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>outlasts Palworld
>outlasts Helldivers 2
>outlasts Dragon's Dogma 2
>has better player retention in first year of release than Elden Ring, Hogwarts, Cyberpunk, and Red Dead 2

How did a small Belgian studio BTFO the industry like this?
chinese bots
kek you're more of a bot than anything.
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There he is!

faggots like you running bots have not only ruined this board but also this site and the internet in general at this point
>small Belgian studio

They have almost 500 employees. Why the fuck do you faggots act like Larian is three dudes in an apartment making an indie game and not a giant studio that made a game with a AAA budget?
Could still never get into this game. Never made it past the first like 5 hours. The game was just way too drawn out and boring. Everything felt like it took half an hour from the dialogue to the combat to simply just moving anywhere.
I play it a lot.
>Verification not required.
How has Tencent ownership of game studios actually changed the games they make? Does Tencent directly influence anything?
>engaging the chinaposter
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It didn't outlast shit though. Wizards got mass fired and the game reached end of service with no DLC, expansion or sequels in sight lol
That's because of the company's decision, not because they didn't make enough money for DLC.
I've seen this post several times and I know it's bait but I just wanted to use it to answer my question regarding Tencent's influence on gaming in general

Maybe start another Kikestarter eh?
>How has the West subverting copycats made anything worse.
It's against a lot of post beyond the CCP firewall, Chang
You have to be delusional to see a singleplayer game with 100k concurrent players 1 year after release and think that it must've flopped.
DLC/expansion/sequel when? Oh never. They got scrapped.
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>2 seconds research to disprove
kek, nice "Expert verification"
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And that's still hundreds of thousands of dollars in bots per week.
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This image remains as relevant today as it was after the Game Awards.
anon, your image doesn't disprove them at all. in fact it shows exactly what they're claiming. they're claiming that its daily peak is still 100k. your image shows that. they're not saying anything about the average
Did they say "the peak" or just "daily"?
Peaks in statistics are nearly meaningless, hence why they're not usually the "assumed" term when discussing things without additional descriptions. But when it suits a narrative it's suddenly the "obvious stat we're talking about, we don't have to specify it"
I will never stop being greatful for the complete btfo of Tortanic chasing fags who dwell on this board, do it again Swen!
If they have 60k concurrent players every day then the total amount of people playing "daily" is way higher than 100k.
>60k concurrent players
see this is where you went wrong, because they're not players. they're chinese bots
Why would someone bot a singleplayer game? kek
Modding? I still play time from time
even if we assume that, the article is celebrating the game's "staying power", yet this is despite the game losing around 50% of its playerbase in the course of the last year.
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The same reason non single player games are: to attract dumb investors. Especially after losing 90M to Hasbro
Retaining 50% of your player base after a year is amazing, especially for a single player game.
Can't name another game that did that, desu.
Sounds like a cope.
Dragonirian is doing his chinese spammer routine again.
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>2612 results found
Now do one for eric. If you dont post your results you are dragonirian
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You may not be aware, but this is practically unprecedented for a SP-focused game. For comparison, here it is against ER, RDR2, Hogwarts, and Cyberpunk's first year numbers. It's higher than all at the end of the year.
NTA but 67,937 results

Anons still have a good decade of shitting on the dragonirian until we catch up to what he did to anons.
Probably closer to 15 years. It's a shame ivan doesnt like playing the game he started anymore :(
over 2000 people worked on the game too, it's an AAA game.
Why did this thread die all a sudden?
why do you think? its the samefag larian schizo thats made the other hundreds of bg3 threads with the exact same motif
Dragonirian threw in the towel. He gets spooked and runs a lot nowadays, anons know how to mindfuck him to deeply now.
Not that I can tell. I was pretty worried when they bought out Grinding Gear Games 6 years ago, but those Kiwi's are just as autistic as they always were.
That is pretty impressive. Planning to start another playthrough myself with the next patch.
Personally I think the baskin poster on /tv/ could beat you in a fight
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Baldur's Gate 3 is #30 on the Steam sellers list, and more than 50% of players haven't even finished the first chapter before moving on and uninstalling, so I think it is safe to say that Tencent have set up some kind of bot network to artificially inflate player numbers.... Not to mention that Tencent still has their chinkbots (you) shilling this game on /v/.
Too bad it's a tranny game
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That's nearly every game on steam. DRG is very popular with 97% positive reviews and still has less than half the people play 3 missions in a row.
By being the best 0.01 patreon scam weg on the market.
They took the radical decision to make an actually good game.
imagine being so assblasted you spend literally your entire life refreshing /v/ just to post this in every bg3 thread lmao.

bg3 won all the awards, sold millions and millions and is the best wrpg ever.
>and more than 50% of players haven't even finished the first chapter
I don't think I've played any game that is more than a couple of hours long that has much higher than 33% completion rate according to Steam Achievements. And that's on the high end, most hover between 10-20%.
GAAS games have absolutely destroyed your brain. Jesus christ.
Elden Ring is literally doing better though?
Shoutout to the guy on /v/ who has been fiending for months on /v/ to finally be able to make a
>Only 5k players playing
>Why did it fail bros????
Steam playercount stockchart thread but has never found the chance because it's still big even by shitposter standards that they can't make a legitimate rib against it
>more than 50% of players haven't even finished the first chapter before moving on and uninstalling,
Pretty much every game is like this you retard
Deep Flop Galactic using Chinese bots confirmed.
>Only 126 viewers on Twitch right now
DRGtanic! lol!!!!!!!
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>small studio
>400+ people
>backed by Tencent and Wotc
behead europoors like OP, can't wait for them to be replaced, less shitposting
Cultists. BG3 fans are deranged, tumblr grade lunatics. They attack one another over interpretations of characters, mods and similar decisions.
These are people for whom it is a point of pride to say "I spent 500 hours in act 1" as though you can't get the same result by leaving the game running for days on end
Why is this giga schizo so obsessed with bg3?, did the dude who got the award wearing armor steal his girl or something like that?
I put 315 hours into my first run alone.
BG3, Factorio and TotK. Notice how the threads always start with the cover art of the games.
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>shills crying to the jannies to delete the tweet
on topic proof the shills are shills. seethe
>end of service with no DLC
A complete game!? But that's a zoomer's worst nightmare!
Yeah, but the game has no DLC so it sucks.
why not make DLC? the game's whole framework is already there, as bug-free and polished as it's ever going to get. surely shitting out some DLCs is free money relative to literally anything else they could be doing. can even call it an "expansion" if calling it a DLC triggers your anti-zoomer reflex
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>Tencent owns 30% of Larian
Lmao chones bot campaign
do you live your entire life in denial? or just BG3 threads?
Because DLCs are never justified. And Swen knows this
I don't get what is so great about a book in video game form.
bruh that's LITERALLY because hasbro shot themselves in the foot
Like you underestimate just how much hasbro is a fucking retarded and incompetent company
Your entire life is making and self bumping threads about a trash Chinese shilled CRPG. You can never question others.
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Because of this autist.
>loves RPGs and especially Ultima games
>loves player freedom
>dude isn't some soulless suit but someone who has decades of experience in game development and loves making games
>Larian nearly went bankrupt several times
>publishers fucking them over
>realize their development approach is incompatible with the normal dev-publisher relationship
>say "fuck it" and just give up on publishers
>slowly built up the studio focusing on retaining talent instead of trying make line go up at the end of each financial quarter by any means necessary
>build up technological and design know-how over the years
>iterate on an engine that they tailored to their needs to make the game they want to make
>use early access to gather feedback and help steer the game mechanics in the direction the fans want
>reap the long-term benefits of doing all that and put it back into making even more ambitious games now

If you're interested this DOS1 documentary goes into detail about their past games, their financial troubles and how that has shaped their approach to making games and handling the studio.
(same yt channel has DOS2 documentary if you're interested in the followup)
Who gives a shit about player retention? I’d rather play a 5 hour long Metroidvania and move on with my life than spending hundreds of hours in a shitty dating sim.
I'm shocked this game is as popular as it is.
>combat is way too slow and 5e sucks
>companions are all generic quirky pansexuals because every rpg has to be a dating sim now
>the dialogue being fully voiced means there is little chance to actually roleplay
Chinese bots
Have they finished the game yet?
Bg3 feels like a crog evolution. Owlcat and pillars feel like more of the same shit we already played 20 years ago. Being able to jump down from the underdark tall tower seamless in multiple ways is literally more freeing than anything in any other crpg. Also you niggas are out of the loop, dos2 had tons of fans woth videos of the game getting 100ks views 6 years later, bg3 was not some out of the blue thing lol. Divine divinty is also my favorite hidden gem of gaming, studio always had some talent.
Whether /v/ likes to hear it or not, BG3 is the natural evolution of a genuinely passionate studio (more like studiohead in sven) making what they want, appealing to their dedicated fanbase, and pushing the enveloped. Games will get compared to BG3 for many many years to come
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lol so revolutionary all it's content was cancelled. Obvious Tencent sham even Hiro is getting paid to promote.
Get a real job and take meds.
Funny niggas shit on bg3 for degenerate shit but stay quiet about the lesbian orc interracial couple shoved down your throat 20 mins in wotr or the disgusting fur fag rick and morty girl.
>moving onto new games instead of a shameless worthless sequel reusing assets
Kino and based. Meanwhile rogue trader is still using assests from kingmaker LOL
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bg3 is just that degenerate I guess
No one cares about your schizoid spergy wergy anon
>making a goboo kiss your feet as a evil power fantasy isn’t based
>actually a fag orc women shoving her threesome down your throat is le based
Yeah okay retard
I’m fairly certain all the schizos are all Hasbro executives who are still seething because Swen wanted to make a good game instead of promoting 5e and MTG
Your fantasy is licking goblin feet? What is wrong with tencentbots?
All schizo posting aside, it is VERY unnatural for a single player game to retainer that amount of % players for this long. Not even the most popular and well beloved single player games do this.
There's clearly some botting or something going on.
>single player
Wrong. Co-op is very popular and one of the reasons the retention rate is so high.
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>Provides millions of rent free homes
What have (you) done for the community?
Normies love it and it's a coop game anon, it's not that unusual at all
>normies love it
It hasn't sold a quarter of what games like elden ring and hogwarts have sold
It didn't even sell a fraction of what Elden Ring did yet have way higher player retention (not including the numbers of ER now because of the expansion)
They own it?
They made a fun expansive game that encourages replaying.
Also it's not really that small, and the skeleton of the game already existed in the form of their past work on the Divinity Original Sin games.
didn't outlast elden ring
It has a lot of replay value just from build alone
Its peak concurrent users is within 100k of elden ring, so what makes you think it didn't sell nearly as much? I know of 2 different 4 man friend groups that have been slowly trudging along the acts together in weekly sessions since launch. None of them have beat it yet since they only play together lol
The game isn't great, but the industry is in free fall and there's still a consumer base that wants to play games like this
It's mostly because everything else is so utterly shit and cram packed with DEI subversion and intentionally made ugly to the max that a Baulder's Gate 3 can do well
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>shitposter banned again
Larian tends to not do DLC. They didn't do that for the 1st and 2nd Divinity games. The 2nd Divinity game was very popular, but they didn't make any DLC for it. They prefer to immediately move on to the next game.
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2 years left before the space RPG's EA.
It's been an entire year since this spam started and not once have you been able to prove anything to point to this even being close to true.
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>Golden Joysticks
>WeChat and BilliBilli voting allowed
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2 years left before the starshit shills commit mass suicide
You lie and assume bullshit so much that you would need to provide MUCH more HARD evidence to accuse anything of being rigged.
Reminder you STILL haven't been able to prove the bot claim despite spamming it for A YEAR.
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>You lie
from their website
The amount of butthurt and cope this game causes shitters is amazing.

The shitposter is literally mind broken over it, although he has been mind broken for years and has done the same thing for many games.
again you need HARD EVIDENCE after spamming about steam numbers being bots for an entire year yet not being able to actually prove it.
HARD EVIDENCE being shit you don't just assume and spam because you're trying to force something to be true through a schizo mantra.
You can seethe and bump your own thread all you want. No one cares about bg3, Larian or any other eurojank game. You're not convincing anyone.
Why is there someone here who claims this game is infested with bots? Is it because it's woke and extremely successful?
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>No one cares about bg3, Larian or any other eurojank game. You're not convincing anyone.
This sounds like big cope because people actually do care about BG3 but (YOU) haven't convinced anyone to not care or believe your schizo delusions
>no one cares about bg3
>the biggest selling rpg of the last 10 years or so
>won multiple gotys
>has 1000,000 players a year later
>those are just steam numbers and don't include console or the game bought on other platforms
>player count is probably double or triple that
Anon you seriously need some help, touch grass, see your doctor.
no but you see those numbers are completely fake (and all the competitions numbers are real, obviously)
There's at least one post you HAVEN'T reported (stay mad) in this thread showing hard metrics it's botted in absence of Chinese meddling.

You can ignore it if you want, but as usual the only person more pathetic in these threads because of it is the compromised janny taking checks from Tencent deleting on topic posts.
Pretty much, it is pure copium.
The main shitter has been doing this shit for years, he gets obsessed over a game and decides to dedicate years of his life shitposting in every thread he he sees about that game for years.
it's not a culture war issue it's a dude actually mind broken because he hates larian. His whole hating china and tencent shit is also all an act because if you haven't noticed he doesn't actually attack any other chinese game and he makes no attempt to spam in all those chinese gacha games we see all the time.
the only other time he spammed against another game was palworld and even he stopped because he got blown the fuck out again when he was proven wrong about the game not being chinese so he stuck with spamming Bg3 threads.
This entire fucking website for the last seven years has just been corporations and statist organizations spamming their narrative with paid shills. All the mods are literal troons and hiroyuki is a shekel mongering leftoid who gets paid to allow it. 4chan is a garbage fucking website.
Fun things are fun.
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>muh bots
Bots are used in mp games, why the fuck would anyone use bots for a single player game?
he's the same guy who kept calling palword chinese? kek, that makes this much funnier
Games that are turn-BASED are timeless.
He is the one who made all the gay fish Deadfire threads. He is the one that did the same thing with Pathfinder Kingmaker and Wotr that he does for BG3.

Before that it was TW3, he has been doing this shit non stop for years with many different games.

I don't think he actually likes video games, he definitely doesn't play any because he is here 24/7 look for any BG3 thread he can find.
Why didn't owlcat buy bots to prop up their failed games?
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>He thinks that post is hard evidence
the reason I didn't even call that one out is because that's been refuted since last year but I've seen you continue to spam it despite people pointing out that you manipulated results or disingenuously presented the information.
like you can't stop lying and continue to spam your lies as if it's truth unironically thinking that by spamming it enough times that makes it true.

In the past year whenever I see you in threads I've seen several people outright breakdown each and every image you've ever posted on why it's wrong which is why I don't even acknowledge much of them because I know you cannot be trusted with presenting reality or truth.

I unironically find it more fun to make you respond to me and show people how deranged you can get in your own posts which in turn fuels my own argument in why you cannot be trusted in presenting any information because you write like a schizophrenic off of his meds.
You forgot
>50% of the playerbase never finished act 1 according to steam achievement statistics
People actually played Elden Ring, HL, Cyberpunk, RDR2 etc, there are people who actually finished those games. BG3 seems to have 90% of its current playerbase just fuck around in act 1 and never progress past it.
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Larian is a shit dev though desu
You have never refuted a single piece of evidence, and the hilarious part isn't that Tencent continues wasting money on shills, it's that this worthless site keeps allowing it for free.
act 3's writing can get retarded but the rest of the game was pretty great.
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>reinstall it because I want to try out some new mods
>fuck around with "installing the mods correctly" for about an hour
>can't get it to work
>give up and just make a different character to try out the subclass mod
>crashes as soon as I load in
>uninstall the game
they didn't spend $200 million on production like Larian did for BG3, so they actually made a decent profit from just selling the game regularly and having decent word of mouth.
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>You have never refuted a single piece of evidence
you've never even provided a single good piece of evidence in the first place.
It's been an entire year.
If you use mods, which pretty much everyone does, it disables achievements.

Using achievements as a way of telling how many people completed the first act or the game isn't a legit way of telling.
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or /v/edditors, these love jewish cock now.
writer was a tranny, right?
Nothing Larian have ever done should be considered "great". they are the very definition of a 6/10 developer. BG3 is to cRPGs what Elex or Fable 3 is to action RPGs.
how the fuck do you fuck up modding in this game, it's the easiest shit imaginable
are you retarded by chance
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I find it funny how you think you posted a 'win' but it was actually a self-own.
out of pure curiosity can you tell me your top 5 favorite games
Not even 5% of the playerbase uses mods and even games like Skyrim, New Vegas or Fallout 4, games with an extremely popular modding scene have way higher completion statistics than BG3 does, so something is definitely fishy no matter how you slice it.
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Mods should report this guy's ip to the police, he needs to be sectioned.
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I must be, because I could not get the custom race to work despite downloading everything necessary, having the overwrites where they need to be, etc.

Don't even know why it fucking crashed either.
>Not even 5% of the playerbase
>Not even 5% of the playerbase uses mods
>and even games like Skyrim, New Vegas or Fallout 4, games with an extremely popular modding scene have way higher completion statistics than BG3 does
arlach is hot
mods don't disable achievements in TES games
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>I don't like the evidence so it doesn't count
How very Chinese. That's why nothing you say ever matters. Especially with facts constantly exposing you.
like clockwork
Hard to spend $200 million on production when your janky ass game barely reached half a million sales
he wont answer. i always ask, they never do.
Steam achievements are public. Just look it up.
Source for the modding: Look at the number of downloads BG3 mods get on Nexusmods compared to games with a popular modding scene.
>spend 1-2 years making DLC
>sell it for $40 and split profits with WotC
>immediately start working on new original game
>sell it for $70 and get 100% of the profits because you own the IP
It’s not rocket science to see why they moved on
>Source: look it up yourself
I accept your defeat.
You really think BG3 sold over 20 million copies?
The chinese bot argument is retarded and shows how the schizo doesnt use logic
the schizo poster doesn't take into account that if they're running bots then they've apparently been running bots for more than a year. The cost of running all those bots everyday for a single player title makes no sense, on top of that why would tencent prioritize a single player game instead of one of their many other gacha and multiplayer titles?, why would they provide these bots to only larian and not the various other studios that they have more of a controlling stake in? why is this "apparent bot problem" only noticeable with BG3 and literally not any other title? why do sony and microsoft not use these apparent bots to boost their own numbers if tencent can do it?, after all concord has abysmal player numbers we can all see but apparently only tencent is doing it?

I'm sure you can extrapolate more questions out of this but the number one thing he's been spamming outright makes no sense when you really think about it.
if you're a fan of BG3 you really have no room to call any other game janky. BG3 was easily the most bug-ridden, unfinished and janky big budget release of 2023 and that's saying a lot considering Bethesda released a game that same year.
Divinity Original Sin 2 sold 7m so yes
This. Larian doesn’t need DnD anymore. They literally just have to put “from the creators of BG3” on their next project(s) and it’s a guaranteed success
I have no idea how many copies it sold, but it has a relatively similar playerbase to a game that sold over 20 million so it is very likely it sold close to that amount yes
What's crazy to me is how you can be in a thread where like 90% of posters are shitting on Larian and BG3 and you still pretend it's 1 guy and he's the "schizo" here.
This one had 5.9 million downloads

3.8 mil downloads

You can search for mods and filter by the number of downloads.
didn't work for bioware, that's for sure
top 5 games? recent is fine too
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>I don't like the evidence so it doesn't count
>How very Chinese. That's why nothing you say ever matters. Especially with facts constantly exposing you.
This whole post screams of projection when people have been refuting you all throughout the past year and you act like a chinese bot that's malfunctioning
>90% of posters are shitting on Larian
are you really trying to act like you're not samefagging the thread?
Could be a game update broke one of the mods. It's not uncommon when you mod games.
The best time to mod a game extensively is when the developer has dropped support for it.
It's why I wish Bethesda would leave anything that came before Starfield alone.
Or Obsidian
doubtful. BG3 was a reactionary success. People wanted it to be successful because it came out right before Starfield and all the streamers and influencers used this opportunity to shill BG3 non-stop to content farm. A similar thing happened back when Outer Worlds came out at around the same time Fallout 76 released. People unreasonably hype up the mediocre "underdog" just to stick it to the big AAA slop. Which is ironic because in this case, BG3 actually had a bigger budget than Starfield.
Stop pulling numbers out of your ass, retard.

There is no way that BG3 sold as many copies as Elden Ring. Not even close. It probably didn't even break 10 million.
it would be really amusing if this guy were trolling but he does it for so many hours a day that even if he were it's kinda sad how much time of his life he devotes to it
Then you’ve clearly never even looked at Rogue Trader. Game is unplayable and people don’t shit on it half as much as they do on bg3 despite having 100 times the issues.
And what’s Owlcunt’s solution to all the bugs and issues? ”You should totally buy this dlc! It might fix all the issues!”
Are you really so angry that I don't like Larian slop that you desperately want to insult my favorites in retaliation?
Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Dragon Quest 8, Elden Ring, Castlevania 4.
no, i just wonder where your head is at or if you even play games
>BG3 actually had a bigger budget than Starfield
Yeah I'm sure they outspent fucking Microsoft of all things
holy cope, also you sound like a schizo
The reason why people didn't shit on Owlcat as much for Rogue Trader is because for one, the game is a lower budget AA title and secondly, nobody hypes up Rogue Trader as the best cRPG ever made, like they do with BG3. Obviously when you claim a game is the best thing since sliced bread, it needs to stand up to much higher scrutiny and can't have blatant flaws like a massively downgraded and unfinished act 3.
if you really believe that at least part of BG3's success had nothing to do with Streamers farming "starfield bad, BG3 good" for months on end, you are the delusional one.
The last time the mods nuked your schizo ass from a ~450 post BG3 thread over 150 posts were deleted in one fell swoop. Don't pretend you don't samefag.

Should keep in mind that people with pirated copies can also use mods so extrapolating sales numbers from that isn't going to give you accurate results when you factor in how good the DRM on other games is.
Also, you're looking at total DLs instead of unique DLs.
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Todd sisters....
>BG3 actually had a bigger budget than Starfield.
you're fucking delusional if your really think that
This is exactly why you're the schizo here. I've never been banned for posting in a BG3 thread. Why would I? I don't post anything against the rules here and I am not the guy who spams the tencent image. Do you really believe it is a sane take to think that there exists only 1 person on all of /v/ that doesn't like Larian and BG3? I mean, no other fanbase is this narcissistic and delusional.
I also dropped during 1 act. Same problem as with the Witcher. Boring fights between quests.
I'm also a little biased because of the mad plebbitors fanbase.
Not terrible, not a masterpiece.
Same fag
Now look up today’s statistics
>Hard mode
No laughing
Although I doubt it beats BG3, Steam numbers for RDR2 only tell a small part of the story. The game is also sold on R*'s launcher, and most people probably have it on there and not Steam (game key websites sell R* keys for example).
Point is, RDR2's Steam chart isn't really an appropriate entry there because Steam represents a minority share of players.
Tencent footed the bill for $90M in license fees alone. That before any of the shilling.
I never seen any company worshipers as obnoxious as Larianfags or other western rpg niggers that aren't Bioware. At least with Bioware they understand that Dragon Age Inquisition was trash that didn't deserve GOTY. Also if anyone mentions Fromsoft those faggots didn't go on a photoshop and dick sucking crusade against the other games and kept to themselves mostly. The opposite effect happened where people kept saying it sucked.
Same peak players and even better player retention
normalfags and retards who don't usually play games have something to latch onto now.
He knows. /v/ has a bunch of tards on it that don't play games, and don't even like games at all. They just come here to shitpost about games they will never even play. That's their hobby.
>I never seen any company worshipers as obnoxious as Larianfags or other western rpg niggers that aren't Bioware
By making a good enough dnd game at near the peak of dnd's popularity. Also it helps idiots got angry at the goofy ass bear sex scene that's clearly a joke giving the game tons of attention
gas all player count ""news"" "journalists" and posters
Why do BG3 trannies drag ER down when their piece of shit released and are now using it to shit on Tears of the Kingdom? Fuck off.
I have not read a single post in this thread shitting on elden ring
In a good amount of years people will constantly shit on Larian like they did with TW3 and CDPR after Cybershit. Karma will bite them in the ass.
Witcher 3 was a much bigger deal than BG 3 though. It kind of deserved the praise it got at the time, whereis BG3 does nothing new or innovative and in fact does many things worse than the original Baldur's Gate games.
Fromsoftards are the worst. For 10+ years they have been praising dodge rolling as the peak of gaming skill
No ones trying to drag down ER dumbass.
TW3 is just Skyrim and Bioware mix. It didn't innovate anything.
He literally gambled his mortgage dude has balls
What did Witcher 3 innovate? Bamham combat? Massive dialogue choices that don't matter mostly? Terrible UI?
>I never seen any company worshipers as obnoxious as Larianfags or other western rpg niggers that aren't Bioware
in literally what way?
I only ever see the schizo spamming his hatred of larian in any related thread and then people arguing against his poor arguments. There was a point where said schizofag was also spamming his own OPs
>BG3 does nothing new
and bg2...?
CDPR fucked up a game release, rightfully got shit on for it, they kept at it improving the areas where they could improve (game's "very positive" on steam now), released a good expansion ("very positive" as well) and are now are back in people's good graces with people looking forward to Witcher 4 and the Cyberpunk sequel.

You are delusional.
mixing a skyrim-tier open world with (old) Bioware-tier writing and characters WAS an innovation at the time. To this day game devs copy Witcher 3. Nobody is going to copy BG3 because there is nothing to copy. It's the same old generic Larian game just with a D&D coat of paint.
they were probably the first to put that much emphasis on side content (at that level of production)
>nobody is going to copy a GOTY winner that sold over 10 million copies
BG2 did nothing inherently new, but rather it perfected what BG1 innovated on. Those 2 games were single handedly responsible for the cRPG rennaissance of the early 00s.
i was pointing out the obvious contradiction you made, however you decide to move the goalposts
and if we're talking rennaissance... would any other game be responsible for a new crpg golden age if not bg3?
as I said, there is nothing to copy. Turn based cRPGs like BG3 have existed since forever and BG3 is basically exactly like DoS2 just with a D&D ruleset underneath. I devs wanted to make a game like BG3, they didn't need to wait for BG3 to see how it's done. DoS2 would have been the exact same blueprint for this type of game and so were countless of turn based RPGs prior.
BG3 was such a good game that it didn't need DLC to fix it.
if anything, BG3 has destroyed the chance of a new cRPG golden age because all the zoomers will now judge these games purely on polish, graphical fidelity, voice acted cutscenes, sex scenes and all of that superficial garbage. No fanbase hates cRPGs as a genre more than fans of BG3. You see that by how much shit they talk about the infinity engine games, Obsidian games, Pathfinder etc. If a new cRPG comes out that isn't made by Larian, you will try your hardest to tear it down, don't even deny that.
so good that nobody completed Act 3 nor cared pass 1.
>small Belgian studio
>almost 500 employees
>BG3 credits around 2300 workers
Wow, indies sure came a long way, huh.

Horrible trannoid thread.
bg2 is one of my favorite games, retard. im not the other anon
>gorillions of pajeets and zhangs on your team to model ugly character models
tongue my anus
>Massive dialogue choices that don't matter mostly?
Ironic, bg fanboy
NTA but I think it's a bit inaccurate to attribute a CRPG renaissance to it because it's not like it came out of nowhere and is solely responsible for it.
It's something that's been building up over time with things like DoS1&2, PoE1&2, Owlcat's games etc.
Yes, critically and commercially BG3 is the apex of this resurgence and if you go and look at what Owlcat's been saying it's clear that it'll influence things going forward.
ok, but we're comparing baldur's gate, and fallout came out before baldur's gate.
the same guy that said bg3 didn't innovate just claimed that bg2 had, when it was the 3rd gaming using infinity engine.
you guys are fucking grasping at anything, is the point im making
bg3 wasn't a bg2 expansion pack, and i understand why that makes (you) sad, but it's nearly best case scenario for currentyear crpg
It's not chinese bots, it's morons who buy games on sale and then never play them.
Funny you say that because BG3 fucking refuses to go on any kind of real sale. Larian are madlads for that
Game was so fulfilling that people didn't feel the need to complete Act 3 as they were already satisfied? Extremely based of Larian.
it's basically still in development. probably after this new-- last?? big update
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Larian's rpg's are peak but I wish so bad we got a Larian Pathfinder game instead of boring ass 5e
Nobody is playing the tranny beastiality game
>Game was so fulfilling that people didn't feel the need to complete Act 3
Same as DoS 2.
Boring and shit.
chinkbots or trannies
the game turned out to be too linear, while advertising variability
Swen said it's double that of DOS2 so 15mil+ copies is what i think.
Nice, didn't play DoS2. Might have to now.
>no way
>Not even close
Pure copium.
Good luck finishing it.
>this insane success
>no expansion ever
>BG4 won't be made by them
How bad did WOTC piss them off behind the scenes? Or maybe they're confident they built their name up enough that DOS3 will see just as much success without giving a cut to anyone? Like I couldn't give two shits if it's actually DnD or not, though the mechanics of BG3 are better than DOS2 imo.
>BG3 does nothing new or innovative and in fact does many things worse than the original Baldur's Gate games.
You have not played neither BG3 nor BG1-2 and it's painfully obvious.
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Do you even know what indie meeans?

It doesn't mean small number of employees. It means they are independent, they develop and publish their own games.

They don't work for a corporation like EA, Ubisoft or MS etc.
I love indie companies, my fav indie game is Half-Life 2.
I actually finished it on Tactician playing in coop with my buddies. Lohse helped my metamorph lizard fighter to win the last battle royale agains them kek. Absolutely fun times. Fuck source.
I don't need to finish a game to have fun with it.
>bg3 wasn't a bg2 expansion pack, and i understand why that makes (you) sad
I don't get where you got that from that post. I like all 3 BG games.
I don't think any other current day CRPG dev would've done a better job with BG3.
>but it's nearly best case scenario for currentyear crpg

With the same production value and imsim-esque design philosophy?
It would take like a decade to be finished given all the classes and races you have in Kingmaker and WOTR. Especially if you factor in going all the way to level 20 with all those classes.
Weird, I'd assume if a thing is fun you'd want to see it through to the end.
nta, what is innovative about bg3?
It's a toy, not an obligation. Maybe this is why you are incapable of finding enjoyment within the hobby?
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>Maybe this is why you are incapable of finding enjoyment within the hobby?
nta but i dont finish a lot of games. i loved elden ring, rdr2, cyberpunk, etc.
didnt finish any of them. i get tired being in the same world, dealing with the same fags
instead ill put another 100 hrs in factorio or something autistic and MAYBE finish them some other time
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Little bit of column and and a little but of column B I think.
People speculate that there must've been some falling out behind the scenes because in some of the acceptance speeches at awards Swen was very vocal in his criticism against the profit driven mentality of the industry (this also came in the midst of all the layoffs in the industry) and also because he mentioned that when he announced to the Larian team that there would be no DLC everyone was relieved.
And yeah, at this point they've made a big enough splash to not need the DnD license for their game to be successful. Especially if they hit the ground running with their next game in terms of reception of the early access (I'm convinced they'll go through EA again). You just know you'll have articles talking about it ("BG3 developer's next big game" and so on) and word of mouth helping them.
It wasn’t WOTC, it was Hasbro. They fired all the WOTC people that Swen had contact with and that pissed him off to the point that he decided he was done with DnD. Only reason Larian still patch BG3 is because Swen genuinely cares for that game and everyone who enjoyed it
>i loved elden ring, rdr2, cyberpunk, etc.
All amazing games too! Certainly not certified goyimslosh.
You're the one who is trying to convince everyone else that they aren't having fun with BG3 contrary to reality :)
>You're the one who is trying to convince everyone else that they aren't having fun with BG3
Quote where I said that.
Can't speak for ER since I've never played it but you should finish RDR2 and Cyberpunk. Both have some pretty hard hitting endings.
er and rdr2 are better games than bg3.
this is an objective fact.
Valve are also independent anon. They make and publish their own games
That's what I said, I love "indie" companies such as valve or tendo.
Fundamentally, there's no difference between CSGO and Cave Story, both are indie.
Why can't /v/ just admit that BG3 is a brilliantly written masterpiece that pretty much everyone else loves?
ER I'll leave to personal taste, it definitely has the art direction but I can't credit from for their complete and total lack of innovation in gameplay (in fact they regressed from previous titles with ER somehow). But if you like it fair enough, to each his own
rdr2? fuck no that game is window dressing slop
Idie anon, is short for independent.
Because shitters need something to hate and they especially hate things that are popular and well liked. People having fun also triggers them.
/vee/ is chock full of retarded underage newfags and other brown toruists
BG3 is a white man's game and they can't accept that
there has arguably never been a brilliantly written videogame, but bg3 does it well enough
BG2 is the Avatar 2 of gaming.
>bro trust me 9000 billion people saw avatar
i know a thousand people, none of them have seen avatar.
same with baldurs gate 3.
>How did a (((small))) Belgian studio BTFO the industry like this?
baby first crpg
I know, I too cling to words in their literal meaning instead of understanding of what's behind them.
have you not noticed how this board hates literally everything that is popular and will outright fabricate reasons to hate said popular games
>i know a thousand people
In real life?
how many people do you know that have played roblox?
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>BG3 is a white man's game and they can't accept that
>Why can't /v/ just admit that BG3 is a brilliantly written masterpiece
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Man I wish DD2 was better than it was, I dont like turn based combat and rollslop is boring to me now. I like the game but DD2 is just too easy and has no replayability at all, I dont even see myself playing it again unless the DLC is something special and I start a new save.
kids play this game, i know a few.
i love how satisfying some of the combat is, and the pawn system. i played it for far too long... but everything else about the game is so frustratingly retarded and backwards. it is an embarrassment
samefag nigger
twriter of this game is literally tranny
was assumed you were like 16 and you and your friends have. you haven't played it then?
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>i love how satisfying some of the combat is
lets post gameplay guys!
I'd still be playing dd2 if it had a grindy/hard endgame. I'm one of the few that thinks it's far better than dd1 in most ways, and dd1 is probably in my top 5 of all time
what made you assume any of that?
we're talking about dragons dogma, but bg3 can be too. the build variety and balance is pretty tight (intuitive). moreso than most any other crpg
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and youre literally brown
>angry retard doesn't even realize anons are talking about a completely different game
>the build variety
>BG3 is a white man's game
>How did a small Belgian studio BTFO the industry like this?
*with the world's most popular fantasy IP.
probably because you don't understand demographics and operate on anecdotes
dragons dogma is shit, too.
every tranny in the world plays that game. it's their soul-mate in vidya form. tranny's gate 3. the trannies will be playing this one game for the next twenty years.
>good writing when nigger has daddy issues
>you don't understand demographics
what made you assume that?
Have a (you) anon.
Take your time, Erica.
yea, compared to most else...
considering we were talking about dragons dogma before you jumped in like a retard, the context obviously wasnt just crpg (or pathfinder, the probably only example you can give)
yes, that's what we were saying. you fucking imbecile retard faggot. you stupid idiot. can you not read? low iq
hey guys im thinking about pirating this game, can you post a few cool gameplay webms?
I thought /v/ told me trannies don't matter. You're now saying it's a demographic large enough to keep a singleplayer game at the top of the charts for that long?
Liking video games is reddit
because you clearly demonstrated that. or can you substantiate your claim that because you dont know people that play bg3 they dont exist?
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They got mindbroken by the bear sex meme and never played it, or if they did play it they went in with such a negative attitude they couldn’t enjoy it
why are you angry at a dude that agrees with you?
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>>BG3 is a white man's game
Yes. You're brown so you woldn't understand.
Verification not required.
have you played roblox or not?
gameplay in bg is less important than vibe and characters
because he assumed i thought otherwise, if you cant deduce what happened here you are low iq
>small Belgian studio
>backed up by Tencent
why does this aryan game have a vitiligo option?
Yea Im dismayed that this combat isnt in a better game, I really like the combat. Im hoping the expansion adds more difficulties and randomization like mods add. Like they made the level cap 999, but the game gets too easy at level 40. Why the fuck did they do that, there is nothing to balance the game around because the level cap is so high and the enemies stay low level.

Theres mods that add difficulty and randomize encounters, at least theres that stuff if you want to replay it at some point. That stuff definately makes it better but the fact that you need mods in the first place says theres a problem.
>because you clearly demonstrated that
with what? what exactly made you assume that i dont understand demographics?
demographics of what?
>seetheing brown
>more options bad
whatever you say commie
White men don't need mental illness or niggers as options. You'd know that if you were one.
because you just shared an anecdote like it carried some weight. funny you cant figure any of this shit out yourself
answer my question if you want to continue
>degeneration is good
we did it sis
>Theres mods that add difficulty and randomize encounters
yea trust me I know, I have hundreds of hours in dd2 already and have gotten my fill. I just need new content to play it more at this point
damn, so no gameplay webms? for a video game?
ok i suppose.
>vibe and characters
got anything to showcase that? a screenshot? a webm?

i wont waste bandwidth and SSD space on a game i wont like, can you guys post something COOL from BG3?
White people get it too
>seething brown touristfags
Cry harder, cope harder. Verification not required.
>emo slut has abondenment issues
>vampire chud has abuse issues
>frog has no issues and is racist and based
good writing confirmed
what anecdote?
>i know a thousand people, none of them have seen avatar.
we're done here. you little roblox nigger
>they are all fags
>we're done here.
oh no.
hahaha holy fucking shit, so thats why nobody ever posts gameplay from BG3?
hey bg3 players, do you have anything COOL to show to a person that didnt play it?
post COOL STUFF from BG3.
no answer?
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The target audience doesn't give a fuck about gameplay. It's a glorified WEG.
ok you can ask another question that infers how stupid you are while you pretend you werent getting shit all over.
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>>frog has no issues and is racist and based
Faggots will lap up anything that panders to them and make no mistake, if you play this game you're officially a faggot
just post something cool and fun from BG3 bro.
its a video game, it shouldnt be hard to post something fun and cool from a video game.
>if you play this game you're officially a faggot
If you whine and cry on /v/ you're officially retarded.
good vid
you can throw characters and items
you can kiss your party members
you can be gay
you roll dice
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he asked for innovative things.
you getting me mixed up with someone else? you can post your own webms lilrobloxy
can you throw characters around like that in other crpg?
to whomever it may concern, to any people in this thread - i am humbly asking for cool and fun gameplay webms from BG3.
can ANYBODY in this thread post them?
anybody, literally anybody who is in this thread, can you post something cool and fun from BG3?
There is simply no other RPG where I can play a 3ft tall halfling barbarian and throw my party members, or enemies, at enemies to then knock them off cliffs or kill them outright. If you don't think BG3 pushed boundaries for what's possible in CRPG combat you've either never played a CRPG or never played BG3 (most likely both)
i can even do it in roblox.
I hope you laughed when you typed this
The innovation of bg3 is playing a barbarian that kills.
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hahahaha what the fuck is this shit.
graphics look PS3 tier.
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>white man's game
what you want like a gta5 ragdoll webm or something?
I did. Barbarians in bg3 are fucking hilarious in and out of combat. Bards are pretty good too if only for dialogue choices and vicious mockery. It's funny people still call bg3 woke considering what bards can say
concession accepted
KINO... THIS is gameplay. take note bgay3s
To be fair, bg3 also has several different paths that require new playthroughs and a multiplayer campaign. so you can not fully compare it to single player games
uhhhh your response bgays?
It's a natural evolution of larian "gameplay"
>we already did the barrels combat, now what do we throw
>I don't know, enemies
>It's funny people still call bg3 woke considering what bards can say
for example? call someone nigger libtard?
a webm of a cool scene, cool fight, cool and fun anything.

like that other game that isnt woke
You can make fun of someone's race in a variety of ways and call them a cuck so yes actually
try youtube nigger. i dont see gameplay on any elden ring thread either. not everyone saves a bunch of webms for a game they beat
what the fuck are you talking about nigger, there were billions of webms from Elden Ring being posted on /v.
Disingenuous post
>slow, turn based story game
>uuuuuuuuuuhhhh guys why aren't you posting exciting aciton webms constantly??
do you ask this in every single turn based jrpg thread too
ok then what exactly should i search for in youtube?
a particular moment in the game? a scene?
tell me what to watch on youtube that is a cool and fun scene from bg3, i will find it and watch it.
it's a crpg lil bro. usually turn based, story focused, etc.
unless you have webms of some other crpg?
So you admit its not worth playing BG3 if you want fun gameplay?
>yeah well its boring as shit and there is nothing to show, but thats normal, its supposed to be like that
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>story focused,
Tourists leave :)
>unless you have webms of some other crpg?
Here you go, just for you
would it be ok if it isnt a reaction video of some guy with broccoli hair? would that too upsetting for you?
you play (still, to this day) fallout 2 for the gameplay?
I never said it wasn't fun, in fact it's a lot of fun to play. To watch is a different story

Do you have fun watching people read books? Or watching others work out?
that's crazy because bg3 is out and it has better gameplay
>it has better gameplay
So good nobody talks about it.
bg3 gameplay is better than most jrpg or crpgs
>the broccoli hairs i watch dont talk about it
>my roblox friends dont talk about it
you dont say
Why did you start projecting all of a sudden?
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i am also replaying Fallout every couple years - mostly because of the combat, its just really fucking cool and fun to play.
>that's crazy because bg3 is out and it has better gameplay
its quite literally the single worst implementation of turn based combat i have ever seen in a video game.
if Fallout 2 does it better, you know BG3 fucked up.
how is this projecting?
Who mentioned any broccoli hairs or roblox friends?
Answer this: are you a schizoid or a "woman"?
children shouldnt be playing this game.
>but muh pr talk
i played as a white straight man and had a great time because i am a white straight man
you're seething because you're a brown fag
sinple as
that isn't projecting lil homie
You forgot to answer the question, cholo.
>i am also replaying Fallout every couple years - mostly because of the combat, its just really fucking cool and fun to play.
you're lying, but whatever.
do you play anything more recent?
TW3 still better
ER still better
DOS2 still better
cope, samefag
neither. have you ever had sex?
i don't get why people pretend to like rtwp all of a sudden when even the initial developers of it have moved on and admit it's fucking horrible/outdated. is it pure contrarianism
>is it pure contrarianism
it literally is
why not just play fallout tactics?
I'm having an intercourse with your whore of a mom as I type this, why?
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yea i guess i knew the answer to that but i'm still morbidly curious what one of them would say. i genuinely believe anyone still advocating for rtwp, especially anyone who has played owlcat's version of this shit, is lying about even having played any crpgs with it. literally 0 redeeming qualities
im looking for the lost book in the Den right now.
>do you play anything more recent?
why do you ask?
im replaying MGS5 atm.
>why not just play fallout tactics?
because its awful.
>because its awful.
>pretend to like rtwp

It's better than larian slops >>683686056
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nobody pretends to like rtwp all of a sudden, people just like rtwp, and they always did.
I just wish Larian would add more classes/feats/spells/gear already.
The game feels pathetically incomplete for a D&D game, going back as far as NWN2 having more options literally 20 years ago.
Not enough subway surfers in the corner there Lil zoomie?
i play owlcat games in tb mode but their encounters are still number stacking buffing and loadind screen simulator shite
It’s a good game
why not?
>pictured: GOOD gameplay
So is it botted or nah?
>people just like rtwp, and they always did.
i played icewind dale the day it came out and i can assure you this is not the case. it is one of the least liked infinity engine games solely because it is almost nothing but gameplay (aka the weakest aspect of rtwp games)

you are a poser
>It's better
No it isn't you retarded underage newfag. Kys ASAP.
>Verification not required.
>look at what Owlcat's been saying it's clear that it'll influence things going forward.
Which is extremely disappointing.
I can already feel the next Owlcat game having 1/3 the content of even Kingmaker because of le full voice acting le graffix
It has no cultural cache, people have moved on. I mean, how many people have you talked to who are so playing it, and the only numbers come out of the Chinese embassy? For a WEG? it's clearly botted
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RTWP is pretty great if you aren't a retard.

Turn-based is just too slow, repetitive and boring for most gamers.
lil' zoomies are who lap this rtwp slop up tho
Larian games are ass
it has the fallout combat you like
>nuh uh
thats not an argument.
wait did you already talk yourself into a corner like some fucking retard?
>Turn-based is just too slow, repetitive and boring for ADHD ridden burnt out zoomerfags
Verification not required.
>ignores argument because it's inconvenient to his narrative
yea i figured, i accept your defeat or whatever
combat in Fallout 1+2 is a delicious cherry on top of an awesome cake that is the entirety of Fallout 1 and 2.
Tactics is JUST combat.
you literally just argued that you play for the cool and fun combat.
let me guess you watch the office reruns too? fuck you retard
>How did a small Belgian studio BTFO the industry like this?
This is a AAA game, made by 600 developers.
your "argument" is literally "nuh-uh".
I am playing Honor mode rn
zoomers love bg3 though
>i am also replaying Fallout every couple years - mostly because of the combat, its just really fucking cool and fun to play.
this is the original post.
combat + everything else.
>you leave the Vault
>you see Ed
>Ed's dead
and shit talking aside, you should try jagged alliance 2 if you havent
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>this boring trash is better than rtwp
it's been a year already? where are the "good game actually bad" threads that contrarianfags start making a year after release
holy shit now i understand why nobody wants to post gameplay webms from bg3.
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As someone who bought the collector's edition, the praise this game gets is unjustified. Anything past the EA content is lacking in content and halfbaked. See the evil path, the creche, the shadow cursed lands, many of act 3's quests, Minthara, Halsin, and I say this as someone who really wanted to like the game; thought it would be a masterpiece. It's okay, at best
>zoomers love bg3 though
because its a great game
yup better in every single sense of the word
it's not at all, but you're free to delude yourself when anyone that has actually played the games you pretend to like can spot you a mile away lol
Yeah, it's your primary gay visual novel, we know.
Skill issue, works on my machine, etc...
yeah people on /v/ are too low iq to understand the greatness of BG3's combat
not suprising
you need high IQ to point and click when everybody is just standing still?
here, let me quote the dumbass dogshit you posted, thinking its an argument:
>i played icewind dale the day it came out and i can assure you this is not the case. it is one of the least liked infinity engine games solely because it is almost nothing but gameplay

how is that an argument?
>i played it and nuh uh!

this is literally what you fuckin' said.
>le nothing to play
>start durge playthrough
>durge is the first 'true soul'
>game starts with emperor tadpoling durge again
>quit playthrough
How can larian suck balls as deep as op?
so zoomers like bg3 in spite of it being turnbased?
It's just boring compared to rtwp
No we already established it's bots, zoomers just live vicariously through the characters
>to point and click when everybody is just standing still?
No you need a working mouse and an index finger for that. You need high iq to plan your character, his progression, reactions, interactions and his development prior to that.
>>i played it and nuh uh!
except what i actually said was "the general consensus of this game is lower than other infinity engine titles, because it is all gameplay no story, thus naturally people don't like the rtwp all that much" but you're being disingenuous on purpose because your little peepee poopoo meltdown can't handle facts misaligned with your narrative. my statement can easily be verified by simply googling people's thoughts on icewind or comparing reviews of it to other games.

people never played rtwp games for the gameplay, and when they were given a very difficult one focused almost entirely on it, they didn't like it as much. go figure. i know you won't respond to this in good faith (or post proof you've ever beaten a rtwp game either)
holy shit that's what this game looks like? that's the game that nobody would shut up about?
You do that in rtwp too only the combat isn't braindead like in turn based larian slops
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Nobody buys BG3 for the shitty combat. Nobody praises the shitty combat. BG3 is a good game, but the combat is total garbage and boring as fuck. I honestly ask myself how braindead or how much of a terrible gamer one must be to actually enjoy that slop.

There is only one genuinely good turn-based game ever made and that is Fallout 1. The rest is just trash.
lazy dishonest zoomer tier "argument"
its nothing more than your shitty worthless opinion fag
yeah its great
the game of the decade easily
Still better than larian gameplay
>There is only one genuinely good turn-based game ever made and that is Fallout 1.
you are mentally stunted
>combat isn't braindead like in turn based
you're braindead if you can't appreciate turn BASED combat faggot
still no fag
There's plenty of webms in this thread to prove it, shill
the samefagging got extremely intense all of a sudden
Just realised that emperor being balduran is not possible.
He says he hails from baldurs gate. Clearly impossible.
All me :)
Can you elaborate on that thought? What makes it better exactly? Be precise, give examples
>chinese bots
>in a single player game with nothing to farm
I could make you believe the moon was made of cheese in two hours with a set of dangling keys and a racist enough rhetoric
>You need high iq to plan your character, his progression, reactions, interactions and his development prior to that.
nice advertising slogan, shame the game is nothing like that.
here is how bg3 really plays like:
>click end turn
>get up and walk the dog outside
>come back 15 minutes later
>its my turn
>cast some AOE spell
>click end turn
>come back 15 minutes later to cast another AOE or shove somebody of a cliff

thats the 200 IQ super duper mega genius gameplay.
Another game that mindbroke /v/
Just look at the webms
And Tencent and 50cent shills
>You need high iq to plan your character, his progression, reactions, interactions and his development prior to that.
not really
my semi-retarded friend could play it just fine
So you can't, that's what I thought. Can you tell me which infinity engine games you've played exactly? I can ask you a question about any that only someone who has played them would know, but you have to tell me which ones you've played first
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A six-person party was sacrificed for this atrocious slop.
>still crying about Palworld
lol you're mad
you can win turn based combat games by slamming your shoe on the keyboard, where did the meme come from that turn based rpg's are some super mega high IQ games?
You know, seeing the replies to this it's no wonder 5e has the issues it has if even that webm filters retards.
it filters out people who value their time.
So I take it you can't name a single one?
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>less players than warframe
>less players than crab game
>less players than chinese slop first descendant
>less players than once human
>less players than ER
>less players than fucking banana
>less players than gta v
why are bg3 fags so uppity when their game can hardly compete with shit garbage meme games?
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>party size was reduced to four
>combat is at least ten fold slower
>only SUPER SMART people can grasp the greatly reduced complexity and combat sluggishness
i will never get the appeal of turn based combat, its pure low IQ gameplay.
there is literally nothing going on the computer screen when i play TB games, everything is standing still, and all i will ever see in a turn based game is 1 character moving at a time.
how is that fun.
its fucking boring as shit.
>says icewind dale gameplay is better than bg3
>simply ask anon which infinity games he's played, if any
>he refuses, then "disappears"
I rest my case
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>turn based
>pure low IQ gameplay
People who complain about turn based combat 100% frequently uses the pause function on rts games
dawg, zoomies are really out there.
I didn't say that, though I agree with it because larian games are ass
>people who complain about one gameplay like a better gameplay

Woah really?
chess is rtwp actually
This argument is so strange because rtwp is much easier and simpler than turn based in these examples

I can only assume people are trolling when they act like RTWP is complex
it really is.
RTWP was invented to make it more difficult.
its barely a game, literally 90% of my entire playtime was either:
>sitting in my chair, watching poorly written dialogues being acted by some british gay people
>sitting in my chair, watching non existent enemy AI try to finish a turn for an hour
zoomers destroyed gaming, they dont want to play games, they just wanna sit and watch.
I got a TV for that.
Is one necessarily and inherently more complex than the other? I find this whole argument laughable because the implementation is what matters the most. If you turned BG3 into a rtwp game would that suddenly make it less complex?
>t. Didn’t play the game
It's a WEG
you can try to prove him wrong.
try finding a youtube clip of combat in BG3 and lets look what a total waste of time it is.
holy retard
Show me your nitpicking skills
RTwP is the result of Diablo popularity at the time, doesn't have anything to do with perceived difficulty.
the DND nerds who made IWD and BG literally said they wanted to play DND that finally ISNT turn based, lmao.
>posts a compilation of tik toks
no no no.
post actual gameplay, from the start of a combat, to finish.
>asks for a clip
>is given a clip
>wait no uhhh... unintelligible and unrelated schizobabble
hey ESL, you were supposed to post a video of a full fight, not tik toks glued together.
Do you understand?
let me rephrase:
>that doesn’t count because…muh tik tok!
Fine, here you go retard. This one is shorter so your zoomer brain shouldn’t lose interest
>Is one necessarily and inherently more complex than the other?
Well, yes. Turn based in this kind of game simply allows for far more variables to be introduced into combat and allows for more tight balance of preexisting ones. It sacrifices nothing in return, mechanically speaking
>If you turned BG3 into a rtwp game would that suddenly make it less complex?
Significantly less so yes. Many things that exist in the game outright would not work and need to be removed to facilitate such a change
Next you’ll complain how all bg3 players resort to boring cheese like barrelmancy to win encounters
>tik toks
you keep saying this and I don't think you know what it means
blood on the sand is pretty cool tho ngl
how about you post fun crpg combat first
i watched the whole thing
my verdict: incredibly gay
this actually looks alright. not sure what i was complaining for. sorry i gave you a hard time.
post good crpg combat you fucking retard. how long do i have to wait?
You know he isn't anon, just stop engaging. It's the same person I asked to name 1 (one) infinity engine game he's played and he ignored me
Turn-based is also immersion breaking. You move your team and the enemies just stand still and do nothing while you whack them. It is stupid.
You again...?
what you're supposed to do in interpolate the actions in your brain, imagine roughly what would be happening if it were playing out all at once.
you need high iq to enjoy turnbased for this reason alone
>yes its boring, immersion breaking and stupid, but if you use your imagination really super hard, it wont be as annoying and braindead boring!
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The Infinity Engine was originally made for an RTS game that called Battleground Infinity.
Feargus Urquhart (Obsidian founder) suggested to Bioware they pivot to a DnD game instead.
They agreed and retooled the engine to use DnD logic under the hood (initiative based off of weapon speeds, rounds of combat etc.) and the rest is history.
it's not immersion breaking
>what are reactions and attacks of opportunity
>10 minutes to kill 4 trash filler skeletons
this whole game is a fucking waste of time.
how much IQ was needed to defeat these 4 filler trash skeletons? considering they all stand still and dont do anything.
is 250 IQ enough to handle such mental stress?
>it's not immersion breaking
are you sure?
when a fight breaks out between people, they dont usually stand still for 30 minutes and do nothing, waiting for 1 person to whack them in the head, while they are still doing nothing while being attacked.
I suppose it's a good thing what you're describing also doesn't happen in turn based games either. That sounds really boring
> service with no DLC, expansion or sequels in sight lol
And how is this a good thing
isnt the whole point of video games existing at all that we dont have to use our imaginations to play and pretend stuff is happening?
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Why do you even play CRPGs then, super duper smart man? Tabletop RPGs are all you need, because you can imagine the entire campaign in your big brain, am I right?
>4 minute fight in the early game, that could easily be done faster.
bro? do you concede?
Then why is shonen anime praised as the pinnacle of action animation when 90% of it is just characters monologuing and taking 1 minute to make a single attack?
yes??? that's literally what people do. what we learning about you right now...?
youre just low iq moneky brained brown niggerfaggot with 5 on a scale of imagination
Nowhere in that video does
>stand still for 30 minutes and do nothing, waiting for 1 person to whack them in the head, while they are still doing nothing while being attacked.
oh my god
imo thats 4 minutes too long to kill 4 trash filler skeletons.
sure, that's fair.
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Turn-based boomers are dumb and stubborn. They will defend the reduced party size, ten fold slower combat and immersion breaking gameplay until the day they die.
>I only need tabletop RPGs, because I am super smart
>I play turn-based video games, because I am super smart
The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one.
In before

>I don't watch movies, read books or play games. I imagine it all in my head, because I am hyper intelligent.
I beat Elden Ring with no equipment and no dodge rolling in my head. Easiest game ever, only shitter casuals have difficulty with it
Another thread where dragonirian gets raped by anons. Very fitting.
>mechanics of BG3 are better than DOS2 imo

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