modes, classes, new ways to play, more shit than just shitty balancing, ben brode laughing and one expansion every 4 months or so, it gets boring and tiring eventually because the illusion shatters and no one gives a shit if your 3/4 for 3 mana is now a 3/5 for 3 mana holy SHIT WHAT AN EXPANSION GLAD WE WAITED 4 MONTHS FOR THIS.
BUT since the game core is so braindead you can only do that so much, too many repeated mechanics, every game feels like the same shit, balancing goes to absolute shit.
At the same time, this is coupled with higher monetization and censoring with a way worse art department, specially because they ran out of TCG card art.
By the time DH came out the game was struggling hard, let alone DK, it's only kept afloat by the battlegrounds and that too is dying, there's massive issues in every mode left and resources keep being spread thinner and thinner.
The game is doing so badly now that if you stop playing for a year or so they will literally gift you 100-300 packs for free, while people that still play get jack shit, they are that desperate for players.

Like every blizzard game in existence, it grew out of potential and popularity and was then promptly murdered by lazy and/or incapable devs that squandered said potential and popularity.
t. giga hearthstone autist that played religiously since closed beta and stopped for good a couple years ago, sometimes I try it out again and I quickly realize it's just a walking corpse.
I dont know any of these people, or the stories behind them. And maybe thats for the best, because it looks like it would just lead to depression. Or to laughing at their misery, depending on the context.
what a joke
this is so fucked up
kibler at least just moved on but thats still retarded, shame
can't believe trump came out on top thats crazy, but honestly I believe it, hes asian enough to know what hes worth and have his family tell him what hes worth, he knew his value.
not only is he boring... but hearthstone for like 10 years? how has he not killed himself
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you still need to pay 300$ for a decent pack ? i remember having fun with the game 8 years ago
its actually insane how slow hearthstone expansions are and how much power creep there was with how infrequent they were, even set rotation didn't help and they shit the bed.

I look at physical card games getting new sets every 3 months and a side set, starter decks with new cards, and others here and there on top of that, which involves printing the fucking cards, sending them around the world, and all of the logistics and timing of that as well as running events and shit that give out fancy cards you can go to and way way more stuff
and I just wonder how fucking awful hearthstone was to fumble THAT badly. they easily could have just straight up wholesale copied what physical card games were doing and printed billions but they couldn't even do that with all of the advantages they had.
actually insane.
Its still kind of funny to me that people see Kibler as the Hearthstone guy.
he went back to magic now
he just plays commander like all mtg players do now

can't wait until mtg dies, wotc been shitting the bed so hard, it will take a very long time though.
he was comfy and actually wasn't a sellout (until he got married)
His wife sold her soul to WotC so he just followed suit.
I do wonder how someone of his level at the game must feel by intentionally playing like a retard and hiding his powerlevel in order not to hurt his opponent's feelings in a game of commander.
>fancy golden cards

Modern golden card art is pretty shitty. Now all card animation budget goes to diamond cards. Comparing the golden animations of classic cards to the golden animations of modern cards and the difference is staggering.
I dont miss Hearthstone but I played and enjoyed it until Blizzard decided they were going to ban most of the cards every new season...
There was no point to continue palying the game just became a hamster threadmill for paypigs... like everything Blizzard makes
It was still the beginning and I never looked back but Im pretty sure things got way worse since then

They had classic hearthstone as a mode and it died because no one wanted to play that.
I've played since I was 9. Even though I know and recognise MTG is better on literally every aspect hearthstone has an insane charm that I'll always love. Too bad it's going to die real soon (REAL SOON) because of blizzard stupid mismanagement
Also stuff like Mercenaries mode that nobody wanted. How you drop the ball that hard, is kind of amazing
>intentionally playing like a retard
either he just doesn't care or hes a far better person than I am, its incredibly difficult and frustrating to be good at something and just play like a retard or build decks you know are just fucking shit and not try to make them better and I really feel that at just a "really good" at thing level, couldn't imagine stuff where ur a genuinely world champion.
honestly imagine vsing him and winning and feeling like you genuinely won, must not be a real competitive person to be happy with that, its actually so fucked up on both sides.

I remember my friend getting into battlerite, had played for like 2 months and was diamond, but I was a top of leaderboard grand champion player and he wanted to learn to better play ranged characters so we went in a lobby and just play m1 only so he could kind of better understand the projectile game.
Now he knew I was better than him and would wash him in 1v1's, but when he realized I would kill him and he might land 1 or 2 hits on me in that time he got completely demoralized and quit and understand the skill difference just broke him. I didn't mind vsing him and it wasn't a big deal to me, but iv felt awful when I vs people much better than me as well, it just feels like you are wasting their time, which is crazy.
couldn't even imagine a bigger disparity like that where its random person vs literal world champion

wtf happened with Kibler and Trump
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Killer turned into Geralt and plays Magic again.
I miss watching Trump videos, hope he's doing well
You just know if a streamer is miserable in his relationship
What the fuck happened? Why did he turn into the lovechild of Uncle Ted and Rasputin?
It's not just that, these games have lore and mechanics stacked on top of mechanics with an autistic amount of depth.
In like 12 years hearthstone gameplay has pretty much not evolved at all.
In 12 years yugioh went from vanilla 1.7k beatsticks to massive complicated combos, deck building, synchros, xyz, pendulums.
In 12 years mtg went from 2 word cards to fucking ravnica.

In 12 years HS went from 4/5 yeti for 4 mana to...5/6 4 mana for yeti
Yeah, it's something I've never been able to rationalize despite being the patient person on the teaching end. I will ALWAYS feel like I'm wasting the other person's time. Part of it is insecurity for sure, but I think another part of it—at least for me—is knowing that I will absolutely abuse this resource multiple times if you are truly willing to give me the time, and we both know your reassurances that "it's fine" only extends to whenever you get bored with this specific session.

I don't think I speak for myself because I've gotten the same "read the air" vibe from this on the learning end: that reassurance is only session-deep, and even within that session you can push your luck if you're trying to grind-out a particularly repetitive small-margin option.
shartifact was a success in that there was a brief moment when the game was SO dead that people started streaming movies and tv shows on twitch under the shartifact category, and it was glorious.
i hadn't seen kung pow in many years and this shitty game allowed me to remember the simpler times.
>Don't know
>Brian "Brian 'Don't call me "Brian 'Brian Kibbler' Kibbler" Kibbler' Kibbler"
>Don't know
>Don't know
>Don't know but fucking lmao
>Dog and Hafu
Fuck, how do I still remember half of these faggots? I guess I'm still happy that Dog and Hafu are together, even though she was a complete downgrade and that's coming from a guy with a touch of the yellow fever, and how the fuck is Trump the one that's making out the best?
yeah I get that.
It depends on your relationship with the person as well, if its someone I don't really know and we are just hobby friends or w/e, then yeah, its a bit different.
But I have had real very close friends feel weird about it, like we are hanging out and they mention and we go do it and then they don't want to waste my time or something and its like bro i'm here to hang out with you and this is something I genuinely do in my own time as well, this is great, iv been super close friends with you for over a decade don't feel weird about it.

idk its just odd but having been on both sides I really do get it but some people just really wont take your word for it.
I remember playing matches of sf4 with a friend at his place and we would occasionally do online matches as well (like if you want to go make some tea, go to the toilet, whatever, the other would just queue up online games while you watch and vice versa) but would we weird about having me help them lab stuff, bro we are playing games right here, I don't care if you want me to run the same setup for 10 min so you can figure out a thing, thats fine.

idk a lot of people are willing to give you a lot of time you just gotta ask in my experience
>Killer turned into Geralt and plays Magic again.
I mean aside from pro tours he plays commander for fun (and profit). Commander being a much less competition focused format if you let it be. What that says to me is autistic competitive card games are probably not very fun since they get the fun optimized out of them. You can never really run interesting setups or pull of cool combos because you'll lose to some hyper aggro slop that isn't interesting to play but is very efficient, nature of the beast after all.
Problem with that is most intelligent people get bored with aggro or losing to aggro very quickly because those games are linear and unengaging, a roll of the dice at best.
TCG still plays great in my opinion, they use some kind of AI for balance because almost all the games are very close. Their mistake was to release battlegrounds in the same client because only low iq gorilla niggers play it.
Hearthstone made me realize asians had no souls and weren't even people. Between maining this game and playing ATLAS, I developed some meta decks that asians copied and then some builds that chinese copied for boats that they duped and melee fists that beat their aimbotting guns.
They cannot innovate or think for themselves. Just copy.
>either he just doesn't care or hes a far better person than I am, its incredibly difficult and frustrating to be good at something and just play like a retard or build decks you know are just fucking shit and not try to make them better and I really feel that at just a "really good" at thing level, couldn't imagine stuff where ur a genuinely world champion.
>honestly imagine vsing him and winning and feeling like you genuinely won, must not be a real competitive person to be happy with that, its actually so fucked up on both sides.
Kibler has never been a full spike player, he's a timmy/spike who leans towards deck creation and his idea of fun over just winning, winning when there is no strategy to it if you watch his stream does not appeal to him at all.
I remember Brian as the guy who went to a tournament with a big unga bunga dragon because he thought it looked cool, and then winning the whole thing.
In an ideal world, the physical TCG would've just kept going.
>HS never happens and neither do any of its imitators
>all the cash shop garbage that killed Blizz as a company would've been marginally-less-harmful loot codes in it
>Twitch doesn't get that cornerstone in its foundation and hopefully doesn't take off as much
The death spiral of vidya would at least have been delayed significantly.
they pushed "wow style" too far and ended up with cartoons, and then convinced themselves thats what people wanted. but nobody wanted that
you should be allowed to choose boards/songs like you can choose heroes and cardbacks
humiliation ritual
>be f2p
>any fundeck(that can win) is almost inaccessible without endless grind
>any meta f2p deck get nerfed within a month
fuck you blizzard, I didn't play aggro pirate because I had a choice
Pirates was the last time I played the game
>set comes out
>be warrior shitter for the entire game
>think the new equip synergies and pirates look cool
>get a Patches
>I'M IN CHARRRGE NOW into top rank
>drop game
I remember them being really fast at nerfing strong f2p decks like mage decks and warrior worgen shit
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I only enjoyed the beginning era of Heartstone, until they started releasing these fucking single player DLCs that gave you way too OP cards to paypigs. Soon my decks were completely worthless and everyone would just pull out a ridiculous card that I couldn't do anything against. I loved playing Warlock. Plus there was never any 2 vs 2 card game mode or something like that.

Does anyone remember that Might & Magic card game. It was actually not bad at all by design, however the balance was a complete fucking joke. Haven decks got completely slaughtered by demon decks that had monsters that were just simply twice as strong as your own shit, made me rage a lot. On the bright side the game allowed you to actually chat with the enemy and call him a cheap nigger.
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I miss it.
The Swedes did us all dirty.
mtg cant be better than hs
its too different
gamplay like libroom paladin cant exist in mtg
no card games let you play cards freely like hs
im not saying hs is the best card game
hs is just built different
least crazy christmutt
Who is bottom left?
Who is middle left and right?
What did Savjz's wife do?
nah, the game is so dead they just give you multiple decks and hundreds of cards for returning
Why did they trannify the artstyle
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Game died when Brode left and took a bunch of the staff with him to his new studio. Over the next two years the rest of the og guard also left. It should not be a surprise the game sucks when blizzard is filled with a bunch of grifters and nothing else.
Supervive is on the way. It's not the original Arena focus unfortunately, but if you were into that latter Royale aspect then it's looking really good.
They killed Oil Rogue.

I will never forget.
Because they trannified the artists
Gadgetzan was amazing.
Patches was fucking SOVL
She's very very cute, anon.
Thanks for posting her.
>Professional game devs looked at that card and said "Yeah, this looks good"
Funny you mention him since one of the final things Brode mentioned before leaving was him trying to persuade the team not to print him saying it was a mistake.
Blizzard shouldn't have made a game that require balancing at all.
They fucking sucks at it.
And every popular games they owned are all dead because of their stupid balancing.
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>10 years later
more like 2 years in after the gnomes and goblins set where it was clear the devs were completely retarded and didn't know how to make cards

still have no clue why they went full memery with the warcraft IP where everything is le fun and whacky though, that was the nail in the coffin
Diversity hires from the community. Fat cora, a literal tranny and that colored hair faggot killed the game
Brode was a cool dude, I don't agree with a lot of his desicions but he always could tell you why they did or didn't do a thing.
He had a clear vision regarding power creep and keeping your cards valuable. Despite some weird individual decisions regarding too late nerfs like Boom or Undertaker, I think he truly cared. Later devs didn’t give a shit and behaved liked rotation wasn’t even a thing. Powercrept the shit out of the former set every set, steady card changes to address blatantly broken cards constantly depreciating the value of your collection. Also they couldn’t create interesting sets for their lifes, they basically released pre built decks that were solved even before release.
I played until kobolds and catacombs and dropped it on the witchwood. I couldn't justify playing any longer. Too repetitive, fucking garbage rewards, and grinding gold became a second job. Meta got solved in three days, no balance patches, they anihilated cards, 0 wild support. I can't believe I stuck for "so long" considered how mismanaged it was.
I spent cash on the game and I regret it so much. At least I got some back by selling my account.
they'll be putting bitches in burkinis soon i s2g
Hey since we're all talking about Ben Brode, here's a question:

What the /fuck/ is Rob Pardo doing with Bonfire Studios?
personally I don't think many full on 100% spike players ever stick around.
Contrary to popular belief, a lot of competitive players don't just play the best deck every time, often they play a top tier deck that they also like an enjoy and many take a break for a meta or two if there isn't anything that interests them thats strong, or if they need to compete for some other reason they just play something simpler and just focus on having a good time.
I don't think its common for you not to be able to find a competitive deck that you enjoy, even if its not tier 1 but tier 2 that you can enjoy playing in most reasonable tcg's, but thats just my opinion, most games have a lot of room for creativity even when you playing "meta" based on what you expect to see and its imo quite fun to prepare for events.
>start as a relatively slow, methodical game, were fast/high action builds tend to be dicey
>is now a fiesta of drawing 10 cards per turn, clearing and filling the entire battlefield in a single card, and killing your opponent from full health and no on-battlefield setup in one turn
It's literally not the same game anymore, and most content creator left when the transition became too deep.
The only one who is "thriving" is that one faggot who specialize in making retarded one-shot combo, because it's job switched from "hella hard to find something flashly enough" to "just pick random cards and you can probably find at least 4 different ways to one-shot your opponent".
It's funny how you'll say that but never ever blame, and on the contrary praise and idolize, the filthy rich people who got them hired and ordered them to ruin it in the first place
Daily reminder the person in charge and raking all the money but none of the blame for these decisions isn't the new hire, only someone who has never worked at a company a day in their lives would believe otherwise
Jesus, man, this nigga is COOKED
also, he has very beautiful eyes
there was this video 3-4 years ago (that is hidden or downright deleted) where they talked about how it was initially a dominion type of game and iterating they were trimming fat and eventually arrived at the half autobattler roguelike pvevp concept they have now, it was really interesting, but alas, they got ripped off by super autopets and then backpack battles
in the latest q&a reynad says he regrets talking about how they got where they got because they got ripped off
>can't wait until mtg dies, wotc been shitting the bed so hard, it will take a very long time though.
This year I'm selling my collection for real, already tracking how much cash I have in cardboard. I bailed out when the walking dead released, should've sold earlier but whatever
Fuck wotc and hasbro, magic was my favorite game
I won't pretend to be super knowledgeable on the subject, but are those the legit replacements or are those just a variant?
Those are new version of the cards released in the new set. They are same thing/characters but the style is completely different and art is far worse. The originals are still in the game.
>Great body with utility and card advantage.
>5 Mana, 4/4, 1 card
Holy fuck, I miss when dropping a 4 mana 4/5 (or a 6 mana 6/7) was actually viable and a problem for your opponent.
Nowadays for 5 mana you can draw enough cards to fill your hand, and for 4 mana you fill the board with 3/2 rush or something.
New art is mostly all done on the style of the right.
It used to be like on the left (new art + mix of old wow tcg art)
Casino Priest with those minions generating cheap spells & reducing spell cost, combo'ing into that cheap healing spell that let you pick another spell was was peak fun.
To be fair a lot of the cards were just reusing art from the trading card game, but even the hearthstone originals looked pretty good back then.
>over 700 million in profits
>"how did they fuck this up guys"
they are a business, they dont do this shit to maximize enjoyment, or to make the most balanced game possible. its strictly about the money, which they made. "dead game dead game" yeah nearly a fucking billion dollars later. "but they could make more money if they made better game" more effort for for what, 10% better profits? 20%? no one gives a shit that you are upset they are ignoring the milkless cashcow they pumped dry that you sunk x amount of years to
I don't get it, I don't see Patrick Chapin anywhere in that picture.
They killed the WoW TCG because the publisher was ripping them off by selling bootleg cards.
>Upper Deck loses WoW TCG because they made a bunch of fakes
>Upper Deck loses Yugioh because they made a bunch of fakes
>WotC lost Pokemon because they tried taking full control over the game
Yeah turns out all TCG publishers are fucking retarded
Feet are inherently ugly
I thought they handed it off to cryptozoic after the upper deck shit? they made sets all the way through Cata. no sets for MoP lines up with the Hearthstone reveal.
It was fun but nostalgiagoggles do blind to a lot of the bad shit.
Playing "classic" version really reminded me of how much cancer there was in each expansion.
Fucking Leeroy in every deck, charge UNGA BUNGA warrior, and OKT Druid/Rogue with Malygos in base game.
This fucking faggot Dr Boom and that UNGA BUNGA rogue deck with that +7 damage on weapon oil rogue with that 6 mana minion that draws on each spell use and probably more I can't think of.
Lmao 4 mana 7/7 and the rest of shaman's charge cancer like that spell that's 4 to 7 damage at random for 3 mana, that 3 mana minion that removes mana locks it had and so on.
Then all the cancer quests they added that made every class about to one turn kill.
Looking back, the most balanced expac was probably the grand tournament, save for murloc spam cancer.
>How did Blizzard manage to fuck this up?
probably like all their games they forced e-sport in a complete casual trash game because e-sport is such a good marketing tool, and you get more people in your game if you tell them don't have to work a real job and could make a living playing your little shit game.
Crytozoic asked for more money so Blizz dropped them and the TCG altogether. WoW TCG wasn't selling that well and not many played.
I was so addicted to this game that one day, I decided to just disenchant every last card in my collection including around ten golden legendaries, uninstall it, and never touched it again. I don't know where I found the strength to do that because I was truly turbo-addicted, I was a super NEET at the time and had no money but had everything there was to have with ingame gold. Except for alternate hero portraits of which I think there were two before I left.
It died for me the day they censored Jaina's cleavage.
Yeah, and most of those evolutions are bad, especially YGO. No card should be over 3 sentences long. Put relevant shit into keywords, like Runeterra did, or cut it out entirely and rework if you can't.
These are games, played for fun, not autism simulators. You are like those retarded FCG people saying that it is good when combos require like a dozen precisely timed button presses (please someone good at game design, help, our genre is dying because no one wants to deal with our autistic mechanics and we refuse to simplify them for accessibility)
That picture of Trump with Forsens girlfriend is top yey.
What are they up to anyway now?
didn't thijs get groomed by a family of gypsies or some shit
that was crazy, i legit pitied him
Ironic because they've added more cleavage/bikini portraits in the latest expansion. Activision is stamping out the trannies at blizzard
Originally was a 5 mana card same stats.
They hall of famed it because it was in every single deck. Eventually it had to get buffed to 4 mana because of power creep
>Calm streams - People genuinely watched his vids/stream to sleep
>Salt overload - His CONSTANT saltiness whenever his opponent dared to play a card was hilarious
>Humour - Is genuinely a funny guy with his dry wit, and when he DOES get excited its a momentous occasion
>Soothing voice - genuinely nice to listen to, radio voice
>Zero drama/controversy, met a nice girl, got married, took his hearthstone riches and bought a mansion in the mountains and grows his own food
Because it made him a multi-millionaire
Communication through emotes is peak.
I don't need to directly accuse my opponent of being a metagaming nigger, the sentiment is very evident by my incensed emote spamming.
Oh shit yeah, you’re right. His last name sounded Armenian so that’s where I assumed his nationality was.
Hi Kripp
I know you're talking about some other bloke, but the idea of Donald Trump being heavily invested in Hearthstone is kind of funny to me.
fags like you are why everyone instamutes
>LOL i just wiped ur board with a discovered card XDDD lets pretend this cancerous shit doesnt happen every single game
>This year I'm selling my collection for real, already tracking how much cash I have in cardboard.
Thinking about doing the same, honestly. Last time I enjoyed a set was back during Throne of Eldraine.
>all these people sucking Brode's chode because the developers after him are shit
>these people also conveniently forget Brode's absolutely abhorrent design decisions that made the game a fucking random clownfest
>I recently installed Hearthstone, real american.
>I picked the great Anduin, one of the best I ever met
>My deck is the best deck. I am on the top of the latter, they wrote about this you can look it up if you want
>my favorite is playing against warrior. Grumpy Garrosh, as I like to call him
>we all know he has no shot against a great priest player like me, everyone says so
Look at that abomination. Not a phone I sight. Just living in the moment.
>Kibler just casually playing magic with Post Malone
What a legend
RNG is fun, only monkeyfucking retards who want every game to be a hecking esport xd or play videogames to prove they're not a failure irl disagree. Hearthstone had a very good balance of rng keeping games not the same and strategy, and actually being good at the game still making you climb.
He was the best arena player on the Americas server. Also thought it was funny whenever he got salty.
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After I hit Legend rank I quit and never looked back.
formerly known as Bloodyface
I can't believe he didn't change his username after the real Trump became president.
I'm glad my boy Trump is doing well. He didn't have the charisma of the other streamers, but I always enjoyed tuning in or watching his videos.
He IS the real Trump. It's a total power move.
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Nah, the overarching idea in Hearthstone's evolution is quests. Not just quest cards, but doing something to discount/enable powerful plays later on
Trump left hearthstone because he wasn't finding success in it anymore, in the pro scene or content creation. Hes a variety streamer, enjoys a modicum of viewership
But they don't get to choose what they draw. The fucking designers and directors spell out what they have to draw and make them change their art. Believe me, I follow plenty of BR and Pinoy artists and they can draw some good stuff. It's like in MTG, where they ask artists to purposefully make ugly or fat characters.
Rarran bros don't worry, he's safe, he's never getting a gf.
Trump wouldn't play as a priest. He wants immediate value. Face Hunter all the way.
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Hearthstone has cards that would take entire paragraphs to explain in a physical format. Being free from it means they get to look much simpler than they are
And of course, the RNG effects are near impossible to replicate in a physical card game. That's why HS is so much deeper than baby games like MTG or YGO
kripp was the best, especially when arena mode was popular back in vanilla
On its own Trump is a pretty solid nickname.
Repurposing verbs into names often has that effect.
> Thrust
> Stride
> Break
He has a gf though
He named himself after Donald Trump (the billionaire and reality TV star)
>deeper because of total RNG
I don’t think that’s how this works.
hearthstone was doomed with all these fucking expansions and new gimmicks
joust was so bad
i dropped when they did that faggot karazhan one
It used to be very good years ago, gazastan was the breaking point for most people, since it had easy to do turn one win situations where most decks couldn't counter outside control decks, and the powercreep was insane. In the early days, Dr.Boom was all that was needed for a deck to be viable and everything was based around him. The expansions were 20 dollars and you could get them in game for free with guaranteed cards. When they dropped it for F2P only stuff it was over, since they gave up balancing or caring about the original game with Wild and Standard. Wild itself was a dumb decision, which fucked over older players, but it had some merit even though it ended with Wild being botted very quickly on with auto decks due to the lack of balancing.

The writing was on the wall when Ben Brode left and they made a new class right afterwards. Then the comp scene, which was 90% of why people played ranked at all turned into a shitshow. They made a lot of mistakes, but it had a good run.
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t. didn't play around it
>baby games
Ok then, set up a d/d/d endboard then
i dont really give a shit about playing old era hearthstone i just dont wanna fucking drop a wad of cash every time new cards come out
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They're just going to clean them up again the moment chinks take them back. That was the original reason why they censored all the cards.
Its never coming back. Microsoft doesn't care because hearthstone is a fraction of their total revenue compared to what it was for Actiblizz
I likn summon gilfamesh to set my puddle scales and summon griffin and orthrus
card, card card card card into card. no need to pay attention to mana costs or anything else, just dump cards
Okay now do d/d/d without gilg.
He used to do extremely impressive, thoughtful stuff with ARPGs (D3, PoE).
His Arena plays were also really impressive when he'd spell out exactly all the shit he was tracking mentally and every possible move an opponent could have; of course he'd then lose on a coin toss, but that's card games.

Now he's pretty dull; I stopped watching years ago when he started doing Battlegrounds full time. He's literally a streamer you fall asleep to and makes his money off the ads that play to your sleeping screen.

Not pictured: Disguised Toast awkwardly paying hookers to show up on New Years Eve and do weird nerd shit.
I can't find the video, but it was at once incredibly cringe but at the same time he had that "Whores, you'll fucking do what I say if you want to get paid" energy that was also kind of Chad? So it's like two diametric forces that balanced out to neutralize the cringe.
>personally I don't think many full on 100% spike players ever stick around.
You are correct but not for the reason you describe. There’s a reason commander is Magic’s most popular game mode.

The reason spikes dont stay around in games with healthy scenes is because they get bullied out of them. Nobody likes those fucking losers
It's just not worth it. I'm not buying more jewzards of the coast products unless I had "fuck you money" (which I never will). This is one of the most exploitative and predatory companies I've ever seen.
And I'm too much of a sperg to be into an ever growing hobby where content recycles itself so quickly.
I gave up years ago and started sinking my spare money in retro videogames and doujins and I'm way happier. If I ever play magic again it's going to be either full proxies, f2p online game like arena or some type of draft where I can sell back my cards immediately to the store after I'm done.
Paying for whores isn't Chad at all. It's something any loser can, and usually, do
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Have some worgen tits too
The powercreep that removed planning and resources pushed must streamers and long-time players out. If I want to play a mess like that I'll go to Magic or Yugioh where you can actually respond to your opponent while Hearthstone lets you do nothing.
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Is Discardlock still an unreliable, "If I discard this one card, I instantly lose" memedeck?
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discardlock isn't much of a deck right now but most modern discard cards have some caveat that helps you control them
baldnoodle lost
his garbinzo game is never gonna come out
everybody stopped caring many many years ago

even 2GD, obsessed with quake, after diabotical flopped, pivoted it into some weird "roguelite?", idk. nobody cares, these games are 15 years too late
Why the fuck does MtG not allow me to use my legitimate cards in a digital game? If I buy the cards in real life, I should own a digital copy in their PC games as well. Digital MtG cards unironically should be nfts, something I can trade, give away or sell.
Can't believe fags will drop huge sums of money for the cardboard and then double dip in the shitty magic games
Physical ccg are for the biggest suckers on the planet.
Because Wizards sucks, don't buy any of their products.
trying to appeal to the "mass market" or "broaden appeal" used to mean appealing to mountain dew chugging dudebros but now it means appealing to childless cat ladies and homosexual men because they have the most disposable income, they're the super consoomers all these market analysts are telling companies to shoot for. everything has to fit into a woman's power fantasy which is 1. none of the women are prettier than her 2. all of the guys are hot but not capable of raping her and willing to settle for a woman who is less conventionally attractive than she is (Bridgerton) which also appeals to gay men.

that's why all the women are uggofied and the guys are sill hot but never take charge or anything like that
How do you think they would implement this?
Rarran is such a gigafaggot nigger hypocrite loser.
/v/ are so delusional
hearthstone was always a hideous and terrible game. Blizzard themselves knew it was a terrible game amd it was meant to just be a small for fun project but it became popular anyway because
>at the time there were no digital tcgs
>Blizzard fans will literally play anything with the logo on it
when master duel and arena came out people left because why play an imbalanced game by retards instead of playing the only 2 card games in existence not ruled by braindead aggro decks
>Manfeeta Aisloprrow
actually thats not even fair to AI, AI makes better slop
I opened his stream yesterday only because he was doing a giveaway, somehow autosquelch was brought up and he permabanned like 5 people who told him its cringe to care about emotes.
>it was a mistake.
Said by the same guy who approved yogg and turned mage into the casino class.
He was strongly against nerfs/buffs in general (likely due to MTG brainrot), that's what held him back the most.

On the other hand, nu-devs adjust cards based on feelings before the game even gets truly figured out. But that's still better than Undertaker being broken for 6 months
Maybe one day I will get into the Yugioh or Digimon card games.
You can buy from second hand, and physical collectors have every card. Even then they would have to reprint a lot to have QR codes that are unique for each card.

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