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me playing yawntrail
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me sitting in explanation 11
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>can't walk around on the upper levels
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Lalafells won, however
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were other normal bosses even trying?
solution 9/11
i cant fucking wait for the extreme version of this fight, i will be living inside that fight
We love Honey B here, not the muscle troons
whats wrong with brute bomber?
>female raid bosses are all babes
>male raid boss is a disgusting ugly lunkhead
it's not fair...
>retard tank LBs every time
>sena confirmed brute bomber is a pooner
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Jesus, that hip sheathe mod for Viper looks way better than sheathing on the back. It's here if you want it: https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/110214
stinky cat pits
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how is that retarded it looks just like an lb moment you can hardly blame them for trying
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flat middie sexo
Mod to give it more than 6 buttons?
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No chance, pal.
I keep a list of my grievances of the DT MSQ
the list keeps growing everyday
is it only me that does this
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Was also me in A Bed Remade, Heavensnore, Snoreblood, Pillowbringers, and Sleepwalker.
>every zone still has FATE death squads deleting everything before I can even get to them
It's been a fucking months man calm your asses down
B-b-but it's supposed to be a low stakes adventure with the WoL as a mentor!!!!!
Has Ultimecia ever been in ff14?
>B-b-but it's supposed to be a low stakes adventure with the WoL as a mentor!!!!!
They dropped that as soon as they included Alexandria in the script.
three straight times in the same righit?
why aren't you joining the death squads?
Buy a fenrir poorfag
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reminds me of that Swedish-Mexican Wuck Lamutt
You get full LB3 after the mechanic so if the countdown ends and tank LBs it's your fault for not DPS LBing before.
Flat middie best middie
she only uses absolute authority twice and the free LB you get after the first one is for the healers to get the few inevitable deaths back up, and you won't get enough to use it a second time
Lamatyi? More like lame af
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I still haven't even done the first Extreme, if I put up a PF group that says "Practice Blind, no guide" will people join or not given most have done it by now I'm guessing?
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holy kek
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It's what I imagine the person playing the character really looks like
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i got my vali ex clear just a week ago, made a fresh blind party, half the people who joined had already cleared and wanted to help. got it done in two lockouts. just go for it
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Remember us.. except those niggas from 2.0 post-credit scene
There should be a doppler effect since she's spinning.
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I miss her....
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Is there an option to set Starfall Dance to be a combo with Devilment instead of an extra hotkey?
>A week ago
I mean, I'll try I'll rewatch the hector guide but I'm not very good at learning without practical application, that is to say I need to be doing it.
I guess as long as I mark the group correctly that it's practice from start and I haven't done it, people can't get mad at me for trapping them. That's the theory.
I think I liked this role quest best, maybe I'm just a sucker for Ishgard
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my femhroth wife crafting
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I would
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>plastic surgery hips
cringe gay trash
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me when the
>a fucking nigger
>tranny hair color
She looks like she fucks hyur men.
>Preach called this raid too sexualised
What's wrong with lefty wing people, are they afraid of sex?
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>trannies are now trying to pretend that female hips are unnatural
Why would they, while popping LB on the first instance of the attack, know she's going to do it more later?
this anon has a weak chin
people will join and then start explaining every mechanic according to the guide they watched because someone trying to do something blind for the fun of it is completely foreign to them
>same posters every thread
>same images every thread
are these threads organized by discord troons? i know that is thrown around a lot, but it genuinely seems that way
This image used to trigger people hard
uyuooh 6 years old boy hips
How Yoshi wanted it!
Penumbra release when?
wtf is penumbra?
receive testing versions my niggy
Is XIValexander working?
How is this happening in every thread?
I joined a group that was marked as "blind practice from start" group earlier, went in and people were immediately setting up markers and telling people where to stand on the arena.
I was so confused, group was clearly marked as Blind practice from start but they clearly weren't blind or wanting to tell people where to go. I did ask when I joined that group, I told them I hadn't done the fight and wanted to practice and was it ok, they said "yeah sure". Man I know I'm coming across as a complaining cunt but I'm getting confused with the PF.
What no job does to motherfuckers
Official release probably after savage drops next week. Test version now.
Half the thread is /vg/ diarrhea
There's no complete role quest quest or anything this time, huh? Just finished off the tank one as my last.
>every avatarfag is a lalatroon
Really makes you think
me when i see a screenshot of the game: EUUUGHHHH!!!! GO BACK TO /vg/!!!!!!
They get added in x.1
there never is at expac launch
The EW role capstone wasn't added until the .1 patch
Hang yourself
me when I see people playing the game instead of spending hours upon hours for months crying about it
All me.
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Silence lalafell
Badly formed female hips that look like they belong on some plastic injected nigger rapper chick are unnatural, yes
>cocoli coli
>playing the game
What's strange is how they coordinate so all 3 of them post around the same time.
There's only 1.5min between these 2. The fat pink troon is slower because he ran out of breath while moving his mouse.
what about the dark hydaelyn crystal tho?
I see, well, time to wait for that I guess.
>haven't logged into Dawntrail since the raids first came out
It's true.
secondlife troons killed XIV.
/xivg/ is unusable because of them yet they still come here infest the /v/ threads too
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trannies be like
>yep this is a natural real woman CHUD
you faggots wanna chop your dicks off, figures you think chopping the rest up is normal
Those look like normal female hips, troon.
>there never is at expac launch
The Shadowbringers role quest finale with Cylva revealing herself was in at 5.0 launch. (Then had more added later)
he's right, and all the simps are mad.
You are a man in a dress.
Maybe they look normal to a porn addicted gooner tranny, but no. They're not.
That was a vision of Elidibus before he ejected from the cockpit.
Doesn't actually exist and was just a powerpoint aid
Thise are not natural, you are a porn addicted tranny retard.
>all of the shemales seething about this post
Got them good lmao
My wife (something you'll never have) has hips just like that (another thing you'll never have).
You'll never be a woman and you'll never trick people into pretending that real women don't have identifiable featuers.
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>it's a everyone posts their dog shit character thread
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its true. every single post in this thread except yours is me
they actually play the game
you don't
I will take a big leap and assume that's true. She has that body type? The top part of her looks like a fairly skinny chick and the bottom half is ballooned out like she's kim kardashian? Yeah right, lmao
lol what does a chin have to do with the fact that character has literal tranny pride color for hair
left bad
right good
Yes, she actually does. That's not uncommon for actual women, it's only an impossible standard for you because you're a man with a barrel shaped chest.
>bibo tits
I love that mechanic
First time I did the fight I was the only one that survived and I was playing a healer, so I LB3ed and we managed to clear
>sees pink and purple
>immediately thinks of trannies
This website and the internet has mind broken you. Go outside, breathe some fresh air man. I'm begging you, you'll be better for it afterwards.
>Yes, she actually does.
And I'm dating Scarlett Johansson. Go fuck yourself lmao
Shinryu walled so many people on release they had to make everything after easier. Including Queen Eternal.
>pubes instead of scales
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>women who are shaped like women don't really exist!
Dalamud and NoClippy are
The latest ReShade update breaks Dalamud though
The worst meme
You're a fat fuck loser who spends his time spouting shit about trannies in 4chan threads for an online MMO, you don't have a wife, and you DEFINITELY don't have a wife that looks like that lmao
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Meet a lalaboy on the streets of Ul'dah
Take a lalaboy out for dinner
Take a lalaboy to your apartment
Undress a lalaboy
Kiss a lalaboy on his smooth tummy
Tease a lalaboy with your lips
Make sweet love to a lalaboy
Marry a lalaboy
Impregnate a lalaboy
Live happily with a lalaboy
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Oh but I do. And you never will, because you will always be ugly inside and out. You're a dishonest narcissist who knows he's disgusting and insists on bringing the whole world down with him. Look at you seethe you spiteful little mutant freak.
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>pink and purple

it's blue and pink you disingenuous fuck
NTA, If you really are a troon, It's easier to get fake womanly hips than anything else. Easier than convincing boobs, at least. I had mod beasts too but hips are an odd hill to die on.
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gooner trannies say the wildest shit KEKAROOOO
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>defence force trying to claim her hair is purple

lol c'mon now
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all me btw
based based based
what's with the /dbs/ shitter talking to himself
Wuktroons really are completely fucked in the head.
That's a boy, silly
uh oh, melty!
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They put it under Zodiark's arena so it's done okay? Stop trying to dig up plotholes chud
/v/ straight up is the stupidest most brain rotted board on this hellsite. completely unable an actual conversation about anything
Me on the left
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>Want to talk to anons to get information about how I get into raiding
>Thread has devolved AGAIN into tranny this obsession that.
Is there somewhere I can find people to talk about and learn how to raid and the terminology? I don't think this place wants to talk about playing the game.
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>/v/ straight up is the stupidest most brain rotted board on this hellsite. completely unable an actual conversation about anything
>spiritbond melds and getting loadsa gatherer XII material
> Selling almost instantly on MB
>l o d s a m o n e

a shame gil doesn't do much I will buy a nice medium house on dynamic eventually though
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Good, good, let the seethe flow through you
jesus what an ugly nigga
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never forget that when you're arguing with someone on this website, not only are they most likely a child on their phone but they've also probably never seen a naked woman outside of porn and hentai
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This game fucking sucks now
mad troon
gonna cry?
you (are) fucking suck(ing) (my cock) now
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>Honey B song drops
>shitter DPS with Brink of Death wins
They weight these drops to keep shitters from quitting I know they do
7.05 is only adding savage or is there other content too?
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you're a virgin too, faggot
Treasure dungeons
scuff = stuff
>wuk lamat becomes dawnservent
>some music starts playing with clearly african voices hollering
I thought this was the south american expansion, what gives
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Good point, a lot of the people on /v/ especially as it's the gateway board from Reddit are young teenagers who think being edgy and obnoxious is how they fit in here.
Let me spell it out as simple as possible for newfags, all /v/ is, is a vidya hobby board to talk about games with other people anonymously. That's it. You've bought into the retarded reputation that "4chan hate machine" when you post here and clearly have nothing to say.
It's not too hard. Anything under Extreme can and should be pugged in Duty Finder. Extreme can be done in Party Finder (just read what the description says for the party, like if you want to blind prog or want a practice group that's watched a video). Savage CAN be pugged in Party Finder if you get lucky but it's best with a Static. Same with Ultimate but it's even harder.
come over here and then neither of us will be
As if they weren't budget NIN enough lol
>kate localization lead
American culture is centered around.
oh thats neat
I was only thinking of the new tomestone coming other than savage
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Remember when expansions used to release with new mechanics or content types?
pathetic 2016 era old man detected
it's been 10 years grandpa why are you still here?
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Why are you?
no, that shit always came a couple patches in
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>what gives
>immediate seethe and denial
lol he hit the nail on the head
What would you do if Resetera went down and you couldn't cross-reference posts you didn't like to make huge reaches on guessing their identity
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Every single person in that post is actually me.
I'm the guy.
uh oh, now he's posting his screenshot collection! did that one hit a little too close to home, pal? you feelin alright or do you need to sit down for a bit?
what the heck is the dumbshit's guide to Zoraal's checkboard line aoes? I can't find the fucking safe spots on my own.
I know Extremes can be done in the Party finder, it's not what I'm asking. I'm asking for a basic guide into raid terminology, think even more basic like how to arrange yourself into light parties, I don't know what that means and how you do that. Raid terms.
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dude, tacos
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Why don't you just go back?
So what would you do if Resetera went down and you couldn't cross-reference posts you didn't like to make huge reaches on guessing their identity
No, its to make you carry them
tacos? more like trooncos
that's it kiddo i'm calling a heckin resetera raid on this thread
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do you think one of them could die and the other lives on
light parties means parties of 4, usually 1 tank 1 healer 1 melee and 1 ranged dps in each group. this is used for a variety of mechanics, but most commonly for healer stacks. there are a lot of bosses that target both healers with stack markers that other players need to help soak, but that will instakill people if they overlap, so they need to be soaked in 2 separate groups. assigning light parties ahead of time is how pf addresses those sorts of mechanics
You're late, it was already called. >>683663850
So what WOULD you do if you couldn't cross-reference Resetera anymore
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Every post you dislike? Me.
Every post you like? You.
It's just me and you posting.
The guy. I'm him.
Dam got reminded of the slampig lala someone posted in the general.
troon ja ja lookin ass fr
do tell me more about this..... slampig lala
Literally proving my point, are you going to try and talk about the game or continue being some edgy teen who thinks he's fitting in?
just check the single sword whether its wind or fire
then adjust to the two swords
I think Icy Veins or Hector or somebody had a primer or something on recurring mechanics or terms that I can try to find in a minute. Most of it is intuitive or explained in guides that bring them up.
It's cute that you think anything needs to be cross-referenced. Your posts stick out as badly as your fat male body in the e-girl outfits you ordered off amazon.
there's no guide that goes that granular, everybody knows what a light party is because the words pop up huge in gold every time you join one. People so those setups with markers in NA (stand on 1 or 2)
there's also really no comprehensive raid dictionary so you have to make do with shit like reddit posts or youtube videos, and guess context while you're reading individual fight guides
The fuck is he on about? Did the M3 intro make him feel uncomfortable? I though he as a wrestling fag would like it.
Thanks for replying anon this is helping me, can I ask further, is there a way to arrange that in the party list or is it all done by sight, keeping an eye on where your character is and who they are with?
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>he still thinks he's replying to one person
i love manipulating mentally ill people yo dis shit FUNNY AF
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Why is the community so unfriendly these days?
hmm maybe there's a plugin that lets you rearrange it but I don't think most people do that. you don't really need to keep track of the other light party players all the time, you only need to get in position for that mechanic when it's happening. for my previous example about the light party stacks, you would just need to find where your light party's healer is and go stand with him. usually there are also predetermined spots for this as well, such as light party 1 west / light party 2 east (left to right, so it's intuitive). ocasionally you'll see fights where people do 1 north 2 south for some god forsaken reason
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>that face
I need Pinklala to come back
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Preach put out a video of him crossdressing on twitter that riled up the chuds
Today on stream he was discussing with his chat whether he should host a month long FF themed drag show to piss them off
>all the friendly casuals quit because the msq is rancid dogshit
>only the raid schizos are left
Pinklala is never coming back save for the one ritual post every thread. DT has murdered him.
You can't fuck the ghost anon
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ugly dyke
So if I'm paired with say the scholar healer as an example I should just pay attention to where that healer is and don't need to worry about the other healer position? I'm not trying to overcomplicate this in my head I think I'm getting it from your explanation. I play as Melee if that helps at all for your examples.
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M3 intro should be more sexual
>I should just pay attention to where that healer is
yeah, but usually you don't really need to because high end fights typically have a preset location to take the stack because other shit's going on, or it just defaults to left/right of the boss so melees can still do damage
Do you play on PC? Eventually you get better at recognizing your partner, but I would often just tap F3 or whatever my partner's spot on my party list was to throw my cursor on them for a second and make sure I've got it right. You can also focus target them if you find yourself having trouble tracking them.
He said the Honey B fight was his favourite fight combat wise but aesthetically/ thematically he hated it. Also called it too sexualised. Even his own youtube comments called him out asking what is he talking about?
usually what you would keep in mind is
>which light party am I (1 or 2)?
>where is my light party supposed to be for this mechanic?
so for example if you're in light party 1 and the group stacks are coming up, and you know that light party 1 is supposed to be on the west side of the boss for the stack, you just go to the west side of the boss. the healer and the other light party members ought to go there on their own and if they didn't then they fucked up
I actually found the one I was thinking of. It doesn't cover everything but it's got a lot of it
The verdict is clear, ff14 must evolve or it will die.
>Drastically increase the amount of combat, minigames and puzzles in the MSQ
>Add job customizing via sphere grids
>Instead of Scions players now summon other players Retainers for Trust dungeons(sort of like the DD pawn system)
>High ranking Hunts made to be more organic and spontaneous
>Player cities with more interactivity than just one or two jumping puzzles
>Additional FATE types that aren't just aoe snoozefests, get rid of collection fates nobody likes these
And so on
>Also called it too sexualised
Surely he's talking about Eutrope and not Honey B.
>Honey B
>too sexual
Kek it's cutesy idol shit, what the fuck is wrong with these people
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But she can fuck us.
no, the multidivide slash or watever in the very beginning
Thank you anons, you're helping clear this up for me a lot giving information I know a lot of people might take for granted but literally I'm brand new to this entire thing and knew nothing about so it's helping.
Anglos are the most goy cattle people on the planet
He doesn't have his license for thinking something's sexy
I hate anglos so much, they are responsible for everything wrong with the world
it's the lion king
He's an ex-WoW player. Before Hroths were even added to the game, WoW players were calling XIV furry based on Miqote despite their own game having actual furry races.
How many purple scripts will I need for the crafter books?
Nothing to do with being Anglo I am an Anglo its more to do with him being a WoW player, his audience are also very left wing a lot of them are older and aren't English. For example ask him his thoughts on Brexit, see him have a meltdown because we voted for that.
His political takes are not good which is a good thing he keeps them to a minimum.
wowbucks are mindbroken
In one week we will have the final state of the game for the next 4 months. (Basically what it is today +savage and map dungeons).
>roe tranny hates cute things
4chan is a honey b site
1600 per book for 8 crafters for 12,800 total
you can stock 4k before then and get near 4k with two custom delivery bonuses, plus any craft role quests you haven't finished yet (900 per HQ turnins)
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Uh Tauren aren't furry because they're just totally cool minotaur people, and nobody would want to fuck them they're too big and smelly.
Books are usually 1600 per, so you'll need a total of 12,800 purple scrips
>map dungeons
Feels like a lifetime since the last one
>still have the majority of my crafter quests to finish
Nice, I was worried about having wasted all that EXP
Thanks lads
>Finally doing Margrat's storyline to level goldsmithing
I'm surprised that I like her
Beause the harder mechanics make you resent weaker players. Back in EW and before I didn't mind people who had no idea what they are doing, but current Ex design basically makes me go exclusively with friends. Two days ago I had Strayborough with two new DPS. The fights took ages and the Leonogg fight was such a slog, I absolutely resent queuing up for Ex with randos at this point.
Yoshida turning XIV into action slop kills the last few vestiges of 'massive multiplayer' this game had.
I really enjoyed the end of that questline, it was very sweet
>have to start doing Expert again once Savage drops
I was free for a couple of weeks, fuck
putting in a mechanic that has 10 seconds of downtime as the penalty for fucking up was so evil
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The funniest thing about hunts in Dawntrail rn is this S-rank. He has a mech where dialogue appears each head to show the order of a MASSIVE aoe attack.
HOWEVER, there's a bug in the Chat Bubbles plugin rn that makes it so the dialogue only displays over 1 head, breaking the tell. I cannot stress this enough. This guy slaughters anyone with plugins installed. People will be completely bewildered in shout chat "what is the tell for that?" "the order the heads talk" then unwittingly admit to having plugins installed by saying that it's just the one head
I get the feeling the devs really don't want to bother with casual content, and would rather tack another ultimate on each expansion.
if both healers don't know how to do the hearts phase in Honey B. you literally will not clear the fight
as a tank I literally had to take multiple towers (intentionally charming myself because I can survive the dot) so healers had more chances to fuck up and they STILL got charmed
would, both counts
>hits invuln
Chat bubbles should be a part of the game already anyways, don't blame me
I don't have plugins installed and I died to this dude because I couldn't see shit in the midst of 200 fuckers raining shit on him
I had a similar experience in the cactus dungeon. The healer constantly ate shit on the first two bosses, we had repeated wipes on the trash packs with the aoe spamming cubes that give NO warning btw before you pull them. Finally there was a huge dramafest in party chat where the healer was refusing to come with us unless the tank pulled the miniboss by himself since the lasers were going to rape us otherwise.
Yoshida clearly wants people playing solely with trusts at this point and honestly fuck that.
Because we're in the middle of the big surge of players who come in for the new story, hang around for a bit, then drift off.
xi/v/: the less troon filled thread
>shitter healers cause three wipes in roulettes
Please make Phoenix Downs useable in combat
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Complete mystery
Pretty sure fates scale with number of players and also you can make a fate party in pf so you can easily get gold with a single hit on a mob
i could never tell if blind groups were for noobs or for pros. i'm new to extremes/savage and want to try fresh but im afraid its going to be full of people going
>hmmm this mechanic, oh i see now! its just the same pattern from zinglethorp extreme just double-stack around the cascading circle quadrant like you did for that fight and it will work out.
>the game finally raises the skill floor the slightest bit
>crybaby cutscene-only fags shit themselves
The best thing that can happen to this game would be retards like you getting filtered out over fucking expert roulette.
there's not even duty support for deadwalks and tender valley
Being a healer in XIV kinda sucks in an entirely different way than it did in EW(while retaining some EW issues).
I have no idea why they decided that healer should take 15% more damage from everything, despite their smaller health pools. Slapping fucking undispellable dots on people for fucking up is incredibly retarded, because that just means if the healer fucks up they have usually one tick to heal themself within one server tick or they die.
Meanwhile, despite the added stress healing is still god awfully boring.
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would you a cat?
The lasers is the same one with Qitana though

The scaling doesn't really matter when there are at least 10+ players unless it's Boss FATEs
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You now remember Island Sanctuary
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>get a sage in strayborough
>just sits next to me as I die of dot damage from the raidwide on the last boss

I'm still fucking mad about cheese.
oh fuuuuck my pasture
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I tried to go back to that shit a few days ago and I literally fucking couldn't. I have the fucking Ishgard pterodactyl and I can't bring myself to do that shit.
Yes it fucking does, it takes way more mobs to kill and way more items to gather in fates.
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gay ass fucking game they dont care about lore why the fuck should I done with This fucking shit game
I mean, it gets more and more afk as you go.
But I don't blame you, for all the neat glams and mounts, finishing it was just ass.
what are you talking about
Never ever underestimate the power of the dick anon.
There is a 10+ pages thread on the JP forums asking for specifically that fight to be removed/changed.
Would be too powerful but they really should, they are so fucking niche. I used one once a few months ago after a friend died in a map dungeon
What the fuck are you on about now?
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>see femhroth
>immediately think of Wuk Lamat
I can't bring myself to like them
I'm in the same boat, I'm a complete newbie to raiding and thought they were for new players to get used to the fight but I guess not.
They haven't cared about the lore since shb
>uuumm hrothars aren't beast men because XDDD
a circle around the lalas would be sufficient. i also think the fight would be better if the exaflares went off faster
Crying and shaking because his character was literally raped by a bee.
>Do Lakshmi
>WoL can fall in love
The primal Lakshmi uses a charm ability on you so it's clearly a different mechanic than tempering.
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What would go wrong
>Thought I was doing pretty good with my Viper
>Read up on the Icyveins and finally do practice dummy shit
I was missing out on half the Reawaken actions fuck me am I retarded.
>tanks dying is recoverable
>DPS dying is recoverable
>healers dying completely fucks everyone
I'm just sick of this horseshit. Give me recourse from another role to fix things when it all goes to shit.
>but muh Clemency
Not going to fix shit in an 8 man.
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B is for bosom
Why isnt the East included
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>bitching about difficulty already
lol. When forays and relic grind drop, people will be bitching about those, too.
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>gpu died right before 7.05 drops
we could've been smoking weed with the dragons in australia instead we got slop
paladin and maybe gunbreaker deserve Raise
>pld because white magic
>gnb because idk they carry a pocket phoenix down for m'lady
What is that island in the northeast of Tural
top half is ruled by lil nigga now
step aside poochie
i dunno. i just died three times to eulogia :\
You mean Wuk Lamat's ward?
>race of big giants
>they just talk normally
sovlless expansion
Is it racist (speciest?) that I found it felt wrong for her and Koana even being adopted, to lead instead of a lizard? It just gave me that general vibe.
India and Garlemald being the same zone is so weird to me
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Make sure you get 2 back to back Reawaken uses in the 2 minute burst
You want to lead in halfway through your first Reawaken and do another immediately after
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Are you gonna air them to the dev team next fan fest with an iron pole?
naw. hrothgar are native to tural
Man, Eorzea has so much soul but we won't do shit with it any more.
They should make it a dungeon and have the layout randomly taken from one of the party members as long as they've completed the all the quests.
India and Russia are the same continent irl
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I'm following this for the Opener, unless there's something else this seems like it makes sense to follow?
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I have never once wiped to Eulogia, that's possible?
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do all the characters canonically speak english, german, japanese, etc or is that an out of universe thing
we didn't wipe. i just died 3 times. granted i wasn't paying attention but still
I just keep it for futureproofing when the inevitable "Dawntrail was good y'all" revisionism happens
Siberia maybe, not the actual Russia
fuck nigger did you miss the part where their speech is all slow and stunted and deep voiced and the red giants start off speaking in their own language before begrudgingly switching to the common tongue?
I felt this way about FF16, but I didn't write them down. They were just seared into my brain as the fury over them grew the more I progressed through the game.
Krile and you should have to work hard as translators, because realistically only the two of you should be able to universally understand everyone. But no one really thinks about that so everyone is just speaking one common tongue.
it's not reflected in any of the written dialogue, in fact they all talk like normal people and it's cringe
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Now THIS is a sexy scythe.
I bet Urianger sounds really faggy in the french dub
everyone speaks the in-game equivalent of english, including the turalians because king fuck off off thought using a native language would elevate that group above the rest
That's the right one, yeah
I'm talking about later 2 minute windows, you can fit about 1 and 1/2 Reawakens in them...if you keep practicing this over and over you'll get the hang of it very ez
It's a very similar job to Reaper
All scythes are gay until they stop unfolding
Honestly, I expect the map dungeons to be absolutely awful this time around and basically not doable unless you have a full 8 stack.
Killing the casual playerbase is a fantastically retarded idea that I have trouble accepting it took the god awful devs so long to do it.
It's mentioned in a couple places that Tuliyollal adopted Eorzean as its national language after Gulool Ja Ja united them, because he didn't want any one of their own native languages to be dominate over the others.
The asshole Yok Tuy speak in their own language at first, and you get echo subtitles while everyone else is confused
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>red giants speak to us in yok huy
>despite this usually being a "the wol translates for the group" situation they switch to turali for some reason despite hating it
>they continue using turali even when speaking amongst themselves
there were a ton of little details like that that make the expansion feel lazy to me
I spent the last couple of days learning healing and getting WHM to 70. Should I keep going with it or pivot to SGE? I didn't want to start at level 70 but I figure I have a good grasp now, but I don't want to level 2 classes side by side right now. Should I go for WHM or SGE to 100 first based on how useful they are? Saving AST and ACH for later down the road
>It's mentioned in a couple places that Tuliyollal adopted Eorzean as its national language after Gulool Ja Ja united them, because he didn't want any one of their own native languages to be dominate over the others.
I didn't know that. Makes Gulool Ja Ja seem worse than he already is, because those are some communist tier cultural erasure tactics.
Both WHM and SGE are the 'comfy' healer, meaning they are pretty easy to play, with SGE being the easier of the two.
WHM and SGE are pretty much on the opposite sides of playstyle
>killing the casual playerbase
my nigger these people can't even press one button repeatedly without having an anxiety attack
they're killing the game
>spam Q while keeping DoT up and pressing cds as needed
maybe in pvp you'd be correct
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>Yawnfail was always good fuck the haters!!1
WHM has the best recovery and pure healing but is boring, SGE is braindead but has more flashy lights
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Did they patch this dialogue? Does anyone have the original where the writers misstated which zone the giants are from?
>say words that could be maybe possibly construed as even slightly offensive by *that* crowd
>get suspended
>this creates a chilling effect where nobody wants to talk in game to people they don't know
>"Why does nobody talk in game?"
not in german
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war is bad
I appreciated what dedicated racists those red giants were, it's like meeting some white trash hillbillies who learned Arabic just so they could more efficiently tell Muslims to fuck off
Being charmed is not being Tempered. Pheromones are not being Tempered. Being Terror'd is not being Tempered.

Ramuh EX had a Seduction effect all the way back in ARR. He also had a Frighten effect.
uh oh /pol/tard melty
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reddit's got you
In 1.0 everyone spoke their own language and WoL's ability to translate with the Echo was important for that reason. Since ARR the Hyuran common language, aka Eorzean, is the world's trade language and everyone speaks it including steppe tribes who don't deal in international trade.
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Wrong board /pol/ fag
>Wuk Lamat frees the peple of yok tel or whatever from the horrors of mix raced marriages
SGE has a cute onahole who autoheals for you and dopamine spikes every time you spread your fat shield onto the party.
Personally I just hate SGE though because I forgot spell names.
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>Ramuh EX had a Seduction effect
it's all starting to come together...
I knew I wasn't crazy
Thanks redditbro, now go the fuck back
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Taken by my own two hands.
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/pol/ is 80% brown trannies thougeverbeit doe
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>everyone gets along in tural
This shit is so unbelievably lame and boring, this entire continent blows ass
You're beholden to 3-7 other players in most situations
It gets to a point where it doesn't even matter how good you play
Now, the difficulty should've been higher from the get go to avoid this situation from happening, but here we are
Or, despite them having obviously given up on the concept, design fights for less body checks and allow for more jobs to do more things to work together (as it is an MMO) to avoid wipes
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We're supposed to believe that guy accomplished all this just in under a hundred years.
the whole expansion is written for toddlers. it’s unbearable
Oops that should be SCH in the first line
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Putting aside literally everything else about Kate's bullshit, this one single quote is enough to make my blood boil. It's your fucking job to deliver a product people will enjoy, if it sucks and people hate it then no, you fucked up, it's not everybody else's fault. Holy shit I'm mad.
>Or, despite them having obviously given up on the concept, design fights for less body checks and allow for more jobs to do more things to work together (as it is an MMO) to avoid wipes
C-class fantasy? Classes having SYNERGY?
We have to design more and more convoluted action fights. The director hates RPG games, he wants action, action is good for marketing, yes!
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Did anyone play the LTW role quest?

Basically 90% of the New World is illiterate and nobody can read or write and they don't use book. They're that bad. The quests are literally us writing down shit.

Some stuff from it

Hanu Hanu are Vanu Vanu that got transported on a bird, were stupid as fuck and hungry saw that bird eat reeds, ate them and changed color.

Moblins dug too deep they flooded their entire empire with salt water and were saved by pots, the vowed to never again live underground but in pots.

Penu Penu had a famine and a cripled dude who decided hes gonna kill himself so there less mouths to feed came back with Mate Tea and that saved them from starvation.
>any situation where they aren't getting along is always solved by just being nicer and more inclusive
it's so fucking cringe
begone troons
Your 7.3 or 7.4 content.
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Julius Caesar brought together all of Gaul in just a decade. He had to genocide 1/3rd of the population, but he did it.
That'd not Shade's Triangle if that's what you're implying.
reddit has the hottest fucking takes thougheverbiet
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Look everyone! It's anon, friend to Wuk Lamat, who bested Valigarmanda on holy ground!
The Yok Huy and Moblins being slavers who now live happily with their former slaves, and the Mamool Ja and Hrothgar being off a 400 year war(which only has 1 burned battlefield as lingering evidence) felt so weird.
you dragged your dick and balls through glass shards, and now you hate the easy mode one? Well, I can understand in a sense.
that's what he means, making the content harder will filter those players out
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started ShB NG+
i forgot how based this nigga was
>Is it racist (speciest?) that I found it felt wrong for her and Koana even being adopted, to lead instead of a lizard?
their whole family is like some cringe leftoid's multicultural dream come true
but that goes for the continent in general so it's sort of whatever
Maybe I'm crazy or something but I thought tulliyolal was going to be a leftover ancient building or something when they mentioned giants, it looks kind of like the same stones in elpis to me
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The story is so incredibly childish that it actually made me angry sometimes
Everything is just handwaved, people don't just get along like that
This is the type of person complaining about dungeons and normal mode being "hard"...
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U mad /pol/tranny?
Caesar is a living legend.
Thrn I misunderstood and apologize.
like some of the people in the thread said, and I hate to agree with redditors, the guy isn't even a casual, he's just an MSQ player. The absolute lowest form of XIV player desu
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>Basically 90% of the New World is illiterate and nobody can read or write and they don't use book. They're that bad. The quests are literally us writing down shit.
This was pretty heavily implied in the first five minutes of the game. Glad to see there's at least one piece of world building these retard writers are sticking to, which is that thirdies are downie savages.
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>wuk just gives speeches and fucks off to eat tacos while koana does all of the real dawnservant work
You know I wouldn't mind this if it was set up somehow.

But we went from you going to Garlemard, and them hating your guts so much half of them would rather fucking freeze and starve to death then accept your help.

It's like the writer really read some books and stories of post WW2 Japan. And how conflicted everyone was that Americans were there, helping them, yet they were the top power in Asia that conquered everything but Russia.

You have the Ixali that live on the fringes of Gridanian Society.
You have Amalja being at odds with the Sultante.
You have the mongolian Xaela that don't give a fuck about anyone and don't accept forigners.
You have the Raen or Sui-no-Sato that live a super isolationist lifestyle at the bottom of the ocean and still didn't change even after we had contact with them.

You have all of these real world problems and real world conficts all over the old world, but you come to the new world and it's literally DEI America it's hilarious.

It's even more hilarious once you do the side quests.

Mamool Ja have massive problems with their scales dying out.
Yok Hui are a discrased empire that has a genetic problem where they're all dwarfs.
Moblins used to live underground until they drowned themselves and destroyed their entire empire.
Hanu Hanu are quite literally retarded.
>wuk never brought us the tacos she promised us in the first 5 minutes of arriving
>people say story sucked but dungeons and trials were awesome
Huh? dungeons and trials have just faster mechanics but they aren't mechanics you never seen before, I don't get the praise aside presentation
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What should I do to prepare with crafting my own gear for savage next week? What should I gather, make? I finished leveling my crafters to 100 and doing the mid-gear melding from team craft. Luckily my accessories were penta'd without too many broken. Will new pots be available and will new gathering nodes switch on for them? ( is fishing ever used?)
>First time I've used Act and FFLOGS
>Takes a while get it all set up
>Upload my character data
>Someone has already uploaded a log and my character data is on there for the Normal raids
This feels weird to me I've been playing with people on the Normal who are uploading logs and saying fuck all in chat about it.
It is cope. Weaker players die more often so people who never set a foot in an ExTrial or Savage content now feel better about themself.
valigarmanda's 'add' phase in normal has a higher wipe count than titania or zodiark in my experience
That is rude. Be sure to tell every party you get into that you're logging their parses for them.
>who are uploading logs and saying fuck all in chat about it.
Isn't the upload for everyone in the instance? They do it for themselves and just upload everyone.
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Cute based retards
For once this place and even reddit wasn't wrong this MSQ is absolutely atrocious, I can't bear another second of wuk lamat and I'm just skipping.
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But who is uploading and caring about a Normal?
They bore the shit out of me, literally just copypasted Vanu with no cool primal
they just set it to do it automatically and forget about it. that’s how 99% of normal mode logs wind up on fflogs. nobody is going out of their way to upload that shit manually
A lot of people just keep ACT running all the time and have auto uploads.
People do it for anything and everything. iirc it's not hard to upload if you're already parsing.
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I hated the Vanu and I hate these retards even more
yok huy were long enough ago that only one very old full sized giant remains to remember the original turali empire, and the mamool ja were fighting a petulant uphill battle for the near-entirety of those 400 years until the blessed siblings practice came about, since just one could turn a literally uphill battle against hrothgars completely around and push them out of their own territory, after which the balance of power still only shifted whenever they managed to successfully breed blessed siblings and only for those siblings' lifetimes
t b h
A lot of people just never fucking never close it
Most normal uploads are from people who did normal then > savage/extreme and uploaded them together
Dear fucking lord is wuk ever going to stop being 100% of the character focus I just hit 97 and this faggot is STILL hogging the entire game. I though krile would get at least some exposition but it's literally all wuk all the time
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I'm gonna say it.

Endwalker putting in that line about "Ascians made primal summoning le bad on purpose" did incredible amounts of damage to the setting. Also putting in a no-strings-attached cure for Tempering was also extremely fucking cringe.

Tempering should have never been curable and Primals should always remain a permanent threat to the planet. You can never have Primals ever again because of this shit. The heart of XIV, gone forever.
so the question is did Wuk Evu actually try to convince them and he got rejected
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>have to go to tuliyollal to spend nuts
where is the solution 9 vendor?
You have no idea how bad things are going to get.
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Endwalker fucked up tons of shit and threw so many things out the window seemingly just to have them out of the way.
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good, /v/ could use some vydia among twitter threads
What else am I gonna be poosing right now
nobody is erping ITT
there is nothing wrong with sharing characters in an MMO thread
Next expansion is guaranteed to be FF7 or FF10-themed since those are the mainline titles that haven’t been referenced at all, right? I doubt they will go for unpopular titles like 13/15 or unknown ones like 2/3, and the “break glass in case of emergency” would be Sephiroth or Blitzball
is there nothing to do on the palace jump puzzle or am I missing something? expected a lookout
Man I thought ARR and EW msqs sucked then I played this shit, hope the content is good at least
gimmie ur fucken soul
>FF7 ... haven't been referenced at all
nael van darnus was a sephiroth reference and the game is R I D D L E D with FF7 references
You can still have Primals and their thralls but now we can actually do something about the thralls after killing the Primal.
If we go to Meracydia and theres a new Sephirot with a bunch of tree people brainwashed its not really a big deal.
>7 and 10
>not referenced at all

this bait are sick
>Go into Tural expecting One Piece Skypeia arc
>Get One Piece 4kids dub
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take THIS *unzips dick*
this is the real dawntrail experience
you people are getting lazy with bait now
Won't be 10 or 7, theme of Dawntrail is exactly the blend of themes that are 7 and 10, high tech society mixed with Summer locations.
It will not work after Dawntrail, need a vastly different aesthetic and story to get away form Dawntrails MSQ.
>scheming vizier lizard constantly rubbing his hands in the MSQ
>oh shit he's gonna do some evil shit watch the fuck out guys!!!!
>gets stabbed in the back and dies in an unvoiced cutscene
That felt like a rewrite or something.
never thought I'd make somebody this mad but I somehow did, feels good man
Wuk himself says he tried in the very dialogue you are reading
I haven't updated the picture but as the madnigger previously quoted indicates, even the village elder remembers this occurring. Remembers, as in it occurred within her life time
So basically we either have to accept that the writers are retarded or the birds are retarded
I choose to believe both
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Guy's running down the bait checklist.
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>forces friendship on you
>takes the credit for all your work
>makes everything about herself

who thought this was a good idea?
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Yeah, what the actual fuck was up with that? We spend several scenes with this guy and he just gets shanked and forgotten about.
I genuinely miss Bagnabrok Online..

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>takes the credit for all your work
>>makes everything

When? She spends the entire expac thanking you.
Red Herring
Everything about Zoraal Ja is like they just forgot to do any writing. Nobody talks about his advisor at all being gone, heck even during the coronation or w/e nobody even seems to care about their brother being missing even though we are supposed to believe they are family and care about each other?
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>complaining an obvious red herring was a red herring

christ you motherfuckers are getting dumber by the day
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>unknown ones like 2/3
You sure you played this game? I'm not so sure you have.

Let's see Village of "Ur"

>Xande (ザンデ, Zande) is the antagonist the party seeks to stop for most of the game, though he is eventually revealed to merely be a pawn of the Cloud of Darkness (暗闇の雲, Kurayami no Kumo): a malevolent and vicious deity who wishes to push the world into a state of chaos and destruction by upsetting the equilibrium between light and darkness, allowing the Void to consume the world.

>Although she initially defeats the Light Warriors, they are resurrected with Unei and Doga's help

>They encounter Xande, a warlock and one of three apprentices to the legendary Archmage Noaha, on a quest to steal the remaining crystals and bring further chaos. In the Crystal Tower, the party discovers the Cloud of Darkness to be the cataclyst. The Cloud attempts to create a situation that happened thousand years ago, the Flood of Light, to bring the world into a void.

>The party frees the imprisoned Dark Knights within the crystals' domains, and defeats the Cloud of Darkness, restoring the crystals and the balance in the world.

Wow look at that armor it's almost like the armors we find in the ARR Raids. How weird right!

Wow maybe if FFXIV wasn't the minimum efffort fuckign cash cow of SE we could have had this covers weapons and armor added to the old raid as Viper gear!
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which one of you faggots wants to be pegged
The entire premise of shadowbringers was ffxiii-3, lightning returns
No forces family and close inter state relationships and offers you a role in her government.
what face mod is that
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do not interact with the shitposter
he is currently repeating all of his normal talking points or lack thereof
>wuk lamat steals credit
>zoraal ja lied to me when he said he wanted war
>zoraal ja is confusing
>the hanu are retarded + wuk evu didn't tell them anything
>sareel ja red herring <-- YOU ARE HERE
>rubber bullets
>shaalaoni was still about wuk lamat
>levin sickness isn't solved instantly >:(
>i don't get what souls and memories are about >:(
>we did the endless a frickin' genociderino >:(
>speeeen xD
>i skipped all cutscenes
>FREE SPACE: Dragon Ball Super /a/ general reaction images, "kekaroo" etc.
>Jesse Cox is so bored with the story of Dawntrail he can barely bring himself to play it
>Was going to stream for his usual 7-8 hours of MSQ ended his stream early at under 4 hours.
You can see it on his face he's completely fed up with it. He's the story guy and completely checked out finding reasons to do anything else. I really hope Yoshida takes on board the feedback from people not happy with the story and does something about this, pretending the MSQ is fine, man when things are not good people need to learn that giving critical feedback is ok and not the same as hating the game. I love the game which is why I don't want it to continue down this path of pretending everything is fine for the MSQ when it's not.
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I see two minions. Who's standing in the back?
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>The entire premise of shadowbringers was ffxiii-3, lightning returns
You fucking what?
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nobody shut up
>spend time writing a character
>throw the character away over nothing
oooh sugoi sugoi so this is the superior nipponese writing I've heard so much about
anon confronted with an english writing term: FUCKING GOOK WRITERS
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jesus christ...........
go be retarded somewhere else
>world is mostly consumed, only a few regions are inhabitable
>one of the regions is a city where people just party and forget the rest of the world
>one of the regions is a desert
>one of the regions is untamed woods
>people are transformed into monsters by the same stuff that consumed the world
now which game am I describing?
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I was like this myself.

When they kidnapped Wuk Lamat I had to take a 2 day break because that literally broke me. I was already bored the fuck out of my mind and they been teasting the Giants since the Pelu Pelu village as the next big thing.
And now after the fucking moblines I think finally, FINALLY we'll get some good stuff. And then that happens.
I just couldn't.
I only finished the story recently when the raid tier came out because I simply couldn't it was so fucking bad.

And the worst part of all of this is. FFXIV is supposed to be a linear story, they're stuck with this ABSOLUTE TURD forever. There no skipping this. People will for 10 years in the future go to fuckign Endwalker and then be absolutely fucked over by this dogshit.
The only one I'll grand is the city of revelry, the woods and deserts are incredibly common biomes for shit to take place in.
on top of that the whole point of shadowbringers was it's a literal reflection of eorzea (granted ahm araeng also being a desert is a lore break since ul'dah used to be lush until desertification and a calamity of fire)
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>rapes the wol in the inn
>cock blocks krile and erenville
>steals your kill
>takes sole credit for valigarmanda and her brother
the raid story seems to have corrected things because it doesn't mention her

my favorite things are her mary sue moments
>gets her ass handed to her
>complete cowardly joke with no fighting experience or skill
>suddenly 1v1s bakool and all his goons
>1v1s her brother and almost effortlessly wins
>saves the wol and almost slays a machine god by herself
>she buffs the wol because she's so much more powerful suddenly
Sure, but when they are both from the same company and game series, it felt very obvious to me that the setting took big inspiration from lightning returns. Not the story itself obviously
Just make a compilation video of all the eceleb's reactions. Make it go viral, so we can tank FFXIV's numbers. That's the only way Yoshida's gonna take notice.
Certified transbian post.
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this set is awesome
Post your troons
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I mean, yes and no? Don't get me wrong they could have done a way better job with the writing but the giants still have a faction that hates everyone, the cats and lizards left in the zone can only make trades by acting like weirdos and the moblins were just told to stop being retarded and they decided it was a good idea and the only real problem is there should probably be stories people still tell about moblin-nappings at bedtime to unruly children.
I'd like to say you could say mamool ja have longer than normal life span and set the uniting back a bit and it'd clear out most of that and you'd just have to give some other reason why the king trusts ketenramm instead of having him as part of the original team. The only other surviving party member then is Milfbun so it'd mostly work out.
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Maybe they'll adjust the MSQ like they did with ARR to make it less unbearable?
It would be better without the lame bra part
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Look at the American political system.

People pretended for 3.5 years that a Senile man who can bearly stand is President because hes not Trump hurmp!
People are now pretending Kamala is democratically elected.
People pretend California is the best state in the US while it's literally collapsing into a fucking nightmare of druggies, homeless and unaffordable housing.
People continue to vote democrat in California even if the state of things is objectivity BAD.

These are the same people you interact here with.
Indoctiranted sheep that can't tell apart where there interest start and where their persoanlity ends.

People have invested so much money and time in FFXIV they probably only play FFXIV and their entire personality is FFXIV so any criticism of it is criticism of their soul.

They can't understand balance, netural points.

I think FFXIV is the best fucking MMO ever made and that the FFXIV story is the best jRPG story ever made in the history of our planet.

And after they made that. They SHAT ON PLATE AND PRETENDED IT'S FOOD.
the thing is that she's shown to be pretty strong in 6.55 against that bird, but then she's cowering before Bakool like a total pussy
Reaper or Viper? Which hard R is more fun/fashionable at level 100?
It's funny watching troons like this defend such a terrible character to the death because the Amerifat VA was a troon
No, the main character of LR is also the main character of ShB (Ryne)
>...he's right behind me isn't he
Just think of how much better of a story Aladdin would be if Jaffar got killed off by Razoul halfway into the movie.
Vergil was really going to make a bunch of illiterate retards that don't even use fucking boats go to war with nations that had a recent history of warfare and giant fucking airships. What a fucking moron.
Jaffar was the main villain of Aladdin, that's an awful comparison.

>Ultima Weapon
>Werlyt Weapons
>Knights of the Round
>Guard Scorpion
>Unknown (monster type is originally FFV but the one that appears in Anamnesis is from FFVII)
>King Mog (Mog appears as a character in previous games but as a summon/primal only in FFVII and FFT)
>North Thanalan looks like Mt. Nibel and the ceruleum refineries there look like mako reactors
>Costa del Sol
>Gold Saucer
>Seventh Heaven bar (with secret hideout)
>Anamnesis Anyder resembles the City of the Ancients including the broad, layered coral on the outside of the main building
>Meteor Project and Nael van Darnus of the VIIth Legion
>Ceruleum (Mako)
>DRK /bstance and male /cpose
>SAM /cpose
>Braver, Bladedance (Omnislash), Final Heaven, Dragonsong Dive, Chimatsuri (Bloodfest), Doom of the Living, Sattelite Beam, Breath of Life, Ungarmax, Greased Lightning, Cosmo Memory
>Island Sanctuary OST
>catboy shitter in the Ananta quests is a Red XIII reference with his father being petrified as he held back monsters
>Fenrir motorcycle mount
>Island Sanctuary motorcycle mount
>Advent Children Cloud gear set
>Most commonly used airship is the 'Bronco' type, a reference to the Tiny Bronco
>Vauthry's design is a reference to Don Corneo, he's even called Don Vauthry in JP
>Eulmore's Beehive is a nod to the Honeybee Inn to go along with Vauthry/Corneo
Honorable mentions:
>Hades. He first appeared as a summon in FFVII but his appearance in FFXIV is more of a FFIX reference.
>The Ancients. It's a broad enough term not exclusively connected to FFVII or even FF at all, but their role as stewards of the planet resembles the Cetra.
>off topic /pol/slop
I was 16 once, too, and would vomit out my redpill knowledge
You're not going to beat the (((tribe))) by bitching in 14 threads, fuck off retard
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But the Garleans were retards, HE would do it much better!
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rate this lala
why are there so many flower head pieces
How can you be a villain if you're killed off halfway through?
Your slutglam is trash, have some self respect you fag.
were your parents brother and sister

What questions do you have, my friend? Ask any specific question about starting to raid and i will answer you. If you are starting out and never done any extreme or savage before, i can say to you that the culture of blind prog is extremely unpopular on PF for extremes, and completely non-existent in savages and ultimates. The way it works, is that people will expect you to watch a guide/read on a strategy BEFORE you join the PF. Having the knowledge of what you should do in theory, you go into parties to try to execute the theory that you already know. This is how raiding is done in this game on PUGs
the garleans were retards but yeah they'd flatten that retard in a second
That's what I'm saying, Sareel wasn't a main villain. He was a lackey, nothing more, and Zoraal killed him in pretty typical main villain fashion
The little lines are offset slightly on one line of the big cross dividing the arena. That's why the four safe spots are shifted a little every time it resolves. It was fucked for me to get too.
Hey I got a Blue Parse as Viper on Honey B Lovely I'm still dogshit and it's Normal but that's me :DD
Zoraal isn't a very deep character he's just the dangerhair consultation writers projecting their daddy issues onto a random lizard
>Oh he has dangerous right-wing ideas like hard times make hard men and might makes right
>Oh and let's invent a kid out of nowhere so he can be deadbeat dad too who doesn't want to raise his kid j
>And yeah sure neither did Cahciua but she was FINDING HERSELF so it's okay for her to dump her kid off on the neighbours for years at a time!
>Did I mention she's also a genius hacker who started her own #RESISTANCE?
grats anon
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>Dawntrail was so bad that one of my case fans died
I can attest that Viper is just a cheap knockoff of Reaper
Just play Reaper
I can do this type of list for every FF game, 7 isn't ahead of the curb and only gets some sprinklings every once in a blue moon that reference it
You're also a big dumb dumb idiot because Ultima Weapon is from FF6
Super cute
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I like the lil nigga tho
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I had no idea who this was until I googled it. I only remember him from this scene.
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Thanks for not shitting on me
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I'm bitching about you people who refuse to accept that FFXIV isn't your personality and life.
FFXIV is a product and like any it can be extremely flawed and we just got the mother load of flaws.
I nearly unsubscribed and didn't finish the story. The Raid tier is the only thing that saved it for me.

The entire MSQ of Endwalker I felt like I was eating a gourmet meal and I was full but then they'd bring out another round of the best fucking food ever. A non stop fucking feast.

Here I feel like I'm eating the leftover scraps of Tacos that got walked over on the streets. And after I eat the fucking Tacos they bring bring me Buritos sprayed cow piss. After that I get the pleasure of eating Japanese BasedJoy with a gulp of Monster Energy.

I like Basedjoy it's pretty good and monster is too, but it doesn't compare to the fucking Gyukatsu I just ate on the fuckign Moon.
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>I can do this type of list for every FF game
Do it. The list won't be nearly as long.
>You're also a big dumb dumb idiot because Ultima Weapon is from FF6
Hey secondary, why are you pretending you know the series when you've been blogposting about playing through them all for the first time in the past months? The Ultima Weapon in XIV is the FFVII one. FFVI Ultima Weapon looks like a Behemoth.
You are literally trans, you gave yourself the retardation buff deliberately
Lackey is putting it pretty lightly, he's the guy who pretty much started the whole plot by sleuthing out all the info about the key and the golden city. Plus someone had to have fucked up Zoraal's upbringing for him to turn out the way he did.
Personally I think he originally had a bigger role but got fucked over by rewrites. Yeah it's satisfying to see someone who raised a monster get killed by said monster but it's still so damn abrupt especially when the player is fucking starved for more nuance/politics/villainous manuevering by that point in the story.
>things shouldn't get better, ever, we need our game to be more like game of thrones
No, fuck off.
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And here's where the FFVI Ultima Weapon appears in the game.
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The fuck?
All of that is machinist shit?
Yeah he cool.
But where are the fucking moms in this game?
Wuk has no mom. Zoraal has no mom. Lil Blue has no mom.
Bakool is the only nigga with a complete family and they're dysfunctional as fuck until we convert his pyscho dad with vegetable seeds.
>food analogy
wow! great argument! you sure won us over with that one retard.
I don't think there's a single part of the plot that didn't get fucked over by rewrites to be honest, there's so much left barebones or resolved WAY too fast for me to believe they didn't rewrite this shit like 5 times
I honestly don't think they were rewrites, I think the faggot retard Hiroi just failed to think anything through.
>a fantasy world with danger is muh GoT edgelord grimdark shit, everything needs to be happy and clean and nice and cozy forever because that's what adventure is about
leveling reaper now
He had more screentime than Zoraal Ja.
bruh, you missed the blind party bus weeks ago. Watch a fucking video.
whm are trash
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If you're here to see it in every thread then them being here to post it in every thread makes just as much sense.
>You need to be fomo'd into doing it day 1 or you're fucked forever.
The mentality of MMO players is fucking retarded.
>can't argue that an acceptable middleground is preferable and instead spergs out and starts jerking his knee like a trained ape spitting out strawmen
Kill yourself, subcreature.
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Meant for >>683661973
>a fantasy world having real threats is not an acceptable middleground
How stupid are you? Go read a fucking isekai manga or something.
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You're not behind, are you anon?
remember the shitposter's creed
>everybody one person
>except for me, never one person
lil galool is a test tube baby
>we want the kos-mos audience
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moon xD
Well you got things your way, now every problem is solved and nothing bad will ever happen again :)
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Looks like wet donkey dick on male characters and I don't think it has any aesthetic similarities at all to the previous set. It's double weird when Sage's artifact armor is pretty much an upgrade to its Endwalker set.
I don't need to win your over you're too far gone, I'm just pointing out how fucking abysmally gone you people are.

And to think before DT came out we all doomed about how all the jobs played the same. Wow what minor problems we had back then.
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If they wanted the KOS MOS audience we'd have a playable android race
Every armor set is made for girls and homos, there hasn't been a heterosexual armor set in years
The fuck are you going to do the rest of the 2 years of 7.x?
Kos-mos is barely an android, she's more of a mecha musume
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>anon when he reads LotR and a magic pig doesn't appear to cure Frodo's Nazgul wound
Behind what, as the other anon said you cucked yourself. You've got two-two and a half years until the next Expansion.
Try to contain your breakdown champ, Ultima Weapon originates in FF6 and will always be associated with that in my mind no matter the design

I played all the old FFs more than a decade ago, I can't remember 1,000 hours perfectly 10 years later
T b h, this just tells me you have nothing going on in your life and all you do is ruminate about 20 year old games on repeat in your head
Success breads jealousy.
You need a good mix of whimsy and horror to tell a good adventure story.
>T b h, this just tells me you have nothing going on in your life and all you do is ruminate about 20 year old games on repeat in your head
You're the guy who spends every waking moment of every day fishing for attention on 4chan right?
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Yeah, nobody advocated for removing the whimsy, just for not removing the horror.
>sareel ja says "I will be the one to go to the Golden City..." and this goes nowhere or even explained why he said this
>voices in multiple filler cutscenes but then dies in an unvoiced one
>said cutscene also has the reveal of a mystery character from the golden city but we don't know the gender of said character since the cutscene is unvoiced
>also in that cutcene sphene says she will give zoraal ja untold power in exchange for a condition
>but then zoraal ja says he can do what sphene can't with his power and he can kill her "family" whenever he wants to
everything surrounding sareel, zoraal and even sphene have a lot of contradictions and just screams of mutliple rewrites to me
>le smurk westoid cunt
My sub ended two weeks ago, I'm very behind.
Bro your Heavensbound set? Your new ninja and samurai sets? Your viper set? Your sage set? Your tank sets?
Finding a method to fix tempering was fine. Having the comedy rabbits flippantly tell you the Ascians taught everybody wrong as a joke is really fucking gay.
>Every armor set is made for girls and homos
All the AF gear for the past two expansion has been long coats and trousers.
>as a joke
It was on purpose to destabilize shards and cause rejoinings, skipper-kun
>Having the comedy rabbits flippantly tell you the Ascians taught everybody wrong as a joke is really fucking gay.
Especially when we fought primals before that were summoned without the knowledge being imparted by Ascians. Lakshmi was summoned accidentally, without an Ascian ritual, and she could still temper.
yup, we saw the signs in Endwalker that we were going full Disney
Atma Weapon was still a cooler name. They should have kept using that since the designs between the two are so much different, and used Ultima for the FF7-styled one.
Nigger I wish, maybe then we would get cute fending and melee sets
Its another Radz and Eulmore moment where they have endgame vendors but arent worth sticking around in because they dont have marketboards.
>Pic unrelated
I was being facetious dumbass
you're not very good at it, then
Cenote and the scene where nobody fucking remembers Namikka are good.
the strings were endless suffering through more alisae cutscenes
that pic is japanese level subtle flame
they never actually explain what electrope is do they? its just some vaguely magic metal that does plot-related stuff
That insult won't work anymore. Being a skipper is now a legit stance in order to be missed by as much of the gay shit that is DT as possible.
The Lopporits were written into the story because the entire point that was bringing about the end days was the creation magics fucking up due to people despairing.
What would be one of the most despair inducing events than having to abandon the planet and living aboard the Moon while you are planet hopping searching for a new place to call home?
Venat/ Hydaelyn made the Loppirits as cute and friendly as possible as to comfort the people and make them feel at ease as much as they could while having to go through that.
It's all there, story and lore but all people like you see is
it can make sense if preservation or some other baddie was the mysterious voice and he was the one who made zoraal the king and not speeeen
Yeah, it's a conveniently discovered metal that stores lightning aether and then arcanima arrays inscribed on it can convert the aether into other forms.
Also they were in ff4.
>Do not avert your eyes from the truth. The world is full of suffering, and we must face it head on in order to become stronger. Living in denial and surrounding yourself with comforts that you hide in whenever things get stressful will only destroy you.
Greatest story of all time!
this is some impressive dedication towards missing the point in the most rampagingly homosexual way possible
That's two separate posts complaining about my phrasing and not actually addressing anything I said. My only point was that making there be a "safe" way to summon Primals sucks.
every job got at least +3 apm, game's faster and busier than ever and people can't stop to type so much
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Yeah, I can do it anywhere at any time
All it takes is 5 seconds and a tap of my finger or a click of my mouse, your inability to control your emotions is what makes it fun
KEK you got worked this hard with 5 mins left in the thread? have some self respect
>you have to face the dark parts of reality so you can learn to deal with them and find happiness in the small joys!
>unless you're the player in which case we'll make sure you don't have to worry about anything because that's a heckin stresserino!
>hey while we're at it we'll make sure to smooth over all the darkness in the setting, don't worry!
Correction needed.
I really liked the loporrits losing their purpose and even one falling to despair since they realized mankind didnt need them
never see anyone here praise the tribe quests though
maybe if he's aware i'm being facetious and stupid on purpose, repeating myself will troll him fucking epic-style
>i-it doesn't matter that the story's presentation and even the gameplay is entirely at odds with the theme it's trying to get across! y-you're disingenuous and literally gaslighting!
That lalafell bobs for cock at the state fair
vizex are the "ala mhigan" accusations true
People loved the quests
Those are something that you have to be around at release for to chat with everyone about
EW tribe quests all sucked dick. Every single one was fucking food service.
Skipper as in skipping ShB and EW where they explain that shit, it has nothing to do with Dawntrail lmao
I did vote yes on issue 32 to deport 50% of all Mhiggers from Ul' Dah territory
Nanamo hasn't looked at me the same since, she has a bleeding heart
Great post, clearly you've thought about the game at a deeper level, but how much hope do you really have for this?
Part of me wants to think they've prioritized servers and graphics and left innovating the design for later (and why mess with it if the playerbase is not complaining too much) but also I know... those motherfuckers are incompetent as fuck. Half the XIV team is interns and new hires for sure. Working with the famous Japanese levels of (non)productivity too.
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it's ok to skip
it's ok to skip
it's ok to skip and then run straight to /v/ to ask what you missed
Have you really never seen Kung Pow?
It's not dying anytime soon. It could "die" over the next 6-10 years and still be profitable at the end. You're choices are to try and kill it faster than SE expects, forcing them to try and save it or abandon ship.
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I miss Heavensward...
I miss being 10 years younger.
>Final Fantasy 14 2 comes out
>Muh code isnt a valid defence anymore
What's the next lyric after 'The person that your tears may have saved'?
not him but what kung pow reference was it
I miss SB more
>church is the bad guy
>we trained him wrong, as a joke
more like the entire state of Ishgard going back generations is the bad guy
Ishgard literally did nothing wrong though.
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dragons dindu nuffin they a good lizard
Honestly, I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. The era 2 story will now take 6 years to get going.
Six fucking years of waffling about "setting things up".
I don't think Yoshida thought this one through.
It's almost like it's possible for two sides of a conflict to both be wrong
Ishgardians were the ones who started the war by killing Ratatoskr and taking her eyes. to use your format:
It is possible, but Ishgard wasn't in the wrong for defending themselves.
And they couldn't even commit to low stakes adventure with DT taking a sharp turn into "WE HAVE TO SAVE ALL THE REFLECTIONS FROM SPEEEENE" at the last fucking minute.
Doesn't really matter what they do if they don't fire Hiroi's faggot ass ASAP
Nidhogg did get revenge thoughbeit. Thordan died 1000 years ago. Then Nidhogg kept going against people who didn't do anything to anyone.
You're supposed to lick the salt off rocks not dragon eyes you fucking brownelf
Ishgard literally are the ones who chimped out and started it.
They covered that by explaining how Dragons don't really have the same perception of time due to their hibernation. Shit was fresh in that niggas brain.
>people who didn't do anything to anyone
You mean the people who kept killing dragons?
Yeah but there wouldn't be a conflict of Thordan the first and his merry band of butt buddies hadn't killed Ratatoskr (the one dragon that had actually been in their corner btw) and then also made designs on the rest of the dragons.
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>the whole expansion is written for toddlers. it’s unbearable
Yeah what's the deal with that?
When did XIV's target audience suddenly become chicks age 6-12?
Thirteen Ishgardians did, and half of them were instantly killed.
The people who killed dragons in self defense because they kept attacking Ishgard, yeah.
That's outed as bullshit when Nidhogg acknowledges that Thordan is long dead and that he's prolonging the conflict on purpose so he can keep torturing people who had nothing to do with it.
Nothing in Tural really matters, it was made in a very risk averse way so that it can (and will) all be memoryholed.
This was already the call before DT. None of the bad writing in the MSQ really impacts it, beyond guaranteeing that it will go nowhere.
The setup for the void and Azem's key and lala lore could have been covered in 2-3 post-patches.
Despite being a Tural enjoyer myself, I gotta question the call, because it is gonna end up being six fucking years. Enough time for Ishikawa to finish her project, I guess.
Well here's the thing, Thordan was killed 1000 years ago by Nidhogg for his betrayal. No Ishgardian alive in modern times had anything to do with it, or even knowledge of those events. Ishgardians even at the time of the betrayal had nothing to do with Thordan's crime except for his twelve knights.
And that's why Nidhogg is also an asshole. Glad we could establish why both sides were assholes as I originally stated.
How is the side defending itself against a dragon attacking them for something they didn't do wrong in any way?
>le dragon still feels mad for something that happened a fucking thousand years before
>you have to keep appeasing this dragon until he's fully satisfied
at what point is it not self defense

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