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>50 hours into new vegas
>oh, I should probably pick a faction to side with
>decision paralysis
House is the only one worth a damn. You basically have shit made while House handles all the nitty gritty crap
Think about the sex slaves Caesar will give you
nah you don't need any of those fags
70 iq poster
yes man all the way. shame there wasn't a Enclave ending mod
Yes Man - ineffective incel who will probably get annexed by NCR
NCR - You're just some useful idiot. You're not even in their military
Legion - you're just a bigger idiot that will be in the Legate's shadow and probably get killed in your sleep for some faux pas
Mr House - you're literally his most trusted confidant and right hand man, heir to space technology and immortality
The choice is easy
You are being groomed by Caesar to become his heir. When you first speak to him, he tells you that he grew up in NCR, something that would get people murdered for even suggesting. He'd probably even spread propaganda that you are his child raised in secret or sent by Mars himself.
>Come up with a character
>Decide on his or her personality and views
>Whenever a choice is presented, think about what this character would choose
>No more choice paralysis
Feels good not to be a selfinsertfag who narcissistically pursues "le best ending".
House unless your character has some reason to be loyal to one of those commie faggot factions.
Yes Man is the retard option.
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Why do people pretend House doesn't have flaws?
might as well pick House since season 2 of the show is going to make that the canon ending
He has flaws. It's just that he is better compared to the other retards and Yes Man only logically works if you a super OC with 10 INT and CHA.
I've only done NCR and legion runs. One day when I finally work up the fortitude to reinstall and patch and mod and try to get everything working I'll probably side with House
"Oh no, the NCR has TAXES!"
Because NCR is gigaretarded and they made all of Caesar’s Legion act as ridiculously stupid as possible to try and keep people from siding with him.
>Quest failed: Arizona Killer
Because the Courier could kill him at any moment, so he's kept on a tight leash. Much easier to deal with than the dozens of bureaucrats in NCR, or hundreds of retards in legion
Normalfags who wanna fit in.
NCR us le soiboi choice.
Legion is le /pol/cel choice.
Yesman is le Mary Sue choice.
House is the only choice that is both safe for a normalfag AND lets him pretend to be a contrarian by shitting on the others.
House doesn't have flaws. What are you talking about?

The Legion are just cavemen.
The NCR are just treading water until the earth dies.
Yes Man is the same as NCR.
House actually wants to fix shit.
It took me like a week to patch everything. The worst part is that the uncut wasteland mod didn't restore the merchant outside Jean's Skydiving, and nothing I do brings him back. It must have been caused by one of the ESM clean up mods I used, because this happens even with nothing but Uncut Wasteland installed as a mod.
>House actually wants to fix shit.

No he wants to leave the planet behind and go to space. House doesn't care about the planet or people he just wants to be known as the person who saved humanity.
700iq poster. seriously, how is there any other choice? It's the only choice that feels fully fleshed out because it's almost as if the other choices were rushed due to a constrained development time...
That's the kinda shit that stops me from playing it again. The stupid thing is I reinstalled Morrowind over the weekend and it took me roughly two nights to get it fully functional 100% working and modded and the whole deal, but that's because of "OpenMW" keeping the most basic "Runs properly on modern machines and doesn't crash and lets you push out the viewdistance" shit simple. I know FNV would be a goddamn nightmare of downloading and jiggling load orders around and then crossing my fingers that no files were overwritten in the incorrect order. My Morrowind install would've just taken one evening but the second evening was cleaning up missing NPCs (Missed a few mod-to-mod compatibility patches) and a few fucked textures

Kinda wish the nerds would form a conclave and agree to do some yearly "Get shit running like cleaned/fixed vanilla" mod pack so there was just one thing to download and get rolling. If you've been maintaining a Bethesda game installation for years then sure you're fine to juggle all the individual mods but JESUS GOD ALMIGHTY starting from square 1 is a pain in the ass
>he just wants to be known as the person who saved humanity.
How terrible, guess we better stop him from saving humanity.
Outside of resource extraction, what the fuck does space offer? Dead, barren worlds that are instakill deathzones with balmy 1000 degree average temperatures?

The very fact that it rains at all and the air is breathable makes fleeing earth fucking giga-retarded. House's strong points have nothing to do with space-induced psychosis.
this but unironically
The only downside to house is "his ego" but you would have to be retarded to pick anyone over him for that reason especially since the alternatives are just as psychopathic and power hungry
Besides being a degeneracy profiteer he doesn't really have any.
It's not about him being flawless and more that he's just easily the best choice for the Mojave.
If you think democracy isn't a scam or think Alice McLafferty is a better choice than House, pick NCR.
If you're a communist or a retarded edgelord, pick Legion.
If you fucked up or just want to ruin everything, pick Yes Man.
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House niggers are rapidly becoming the most annoying niggers on /v/.
>Both the NCR AND Legion are communists
>He has little to no flaws
>No you see Yes Man is just a cheap not even truly independent ending because well because he just isn't ok?!
New Gay Ass is a poorly written Fallout game like any other but it keeps better track of faction xp so it's considered a master piece of RPG, every single faction is written to be intentionally retarded on some level and the player is left to choose the retarded decision the little retard behind the screen thinks matters most where it won't really affect anyone because that's how little retard babies like the average Gay Ass player think.
House doesn't show any flaws if you're a good little bitch the whole game, but question anything and he starts screeching like a complete autist, saying he's your right hand man compared to any of the other factions is just foolish.
In the end what you ultimately choose for Gay Ass is irrelevant and anyone who still argues about this is playing the game wrong. Fallout was always about the side quests, the philosophical and political arguments going on in the back ground at freshman college level that only redditors enjoy, specifically in New Gay Ass (and 4) compared to the others, are all pointless.
Fallout has always been about how many people you help in the wasteland, it has always been about helping give your companions closure, about helping the needy, freeing the enslaved and helping communities reach self sufficiency.
By circlejerking House so hard you missed the point entirely. Even Legion supporters just admit they either hate women or agree with the juvenile interpretation of dialectics being when you smash two nations together from Caesar or something. House fags just secretly want to suck on Houses robotic cock and replace both his robot wives.
>Le democracy in the wasteland
Nah m8
house is a retard for thinking that the ncr would leave him be. as soon as they recover they'd march east and conquer what used to be legion's lands and vegas will become surrounded by ncr and forced to do whatever they tell him. no amount of robots would help when there are no factories to produce new ones so ncr would just win by attrition
This is the "muh hardcore" faggot, isn't it?
*Taxes merchants 50%*
The cut option to make House become an NCR citizen would have been better.
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there should have been a md geist ending that branches off yes man
>upgrade all the robots
>tell the robots to expand outward from vegas and kill every living thing they find
Dunno what kinda boogeyman you made up, mentally diseased faggot.
his ego is actually a positive for you since that means there's about a 0% chance that he'll play you or go back on his word
if he's planning on stomping on you he'll make sure you sign a contract first detailing all the ways he'll fuck you over in plain text
The Fallout "hardcore style" copypasta faggot.
I pick house because the ending slide says that he will surround me with luxury while ncr and legion would just stamp a coin in my honour. and ruling independent vegas is too much effort
Why even go legion if there's an option to out-edge the legion?
it's over 200 years since the war.
the entire point of NV is that it really isn't the wasteland anymore.
NCR doesn't even have coins to stamp
>Fallout has always been about how many people you help in the wasteland, it has always been about helping give your companions closure
Guess what homo, the faction you chose can help or screw over all the people you helped along the way. In the end it does matter which freshmen level philosophy rep you chose to help rise to power in New Vegas, cause they're the new administrators deciding every community's fate.
Yes-Man is just House but better.
House is just NCR but better.
What about if you think holograms should destroy everyone else?
You already know.
ncr just gives you a gay little branch trophy and that's it. At least the legion immortalise you
You can play factions against each other until you decide, that's the beauty of it.
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I never see other ncr bros on this site. On steam you can generally see how popular the endings are via achievements:
>No Gods, No Masters: 11.5%
>Eureka!: 7.6%
>All or Nothing: 5.7%
>Veni, Vidi, Vici: 4.3%
Good games make you decide when you start by actively locking you out of choices to side with various factions if you have done certain things.

Bad games ignore your past actions and just let you select a faction even if you've fucked them horribly for 70 hours of game time.
because he's the one planning on giving the NCR the economic heart it desperately needs to keep it from losing steam and dying a slow and painful death since the democratically elected imbeciles running it obviously can't keep it afloat themselves
I don't believe one dying man can rule the world for any amount of time. House is just Legion but without any ideals guiding the faction and he cannot actually live long enough to do much. It's another cult of personality just like legion. But at least legion had follows.
Edginess is a life style choice
I feel like Power armor beats securitrons.
Good thing Brotherhood gets blown the fuck out then.
Last time I did House ending, feltthe best out of all, started hating the BOS
heres how you pick a faction
you wander around the wasteland until someone pisses you off, then you pick the faction the faction that wants to kill that guy
>the faction the faction
fuck I'm tired bros
It happens partner. Ain't nothin' to sweat about.
That's easy. Legion sucks and will railroad your life meaning you have to fight your way out if you'll cross them.
They will ruin others too. Your personal capabilities and any economics are at risk.
Nevada suffers a slow death at the hands of incompetent downshifters until Legion collapses or someone kills them all. NCR will come to ruin too, without neutral city buffer with the House.

NCR sucks less, and is like Legion in that it's a self-serving polity, but it shares all democratic US problems, whether mafia, corruption or what have you. You'll have to watch where you walk too, but instead of a shank or .50cal in your back you'll get many other calibers. It too will ruin others.

Yes Man is just a betrayal with status quo, while sticking with House is simply staying professional with a man with reliable work ethics, if out of touch, until you leave anyway.
Vegas stays safe, NCR survives, Legion die to the side or pulls up and gets into a new war, and you have a semblance of rotten peace, which you can fix in the meantime in your headcanon.
The Legion is civilised enough to have their own currency, minted coins no less
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There is a side we haven't seen
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Civilization is just rule by law. Some laws don't really guarantee things will work out in the end for the better, nor are they necessary for just human existence.
that's what the securitron army is for
Make a save and pick a faction, then play it through to the end.
Then reload the save and pick a different faction, and play it though to the end.
Then repeat that.

It's a 14 year-old game at this point. You really should have played every faction by now and I'm a little concerned that you haven't. You DID want to get your money's worth out of the game, right? Then you should have explored every facet and avenue by now.

The "make a save" thing will help you if you ever have this problem again. Wouldn't want you to play ANOTHER 50 hours, to pick one of the four "it'll be over in 40 minutes from the moment you make your choice" endings.
>Start game
>Set all specials to 9
>Gift yourself weapons you'd never normally use like the marksman carbine and fully modded laser rifle
>Give self Ulysses armor
>Add all the recipe perks like handloader
>Add the flavor perks like Terrifying Presence
>Have fun
>Then reload the save and pick a different faction
How about you actually make a different build so you can roleplay the game? Doc Mitchel only takes a few minutes to complete, unlike the painfully slow vault upbringing in Fallout 3.
How was Obsidian originally planning to make Legion less comically evil? The best they could come up with is "the roads are safe and crime is low" which doesn't mean much in a society where everyone around you is raised from birth to kill their own at the drop of a hat
He's asking about the endings and have played the game for 50 hours. He doesn't need new builds; He needs endings. He can have them all.
House is obviously a wrong choice, since it reveals how susceptible you are to someone who thinks he is much better than you making big promises. Do not believe his lies.
NCR is a choice that boils down to "the lesser evil", it is the clear, mature choice, even if it is a bad one among bad ones.
Caesar, then, is the greater evil. Similarly, a bad choice, but a more obvious one

The only correct choice is Yes Man.
Well the Legion was never technically evil. They were just presented as the most efficient way for humanity to reconquer Earth as the dominant species. Deathclaws, cazadors etc were all swept away by the Legion in Arizona.
>The only correct choice is no choice.
what an astute observation
>clear, mature choice
Yes. Sometimes it is important to say, "I'm not doing any work for any of you people, this is not my problem".

Yes, it is maturity to accept the democratic process with all the flaws inherent to it.
No, it's not. That's just non-choice stupidity masquerading as intelligent choice.
Also you play a literal mercenary, who quite literally does work for one man.
i wish you could blow up the dam, missed opportunity.
That would be cool
>it is the clear, mature choice
LOL, lmao even
>not "worth a dam"
anyone got the Jamaican house edit?
I just go with House because the NCR is basically speedrunning the Collapse of the USA into Corrupt Ineptitude, while Caesar's Legion is jack shit without an enemy to kill, and like the Roman Empire it'll run out of enemies. And unlike the Roman Empire it truly is a cult of personality. Lanius inspires fear instead of respect, and Lanius will never respect Vulpes.

Meanwhile I don't give a shit about running New Vegas and Yes Man is just a less forward thinking Mr House.
I mean the only thing the ending slide even really says negatively about House is "OOH THE STRIP IS COLD AND IMPERSONAL"
It's a fucking shitpit for gamblers, like I give a fuck what The Strip is like.
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Retards here don't know you can ally NCR and House together. NCR becomes valuable customers for the strip and House takes control over hoover dam and earns a shit load of money, electricity to bring his visions to reality. Plus you can ally Great Khans, Boomers, BOS, Enclave remnants with NCR for the battle of the hoover dam, that way all the minor power factions get to live and NCR won't be able to take over Mojave, if they decided to betray House.
My brother in Christ, bombs have not even fallen and the Mojave is about as close to a wasteland as you can get. Trying to rebuild a modern democracy through unpopular imperialism in the desert is always going to be a stupid idea.
>Great Khans, Boomers, BOS, Enclave remnants
All of these factions should be wiped off the map.
>t. Caesar
How's that tumor surgery going for you buddy?
>great khan
sell chems
>enclave remnants

House is right, the BOS needs to go.
I really don't know. You'd have to be retarded not to see the huge issues he has, the game throws them in your face ON THE MAIN QUESTLINE.
He has flaws.
They're just not as bad.
Yeah, the guy is an egomaniac. So is Caesar.
So are the various governmental heads of the NCR.
But Caesar's egomania has people nailed to crosses and the NCR is so incapable that its own soldiers are starving to death.
Who the fuck sides with a country that can't feed its own soldiers?

Guess what you get when the soldiers finally get angry about it?
A military coup.

In the end, House is just an egomaniac trying to make money. Caesar is an egomaniac trying to play God-King. And the NCR are egomaniacs trying to steal everything that isn't nailed down because they need constant fourth-quarter growth to make the brahmin stonks go to the moon.
Compared to how shit the rest of the options are, yes, he's basically perfect.
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>Great Khans
Not Drug dealers, but a Pharmaceutical company and that is a good business in the Mojave, Because people need Stimpacks and Med-x which are essential for survival/healing.

Nothing wrong about the Boomers even House wants them on his side.

Yes, let the Fiends and Raiders have the Archimedes, Gauss Rifles and Tesla Cannons. Let's see how good that works out for you when a giant laser beam drops directly on you from the sky. And House btw actually wanted to have a truce with BOS originally but it was cut out at the last moment. You can add the option back in the game.

Nothing wrong with them either. Enclave but they've dropped the "genocide all wasteland life" act.

Legion Chud, it's time for your hourly serving of hot lead. Get in line.
because every other faction is retarded
ncr high command is filled with brain dead retards who even fuck up the most basic tasks and their ''army'' is filled with untrained and unsupplied conscripts that could not even handle drug crazed fiends, all you do in ncr playthrough is fix their fuck ups.
as for the legion they are just glorified slaves led by a romaboo larper by comparison house is an obvious choice, He's more than fair to courier and people under his rule. He only deals harshly with those who either prove too barbaric or who reject his offers
>Legion Chud
I'm a housebro, all of these factions have to go.
But they're not stealing. They're working farms, enforcing law and order with extreme force, and protecting merchants which you literally witness as a player near searchlight.

The NCR is building civilization in that way that the Legion says they are, but never proves (more the devs fault than anything). Shitting on the NCR is like attacking imperialism; sure it isn't nice for the natives, but everyone is better off.
learn 2 Viva New Vegas. Just spend the 2 hours following it step by step and you have a perfect Vanilla+ foundation
House is a businessman, and you can't run any business when everyone else is dead,
What are you going to do? Trade with yourself?
A voice spoke. It said, the tower from lord of the rings. The eye part is a vagina. It's not true though, every single person Ive ever met had an endless supply of sex. This voice that speaks. Fag. Gaslighting fag.
>Decide on his or her personality and views
analysis paralysis
The NCR is way more than enough
Troon game
Troon posts
>But they're not stealing.
They literally want to kill House for complete control over the Strip.
Sorry cunt, it's land theft.

And you hear about Brahmin Barons stealing the land out from under other people. So yeah, they're thieving cunts.
House plans to teach people how to make tech again their are people already capable of reprograming his tech that problem is only going to get worse and will inevitably fuck him. Houses biggest problem is he thinks he is more in control then he actually is. seriously his plan nearly failed because a random tribal he recruited outsmarted him and house only succeeds because a courier survives getting shot in the head and becomes functionally a demi god why the fuck would anyone think house can rule for any meaningful period of time when he can only take control of new vegas with what amounts to divine intervention.
It always pisses me the fuck off how the NCR jsut straight up tells you to kil House, no attempt to barter, no attempts to bribe or anything just "Kill him".
Its why I usually just do house runs because even house only hates the Brotherhood, and essentially EVERYONE does by that point
his biggest flaws are that he’s only one man and he’s not nearly as incorruptible as he says he is, which are both big deals when his entire plan hinges on how amazing he is
Considering the game was started and finished in just 18 months, A lot of content didn't make it to the final release.
You can still have truce with NCR if you're going the house route. The reverse is also possible with restored cut content mods. But that depends if you consider that canon or not.
It's not that hard. You know if you are a guy or girl. You know if you want to fight or negotiate. You know if you want to shot guns or swing clubs. You know if you want to hack or lockpick. And if you don't, just base it on a pre-existing character.

Do a Kratos run, or a Sam Fisher run, or a Rick and Morty run.
You really should be able to sidestep moore entirely via crocker and broker some mutually-beneficial agreement, even if you have to strongarm house into agreeing.
Actual fucking retarded take holy shit lel
t. alien
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Thinking is retarded, stop thinking and just side with the NCR because they are the default good guys.
thats why I like Houses ending even more, you can fucking benifit the NCR with trade deals and tech, meanwhile
>Unga bunga kill tv monitor
Crocker just disappearing from the story feels like a fucking rushed plot point
NCR ending is only good if your Courier acts in the most non NCR way possible IE actually trying to unite the wasteland through common goals instead of taxing and Annexation
>Put Primm Slim in charge of Primm
>Bring the Boomers Along
>Bring the Enclave remnants along
>make peace with the BoS
>make peace with the Great Kahns
>keep Freeside independant
>Skullfuck every Legionaire you see
Make Tandi proud
>side with the Legion, Khans, Boomers and White Gloves
>keep all independent towns such as Goodsprings and Primm nice and safe for the Legion to take over
>destroy the NCR, House, Powder Gangers and Brotherhood
Simple as
>Siding with Legion
>Implying any faction or independent town will co-exist with Legion taking over
Bait or Autism?
Legion is hostile to all those groups you mentioned.
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Who said anything about co-existing? I want things nice and tidy with plenty of people around to enslave.
>Legion is hostile to all those groups
Khans get willingly absorbed, Boomers are left alone for now, White Gloves are five weirdos in a restaurant.
I was a housebro when the game first came out and I caught up in all the /v/ hype about it. I didn't even consider helping the NCR until I was multiple playthroughs in and took a good look at all the possible endings. At least based on what's explicitly said in the ending slides, the NCR has the overall best endings. That's when I stopped blindly going along with /v/ and decided that NCR really was the best.
>600 hours in the game
>Went with House every time
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>killed House
>killed Caesar
>killed Yes Man
>Vilified by the NCR
So what ending/route is left for me?
You're already playing it there just isn't any ebin cutscene for it.
>I don't believe one dying man can rule the world for any amount of time
he has been *dying* for over 200 years with little indicating that he has any issue with another 200 and the setting has plenty off ways to revert him to his prime not even counting the stuff he could get people to make for him let if he had control over more tech. second off in terms of "ideals" he probably has the best due to that fact that unlike everyone else he has the logistics to actually support them them
>lets just do the exact same thing that led to the death of the usa what could go wrong?

its literally just as retarded as the roman larpers only moved up on the timeline
>killed Yes Man
Like I said...conquering land and using it more efficiently is a good thing. See: north america, south america, australia, russia
All of those are examples of genocide and endless human misery, tho
He blew up the Lucky 38. No house databases = no yes man
>finish dead money, 5.5/10
>reach Yes man
>he proposes 4 endings to progress through
>research each proposition
>they are all shit
>quit the game
Sometimes the only way to win to no play
I also didn't enjoy new vegas all that much because I only wanted to explore the wasteland just like how I did with F3, but there was barely anything to explore, on the other hand it is much more consistent than the assy plot in F3
Never said he didn't.

He is the only one with proven longevity, a solid plan & good resources, though. What he did with Vault 21 was fucked up, but that's about my only problem, so far (playing my first run mostly blind).
Do you not know that Mr House is basically one of the Nazis brought over from Operation Paperclip?
Housefags use logic to criticise every other path, except their own, where they pretend House isn't
a) incompetent (fails at everything he sets out to do)
b) lacking in charisma (every underling turns on him, even though they all owe him)
c) not innovative anymore (talks big about spaceflight, hasn't actually invented anything new since the bombs dropped)
d) not actually building a society

he's actually worse than any of the other 3 options. Housefags will pretend he is the libertarian choice, but that's obviously the anarchy ending because it doesn't have securitrons everywhere enacting Big Brother

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