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What are some moments of devs lying to consumers about shit in their game?
The entirety of Spore.
The weird part is that Wildstar is capable of cute faces with good animations. They could totally make her as cute as she is in the trailers.
Peter Molyneux's entire career, really.
Left looks better. Nordic chadette warrioresse
Baulder's Gate 3.

I was promised a super horny and sexy game
wow we got a 30 year old itt
That was the most confusing Christmas day I've ever had. "Beat" the game the day that I got it.
I still feel gypped, I really liked it up to a point
Fucking filters, how is this legal?
Being fair, they patched model later.
Spore is not Molyneux's tho
>entire career
That's not fair. His early career was incredible game after game. It was only really around the time of Fable that he began his antics.
still the worst thing to ever happen to gaming
you can really divide gaming by
>Pre Spore
>Post Spore
Same lol. I was so hyped for that game before it came out. I liked it enough to replay it with several different species, but it wasn't what I thought it was gonna be.
I never did play Darkspore because of the always-online requirement. I wonder if it was any good.
Aliens: Colonial Marines. To such an extent that Sega sued Gearbox over it.
It looked like an okay Diablo clone but it apparently had no replayability, I don't think you could go through a new game or anything.
They patched it so she looks right right after launch.
Darkspore wasn't that bad for it's time but it was half-finished and dropped fast and without much ceremony.
Wildstar was probably one of the bigger "WoW killer" disappointments
It is. If you're gay.
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what about lying about hardware?
the overhype and underdeliver started with black and white
Sony lied when they said the PS5 would have games.
It was so close to amazing. I really loved my time with it. A handful of really bad design choices regarding progression and some bugs made its death unavoidable.
It's still some of the most fun I've had with an MMO. Even got me laid once.
I would like for this pic to get update.
>8k on the box
>no 8k capabilities
>only recently got removed
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Anyone else remember the disappointment?
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>NGE promo image
>Has a wookiee with fur that makes it look like a battered spouse
No, I played korean MMOs at the time.
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>have to wait for the game to die so a source code can "leak" to play on a private server
didn't know they sued them kek
for me it was priston tale
Can I get a qrd? Only thing I know about this is that aquatic stage was cut.
too much for one post. Basically they hyped up Spore like it was the biggest game ever made, huge game changer in the industry. Released and turned out we were all lied to about a lot of shit in the game.
There's a bunch of youtube videos out there about it
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black and white was fine. Fable was where he was saying "a dropped acorn will later grow into a tree" shit
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I see your Peter lies and raise you 1 Project Milo
Tons of stuff cut from the original game's presentation. Keep in mind that the presentation wasn't just bullshots or vague promises, it was an actual functioning version of the game which they later cut stuff from.
I'm sure you were in the RIFT and MMO threads when RIFT was the current discussion. Unfortunately, once the source code is leaked we'll likely be waiting on a vanilla server that undid all the shit changes TRION made.
From Maxis, the people who made all the sim games. Hyped up to basically be sim evolution (since sim life and sim earth already exist), and everyone waited for years for this massive game of ultimate autism sinks and you get spore.
Many anon had their innocence lost because of spore.
ea killing will wright's hopes and dreams to make money faster
Peter Molyneux had nothing to do with Spore. Spore was a Will Wright game, though it was apparently not his fault stuff got cut but was the fault of executive meddling.
It was supposed to be more open ended on what you could do overall. You get to choose where you nest in creature stage, you get to choose where you build houses in tribal and civ mode. Everything got dumbed down and your options were barely there. There was a split in the development team with one side wanting a complex simulator and one side wanting a simulator more geared toward younger people. They went behind Will's back to EA about it who preferred it since it was gonna cut down on costs and that pretty much killed it Will Wright for game development.
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yeah apart from Populus and B&W1 his entire career has been half-baked "ideas guy" scams.
remember when he tricked ppl into buying picrel because of mad concepts and ideas and "it'll have 10x the procgen map size of minecraft" only for it to turn out that the other "players" you were fighting in-game were scripted AI chat bots ?
he then abandoned the game in early alpha leaving it as a shittier, worse phone-game version of Populus, then years later shat out a copy-paste PVP version of it called Godus Wars

if this was literally any other industry cunts like these would be thrown in jail for fraud, but vidya devs seem to get off scot free making scams it seems.
I'd honestly prefer that and know that it will only make this inevitable wait much longer.
>executive meddling
Worse. He got stabbed in the back by members of the team who wanted the game dumbed down and cartoony who went to EA.
i kind of liked it, but man it was basic, the quests were boring, there was no point to killing mobs for exp and the crafting was pointless
i did some dungeon raids and they had exp share shit so low lvls could join in on end-game raids.
i got from lv20 to max lvl bard in an hour jumping around in circles spamming F1 F2 and F3 which I had no ideas what they did, all I knew was they buffed ppl around me.

the Rift portals opening gimmick was cool at first but stops being fun after you've done 3 or 4 of them.
even Defiance and Global Agenda (aka: TF2 but with an interactive lobby) were better than it.
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Didn't they actually fix her though? And then the game ended up dying anyways? And nobody bothered to rip her model and put it in SFM?
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as far as I'm concerned he helped make pic related and thus has my blessings to coast on bullshit for the rest of time.
true, i just wish we'd get a new Dungeon Keeper-like game made by an indie dev cuz fuck EA for turning it into a pay2win phone game for casuals.
Probably mixing it up with black & white.
Not him but how new are we talking? Is KeeperRL too old?
The community is chomping at the bit honestly, I doubt the wait would be more than two years once they have the code. Might even be sooner depending on circumstance. Just gotta hold out, we'll get to go back to Telara one day.
Like you showed, yes, they did take the criticism of their shitty in-game version to heart and actually try to make her more like the promo.
I can only hope. I've been playing it again recently and I yearn for my nostalgic days of vanilla and early SL.
At least someone ripped the mechari lady.
dungeons 4 just came out
its diet DK, but it has a sexy elf as the main character
It really did, he just walked the fuck away from the industry seemingly without a word, not that I blame him
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>CTRL+F "Legends 3"
>no results

I'm not even going to bother to explain. If you know you know.
Should have gotten more involved, baka!
This. Your choices end up either
>goth girl with a man jaw
>frog girl
>/fit/ dudegirl
>40 year old women
disappointing as fuck
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>moments of devs lying to consumers
>Legends 3
It's not like they weren't making a game while claiming they were. They just fucked us and quit. That's all.
i will never forgive capcom or inafune
Hi journo.
Nah, Pete did nothing wrong.
And for that, I am glad.
Buying Spore made me become a pirate.
is this any fun in its current state?
It was all Inafune's fault, he quit Capcom to go start his own studio, then went back to Capcom and said "hire us to make Legends 3"
Only after community outrage. The entire thing is bizarre, those cartoony trailers marketing to normies yet building the entire game around catering to raidfags who ended up hating it anyway. I'd like to also bring up double jumping and the platforming aspect the game has was only because one employee made it during his off hours and nearly got fired for it. Internally, whatever was going on at Carbine was fucked from the start.
By his own word he quit early during 3's development knowing full well they would tank it the moment he left, he just couldn't stand working for them anymore
>Internally, whatever was going on at Carbine was fucked from the start.
there's some big reddit post that's floated around throughout the years.
tl;dr ex-employee talks about tim cain(?) being the big showrunner basically getting the final word on everything and him just changing shit whimsically, even the entire direction of the full game like 3-4 times
can we be 100% sure it existed and wasn't just a vertical slice demonstration, which are a million times easier to mockup than a functioning game? The "totally not scripted" singleplayer campaign Star Citizen gameplay teaser comes to mind.
Zero fucking surprise. Fuck sake, there were "minigame dungeons", adventures I think? I just recall a possessed vending machine and the entire game going schizophrenic. There were a few others as well. Then there was the jumping puzzles, paths and housing (still the best housing to date). The attunement bullshit was just so out of place from everything else.
Don't forget the juiciest part of this story, which is the random British youth who won the "cube" (remember that?) was promised that he would get a cash prize and the status of "god" lording over all players in the game Godus. And the funny thing is that multiplayer never even got implemented in Godus. Needless to say, he never got the cash either.
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Never trust a frog
Legends is just dead to me at this point. Capcom knows people want it and just aren't interested in making it. That's their MO for like half their franchises.
The robots in this game were sexy as hell
it's a shame more people weren't involved :(
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>there was an even better version of Wildstar no one got to play
Goddamn what a load of shit. At least private servers are on the way, I'm willing to bet they can do something to improve it.
Dungeon Keeper and Populous, you uncultured nigger.
well considering that the art director for carbine was a massive power tripping faggot that avoided work and I. general was a massive asshole to anyone that dared to challenge him on his faggotry, I'm not surprised that character designs like this shipped in the initial launch.

source:Time Cain's YouTube where he talked about his time as the lead programmer/lead designer of wildstar for 5 years and why he left after dealing with the art directors faggotry for too long
This, we have to remind people that Will Wright was a true developer that loved making games and was one of EA's very first murder victims.
Fun fact, I knew a tranny that weaselled their way into a community manager position and would give "feedback" to their boss about the community wanting certain characters redesigned.
I'm surprised even 11 got made.
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The rock ladies were pretty fine too
>dragging kinostar through the mud with the same fucking image in 2024.6
honestly how does it keep getting circulated, they patched Kit early on, your image is now A DECADE OLD

remember when WildStar had an unusual thread rivalry with Tera Online? those were the days
I like it, the perk and cyberware overhaul did a whole lot to make playstyles more fun and distinct.
Somehow lucked out on Fable though
>it happened a long time ago so it's okay
no, it's never okay
fucking tranny
>This and phantasy star were the only mmorpgs I thought were interesting
>both deader than disco
A more cursed genre than scifi mmos you will never find
Cyberpunk, Bethesda games
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wow, no one said HIS name yet?
He's been lying to us since 1997, good ol Todd
/v/ is a Howard board, delete this.
This one is straight up fraud in my opinion. Milo as we see it in this promo never ever existed. Only a series of fake promo videos for actors to act alongside
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Was the 7th gen the most bullshitty one? I seriously can't remember any other gen having as much false advertising and bullshit trailers
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He had all this time for Starfield and it STILL failed
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hodd toward's having a stronk
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Gen 7 LOVED doing bullshot trailers
We don't talk about Watch Dogs
that's not the point I'm making at all you buzzwordbrained bucket of shit.
then speak english or shut the fuck up tranny
First and only time I ever pre-ordered again. Learned my fuckin lesson I guess, never doing that shit again.
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projecting esl? get a life
and yet you still can't fucking explain what you were allegedly "talking about" you fucking tranny, kill yourself
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Cybershell please go.
>team fortress 2 comes out
>wow this cell shading thing is going to be the future right?
>wildstar comes out with its hype fake videos
>a mmo that looks like THAT? amazing!
>2004 graphics ingame

trusting a western mmo is like trusting a western erotic game
Do people remember all the lies Kojima told over the years? It feels like theyre lost knowledge or something, but I remember many of them.

He said that MGS2 would feature a political climate system. What you did in the game would influence the politics of the world, which would in turn influence gameplay. In MGS3 he presented the game as a survival simulation open world game with hunting and first aid, but it was really just a standard mgs game. He said that MGS4's engine was so realistic that if a guard ate a watermelon and the seeds fell on the ground, there was a chance they would take root and grow new watermelons etc. In MGS5 he said you would return to camp omega and it would feature something "never done in gaming before"

Crazy shit like that. I feel like Im the only person who remembers him saying this shit in various gaming rags, and online searches hardly show it up.
the development team had two infighting 'teams', with the 'cute team' winning out in the end and gutting almost every simulationist element from the game in favour of fart jokes and googly eyes
They pushed so hard for 4k that we got it before game devs could actually put out 4k games (and I'm not counting AI upscaling bullshit), and then Sony thought they could advertise the PS5 with 8k. Absolute retards. I don't think many games support 120fps either.
>Gen 7 LOVED doing bullshot trailers
I bought Far Cry 3 based on the bullshot trailer. Fucking furious about that even today.
they did? where are the mountains of SFM porn?
He did say that shit about 4 and 5 but I've never heard of the other two, especially the political system. That seems extremely ambitious and way too powerful for a system like the PS2 or even PS3
No mountain. Just a small hill.
IIRC it was the art director that came to the project a bit late that did all those but Tim Cain was also a massive cunt
every mmorpg did this. why did wildstar get more flak for it?
It's not a reddit post but rather a Youtube comment on "death of a Game-Wildstar"


Tim Cain(Fallout creator and worked on Wildstar for nu-fags) has the best WTF happened in Wildstar development and it use full of comments from former devs

I really fell for the lies this time with oh, it's todd's magnum opus, it's going to be cinema, hes thinking about it for decades...
Set myself up for disappointment hard
It was created by Maxis, with the creators of SimCity and The Sims. So you can imagine all the hype... t was about creating life, form the beginning to the end of time. Everyone was expecting something like The Sims+ SimCity + Evolution thing... In the end it was nothing like that, but a collection of minigames and Build your own characters thing. It was nice, but not what was marketed as.
>lots of proposed ideas cut
>a bunch of mostly-functional content cut like the aquatic stage
>EA forced a lot of time-consuming changes like reworking the art to be more cartoony with googly eyes and sneakers (not kidding), or changing the overall theming of the game a few times
>how good you played the game in each stage was going to affect your species' overall stats and skills and such and you could legitimately make a shit creature by playing badly, but that was gutted out for basic perk things
>supposed to be a huge game, but now any normalfag can beat it in a sitting or two
>SecuROM bricking people's legit copies of the game (including mine) on purpose, hard-coded so they can't even patch it out like the absolute shit-tier Denuvo
>some Karen complaining the game was too religion-adjacent got the game's theming changed again and the game renamed like four times
>the Maxis logo can be skipped in the intro, but the EA one can't
>was supposed to have negatives for making obviously-shit creatures, but now you can just give it 50 legs and 99 mouths with no downside, and there's almost no difference between big creatures and little ones
>no support after release, minus a small cosmetic DLC, a smaller cosmetic DLC you could only get by buying soda, and an expansion that should've been in the base game to make the space stage less shit

>the "god" is supposed to get a percent cut of the game's profits per month as part of their reward for making it to the top and players would fight to earn that title
>the game never made a cent, even making a net loss
>one of that winner's rewards was to do shit like be flown to 22cans to talk with everyone, chat about the game, pizza parties or whatever
>guy at the company who was supposed to run that whole part of the reward quit / was fired
>nobody else at the company gave a single fuck about the contest and knew nothing about it at all, and was confused when the winner arrived
Right, but the early ps2 era was kind of crazy when it came to hype. Its hard to overstate how people thought anything was possible with the ps2 when it came out. People thought The Bouncer was going to be an open world MMO fighting game for a short while.based off random comments people made. But I do remember Kojima saying that about 2.
I can't believe he and microsoft got away with that Milo demo. That shit is still some of the most horseshit blatant bullshot in the history of the industry. Rewatching it feels like a fever dream.
There is a ton of high production value stuff in there, but you shouldn't use your brain too much while playing it.
Otherwise you'll get annoyed by them doing stuff like "here is an important choice that is clearly going to have long reaching consequences" just to go "just kidding, we are killing all the relevant characters either way, so your choice doesn't matter" 30 minutes later.
I actually really like molyneux. Maybe its because I never really got burnt by overexpectations from one of his games, but like, when people describe how bad he is, its really not that bad. I think journos kind of gaslit most people into hating him alittle too hard when really hes just someone you should have a good laugh at. And he did make some good games after all. Also i have a softspot for his bullshit
The thing I don't see many people talk about is that Spore is supposed to be this cute game for kids but there are still parts of its old "mature" design like how in the space stage you'll get tasked with culling wildlife and even civilians to prevent the spread of plague or to just destroy cities and genocide other civilizations but your character only responds with childish "okie dokie! Time to commit warcrimes again! Wahooo! Pewpewpewpewpew!"
It's a bit unsettling
I think his studios made good games, time has proven him a hack.
It was kinda like microsoft's version of the killzone ps3 trailer. Absolute bullshit hype.

Microsoft are still doing it today by parading around sam altman claiming AI is dangerous and AGI is just around the corner
It was an even bigger lie if you were hoping for a sequel to BG2
>when people describe how bad he is, its really not that bad.
He lied. He didn't say vague things that got misinterpreted, he lied in explicit detail about things that would never be in his game and aren't technically possible 10 years later.
He didn't get overly excited about his dreams, he intentionally said things that would get him more money.

You are a perfect representation of the average gamer. Retarded cattle that only exists to get milked by shitty developers.
He wouldnt have gotten to the point of you even knowing his name if he didnt head many successful games. Its hard to argue most of his games were good in-spite of him, especially his early career

You could argue the same about Kojima if he wasnt such a beloved darling everywhere, but MGS5 was shit and his games have been in decline after mgs3.
What were his lies when he was at MS?
Then why doesn't he make good games now?why hasn't he made a decent game in nearly 20 years? He's a hack, he just had good subordinates and took credit as head of the studio. Same thing with that grummz retard on Twitter, he worked on a bunch of good games but like 20 years ago, his recent ventures post Blizzard have all failed.
Why exactly did Wildstar die in like two weeks?
was that the fat cow that made all the characters have small tits that the devs undid the second she got the boot?
Dark souls 2 epic, next gen dynamic shadows and lighting.
I remember that one.
at least we won't make the same mistake with Elder Scrolls VI right?
I doubt Molyneux himself was responsible for Dungeon Keeper or Populous. I think it was his team. People, who names aren't well known. Molyneux proved with Godus that he is incapable of creating a good game on his own, with a team of his choosing. He is a pathological liar.
Started with Dungeon Keeper actually. Was a good game, but the original PC Gamer preview made it out to be someone creating and running a dungeon while their friends got to play heroes invading it for loot.

Also Theme Park's business simulation parts sucked and janitors were impossible to get to work.
Dark Souls 3
Shit is so forgotten, people barely remember it even in these threads
>and was one of EA's very first murder victims
Spore is only 15 years old, they had been doing it for 20 years by then.
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The Witcher 3 downgrade.
I liked how terrain actually had an effect for once. You're running speed increased if you followed roads and you'd slowly drift down a river when you stopped actively swimming.

Main design flaws:

The combat system was fun but a little too involving for people to get into an MMO grindset. A lot of times you just want to chill and pop things on cooldown while fighting mobs in open world areas. In Wildstar you had to be alway on.
Dungeon medals basically made it so everyone would quit and restart if there was a single death.
Insane raid attunement quests.
Warplots were basically non-functional.
They tried to design for "the different types of gamer" but didn't actually understand the archetypes. So the explorer class spent most of its time achievement hunting.
I remember stupidly paying 12 bucks for the beta in college and playing it all of three hours because the interface was fucking arcane.
>Mediocre launch.
>Gradually build up over two years into something amazing.
>Absolutely fucking ruin it with first expansion.
Same thing with pso2.
Who do i trust?
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Sony has literally always done this. When the PS2 was new they spread some total bullshit saying that it was SO powerful that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling them to use their combined computing power as a missile guidance system. I hope you all did your part and bought as many PS2s as possible so there were fewer on the market for Saddam.
Wildstar feels like it would have been a great single player Ratchet and Clank style action platformer. Then they made it an MMO.
It's funny that people were freaking out that PS2 would be capable of guided missile control but they really should be scared off how little power it takes to guide a missile at all. Because it's not a lot.
Time for the classic
>These NPCs are *NOT* scripted.
That one tlou promo video with super dynamic human npc ai and how they would open drawers to check for items, stop and listen or try and shield their face with their hands if you tried to blow their brains out in close quarters.
It'll always be hilarious the fact this game came out in EA, the dev went silent for years, then it random popped up on steam and everyone started hyping it up, only for it to release in an even worse state than the EA years ago. At least it was only 20 bucks but what a colossal waste of potential.
wha? no wonder wildstar had to shut down! that's blatant lying.
Just wait for cube world omega bro. Lmao. What ever happened to Hytale out of curiosity?
I originally remember seeing it on the Penny Arcade forums when they had them.
They did eventually iirc
Far cry 3 was pretty good though
>promise to make a god game free of big publisher restraints
>completely shit the bed
>some guy writes up this bigass complaint post on the forums
>hire him
>he actually does work and unfucks some of the worst things, but its one man against the world
>also the curiosity cube, guy who wins it ends up getting nothing
>run out of money, whore out to a phone game publisher
>now the phonegame is the main focus, but keep lying to the backers the PC version is the primary focus
>make godus wars to get rid of the very bad rating on steam
>its better but also very basic

>after completely shitting the bed and wasting a ton of backers their money on some terrible project, make some mobile phone hiker game
I literally had this 1 click away from buying on the paypal page at launch night but some higer diety stopped me.
Googling, I believe it's Matt Mocarski who they're talking about, since he's listed as Art Director from 2007 to 2012 and Creative Director from 2011 to 2017.
Reminder that Blizzard completely scrapped the original version of Starcraft because they saw Dominion's bullshot trailer at E3 and knew it couldn't compete with what turned out to be a fake game.

Of course, considering Starcraft outside Total Annihilation which really was a far superior game, they didn't have much to worry about.
The lies just got more mass market and less niche. Earlier gens still had things like Outpost, Little Computer People, and Battlecruiser 3000AD, they were just lower profile.
>dude did you see that new trailer?? that game looks fucking incredible
>it's just a completely CGI trailer with zero gameplay
But why. Why would you get hyped for something that isn't real. WHY
Sad they were forced to censor the rock people and the robots.
His "lies" are greatly exaggerated and often just misquotes. I can't believe anons got "swindled" on Starfield when he showed his entire hand.
people must CONSOOM
Nah he's gotta be way older if he got bad at spore when it came out, because most non-autistic kids at that time thought it was fine
>quoting the guy that tim cain roasted for 6 hours using purely facts when all he could muster is "uhm, hes a bit of a retard" in return.
>quoting the guy that told everyone tim cain hates artists even though tim cain started a company with 2 artists
>quoting the guy that refused to let anyone talk to the art team but wanted to talk to every other team
Yeah, it was already a meme by the time they strangled Westwood to death.

Remember when EA shut down Earth and Beyond because "there's no real large market in MMOs" and then World of Warcraft came out like two months later?
Best/worst example of this is Champions Online. Would have been wonderful as a single player to four player co-op game where you'd just get to play out superhero powerfantasies but they had to make it an MMO and then constantly screw around nerfing game abilities for balance.
Why did the gooks let an art director be in charge of game design instead of actual game designer?
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I know there is a lot of discussion in history circles about the concept of great men. I wonder what they think of the concept of terrible men. Can one great man seize history and change it? maybe. Can one terrible man seize history and ruin it? definitely
Wild Star could've been something man...
The random making the hate post mentions tim cain didnt lead but also blames the artist. Reality is of course more complicated but my guess is
>lead artist starts forcing himself on everything
>after trying to resist for a few years tim cain backs down and just agrees with everything because he thinks that will at least see the project to completion
>rando developer blames tim cain for not showing leadership (aka defending the work of the grunts against the lead artist's retardation)
>he, and others, leave, artist starts changing everything he couldnt touch before and ends up shitting up the whole project
Of course, he might be the one who had to deal the most with nexon and experience a ton of pressure from their side, or maybe he did some other MMO that got canned and tried to steer this one away from the same situation. Or maybe he just thought he was hot shit and forced his will on everyone.
journos love him because he's a great presenter. He can get you hyped for anything. but then he assfucks you with some shitty game
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Anything this inconceivably awful faggot has made that isn’t Psychonauts. He’s the only person I’ve ever sided against when it came to an issue with Bobby Kotick. Fuck Tim Schafer. And you just fucking KNOW he has a closet full of Joss Whedon-tier sex pest incidents.
>lying about hardware
still waiting for all those DSi enhanced games
The artfag had full backing from NCsoft for some reason no matter what he did.
What was Tim supposed to do?
>plunked in front of an early build of godus for multiple hours while all the 22cans people worked as normal
>too socially awkward to do anything but suffer through it
brian's journey was not an easy one
frag him.

assemble allies and put pressure to get rid of the guy, its either him or tim+everyone else. Although I guess the court jew could fuck you for conspiracy and sabotage or something
>abandon spacebase df-9 at the same time as claiming to be the indie company that cares about the consumer
man there's moments like these everyday nowadays
>the robin Williams gameplay preview
god take me back
Ok looking back project Milo was kinda funny to be honest
Not an arugment, fucko
there was an entire procedural movement and attacking system that was cut
your creatures appearance had way more of an effect on how it physically functioned
Full Throttle for me. Otherwise agreeable post
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I will never understand why they suddenly out of nowhere made female V a huge ugo. Like, literally not a single soul will claim they prefer the new one over the old one except the woke kikes at cdpr themselves.
the """"""""""humor"""""""""" was so grating in 3 i could never finish it
whats it like in 4?
remember when he told some poor kid he'd be made a special overgod in-game who could administrate everyone, for winning a contest or something?
he's now 30 and still waiting. all he got out of it was a visit to molyneux's office so he can also lie to him face to face
From the little we've heard theyve thrown out and restarted a ton of shit. main player model being ruined in one of those reworks is probably what happened. Either that or they first worked on the PC version and then had to somehow make it run on the PS4/xbone, cutting graphics everywhere. Or they ended up having issues when they put those high quality models into the actual game and had to suddenly cut corners to make it run.
>pic related
damn that takes me back
yeah, but only if you are into stories and you like keanu reeves/johnny silverhand
the main story is really great, but honestly too few missions and a bit short
the side missions and stories can be extremely hit or miss

gameplay wise its decent
i built the ultimate hacker that uses smart weapons and it was a pretty enjoyable progression to go from pretty weak to unstoppable killingmachine

too much loot, annoying to scrap or sell it all, constantly mashing the loot button while looking at the ground
driving is garbage, but bikes are ok, even got some special controls for tilting the bike making it kinda fun to learn

it was a broken mess of bugs at launch, i tried it then too
now it have any gamebreaking or constantly immersion breaking bugs that i encountered
often something dumb happening tho, like cars going airborne if you look at them wrong

worth a pirate
I never got the appeal of fable. I have lots of friends who talk about it fondly, but I played it recently and it's honestly kind of dull. You can 100% the game in about 15 hours, combat is just mashing attack, and the story goes by so fast and is swept under the rug it actually shocked me. Even with Jack of Blades, who I assumed was this awesome villain that really throws you for a loop, just insults you a bunch and then you beat the fuck out of him. There are choices in the game, but they're all really obvious ones(like sparing or killing your only hero friend for no extra reward/drawback) that don't change much of the game. I really don't understand how Fable was able to get 3 main games with a couple shitty spinoffs. Is there something I'm missing here or is it because it was a very casual rpg for newer gamers?
tranny I don't know why
cut off my dick no matter how hard i try
game name for the comic?
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More recently, he sold 50 million dollars worth of virtual land deeds for his new NFT game which was supposed to launch in September, then moved on to a new project and there hasn't been an update since.
that's pretty par for the course for web3 games though
At the one hand, Im surprised he's still doing shit. Between selling bullfrog, selling lionhead studios, being the lead of multiple big sellers, he mustve made a pretty penny. Why not retire instead of making games you know you cannot realize.

At the other hand, NFTs are exactly the kind of thing molyneux couldve come with. I wonder how the money of the rugpull has been divided
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>all those threads when this trailer dropped filled with posts of people wanting to drink her pee
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>when the actual game came out
Everyone with a lick of sense knows not to play MMOs on release day. And within a week it was already obvious wildstar was shit. NPC cattle still manages to get tricked by marketing though.
When the game came out and the /v/ and /vg/ threads became chuafags hard erping and sperging out when anything not chua was posted.
People shit on Molyneux, but his games were still solid, even if underdelivered on his promises.
On that note, who owns the Black and White IP nowadays? Did Microsoft buy Lionhead's assets after it went bust?
BG3 17 thousand endings. I knew there couldn't be this many endings, but what I got was TWO ENDINGS, TWO. EVEN MASS EFFECT 3 HAD 3!
What is this artstyle called?
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>No quests besides the class upgrade quests, which were a nightmare to do because the required mobs were not only rare, you had to camp them to prevent other people from killing them
>Going out of bounds by shimmying along the geometry
>Ninja looting everyone in the desert
>Game breaking bugs
For all it's flaws, I remember fondly all the time spend dicking around with friends in Priston Tale.
17 thousand is a ton, but you can easily say your game has 17k endings if you count every minor change as another ending. If you have 5 towns and 6 companions. And every town/companion has 3 different endings (good/bad/dead) you get 11^3 different variations of endings.
horni style
my wife
Why didn't they just put the same model in the game?
didnt fit to art teams schedule
One is a more detailed model used for a prerendered video, while the other has to fit in a game in real time without hogging so many resources the other players cant be drawn
we could have had the left if the cut-scenes were FMVs not in-engine renders
but you realism-tards wouldn't want that
Generic western 3D cartoon
Something similar happened to me. Two of my friends had already bought it and I was trying to, but the store page was overloaded by other people also trying to get the game and I eventually just said fuck it.
Fuckin'... yeah, Steampunkette, that was them. Knew them from before Wildstar and they were a raving cunt. Absolutely hated men.
imagine letting your speech be dictated by some mentally ill man.
They wanted she/her so what the fuck do I care?
There is nothing solid about Fable or Godus.
It never released but Project Natal was the worst offender of all time and it's not even debatable.

After the Spacebase DF-9 inccident I refuse to buy another Double Fine game. The only reason why I wouldn't spit in his face if I ever saw him on the street is because I met my two best friends on the forums back in the day. My story about what happened after the kickstarter was even screen capped and I see people post it still here on /v/ from time to time.
Never played Godus, but fable is pretty solid. The combat might be simplistic, but it's not janky. The quests are fun, and exploring albion is a nice adventure. Tying your appearance to your alignment and stats is also a cool feature.
Molynuex started strong but his promises got more outrageous as the quality of the games he worked on went downhill.

It didn't help that media was changing and, instead of things just being reported on, we got to hear and see the claims for ourselves.

Back when he started, something like Milo would have been seen, game mags would have reported on it and then it would have been shelved and forgotten about.
But as time went on and getting video footage out to people became easier and more widespread, being a bullshit merchant became a massive liability.
It's well crafted I guess but it's also extremely dull. Linear hallway maps, forgettable boring story, barebones rpg-lite mechanics, short, zero challenge, braindead "puzzles." It's a generic below average arpg that sold on hype alone and the hype was based entirely on lies.
This is true because his former employee's went on to do Two Point Hospital and the Dungeons series.
I still dont get it why he kept doing this. I understand if you overpromise something and then during production realize you have to scale back (like the size of the map or some graphics flourishes) but this shit just makes zero sense. Same with his "you can plug in a controller" and play together in fable bullshit. It wasnt implemented, it wasnt even part of the design document. Peter just made that up on the spot without blinking.
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Wildstar never looked good and it was pretty clear that it was gonna be shit. I honestly don't feel any empathy for the people who bought in to that game. You have to be an absolute retard to think any game with a overly cartoony art style and a focus on humor is ever going to be good. I mean seriousely, I can't think of a single game where the devs are legit trying to be funny ever actually being funny or good.
I don't get why Microsoft decided to showcase that when it was obvious bullshit. I mean, they had to know that it wasn't even remotely possible on 360/Kinect and yet there he was talking about how Milo was a real boy.
Neck too thin/long
bards tale (xbox) was funny
Earthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 2
Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard
threadly reminder that project zomboid has been in early access for over a decade
NPCs soon, right?
Furfags are something else. It's really unsettling that if there is a way furries can make it about themselves, they will flood threads until it is about them and drown out all other discussion.
why did they promise this shit
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They censored it? What did they do? I didn't follow the game all that closely.
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It's about Megaman Legends 3
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Pretty much a Peter Molynuex thread kek
I'm a paying CUSTOMER you dumb nigger. Imagine calling yourself a consumer, unironically. Fucking serf.
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>voiced by Cree Summer
awful taste
You can't deny the fact she has zero range, and every character she voices just sounds like
A: susie carmichael from rugrats
B: slightly angrier and edgy susie carmichael from rugrats
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you buy video games for your needs
you're a consumer loser
I'm with you, anon. I'm so tired of Cree.
Sure, but you can't tell me the bullshot made it look like a different game.
Looking up who I think the guy is online, my guess is he inflated the importance of his position on Burning Crusade so NCSoft probably went "He's had a successful MMO launch and you haven't."
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For you it was Spore, for me it was The Movies
>”You can recreate Star Wars in its entirety!” - Peter Molyneux
>make a video hosting website around the same time as the youtube guys to host the movies people can make.
imagine the timeline where themovies wins the video hosting war and molyneux controls it
>imagine the timeline where themovies wins the video hosting war and molyneux controls it
I can't even fathom if that would be worse or better than current jewtube
The Movies had its own database for creation sharing. Such a shame all those movies are now lost.
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Even the left isn't original female V.
I do not like Molymeme.
>We don't talk about Watch Dogs
was that THE game broke everyone regarding promo bullshots?
They fixed Kit later, shut the fuck up nerd. Wildstar sucked ass regardless.
I really liked Wildstar's artstyle. It could be hit or miss at times but it was unique and a breath of fresh air. It would be cool if Cory Loftis would come back if Wildstar ever got some sort of revival but I think it would be "beneath him" now that he works at Pixar.

>quoting the guy that tim cain roasted for 6 hours using purely facts
For six hours? When did this happen?
>T-T-They fixed it later
doesn't matter
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What Warsaw does to a mf.
>one of EA's very first victims
Not sure if youre retarded or not when EA was acquiring and disbanding famous devs since the 90s
Bought out by tencent and the devs turning it into a mobile game
>frog girl
>disappointing as fuck
Absolutely tasteless and uncultured. Embarrassing.
>You now remember all the shilling about the "super SSD" that would work 2x as fast as a regular SSD and remove all loading times, or whatever the fuck they said it was
Starting a new MMO in 2014 was financial suicide. Legitimately, what were they thinking?
The game was in development since 2004.
Dominion or bust
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god she's so fucking ugly. Too much space between her nose and mouth
fixed it in 2 minutes
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NTA, but, while I could see the highlights in her character starting to grow on me (how sexually aggressive she was at times just had me staring at my screen, not sure how to respond, and a few of her lines were funny), Lae'zel didn't immediately grip me like Shart did. Then again, Wyll had me rolling my eyes, and the chucklefuck wizard had an equally reddit introduction (I missed him until the very end of the act, where I came back to the portal since I thought it was going to be a mini boss fight/encounter rather than giving you a party member).

Ended up failing a skill check to Laz and Shart to not kill each other with rocks, didn't feel like savescumming for roleplay's purposes, and now her body is just laying in the bottom of the camp chest. None of the party members are anywhere near gripping or likable as in Divinty 2 though.
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>appeal exclusively to Pringels can shitters (raiders)
>your mmo fucking bombs
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Even with all that setup time, they only supported the game for 4 years. That's sad.
god you're so fucking gay
they wanted you to fall for the superwhore and be her beta provider now she's done with the cock carousel
>Dominion's bullshot trailer
rofl, this is the first time I've heard of this
Who is that cutie on the right
I guess you were born after ion storm died. The most stupid part was that they signed a 6 game deal with Eidos Interactive, then planned to become thier own publishers so they didnt have to share the profit with a publisher. One of the founders, Todd Porter, already knew a studio that was working on a game and he said it was 90% done. It wasnt. Dominion was supposed to be a cheap burner game to break in the team and strike off 1 of the 6 games. Turns out the game was shit, not halfway done and the people they hired were extremely green. They made a bullshit video for E3 because their game sucked dick and they hoped they could punch it up
>Dungeons series.
No, that was an unrelated group of germans
Original Dungeon Keeper team was entirely englishmen
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Pick a color
Nah, he became less and less involved in the actual creative process as time went on and he got more promotions. It's the classic marketing/engineering relationship in any business. Marketer has no connection to the product and just promises ridiculous things because his only job is to sell the product. The poor engineers are left scrambling to try and piece together this impossible mishmash of ideas in time.

If you look into the creation of Theme Hosptial, despite Molyneux's name being on it and it being his initial idea, his only real involvement was essentially him and one of the project leads chatting over a pub lunch, during which Molyneux casually had this throwaway idea.
not for you
I got a seizure watching this shit.
You had to be there.
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The whole Radiant AI for Oblivion. This was the start of Todd's sweet little lies. It was bullshit, but it got attention and Todd learned that games having a gimmick to show off in previews was a great way to get attention and sales. Just don't go too far and you'll have the fans defending you themselves.


After this there was "you can bomb an entire town in F3!", "you can do epic fights with dragons in Skyrim!", "you can build your own town in F4!", and "you can design your own spaceship, and explore entire planets, in Starfield!"
I don't get why the fuck people keep falling for his bullshit. It's (almost) never a direct lie, but the shit he describes ends up being lackluster and useless in the final game.
Was great still. I created a full length film in it.
ratchet & clank
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he just tells a carefully constructed truth and lets his fans create lies in their own head
>todd: you nuke bomb a town (one specific town that is completely scripted)
>fans: omg every town you see can be nuked by some epic sequence
>todd: there are infinite quests (just a random object is added to a random place and you have to fetch it)
>fans:omg infinite quests (everything as complex as the main quest, completely randomly generated)
he can give you just enough to go wild with, without technically going far beyond its scope. No "plant an acorn and it becomes a tree in real time" shit that can trip him up
A customer pays for services, a consumer pays for goods. Don't whine about definitions you don't understand, you only look more retarded than we already assume you are.
tf2 sfm porn
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>t. anon got fed some bullshit by his marketing professor and lapped it up like a good goyim
visual indication of "quirky" animators consuming too much cgi slop
Ex-Dev's have come out about the first presentation version and how some aspects of it were just all mock up, most notably the aquatic stage and some of the stuff they said about the space age.
BUT we also know that up until about a year before, they were still developing the "serous" Will version of the game. I would love for it to one day be leaked or something.

For me the creature part was heavily gutted. the old preview builds show that how you designed your creature had a huge impact on how you played the game. example, if you made a creature with long legs, the game would be fast as fuck, if you designed a legless thing, it would slowly crawl, if you made a giant huge creature, it would be slow to turn and move, etc etc. What we got was just a rpg like system where if you equip a +3 move feet your creature moves at speed 3.
The second is really based on the first were NPC creatures were going to behave based on how they were designed, for example some creature might be herd animals, some might try to ambush you, some would only try to steal your food, some would be alpha predictors etc.
In the game all creatures do in sit in their nest and wait for you to interact with them, and the boss enemies are chosen at random, so you can get some odd situations like tiny cute mouse like enemy that get buffed to a lion.
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Literally every human... every creature alive "consumes." Getting triggered because someone once turned it into an "OOM" buzzword just shows how retarded and underage you are.
Kit Brinny
brinny, more like briny piss imairite?
yup yup

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