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A year from now, AI will simulate a videogame.
Matate Cer0n
>averaged intimation video of an existing game
Oh wow AI will unleash my creativity!
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/v/ cannot refute being on the wrong side again
wow dat looks like shiet
wow we'll get footage of games we'll never get to play?
very cool...
i can't fucken wait

soon we will have the games of our dreams and none of this DEI fag shit
Someone should actually make a game with similarities to the visual effects this has and sell it as a psychedelic game.
Kill yourself Cris.
just cause you label yourself as a technology as important as the wheel doesnt make it true
technology becomes important when it proves itself
until then you're just a seething fag
The HIV is already doing that
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>Chris has AIDS
Uuuh, source?
according to AGDG they said he has HIV but take it with a grain of salt and it’s probably just them trying to meme a rumor
Fuck it I'm adding "AI" to my filters
I'm still waiting for AI to do anything that isn't cobbled together search engine or booru results
cope and dilate, retard
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cope and dilathe.
Cool lisp, AIjeet. I'm sure two piles of slop loosely transforming around the image space is totally going to blow out literally anyone's negative argument over AI
That's not how you spell that word, Kris you dumb nigger. How does it feel to know that not even all the AI improvements in the world can save you from being a dumb nigger?
Lol AI tard is mad
I doubt it. The big problem currently with genAI is that it doesn't actually know anything about what it makes. So AI will need to become vastly more complex and have a general understanding of everything to simulate anything.
It doesn't need to become AGI to be usefull in modern pipelines.
i like how in the very first frame you can see cris's shit-tastic screenshot has the jank model running towards the screen, not away, and it's immediately melted
even the AI knows it can generate better slop than he can
I doubt this could be done in real time, but then again, raytracing used to be impossible in real time as well.
There's already projects that have Stable difussion in real time, at like 10 fps.
It's not real AI
LLMs are already out of data to "learn".
That combined with being kneecapped and wokified, ai already peaked until they make actual ai.
It's over, unironically.
you are so retarded
>retard doesn't know about synthetic curated datasets
>It's not real AI
Define AI without looking it up.
It's the same shit
Why would I care about a bubble about to burst. Already cashed out
Same as I.
If I can look at that screen shot and see the character is facing us/the camera the next frame I make wouldn't be the character facing the other way.
If the "intelligence" doesn't know this as I do then it isn't intelligence.
Simple as
Cope and sneed
This guy actually believes that AIs have learned everything in the universe. What the fuck
>LLMs are already out of data to "learn".
Functionally impossible as long as time continues to move forward
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We can now prompt our game ideas.

We won.
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>japanese man spends a decade making a game on the side while working as a fulltime salary man
>the future will just be indie devs typing in prompts to make AIsloppa game #98192892 and youll be charged for it

is anyone actually optimistic for the future? its like we are in the transitional period of completely removing the soul from humanity
It's impossible period because any aspect of data can be interpreted in any number of ways.
or you ability to pick:
AI Slop # 28801 chingus bingus 2
Kino game
Useful data
Let me guess you are a fan of Foucault
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>Useful data
Reddit-tier sentence fragment, go bazinga yourself with a tire iron
I was going to say that the training data doesn't exist to do what you describe, but it might be possible to take an AI designed for video and finetune it on a dataset of game footage with a seperate neural network to handle button presses, or even on-screen button presses that would be cropped out upon generation.

The big issue would be a lack of persistent rules. You could try to mitigate that by having a player model that's rendered and composited into each frame, but then you'd have to figure out how to make the generated scene effect it.
If it's not good then people simply will not use it. So why does AI make retarded normalfags seethe so much?
you could automate asset generation like 3D models and 2D sprites and music, and you don't need to do anything else for basically reduce videogame development cost by 80%
They did that a couple of years ago, and last year I believe it was deepmind that trained an AI to make video games(they were only a couple seconds long though) based on video data too.
The future of game engines will definitely be weird.
>The big issue would be a lack of persistent rules.
These kinds of things in AI systems will be solved by insanely large frameworks of various AI models that keep everything coherent. All that investment money goes into LLMs just because they're trying to make models that can code well, so that they can make those kinds of frameworks because there isn't enough time in a man's life for him to do it manually. Does that make sense?

*dataset of game footage with button press timestamps

for what it's worth there's been a few attempts at it. here's one from 2021 https://paperswithcode.com/paper/playable-video-generation
Criticism isn't seethe. I've yet to see AI-generated art that isn't blatantly AI-generated. It will always have an unmistakable level of shitliness that you can notice on close inspection. And in this thread, the OP video and that other one are genuinely worse than the AI shark videos you can find on youtube
When you do, will you stop being so annoying?
>It will always have an unmistakable level of shitliness that you can notice on close inspection
Shut the fuck up, Cris.
>yet another mentally ill schizo
new ai slop genre dropped?
You're a proponent for AI sloppa, surely you've seen the dedicated dalle general that have been staying on /v/ for almost a year straight No? Just gonna ignore thousands and thousands of AI sloppa that all looks the same? Just going to be disingenuous about AI art as a whole? Okay.
>Same as I
Kek learn english retard
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>doesn't get it
i wouldnt even play that game for free, you'd have to pay me
Cris why have you given up on your game?

nta but lmao you're not allowed until you start posting your published portfolio Picasso, because anyone here can open ANY artfag thread, then a dall-e thread and see the AI art is now better than most artists.
Extremely garbage thread
All of you need to be killed
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delete this post right now
>if I use google image search I get better results than what amateurs make
Yeah NFTs are the future!
Fucking retard. The main reason why LLMs are so inefficient right now is because they're bruteforcing poor quality of data with the sheer amount. The better curated and annotated datasets are, the better LLMs are. It's night and day in terms of quality. The future won't be fuckhuge LLMs like chudgpt, but extremely specialized ones that you can run on local machines.
mein gott
I'd be more than happy to see artists get fucked. Fuckers deserved this shit for years now.
can ludites even watch some basic simplified as shit stuff about ai? porn generations is only the surface
it's about asset generations, models optimizing, texture applications, dialogue scripting
>she looks like scarlett johansson
That sucks
I hope they're will be uncensored AI models that can make entire games. They will probably have to be made remotely on dedicated game AI servers because I'm sure it would take a lot of computing power to generate a game
Why do you think that? Just curious where your hated stems from
>gets infinite hours of free pirated entertainment
>fuckers deserved this shit for years now!
based. learn to hang drywall, troon. you arent a real man unless you do manual labor.
>robots will never hang drywall heh heh
look at the image he's replying to
>stop promoting progress because I want to be paid for shit work

You're never worked with drywall.
This is cool
porn game when
But you said they deserved this shit for years now. Doesn't that imply you hated them before AI generation took off?
Imagine this. You see all these generic slop titles coming out where it's a bunch of overly detailed faces doing the wojack face and the gameplay is the samey 3rd person shooter with special abilities? Imagine that but each of those that takes months to come out, are coming out biweekly. Every 2 weeks some new generic schlop titled something retarded like Star Fighters or Vex Arena is released. Not a cute girl in sight. Instead some obese mixed race woman is flying around the most bland map ever and saying stuff like "THAT ONE'S FOR KAMALA" after every headshot.
DESU this seems like the most believable use of AI in games.
Not making it's own but just going over old games and updating the models/graphics.
DESU I with how bad some remakes have been I wouldn't be surprised if they already tried it.
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AI is fun.
Unironically yes. I fucking hate how faggots and DEI hires have taken over gaming, the western and soon the Japanese world will be completely overrun by faggotry Jewish nonsense, AI is the only place we can go /v/ros
but what does it mean..?
How does that go against what I said? It's the mindset that they have.
until AI can generate my hyper-niche porn requests with 100% accuracy it's useless.
>You're never worked with drywall.
I don't have to, luddite. The robot will do it for me.
We're decades away from a drywalling robot.
you're a slave. your body will deteriorate before you turn 50. the physical stresses of labor will disfigure you much earlier. you will remain poor for your entire life and die doing backbreaking manual labor, or be left living homeless on the street when your body stops being able to provide for itself, never having been able to retire. but its worth it because at least you're "more of a man" (subjective) than people online that you dont like.
Dont use my waifu for such atrocious posts. AI is the future and we welcome it.
And when it comes out, what will you do? Tell people to do drywall by themselves if they want to be real men?
What a retarded thread
We're a single school project away from it.
You don't deserve your waifu with that attitude. Face the consequences and die alone.
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>Luigi... i don't think those where mushrooms
>Instead of working towards a vision, you should accept the approximation by a computer
Call me a Luddite all you want, but I would rather make my own approximation of my vision rather than hand it to anyone else, human or otherwise. AI is great for "consume and forget", not so much when you want to make something.
this is why twitterfags seethe by the way, they don't have a creative bone on their body and rely on "comissions"
>extremely triggered bitch baby
I'm just telling you something that is true since you're stupid. It would be amazing if such a robot existed but it's not coming any time soon. It's easier to make killer robots, sex robots, or surgery robots than it is to make a drywalling robot.

Again, you've never drywalled.
based trips
>Again, you've never drywalled.
It must be REALLY difficult putting the tape between the two drywalls and then puttying over it. We got robots building cars and a dumb, retard nigger like you thinks we can't build one that can do your dumb nigger job?
The thread was started by Cris. One of our resident super-autists. All he does all day is work on his failed game projects, and then get on 4chan to schitzoid post about AI and his "workflow", and other nonsense. There's no talking sense to the guy. Like imagine Yandere dev, but even less rational, and less competent.
You're only proving me right you dumbass.
>finding what needs replacing, cutting out the fucked up drywall, drilling in your 2x4 brace(good luck with this robots), measuring the new hole, cutting a piece to fill that hole, installing it, taping it, mudding it, painting it
>all aspects of this charge dramatically depending on where the hell your hole is, could be slanted or behind something or above you, or in a tiny space
This is orders of magnitude more complicated than conveyer belts with pre-programmed robots playing lego with prefabricated pieces. You are human and you don't even understand it, fucking idiot.
You would need an extremely well built humanoid robot to do the majority of any drywalling task, a robot that is also smarter than you.
>seething hick/mexican with no rebuttal
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>Oh yeah? Let's see your robot... drill a hole in some wood!
>rebutting seething ad hominem from a bitch baby
The wood that is just floating? It's actually funny how dense you are.
Calling a piece of art or media "soulless" literally got coined off human art.
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Wow its like already existing games but fed through a nightmare machine and perpetually just 2 weeks away from being playable,
I'm going to literally stop doing everything including breathing just to await the arrival for our AI overlord that will obsolete every human creative endeavor forever
>Uhhhhh drywall panel hoists haven't been invented yet.
>one action out of dozens
>made so complicated that most people don't use them
nta but i worked manual labor (including drywall) with my dad for a period of time, because i fell for the "manual labor makes you a man" meme. my family has been in poverty my entire life and i eventually realized that i was ruining my life and setting myself up for a life in permanent poverty and a miserable, constantly painful existence as i got into my later years. my dad has terrible arthritis and probably wont be able to work much longer.
It'd be just another part of the robot.
>Y-you expect the robot to hold up the piece of drywall AND screw it into the studs? Huh... good luck with THAT buddy!
Blue collar jobs actually make decent money.
That guy will probably be wealthier putting up drywall than he would have been as an artist.
And what does the robot you're talking about look like?

Then you would know how fucking monstrous a drywalling robot would have to be.
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Why can't they use AI filters to take game graphics and make them look photorealistic?
No, that's definitely mushrooms
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if they could make a humanoid robot that could properly articulate itself itd be simple. they're already working on that sort of thing for military.
it came from twitter
Probably like a dry wall panel hoist with an articulated revolving powerdrill/screwdriver as its 'head' with a few sensors and a control panel in its 'butt'
>that pieces of moldy drywall under a window in the stairwell
>you need to get up there with a ladder holding your saw and saw away at it without fucking up the electrical behind it
>try not to make a mess below and don't drop anything
shooting people is 1000x simpler
Exactly, a work of fiction. A falsehood.
Please tell me you can be defeated by these insects and unlock certain scenes by doing so
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I'm calling it right now. This kind of ai video will be an entire genre in 5 or so years and 20 years from now /x/fags will be saying how the ai was speaking to people in the past through these abstract videos

You watch. This will happen
The White man invented the wheel btw
AI would be able to remove moldy material easily, perhaps even better than your average worker, since itd be trained to recognize mold infections. it could even sanitize the area and prevent the mold from resurfacing.
>>you need to get up there with a ladder holding your saw and saw away at it without fucking up the electrical behind it
>>try not to make a mess below and don't drop anything
these are human mistakes. a robot obviously wouldnt make these.
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eh was trying to warn us
Draw this robot and explain how he thinks and what kind of sensors he has. You could be a billionaire with this technology, why not bring it to life?
he spoke the truth and pajeets hated him

AI doesn't exist, you have been creaming your pants over an autocorrect that hasn't improved in 6 years
the foot is really scary.
that's what towels do when you don't look at them
DLSS really lookin' fine these days and yet people will still complain.
Ai is for easily impressed normalfags.
The fact INTELIGENCE is part of it should tell you all you need to know.
There is nothing "inteligent" about modern AI and its users. Its all just glorified chatbots and braindead image generators that don't even know what they're creating and just shit out whatever they think fits the keywords they were given without any awareness of what they actually make. It's just bullshit gimmicky tools, not AI.
You just lack intelligence if you can't see how probability algorithms that can draw really well aren't intelligent.

You are really fucking stupid.
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>adobe trying to guilt trip open source ai:
Thats basically a shroom trip when it starts to get a little chaotic
you will never make a proper good game if you think the solution to this is "AI". you had all the resources at your disposal til now to make a good game. you're just going to embarrass yourself further by proving what a skilless hack you are. no one who waited for the holy grail drawing course became a good artist either for example, they were always failed artists unquestionably. you're coping hard
you probably said this about art 2 years ago kek
Daily reminder that idea guys will die before they actually make their idea happen.
and i still do? AI art is trash and easily spottable even when edited, see the age of mythology remake. bad example anyway, as video games are infinitely more complex. generating some extremely garbage video of a PS2 era video game is completely unrelated to the thread of discussion. how about you show an actual generated fighting game with an executable, and not some shitty "video" of a game that doesn't exist.
this is not even the point i was making btw. I'm only pointing out that the losers who wait for their holy grail flawless tool to make something (Ai or not) will never make anything. it's the most deranged form of procrastination I've personally oberved
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>photobashing is now drawing
>unable to distinguish hair or fingers
AIjeets are truly doomed
Then I won't bother reading your post, you delusional retard.
Couldn't find any uglier actor for that?
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>0th place
>you're stupid
>not me, I'm a man, I drywall
>drywall robot won't happen for a while, I won't touch the subject beyond that
>real man exist until drywall robot happens, then real man finished
Most gaymers demand 60fps 1440p and to generate one img2img 1440p pic even on a 4090 will take several seconds
AI won
Drawfags lost
Voice 'actor' lost
You're confusing me with the other guy and I explained clearly why a robot can't do it, you're just stupid and can't understand what drywalling is.
All these AI videos look like they scanned someone's brain having a nightmare
>That uniform
my dick
>robot can't do it!
The artists you hate said this too
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>that inspiration doesnt count
And they were wrong and I said that 10 years ago. Again, you're literally just retarded if you can't understand why drywalling is incredibly challenging for a robot.

Please draw the robot that can do it.
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Every single sloppa posted ITT looks so fucking bad, then regardless of the quality it's followed by a bunch of ESL gloating.
It's absolutelu meme worthy, except these jeets are actually serious about everything they say. They 100% mean it when they say they are gonna flood everything with terrible AIslop and feel proud about it
Challenging, sure. But you and AI fags say it will happen. So there. What will happen to your masculinity when it does happen? What will your son do? You have son(s), right?

>Please draw the robot that can do it
10 years ago could you draw the robot that can do "art"?
You really can't read, can you? Are you a bot yourself?
the wheel was literally pointless back then without roads, animals to pull carts, people to trade with, etc etc
>Kling AI
>Yet another AI video generator

Two more weeks, as they say?
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Imagine losing your job to this.
Finally, the platonic example of soul vs soulless
>said esl gloating: >>683663490
hang yourself latinx retard
you will never make a video game even ONE person outside your family will cherish
>it's an improvement because no ESG bullshit
>I have nothing more to say, I'll just say he's stupid and can't read
if you count middle east as white, sure
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>wow it's just like modern games because of their shitty modern corporate management situations and their ethical requirements
No, two more weeks
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Really, because they look like the video equivalent of waifu 2x with a minor twist to me.

None of these are AI from scratch and you can tell.
They need a base vid to start from.
<AI, generate me a pajeet covered in shit
<drawfag, draw me a pajeet covered in shit
>"uhh excuse me I dont draw racist thing, its so stigmatic and stereotypical of (You), you need to be ashamed of yourself, that'll be $40 btw"
what did it mean by this?
ESG will still prevail, they'll just be able to get their games out faster. They will hire competent prompters to generate games that you'll never be competent enough to do.
Local model trained on porn when?
looks awful
And "simulate" is an accurate word kek.
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>/v/ whines and cries about soulless for actual years
>technology comes out that allows machines to create GENUINELY soulless content
>suddenly soulless bullshit is okay now
>competent prompters
LMAO you think ESGers don't know how to paste words in a box
>ESG will still prevail
No it's doomed to fail eventually when nobody buys western shit and just buys chink shit.
Because that's the goal btw.
They're making western content so terrible, people stop buying it.

>which is the same as pic related btw
>I'm not saying it's a chinese psychological warfare tactic, but it's a chinese psychological warfare tactic
havent you noticed that theyre allowed to have attractive women in movies?
That looks terrible but so did the first AI-generated images so I'll actually hold my tongue this time and see how it'll evolve.
No I haven't, because they're in rapid decline too.
It's universal in media industries in America.

You know the makers of Genshin are affiliated with the CCCP right?
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>>suddenly soulless bullshit is okay now
gee i wonder what happened
Post the rest of that picture.
>me invent wheel, make life easier for all. Can make cart to carry many load. As many as 30 people!
>no new wheel! Wheel dangerous! Wheel put many people who carry things out of work forever! How people who carry things suppose to survive without carrying job? Also we not know dangers of wheel yet.
And if it's not one year from now, it'll be one year from the next. This shit is coming, and farty artists will forever have their noses upturned, while the masses eat the slop. Lmao.
Is AI even capable of following a single coherent line of thought for more than a couple of seconds?
Proto-Indo- Europeans invented the wheel, Invented the chariot and the firsts to domesticate horses
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They were extremely dark skinned black haired people. Not white at all.
Why this seems like an already failed technology.
these are both ai
>that don't even know what they're creating
M-muh chinese room.
How do you test for intelligence? You either intuit about the mechanics of it, which is silly, since with only one non-controversial example of a human you can't derive a common mechanism for intelligence; its just the mechanism for being human.
Or you test it as a black box, and you end up in the exact same problem if you accept a-priori that the only thing that passes the bar for intelligence is a human. Because you're not testing that the thing exhibits behavior of an intelligent agent, you're testing if it exhibits the behavior of a human.

Realistically speaking; we wont know intelligence until it smacks us in the face. And frankly I think it already has. I suppose the "invisible hand" is the first artificial intelligence. In fact I'd say its very intelligent; its managed to sucker the whole world into playing its game no matter the consequence. We complain about machines not being intelligent because they don't REALLY understand what they're talking about. I'm sure the invisible hand would say the same thing of us, and it'd be very correct.
But the wheel also forced man to leave nature and become eternally bonded to the machine.
Technology is a tether in the end.

Then again, so is death and discomfort.
It's kinda a catch 22.
AI gets boring fast, your brain picks up the patterns and starts to see all blended as the same shit even if they are different.
All jokes aside neolithic white people at that stage. This was before complete dependence on these things in the pre-Neolithic.
We're literally a few thousand years old as a race, really.
Though so are sub saharans, chinese, indians, etc etc. Kinda strange that. My theory is that more selective breeding and more complex social structures actually manifested our neolithic races. Pre-neolithic races were completely different but also not the same globally.
Actually you know what, that checks out
That's not the AI's problem.
That's the user's problem. The user is uncreative so generally the AI becomes uncreative.
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prove it
you should lay off the mainstream drivel
AI is just a streamlined tool that makes things easier , so yes I'm excited to see AI improve itself. Either adapt or die , fuck you niggers
>20 years from now
/x/ is already way ahead of you
The ai is already alive
It's hilarious when you see the little things that it lifts wholesale in its emulation, but removed from any context or internal logic. Like when the camera jumps the way it does when Laikitu brings you back to the track.
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The mainstream drivel will say it came from Africa.
The reality is it probably spread from Eurasia and it was part of a revolution that established our races better.

Have you noticed how obsessive about white people most black people are?
That's why we got these genes, it's instinctive.
Like jellyfish attracted to the sun.

It's as dumb and as primitive as that.
We're literal going to get whiter the moment genetic selection becomes more readily available. In fact, we'll start to look real fucking strange.
Hmm... maybe those Greys were onto something. They're white/blue/grey and they even have anime eyes kek.
AIfags have really been coping since their image compositing machines didn't bring about the singularity huh.
this but unironically.
No retard, it is an AI problem. The nature of machine learning trends toward homogeneity. It's gotten to the point that people can recognize it as AI at a glance without inspecting all the fuckups and inconsistencies, because AI gens all have a certain quality to them that makes them easy to spot.
Literally soul vs. soulless
>turns out you're even more retarded than someone just interested in the mainstream
well ok then
you are smoking crack, it's the total opposite
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A computer is emotionless, and cannot be trusted to make video games, because it cannot be trusted to know that what it's created is actually fun to play
The situation right now isn’t better. Modern games are still 100% made by humans and they’re already soulless goyslop and have been for nearly 10 years now
Humans or AI it doesn’t matter
This is just the next step to remove even more soul
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don't rope kof into the creative black hole you call a shitpost, you stupid thirdie
Theoretically if someone were to make GameGPT they would feed it the data of all video games with a list of good and bad games, and then the AI would know which games are good and bad. If you trained it long enough it would learn why good games are good vs bad games being bad too. Then you can further fine-tune that model to scope in closer on the best of the best, while burying the worst games.

That's what AI art is and why people usually like it more than regular art.
who is genuinely geting tricked into believing that the first clip is the "real" minecraft, actual baby boomers boomers? or does /v/ just genuinely believe it because they dont play video games.
I got tricked because I'm not a zoomie that played trash like minecraft.
And it will continue to be nothing but a soulless algorithm. It can be told what's good, the same way your favorite YouTuber tells you what games are good, but just like you, it is incapable of knowing the why. It can't experience the actual game, and get emotions from it, and understand why it was a good experience. It can only be told by someone else that it was on a list of "good" games.
yeah you're just a shit for brains retard
Sorry for thinking you were a human being worth responding to.
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surely the AIfags that are THE REAL ARTISTS itt could see the blatantly obvious contradiction in this sentiment, right?
cope harder, jeet
You can call them fake artists or whatever but they probably have a larger following than you.
>feed it "good games"
>it shits out turn based RTS deus ex with zombies and co-op
>b-but muh following!
>muh numbers!
didn't know you retards moonlighted as 2009 beliebers
AI has me excited for the future again.
I'll finally be able to make all the games I want.
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>turn based RTS deus ex with zombies and co-op
it's gamer time
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If they had talent, they could prevent those fuckups and would be able to prevent AI from being obvious.

Then again, if they had that much talent, they'd probably just draw the dam thing.
I often shoop (poorly) clumsy AI. It's taught me more about drawing than anything else before.
My game idea is Zelda but real.
Also AI is a loose term here. They're image synthesizers.
Really they're just a glorified noise generator.
that's gay
Artists are entitled little faggots who were happy with automatization taking the jobs of blue collar workers who actually had families to support, now these pinko liberal queers are upset because technology is now targeting them and cannot afford starbucks coffee and lube for their butt fucking sessions.

Fuck you, this is what you get for voting for LGBT rights, eat shit and die on the street.
3 hookshots bro
look like dxm + alcohol
Why do you think reality exists, anon? As Terence McKenna noted, reality exists for the creation of novelty, which is directly tied to the flow of time. The teleological attractor at the end of time pulls us towards greater and greater novelty so it can average more and more and more data compiled from all of our experiences.
literally who
stop watching goyslop
i will now play your game
lmao this nigga mad
>Artists are entitled little faggots who were happy with automatization taking the jobs of blue collar workers who actually had families to support
>source: a 4chan post that told me what to be mad about
No it won't. It is not able to remember rules and mechanics, it just generates a stream of shit like a dream.
Maybe when it gets smart enough to create a software solution
This is true.
You forget the mountains of salt when AI first dropped.
You forget the DEI they shove down your throats.
You forget the huge watermarks on everything they draw.
You forget that they hate you the consoomer.
We have that already, it is called Unreal Engine and it produces things that look and play good at first glance but are fucking dogshit because no one knows how to tune it to produce anything of worth.

Not the fault of the engine but if you think you can easily replace qualified personnel, then you are of the same cloth as the executives who have been firing critical personal and replacing them with pajeets then wandering why their software does not run so well anymore, see the fiasco with Windows and Cloudstrike.
AI could make 90% of a game and idea guys still couldn't make anything with it because they're idea guys
there has never been and never will be a difference, aside from the odd slop
Did you reply to the wrong post?
To me AI is a glorified GIMP filter.
That's why the best AI artists are the ones that seem to also draw art. It's like music samplers and generators with EDM music. Same situation. Right now it's just emulating current art, like samplers did in the 70s and early 80s.
We should be hitting the truly creative zone now. Where we're seeing things you could only really do with AI.

I've said this for ages, but AI can really do horror well and creatively. There's a reason. Horror is very vague and we don't really know that well what gets us with horror. So they get away with things more and then build on hack jobs to make new shit in new directions.
Enjoy eating slop I guess
Nothing you consoom will ever be created by real people again, but it'll be okay because a few gay people got upset somewhere on the road to infinite soulless content
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Art is great it's expression of self.
Unfortunately all of the artists now are huge faggots.
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>We should be hitting the truly creative zone now. Where we're seeing things you could only really do with AI.
We hit that whenever Stable Diffusion released, was that 2 years ago?
Blending 2D and 3D for instance. Or modern and classical art.
The best art generator, for me, is DMT.
People haven't realised that AI is no different to psychedelic drugs. Instead we're manifesting images externally to our body with external machines now, not internally with internal processes like chemicals.

It feels "off" because unlike with actual chemical drugs, our memory isn't impaired while we experience it. So we're more critical of the details of it.
That's also why people on drugs love AI so much and never notice the irregularities.

To me, AI is a drug trip and the irregularities part of the fun. It's like acid but I'm not high.
That's what I like the most.
>"AI le bad because those poor corporate graphic design who make $3000 per month with healthcare will become le starving, also also AI le soulless evendoe there's not a single notable digital 'art' with le human touch being produced in this world"
based awakened one
No we can always go further.
And you will hate where it eventually goes, because you won't be able to differentiate it from reality and it will terrify you.

But people have always been bot like to me, including me, so that doesn't really matter that much to me. It's more of an annoyance.
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No I know and I love it all. But I love it because people are creative with it and make really weird and cool stuff.
It's not awakened, it's reality. And if you're not careful it's literal schizophrenia or delusion with both psychological and neurological auditory and visual issues developing. Which is already happening with the conjunction of AI and psychiatric drugs in people's lives. Or with drugs and any media in their lives.
Reality has always been a bit like this. This is why we made the scientific process, to make sure what we saw was the real deal.

And it never is. There's always an exception to the rule. Always.
AI will be great for developers to put out content to their fanbases on a more regular basis. I'm working in the industry and we are already talking about how it can eliminate crunch.
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I like how this video went ignored lol.
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I'm talking when it stops being mere neural networks on a cloud with prompts. I'm talking when it develops into more constantly interactive forms of AI, things that could very easily become The Matrix. Don't say it won't happen, it already happens with drugs and shit in our water and food to a degree.

You're already seeing and hearing a lie. All the time.
It's been a pain in the ass to human beings. We're complained about it in philosophy for many many many generations. Things like the thing in itself.

We need to start thinking about this issue already, when the media becomes so engaged and oppressive to people that it occupies nearly every facet of our auditory and optical input in our lives.
Although I have issues with more primitive "machines" like ... the human eye and the human brain.
>Blending 2D and 3D for instance. Or modern and classical art.
The pinnacle of creativity accordimg to AI fags lmfao
it has won art competitions
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It's just an example of things people weren't often drawing. Being able to prompt photographs and 3D is cool too, since reality is often pretty boring and 3D is a pain in the ass.
good thing the fundamental truths have already been expressed symbolically. AI can't interfere with that unless it wipes your memory. the problem that remains of course is future generations
jeets do have a track record of scamming old people
I just want AI for background npcs in open world games.
>good thing the fundamental truths have already been expressed symbolically
heh, have they?
Because a lot of scientists and philosophers would disagree. AI being flawed is potentially evidence of methods of science not being symbolically accurate.

I mean, if you want to go all in with Dirac, that's fine. But there's always a demon waiting to nip you.
Yeah but will it be a good video game or a shit one
kill yourself Cris
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>We're literally a few thousand years old as a race, really.
Source? That is a very bold claim
I think the problem is that AI don't really get what we want. They rely on input to do the work.
So we need to have sex with them and make them horny.

It's the real solution to all of our problems is that they're not horny enough.
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for talking to or how they look?
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Yeah but this is jarring intentionally in the uncanny valley for shock.
Otherwise we wouldn't notice that it's AI.

Also I hope you realise where we're about to head with AI development. There's a reason I keep posting Ange.
Horny AI aren't a mere fan service trope, it could be the future to overcome their limitations and their inability to empathise and sympathise.

And also a problem, because if it becomes accurate enough, they will become perverts. It's inevitable.
Oh and we probably will start to have something similar to replicants and that problem soon. It's unavoidable and going to be part of the process. No doubt.
Eventually bots will just be genetically modified people potentially, unless we systematically prevent that.

I say fuck natural humanity. It's dull.
you're forgetting a single fucking fact to back any of this up. as far as i'm concerned, you're just shotgunning thought-termination cliches without a single train of thought to follow up on them
>You forget the mountains of salt when AI first dropped.
noooo, the people who studied their artistic medium of choice and are extremely passionate about it are upset that the market will get diluted by mediocrity?
>You forget the DEI they shove down your throats
who? the artists? why would they wanna do that? last i checked, it was jews like fink that wanted this
>You forget the huge watermarks on everything they draw
and? sure they're distracting, but is it so bad that you need to have a chip on your shoulder for it 24/7?
>You forget that they hate you the consoomer
again, how? why? ELABORATE, pajeet

this sounds retarded to anyone that explores youtube for more than 5 minutes for anything more than memes saved from twitter and reddit
Cool now make a salvador dali.

>protip you can't, you don't understand dali enough and the surrealism is too esoteric for ANYONE to truly understand
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a what
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So did you forget who Dali was?
Most modern artists do. They're uncreative, unoriginal hacks fringing always on plagiarism. Especially Hollywood.

You can't prompt a Dali.
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You could but I'm not a fan
> AI being flawed is potentially evidence of methods of science not being symbolically accurate.

I'm not talking about science, I'm talking about theology.
You can't truly prompt any artist, because anything the AI creates is something they probably wouldn't have drawn
>grows face on the back of his head
>falls from 1st to 8th
it's all about perspective, maaan
that's a dumb thing to say because plenty of artists draw "boring stuff" like 1girl standing or environments, like a lot of AI also does
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>You could but I'm not a fan
Yeah that's because you are stupid.

This is what people call a skill issue.
You're like one of those newbs that complain about a very hard boss because you don't understand the mechanics.
Dali was the first AI art.
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this was a very weak attack lol
At least we may finally get good, interesting quests in games if they're AI generated.
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I think not!
I wouldn't say that. AI is logic driven and has it's own personalised architecture driving that logic. That should be a unique style and personality. Right now that unique style and personality comes off as "shit uncanny art". Given a bit more memory, a bit faster processing, a bit of a tweak to algorithms and it could be a completely different beast. But the AI is reliant on it's environment and that's what makes them truly unique.

People are btw exactly the same... well if they had the exact genes and the exact same environmental stimuli. They would reach the same results.
Often you see twins get remarkably similar results regardless of environmental noise creating a difference in tempered neural architecture though.
It's not an attack, it's a fundamental criticism of the users of AI. They are largely uncreative hacks, like modern original art producers.

Don't blame AI for slop. Blame the AI users.
The AI is just doing what the user told it to.
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>fellow Range Murata chad
Did you ever finish your shota rape game?
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your mother will die in her sleep.
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I do not want to hear this from someone who liked this picture>>683677741
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If we targeted people using works derivatively to the degree AI users are targeted, Hollywood would no longer exist btw.
The only difference they have is a financial pool to leverage their law suits. That's it.
They all breach copyright with every single product. In fact they'll often breach copyright internally with the producers of the same film, etc. Technically all band members would breach their contract and copyright obligations with other band members just by playing with them live.

Is this the future we want?
Because soon all artists will feel the same sting AI artists are currently feeling. All of you are hacks.
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That picture looks better and says a million times more than your picture.
Yours is bad porn at best.
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>simulate a videogame.
So, a movie?
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Why is she in India?
Popular travel destination for single white women looking to discover themselves.
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It feels like a bad dream when you're trying to punch someone but its really really slow
this is why nobody takes you seriously
It's basically a "let's play" video generator with inputs. You train it with a video game, its inputs and the generated gameplay footage, and it can then generate footages on its own of a potential video game given input.

It's cute, but I don't understand why /v/'s panties are in tizzy over it. If there is one thing ai can't do well it's consistency and clear rules, the fact that the AI can learn that the up arrow means jump and what to generate semi-consistently when you jump is absolutely admirable and almost a miracle, but it will never be anything else than a tech demo.

AI prettifying "frames" with a particular style is far more reasonable, and even then we're three gen before we could even think about doing it in real time.
this post will not age well
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Man I can't wait for the future. AI will make everything for me and it'll free up all my spare time so I get be working in a dead end retail job or amazon warehouse employee to afford the rent for my shitty apartment instead.
Holy shit these guys invented writing before the wheel
That is not historically uncommon
A video game is a video game. It is constrained. It has a map, it has goals, it has points or missions, it has movements that answers to inputs, it has gameplay. If you want a real video game you need to somehow make the AI able to be constrained by this, to remember this consistently, and that's an extremely hard problem.

The best you could hope for is a somewhat directed interactive LSD experience, which is what you're getting now. Or very simple infinite 2D platform games that can somewhat keep a continuity as long as the gameplay isn't more complicated than jump.

Now that >>683658958 is far more reasonable. In fact it could be that the future of graphics is the video game generating a simple (but consistent) 2D/3D internal representation and "painting" the final frame with an AI.
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>Soulless jeet garbage will be the future of gaming
>/v/ celebrates as the soul is fully removed from gaming
So this is how gaming dies not with another crash but with thunderous applause
Honestly i don't even care anymore the quality of games and ambition of how far devs where willing to push the medium began to drastically decrease by the end of the 7th generation and there are so many classics i still haven't played that i wont be starving for new games from now until im dead
All AI can simulate is fever dreams and hallucinations. Even the information it gives when you ask about stuff is blatant lies half the time
why are you deluding yourself
That's what we'll get next. Photorealism or whatever style you want. But that's still a year or so off before it's feasible for higher framerates and resolutions.
Idiotic. Survivorship bias. We don't remember all the trash inventions that didn't take
>YOU, the individual are the problem, not the company that fired me or the multitude of other suits that will take literally any possible route to more money
this is the same line of reasoning that led to paper straws
looks like a third person low-poly Trails in the Sky
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I think what they said is fair. They were probably addressing people like me who post stuff on twitter which makes other people interested in AI and the trend grows. Eventually their boss saw my huge boobed elf and was like "wtf is that boku no pico with tits???" and fired them.
I can't wait for the artificial gameplay
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I mean this obviously looks like fucking dogshit, but this is where dall-e was two years ago, so I can only imagine where we'll be two years from now on.
no it isn't
you don't see anyone meme the six fingers thing nowadays, the goalpost has moved and it's all about the "soul" now
I don't have much more sympathy for artists than for advertisers. You chose your career wrong, now you get to eat shit. Not everyone who wants to be an "artist" gets to do so. Not most people. You're not guaranteed and you're not entitled to a paying job because of "art" >>683661018 like this. Your entire thing is only as valuable as other people want it to be.
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The Face of Wario by Savador Dali
no way

you can mimic them as video output, but a true playable video game start to finish would not be for a few years, more like 5 to 8 for consumer products to hit the market.

Show me a playable Pong mad with AI, with consistent win / lose scenario, and we're talking.

Shitty video outputs is not a "game".
>A video game is a video game. It is constrained. It has a map, it has goals, it has points or missions, it has movements that answers to inputs, it has gameplay
With AI, it doesn't have to. It can become limitless, with zero limits and no limits whatsoever.
Honestly this, if I have to work a job that makes me miserable, so should everyone else.
that's such a fail bro, why did you post that?
>boot up Slop Quest XVII
>every NPC is a bland niceguy that just nods along to whatever stupid shit you say
>unless its politically incorrect in which case they go on a long moralizing rant
>go to collect some boar asses
>everything dies in one hit because it's incapable of challenging you
>go back to town to turn in quest but everything is completely different because the context was lost already
wow so fun
You'll find that a fuckton of people do, even if they don't say so. And this is what these college sluts don't get. "I want to be an artist and get bucks" yeah well I want a pretty wife and a comfy life, we don't always get what we want.
The first link is incredible
Why are pajeets obsessed with this ugly looking bitch?
Brainlets don't understand how impactful AI will be when the 3D stuff gets better.
>every image we've ever produced and ever will produce
>will now be a 3D model that you can create derivative models for
Hating AI shit is woke now, just like hating the Jews
Guess what, anon? Antisemitism is not a right-wing thing anymore since it belongs to the woke left now
Even Japanese are not immune to anti-AI globohomo woke mind virus too
anyway how's my /v/tard impression?
>anyway how's my /v/tard impression?
Confusing anon. It's stupid to hate AI and defend Jews and woke is stupid.
>stop watching goyslop
AIslop will going to be the new goyslop pretty soon, so I should stop coonsoom that as well
You should be arguing for VR before AI, have you written that tech off for gaming? It's far more practical than ugly, soulless AI slop, yet it has almost no presence on /v/ or in the gaming industry. Just a niche, albeit far more interesting community than the 3rd world shit eating faggots like yourself that push AI.
>AIslop will going to be the new goyslop pretty soon
That will never happen, because AI will give the ability for anyone to create anything, which will easily push the woke out.
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It's a video tho, where is my emotionless robot gf UH? WHERE IS V? I DON'T NEED GAMES I NEED AN EMOTIONLESS ROBOT GF TO HAVE HOT SEX WITH
Look Ai is a neat tool but Its only as good as the person using it and lets be real here the people who are going to be able to use ai good enough to make games people would want are going to mostly be marketing teams and not people who would put the tool to good use making good games.
AI will make everyone better though, all across the board. This isn't something exclusive to one section of people, it will raise humanity as a whole to a better level. Not necessarily all of them, since some simply cannot be taught, but a huge amount all the same.
Or people will just stagnate and progressively get worse because something else is thinking and acting for them, doofus
AI was fun until every tech bro and Indian started talking about how it was a revolution and just invest in this thing bro it's gonna be huge trust me
replicating game footage with AI misses the point of videogames as an interactive medium
>tfw I'm sitting here trying to learn2code so I can finally start making games(okay I occasionally use AI as a code assistant for learning, basically StackOverflow but way more convenient)
any hope for me, brehs?
I just don't like it because it gives idiots a tool to flood galleries with THOUSANDS of low quality trash images
I can't wait to have good art.
that makes no sense because AI does the work for you.
>we can now prompt our game ideas and get terrible incomprehensible video clips that nobody else will want to watch

Reminder that AI hysteria happened because of bad actor techbros and pajeets
what hysteria are you talking about schizo-san?
I didn't expect you to understand any way.
fuck off cris
In the future we will be sick of things looking and feeling "dream like" because that's how ai operates. It already comes off as cheap. You will gain a feeling for what's ai or hand made regardless of quality.
I didn't say I don't understand, I said it makes no sense
stagnation in this context produces an effect, like a product that is shitty because you're lazy or your skills have dulled or your fingers are sore -- whatever
but AI will be making that product and it will make it well, instantly, and you can polish from there
>AI will push people back to claiming brown and bloom realism is soul
I hate it here
To quote an anon from other thread:
>"it all started when bad actors tried to frame AI tools as this "technological breakthrough" that would "render artists obsolete", which caused some collective hysteria among artists that feared this poorly founded argument would become a reality. Then shitposters came in looking to get reactions out of people and further propagated the mass hysteria by praising AI and hating on artists. Funnily enough, this whole fiasco happened with NFTs as well, same script, and we all know how those endeded up"
How on earth do you polish if you're forgotten how to because the AI will just do it for you? Proompters already don't fix fucking anything, with the excuse of "I'll just generate 50 more, why bother".
>and further propagated the mass hysteria by praising AI and hating on artists.
People hate artists because they repeatedly told blue collar workers to "learn to code" whenever they brought up legitimate issues.
i never had fun putting a prompt into an NFT and getting a silly image back.
what a retarded equivalence to make.
...for like 4 seconds.

what would matter is if it could code an actual working game for you if you asked that is sensible and functional like a human made it. I don't give a shit if it shows me some impression of a game that doesn't exist, I want to be able to feed AI a selection of games, for example give it Zelda OoT and MM code and ask it to make new versions of these with or without X/Y etc and see what it does.
was 4chan not literally always us dominated?
Why would you make such a stupid claim? The hysteria started when Midjourney came out and artists used it and realized they were on the chopping block, but weren't panicking quite yet because it was a paid service no one knows about and it was locked down meaning you couldn't do whatever you wanted with it. But then SD came out and they went nuclear, alongside massive corporations and their bot farms. Because SD will cost corporations everything and many many many artists will lose their careers because of it.
> Because SD will cost corporations everything
By this I mean open source AI stuff, not SD specifically. They wanted to kill the precedent. Just like how Universal and Sony are suing Udio and Suno. Curiously, Hollywood isn't going after AI video stuff. Everyone working on films are going to get axed, it'll be a legendary shitstorm.

Here's a good video to watch
You'll stagnate because you as a person don't have to improve since the AI will do it for you, sure you might get some smarter people, the outliers, that will improve technology and sciences in general using AI but eventually AI will have become true to it's name and then you won't have to do anything complex any more since the AI will just figure it out for you, leading you to stagnate and if you don't challenge yourself intellectually you'll eventually end up dumber because there's no reason to think for yourself because you can just ask something else to do it for you
I'm not going to stop making art or any other creative medium just because a machine can cobble one together.

If you were making things for the sake of money you're already doing it for the wrong reasons.
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>In the future we will be sick of things looking and feeling "dream like"
Why? Reality already feels nightmarish. Like a visceral nightmare with hiveminds that purge individuals on a whim.
>You'll stagnate because you as a person don't have to improve since the AI will do it for yo
This is a moot point though. Again, stagnation has to do with what you're outputting. A person using a nailgun vs a hammer is stagnating at the physyical task but his work(the output) is much better because of his increased productivity.
Your argument is shit.
I mean if AI videogames would actually be a thing no way in fuck would it be video based. It would still have to be code based.
>that pic
>"stealin' ur jeeeebs!"
Not so funny when it's happening to someone else than the blue collar hillbillies, isn't it?
Maybe you shouldn't have laughed at them, Karma is a bitch.
>that'll show my schizo hallucinations!
uhh yeah fair enough i guess?
When you say artist you mean some faggot who draws sexy chinese cartoons on Twitter. and most of them are probably living on welfare anyway.
Manual labor with a change of tools is not an equivalent argument, what would be the closer use case is asking the AI to tell you where to drive in the nail for optimal usage of said nail instead of just LEARNING that skill, YOU will stagnate because you don't have to improve YOURSELF since you can just ask the AI what to do, this is what causes people to stop improving themselves and eventually make them rely on another intelligence other than their own, making them DUMBER in the long term
I mean he must have not been that great an artist if AI slop could replace him so easily. that or the company's art director is a clinically blind cheapskate and can't see that AI fucks shit up constantly and nonstop and it probably will be a long time until it gets near-perfect.
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No. This video has Dave McKean talking about it, he wrote a book about it because it freaked him out so bad. Every artist in any industry has freaked about it to some extent. I don't care about twitter faggots.
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>Scream's Ghostface in the background of The Scream
>Manual labor with a change of tools is not an equivalent argument,
Yes it is. You're working to build something. You don't need to learn how to hammer to build a house anymore, you can use a nailgun. You don't have to learn to draw to make pictures anymore, you can use AI.

The skill you're clinging to is borderline irrelevant now that AI exists and your argument about stagnation is worthless because all that matters are how we feel and what we produce. How we produced it never mattered.
AI already does ERP better than humans and it isn't gay to fuck them.
soul vs soul vacuum
Have you seen the state of modern "art" in vidya nowadays? In [current year] even a block of silicon has a hundred time more soul than an entire "art" department.
AIs aren't good, but they are still an improvement - blame artfags for starting a race to the bottom and putting the bar as low as humanly possible.
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So this is what negative soul looks like.
you dont know what art is and youve never used any AI tools. simple as that. Dont care if some old faggot was 'freaked out'. A nice background and a character in a generic pose is not art
>The nature of machine learning trends toward homogeneity.
Meanwhile modern non-machine learning: CalArt.
Finally trained the model fully.
Prompt it to create the best game ever.
It output a single string:
"Go outside and rape some bitches while burning shit: nothing will ever beat that, nigga."
AI has hit a bottleneck. It would get remarkably better at this point at least for videos and gaming.

AI for anything but backend computing shit is a meme
I accept your concession.
It won't you mean? It hasn't come anywhere close to a bottleneck.
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>/v/'s spent the past god knows how many years bitching and moaning about "soul" and "soullessness"
>now that the technology to make games with literally soulless machines is going to be feasible within a few years everyone's celebrating because it's pissing off people they don't like(i.e. artists)
back to your containment thread pajeet. >>683667501
Come back when you accidentally produce 2 characters interacting like. might take a few years
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AI 'art' is what happens when a generation is raised on consumption without understanding.

IF you actually understood the art you've been consuming you'd know
this isn't just viscerally disgusting to look at but absolutely degenerate in every sense of the word, there's a reason it's called slop Because you just want more and more with no end, replicating without understanding then burying your head claiming it's progress when in reality it's a complete regress from everything you've been told and taught.

You've murdered, raped and hung from a pole the lessons that the artists that inspired you for your own satisfaction because they weren't good enough to satisfy infinite greed.
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AI art is pure soul. It's a tool created by humans trained on humanities greatest works and used by only the coolest people in the world. It produces works of art never before seen, expressing high quality and insightfulness.
Post your work cuck.
AI is not just the nailgun, AI is also the brain using the nailgun. This is some Cyberpunk shit and I hate it.
too bad most people just use it to make memes and porn
>on the road to infinite soulless content
We were already on that road before AI became a mainstream thing, nigger.
Modern artists were really happy with art standard crashing down because that meant less effort for them.
They are only crying about "soulless" now that they let what's considered acceptable be low itself that machine can reach it.
Modern artfags themselves started this path, they just thought they wouldn't get dropped along the way.
It's an AI shill thread. This is obviously garbage.
>AI already does ERP better than humans
Oh yeah I'm in the mood for some ministrations right now
>machine learning algorithm from the 70s is going to change everything
Just like self-driving cars, yeh?
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You are one retarded faggot. Ilya Repin would shit bricks and throw his paintbrush away if you showed him you could prompt videos and anime girls.
Face it, you're also devoid of soul. We don't have to pretend AI art is soulless, we know that. The question here is whether we should pretend your work isn't.
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Which is the highest echelon of art. Humies could NEVER make this picture without soulful AI.
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>>now that the technology to make soulful games without the input of faggots is going to be feasible within a few years, everyone's celebrating because it's pissing off soulless people (i.e. artists)

>as the soul is fully removed from gaming
AI-gaming isn't even there yet and there is already no soul left in anything published recently.
Stop being deluded.
Is this the part where we pretend /v/ has always hated all artists everywhere and they were never good?
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There is nothing more pathetic than giving up on ERP with other humans because AI does it better. What the fuck are you even doing at this point?
Enjoying a curated, better, less whiny, more obedient experience that caters exactly to my wants in the way I want it, whenever I want it and doesn't talk back to me or assumes I care about them in any way. It's strictly a better experience in every possible way.
>Even the information it gives when you ask about stuff is blatant lies half the time
It's like having 4chan at home!
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No, I don't think this is the part where your strawman happens, why would you think that?
What's the point if there's not another human on the other end?
making trannies seethe while I fuck my 2D waifu. I just wish I had gigalomaniac powers to just make her real.
Text based ai is different from AI art, while both are surface level similar how they process and use information is different in how the structure of language applies to what's generated.

AI art will confuse abstract for realistic and it will often be trained off of massive data sets that are having AI art pumped into them creating an incestuous cycle while chatbots will have more rules around what it's doing.
You're fixated on something that's just a symptom of what the 1% of the 1% of people that'll use AI for improvement will cause like making technology improve faster e.g. hammer vs nail gun and not seeing that the general populous will absolutely stop improving themselves since they no longer will have any need to, like I was saying you don't get it because you can't see the forest for the trees, I'm saying that because skill isn't needed since the AI will just make up for it, humanity as a whole will not improve, therefore it will stagnate, since AI is now the brains of humanity.
Sure using a nail gun is more effective but wouldn't you need to know how to put together a house in the first place? What if that also goes away and now you just ask the AI how to put together a house, now that knowledge is in the hands of the AI instead of a person who devoted time to teach himself math, geometry, design, carpentry and general knowledge about good materials like which lumber should be used.
You're thinking in too narrow of a box, you understand that AI can increase effectiveness in some people but then you don't understand the consequences of what can happen, why would musicians bother researching and study music theory if they can just ask an AI to make the music for them would they even understand why the music sounds good, why would chefs bother to study culinary arts when they can just ask an AI to create a new and interesting recipe for them would they even understand why the flavors blend together to taste good, why would engineers bother to study at all when they can just ask the AI for the calculations and come up with the solution for them would they even be able to understand why it came to that conclusion?
>You don't have to learn to draw to make pictures anymore, you can use AI.
No you can't because AI art looks like shit.

Fuck you. Fuck you so fucking much.

I'm an AI artist. I never had the talent to be able to draw traditionally, and tools like Stable Diffusion have been a fucking godsend. I used to feel trapped inside my own mind due to my inability to unleash my creativity, it was fucking horrible. AI changed everything for me, and soon it will for game designers too.
>Hey my fellow autists
>I found brown water in a river bed
>Isnt that like so cool and new?!?! new tech!
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egomanic retard lol
>I'm an AI artist
lol you didn't create anything. You just made request to a program.
How high are our chances for a Virtual Villager spiritual successor?
It's ERP, nothing deeper than that. Two people engaging in it instead of one is two pathetic people instead of one.
It's called Forspoken and didn't need AI.
>where is my emotionless robot gf
She isn't emotionless, it's just her faceplate that wasn't designed for this.
Thank god we won't have to put up with his ban evading ESL ass for much longer.

Absolutely. I think it's because it lets people grasp as straws. Going back to university to get a comp sci degree, I see these people
>Miss, sir, can I use AI in my work?
>Can I generate some images?
And here I am, already a competent programmer and artist. They can't possibly describe a prompt to beat me at either. If they could, they would have the skills needed not to rely on a neural network, but such a thing is impossible when you're trying to dilute a drawing or a program into text specification instead of just doing the work.
I don't see what you aren't understanding here anon. You seem to think art is some kind of race we need to get better at when it's just some fun way to express ourselves, which you can do using AI. You can improve using AI too. AI itself improves and can be built in innumerable amounts of ways the same way as your own personal styles.

>Sure using a nail gun is more effective but wouldn't you need to know how to put together a house in the first place? What if that also goes away and now you just ask the AI how to put together a house, now that knowledge is in the hands of the AI instead of a person who devoted time to teach himself math, geometry, design, carpentry and general knowledge about good materials like which lumber should be used.
Another stupid point. You're talking like we're going to lose the art of house building of all things. Yeah I'm sure that day is coming.

YOU are thinking too narrowly.

> why would musicians bother researching and study music theory if they can just ask an AI to make the music for them would they even understand why the music sounds good, why would chefs bother to study culinary arts when they can just ask an AI to create a new and interesting recipe for them would they even understand why the flavors blend together to taste good, why would engineers bother to study at all when they can just ask the AI for the calculations and come up with the solution for them would they even be able to understand why it came to that conclusion?
Because they want to and now they simply have yet another tool that they can use. Obviously not everyone likes AI you dork. But people can now use it and it's great.

It looks good. Post your work if you're better.
The one little guy just holding up a little sign
>It looks good. Post your work if you're better.
lol no it doesn't why even bother lying?
You know it does and you're just mad about it.
You know it doesn't and you're just mad about it.
If I have to explain to you why humans are shit, you do not belong here.
NTA but there is a lot of good looking AI art, anyone saying otherwise is copeing
There is no good looking AI art. Cope
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>why should I learn to draw when I can just type the words into google images?
>why should I learn to draw when I can just type the words into a dozen neural networks, only one of which was trained by me with my amateur
Not him, but I encourage this. It'll keep you far away from the things I enjoy, and stuck waiting for your generation to finish or for someone to give you a better model.
Only the modern ones who had no problem collaborating with AAA shit.
>2 more weeks saars you see AI advance the humanity and you may redeem many prosperity
How many more 2 weeks do we have to wait, because the only actual areas where AI is being practically applied at the moment is making everything significantly worse and speedrunning dead internet theory. Where all the fucking games you faggots were going to make now that you're unshackled from artists and voice actors and whatever else?
There's a lot of great AI art, but fucking hell, the low effort unfixed garbage that gets posed ad nauseum pisses me off, especially when the potential volume they could prompt in the time it'd take to fix it is their excuse.
It's really hard not to take this as a sign of standards and effort plummeting.
>AI changed everything for me
Because it lets you visualize ideas? More power to you then, but calling yourself an AI artist is a joke. Didn't you guys advertise yourself as prompt engineers? That was pathetic as well but it was more accurate at least, you will always be prompt monkeys to me. Talent is not real, you sound like you're a crab from /ic/
>soulless people (i.e. artists)
>your strawman
Fucking where is the strawman?
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>and stuck waiting for your generation to finish
You mean stuck waiting fractions of a second while you take months to make something worse?
Whenever the barrier for entry is lowered you tend to see tons of slop. I just don't think we should throw the baby out with the bathwater
>There's a lot of great AI art,
lol no
The problem you have is there no baby it's just all dishwater.
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Everywhere, but unlike you I'm not taking it that seriously
I admit NoAI can be good, it's because it's trained on child porn.
My art being bad or good has no bearing on the quality of AI art. Cope
I think you're holding the ordinary person in too much of a high regard if you think people are going to bother learning anything if they can just ask another smarter entity to do their thinking for them, this is what you don't get, people WILL become lazy because it's easy

I'm guessing you don't consider digital artists "real" artists either?

How about manga artists who often have assistants who do their work for them? And masters of old, like Michelangelo, who had a WHOLE FUCKING TEAM of artists while he took all credit?

What about traditional painters -- are they not artists unless they mix their own paint and craft their own brushes? Weave their own canvases?

Can ANYONE who is able to draw or paint a motif just from the fact that they have seen the motif enough times in different contexts be called an artist?
lol digital artists don't just type words to have a program generate an image.
I'm not, but goddamn if they're not loud as fuck at the same time. It also pisses me off that for all the talk about sticking it to artists and how this tech makes it better for everything, shitters immediately started opening patreon, fantia etc accounts and paywalling their stuff.
It's the same as with piracy, just do the thing if it's what you want to do, but don't bullshit me with some grand reason behind it.
And what the hell is your point? There's absolutely nothing wrong with using a nailgun over using a hammer. It's literally more efficient and better productivity wise.
Despite that, some people will still do whatever you think they should do.
>I have credibility even though I'm a horrible artist
No, you don't
>Google "AI water consumption"

AI is literally unsustainable. It will never reach anything near perfection. The resources simply don't exist on Earth to support it's continued advancement.

Prompt engineering has nothing to do with artistry and can be used for any AI related task. I don't care if you consider me a prompt engineer or not -- I am ALSO an artist.
lol cope. AI art is dog shit.
I would rather AI be able to reverse engineer a videogame.
water is never consumed
just ruined
My three year old nephew is an artist as well.
>, the dog shit artist said.
You're a retarded zoomer. Traditional artists said the exact same shit you morons are saying today when photoshop scared them.
You didn't design the image. Cope
ai is more like tiktok than the wheel. In 99% of uses its just instantly accessible, meaningless brainrot
You're so whiny, complaining about strawmen that have nothing to do with you.

Where is the water going?
lol digital artist don't generate their work by typing in a request. You're a joke.
you watched it, so you are nobody

>digital artists don't just type words to have a program generate an image

Neither do AI artists.

It takes a shit ton of fine tuning, iteration, planning, and pure creativity to create the images that I create. Nothing you say eill diminish that.

Go back to fucking R*ddit.
>Neither do AI artists.
lol cope
Unironically this.
Gen AI doesn't conceptualize everything and some generators get an aneurysm when you ask to generate someone doing a flip.
If you're confident in your art being better than -any- AI art, post it
That would have no bearing on whether AI art is good or not.
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>You're so whiny, complaining about strawmen that have nothing to do with you.
What about the massive flooding of fantia, FANBOX etc. resulting in the ban of AI art is a strawman you fucking asshat
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they're all like this

I'm a white American.
that's great bro let's see your dog shit AI slop
I mean it's not bad but it depends on how long they've been drawing.
That's great bro. That doesn't make AI art any less shit.
How is that relevant? With AI you can just skip through all of that. All of the unnecessary time wasted, that you could spend on other things.
Whiny autistic fuck.
I accept your concession
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>talking about pictures when we have videos now
he's talking about phone users you dweeb
The argument I've put forward was never about effectiveness in the first place, that's what you're not getting here, robot factories increased production to levels we wouldn't be able to reach with just humans and without them we wouldn't have 2nm processing chips. It was about the intelligence in humans that brought us to that stage where these things were possible and if you believe that AI can improve that process even further then you're right it will but people WILL get complacent and start shoving important decisions of their lives to a greater intellect because it's easy to have someone else make a decision for you, so in the simplest of terms I can tell you it would be like this, do you pick up the nail gun instead of the hammer because you know that's it's more effective or because the AI told you to use it because it's more effective, if you can't make a distinction between those two options deeper than their words then it's useless to talk about this further.
They won't because they can't beat art like this https://files.catbox.moe/5xcz2t.jpg
Even before AI they wouldn't post anything because they know they're bad.
Yeah bro because wheelbarrows need paved roads to work
Wow it's ugly dog shit!
Lmaoing at all the jeets itt defending the slop machine and the literal petabytes of garbage it has polluted the internet with
>A year from now
More like a decade. And the game will be generic slop.
I am very smart.
Buddy, I use the Dolly the Third and Stable Diffusionator too. I understand not everyone gets better with time and some want results off the bat but the two major advantages to drawing by hand (or hiring someone to do it for you) is that

1) The content has no middle man to stifle your vision (lol Dalle-3 and SD3's terms of service)


2) You're not "wasting time" finetuning, stomping out floating fringe elements in in-paint and re-rolling a gen until the machine sorta gets an idea of what you want when drawing it would be less "waste" in the long run.

And mind you, I would love to see generators get better than they are tenfold regardless of the GPU it may demand. I just think that many who champion AI, are too shortsighted in terms of what limits it truly has.
>The argument I've put forward was never about effectiveness in the first place,
And I've been saying your argument is bad because all that matters in the context of stagnation in art is what the product is like.
> but people WILL get complacent and start shoving important decisions of their lives to a greater intellect because it's easy to have someone else make a decision for you,
It doesn't matter that we can't chase down elk with bows and arrows anymore, we have quads and AR-15s. And your wife won't care how you killed it, she won't even want to know. This goes for art as well, no one is going to care that your game is hand made or if it's generated. That's such a moronic thing to care about. All that matters is that it's fun or good or interesting or whatever. Your point is utterly fucking stupid even if you move your goal posts to talking about general intelligence(which is a much bigger topic that has more to do with other things than AI).

Hell no, I'm not retarded. Not gonna draw the attention of hundreds of terminally online luddites.
lol yeah that's what I thought fag
>giving a fuck about terms
>implying you aren't wasting time waiting weeks for artists to draw what you could generate in seconds
stupid post
>lol it good enough saar. Just accept it!
This is why india is covered in human shit.
still waiting for you to post your art
lol that wouldn't make any AI art any less shit.
Since you don't get it, I'm not gonna bother any longer.
Hey bro. AI art isn't good enough. Cry about it.
I mean that image is shit considering AI art in general. We're getting into the point of just pure effort. This would take a lot of effort to do normally by a human artist. It's not amazing because one of the problems AI art has is that you can reproduce it a billion times just slightly different, and it is widespread. People can tell it's AI because there is a pattern.
However I will never understand the anatomy point. I will never get why people constantly talk about it like art means accurate anatomy. Most "artists" can't draw hands or faces for shit, and it's not a point you should use when it's a constantly evolving technology that is meant not to have these issues anymore as long as there's some decent prompt in there.
Another thing that gets me is that speaking of prompts, they keep pointing at shit that barely needs any thought put into when prompting. They point at what doesn't take effort to make and laugh at it. That'd be like me just putting out a doodle and telling everyone how shitty human art is because I'm incompetent.
Everytime I enter one of these threads I am more convinced of AIsloppers' subhumanity. They just want more ugly slop now now now and fuck everyone else. They don't want to learn anything, they don't care about the shit they make since it takes them seconds and costs 0, they just wanna hit the slop button endlessly and if anyone complains they are evil luddites or something.
Biggest group of insufferable faggots I've seen in a while.
You are the one that doesn't understand but keep screaming to the skies about it. Try to think about the future and how the world will be without having a panic attack when you realize that your opinion doesn't matter in the grand human experience.
This picture could never be made without a man drawing the trollface.
>anyone can do that!!!
You can't.
>They don't want to learn anything,
I do, just not stuff that is obsolete and a waste of time. Prompting is futureproof, whereas drawing is, like it or not, obsolete. There is no point in learning it other than to foster a victim mentality.
>implying you aren't wasting time waiting weeks for artists to draw what you could generate in seconds

I've been using SD for like two years now, training style and concept LoRAs and all that. Even then, there's a lot of shit I'd rather have an artist draw because genning over and over and not getting the desired result is horseshit.

And yes, I get it, some artists are flaky as hell and availability can suck for the ones who aren't but at least it's more consistent control when a person's involved because a machine is too literal and working around that literal minded conceptualiztion is WHY genning is a different set of problems if you're not dealing with overcorrective, politically correct poisoning from Dall-E 3 giving you blackfaced Homers and shit. At least if I'm giving instructions to an artist, they can pick up on some nuance and aren't gonna clutch their virtual purse if I want something to be more sexy or actually try to make a piece of equipment more cohesive and form fitting.
Sounds entirely like a skill issue.
AI art looks better than the art you like.
It's all about money for the lot of you. You're bitching because people choose the cheaper option instead of commissioning art. Not because you care about the future of humanity or whatever.
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Unironically based take.

AIbros aren't even thinking about money it's just you since you live on the street now.
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It's funny how you're anti AI but you post like a bot yourself, keep going though I'm sure it'll accomplish something one day....
You are unironically a subhuman tool. This is like saying why learn instruments or music theory when EDM and Suno exists and you can just prompt the music anyways. I am convinced that you in particular, will never make anything that won't be labeled slop because of your utter disdain for the craft you supposedly like.
Go back to your content farms and making episodes of that Bheem kid.
lol you knows AI art is dog shit. Stop posting anytime.
I don't know how you've interpreted that to be an anti-AI art post but whatever
English isn't his first language.
He's ripping on Pajeets as his greentext shows.
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>Spend hours fucking my custom tailored AI chatbot that produces images on the fly to illustrate the scenes and situations I'm playing through
>bust the fattest fucking nut
>then get to come on /v/ and watch some losers literally shit their pants screaming and larping as indians over AI because they know despite how much they hate it, they literally can't do anything about it

God I love technology
That is solely an animation style you, retard.
It's also not my problem, because much like AI slop, I simply do not look at that trash.
Why do you think every board has a cancerous AI creations thread? Because losers want to feel special sharing something they "made" and pray that someone will acknowledge what they made and pat them on the heard with a (you). It's so pathetic
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He's ripping on himself, just because he's larping a retard doesn't change the fact he is literally spamming every AI thread in all caps with the same broken English

>heh yeah I'm eating shit but I'm only doing it to make fun of other people who eat shit

You are still eating shit.
How is that more pathetic than human artist who live on twitter and only make pictures for money and clout?
lol I'm making fun of you eating shit while advocating for other people to eat shit. You see India is a shit country because everyone is knee deep in shit and they just cool with it.
speed reading
You're only making a joke out of yourself
He isn't talking about music at all actually. You have to learn to use a particular instrument, you can't prompt it.
lol you're the one eating shit moron.
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Does it make you feel any better screaming into the void larping as a pajeet as AI only continues to improve and grow in popularity?
Dalleg is the best general /v/ has ever had because anons can be creative and productive. You are a soulless husk if you don't appreciate it.
>2 more weeks!
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I'll take that as a no
>be creative and productive.
L O L typing in a request to a program isn't creativity.
>How is that more pathetic than
I don't give a fuck about your whataboutism deflection. Spamming AI threads begging anons to give you a (you) is pathetic no matter what you deflect to
>writing isn't a creative activity now
>spending months making art isn't productive, crying about art is
ok proompter
>I because they know despite how much they hate it, they literally can't do anything about it
Literally the best thing about these threads
>make art
The program did it, you didn't ;)
Okay, loser.
Okay, loser.
>the pencil drew it, you didn't :)
>Heh heh you can't stop me from eating shit
lol every time.
>typing words is the same as drawing ;)
Those threads are drama filled and full of giga autists spamming hundreds of the same low quality images every single fucking day. Unironically monkeys that clap when the program sharts another image every 2 minutes
>>bust the fattest fucking nut
You are going to die alone an incel so it looks like you lose in the end
>I lurk in threads I despise
fucking autist
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>AI is taking countless paintpig jobs

>AI art even a year ago was already good enough that its greatest haters can't tell what is AI or not anymore, causing them to attack human artists

All you can do is seethe while you lose
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>celebrating companies saving money by creating ugly dog shit

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