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Post thy tarnished.
you know people who take pics of random shit irl. like their food or a cat they saw walking far away, i always thought that sort of behaviour was pathetic, and then i see video game screen shots, and i wonder what exactly their value is also, what are you actually trying to show with these pictures? what combinations of clothes you wear in game? if youre a male and you spend hundreds of hours playing plastic surgeon with your troon and changing their clothes to take curated screen grabs... i mean, why?
need her soles on my face tbhonest
Let me guess–you don't have an inner monologue.
I remember you anon how long has it been? Got any dlc outfits to show off?
Most people don't so I'm not sure where this bullshit came from either...I could talk out loud if I wanted to but most people see this as big of a waste of time as playing dress up with your character. Do you not want to grab food after work? Do you not ever watch sports? I like video games but man this board makes me reconsider what I do after work. Also before you call me a poorfag next, I sell insurance and am building my setup
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Just started a great katana build. Using blue dancer talisman and taunters tongue as often as possible
You have no idea the amount of hair raising kino I feel when I look at the 100s of screenshots from my first Elden Ring playthrough
i do, i think, but whats your definition of it? and how that ties into spending hundreds of hours as a male playing dress up
why? ive literally never once screenshotted a photo of me playing in game which is why I said if you're a male, what the fuck are you doing? also inner monologue isn't a real thing

not me retard, fuck off
>also inner monologue isn't a real thing
oh no no no no he outed himself
>180 day ban after CE myself some Laval Tears offline
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>inner monologue isn't a real thing
For the same reason anyone takes pictures of anything. For the memories anon. I like looking back at old playthroughs and remembering how I played the game originally. What weapons I chose to use and armor I chose to wear. Locations I visited first ETC. I do it with games that are long and expansive like Elden Ring.
>inner monologue isn't a real thing
not sure what that has to do with screenshots, but it most certainly is a thing
>oh no no no no he outed himself

Your fucking point is what exactly...? My original comment still stands. What. Is. The. Purpose. Of. The.Screenshots. Who is looking at them? How long is it even taking you? Last game I played was God of War, played it - beat it, didn't think about it the second it was over. Before that, New Vegas which you faggots told me would be good but it was the shittiest FPS ever made. Do you watch sports, do you make money?
>he uses respec
>Post thy tarnished.
I uninstalled ER already so I don't have any new pics. Tell me what those legs are instead! Champion Gaiters?
guys im not the original guy and have been responding because I'm bored right now - I think the screenshots are cool actually so I larped as normie
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>I uninstalled ER
that would make sense i guess in screenshot threads. but these threads are focused on men who play dress up, "post your toons" this is not memories but from a character who has collected every single outfit for them to dress up for these screenshots of just their female character
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someone give me more build ideas
>guy doesnt thinks inner monlogue exists
>keeps talking about his wagie job
>still seething

Hey man, why don't you go back to fucking god of war lol
I'm not reading your reddit post.
share your wisdom
oh look an npc
i never said inner monologues didnt exist, my reply on that >>683650697
I was pretending to be the original guy but now I got bored of that and am responding to the original guy while levying fake claims against him from when I was pretending to be him

literally got him again via >>683651654

running circles around this guy
thats cool bro. do you want to talk about the purpose of post your toon threads with me or nah
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>inner monologue isn't a real thing
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Why not use the merchant mod instead
>he thinks this is some sort of flex
>i dressed up my character and now she's pretty
>i have no one to show this to
>make a thread about it on /v/ to receive attention
>no one on /v/ cares either
>inner monologue isn't a real thing
cute bulge
I asked I care
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man why are you so dark skinned?
I want to like her thighs
>pose question of the purpose of these threads
>mind break schizos into samefagging almost immediately
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i care
looking noble my dude
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whens the next kiss concert in Elden Ring?
As soon as I repec into Envoy's Horn.
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You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
What could possibly possess a man to write and post this on a public forum?
Why does he think people will care?
Why does he think people will take advice from someone who spent almost 1k hours in a game he wasn't enjoying?
the purpose is to post your toons
Don't know what that is. I can mod and not be banned?
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If you use get cut content stuff (fia pantsu) from the mod you’ll be banned but you should be fine otherwise, I gave myself 99 tears. The mod/instructions are on nexus
You can’t use the mod online, but the mod loader should take you offline automatically
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Love this axe
open world slop was a mistake
Fine here are my toon
Hospitaller isekai'd in a fantasy world.
The merchant mod lets you launch the game without EAC and add shit to your inventory for builds.
You wont get banned unless you add something to your inventory that's impossible to get without cheating.
Why the fuck would you use that instead of just CE?
CE doesn't disable anti-cheat.
Its fine for what it is I suppose
gives me Askeladd vibes
It takes two seconds to find the bat file that does.
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Another opportunity to bless you with the presence of...
Yeah but the mods retard proof, it's mostly used by twinks to get endgame gear for stormveil invasions if that helps explain.
What's with From Software and funny looking hats?
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Why are her proportions so fucked?
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probably cranked her legs to max and didn't change anything else
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the silver wizard :) or as silver as light armor can get me
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>Willingly outing yourself as an NPC
>also inner monologue isn't a real thing
Beep boop?

Found the NPC
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I like dirty hobos and demonesses.
What sets go good with the Knight set? The Royal Knight set is too shiny.
bitch got a neck like a tree trunk
What are the "you beat the game" skibidi levels for bosses?
i added a girl gamer from reddit and all she did was buy the new AAA slop game, idle in the first chapter / zone / starting area of whatever game taking 80 screenshots and then posting them on her activity feed then never playing again
well made bait bro, nice job
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thats different, why take a pic like OP and not like this?
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oh and heres my tarnished, lighting faith-dex build
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>Thread is about showing your Tarnished
Our Tarnished, you dense motherfucker.
Also constantly having to reassert your masculinity comes off like Chris-chan staring at pin-ups to stay straight.
And we all saw how that turned out.

Real men don't have to try to be real men.
Did you not have a dad growing up? Did you not see how effortlessly he existed as your dad?
have you never once encountered anything funny or cool in game that you take a snap of to relieve later?
meant for >>683650245
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>inner monologue isn't a real thing
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Haven't played the DLC yet. Does it have good fashion?

Ignore the Elden Crown and MLGS mods.
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I finally came across this axe and I get why it's so popular. The ash is very fun to dash around with.
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Too bad the powerstanced set for Milady is meh.
Does she shit?
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Cause it's fun. Also, I take a lot of screenshot of stuff I found visually compelling and/or memorable moments to look back on. Like taking pictures on vacation.

This was a cool-ass screenshot I got when I killed a monster in MH. Wasn't hard or anything, but the moments like this, where I feel like I'm literally in the promo art or screenshots for a game, feel special. It's good shit.
Byzantium KING
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Black Steel + Death Knight makes for a good combo.
you need 10 minimum for the last couple bosses at level ~150 and are of average skill. you get diminishing returns so it doesnt get that much easier after that.
>Dancing Lion
2-3, you get a good amount of frags on the way here
3-4, you don't get that many frags in the castle. Just think 1.
The rest is hard to rank, but for required bosses
I beat him at both 7 and 14, 7 felt like too little damage (still beat him first try with Morgott's GOAT Sword) while 14 felt like too much (that was my first playthrough). 10 is ideal, I guess.
10 is fine too, maybe more though, maybe less. She's not "after" messmer since you can fight her before messmer, but she might as well be.
At 15, I could barely tell a difference between it and 20. After 15 the growths are very minimal. Should at least do this after exploring the rest of the map.
This is how normalfags talk online. They always inject unneeded personal anecdotes into whatever topic because their self worth is derived from talk about themselves to strangers to prove something. You do not know how annoying it is to go on boards like /gif/ and see half the thread are normalfags talking about how they got a blowjob from some whore in high school. Or how they go in fetish threads and say stupid bullshit like "dude I dated a tomboy before, don't fall for them blah blah blah mental issues" like they can't separate fantasy from reality.
Is there any weapon that scales mostly with arc/faith?
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>you know people who take pics of random shit irl. like their food or a cat they saw walking far away, i always thought that sort of behaviour was pathetic, and then i see video game screen shots, and i wonder what exactly their value is also, what are you actually trying to show with these pictures? what combinations of clothes you wear in game? if youre a male and you spend hundreds of hours playing plastic surgeon with your troon and changing their clothes to take curated screen grabs... i mean, why?
>no curved swords
>no parry shields
One job
I have a few questions for you anon.

Can you picture an apple in your head?
What if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
Do you dream?
Where do you get the fingered version of the robes? I just have the regular one
alter it, silly
I couldn't find a fun build that also worked against bosses so I uninstalled.
Hecking updooted this faggot's comment!!
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yes I do only use full sets
exile torso is the single most aesthetic piece of armor in the whole damn game
a shame that a lot of headwear doesn't quite fit inside the cloak
I care
Depends on what part. Banished, Mausoleum, Haligtree, or Cuckoo maybe?
I thought it was pretty good. Oathseeker, Night, Ansback, Fire Knight, Ralva + Pelt, Death Knight, Black Knight, Dane, Dancer, Solitude, and Rakshasa sets are my favorites.
Sadly no, but at least Dragon Communion builds got an item to upgrade them
only NPCs sit around taking screenshots of their character
People laugh at you but it's been studied that people who can't form pictures in their head actually have higher IQs on average.
Why do you always play as a manlet in From's games
pure /fa/
Something to look like the Elite Knight from DaS or a cape.
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Jori's spear does bleed damage and lets you spam bleed lasers, so I guess you could go for that?
>Inner monologue isn't a real thing
>he doesn't converse with himself for hours whenever he plays games
Insanity. How do you even function? How do you type? Do you think before you type? Don't you have a conversation with yourself before you type something?
ITT: fags and women
>Don't you have a conversation with yourself before you type something?
Do NPCs really do this? You know you and your brain are the same thing right?
Blue dancer is fun to build around. I like the perfumer sarong for blue dancer builds, same color as the underwear and makes you look like a gladiator.
You tell me
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He looks like he causes rot cancer
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This thread went in a funny direction. Inner speech is probably tied to how bad you feel about yourself. The worse you think you are, the more you talk in your head.
The Imps with that head also happen to bounce towards you. They remind me very much of Sunflowers when they do it. Which can't be coincidence. The game has sunflowers and even a Sunflower boss. But they're called Lionhead Imps iirc.
Bro how do you not have one?
Do you just go about your day with nothing in your head? no thoughts? Make it make sense.
I can talk to myself in my head. I can say whatever the fuck i want in there. I can make up scenarios in my head. I can think of anything really.

When you read, what happens? I hear my inner monologue saying the words as i read them.

I think you must be some kinda retard if you don't have this basic function.
Explain how it doesn't make you less of a person. You fucking NPC.
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I'm here to kill the Frenzied Flame
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For me, it's
The clown shoes ruin it
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your hat makes u look lik ea monster
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honk honk
for me it's bottom left
I care.
VERY tiny head. Even the default head size is way too small, even on female characters you should crank that shit up by quite a lot.
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his white hair looks cool like virgil dmc yellow black color combo looks hard
>bare feet, but gloves on
that don't make sense
>also inner monologue isn't a real thing
the literal NPC has arrived
Is it clouding that gets your eyes like that or just something with the lighting in that area?
just pick a brighter eye color, the lighting in the character creator doesn't show it but they become very bright
Are you upset because your mom took two seconds to take a photo of your pancakes last time you went to Denny's?
He’s not saying that, dumbass saying he doesn’t fucking THINK
masterful bait
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makes sense he'd show up in ER
Here. Have a worse one
could have been camouflage if she had more clothes and less white cape
I just finished Stormveil after exploring a decent amount of the areas... When the hell do I find interesting or cool armor?
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I made Thomas from Between Two Fires. Old character, haven't played since I finished it after it launched.
why are they doing it? there is so much leg armor ruined by this
i just beat my dick to your characters thighs anon. i cared. :)
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I just realised I have a fetish for women with exposed, glistening, toned, muscular, defined and thick thighs
supposedly the best faith + arcane scaling weapon you can find would be either the sacred or flame-art infusion on the bloodfiend's fork. The drumstick also would work with those infusions but if you're already levelling arcane you may as well go str/ arcane and use the OP bleed infusion... Like the other anon said, dragon communion is a good fit because the seal itself scales with both stats with 43/43 soft caps now (as of the latest patch) and most of the incantations need both faith and arcane. Could try the dragon transformation that boosts them + blue dancer charm and like some light weapon class as a back up eg hand to hand or beast claws
bleed infusion isn't for arcane
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congrats on hitting puberty
how do you get the closeup with your equipment on?
not him, but you know that section of the menus where you can quit out or to desktop? the capture is from there
>Guys I just heckin realized I have a quirky and unique FETISH for...WOMEN
Stunning r*ddit post
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eyes turned red after I took the blood thingy
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How tall is the tarnished? I know they're short relative to their world but this pic makes her look at least 6 feet, look at those legs
The proportions there are just bad, look how large her hand is compared to the head.
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Coomers are the lowest of the low
Muscles would just make her more satisfying to rape or be raped by.
women can't rape
You wirr rike being platypus knight
You wirr be happy
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You are no fun.
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I really like feather designs, I also played with Eileens armour in Bloodborne.
fucking sicko
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there it is!
Is the troon still losing its mind over that girl?
Yo Sojourner haven't seen your elden bitch in a while
Got more?
Of course he is lol. We call him anon's threadwife.
Yes they can
They can rape your wallet
>notice me onisan!
It's been like a month you desperate freak
explain? I love troon drama
Lol you made the trannies seethe with this one, king.
Amazing character thanks
Some troony anon follows the anon that posts his tarnished and has a bitchfit every time its posted. He'll derail his mind to rant at that anon for the rest of the thread.
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It goes deeper, the thread itself is made to probe if that anon specifically is actively posting on /v/.
it's also pathetic, they're the exact same type of normalfags, they're the entire reason photomode exists as a feature, i've literally seen people request that shit, like fucking why you fucking tard play the game you homo and get off social media
goldmask set + pulley bow + pulley crossbow on the off hand?
/v/ is a hideo kojima rampage so camera modes are always going to be big.
tons of armor is like that in ER
>oh cool armo-
>boots are all fucked up
>oh cool armo-
>clips like crazy even in idle stance
>oh cool armor, can't wait to mix and ma-
>every armor has a different shine levels, color, texture, etc that makes it 100% impossible to mix and match well
what a fucking JOKE, i swear to god these modern developers don't care about how armor looks with other sets, they just make ONE ARMOR set and god forbid if you want to look a little different after staring at one suit of armor for most of the fucking game
seriously fucking bothers me that a ton of end game armor is the UGLIEST SHIT
also the game really fucking sucks at giving you anything meaningful for armor until caelid/altus, which just blows my mind, wow, i get GODRICK SOLDIER ARMOR AND BANISHED KNIGHT ARMOR, THAT'S IT?? OH WOW, A RECOLOR OF GODRICK ARMOR AND THE USE THE STUPIDEST PARASITIC BIRD AS THEIR CREST/EMBLEM/NAME, KEKOO
You not understanding fashion is the joke.
You're such a stupid fucking shitposter, I really wish they'd actually ban people like you instead of just letting you farm (you)'s while talking to yourself.
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>complain about how nothing fucking matches due to various factors related to how armor looks
>lol you just know nothing of fashion
See he is going to lose his brain over it for the rest of the thread.
>threadwife crying again
What did he do to your mind lol it's like an mkultra trigger
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The joke is the color accuracy of your shit monitor if you can't tell how badly armors mix in Elden Ring.
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My favorite chestpiece in the game
If you're having trouble seeing which colors go together due to natural light having too much color, go next to those dungeon exit teleports. The light they emit is very white
The sunlight in Azula is very white and never moves
It isn't JUST color though so he's extra retarded. There's different shine levels on the textures, different material types for the cloth and metal as well as how shadows affect it. Actually mind boggling that they managed to make an entire ensemble of outfits only to have them be completely separate from every other armor set.
The best place to go is deeproot depths at the grace near the coffin ride.
Sexy shieldfu
You have no soul. It's ok.
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>also inner monologue isn't a real thing
Hither came (hehe) Conan
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Nioh 2
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Kinda boring but very sexy with the Dryleaf Arts
I refuse to believe there's actually anyone without an inner monologue, or who can't visualize an apple. It has to be a communication problem where the people that say they don't have it just don't understand what is being talked about.

Or on 4channel it could just be people baiting for yous.
Fuck these vapid trannies itt
Please see >>683651234 , >>683651730
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you DO help your little elden brother fight the boss, right anon?
What are the torso pieces for upper and lower middle? They look cool.
>14 yo has a thought they consider so deep they feel the need to post it so everyone can know how much of a smart lad he his
Good job pal, say have you thought of taking creative writing or philosophy as an elective next year?
True, I wish I had but I can't be bothered to farm it from the guys that drop it
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I took this picture of a snake!
>I only used full sets
Also I really wish that thrusting sword didn't have the tip be of a different size it looks so off
My bien amigo grande
Most DS2 tarnished to ever exist
now this is lucha
Been running the very same set for almost half the game
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>inner monologue isn't a real thing
shut up and bend the fuck over, femboy
no one's interested in your mouth opening unless it's for cock
Wow I just realize I've never played elden ring without the lowest graphics setting
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>complex boss mechanics
>dodge, jump or sprint away
Why didn't we gatekeep harder?
>thinking the demon in your head is actually yourself

lmaoing at your life kiddo
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>also inner monologue isn't a real thing
>forced to think in words
hands down the slowest form of thinking there is
So man legs?
Because it's fun you faggot. You're not a real man for hating things you don't understand
i don't find interest in things like food photos but i do like videogame screenshots because i like games, i think that dude is just hating on things people like to do, humans are social after all and we all want to share the things we find interesting/neat with others
>hes still fucking seething after all these hours
holy shit thats cringe asf. KEK
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take the shabby pill
>hobo clothes
>pristine anime girl
you are extremely brown and low iq
how do people get these paper doll renders
idk i find hobocore only looks good on men
go to status screen and one of the buttons changes the status screen into a gear overview and shows the character as well, iirc
Looks great.
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Ive revealed the magic trick and I'm still getting (you)'s
>I posted bait on catalog and people are mean to me how could this happen
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Sorry for the shitty picture, at work and only have this, please rate
That's a neat screenshot.
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wish there were more feminine looking armors in this game , or at least did what skyrim did and just slimmed down the proportions a bit for knight sets
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the female form is haram
Holy shit, is this without mods?
lmao our first guys are basically the same
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>I went on a video game board and see video game related things,am angry,how could date conspire so tragically against me
people have been doing this since the earliest days of the internet.
absolutely based
They did add boobplate in the DLC.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>one boob plate armor
>a shitload of feet focused armors
thanks miyazaki-sama

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