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/v/ - Video Games

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What is it about old games that just makes them feel better?
The fact that you can go back and play just the best ones instead of the mountains of shovelware.
I'm guessing the fact that they tended to run on in-house engines and were all more handcrafted, no Unreal and Unity blueprints to work of
even middling retro games are better than modern AAA slop
Custom engines. Block-ish design, like LEGO.
>middling is better than slop
Okay, noted, so then go play the good AAA games instead of the sloppy ones?
Clear limitations that the devs actively strived to work around to make the best possible experience.
Nowadays devs don't even push 1/5th of a consoles potential and shove out low effort slop.
They very stark few good one in the last 10 years.
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How is this game? I've been thinking of playing it soon.
You stupid ESL. You don't even play games.
>good AAA games
good joke
The people who made them loved videogames.
I've played more than enough in my 35 years of living to separate the chaff from the wheat, and dear fucking god is there so much chaff.
Old school game design mentality of making a short game that's also extremely hard so the player is forced to replay it multiple times to get good enough to beat it.
Also "a symbol of everything wrong with American pop culture" according to some suits from Sega Japan, according to the devs, which they took as a badge of honour.
They had a vision. Nowadays, video games are made by tech people through and through. They just want to make a game. They might have a mechanic or a style in mind, like Todd wanting to make "a space game," but they never have an actual vision anymore because they're made by people who are coders and programmers first.
I can hear everything in that gif. Take me back.
Most people are godawful boring nowadays, both developers and consumers. Nobody has any original ideas.
they were made before games became too big to fail
made by people that actually wanted to make games as opposed to an "experience"
You don't think about all the old games that play like shit
And there are many
MGS1 guards be like:
>dear fucking god is there so much chaff.
>clunky shit is better because.....it just is ok?
what does clunky mean
Comix Zone sucks absolute ass lol. The combat is button mashing slop and the "adventure game elements" are trial and error bullshit. You have 3 item slots and the game just expects you to use the right items at all the right spots or you fucking die. You specifically need to use bombs to open doors and containers because just breaking them with your fists will literally DRAIN your fucking health. Oh and the containers also hold other items which you need to use on something else. You can't backtrack after a screen transition either so you can just softlock yourself because you couldn't see into the future
>i only pay attention to AAA games
Sounds like it's your fault.
They were done by people who see the medium as a hobby rather than some business suits trying to produce a Hollywood movie for the shareholders
skill issue.
You haven't played a "middling retro game" if that's what you really think. Spend a week playing only NES adventure games with terrible interfaces, Amiga simgames running in blistering 5 FPS and blindingly ugly Windows 3.1 puzzlers, then you'll come back squirming to modern slop.
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>muh indies!!!
shut the fuck up faggot
how tsundere does a nigga have to be to lovingly edit this and post it every chance she gets?
>retarded shitposter that never had any intention of a real discussion
god i hate this shithole, it somehow gets worse every year
Still waiting on that.
Same reason any old thing is better
It was handmade with a clear intent and design in a non-globalized world by a small optimized group of skilled individuals that went through classical training and education
You simply can't make something at the same level of quality in a globalized world with giant factories and automated processes and the work being passed around to hundreds of unskilled workers
It is a strategy game disguised as an action platformer. If you bother using the tools you can beat everything very fast.
>trial and error bullshit
your brain on adhd
/v/ is the worst board on the site by far. Never come here for real discussion. I'm only here because it's the fastest board that isn't /pol/ and the off-topic threads are fun.
sex with double sloppa
>How is this game?
mediocre but it was probably the absolute best looking game on consoles made by American devs at the time. The animation and attention to detail is crazy. The lead dev has gone on record wishing he didn't have to retune the difficulty of the game to what the producers were demanding. Originally it wasn't nearly as hard but they had to make it harder so they did lame shit like losing health when attacking objects. It's a good thing devs don't have to make their games so hard it's impossible to beat in a single rental.
I'm here out of habit, you used to be able to talk about shit before the site became 80% tourists who come here to use it as a shitposting toilet. Smaller boards are still fine though.
Do they? Especially with sidescrollers old games often feel too slow. That's not a huge problem to me, slower games have their merit, but I never thought that old games felt better to play.
nigga back then we had shit like contra and gunstar heroes, new sidescrollers are slow as shit
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>the absolute best looking game on consoles made by American devs at the time
That was vectorman
Contra is the exception, most of them were way slower.
name five "faster" modern games
Whoever made that is a king.
comix zone was mid and the definition of "style over substance" the hell are you on about
Old games can be about simple concepts.
New games have to be realistic/anime garbage with open world and crafting.
Slightly less corporate greed. Dev teams were mostly comprised of genuine video game enthusiasts. Too many people in the games industry these days are only in it for the money, and it shows.
Style is a billion times more important than substance.
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Factorio is better than every single retro game ever made.
Eat some shit.
And then die.
Add a slot on this image for all Mascot Horror.

Add Terraria and call it “Wikislop”

Add Friday Night Funkin and call it “Never fucking releasing”.

Add Baltro and call it “Sloptro”

Add Minecraft and call it “ShitCrosoft’s Cash Cow”

Add Human fall flat and call it “Game Fall Flat”
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>tfw haven't played this game in 20+ years and can hear this entire thing in my head perfectly
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>intention of a real discussion
Ah yes, because you making up a strawman definitely shows the "intention of a real discussion".
Dumb faggot, eat your fake 16-bit slop and shut the fuck up.
It's no surprise you don't have an argument and resort to buzzwords.
I'm glad my words maimed you.
You're an idiot and actually the opposite is true. Pretty much the absolute slowest a retro sidescroller could get was shit like Castlevania, and that's still much faster than the vast majority of modern games.
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>specifically state "AAA games" in your post
>get mad when people assume you only pay attention to AAA games
the op image is comix zone, there's tons of great modern beat em ups, they're just not AAA games with 200 million dollar budgets
It's a damn good game, but it will expect you to learn and memorize the levels' layouts. It's a short game, only six levels for about thirty minutes once you figure out what you're doing, but you're going to get your ass kicked a lot before you get to that point.
You will need to learn when to use specific items to avoid taking unnecessary damage and to avoid certain deaths.
Roadkill is your best friend.
If you have a choice between a knife any anything else, take the anything else.
Experiment with different paths.
Almost every obstacle can be passed without taking any damage.
Every boss has an easy-kill gimmick.
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SO CRAZY!!!!!!!!
Castlecrashers 1-5.
>Castlevania, and that's still much faster than the vast majority of modern games.
You're out of your mind if you think Castlevania is faster than any modern game.
whups wrong thread shitposting too hard
You don't actually need to roll under her. You can just walk it.
You can juggle the scorpions with normal punches when they're airborne.
>alternating low kick and high punch
>grabbing enemies to force them to transform instead of just fucking axe kicking or actually comboing them
This webm is embarassing and i haven't touched this game in decades
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>look at steam
>dozens of clones of that exact game are released every week
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I'm not that anon, and he specified AAA games to make a comparison about the quality of "bad" past games against that of "the best" modern ones, or at least what he perceived to be so.
But that's beside the point, you didn't post an argument, you didn't set things up for a rational and fulfilling discussion, you tried to zing him and it blew up in your dumb fucking face, then you have the gall to cry foul.
Fuck you, leave this board if you hate it so much, as long as we don't have to witness your sissy whining ever again.
Lol you fucking fag
> at least what he perceived to be so
If he thinks that cinematic movie games are the best games of the modern era then he's a retard that should be ignored.
Link me a Comix Zone clone please
No that's Dave
>go to steam
>click on the "beat-em-up" tag
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>3d fighters
>metal gear rising
>not a single 2D game even remotely close to the quality or gameplay
boy you sure showed him
Castlevania is meant to be more slow-paced and methodical.
>half of these are just slop added to the title
How ironic
Yeah I know and I like it but it certainly doesn't feel better to play than even newer entries of the series. I actually like the older ones more but it's not because of the way they feel.
I mean, Sifu's great. Nothing like Comix Zone, but great.
shredder's revenge came out recently. what is the problem with that game?
It's not on that list, but shredder's revenge would be the closest thing to Comix Zone you could possibly get out of modern releases. Maybe Streets of Rage 4 but I haven't actually looked into that one.
Never stop being based
Isn't this the exact opposite of how it is? In the past I'd say this was truer.
SOVL overload
People on /v/ like to romanticize and even make up fake horseshit about retro devs. Something you'll hear a lot is "devs back in the day were all right-wing" because /v/ is filled with low iq subhumans who can't relate to someone unless they're on the same baseball team.
No, absolutely not. Go check out the dev threads here. They just want to make 'a game' and come up with everything else as they go, or they have one main mechanic they think would be cool and just do the first thing they can think of to fill out the rest of it.

Like if you're building a house, you start by figuring out what kind of house you want. When you're a programmer first, you start by picking the wood and constructing the frame and foundation, and then you put the style on after.
>these retarded solo devs on 4chan are exactly the reason why all major studios suck ass
I wish it wasn't so hard.
I don't think Comix Zone is a very good beat'n up.
Anyway, it's sad how just when 2D was getting really good, the industry migrated to 3D. As much as 3D has matured and we now have beautiful games, it's a fundamentally different art from 2D, so we've lost a whole universe that could be explored today and which in my opinion is much more beautiful, artistic and soulful than the 3D universe.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of current 2D games are made by indies without much talent or resources.
>the vast majority of current 2D games are made by indies without much talent or resources
The vast majority of everything has always been shit.
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>all of those insanely good looking 5th gen 2d games
>was never nearly enough of them
>2d had basically gone extinct by the 6th gen
We got a preview of what things could've been like only to have it disappear.
Yes, but even when you pick up a random mediocre 2D game from the Sega Saturn, for example, the chances are that you'll be looking at art that leaves practically all modern indies far behind.
Even games that weren't great still had some skilled artists creating professional 2D art. Since 2D is now more of an indie thing, rarely getting the attention of the bigger studios, we have things that, when they're not pure garbage, are very stylized or pixelated, because that's all the guys can do working alone without many resources.
It's good. Don't listen to these fat zoomer niggers
>clunky shit is better because... it just has SOUL ok?
damn, this is so cool. wish I had played this back in the day. I hadn't even heard of this game.
You actually got to play them. No fucking insane 30 hours of cutscenes, no forced walking simulators designed to make normies OOO and AAA at the graphics engine, no QTE nonsense. You just hit start, start, start you're in stage 1.

Even retro-RPGs wasted less of your time than your average "action" game does nowadays. In FFVI, the most "cinematic" and story heavy RPG of the snes, if you ignore text boxes (or are a quick reader), you can be in your first fight within 5 minutes. In Far Cry 5, a fucking FPS game, it takes 11 MINUTES even for fucking SPEED RUNNERS to get their hands on their first gun and start shooting.

Modern video game design is abysmal, but it'll continue because zoomies don't know any better and normies are slop guzzlers who don't even play the games they buy, they just ooo and aaa at them for an hour before never touching it again.
how do people keep saying shit like this when we constantly get clones of retro games? or shit like roguelikes that never stop coming out?
Post (1) Zelda I-IV clone that is just a simple non-RNG non-rogue like top down Zelda experience of going into dungeons to acquire items that let you explore the overworld.

Post (1) Starfox clone.

Post (1) non-depression simulator non-RPG maker JRPG Final Fantasy/Dragon Quest/Earth Bound clone without any modern BS.

Post (1) true Pokemon R/B/Y S/G clone without any gimmicks or sad manchild nonsense, just a straight up "You are a trainer in a world full of pocket monsters that's trying to collect 8 badges to win the league".

Post (1) Mutant League [Insert Sport] clone.

Post (1) Metal Gear Solid 1, Splinter Cell, Thief, or other stealth action game clone.

Post any good true indie game that isn't just another platforming side scroller.
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>tendies call rail shooters "starfox clones"
holy shit
Is there any point where listing anything will just get a response of "no that game doesn't count"?
It's punishing and somewhat frustrating if you play it the real way. It's better with save states honestly. Either way, it's also beautiful, soulful, and feels very unique.
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All you really have to do is type these genre names in the steam search bar and filter for whatever you want. The first thing that came up is a game that's ripping off starfox so fucking hard, even the main cast is furries. This isn't even hard to find it's the first fucking result
I was going to say that was slop but race the sun was pretty good, gonna check it out
>terraria more like...TERRASLOP
>terraria more like...SLOPTERRA
This is kinda grim
>My game is better than your game
>Huh. I see that my profund philosophical statement has produced you emotional damage
>just play inferior clones of the games you've already played bro
I hate you niggers who think clones are just as good as the original. they are all cheap knock offs and by definition are not creative at all. If anything there needs to be new original games with arcade formula and not some nostalgia bait cash grabs.

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