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Thoughts on Korean designs?
If only Koreans knew how to make a game worth a shit.
They are getting there slowly
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where da lolis at
Middle top looks like Nioh 2, where is it from?
looks good
thats all it matters
Generic and soulless, but people will defend it simply because western slop is worse.
Love them, don't give a fuck if you hate them
They're too busy serving the militranny, wageslaving and paying taxes for their feminism government to worry about good game design.
Name their games
then I will judge it
Plastic, much like koreans.

They're actually trying. I am sure they'll get it eventually.
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Are they? They only seem to make two games: f2p mtx bullshit, and "what if we copied [game x], but made it worse?"
It is generic. They all look like a gook model white washed by a plastic surgeon.
They saw anime and thought "this would be great if it had even more sameface".
The one face they do have looks nice at least.
why does every single korean game look as if the same group of people made it? their shit is so soulless it hurts.
too pale.
Hey, do Koreans use the same plastic surgery for character design?
plastic art by plastic Godless humans.
Every single one of those characters is immediately identifiable by someone who played their game. That is the polar fucking opposite of what generic means.
Every time with you niggers you do this, you see something objectively beautiful and immediately identifiable because it’s unique but you don’t like it because it isn’t your fetish so you throw out “generic” to describe that very uniqueness because you know deep down just how full of shit you are for not liking it.
In a dead mmo
>Every single one of those characters is immediately identifiable by someone who played their game.
So they aren't all from the same game?
Even the girls from Dead or Alive have more variations in their expressions.
>Every single one of those characters is immediately identifiable by someone who played their game.
Technically true, but functionally meaningless, since you can say that about every game and every character.
Is Crimson Desert still being developed?
Something can be immediately identifiable and generic at the same time. It sounds like you are the one who doesn't know what generic means.
I hate that Koreans hate expressionless faces and a total lack of emoting. Also no, "emotionless" RBF women are not the same, those actually have expression but for some reason k-gooks just hate any kind of expression, probably because they fetishize plastic surgery and the end result is always a tiny round smooth NPC face that can't emoote properly.
they all have a very superficial soulless look to them
Damn you just blew that faggot up hard.
Not really nigga
four of them are from the first slopframe
one from vindictus 2
the mid top row, I don't know
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>it's not generic because you know what game they came from
bruh if u browse artstation you can find a gorillion other generic korean designs like the ones in op
nice pseud dump though bet u felt good about it
They have good looking characters but their designs tend to lack personality and come off as bland. like in the image only the bottom middle one in that image looks to have any sort of personality period. the top middle and bottom left are so generic it hurts and I can only guess its from the first descendant because I know the others are.
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Koreans can't into body proportions
Tell me the name of the top middle one then if its so easy because without looking it up I know damn well its impossible
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I think Koreans should redesign every westacuck game. They should start up their own consultancy firm like Sweet Baby Inc. and send out their modelers and designers to help out the misfortunate westacuckolds.
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Jake Conway, my King!
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3d gooks are awful, 2d artists at least put something more unique.
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Redpilled designs that show how realistic anime should look like
>Korean design
Middle top is Nioh 2.
First Descendant characters are honestly subpar by Korean standards. Too haggy, old, and westacuck pandering.
artificial hyperintelligence
wife of...
When are you people gonna stop pushing this feminazi cult meme? S.Korea is such a patriarchal society that you can fire women over being feminists lol
I never really got the soulless meme either. You can literally make this claim about most Japanese games and yet this board specifically plays mostly Japanese shit. You can’t tell me Eve looks soulless and then say Tifa is your favorite waifu. It doesn’t even make sense purely based on aesthetics.
This board is a bunch of contrarian weebs, big surprise. Doesn't mean these designs aren't all generic, but /v/'s favorite gacha/JRPG whore #124214124 also is generic as fuck
You do know that the original FF7 looks nothing like the stuff OP posted, right anon? Right?
>S.Korea is such a patriarchal society that you can fire women over being feminists
I'm sure you just didn't make that up, anon.
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NTA but you missed that artist bitch getting fired for seething about men and drawing covered up women lol. In that one shitty Library of Ruina game or whatever.
Japanese games are way more varied in their styles. Where as Korean output is completely dominated by their plastic dolls.
>what about Japan out of nowhere
Are you doing the weird Korean nationalism thing in here?
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damn westoid esg shill btfo
You're doing the seething weebmutt thing
and now kiss
Koreans only make plasticslops for weebs.
Wanna see a real attractive female? Go to the library in real life
She got fired because she was incompetent at her job, not because she's a feminist or whatever.
>incompetent at her job
Exactly. A feminist.
Not all women are feminists, anon.
Most are. Hence why holes are mostly incompetent too.
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You have not played TFD then because the characters emote a ton.
Hell they even bothered to actually make a characters eyes and cheeks go red when she cries just like irl
The only people who calls shit generic are people who dont play video games. For fucks sake I can identify booker immediately despite everyone back then calling him a generic brown haired white guy.
Like people accuse dark souls for having so many guys in armor but even after a decade I can tell the difference between Shiva of the East and Sir Alonne.
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The sitting animations are cute
Look at the upper half of their faces. It's completely stiff.
These soulless character designs provide insight into why worst korea have the highest suicide rate and the lowest birth rate in the world
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What you want their eyes bulging or somewhat? None of the characters have that kind of personality if you're asking for an overly emotive woman. That's what the guys are for, making loud faces. The sensual eye teasing for the girls on the other hand works, because that's what women are designed for.
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Valby looks weird when she's angry.
Lies of P is excellent. Not “good” or “great”, but genuinely excellent. I was pleasantly surprised and thoroughly impressed.
really progressive for them to include a retarded character.
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Well her brain is literally made up of water so it's understandable.
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These generic designs are literally killing western games right now.
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Good. Total Westacuck Death.
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Looks a lot better than the uncanny doll types like FF or Stellar Blade
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I actually like how the characters have distinct facial structures. You would never mistake gley for freyna.
Just looks like a roastie. Might as well be from a western game.
Suicide squad didn't suck because SBJ helped them write their minoritiy characters.
Suicide Squad fucking sucked because corporate penny pinchers decided the best return of investment for a video game, would be a microtransaction riddled, battle pass having, games as a service looter shooter, with minimum viable product seasonal updates.
The characters and story and jokes are actually the best part about this game. What fucking sucks is what kind of game this is, and that certainly wasn't the idea of the consulting firm that helps writing diverse characters.
korea loves high heels on women huh
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Yes, even Valby and Bunny who look kinda similar have subtle differences that automatically makes them different
Valby kinda looks like an asian anna hathaway imo.
>semi-realistic aesthetic with hot male and female characters
really like this art style in general. it's not exclusive to korean games though.
Holy sameface.
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Looks even more different in motion
Completely different ethnicity eyes
Compared to
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Korea just rips off what Japan did 10 years ago, in every single form of media.

And Japan is about 20 years behind the west.
TFD is a rip off of Warframe though which Japan has done nothing remotely similar since Japan doesnt do online games.
Why does top middle look like it's from Nioh 2?
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soulless ayy lmaos
Because that is the nioh 2 char creator.
It makes leftists seethe
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Funny how even today Japan's character designs do not satisfy me anymore. Look at Capcom and Square Enix. Koei Tecmo is the only dev that makes attractive character models and ironic that they are probably the most similar to korean characters where every character looks like a dolled up model.
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SE and capcom are woke
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Bunny looks 100% Hapa
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She looks american korean if she was raised in korea. Although some egirls in the west have been mimicking asian make up techniques so its not impossible to think that she grew up in the west if she was an irl person.
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Melina looks very boring imo. CGI ranni is probably From's prettiest character but in game wise it's a tie between DaS3 firekeeper and the doll in BB. Then again, Fromsoft isn't exactly the studio I go for when looking for waifus. They excel in cool but ugly characters. Their humans always look oddly proportioned.
Koreashit makes my dick get soft because i know I'm playing kusoge the likes of which not thought possible it's like they have reverse pavlovian conditioning in their games to make me associate sexy girls with absolute shit soulless garbage. Literally impossible to make a game more soulless than korean devs which is insane to me considering they made GunZ, Maplestory, AND Ragnarok. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
>DaS3 firekeeper and the doll
oh lawt
face is nice but the waist it too wide. chicks should be slender.
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Bottom right is DMCV Nico without the hick tattoos and that's hot
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>Generic and soulless, but people will defend it simply because western slop is worse.
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Girls in DWO are going to be gorgeous
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They've had good ones for many years now.
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I hope my girl lingqi still looks nice
Who are middle top and middle bottom??
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Middle top is just the nioh 2 character creator. Middle bottom is viessa from the first descendant.
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Absolutely phenomenal design. God I wish she gets a DLC.
>Koreashit makes my dick get soft because I'm a massive faggot
>he needs kusoge to validate his sexuality
sex with Viessa
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Why they don't make hot black female?
I think they make beautiful women and design over the top outfits.
but they can't make anything memorable.
i'm sure someone will post characters that can be recognized. their track records just say no.
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I'm hoping Xin Xianying will be in the game. Chances are not good since she's a DW9 original. Xiahouji for example is most certainly getting excluded.

KT models and designs are amazing. My fav in the industry. Girls in Rise of the Ronin have nicely modeled epicanthic folds. They look great.
If Xin Xianying gets included I'm hoping they remove her parallel creases and instead give her tapered creases like Xingcai, >>683670547 or the Ronin girls. Otherwise she's perfect. They showed that they can do it because the Nameless Hero from the trailer has beautiful eyes with proper folds, so I'm optimistic.
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Already did in the same game.
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They're perfection
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They could but she would still be the least popular.
the same in pretty much every game they make
their indie scene is all right though
your webm is almost uncanny though, you wouldn't move your eyes that far irl, you'd just want to turn your head instead of moving your eyes all the way to the side like that
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>denigrates gachafags
>acts exactly like one
fluoride stare
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Who cares ? Only a fucking troon care. If you give so much fuck about about "natural beauty" go find in westoid slop that keep flopping because natural beauty is fucking retarded or play an RPG game with character creator and play as a default avatar because you don't want to perfect your appearance by editing your nose, eyes, mouth and so on.
They sure learn it faster than westerwokies seem to learn that I do not play as or with fat black dykes.
KR designs unironically made me realize characterization and personality are way more important. They all look great but there's not one KR girl I still think about.
And for some reason they're all super samey, sort of like seeing the same plastic surgery face in all of them. Same thing with KR 2D character art, you can instantly tell that a korean drew them.

That all aside, I'd never in a million years choose the current state of pozzed westoid designs over KR slop, cause no matter how samey theyre still pleasing to the eye.
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I will never understand this complaint that sexy or beautiful characters look generic. Have you seen idols or models irl? They all tend to follow the same beauty standards because depending on culture, what is considered hot is uniform. This goes the same for video game characters that are based on the fetishes of its devs.
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The irony is that the character with the most personality in game, Bunny, who I assume you already know judging by how she's spammed here, is hated by players because they find her extremely annoying and wish every character was just a silent golem shooting bullets.
I mean Baldur's Gate 3 is very successful despite it's woke as fuck. Every motherfucker is a bi-sexual because Larian is a fucking spineless trash who can't make a good romance system like BioWare back in the old day. Also, the fucking gay bullshit blasting in your face, Isobel and Dame Aylin. And the refugee shit ? Man, fuck that nigger Wyll. Motherfucker is like "Baldur's Gate is always welcome to refugee." Bro, fuck refugees. If you want them in, put them all to work, like Minthara said, and she was designed to be an evil companion, and this mindset is somehow bad ? What the fuck Larian ?
To be fair, I think only bioware made gender locked romances of all the rpgs I played. Bethesda rpgs never cared what gender your character was and likewise in jrpgs that allowed you to play as a girl, you could romance anyone. It was only in games like fire emblem where making kids was a big point of the romance system so female and male characters had different love interests.
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>we wuz unique 'n shieeeet
Or rather jrpgs always just assumed your character was male so female characters ended up being mute tomboyish autists who also ended up with the designated love interest like in god eater, code vein, nioh 2, wo long, souls games, etc.
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I wish freyna was good. She feels too weak compared to viessa even.
Why the fuck is Nioh 2 suddenly get grouped together with a bunch of korea mmo NPCs?
Kill yourself you fucking annoying koreaboo
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wow that korean design in the top middle looks pretty good
those are all pretty ugly/generic too, not sure why you'd think I like them
Post the gook notElin elf from that one MMO.
But elins are from a korean mmo.
Infinitely superior to westoid slop. Shame the games they're in are complete dogshit.

Better studios should just outsource all of their character designs to koreans and then make a better game using their assets with no alterations allowed.
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It's getting harder to be a Japan-only weeb. The big Japanese companies are all pozzed and all pander to Westrannies while Korea has yet to do that.
Gears of war style gunplay with tacticool korean character designs would be neat.
The only way is to avoid nearly all big japanese publishers and studios because they're completely lost. If you want anime style games. chinese gachas already exist with 100x bigger communities. Like capcom at this point is just a western company.
Barely above AIslop.
Could anyone tell me why the heck is Nioh 2 a Japan game is on this koreaboo autist pic?
I wonder what drive these koreaboo to acts like this? Its like they're seething over Japan more than even korean themselves
Gooks are delusional.
Um bros some weird sticky stuff came out of my penis when I looked at this image. Should I see the doctor?
I love coomgook slop
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Same. They are unironically the only games unashamed of oversexualized character designs without it being outright porn.
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The designs are hot but the gameplay is always shit.
Blade and Soul was a notable exception, it had the best combat of all the non-tab targetting mmo's including black desert and vindictus.
i don't recongnize only 3 characters, they are prolly from some shit titles i haven't played
Would cumblast but wouldn't remember what they looked like
Korea doesn't feel like a real country to me
The food is Asian white trash food, the games are uninspired, the people are plastic, and I can't remember anything else
I've been to Seoul too and don't remember most of it
>beauty is boring
Every incompentent artist who draws samefaces uses this excuse
source on middle bottom?
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>Doll over Shanalotte, Quelaag, Emma and Sellen
Doll's alright, but just choose Gwynevere if you want a tall chick that much, she's got no eyebrows
Boring to you maybe. Sexy characters will always be sexy. Look at DOA girls which are arguably the hottest girls in gaming. They all use template bodies and faces.
They keep trying to copy Final Fantasy for some reason.
they make the sexiest hapas
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Viessa is outright a stereotype of how the east think western women all look like, especially russian women.
It looks good.
Then again, as long as it's not one of those photorealistic facescan garbage with hyper realistic skin tones and blemishes, then I'm totally fine with anything.
I fucking hate face scan so much.
she looks like those white teens that end up in china/korea for modelling from like fucking kamchatka
As long as gooks know thats what they look like irl. But they dont.
As a Korean, I can say that there's a complete agreement that since we don't know how to make good games, our characters should at least be beautiful to satisfy players. If Western games start creating beautiful characters, the Korean game market will face its demise. Of course, there's criticism that all female characters in Korean games look like mass-produced copies due to plastic surgery, but when you play Western games, all your thoughts get 'cured'. As a result, anyone who expresses dissatisfaction with this gets 'burned at the stake' in online communities.
Good. Look at some of the western models in japanese gravure. They are all pale blonde white women because that is the ideal western beauty. Nothing like california's pamela anderson idea of bronze skinned bimbos.
btw I was born in burgerland with a second generation parents

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