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Why does every new RTS game try to be like Starcraft?
why not
Just play BAR until a next good one comes around
that's not true, half are like that, the other half are trying to be Command & Conquer
They want to copy the cancer that brought esports into the spotlight. Also, that one is literally made by ex-Blizzard devs.
RTS failed as a genre because the fantasy of being a battlefield commander crashed and burned when confronted with the reality that autistic korean micro was a far more effective force multiplier
because starcraft is seen as the only popular rts
My computer can handle so much. I still have Red Alert 2 and a lot of the last good Westwood games. I'll stick to those...and Empire at War too...and Sins of a Solar Empire...and Warcraft 2/3.
They are just desperate for the gooksport bucks.
/v/ doesn't play RTS but will love to bitch about them

So for those who actually still play there's Age of Empires 4 which is actually good, there's Age of Mythology coming up, Beyond All Reason for the TA crowd, there's still SC2 for the crap crowd, there's Cataclysmo for the Tower Defense vs bots and base building, then there's DORFs and the good ol' AoE2, but to me, AoE4 is just more fun and an improvement
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>Age of Empires 4 which is actually good
>tries to be SC2 instead of brood war
Its fun, negro.
>Age of Empires 4 which is actually good
agreed, gets shit on buts it's a good rts
>Beyond All Reason for the TA crowd
never heard of this before, looks decent. thanks, anon.
It's the most soulles shit imaginable and it feels worse to play than AoE2 despite better graphics and physics.
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Poop perfume has been around since before Bill Gates became a scientist, baby!
>that autistic korean micro was a far more effective force multiplier
try playing games that aren't starcraft before acting as an authority on the genre
why do we never get any games that try to be starcraft 1 or warcraft 2? fuck starcraft 2, it is so boring

stormgate is fucking dead on arrival, all of my friends are rts players and no one is excited for it after the horrible beta. Likewise, david kim's rts is also DOA. everyone is just playing broodwar still
Because the retarded investors who put money into the production of the game ask to see it, and when they notice that it has nothing to do with Starcraf they say: "Hey, I'll give you two months for this piece of shit to look like Starcraft because I don't want to spend money for nothing for you nerds to make some garbage that nobody will buy". And the programmers then go back to the office cursing the investors and making the game like Starcraft, only for it to fail anyway and the investors to lose money and conclude that games have no future.
Kek no
You're an NPC you can't tell what's soul
Lmao. Aoe4 sux if you want an actual gud aoe play aoeo, aoe3 or aom. Aoe 2 unfortunately is filled with comp fags
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RTS games occupied a crucial moment in time in the 1990s when the internet was available but only to white people. These were the golden ages, when the elo pool was small enough and the hobby new enough that the best five players in the world plausibly lived in the same zip code. The age of online gaming was still relatively primitive and the technological limitations worked in their favor. The units were mostly pixel sprites in an isometric fixed view, with prerendered backgrounds. 3D was very young at this time, and as such units were highly visible and the screen's relative lack of clutter made things intuitive. Abilities were simple and hotkeys were easily memorized. These were the games that built the genre. People were building entire RPGs with combat encounters and dice rolls in fucking Use Map Settings in Starcraft.

Everything went to shit with the shift to 3D and the expansion of the internet. The loathsome Koreans and the Godless Chinese came, bringing with them a tide of manpower and autism that destroyed the genre. Every RTS became an august field of mentally ill sweatlords and faggots. DOTA, the precursor of the total vitiation of the genre that was the MOBA, found its roots in this transitionary phase. And like all trans things, it quickly committed suicide. Modern RTS is a dying genre, being driven gradually into a grave to be buried alive like so many confucian scholars.
Says the shill for literal goyslop from Microsoft.
Didn't know about that game, how is it?
most /v shitters were born in the late 90s
I love the people that say "it's too much like starcraft" when it would actually be good if it was like starcraft. Instead, it's just soulless shit.
It peaked there. WC3 was a hop skip step away from the DOGSHIT that is WoW.
Because actual fun like Dawn of War 1 coop with your cousin on the Into the Breach map has been lost to esports faggotry
Looks very good imma check it out
Starcraft 2 is the only good modern RTS.
star craf t 2 sucks
If you liked Supreme Commander you'll like BAR. There are differences but its a good comparison in terms of general gameplay
There are at least a few good looking none Starcraft type RTS being made.
A couple are like TA/Supcom and one is like a C&C game based on Dune.
The guy that made TA and Supcom said in an interview he'll do another large-scale RTS eventually too and would be a huge deal if it happens imo.
I also think Age of Empires 4 is way under rated, it's very good and has lots of little details you don't expect like unique looks for all civs units. Gameplay is also very unique between civs.
Aren't there at least like 2 active Starcraft cloned and 2 active C&C clones in the works right now? I'm happy for you RTSfags right now. Enough indie devs are saying "fine, I'll do it myself".
Modern devs are simply incapable of making good games
Homeworld 1 is superior to 3
Supreme commander 1 is superior to it's sequel and all the clones
Starcraft 1 is superior to 2 and all it's clones
AoE2 is superior to 3,4 and all it's clones
C&C2:RA is superior to all it's clones
RTS peaked 30 years ago.
Muh esports demands that there be no strong spell casters that hurt my perfect deathball of amoving units
And one other thing i forgot to add; no one seems to like making moving units around the map difficult so innately modern rts's lend themselves to the stupid death ball style.
There's only so many ways you can make an RTS anon.
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I really want an RTS game that uses my voice to command the forces as well as AI to make them do detailed commandos. An example would be me telling to hold a position and ready an ambush if enemy forces move onto their location.
what's wrose is that they aren't actually trying to be like SC at the same time. THey are dumbing it down so fucking bad to the point where it's not even the same game.
AoE4 is actually pretty good now that it's fixed. It actually has some interesting and new mechanics instead of trying to dumb it down.
The SC clone are stormgate and battle aces.
The C&C clone are tempest rising but I forgot the other one, it's the one with RA2 aesthetic right?

Other upcoming RTS that might worth a mention
Zero Space : It has an interesting take where your faction can be evolved ala SC2 campaign

Space Gears : made by korean, no basebuilding so people in here will hate it, but the combat itself looks smooth
only rts game that appealed to zoomers
Even if we ignore the ugly human faces, that this "sequel" has less complex systems and mechanics then the games that preceded is shameful. Subsystems? Gone. Directional damage? Gone. Formations? Might as well be gone giving the retard pathing of the units.

All this so some neon haired harpy could write her CW tier story.
that's a good idea
True, it has a co-op campaign for losers afraid of skirmish multiplayer. Wait, that‘s not true, zoomers love competitive games.
>your faction can be evolved ala SC2 campaign

I need more games like this
From what I've seen recently, Godsworn isn't exactly Starcraft. The 2hu Empires was straight up AoE total conversion. Tempest Rising looks up to be C&C game but I'm worried about Slipgate Ironworks listed as developer
this is worth trying, especially if you can get some friends in on it
company of heroes, same deal
and dawn of war
RTS is a single player first genre. If your focus is on being some competitive multiplayer click-fest you'll fail.
How many failed games is it going to take until devs finally figure this out?
what we really need is a nice Dark Reign clone
Well for one that's made by like 2 original starcraft devs and a bunch of fags that worked on starcraft 2. So of course it's going to be like shitty chinese knockoff Starcraft.
>RTS is a single player first genre
always with this clueless take lmao
You'll learn that I'm right, or you'll flop trying. Stormgate will be your next lesson.
>RTS is a single player first genre.
It's fine if (You) play them primarily for a single player experience, but you definitely don't speak for the majority of people. Like fighting games, FPS, or any other competitive multiplayer game, the multiplayer is the focus
Don't need the voice commands but them being able to do shit without me having to hand hold the fuckers would be nice. Where's the fucking squad leader relaying my orders to it's squad? Why do I have to do EVERYTHING? I'm fucking busy building a fucking settlement and managing resources and climbing a tech tree and I gotta lead every single squad?! That's way too much.
I speak for the majority of people. Source: RTS used to be massive when they pandered to my correct opinion and are now a walking corpse while they are doing what you think they should do.
A little tip: Reality matches your expectations when you are right. Like any other single player game if you focus on the tacked on multiplayer part you're going to lose your core audience.
What's the last RTS that had a good campaign?
>Source: RTS used to be massive when they pandered to my correct opinion and are now a walking corpse while they are doing what you think they should do.
Let me fix some of this for you - RTS was popular 25 years ago before the advent of MOBAs, which have forced RTS games out of the market. It has very little to do with a focus on single or multiplayer. MOBAs simply came along and appealed to a wider audience, not by focusing on "single player experiences" like you advocate for, but simply by having a lower skill floor and switching to team based gameplay. Both BW and SC2 gave roughly equal time to single and multiplayer experience, yet to the extent that both of those games are still relevant in the current year, it's due to the multiplayer competitive scene - not the casuals who went through the campaign once and moved on
Starcraft 2 was really good gameplay-wise. I'd recommend skipping the story and dialogue, though.
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gookclick has fuck all to do with why people loved the genre
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I agree with you. I bought Warcraft, Warcraft 2 and Starcraft on day fucking one of release. I never ever played MP in all the many many hours I put in to those games. I never saw RTS as mp games and the moment they started focusing on mp is the moment I stopped giving a flying fuck about RTS.
>MOBAs, which have forced RTS games out of the market
I have finished checking it. It's excellent. Excited for what it might become.
>but you definitely don't speak for the majority of people
He does, RTS, like RPGs, is a single player first genre with other modes like skirmish or co-op being optional.
Prove me wrong in a 1v1, you wont. bitch.
RTS died right around the rise of the MOBA, and MOBAs remain popular today. I don't think this is a controversial statement to make at this point. MOBAs are team based and more "newbie friendly" than RTS ever was, and yet they are still highly competitive games.
RTS nowadays has barely any market, people who like micro did move to MOBAS and people who like macromanagement moved to grand strategy.

RTS is in that weird mixed-ground where to play it you must enjoy methodically building your econ/army but also enjoy supper fast APM-heavy detailed unit control.
>RTS died right around the rise of the MOBA
Irrelevant, the two playing nothing alike. RTS died because publishers didn't want to spend money on something that wouldn't become the next Stacraft.
StarCraft perfected the RTS
>people who like micro
And what about people who liked RTS?
I think it's the combination of being free and socially engaging that really did it
because clearly MOBAs appeal to all the things players want from RTS. (hint: they don't)

I assume RTS just makes no money. or, the effort to make something that someone would want to play over supreme commander, wc3, or sc1/2 is not worth the opportunity cost
i love coming to /v/ to read a bunch of people who don't play rts telling me their expert opinion on them

CoH3 is in amazing state right now
RTS is a combination of macro and micro, only the people who enjoy both at the same time remain in that market.
I love RTS! I know! I will play a completely different genre!
Exactly. Everybody who disagrees with me is an idiot who doesn't even play RTS.
>RTS is a combination of macro and micro
What a soulless simplification.
What part of C&C was Kane? Micro or macro?
>Irrelevant, the two playing nothing alike
Objectively wrong when MOBAs got their start in the map editors of War3 and BW. If nothing else you're microing units from that three quarter down perspective in real time. There are similarities.

It’s a fucking StarCraft game skin walking as C&C
>Objectively wrong
Objectively correct, RTS players don't want to gookclick to raise their mmr or whatever the fuck, RTS players want to serve weirdly charismatic bald men and build symmetrical bases with 1 building of each type.
He's part of the story... Which doesn't affect the gameplay, with or without him it's still an RTS.
He's a big part of what made C&C great.
Soulless, godless gookclickers will never understand.
>tower defence are RTS because people made them in the WC3 map editor
most action games are rts too because you have to come up with a strategy in real time
play mindustry. the dev calls it a factory builder and tower defense hybrid but it becomes more of an rts near the end of the campaign and multiplayer is dominated by pvp. imagine factorio but way simplified, drones are quicker to get and more powerful.
>but it becomes more of an rts near the end of the campaign
There's also the second campaign which is entirely RTS focused.
Mindustry is incredibly underrated
Plus that shit is literally free if you don't care about convenient Steam multiplayer which is the only benefit of the paid version.
C&C > Starcraft
Wasn't there something like that on the 360? I don't remember what it was called. Endwar or something? But I guess it's a lot more feasible to make a game like this nowadays when voice recognition actually works.
I just think that the RTS genre has potential but it's not being explored well at all. Look at They Are Billions, that was something new when it showed up, but then the full game came out and they kinda shit the bed. There's a clone called Age of Darkness but it's not well done either. You can do an SP RTS game that's fun, but the market is probably small for it and it won't be an easy task to design it well.
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I enjoyed it a lot, but my problems with it is enemy offense being too static, always going the same way, and highest tier units being very hard to build due to needing an enormous amount of free space.
And speaking of tower defense, there's a game by Creeper World devs called Particle Fleet that I never see mentioned around here. It has similar concept as CW but instead of building towers you control multiple spaceships clearing up the map. And these guys are working on a new CW game too apparently.
For some reason I always liked creeper world. Something about fluid simulations that's oddly engaging for me. But I also think they designed their missions very well, with a wide variety of scenarios for you to tackle.
I'm actually looking forward to battle aces.
One of the lead devs worked on Starcraft II Legacy of the Void, and the other worked on Warcraft III, so that's probably why.
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I always thought that the greatest strenght of RTS is a potential variety of problems and solutions you can have, it's why I always loved Stronghold. It's a great shame that very few devs try to explore it.
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I can't believe the re-release still doesn't have fucking skirmish vs AI, I just want to run it on a modern computer without having my monitors flipp out.
AoE2 lover here.
AoE4 is an argument in OP's favor. They mindlessly ported over SC2 concepts instead of leaning into AoE2's strengths.
"gooclick" is the entire reason the genre is still "relevant" today
You probably didn't even know that SC2 has a very solid and fun campaign
>"gooclick" is the entire reason the genre is still "relevant" today
And just look at it.
>You probably didn't even know that SC2 has a very solid and fun campaign
No, I only played through it twice and was as perplexed as everyone else by what shit they turned Jimmy and Kerrigan into, tourist faggot.
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There is also this game, interesting setting, promising characters, diverse world with fun stories to tell, all with R rating but the studio which makes it is incomptenent... least said and they are too busy with making crap nobody wants.
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Meanwhile, somewhere in parallel reality new RTS trying to be like Grey Goo
Because no one is good enough to be like forged alliance instead.
SC2's campaign sold way more copies than a bunch of autists pressing random buttons to have 200 APM while building a single worker ever did.
It's a genre that straddled two worlds. It's not feasible to make a game that appeals to both anymore.
You have the casuals who want to roleplay as a general/governor. They care about lore, story, characters, cool units and buildings, pretty explosions, diverse campaign scenarios. They play blind and explore the game at their pace, usually alone, sometimes with friends.
And then there's the hardcores who play to compete and compete to win. They want legible visuals, uncluttered UI, reliable no-nonsense units, fair balancing, flawless netcode. Before they even touch the game, they study guides, build orders and changelogs to know everything about the game, like damage per second, workers per resource, train times, timings, so that they execute optimal plays with maximum efficiency. They play to destroy randoms and shit in their mouths.
Based analysis
I gave up on RTS once I learned Zero-K and then found out it has zero competitive players. I don't know if the game just happens to be unpopular or because it filtered everyone, because it is fucking hard to play.
>then found out it has zero competitive players
oh no
When are we getting a game like Stronghold Crusaders but with actual in depth RTS/Army mechanics?
What the fuck
WHO asked for this? Who will buy this? I played both Agony and Succubus and this seems so pointless I can't even comprehend how they think this is worth making
Some anons swear by Iron Harvest, apparently.
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Just give me elaborate resource management and high wuselfaktor.
Starcraft 2 again when Real Scale WoL, HotS, LotV, and Mass Recall released
You can also play RoC with Azeroth Reborn or Re-reforged.
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I remember people complaining that Settlers 4 was too similar to Settlers 3. If only they had known how bad things would get. Take me back.
Starcraft 2*
this game makes no attempt to be good (Brood War)
>being free
I'd say this is the reason why certain genres got obliterated. In the past people would buy games and poorfags would pirate them, creating a large community of players, with dedicated servers, custom mods and clans. Now players hop between various live service f2p games, playing vs randoms and interacting with no one, while normal games constantly lose relevance.
RTS is a combination of minigames, and various players some of these individual components more than others. Now we have games with narrower focus, catering to these specific interests.
You have the very simple and abstract economy layer where all you need to do is put your gatherers to work and the resources become yours without processing, paying wages, supply lines, production chains. Players who liked this in particular, have a shitload of town builders to pick from.
Defending is very simple, you get a couple types of turrets and maybe walls. For players who wanted more customization there are way to many defense-oriented games.
Diplomacy is virtually non-existent, with some token mechanics. Grand strategy has plenty.
Combat is basic more often than not. Tactics games, both real-time and turn-based, have more complex systems in play.
Compfags obviously got their share of clickercore, too.
i remember my game iron kept turning into pigs
anyone playing mechabellum?
Warcraft 3 will be the best RTS ever made and nothing will ever come out as good as it and thats a good thing
This but Starcraft 2
babys first rts
meant to quote >>683684064
You can't have that when devs focus on multiplayer where there's no problem solving, just following established patterns. Whenever something unexpected crops up, the players are always angry to be blindsided and demand nerfs rather than try to readjust. Also, there's no point to having alternative solutions if they aren't meta.
>Warcraft 3 will be the best RTS ever made
Was never the case.
To be fair the supcom sequel was sabotaged by the publisher, not the devs
Loria tries to be Warcraft 2, but why should I play it when I could just play W2?
cuz they're pathetic fucking losers. the age of trying new shit in rts's is over. all rts's are now doomed to look and play the same for all eternity. the thing that pisses me off the most with rts's is still the camera angle. like, why is the max zoom-out still so close to the ground that i can see an ants' asshole?? why won't rts's ever let me zoom out further???? why does it have to be so fucking close to the goddamn ground??? and why are the maps so small??? the max sized maps in mp games are still ridiculously small, why??? i'll fuckingtell you why! it's because of shit fucking games like starcraft and warcraft! that's fucking why! everyone just shamelessly copy those games over and over and over again for all time and it's driving me fucking craaaaaazzzzyyyyy!!!!!
aoe4 is total fucking shit
it's fucking crap!
coh3 is fucking shit!
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Is it going to have fun coop missions and what not? Can't be arsed to play pvp any more with RTS games in this day and age.
Maybe when it comes to multiplayer and even then people are playing co-op commanders more.
Campaign-wise it's beyond shit after WoL. And even WoL has his downsides.
This is a anti-pirate measure.
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Assuming small dev with very low budget, how would you prefer an RTS campaign to be made coop-compatible:
>split starting forces between the two players
>spawn double starting force/base (and pray still-limited map resources prevent coop being a cakewalk?)
>have single player campaign always provide an NPC ally, that will be given to the other player in coop
>no change at all, second player can just order your stuff so you can split the work
>[insert your own million dollar coop idea]
>nothing, make a separate, specifically designed coop campaign or bust
Split unit controls and making starting base bigger would make it feel like the co-op was added as an afterthought. If it has co-op campaign mode then it should be designed with that in mind, preferably set up in a way that gives each player a path towards common goal or requiring some form of teamwork to beat the mission.
>why is RTS dying?

>Hey try aoe4, BAR or Northgard and see which is more your speed


RTS is doing just fine, you shitters that cant enjoy anything are the problem.
I don't like how the vilja or whatever her name is keeps swearing all the time. It ruins the dialogue and is a sign of bad writing. otherwise I want this game to be good but that's not going to happen.

It was started by its successful kickstarter. somehow there are some rich individuals or a small group of people who wanted this.
there are wc3 clones?
>RTS isn't dying
>why? because here are a bunch of garbage titles that would've been called 4/10s 20+ years ago
>I bet you feel pretty stupid now, huh? ;)
no. you retards have been saying this for a solid decade, and you sound increasingly stupid every time you say it. you retards have even started including turn-based games and tower defences and 4x and shit in your list of "RTS" now to validate your cope. mental illness.
If you want to play it's easy to get matches of all the classics, from aoe2, warcraft 3 and even dawn of war is still kicking. there's some decent newer titles too.

What more could you want?
you solo campaign shitters are the worst
Kohan 2
Because Blizzard consumers are the most retarded fucking apes on the planet, and still continue to consume Blizzard products and they know this. Cater to them and you'll have a legion of mindless consumers
And why total war is massively popular, because it accomplishes the feel of being a commander much better than RTSs.

>here you should play this mobile game which is what retarded people think is an RTS game
no. you are retarded.
It feels like RTS fell as 4X skyrocketed.
looks like a gook mobile game
Because it's the most renowned game in the genre
>RA2 aesthetic
Which one is this? I need to know.
I know one that's been doing the OG C&C aesthetic but RA2 was my fav.
RTS games are good way to expand your universe with little effort, present new factions, characters, places and important pieces of lore/ story especially when your IP isn't really fleshed out like Agony, sadly madmind never been able to do proper game in first place, it always felt like they were on the right track but something, somewhere went terribly wrong and now they have no clue wth are they doing or their goal is.
Am I interested yes, will I buy it likely not cause it will be total shite.

Yeah, it is impossible to be good, the company is currently in terrible position and it seems like they hire elementary school students to do their games. My guess is after *tormentor* flops it'll just shutdown.
I think he means DORF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-GplhKxijQ
Indians will love this
What a hilarious and original comment, you're real comedian anon
Looks like shit thoughbeit.
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Good point, there's so much more to explore in RTS.
this post explains a lot of things,
almost all core aspects of rts games, there are now whole genres for them,
city builders, tower defense, tactics, moba/arpg, 4x, gstrategy, now there are some new platforms coming too, like clicli whose main focus is custom games, which a lot of people loved too
This is RA1 aesthetic, not 2 right?
>most /v shitters were born in the late 90s
not to rain on your parade gramps but it's been nearly a decade since this was true
red alert 3 did this and people hated it. The missions become formulaic and tedious when every single one needs to accommodate 2 players equally.
campaign should be single-player, coop should be restricted to a separate category of missions and skirmishes.
looks like shit and way too volatile. The moment shit goes wrong for you its almost impossible to come back
I played it single player (with the AI commander) and didn't notice problems like that, it still had the classic C&C mission types of skirmish, stealth/puzzle and even naval combat.
The problem with this one is that StarCraft had at least great artstyle.
This one just looks like shit. I don't know how good the gameplay is but by looking at the gameplay I just don't even want to touch it because of horrific artstyle
This is isometric unlike 1, but it sorta falls somewhere between Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2 aesthetically, which I don't hate.
I wouldn't want a whole campaign filled with gimmicks like "in order to progress your ally has to destroy the generator to the gates with their stealth forces!", they should be more like normal missions but with more bases or a higher difficulty. AoE2 has lots of missions and the AI generally falls into one or two categories, they're either useless or they betray you. They could be structured the same but instead of a useless or backstabbing AI you have your co-op buddy with you.
Yeah it makes me think of RA1 just for the lighting, the lighting engine in RA2/TibSun is a lot more colourful.
what are some good base defense games?
feels like they barely fucking exist and I absolutely love that.
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name 5
These pictures makes the game feel so small, it's like the whole combined overworld map of Ocarina of Ages.
a lot of people only know how to imitate the most recent success
for me, it's Offworld Trading Company
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>I wanna be a battlew commada :D
>the company is currently in terrible position
the retard in charge should be booted. Agony was meh, succubus was alright but everything else they made was just horrible. I don't know why they release so many bad games instead of just cutting down on parallel projects and focusing on making a single high quality game.
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Stockholm syndrome
>groups of ex blizzard employees go off to make their own RTS
>they all are similar to starcraft
its obvious
I thought this mission was hard back then. Now that I've revisited it, it's actually quite easy.
Can't wait to see the first and only season of e-sports this game will get before the studio shuts down.
Kirov cheese or playing it normally? IMO it's by far the most difficult mission because of Yuri's unit compositions and that building a nuke silo is a trap.
I played at the hardest difficulty recently and managed to pull off a nuke in the second try. just micro your flak trucks and make them veterans then the enemy kirovs won't stand a chance.
Most played coop RTS is SC2's, and it just spawn two bases, pump up the opposition, and call it a day.
>ex blizzard employees
This means nothing for two reasons.
1) blizzard has been bleeding devs since post D2
2) nobody gives a fuck about "ex starcraft 2" devs
I hoped that Supreme Command would spread its innovation to the genre with its strategic zoom, formations, waypoints, etc. But the genre kinda died after it was made and what little came after ignored all that cool stuff.
because is the only relevant RTS and has stood the test of time
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>actually good
stopped reading right there, go poo in the loo vikram
>game tries to appeal to the "competitive" comunity
>it flops
why do devs keep listening to the basement autismos?
Because they're retarded.
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>those autistic facial features
last bump.
I unironically enjoyed the big macro missions in MO
I just think 90% of them didn't need to be fucking timed
yeah because napoleon totally went around telling each of his soldiers to form squares and focus down cavalry one at a time. that's the battlefield commander experience alright

though yes he did micro his artillerymen sometimes
he probably would if he only had 20-30 guys total and had instant communication and perfect vision of everything
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This is the best RTS i've played in years
>but you definitely don't speak for the majority of people
Actually, he does. Most time spent playing RTS games is spent in single player mode.
there was indeed something like that ages ago, however i cant even remember what game it was.
Anyone play Gates of hell ostfront? Looks cool but also really autistic
It's definitely one of the greatest out right now by far especially since it plays different from the usual COH/SC2/AOE formula, my only problem is the snail pace development pace it has which means this game wont be getting anywhere near the steam full release before 2027~ at the current rate it's going
Maybe it was the housing crisis
It happened around the same so it must have a correlation
You don't even know that you don't know
Don't talk
I think it was just dumb kids and third worlders getting more and more into video games around that time.
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This just came out and it's pretty good
IQ does play an important role in RTS appreciation
This isn't a controversial thing
For a free supcom/TA clone it's great. All it needs is a basic campaign to really shine.
aoe 2 pros are all non korean and their micro are on pair with them. Hera's micro is even better than Maru's
That's why I'm pumped and waiting for D.O.R.F.; reminds me of C&C.
Starcraft had a pretty fun campaign, but I never cared much for its 1v1 MP scene.
There are missions called challenges
They're pretty neat to show what you could do with each units
>minecraft tower defense.
eh it's not exactly an RTS game.
You can build units and plays really close to one
I mean I wouldn't exactly call it an RTS but people that claim to love RTS aren't playing them like an actual RTS and just simcity themselves

Anyways I tried it and its good regardless of the genre
>people that claim to love RTS aren't playing them like an actual RTS and just simcity themselves
I don't think so. anyone playing RTS games online a lot would disagree with you. anything flies in single player but you need to be dynamic online and that's when RTS games really shine.
Keyword is "claim to play"
As in, /v/ calls Total War games RTS as well lmao
>minecraft tower defense
exactly. I spent an hour building a very structurally sound and impregnable fort, then when the battle started it lasted for like 3 minutes. I was extremely let down by this shit game.
>Game has challenge
Ugh, what a turnoff
Realised a while ago I enjoy RTS that's more like a military toybox than anything
Men of War is fun for that, things being just rock paper scissors bores the shit out of me, I mostly enjoy seeing the fighting
Real shame what they did to company of heroes and dawn of war

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