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How did action games go from this...
to THIS?

All God of War games have those quick time event cutscenes and the first GoW came out a few years after Ninja Gaiden.
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nah, old god of war looked like this
Damn, this game sucks
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to THIS?
What game
Ueah I never liked that marvel choreography stuff
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Nerds said "Erm, where's the story??? This game had a good story, why can't this game focus on the story more?"
1 and 2 absolutely did not look like that lmao, they were square square triangle fests. 3 elevated the combat significantly (while still not being on the level of the best Japanese action games).
>constant execution mini-cutscenes
People actually like this?
Well it seems like they don't considering how tiny the Ninja Gaiden fanbase is.
NG fags are a genuine plague on this god forsaken board.
both sniff their own farts
Yeah, we actually talk about gameplay here
the horror
>posts tutorial boss fight
And all Ninja Gayden is Izuna drop spam that's literally the whole game LMAO
It's literally the entire game retard
NG3 was a complete travesty.
That's what I said. Ninja Gayden only has 1 move KEK.
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God of War PAIN is about 50x harder than anything you've ever done shitter
This pic never made any sense because both games are dial-a-combo slop.
NG isnt
Yes it is. Call me when it gets a lock-on with directional inputs (not just forward btw) and delayed inputs/pause combos.
Why do shitters always complain about having no lock-on
You can delay everything in NG retard
More control over combos and it allows for viable directional inputs. Action games without lock-ons are just 3D mashy brawlers.

You don't know what pause combos are. As expected of Ninja Dog.
NG already has 360 moves as well as the ability to delay inputs ALONG with combos.
You don't know what pause combos are. As expected of Ninja Dog.
I mean with pause combos.
Delaying attacks and pause combos aren't the same thing moron. Just another poser faggot that has no idea what he's talking about.
>super fast paced game
>shit camera angles
>out of camera attacks

Will japs ever learn how to use camera controls ever? Its over 20 years of hack/slasher dogshit and they never get that shit right.
Any recent 3rd person melee action games that don't use Souls or DMC combat?
NG has both.
square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square square
>proceeds to spam UT over and over
Blade of the Archfiend's mid-air Flying Swallow is a pause combo, isn't it?
Pretty much. Good riddance to this brainless masher IP.
Best NG to play as a newfag who only played a tiny bit of one of the games at a family members house as a kid and got filtered asap?? Piracy and Emulation included (i have good specs)
Sigma 1
Ignore blacked fags
the first one was more of an action platformer than an action game
He literally just showed you it looking like that. It's getting fuckin ridiculous that contrarians outright deny video evidence.
Ninja Gaiden BLACK
Ignore smegma fags
uh oh
This came out the same year as DMCV
Yes it is. Anon BTFO
>someone was autistic enough to make this
They're like RTSfags but for a single game series that an hero'd
Black or Sigma is fine but Black is a little better.
No it's not.
"fags" is being generous, there's legitimately like one guy who's been spamming for years.
GoW3 is the only game where they let you combo like this and there are are 6 "classic" GoWs
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>like Ninja Gaiden
>like classic God of War
>like DMC
>like Bayonetta
>like God Hand
>like Zone of the Enders 2
>like Kingdom Hearts
>like TWEWY
>like Shinobi
>like Onimusha
>have to see dumbasses post bait and downplay the other franchises’ strengths multiple times just to prop up their own
It’s all so tiresome
This shit has gotten as bad as console wars, it’s nuts.
what's the most recent fun action game?
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Fence-sitting centrist cucks. Fuck off.
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Ninja Gaiden was able to add forward, back, 360, and running attacks WITHOUT lock-on AND having light and heavy attacks (that aren't locked behind a "style")

IN 2004

DMC3 came out in 2005
DMC4 came out in 2008 and instead of fixing ANY issues with it's retarded input layout, they compounded the issue.
Then Bayonetta came out a year later and completely crushed it by having EVERYTHING in DMC4 Dantes moveset and more, yes that includes a royalguard/parry input, WITHOUT the need for lock-on. Lock-on still exists but it's use is superfluous, only actually being used to activate witch spear (teleport) and, at least in bayo 1, one of Shuraba's attacks.

The state of DMCs controls are absolutely embarrassing but they'll never change because DMCtards think it's oh so fucking epic to hear dante go
Anon, just because you’re autistic and only play one game series doesn’t mean that you can just project like that.
There's only two people who cause these autistic shitflinging "wars" between action game series
>shitposters that literally don't even play the games
>people who are upset when anything negative is said about series they like so they'll deflect by shitting on other action games
Ignore anyone that randomly starts comparing series with a heavy bias (since every action game plays significantly different) and these threads will be much nicer
rpg retards think attacking enemies in any games work the same way
>>like Ninja Gaiden
>>like classic God of War
>>like DMC
>>like Bayonetta
>>like God Hand
care to back it up with your own gameplay or you are just another poser?
> Bayonetta came out a year later and completely crushed it by having EVERYTHING in DMC4 Dantes moveset and more, yes that includes a royalguard/parry input
with none of DMC's depth. truly impressive
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looks like shit
just stunlocking enemies until they're dead is completely non threatening and hardly more gameplay than a walking simulator
Depth such as?
>inb4 inertiatroon
You do realize that’s a training room, right?
no I in fact do not think he's going to spend 5 posts posting webms of his gameplay to prove to some random schizo who thinks he's lying for no reason that he's played the games he says he played
>Using ninja gaiden 3 as an example of anything
Yeah, I'm out. Have fun with your shitty bait thread.
NG3 is literally chock-damn-full of goddamn QTEs, you stupid asshole. Also your video sucks ass.
Razor's Edge is a good action game. And normal people are tired of pretending otherwise.
Razor's Edge removes QTEs.
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bullshit, also the game is full of kunai climbing. Remember how cool and fast ninja flipping between two walls was in NG 1 and 2...yeah fuck you replace that with slow and boring kunai climbing that you can only do at kunai climbing specific walls. What were they thinking..?
Such spastic garbage, no flow whatsoever.
Lmao this is so shit
>it's le stoic and serious soldier meets a kid for the first time in his life, gets attached and ends up having to save them from danger leading him to learn to care for other people
Such a staple cliché. And it still isn't enough to give Ryu a glimpse of a personality lmao
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t. shitter
I stood my ground saying story didn't fucking matter and that gameplay was king.
Then everything became movie games and all I can do is bitch that the story sucks because there isn't a "game" anymore.
Looks like an autistic hyperactive mess.
I love action games but prefer things slower and more methodical. These things need to have a sense of weight and impact to them.
>forced walking section in an action game
Team Ninja was so fucking retarded
Bosses have multiple QTEs
>posting the shitter version of the clone that a child could beat
It still pales in comparison to the dopplegangers in Black. That was peak action game design.
It's mediocre. And simply worse than the first two games.
How slow is your brain that this is hyperactive to you
>Making more complicated control schemes arbitrarily will make the game better because... it just will ok!?
Not him but he's right, NG3RE's pace is pretty nuts.
>action game requires the right buttons to be pressed at the right moment

>people unironically miss this childish edgy shit
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to this
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>lets you choose between a guard and a release at all times
>works in conjuction with your movement such as jumping and rolling (in 3) both for easier execution and finer positioning (ie https://youtu.be/b3PLU2jRI8M?t=26)
>royal release can be used on whoever ure locked on to
>guard acts as a tool for animation cancels
all thanks to its control scheme

"RG at home":
>can just mash the stick mindlessly for regular blocks
>perfect block (parry) can only be used in the direction an attack came from
>contradicts the shitty design of bayonetta where the player is supposed to maintain the string at all costs to get to the wicked weaves
by far the shallowest & most imbecilic implementation of a block mechanic in any action game ever
just cringe millennials being nostalgic again
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>No Rachel
>Barely any demons to fight

What the fuck were they thinking?
No other real action game is a literal rhythm game with fancy animations
I have no idea what you're trying to prove
Took you over an hour to type this? Sure hope you managed to record some gameplay.
>After coming from fixed camera games, go through a lot of effort to design the camera and test it in different scenarios, the player is free to use the face buttons all the time
>After coming from 3rd person cover based shooter slop, turn the player into the cameraman and maybe include half-assed Z-targeting that the player has to disengage half the time, the player can never be assumed to be able to use the face buttons so all generalist actions are on the triggers
Dual analog was a fucking mistake, devs and managers just used it to cut costs and test cases. Hardware devs should've taken notes from 6th gen Nintendo and reduced the right stick to a thinkpad nipple to prevent devs and managers from leaning on it so much.
The story is the game.
No I am just a random guy browsing the thread and your comment really made me scratch my head
Just dont understand the logic behind being a fencesitting poser on 4chan of all places.
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Ryu culo. That's the post.
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Ryu's sweaty pits and abs... just imagine the sight.
Nigger you could make that DDR overlay for literally any game. It's not a good argument.
>contradicts the design where the player is supposed to maintain the string
that's the balancing factor for them being so easy to perform. it makes standard blocks an emergency option
>action games
Useless monicker, that includes thousands of wildly varying games.

Souls games are adventure games, while shit like NG/DMC are closer to beat em ups than anything else.
They have basically no level design to speak of. You just defeat a wave of enemies until you can go forward. It's like comparing Zelda 2 to Golden Axe.

I've never played DMC but I've played X-Blades which is DMC like, and to compare that to Souls is absurd.
autistic zoomer spergy trash
also pretty autistic but much, much better
shit thread, OP
>youtube sharts
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headcanon. otherwise perfect blocks would keep the current string intact.
the video is from GOW3.
perfect parry rewards you with a counterattack.
>there are are 6 "classic" GoWs
there are 5. ascension does not count.
cool, fun games = edgy = childish
adults only play madden
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for me it's the Episode Duscae Demo
Should I grab Ninja Gaiden Black on my Xbox?
>b-but muh player expression! Playing action games is an art!
Although I still love team ninja game, but can they make ninja gaiden 4
i always thought the original soi of war games were mediocre, third worlders love them because of their shitty violent nature but the new God of War has better gameplay.
This thread convinced me to buy Ninja Gaiden (it was on sale on PSN)

It is extremely slow and clumsy, borderline tank controls, and you need to do fighting game moves for basic attacks. The horserider boss walled me completely and when I died the game made fun of me for switching to easy
/v/ contrarians tricked me again. I bet none of you even played the game just watched a letsplay 15 years ago
God of war is actually good tho
I expected zenless or something lol
>half the webm are just quick time events
mixed player who enjoys all the games? based.
and DMC 3 came out 20 years ago and wipes the floor with both
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the moment I realized dark souls was just slowed down 6th gen action adventure combat and was called "hard", I realized shitters were the new videogame demographic
>Qtes are bad
You are literally repeating memes invented by games journalists who were bad at videogames

So much for the “superior” hardcore gamer, eats up all propaganda without thinking
QTEs are bad and journalist are the ones that pushed them you dumb nigger cattle
Games journalists complained 24/7 about QTEs being too hard (most famously for Bayonetta and classic God of War) and now celebrate “Slow time events” like in nu-GoW where the game waits forever for you to press a button
Almost like the parry in bayonetta is literally just an accessory you can equip. The entire main point is that bayonetta still has a parry without having to twist it's back to create a way to input it.
>perfect block (parry) can only be used in the direction an attack came from
dunno why you say it like that's a bad thing, it literally just means it takes more skill to use.
>contradicts the shitty design of bayonetta where the player is supposed to maintain the string at all costs to get to the wicked weaves
parrying will interrupt an enemies string and give you magic orbs, if you get a perfect parry you're rewarded with more magic and get an extended witch time (except on NSIC) and in case you forgot, magic lets you perform wicked weaves instantly without having to use a combo finisher.
It's an optional, skillful playstyle that doesn't really hurt the core gameplay and lets you do things you normally could never do.
not that anon, but i want examples. i remember everyone, journos and non journos alike, complaining about QTEs (your "slow time events" are also QTEs btw) because they ripped you out of the game for a prescripted animation that felt like it removed agency and changed the playstyle in unfavourable ways. players would prefer to be running around and button mashing than watching an animation and waiting for a prompt.
>PSP games count but not the final GoW game before the soft reboot
I mean the game is shit but that doesn't mean it doesn't have classic GoW gameplay.
>Jump then x-x-x-y
Ryu is retarded. Whats that meant to achieve? Kratos had the right idea. He was trying to do X Y X X X Y and ryu wouldn't let him.
Yeah, that was the pretentious explanation, but deep down they hated them for being difficult and giving them “””unfair””” deaths
Character action game fags you mean
obsession with combos in single player games will always be the gayest goddamn thing.
haha yeah totally my dude frfr

old god of war is bussing
>no examples
yes, you aren't pretentious at all. it's all the players who are.
I unironically love bayonetta's QTEs and anybody that hates them has no soul.

And you're right. People like to say they hate QTEs because they take control away main control from the player or whatever but then everyone claps when you have an extended cutscene where your character fights without your control. Some modern games still have QTEs too except they'll usually give "accessibility" options to turn them off or make them easier and as a result, no one brings them up even though those sequences still take away control from the player.
>j-j-just don't add sequences like that
Every action game has cool sequences where your character does cool shit in a cinematic nature. Every single one.

Would you bitch if this scene was turned into a QTE? Yes? Then the complaint isn't that the game takes control away from the player.
QTEs are FAKE GAMEPLAY. you're watching a predetermined cutscene. the button you're mashing doesn't cause that animation (as it would in normal gameplay), it merely keeps the cutscene going. fail to mash the required button and the cutscene transitions into fail mode (reset to checkpoint, loss of health, repeat of a boss phase, opportunity for context sensitive action missed etc). it's dishonest game design and fittingly you are dishonest in your attempt to defend it. I don't remember journalists ever calling QTEs too hard. that's a bizarre strawman. QTEs are typically quite easy, always have been. what everyone has always hated about QTEs is that they are the worst of both worlds:
>not fun like the gameplay because you're not really in control of what happens. you're a slave ordered to press exactly these buttons, else you'll be punished.
>also not enjoyable to watch because you can't sit back and get immersed in the cutscene, as you need to be focused on the button prompts rather than the action on screen.

if you wish video games were movies you'd want more cutscenes, not more QTEs. and if you actually like video games you wish there was more gameplay, not more QTEs.
there is no defense of QTEs, they are simply always shit, no exception.
dmcbros.. i think we're cooked..
dmcv is trash
No thanks
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Razor's Edge is good
This shit makes no sense. Jump XXXY doesn't do anything in NG1 or 2. Was this meant to be XXY(hold) XXY?
>recording your gameplay
i don't have anything to prove, fuck you. i play game and talk about game. i don't need to post videos of me playing game to prove to some random retard that i played. kill yourself.
who the fuck plays this dogshit ADHD zoom zoom swish boom bang light trails and particle effects vomit? i'd rather play fucking cadillacs and dinosaurs for 10 hours than spend 2 minutes with this trash.
what do you play? cod? fifa? four niggas in a row? just curious.
Curious how these webms never show any fights against the RE exclusive monsters, or Alchemists. I wonder why...
As a DMC1/3SE/4/4SE fag, I agree
I only ever see ng fags attacking other franchises. I'm convinced it's one autistic dude.
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>only betheslop in the last 4 months
you have no place criticizing ninja gaiden.
It is. It's the dude who always posts Dead or Alive screenshots. He's a SEAmonkey who's admitted to being into blacked before. I'm sure someone's got the screencap.
>if you say you like more than one game youre a fencesitter because you HAVE to only like one game
wtf is wrong with you
holy shit those animations are bad
you haven't even been working through a backlog or anything. fallout 4 is absolute garbage and skyrim is only okay at best. like, you say all that shit but i can see right there that you aren't even playing anything else, so how can you make the claims? it looks to me like you just don't actually like videogames.
Why do they keep adding a ton of girls to the games instead of just adding one and giving her multiple weapons? Especially for challenge mode its stupid
>do you want to play as ryu, with 8 different weapons
>play as a girl with only a single weapon
No it is not only Itagaki knew how to make Ninja Gaiden in 3D.
They should have their own separate campaigns. The girls are from DOA and they function like simple extras yet because these games were not developed by Itagaki you get the BS you described.
>>They should have their own separate campaigns.
That, and it should be a single girl. Just take rachel or ayane (or kasumi since they're pushing her as the main girl now) and give her a few weapons. Not ryu's weapons, but new ones. Then give them their own storymode. Later if you completed both ryu's path and whatever's path you can play them in eachother's routes. The current implementation just sucks. You dont spend enough time with them to get used to their moveset. Their chapters interrupt ryu's story, and they are useless in the challenge modes since you lack the flexibility ryu brings to the table.
Just an idea I had for ayane
>handmounted crossbow, can be shot quickly but the reload animation is slow.
>regular kunai, stronger shuriken
>explosive kunai, same as explosive shuriken
>twin swords she already has
>some whip weapon
>spear, includes moves where she stabs it in the ground and swings around it kicking everyone away and moves like a poledancer
>giant shakram she can swing around and slam into people, slow heavy weapon
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>you haven't even been working through a backlog or anything.
Because i don't have a backlog. I only buy games when i want to play them or that i have already pirated. For example i pirated RE2make because i heard it runs like ass, then i finished it and it was fine and later i bought it. Like my actual "backlog" consists of trash like Amnesia 2, Syberia, Layers of Fear, The Bureau XCOM, Homefront and other shit i picked up from free bundles just because they were free. But the games that i actually buy i play right away. Pic related are the games i actually find interesting enough to at least keep an eye on and probably buy when they are actually done and complete.
no way...
This weird new crop of NGfags/Electric Underground spamming faggots are nothing to the sheer autism that was KH2FM Schizo
He was fucking unstoppable
there are tons of games you can play, you're just being a bitch about it. why aren;t you playing dark and darker, it says "play now" right there. also, most of those look awful, state of decay 3? really? did you even play the second? shit was awful. first was much better.
its sad right? Razors Edge is literally peak gaming action but people couldn't handle it, claimed it was the games fault and now ignore it. people cried and cried until they slowed it down til souls now thats all we get, games for mollases brains.
i mean the closest thing we had in the past 5 to 10 years is viola from bayo3 and they crapped on her too so we know what the issue is. what can you do?
I only play games that are done and finished because i don't like replaying games. Like just in general, i don't replay games. Only notable exceptions would stuff i played like 20 years ago that i have mostly forgotten like Red Faction or Undying or Nightmare Creatures and the other exception is Bethesda games because there are a million mods that completely overhaul the game so it's never the same.
dark and darker is something that is not going to be done for years and years, though, and when that happens there are likely to be less people playing? i don't get why you would wishlist it but then have this attitude.
>Bethesda games because there are a million mods that completely overhaul the game so it's never the same.
but game updates to a multiplayer dungeon crawler like dark and darker would do this, no? change the game and give you reason to keep coming back?
>>>>>>>peak gaming
>mandatory walking segments
>bosses from older games but with broken AI
>teleport dodge sometimes straight up does not work against certain attacks
>de-limb rate for Alchemists on Ultimate Ninja
>most efficient way to play is to spam SoB (you can consistently bait red attacks by using the self heal ability)
When RE is good, it's GOOD, frantic, challenging, with absolutely relentless enemies. But a lot of the times it's average and a lot of times it's awful.
Would have to agree with other anon, when RE is good, it's genuinely the pinnacle of action gaming
But there are times when it's absolute garbage, but NG is a mixed series in every game
>dark and darker is something that is not going to be done for years and years

Systems, dungeons and gear will change but the loop will, probably, still be the same. For example let's say i would have played the first alpha i would have hated the game because it was super bare bones, now i would have to play it again because it's more fleshed out but as soon as the novelty of that wears off i would quit again. I know myself well enough to know that as soon as i've seen the interesting stuff once(maybe twice) i quit. So i figure that if i wait until the game is as close to complete as possible i will have seen the best it has to offer.

The game that is, probably, next on the replay block is Witcher 3 because there is now a mod that allows me to play as a different character completely voiced(but same dialogue) and animated so as soon as that whole mod scene develops(maybe in a year) with a couple more mods on that level i might start that project.

As much as i hate the company, Capcom are the only ones that push out finished games. DD2 might get a proper expansion but for now it's done.
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>people autistically replay sections of single player game countless times to the point they can choreograph fluid actions like this to make a game look EBIN
>a majority of people will play through a single player game once then never touch it again, clunkily getting through sections of the game in order to complete it
Oh you mean games that sit forever in early access in the hopes that it sells well enough to fund the rest of the development and if it doesn't they just abandon the game?
this particle goo makes me physically ill
Why does Ryu Hayabusa have brown hair and blue eyes if he’s an Asian man?
It's called replayability.
Only good games have it.
honestly? you sound gay. far too worried about minmaxing your enjoyment of a game that you'll never actually enjoy the games in the moment that you are playing them.
>next on the replay block is Witcher 3
very gay of you, absolutely terrible "game". talk to me when there is a mod that lets me skip the shitty wannabe arkham game design with the terrible horse sections from red dead and some of the worst inventory management i've ever had to sit through. when there's a mod that turns it into a telltale game or a supermassive game, then i will finally finish it. combat in OP's webm is FAR better than the shit they've got in witcher 3.
play noita.
Part of NG is learning to manipulate the camera. It's intended design.
They block in Ninja Gaiden if you just try to press square.
what are your thoughts on the first deus ex?
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Sekiro just makes me wish I was playing Hi Fi instead. What a fucking snoozefest of a combat system.
>Razors Edge is literally peak gaming action
You mean NG2
Reddit: the game
Colour coded enemies lol, toddler game design
Now? With how mundane and generic government conspiracy theories involving, especially involving shadow organizations are, rather boring. But back then it was the shit. Especially as a kid all that stuff was new and exciting and the presentation of a voiced main character and cut scenes and choices with consequences was mind blowing.
A massive improvement over Ninja Gaiden 3 which was so bad it killed the series.
>It's not a good argument.
it is, because sekiro's combat is just "simon says" shit
the player has no real agency in how he can tackle combat challenges
to be fair 3RE's girls are actually great. altho that feeling is most likely due to ryu himself being so fucking awful in this game
Why would anyone go out of their way to make a video a ugly and unwatchable as possible before uploading it for views?
I only like Ayane. Kasumi's attacks feel like a wet noodle and Momiji is too slow
Dont misunderstand. I like the girls and how they play, it's just that they feel like selecting a single new weapon instead of another character. And I dont just talk about NGRE, it's the same with sigma 1/2. Its especially glaring with ayane in S2. She has very weak but fasthitting weapons, but they put her against wolves. It feels like your chopping down logs with a butterknife, unless you spam UTs. If she had more weapons you could at least whip out a heavy weapon to kill the werewolves.
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interesting. and how do you feel about the following
>hollow knight
>death stranding
>outer wilds
>fear and hunger 2
>mediocre soundtrack
Opinion discarded
i want nioh 3
The only title on that list that was ever relevant to me was Death Stranding until i watched some actual gameplay. The others i barely know of. Isn't Hollow Knight a proc gen side scroller? Outer Wilds is that indie skyrim and fear and hunger is some crafting survival game?
>I want [shitty action RPG]
You Soulsfags are cancer
why wouldnt i want [shitty action RPG]?
what are YOU waiting on? what do you fucking play RIGHT NOW?
you won't answer
aight, just checking. anyways, hollow knight is a metroidvania, map is always the same. outer wilds is a walking sim/puzzle game where you explore a small solar system and the sun goes super nova and blows up every 22 minutes and you loop to the start again. fear and hunger is a turn based game, got pretty big for such a small indie title, don't really know much about it other than it is fairly grim.
what was up with him?
>literally the best DMC game to date gameplay wise
>random thirdie on the internet: heh this is shit
>the best DMC game to date gameplay wise
How to spot a poser
4 completely mogs it but you're a shitter that can't handle its complex mechanics so you wouldn't know
>inb4 inertia
DMC1, 3, 4, and 5 are all great games. we don't need to get into retarded shitflinging matches over which one is the best and how anyone who disagrees is a shitter.
That qte looked lame as fuck compared to old god of war.
I want more QTE games instead of more soulslikes.
Literally give me another Asura's wrath. Please. Cyber connect 2 I beg you. Stop making furry garbage and make 3d anime kino.
DMC4 is trash kill yourself contrarians
5 shit on the series so no.
The problem with action games are the fact their fans have shit taste the most popular one DMC is the worst one it's a boring punching bag simulator without any challenge the first dmc v playthrough is unironically easier than the majority of western games nobody wants to replay the same game multiple times just to get a semblance of challenge and dmc has nothing else except the combat, dogshit mission design, dogshit story, dogshit exploration, dogshit artstyle
Action games can only get away with just good combat if they're as good as god hand in terms of challenge and combat

Here's what an ideal action game should have
>Dark souls 1 level design
>Sekiro difficulty and human bosses
>monster hunter monster bosses
>Bayonetta combos and dodge offsett
>W101 drawing mechanic for magic
>mini games and fun challenges to add variety
If my action game idea were to ever get made it would be an instant classic
Only people who have never replayed 1 say it's good.
>dark souls 1 level design
gay baby shit where you run back everywhere for 20 souls
>sekiro difficulty and human bosses
rhythm gayme trash that's not even hard
>monster hunter monster bosses
retards who swing once and wiggle their toes for 5 minutes
>bayonetta combos
retard button mash women shit
>w101 drawing
wagglan crap for nintentoddlers
>mini games
because the base game is so shit you need to distract yourself from it

KILL yourself.
God Hand is mediocre crap
Without instant weapon switching, multiple weapons are superfluous.
i played the whole series a year ago. 1 is still good.
i understand you're losers irl and the only power you have is juggling punching bags that can't fight back but pls dmcfags stop embarrassing yourselves
I want a monhun action game.
>Sekiro difficulty
damn i didn't know snoy movies are Sekiro-like
Action games need characters to interact with and side quests to do. Just running through a linear area and fighting enemies in a closed off arena every 20 seconds gets boring after a while. Nioh has the right idea.
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>Action games need characters to interact with and side quests to do
replace Shitkiro with MGR difficulty and i might even agree
this goes pretty hard
fr fr shits lit no cap
What game would you say more difficult without being unfair? like when you die it's 100% your fault.
>Action games need characters to interact with and side quests to do
Nah i think they need exploration and actual level and mission design
>Nioh has the right idea.
Nope, i liked the combat but i dropped both games of the dogshit level and mission design and lack of variety in enemies.
I don't remember mgr being difficult at all and i don't think the combat was that good it was hard carried by the characters and the music.
in comparison to Kekiro on Revengeance difficulty? yep
>hit sandbag into the air
>hit it with light pokes so that it levitates there
>but you get a combo/style meter so it's heckin' badass!
I don't get people who like DMC/slop from Platinum/etc.
You tell them NGsister
Just play Monster Hunter if you want good modern action games
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To this
>both DMC and NG are dead
>still endless shitposting about which corpse is better
Even UTfags and quakefags stopped fighting at some point
they did?
>DMC got the best game in the series 5 years ago and is loved by everybody
>NG has been dead in the water for 12 years because 3 was such a travesty that it killed the series for good
>DMC6 is coming
>DMC is le dead...
when is the last time you've seen one?
Probably the last time there was a thread where OP boasted about playing arena shooters...
>DMC is dead
You don't actually believe that
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deranged post thought up by a schizophrenic
pic related
MGS5 felt bad to play and I even had a turbo mod.
>>DMC got the best game in the series 5 years ago and is loved by everybody
Sincerely kill yourself
another fucking retard who only used the light attack forgetting the skill system, item system, prosthetic system... lo and fucking behold the average fucking retard human who thinks their stupid observation holds any fucking water. so fucking tired of you fucking braincucks
>use prosthetics
>run out 1/4 of the way through the fight because the devs are retarded and limited it too hard
What an impressively stupid post.
Old action games are so boring, it’s hilarious how they managed to get converted into gacha games with literally zero changes or simplification of gameplay needed (see DMC: “Peak” of Combat on the appstore). It feels wrong calling complex action games like Dark Souls action games, since that implies that shit like DMC is even on the same level.
no it doesn't
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Action RPGs are the future grandpa. They offer more depth and variety than these old games ever could.
what the hell do you need turbo for in mgs5? are you in the right thread?
>(see DMC: “Peak” of Combat on the appstore)
are you really so retarded that you are claiming an ios combat system is the same as that with a controller?
Phones are controllers nowadays
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>skill system, item system, prosthetic system
which are all absurdly limited and even worse is that a significant amount of them are super specific in their utility
honestly, imo they mostly seem to be a crutch than an actual core component of the combat
So xcucks sucked before snoys? what's your point?
He said Dark Souls is complex. He's either trolling or legitimately retarded.

fuck off zoomer
Limitations are precisely what makes combat engaging.
DMC5. I have PTSD from both games.
Spastic ADHD action games are lame and I'm glad they're getting phased out.
>another fucking retard who only used the light attack forgetting the skill system, item system, prosthetic system
Yeah everyone forgot about that because it's fucking pointless. Unless you set yourself an arbitrary goal of using a certain prosthetic or item in a bossfight there's really no reason to do so. The bosses are easy enough as is, I don't need to find a way to make them even easier.

that's a beatemup
every boss in this genre sucks
vergil is the worst
>I have no idea what I'm talking about but will parrot the video essays I watch anyway
Nioh has good bosses
For me it's The Wonderful 101 - the thinking man's action game.
It's okay Fromdrone it's not your fault you have zero reflexes. Go back to your rollslop and ignore all the people laughing at you.
>isometric shit
Hard pass
Radahn is harder and requires more reflexes than any Ninja Gaiden or DMC boss
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Hard disagree
The dopplegangers in Black are the only good bosses in the entire series. NG is such trash.
>zero reflexes
you dont need reflexes to beat dmc or ng
you dont play these games
most of the skills are literally useless because the enemies are either too quick or simply not build for it so in the end its simply better to just smash the attack button
Not to mention prosthetics which out of all of them only like 2 are viable
mindbroken by FromGOD so hard he is seeing them everywhere lmao
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>emulating ngb
>having a great time early-mid game
>hate the platforming sections
>fucking hate that 2nd alma fight and those bosses with very fast grab animations
>encounter THIS
man what the fuck even is this game

cockball torture
I sincerely never really liked a single NG
They are just not fun games
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Use the flails. You're gonna get fucked by those little shits if you don't.
>nooooo let me spam my ultimate moves with no cost aside from maaaaaaybe a 5 second cooldown
Capcomfags, not even once. Also,
>because I can’t understand your post, a video essay person MUST have planted it in your head!
limitations are only good if they enchance some other elements that are more important to game at hand

action combat is fundamentally about making the best possible sequence choices within the pressure of short time frame
therefore these games benefit from the player, at given moment, having multiple choices of action - each with their own distinct properties, risks and rewards
I particurlarly like games whose moves to have little redundancy between them, which why I gravitate more towards games DMC and not yellow pages dial-a-combo like Bayo (though I still enjoy the latter if the design is fundamentally good)

in Sekiro, for most of the game, your only choices are pretty much: "either execute this specific move or die"
that's not a choice, it's a "simon says" ultimatum
and the skills and prosthetics do not alleviate this problem, in fact in some fights they are the less pratical action to take
>boss doppelgänger that uses the player moveset
>turns the enemy player into a helpless sandbag that they effortlessly juggle combo until death with zero interaction whatsoever
…And you still don’t get why these games are boring? The boss is right there, doing exactly what you do to every enemy in the game. The devs are trying to spell it out for you by having you on the receiving end.
i enjoyed it but it is easily among platinum's worst action games. it's got better gameplay than nier automata, and i haven't played babylon's fall, but otherwise it is mogged by prtty much every other platinum game.
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actually the combo makes sense because if you xxx yyy xxx and yyy then you will be sucked
there are no risks or danger in the dmc games
i dont like fromsoftware games but i dont like dmc either
the webm that destroyed fromdrones
>no argument
damn he must be completely right then
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>These games are good at very specific things because the game is more or less designed entirely around it
>Now lets mash all of those things together
I genuinely can't tell if your post is bait or not. GENUINELY. If you posted this maybe 10 years ago, I would automatically assume it's bait even disregarding the "sekiro difficulty" bit but this is modern /v/ where retards like this actually exist.
I really need to emulate gow 1 and 2 for old times sake. I never even played 3.
Damaging example if you really disagree.
Platinum is shit and always has been and I'm glad Trannyetta 3 killed Kamiya's career for good. Get screwed losers.
to be honest even though ninja gaiden's combat is very good, every game after 1 is just kinda bland because the combat is ALL there is. ninja gaiden 2 is essentially just 1 big combat room after another and 3 and razor's edge even more so. they lack a lot of that feeling of adventure and level design that you will find in other games, even games with objectively shitty combat like sekiro's. i'd also say that they leaned too much into the flashy combat shit, like everything is just an endless barrage a barrage of special effects, dashes and projectiles, and the enemies are usually nonsensical and retarded instead of intriguing and scary like in 1.

the original ninja gaiden is definitely the best game in the series and hasn't been topped since. it plays like an actual video game with a believable world to explore and story to follow. i'd say sigma is the best but it adds the retarded rachel missions for no reason so black is probably the best
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>…And you still don’t get why these games are boring?
You're just dumb actually
Platforming breaks up the action (and most big sections have skips. The arena you fight normal doku in for example can be done without pulling a single lever).
second alma is kino.
The game literally tells you how to deal with the ghostfish. Ayane throws a kunai letter at you when you first see them. All you have to do is use your flails and jump straight up to prevent from finishing the basic string and opening yourself up to them.
>Sekiro still living rent free in the DMCV redditors head for over 5 years
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So true oomfie, i'm glad there are so many other great devs creating action games such as....such as....
Speaking of bait
The ghost fish are only an issue in NG2004 where they didn't tell you directly how to beat them.
>Platforming breaks up the action
>in an action game
This is always a bad thing
Genshin Impact and Hoyoverse
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Sekiro mogs everything else.
Show me a single game that has better action combat than this. I dare you.
Remember as a child I complained about GoW 1 unskippable cutscene a lot

Things became so much worse
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Why did her games fail?
yeah NG3 is specifically the corridor walk "story heavy" shit game of the series
i don't remember a single song from ng2 or ng3 but a lot of the ng1 still sticks in my head 20 years later. the main theme is great and i like a lot of the boss themes


i love this boss was just "lol just fight these two t80s by firing APFSDS cores at them". i love that the first ninja gaiden had magical ninja bullshit but still felt fairly grounded like that

toxic waste is also good

They weren't good and Nintendo fans don't like action games. Bayo 3 got outsold by stellar blade.
Nobody wants to play with a roastie
Dokku is great too
Character action games just have a vile aura to them. Unlike beat-em-ups like Castle Crashers which have a pure, whimsical air to them.
Forced witch time. Only the first game is good because that retarded mechanic gets disabled.
Kamiya makes more misses than his fans want you to believe.
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Cool mod though
>Show me a single game that has better action combat than this. I dare you.
try this on for size
>>monster hunter monster bosses
MH bosses work because, at least for every game besides GU and Rise, you have very limited movement options and high commitment with your attacks. There's a lot of skill in how you maneuver yourself and aim your attacks because of how slow your movement is. Beating a monster fast requires a lot of studying of the bosses attacks and having really good timing and spacing to hit it's weakpoints consistently....well unless you're a nigger bow or gun user that is.
>Sekiro difficulty and human bosses
The only thing I can imagine you're saying with this is that you think sekiro baseline gameplay is "difficulty" and that you somehow think the sekiro bosses are special. They aren't, they're just patterns for you to learn and the reason bosses work in that game compared to elden ring, which are on par if not worse, is because of the parry. If you were to have sekiro bosses with monster hunter movement and defense options...it would be extremely aids.
>Bayonetta combos and dodge offset
I'll give you the benefit of the fucking doubt here and assume you mean the dial-a-combo and not the actual juggles and shit you can do in bayonetta so....you just wanted wicked weaves...that's it?? okay????
>W101 drawing mechanic for magic
You're just trying too hard at this point
>Dark souls 1 level design
Action games are meant to be replayed over and over, with fairly short campaigns. It absolutely does not need the effort it takes to create souls tier level design whatsover. The closest you can get is something like Nioh
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>Disney shit
>Particle effect spamming
Action games would benefit greatly from having actual good level design that isn't a straight hallway.
you are pretty close to describing ninja gaiden 1 desu. it probably would've been bigger but it came out at a bad time for "epic hard adventure game" and was also xbox exclusive and its sequels kinda sucked
>OG God of War, set in mythological Greece
>Written like a Greek Tragedy
>nuGOW, set in Norse mythology
>written like a marvel movie rather than an Icelandic saga
Missed opportunity
>The game literally tells you how to deal with the ghostfish. Ayane throws a kunai letter at you when you first see them. All you have to do is use your flails and jump straight up to prevent from finishing the basic string and opening yourself up to them.
yeah I read her kunai and instantly used the flails
what I hated is when these lil fuckers or any enemy in general bite your dick off-cam
Just give me action Taimanin, but without the gacha, and Nioh 2 combat.
That's all I need.
Nioh combat is trash you retard
developer makes a new action game then
>A unique take on 3D action with its own distinct identity and feel
developer makes a new action game now
>souls, just souls, feels like souls or feels like a shittier version of souls, no distinct identity, just souls
I enjoy KH2FM a lot, but pretending anything to do with datamined revenge value manipulation is good boss design is fucking retarded. It's also misleading to add things like slapshot and ripple to the list of commands when those aren't manual commands but rather things you equip outside of battle that are done automatically.
First, turn on the karma window, you can see when a fight is finished then (the game will display the end of time score)
enemies offcamera are a lot less aggressive and are prevented from doing certain attacks.

just NGB but with taimanin would be cool. Under eden would make a great tairon
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They didn't, there wouldn't be 4 games otherwise.

That being said, only Bayo 2 is actually bad.
>Bayo 1, basically Kamiya's attempt at DMC4 style gameplay but it's kamiya so everything actually has purpose.
>Bayo 3, doesn't try to tweak perfection that is Bayo 1, instead goes a different route with gameplay additions that completely change how the game works.
>Bayo 2, durrr what if like....we forced you to use witch time and like....we made witch time length arbitrary and like...we gave you this super strong DT game that lets you just mash...
You can still dislike Bayo 3 all you want but I much rather them try and go a different route then trying to retread old ground, plus I still think even if you ignore the kaiju mechanic Bayo 3 still has really cool new weapons.
Sifu doesn't look anything like a Souls game to me.
You don't know what you're talking about
>Yeah, man, the game is great
>*posts a clip of someone juggling a defenseless, mindless sandbag*
Every single time with you people. I wish there were more Ninja Gaiden-likes instead of this DMC wannabe garbage.
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Try and tell me how this is a Soulslike
these bosses are a joke
you dont play these games
Bayo 1 pure platinum NSIC is much harder than any ninja gaiden except maybe 3 just because of how fucking long NG3 enemies take to kill without SoB
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...to this?
button masher grannies, nigger gayden faggots, and dmctroons are literally eternally and utterly mindbroken and assraped beyond salvation
Pure cancer
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>half the weapons are just variations of the blades of chaos
fuck god of war 3
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Yes I am aware, thank you. Wouldnt really call it a reward though given how poorly implemented it was with no consideration for the rest of the combat mechanics, on top of making the perfect parry fail at the only thing it sets out to do. Wow its as if the hacks at PG were obsessed with the idea of just shamelessly ripping off things Itsuno had brought to DMC and dumbing it down to unthinkable levels rather than creating their own unique take on a blocking mechanic. End result: dysfunctional perfect parry in a game with a dysfunctional melee that is meant to be played like TPS
The real main point here is that Bayo will never have an ounce of DMCs mechanical depth, just like trannies will never substitute for real women. And just like MoMT cant do all the things I listed for RG, trannynetta trannies will forever be incapable of giving birth to children.
>it literally just means it takes more skill to use.
>less control is good! less depth is good!
peak fromdrone mentality.
>parrying will interrupt an enemies string
damn so skillful...
>and in case you forgot, magic lets you perform wicked weaves instantly without having to use a combo finisher
you dont need the parry accessory for that, it's already designed to be played like a shitty third person shooter.
>DMCs mechanical depth
ha ha ha
good joke
juggling pucnhing bags is not depth
play a fighting game or an rts
3 is utter dogshit bro.
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>Bayo 1 pure platinum NSIC
truly the ultimate challenge LMAO curious why you chose to omit the fact that all bayofags just cheat the PP by restarting a verse whenever they get hit lmao.
NSIC PP isn't hard, it's just tedious
>get hit
>go back to the title screen
>restart encounter
>repeat until you PP the verse
i want a fair contest
no glorified guessing game
Is nioh any good
retarded bait
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>one weapon
>one attack button
>30 (THIRTY) frame parry that is spammable with 0 downsides
and before you reply to me with that charm shit, you only get it on subsequent playthroughs and its basically a self restriction.
sekiro is an embarrassing excuse for a pure action game, from should stick ARPGs
>that is spammable with 0 downsides
the parry has diminishing returns.
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Did you even watch the webms?
It's obviously a joke.
The original ironically has a better story and better writing than 2018. It also isn't padded to hell and back.
this boss fight is so fucking overrated desu
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Look at what they need to mimick a fraction of our power...
>game for literal toddlers
Putting XVI in anything but F-tier instantly discredits your entire list.
It's 12 frames you moron. Quit spreading disinformation.
>A game for toddlers remains the best action game for the past 20 years.

>console warrior in 2024
no one cares abour your kiddie series for MCU tier fans bro
DMC will never have an ounce of bayonetta challenge enjoy beating punching bags that can't fight back
Do you people actually listen to yourself ? there's nothing fair about beating up punching bags that can't fight back
literally the only reason i sometimes get hit in dmc is because i forget that enemies could actually attack me.
>no one cares
your entire genre is almost dead because nobody cares about your favourite games
I own a PS5, XVI is literally a dogshit game and an even worse "action" title. An "action" game where all enemies are damage sponges that DO NOT react to being hit is beyond terrible.
>hey guise look at me bullying 2 ardors in an early fight lmao this game is ez
good luck with the alfheim PPs bud, im sure you can tear those "only wicked weaves" ones to shreds, dont forget to reset!
>checks list of top games of all time
>KH is still on it
>DMC and NG are nowhere to be found

That's just the first phase of regular old Genchiro, it's the second phase that is awesome.
Kill yourself zoomer troon
fighting games are action games with rhythm
>nah guys video games aren't hard you can just restart
wow anon you cracked the code
not if you keep on Human, no
Namefag is retarded as always
>im sure you can tear those "only wicked weaves" ones to shreds
Yeah? Just spam PKP with the katana
Rage of the Dragons
King of Fighters
Guilty Gear Strive
Mortal Kombat 1-9
Melty Blood

They all require rhythm, and extreme forms of it too.
>left: 41%
>right: lumberjack
Right is better.
This is always said by people who've never played DMC, and have certainly never played it on DMD. Even on easy mode when enemies just stand around, it still has more mechanical depth than whatever games you like. Mechanical depth means mechanical depth, not "How much does the game force you to do specific things" like some retards try to redefine it as.
>literal whos loved their baby's first action game and put them on their lists
lol journo tier ranking
even on dmd enemies are not dangerous at all
you are an idiot
>baby's first action game
We're not talking about DMC here
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So does the challenge in question lie in trying to not fall asleep while hitting air like a retard only to shit out charge modifiers and wicked weaves while the enemies cant do anything, or what?
Every single Bayo enemy is fought in the exact same way, by shitting out ranged attacks, and it's literally how the game is designed to be played instead of a design oversight/cheese method.
fuck you
gunz the duel is deeper than your crappy franchise
No. It's the first phase of Isshin.
The first phase is Genchro, second phase is SS Isshin. Did you even play the game?
hey guys what games have combos in em
Combos are for scrubs
I can't even tell what I'm looking at.
what games have combos in them
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel™
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Based mod

>doesn't reply to anything I said
>lists a game totally unrelated to the argument
You haven't played DMC and you don't know what mechanical depth means.
You're arguing semantics.
Genichiro is the first phase of the isshin fight.
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Fight 'n Rage
It's the izuna drop input (the air part without the launcher)
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Kasumi was probably my first vidya waifu.
You're the one arguing semantics, I was talking about the gameplay in the webm.
unlike you I didnt look up an online guide to cheese a boss and instead had fun fighting it. I bet you killed cerberus in DMC3 by standing in the back of the room shooting it until it died too
>mechanical depth
gunz the duel requires much more mechanical skill and good aim
your crappy franchise is nowhere near the same level
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juggleslop games are trash, dont kid yourselves
Fair point.
>much more mechanical skill
There you go again confusing mechanical depth with "does the game force you to do things?" like an absolute cock sucking retard.
>I bet you killed cerberus in DMC3 by standing in the back of the room shooting it until it died too
blah blah blah
dmc bosses are a joke
was the hate for ninja gaiden 3 justified or a gaming press contrivance? I can't off more steep falls from grace than ng3 off the top of my head.
I beat sekiro exactly like this and was suprised to find the internet praising it as the height of action games.
>XVI almost ends up good
>has a variety of humanoid boss fights
>you can't launch them at all, they're all grounded all the time and even if you break their stagger meter completely they are still glued to the ground
Heavily limited experimentation, creativity and player expression for those fights and it honestly really sucked.
Base NG3? Yes, it's retarded in just about every way possible.
NG3RE scraps it together into a good game but there's shit you just can't fix without completely remaking it like the retarded story.
>There you go again confusing mechanical depth with "does the game force you to do things?" like an absolute cock sucking retard.
you dont need these advanced techniques if you have good aim
you are a shitter
stick to single player games dumbass
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Nice try anon, that's clearly a Tales of game.
>few seconds off
XVI is pretty fair in the b-tier ngl. A lot of enemies react to getting hit, but only enemies on your size, then everything that has a stagger meter, including bosses your own size does not react outside of pre-determined stagger meter thresholds and even then only have super limited reaction, but on most regular enemies there is a ton of room for creativity and player expression.
because its mostly praised by people who got actually filtered by the other Fromsoft games because they couldn't spam L1 block button and just follow simple simon says commands
2FM is a genuinely great action game and so is 3 ReMind to a certain extent.
>b-but Disney
Yeah, I'm thinking jap autisimo chuuni kino
and you do in ninja gaiden? lmao, it's spam your insanely generous iframes or die
that's not a game, that's a movie
base NG3 was complete garbage. walk/talk scenes, bunch of quicktime event shit for things like ropeclimbing, only 1 weapon, bone on steel being completely broken. Ninpo is just a single screen nuke. The whole thing was just stupid.
NGRE is okay but it is still built on the NG3 foundations, which means the story is still an issue, as are some old bosses. The fixes are alos them bringing back old weapons, instead of giving you new ones.
>Press 1 button to parry
>Ninja Gaiden
>Have a wide variety defensive moves and offensive attacks with i-frames to maneuver around an enemies attacks
NG is the opposite of simon says because you have actual options
>plenty of options, but can't use any of them aside from a few because you're forced to spam iframes due to poor design
so simon says
average ng hater reading comprehension
Are you an ESLfag? Everything you say is a non sequitur.
>i-frames are bad because....BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE
Are you stupid? being able to attack with i-frames is what makes ninja gaiden combat so aggressive and fun. It's specifically why NG enemies are allowed to be as aggressive and relentless as they are
Also, blocking is very good in NG and absolutely necessary to use. The only punishment for blocking attacks is just having to release and press the guard button if you get guard broken.
You also have a parry/counter button too and in NG2 especially it's a very good option against certain enemies.
why do you lie?
you can play gunz the duel however you want
you are an idiot
No he's just a schizo poster from /shmupg/ on /vg/
Ignore everything he says
>/vg/ schizo
Makes sense. Also that means he definitely is an ESLfag.
their aggression doesnt matter when they cant hit you out of iframes and their ai just turns off during cutscene attacks like ot and ut
talk all you want
juggling braindead enemies is not depth
Shouldve posted stellar blade that game is actually shit. God of War was fun
Then explain the exact definition of mechanical depth.
Because I would define depth, in general, as the variety of options or interactions something has that are actual meaningful. Depth can come from one thing being capable of doing a lot of things or it can come from several things offering a lot of different options with distinct, meaningful purposes. The more well balanced, the more depth.

Again, note i'm defining depth in general, not mechanical depth. Your turn.
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Ultrakill is the best modern action game
You can't deny this
You don't play ninja gaiden if you think you can literally just spam one attack that has fully invincibility back to back infinitely.
>more parryslop
>their aggression doesnt matter
It does matter because if you aren't playing the game right it's very easy to get stomped.
you can do this
Why are action game fags such miserable people?
>one boss
every high level ng2 gameplay is just a flowchart that consists of using like 4 or 5 relatively safe moves IN TOTAL, including your movement options and shitters like you use even less.
>Then explain the exact definition of mechanical depth.
Lots of interacting mechanics that can work independently or with each other in various, often unscripted ways. They give the player the opportunity to approach problems and gameplay in different ways and come up with different solutions by using multiple interacting gameplay systems.

>Because I would define depth, in general, as the variety of options or interactions something has
Very good.
>that are actual meaningful
And this is where you turned into a retard who thinks your arbitrary standards of what counts as meaningful matter for mechanical depth. You handwaving something as not necessary or forced by the game doesn't make the actual mechanics any less complex.
>The more well balanced, the more depth.
Wrong. Balance and depth aren't the same thing. A game like MvC2 has absolutely no fucking balance whatsoever, but it's a mechanically deep fighting game.

>Again, note i'm defining depth in general, not mechanical depth. Your turn.
Yes, and I also defined it while pointing out that your arbitrary "but only what I say is meaningful" qualifier is nonsense that only literal subhuman retards bring up in the context of talking about game depth. I'll say it again because it bears repeating: whether a game makes good use of its mechanics or forces players to learn them has no bearing on the depth of those mechanics. Depth and challenge are not the same thing.
Alexei is one of the most loopable bosses in the game, and even then it's much harder to execute than it looks
Can’t even tell what’s going on
U can't jump in a beat em up, thats the main diference, also beat em ups have a timer,meanwhile dmc and the liles doesn't
Games built around i-frames suck. Having it on some moves and animations is fine, but on demand iframes you use to avoid all damage is shit.
They attach their ego to video games and think beating a single player game on the highest difficulty means they've accomplished something. And the first game they did this for MUST be the best because it was their first impression.
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That's what makes it fun
You can loop most ng2 bosses
Despite what obnoxious drones want you to believe, Bayonetta has shit design, she's just "Japanese Glasses Fetish: The Character".
We get it, you're gay. Just say that next time.
>I-it's b-tier if you ignore all its gameplay flaws and the fact that it isn't a real FF title

You are literally the problem with games past 2012
Ngl, if you wouldn't at least have sex with Bayonetta you're gay. Hating the game is one thing, but she is undebatably hot.
>she is undebatably hot
She looks like Slenderman in drag, nigga
>Depth and challenge are not the same thing.
thats irrelevant
juggling enemies in the air is boring and
jump cancel is not an interesting mechanic either
I think she looks terrible in 2 but her hairstyle in 3 makes her hot.
Quiet, subhuman.
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agree with you wholeheartedly anon I am rooting for you in this discussion. also I like to call people subhumans too
You are gay. Full stop. Don't even bother explaining why you like men to me.
You are gay but trying to become straight. However, once you're gay you can't come back to being straight.
just because you play in a flowchart doesn't mean everyone has to play a flowchart.
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>You are gay
No, Bayonetta is just ugly. Hope this helps.
A bunch of borderline QTEs?
No it doesn't because it allows enemies to be much deadlier than they are allowed to be otherwise.
Did they ever explain why he forgot how to jump in the new games?
except I was not talking about myself there but the ng2 fags who post their gameplay on youtube. also feel free to post a few samples of your gameplay as well to show how not flowchart it is.
This. Enemies in RE just sit around and wait for you to finish combos unlike 2.
RE enemies actually fight back instead of lurking in the background and throwing projectiles
>RE enemies actually fight back
>thread is full of shitters who complain that you cant spam izuna drop or some braindead move for instant delimbs and that enemies dare to block and dodge your attacks like they did in the first game already
>NO, I am just heterosexually-challenged!
You are gay. Nothing to be ashamed of, everyone already knows.
Are we playing the same Resident Evil games?
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>Lots of interacting mechanics that can work independently or with each other in various, often unscripted ways.
This is just a blanket statement that can honestly be applied to virtually any game that has more than 3 options for a given mechanic.
>They give the player the opportunity to approach problems and gameplay in different ways and come up with different solutions by using multiple interacting gameplay systems.
You just described complexity. Complexity =/= depth.
>And this is where you turned into a retard who thinks your arbitrary standards of what counts as meaningful matter for mechanical depth. You handwaving something as not necessary or forced by the game doesn't make the actual mechanics any less complex.
This sounds like you coping and trying say complexity ACTUALLY means mechanical depth. You're a retard.
>Wrong. Balance and depth aren't the same thing. A game like MvC2 has absolutely no fucking balance whatsoever, but it's a mechanically deep fighting game.
Glossing over this to fit the text limit, FG depth is not comparable to single player depth.
>that your arbitrary "but only what I say is meaningful" qualifier is nonsense that only literal subhuman retards bring up in the context of talking about game depth.
You getting so mad about this just really makes you sound like a seething retard who has to come up with a cope for how complexity is actually MECHANICAL depth.

DMC has a lot of complexity but it doesn't have a lot of depth because the variety of weapons and abilities don't really offer a lot of differences that meaningfully change your playstyle or offer a lot of unique interactions. Calling it "mechanical depth" is literally meaningless because your description of what that means is literally just the definition of complexity. You say "meaningful" is arbitrary because you don't want to admit that all of combotism in DMC has no purpose other than personal gratification
People conaider nu-GoW a movie game, not a action game.
Bayo looks weird and Bayo 2 looks like shit. Bayo 3 is the only hot one.
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>dodge your attacks like they did in the first game
They never dodged attacks like this
No, it's just a crutch for bad developers who don't want to make tight hitboxes or have spacing and positioning matter as much or come up with utility moves.

RE4 remake has the most aggressive enemies and instead of using shitty iframes, it has ducking to actually avoid moves and parrying on certain moves.
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Very unfortunate for you because I have just the webm to prove that wrong
What in the adhd? Just play fightan if you feel the need to press a bunch of buttons to get adhd combos bruh
you haven't played NG if you think positioning doesn't matter.
yeah after playing ninja gaiden sigma i no longer think souls games are hard
and i only played on normal but at least kept my manhood intact by not abandoning the way of the ninja
Sometimes I think /v/ is full of straight men with high-testosterone and then I see posts like this which let me know you all pump estrogen.
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He only dodged twice and then punished you with the shurikens
He wasn't flipping around like a ballerina
these are literal bugs (i.e. a programmer's oversigth, not intended game design)
>This is just a blanket statement
Correct. It's a blanket statement about mechanical depth in games.
>You just described complexity. Complexity =/= depth.
Wrong. Complexity and depth go hand in hand.
>This sounds like you coping and trying say complexity ACTUALLY means mechanical depth. You're a retard.
This is you not knowing what words mean. For something to be deep, it needs to be complex.
>Glossing over this to fit the text limit, FG depth is not comparable to single player depth.
This is you handwaving again because in talking about mechanical complexity in games, I made a pertinent example and you realized you can't actually reply to it. No, depth in single player games is not inherently different than multiplayer games. They're still built on the same idea of interacting mechanics.
>You getting so mad about this just really makes you sound like a seething retard who has to come up with a cope for how complexity is actually MECHANICAL depth.
You're a retarded subhuman. Games don't magically lose depth because you say "well the game doesn't necessitate those mechanics so they don't count." You're a retard who doesn't understand game design on a fundamental level.
>DMC has a lot of complexity
>but it doesn't have a lot of depth
>variety of weapons and abilities don't really offer a lot of differences that meaningfully change your playstyle or offer a lot of unique interactions
And now you're just making it clear that you don't actually play DMC, which is ironic given your choice of reaction image.
>Calling it "mechanical depth" is literally meaningless because your description of what that means is literally just the definition of complexity.
Trying to divorce complexity from depth won't give you a point. You don't get to redefine words.
>You say "meaningful" is arbitrary because you don't want to admit that all of combotism in DMC has no purpose other than personal gratification
No, I say it's arbitrary because it's arbitrary.
you got 3 heh's from me
UT > quake
So, when did you find out you were attracted to men?
>fight me
Sorry, I don't hit women or fags.
I will remember that.
Oh and just to head off your next reply,
Deep and complex are quite literally synonymous. You don't get to redefine words because it makes you mad. That's third world ESL retard subhuman behavior. If you're only "argument" is that complexity isn't depth, then save yourself the embarrassment.
Mages will literally dodge all attacks when they are in neutral, cats can dodge the entirety of the 360y and so on. Also in the clip he's not dodging the attacks per se.
Dont see an issue here.
>depth in single player games is not inherently different than multiplayer games.
dmc and fighting games are nothing alike
in fighting games you have to predict and guess what your opponent is trying to do
in dmc you are fighting against a braindead punching bag
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Jesus fuck. DMC5 is so fucking ugly. Especially compared to DMC4. It's weird how DMCcucks shit on Bayo 1 for having a dark color palette but then ignore the fact that their own games like dark vomit mixed with shit
Don't be one of the bitches skipping 1 either
>posts ugly man-face Kyrie
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>And it still isn't enough to give Ryu a glimpse of a personality lmao
Ryu has a lot of personality... in the Dead or Alive games.
4chan fixation on fictional women and fictional men is so strange
>retarded tranime jeet is a faggot
I'm trans btw
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>Ninja Gaiden 3 was literally about Hayabusa becoming a cuck simp with white fever
holy kino
why are replying to me?
i dont care if you are trans or not
>>683720817 (Me)
also I have bpd haha :P im a silly dog!!!!!!!
whoops... meant to reply to >>683720193
even there he's a superautist.
Simply mogs genre.
That girl is Japanese though so you know Ryu wants nothing to do with her
Quiet, subhuman. People are talking.
miyazuki is a jap girl
sam is even more pathetic than vergil
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Ryu has Irene, he's not a cuck
Bloody Rage and Steel on Bone are some of the worst mechanics I've ever seen in an action game.
What games do you like anon?
They are much better than UT spam.
>Mid-game boss isnt as complicated as end-game boss
Got any other gems to share?
you are the subhuman who likes easy games
more like mid game, lmao... also the fuck are you on, he's in the second to last mission
Why do idiots use this as some sort of gotcha moment? Are you hoping for a list that you can pick one game out of you don't like so you can handwave everything I said, or are you just trying to change the subject?

You've never played an DMC game on DMD mode. You wouldn't last 2 missions. I know you're a third world subhuman newfag, but when DMC3 came out it quite literally made its reputation on being the really hard cool action game. That was long before your time here.
>3rd to last boss
How disingenuous
I would reply to you but thread is gonna hit bump limit so I don't care and didn't even read this post.

Complexity =/= Depth.
DMC is rich in complexity but your actual choices of weapons or weapon combos do not have any meaning beyond personal player preference. You don't need to use any specific weapon to defeat a specific boss, using more weapons does not have any impact on scoring (other than making it slightly easier to keep your score up) and you can S rank DMC4 and 5 on DMD exclusively using trickster.

I am not saying these are bad things or that DMC is a bad game, I am simply pointing out that 4 and 5 lean much heavier on complexity than on depth
The first NG on normal is easier than Souls games. It doesn't get more difficult until Very Hard
>Complexity =/= Depth.
You're objectively wrong. You do not know English, and you don't get to redefine words so you can pretend you have a point. There's no argument here, just one retard trying to insist he knows what words mean better than the dictionary.
i beat that game on dmd years ago
you are a moron
It's very hard until you understand the mechanics, which are poorly explained and unintuitive
I am curious because I have the same views on the matter
new thread is up lads

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someone make another thread pwease
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this nigga pulled a dictionary and said they're synonyms.

If you're at that part of the argument, you might as well give up
>it's not a real FF title because I said so
Then narrow it down by genre or something quickly before the thread dies because I've been playing games for 30 years on pretty much every platform and in every genre so I like a lot of them.

No you didn't. You're a retarded third world child.
>this nigga knows what words actually mean and isn't trying to redefine them on the fly to fit his shitty argument
The ultimate weakness of the ESL shitposting retard.
DMC V > DMC1 > DMC3 >the rest
MGR > every other non DMC action game
cope and seethe
Mostly meant action games, since it's an action thread. Myself I like NG and DMC the most
DMC. NG is cool. I've only played a bit of God Hand and it's more beat em up, but it's got a lot of cool shit going on. If you're willing to step into RPG territory then DD is probably my favorite game.

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