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It actually feels kind of creepy dating characters that are so young
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As an old guy playing Stardew Valley, I should be allowed to date the purple child.
It does feel creepy, so I should be allowed to play a child.
then i guess you should not have aged huh?
I can imagine what the comments under this article look like, if there are any.
Gifting Morgan wine!
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Stardew has no attractive hags and that's a problem.
Gen Xers shouldn't be playing fucking video games in their advanced age they should be play catch with their grandkids or bingo at the old folks home
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>self inserting into a game
>self inserting into a game at 40+
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Stay in your lane, bud
Loli artists should get good lawyers before they need them.
clown world
>grow up
>game doesn't grow up with me
>I refuse to play different games that cater to my desires
How could this happen to me
what happens when these people try to read a first person book?
I'm so tired of the word "creepy" being used to describe male sexuality.
Just say you hate that men are attracted to young women. Just come out and fucking say it.
Times have changed. Little Tommy is on his tablet playing Nikkandy Crush and there are no longer any public centers in which to socialize.
Dating old women is literally a trend now, I'm sure they will add the option in a future update
How? Because the law recognizes a slippery slope when it sees you sliding down one? How hard is it to just not draw child porn?
One day, when fetishizing LGBTQ is faux pas, the Karens will come for Twink Culture on grounds that it "glorifies pedophilia". On that day, I want you to know that the lolicons and hebephiles WILL be in the crowd throwing rocks at the gays. It's karma.
To be fair, you'd have to be a massive retard to draw shit like that while locked up for actual CP charges.
Loli is a rough position. On one side you have a slippery slope of allowing people to condition themselves into being pedophiles, and on the other hand you have the slippery slope of passing laws against free speech that can creep outside their intended scope. I wish there was an easy solution.
They can’t accept that women’s window to find a mate is roughly 14-30, cratering after that and having their entire value become child rearing. Indisputable by history btw.
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are people just incapable of playing these kinds of games without self inserting? Or even just playing with the knowledge that the characters (including yours) are totally fictional?
Self insertion is a sign of retardation.
I'm 39 and I still self-insert in games. That's why I never engage with any romance mechanics.
>dumb nigger faggot jurno has some dumb nigegr faggot opinion
>dumb nigger faggot op shares it on /v/
when you kill yourself, livestream it
If you can't self-insert, you have no empathy.
Seek mental health.

they're already throwing rocks lol

faggots don't care and won't start caring because their moms complain about the lack of grandchildren
I'm just tired of people (journos, /v/, whoever) saying "I like [game] but it needs to have this thing it never had and never will have because I'm insecure about how it looks when I'm still playing it past the point of having been the target demographic" instead of just accepting the game for what it is or fucking off and finding something they're more comfortable with.
prime example of this is people saying there needs to be an "adult" persona
just accept that the game was made for japanese teenagers and fuck off
If you are a straight male and feel "icky" about a female who has gone through puberty, you are either secretly a fag or a liar.
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Me when loli mods.
>your ability to empathize is tied to your inability to discern a fictional character
I think you’re a fucking retard chief
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Single mothers were a mistake.To my cock
To roleplay you need a capacity for imagination.
Just because you CAN doesn't mean you should, especially in the OP case where you're some old fart who feels uncomfortable with the idea of dating 20 something year olds so much you project that feeling onto a totally fictional story/characters.
I'm not talking soccer mom (grandmom) Karen, I'm talking Twitter Karen, tumblr Karen the millennial childless Karen who perpetuate the fun policing that their soccer mom Karens were famous for. The ones in Kotaku writing articles about why Rawdogging Flights is male toxicity.
massive self report
Thank you.
Fuck these people and their constant moralizing.

They bitched about Dusa in Hades being "problematic" too
I would stop gaming
Japan seems to have figured it out.
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While I generally feel the same way about people who are weirdly incapable of roleplaying, I also feel like engaging with romance options is always going to end up with some inherent level of self-insertion. You're not going to bother with an romanceable npc you personally don't like, for example, whether or not said option makes sense for the character you're playing as.
Old fart don't deserve video games simple as
Go hangout with other farts or watch tv
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Try saying that after Dolce gf
How so? Japan has the worst of both worlds.
Please do.
I'm sick and tired of having shitty queer and bi-sexual characters injected into my gameplay.
What kind of straight man wouldn't want a young(legal) girlfriend, as long as she isnt a completely retarded money pit?

Despite hundreds of thousands of loli doujins and images out there there's still no evidence or study that shows causation between loli and real life crimes while the rest of the world still has abundance of CSE despite completely lacking loli and absolutely demonizing all sexual depictions of child looking characters, I wonder why..
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Romance boils down to "is this character my fetish or not."
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>slippery slope
If you bring up that, you need to bring up the other slippery slope that's been happening in recent years...
It's pretty obvious with the whole Mr. Beast thing that a lot of that shit is a grift, lowering the bar to easily find dirt on people you want to find dirt on. Twitter psychos cared more about "muh Shadman muh Beastboy drawings!!" more than, you know, the actual grooming or abuse?
I don't like to engage with the self insert freaks, but the player character isn't 50 years old. Surely it must be okay for the MC to date the villagers
Maybe if he had 16 terabytes of it, he'd get more notice.
Shadman is basically the new Epstein for them. Although if it means ecelebs start offing each other then I'm all for it desu.
>While I generally feel the same way about people who are weirdly incapable of roleplaying

bro, the point of roleplaying isn't to "roleplay" to yourself and pretend you're dating a character in a video game. You missed the bus.
How the fuck can it be just as bad when nobody were harmed in the production? You absolute retard
creating the fetish creates the possibility of real world harm

you can see, on 4chan, how it degrades people.
prison for doodles is some some judeo totalitarian shit. Especially since they are so lax on actual sex criminals
Possibilities aren't the same as the damage already having demonstrably happened, silly willy
Does normal drawn porn create the possibility of more rapes?
>"show me the study" thinking

that's how we got here. I rebuke you.
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I found I liked men from Kingdom Hearts.
it's funny that you don't have any comprehension of the fact that porn has pretty much irreparably damaged western civilization to begin with

it doesn't necessarily create rapes, but it creates goons. harm is harm.

i'm sure you think pornography serves you. Wonder how many of you wille ver waek upe
You can't just say "I rebuke you". You need to actually rebuke my point. Holy shit.
*mag dumps you
damn i typod so hard at the end of my last sentence that I became dutch
anon should look at countries where porn is banned and see how well they're doing.
>the point of roleplaying isn't to "roleplay" to yourself and pretend you're dating a character in a video game
That wasn't the point I was making, but alright.
Actually I don't at all. You don't have a point. You're a loser.
You are moving the goalpost, first you were talking about a slippery slope connecting drawn porn with causation to real life crimes, now you are moving to a vague concept of "harm", also, uhh
> Wonder how many of you wille ver waek upe
you okay anon?
i mean it seems like it was? you can't "roleplay" single player..there is no interaction

is that what you kids are doing? sitting around telling yourself you're roleplaying when you're having your virtual relationships in the womens' gardening video game? : - )

started with harm ended with harm, you could've just not posted if you can't read 2 posts
violent games dont cause violence. We are past that lunacy thankfully. Porn is brainrot but people should have freedom to have vices
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>Wonder how many of you wille ver waek upe
are you okay retard I am wood
One day, hagchads...
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Does it? Loli shit has been publicly available for decades over there; if it had some sort of adverse impact on society you'd think it would be a Mad Max rapeworld by now yet its still the gold standard in safety beyond the occasional train groping that gets blown out of proportion because "oh wacky Japan". Contrast that with rape gangs in other countries
Gooners aren't a porn problem, they're a social isolation problem. Marriage consolers find that cases where porn is a problem for marriages all have some underlying problem that the pron is a coping mechanism for or a poor replacement for something that is missing in a person's life. People who still have connection and hope in their life can get off to really degenerate shit without it consuming all their time.
people owning firearms creates the possibility of real world harm
people driving cars creates the possibility of real world harm
Rare sane post
>the law recognizes a slippery slope when it
I wish.
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>slippery slope
Its a slippery slope, but for the complete opposite reason you think it is, retard. You shouldnt allow fictional art to be governed by the law. It is the exact same logic that leads to the thought process of 'violence in video games causes video games in real life' that jack thompson and such were trying to pass laws on. Next youre going to dictate gore in art, then violence, then sexual violence, then acts of discrimination, etc.

The law should not be involved in such cases that have no real victims, else you be subjected to laws that are vague enough where a judge can convict you on practically anything just because they dont like you.
>i mean it seems like it was? you can't "roleplay" single player..there is no interaction
I don't think you understand how "roleplaying" is being used in this context. It's not something that purely involves having relationships with npcs.
>violence in video games causes video games in real life
meant to say 'violence in real life'
sorry im tired
22 is old right? I feel ready to die
>you can't "roleplay" single player
what do you think the RP stands for in RPG/JRPG?
Nope. Try and eat/live healthy while you can because it's only going to get worse.
self inserters strike me as people who fail the breakfast question. Its scary to think majority of humans are like this
I was more just making a point that they have censorship laws on the books, and it has virtually no effect on the porn they make. I don't actually believe that loli material leads to an increase in child abuse.

It's hard to make any claims about japan because their justice system is broken. We don't know how much rape they have because their cops have a culture of not doing much unless it's an easy case, and their courts have a culture of rubber stamping all cases they get guilty. All around, they have a culture of maintaining appearances and covering up shameful things too, so that would also impact it. If child abuse had the same rates there as here, I would expect to see the statistics much lower there anyways.
Gang rape is primarily a gang problem rather than a pedo problem. The actual negative impact we'd want to look for to say legalizing loli has lead to harm to children would be family members and teachers abusing kids.
nothing about my post suggested that. you can't roleplay by yourself to a computer. are you retarded?

some of you come across as extremely, extremely simple and undeveloped people. I'm a bit shocked at the assertion that it's somehow "superior" to roleplay to fucking scripted NPCs in your head. This is child-like levels of playing pretend and suggests some impediment to development

It stands for actual RPGs that existed before video games, young anon. There isn't any RP in like 99% of RPG video games.
Legalize loli content.
Death penalty if you diddle a kid.
Problem solved.
guess what? death penalty won't stop people
>nothing about my post suggested that. you can't roleplay by yourself to a computer. are you retarded?
Again, it doesn't sound like you understand what "roleplaying" means in the context of modern videogames. Whether or not you think it counts as actual roleplaying doesn't matter.
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I feel like OP wanted his thread to be about hags but didn't get it. Maybe next time.
This. People do crimes because they think they can get away with them. A year in prisone and the death penalty are equally effective at deterring crimes before they happen.

No, what you need to do is to make sure that you publicize the people you do catch, regardless of what the penalty is. Make it seem like if you do the crime, getting caught is inevitable. The truth matters less than the impression it leaves on would be offenders.
i cant understand the obsession with dating in games unless the people have never talked to a woman in their life.
can't commit any crimes when you're dead
I think the practice is done by predatory developers.
hagfags be like
>my fetish? attractive adult women hehehe
Its not hard to understand. love is a primal human emotion, up there with violence which is also a mainstay in video games.
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>the country that has the most of this content allowed and legalized available has the one of the lowest crimeratss, including rape of all types, per capita
>the places with the highest rates have banned pornography altogether
hmm, interesting, I wonder what this means...
You want it precisely because you've talked to women in real life. Video game women are on average much more pleasant.
Then there's whatever the fuck South Korea is.
a safe outlet for taboo subject matter is probably good but nobody would advocate for it because it would be political suicide
Unlike me, my best friend has been in a relationship with several women across the years and is still all over games like Persona.
Im gonna open this thread and there's going to be a bunch of pedophiles talking about Jas I just know it
should we ban violent video games?
only one but plenty of people here who should be imprisoned
Well one of those is a real demonstrable thing that actually happens.
The other is an unproven fantasy with thus far zero actual credible evidence for it happening.

So it's quite clear what the answer is, and it's an easily achieved answer too.
>the law recognizes a slippery slope when it sees you sliding down one
>we just want to get married
>we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children
so when does that slipper slope get addressed?
Imagine not being able to differentiate between reality and a fucking computer game
The slippery slope is the concept that tolerance for one thing necessarily leads to or increases the probability of tolerance for another thing. It is not true for all cases, and it is not false for all cases. You have to draw a link to show how the the two are related to properly invoke it.

Gay people and loli porn are okay, and we should be intolerant of groomers and predators.
I've been with a few women and I really wish relationships were like what you see in games and books but it just isn't. There's no mutual excitement and desire to be with each other and raise each other up. It's just transactional and fighting over dumb shit all the time inbetween fucking.
>It's just a drawing, calm down NORMIE you wouldn't understand because YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL LIKE ME
also /v/:
That's one of the biggest examples I can think of too.
>the fact that porn has pretty much irreparably damaged western civilization
Pretty much this but porn addicts don't want to admit that's it's an addiction rather than a hobby.
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>this game targeted towards teenagers features a teenage cast doing relatable teenage things and THATS NOT OK
Why are SV players always so gay
Literally the opposite.
>I'm only capable of empathy if the character on screen is me
>ad hominem
I accept your concession
Why do I get the feeling if the FBI searched this guy’s hard drive he would go away for a long time
>It's hard to make any claims about japan because their justice system is broken.
Is there a single country with a justice system reliable enough to draw any conclusions from regarding the psychological effects in evidence presented in SA trials?
True. For almost all crime, there are too many variables and not enough cases to do statistics. Anyone citing statistics and trying to draw connections to any policy is leaving a lot out.
lonely people don't deserve to feel love, not even in virtual scenarios
he thinks because he's not picking the lolis the older women will give him a chance because of his virtues, which isn't what happens in reality
What the fuck is this? Why isn't the landmark Ashcroft vs. Free Speech Coalition case in motion here.
I looked him up, he's been in jail since 1998 at 26 years old, he's 52 now. considering he was put in jail for the real deal it makes the context different for the drawn charges
Why are mutts so castrated and conditioned?
As an old guy playing Stardew Valley, I should be allowed to date Jas
He's american, please understand.
that's fucking retarded
I came here to say this and should've known it'd be the first post.
consider the reverse, wouldn't it be "creepy" if the older person dated your character, a young person?
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This won't transpire with someone who isn't a former hoarder of actual cyberpunk. Literally anyone else could reasonably contest such an assertion in a court of law. Drawing and jacking off to a drawing is not illegal. It's not illegal when the drawing is depicting rape. It's not illegal when the drawing is literal gore porn. There is no reason it shouldn't be legal just because it depicts a child. It should also be noted that real pedophiles are attracted to age, not neccessarily appearance or body type. And jorkin it to a loli in spite of their canonical age is not the same thing as jorkin because of it.
>Despite hundreds of thousands of loli doujins and images out there there's still no evidence or study that shows causation between loli and real life crimes
It actually shows the opposite. We know the availability of porn lowers sex crimes. The problem is women don't care, it offends them and makes them feel insecure and that's why they rally so hard against it and the simps follow along hoping for a crumb of pussy.
You say this like you'll marry Maru or Harvey because you're not self inserting, it doesn't matter whether you like the characters or are gay or not, you're just playing the game. Nobody does that.
That said I don't believe for a second anyone actually wants to marry Pam no matter how old they are, at least not without the Hot Pam mod, and I think the guy is just making clickbait or virtue signalling over how "I'm old and totally not attracted to younger people anymore please believe me".
I'm 40+ with wife and kids, still self insert in games. Nothing wrong with that
Who was he harming in prison? Where was the victim? The law needs to stay the hell away from thought crimes. That's the real slippery slop.
we should ban everything that causes harm, that's the logic of the retard you replied to

>drink too much water, it causes harm
>water gets banned
you're the king of retards
Better not create technology that allows mind reading then, whole male population would have to land in prison for life.
Fucking viedogames.
Gen X and early millennial nerds have done a lot of damage to Western geek hobbies with that mindset. They want to keep their hobbies which is understandable, but they also want that hobby to adapt to their changed lives and to pander to them instead of pandering to new young nerds. That is how we get dumbed down vidya that tries to appeal to gamer dads and tabletop products (nu-Warhammer as a prime example) that pander to collectors and those who value it as a lifestyle brand instead of those younger people who actually would play the game a lot, which both worsens the game and prices the kids out from entering the hobby in the first place which is disastrous for it's long term health.
The modern day feminists and numales unironically believe that age of consent is relative because an older man being interested in a younger woman is inherently predatory.
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but this is completely fine and encouraged
They're only dating older women because younger generations are utterly fucked financially and need to become gold diggers to get by. It'd be even more prevalent with younger women and older men if our species would stop doublethinking over how women are powerful and independent and capable yet also inferior retards incapable of any true thought and only exist to be taken advantage of by men unless they're the same age.
I wouldn't mind romance in games if they were allowed to be good, but because they gotta be "player sexual", characters are stripped from any agency or preference because that could make someone sad. Hard for me to believe any of these characters are deep when none can express any preference beyond beinh homos, because denying your advances for being hetero is fine, but denying them for not being the type of the character? that's too horrible!
So you end up with all these bland as fuck conversations where all they can praise is how wonderful and amazing you are without mentioning anything specific and how much we love on a completly romantic level because physically I can't like something voer something else.

But as others have mentioned, these romances are written by and for people who has no experience with love and this acts as a replacement for the void it created in their hearts,
I was hoping the whole "the entire world should cater to old people" mentality would die with boomers but I guess not
>Creating the possibility of real world harm vs thing that actually directly involves doing real world harm
>would die with boomers but I guess not
That's because boomers are still alive and kicking, and will be alive for another 20 years or so.
In fact with society getting older, they will pander even more to them.
>boomers die
>previous generations are now boomer who want the same benefits
>younger generations entering the work field meet the shit leaved behind by previous one

Boomers will never die because the enemy isn't the boomer generation but the boomer mentality, and that's tied to an age range.
When people say that "history is a cycle" they aren't saying history works the exact same way every hundred years, even if it does, they say the generational cycles work exactly the same and the only real changes are when it cannot happen, due wars killing a lot of young men, plagues and such.
At any point in time, people above 55 or the relative equivalent felt they had worked enough and it was time for them to sit around more and lead while younger generations work extra, and young people will always feel like they have to work extra because of the older people sitting around.

I could say that kids are dumb af nowdays and on average are less computer literate than I am at 35, but it would also be true that that's a consequence of my generation assuming kids would be computer smart jsut because comptuers are around.
The greatest gen were not like this so no it's not a cycle. Time will tell if Gen X and Millennials will be the same but to be the same the first thing you actually need is power which they don't have yet
>t. Chris Tyson
saved, incredible, who came up with this?
Is Jas /v/core?
>The greatest gen were not like this so no it's not a cycle
Because the cycle can be broken through external factors that force the generation to step the fuck up. That's why often most progression happens during and after wars or plagues, as many people dies which either leaves younger people without as much leads, opening the door to real rebuildings of society and their values, or they lose a lot of young people which forces older ones to "think outside the box" in order to survive, with alliances, exporting immigrants, etc.
That precisely, this status quo can only be broken when an outsider breaks it, as otherwise both younger and older generations, despite their complains about the other side, are still comfortable with the situation, because it is still somewhat stable.

I used to think my generation was "smart" and that newer ones would be better. both were false. It's genuinely disturbing how many people my age are now doing the exact same things they complained about their parents, but specially how many people does something because "it happened to me to".
Again, having a cycle that doesn't work so you can complain about is, for many, preferable to having the cycle working and actually needing to work to change stuff.
That's where the erection happens
It's not a cycle then if it can be broken.
I know the internet and this site are obsessed with low IQ statements, one of the popular ones being that everything and everyone is the same but no, that's not the case. The changes in economy, demographics essentially every negative statistic has increased with boomers. It's not a cycle. It's not a "it's just like the past stop complaining" bullshit. This is new and concerning.
>game and character made by aggydagger who still visits us
>mod made by /vg/ then updated by /v/, kickstarted a big modding frenzy on /v/
>all for romancing and marrying a little girl
What could be more /v/core?
They are right possession of cp and fake drawn images of cp are equal because neither of them actually does any harm to children. Both should be legal
Thanks, crazy to think that I almost missed such an important snapshot of gaming news media
Do normalfags stop being attracted to attractive and therefore young people as they age? I might as well ask here since 4chan is mostly normalfags nowadays.
Hasn't been my experience at all, all that's happening is my maximum age I'll still find attractive enough assuming they take care of themselves is slowly increasing as my own age increases.

Only reason not to fuck people too much younger than you (and of legal age) is because it's fucked up to take advantage. But in a video game it doesn't matter, you're not taking advantage of anyone especially since you're playing a character the age of the romanceable characters anyway.

Normalfags are fucking weirdos.
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I'm 30 and don't blink at imagining/self inserting myself as younger then hooking up with a older woman who's younger then me IRL.
As a adfsghhojklycvbx video game should cater to me
I know game is made for an audience but think about me for a second. Me. Me. Me. So please mister developer change game and make a change nobody else would want to appease me.

Role-playing is a sign of transgenderism. If you're so unhappy being yourself then you're only a few steps removed from cutting your dick off to be someone else. Role-players should all be beheaded for the good of society.
won the thread
That's most of a journo article headline for /v/ to get mad about and not read the article of, it just needs
>Here's why changing that is a good thing.
Idg this. I'm attracted to neither. But even if we called both CP; The production of one requires sexual exploitation of children while the other does not.
That means that saying that they're the same is saying that exploitation/molestation/rape or whatever other kind of abuse to kids is the same as not having any of those. Wouldn't that be political suicide.
I see what you did there.
His next game is satanic kek. I guess no money is enough for some people. JK rowling made so much money but she kept writing demonic shit too
no, hags are stinky and gross, it is ONLY morally okay and just to fuck young, fertile girls.
retard take, to produce child porn a child is harmed

to produce a drawing, nothing is changed in the world

kill yourself, false equivalencyfag
I don’t see the problem. He’s just asking for MILFs and GILFs to be romanceable. You fags really pretending you don’t want to fuck Caroline or even Marnie? Fake outrage motherfuckers.
>Idg this
The masses aren't rational, they're emotional. The most emotional are the loudest and most people want to go with the flow to avoid sticking out and risk getting hammered back in. It is extremely easy to just say it's all horrible and anyone who likes it should all just die as if that would solve anything, rather than actually address the real problem and come up with real solutions.
Reality and facts are hard and people are much more inclined to simply believe whatever they want to believe that is easiest and convenient. It takes massive movements and extremely powerful charismatic leaders to change minds, and nobody is going to go out there and champion loli as a safe outlet, no matter how beneficial it actually is as supported by quite a few long term studies in multiple countries on the availability of porn in relation to sex crime. We're lucky enough as it is that's it's still largely a legally grey area since when comes to this sort of thing people completely lose their minds over it.
He didn't say Caroline or Marnie though, he said Pam. Fucking Pam.
She’s not a looker but why not let people fuck her anyways. Maru is romanceable after all.
Because that's a whole lot of effort for one virtue signalling old man who's feeling insecure about still playing Stardew.
me in the background
If anyone actually wanted it, there'd be a mod for it. Hell, he could mod it himself if he actually cared to.
She was a 24 year old child you sick fuck
This. Many things in the world make sense once you begin to see past female bullshit and look at their actions instead of words.
do not pass go
do not collect $200
What's with cucks and saying that "I'm 50 so I need to date washed up old hags with decades of baggage"
In every game with romance I pick the smallest flattest girl. It's my god-given right.
Their version of hags is a 30 year old woman with tired eyes so I wouldn't think about it.
Porn addiction is a problem for porn addicts not necessarily for society. Look at South Korea, they banned porn and they share pretty much every problem every other western nation has, including probably the worst declining birthrates in the World.
Japan has junior idols dancing in seductive adult outfits and still super low crime rate, meanwhile the free US with all the bans is much worse.

Men like girls, simple as. Allow sexuality to be free and people act in kind.
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Japan is ethnically homogeneous.
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OC still gets made of her, so yes.

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