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>Gamecube/Wii emulation is perfect
>PS2 emulation is improving every day with most titles playing nearly perfectly
>Xbox emulation is still absolute dogshit

Why must it be this way?
Xbox has no games.
I mean yeah but I still wanna play Jet Set Radio Future
Because Xbox homebrew is so god tier. Just get an original Xbox, hop on Insignia.

Better than gaycube (nogames.)
Because XQEMU (the original project that XEMU is forked from) only began in 2018.
Dolphin and PCSX2 have had literal decades to mature and grow in comparison.
The whole point of emulation for me is so I can play every game on one platform for free. You're asking me to spend money on hardware that's gonna die eventually.
>You're asking me to spend money
You already did on a PC.
Xbox Heug honestly doesn't seem worth the effort.
Gaycube has F-Zero GX, Melee and Wario World. That's three more games worth playing than Xbox which only has JSRF
why was there no xbox emulator until 2018
I forgot to mention Custom Robo, NOW it's 3 more games
Because there's been like 4 people in total who have given xbox emulation development a real shot. People just aren't interested.
That's one of the few games that emulates well.
Because no one really gives a shit about your gutted mini-pc from the early 2000s
There were others but they all died except XEMU and CXBX
Jet Set Radio Future
Conker Live and Reloaded
Blinx the Time Sweeper
Ninja Gaiden Black
The superior port of Crash Twinsanity

That's all I really wanna play. I do wish I had an Xbox growing up.
It only has like 2, maybe 3 games worth bothering with that you can't already play on other systems.
theres a bunch of sega shit. gunvalkyrie, sega gt, panzer dragoon, a lot of would-be dreamcast sequels got dumped off on xbox. theres also other stuff like project gotham (actually probably wouldve been another DC sequel) and obviously halo. xbox doesnt have as many big heavy hitters as ps2 or gamecube or even dreamcast for that matter but it has games.
>just buy a hueg that you have no room for and spend an ungodly amount of money on games that keep inflating in price
Is Playstation 2 emulation really any good?

I messed around with it like 5 years ago and everything was dogshit and every "pro tip" like "use nightly builds" or "following the settings on the wiki" didn't make it better.
>and spend an ungodly amount of money on games that keep inflating in price
That's where the homebrew comes in.
(you should still use the nightly build)
It's good enough. Accuracy autists will try to tell you it's unplayable garbage, but every game I've played works perfectly fine with minimal glitches or slowdown. There's also WAY more options to tweak than 5 years ago.

From what I can tell Nightly builds didn't start getting good until a few years ago.
>spend an ungodly amount of money on games that keep inflating in price
I really do hope the "speculative investors" (retards with far too much money) that normalized single game copies costing $1,000+ for no reason all commit being gutted in the street IRL
>use nightly builds
nightly builds are the stable builds
you're welcome
Xbox had the definitive version of every multiplat. The Xbox GPU is the one from that era that most resembles a modern GPU. If there was an Xbox emulator with the polish of Dolphin, there's no question it'd be the best way to play every 6th gen game that didn't get a PC port, and even some that did.
its alot better now, thats what makes it worse honestly. every console has advanced extremely far in terms of emulation in recent years but xbox is still stuck in the past. saturn was literally unplayable 5 years ago and now its near perfect.
xbox's are ticking timebombs with their capacitor leak issues that i guarantee most resellers dont know about, or DO know about and are trying to pawn off their paperweight on ebay.
If you really cannot fit an original Xbox in your house you must be struggling and you have my condolensces.

Xbox games are not expensive outside of Spikeout and Futurama. But your enemy is going to be the laser/drive. They shit out faster than PS2.

You obviously mod all these old consoles and play the games off of the hard drive anyway.
You have room for a PC but not an Xbox? Lol.

Sega made better racers on Xbox, Melee is shit, Wario World is a 40 minute long game. Panzer Orta, Gun Valkyrie, Ninja Gaiden Black, Otogi 1 and 2, Steel Battalion > anything on gaycube.
Well, I am a bit of an accuracy autist. I don't think it's too much to ask that remasters look like the original game or the games run at the same framerate they did back in the day.

I am still butthurt about the modern ports of Gunbird 2 and Silent Hill 2/3, basically.
F-Zero GX is literally the pinnacle of racing games and your list is objectively average
>Gun Valkyrie
Nobody actually likes this game.
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>That's one of the few games that emulates well.

Really? This page seems kinda egregious. I dunno if I'm willing to deal with all that.
>xbox's are ticking timebombs with their capacitor leak issues
So take it out, it's just for the clock.
Xemu works fine on my machine. The only game I had issues getting working was Breakdown.
and what are the chances you buy one thats already puked its guts all over the motherboard?
It has audio issues because the audio file is one huge track and the emulator can't properly cancel the sounds out
There is a good chance the leakage doesn't damage anything. It's a slow drip and it does evaporate.
You are almost certainly not autistic enough that any accuracy errors would actually be noticeable to you.

Yeah, see that's the kinda thing that sounds like it's too egregious to ignore
A PC does far more than play twenty-year-old games, retard.
>test console before you buy to know it still works
>open it and check cap and remove it
>if it popped clean board with alcohol

Outrun 2006 > F-Queero.

Just doesn't play original xbox very well.
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It's been a problem this entire time and still hasn't been fixed.
>you have room for 1 car in your garage but not a second? lol.
this is what you sound like
is that xemu or cxbx-r?
Suxbox eternally btfo
you retarded or something, go look up how long it took the emulators you listed to get to their current state like read nigga read
>Outrun 2006
Baby mode gameplay. Zero challenge.
these are some pretty bad responses bud, you got any better ones?
Does it measure your Thetans?
It's from the Xemu compatibility site
I will see if Silent Hill 2 on the emulator plays like it does on the console (and I know it well). Gonna be fun.
It's why I still have my old Xbox. Is 360 emulation still shit, too?
No it's not Xenu, it's XeMU, it measures your calciums
If you truly care about it looking like the original game, make sure you use the native resolution and force 4:3.
Real shit on Outrun 2006, how do you even finish the last Flagman chapter? Everybody starts like the whole fucking track ahead of you and wins like what the fuck am I supposed to do about this it isn't like I have any abilities just gas break and shifting.
Buy the fastest car and just play like normal.
Also, make sure you always check the wiki to see if there's any specific settings a game needs. PCSX2 has gotten way WAY better about not needing retarded hacks to get games working properly, but there are still a few janky bits here and there.

Nah I want to blow that shit up to big dick res I'm just saying I'll notice if the sound is all fucked up or the skybox shits out. Which apparently "aren't real problems because it doesn't effect the gameplay".
How compromised are you on space if you can't fit an Original Xbox? It's like not being able to fit a pair of shoes.
Silent Hill 2 does have one little caveat, just so you know.

Also if you want to experiment with the new texture replacement feature, Silent Hill 2 does have an HD texture pack.

Why would I emulate the consoles I have? Why do that? I enjoy the experience of looking the game cases, picking a game and popping it in. I have a 32 inch CRT too for lightgun games and there is no fucking way you are playing Die Hard Trilogy with a light gun on an emulator or enjoying the other peripherals I have for old systems. I'm fine with people who emulate just don;t kid yourself that emulating on a laptop is anything like paying the real thing on real controllers on a TV
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>Silent Hill 2 does have one little caveat, just so you know.

Forgot my pic
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Gamecube (and Wii because they're basically the same system) and Piracy was annoying as fuck to do on hardware.
The Xbox and Playstation 2 historically have been super easy to pirate games on, even if we're going back to the OG mechwarrior exploits since both systems could easily have standard onboard storage, and, in addition, Sony and Microsoft (generally) not making it a pain in the ass to play PS2/OG Xbox games people cared about, meaning that Emulation of said systems has historically been super immature since there generally wasn't a seen necessity for it.
my shelf is full and im not going to stick it on my poorfag carpet floor for it to gather static
Why the fuck would I emulate silent hill 2 when I have silent hill one for the PS1 and silent hill 2 and 3 for the PS2, they must be common as fuck as well it was a pretty popular game, like the resident evils and metal gear
Third worlders never cared about Xbox so it’s harder to get them motivated to get things working and stable.
Digital Devil Saga runs like ass if you don’t use the software renderer.
Wasn't talking to you retard
Wii isn't too bad but the only things as frictionless as the Xbox is the PSP.

Figure out a better storage solution if you want to play those games then.
>Why must it be this way?
no games worth playing lol
like what are the "massive xbox exclusives" that we need emulation for? everything worthwhile was already ported. dont say munch's odyssey or mechassault kek
>interjects in a conversation not meant for him just to loudly proclaim his homosexuality
sasuga retard-kun
Yeah NOW it's super easy to do wii mods and play backups, it wasn't back then, it was super annoying you needed to have your SD card set up a certain way, format your storage in certain ways.
I think a big reason is that there are not enough autists obsessed with the console to the point that they would spend a portion of their lives developing an emulator for it for free.
That was over 10 years ago now. WBFS is dead
Piracy and PC gaming has always been a pain in the ass until steam came along. I just built the first PC I have made in ages, because I got it for free pretty much and I have stack of PC games, so I threw a few in
wolfstein by ID
Settlers IV
Its a win 10 box not a single one of them would run in any compatibility mode. PC gaming form the onset was always a canversous struggle with loading drivers in high memory and juggling IRQs and that tradition kept right on going. Its one of the reasons consoles were a thing from PS1-XBox 360. The things just fucking work when you are a bit drunk with frens and want to play something instead of fucking around endlessly. Some of us actually worked in IT for decades and don't need to fuck around with patching and drivers pretending its worthwhile use of time when all we want to do is play a game. Steam improved PC gaming vastly but PC gaming is still riddled with cunty file editing, registry editing, driver cuntery and general shittyness..So will it be for emulation. You have the console and the game you just put it in and turn it on.
Seething emulation zoom zoom poorfags.
I know, but if we're talking about why things are the way they are now, it's pertinent.
What games did it really have that aren't available elsewhere? Only things that come to mind are Panzer Dragoon Orta and JSRF
That's not really true either, piracy on PC sort of also sprung up out of necessity since developers pre-steam would be willing to completely brick your hardware (Starforce) or otherwise intentionally damage your computer, and because, unfortunately developers are stupid, this shit would hit legitimate customers all the time.
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Whole lotta fuckall.
Though it did have a decent amount of superior console exclusives.
brainless posting, you literally banged that out through instinct because you are so caked in the shitposting that your shit is permanently browned
What the fuck I didn't know there was a Toejam and Earl game on Xbox

I didn't even know there were any more of those games outside the Genesis one
Because we had the Xbox 360 with good backwards compatibility until like 2015 and OG Xbox games got cheap really fast too.
They even made a 4th one in 2019
Dude don't be an obnoxious faggot. GX is great, but for one - F-Zero X (especially with the DD content) is better. Secondly, Ninja Gaiden Black is fucking fantastic and to claim it's "average" is fucking retarded. It, by itself, is enough to justify Xbox emulation.
It's probably because pretty much everything of note on the system also had a PC version
A lot of stuff runs okay, but the retards won't fucking implement Vulkan and barely any games can upscale without severe performance drops.
Shouldn't Xbox be easier to emulate since it's closer to a PC than the other consoles?
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Sure because buying old used up hardware, adapters and having to plug shit every time you want to play a single game is so much less annoying than clicking a few things on your PC once and you're done for life.
My gamestop back in the day had the steel battalion controller setup on display. Shit was so cool.
I have a huge stack of great games for my Xbox. Faggots complaining about emulation need to have their own Xbox and stop being a faggot.
>Dude don't be an obnoxious faggot.
>>proceeds to be an obnoxious faggot
Congrats, you wasted my time reading your post. Don't ever reply to me again.
Don't be an obnoxious faggot, faggot.
pcsx2 us fucking complete and utter dogshit and will never improve in any meaningful way. fuck that piece of shit emulator. PS2 emulation is NOT improving you fag
you sound like an obnoxious faggot
You're quite right buying old systems is much nicer than fucking around with drivers and text editors. Look emulation is gerat for people who are students or renting or poor or whatever and its great people get to see the games but its also an annoying pain in the ass that only gives the barest glimpse of the real experience on the original hardware and peripherals on a TV and that includes opening the box, taking the disc out and looking at the manual or box art or holding original controllers. Most of these games were never intended to be played on small portable device or laptop screens for a start
no vulkan
>Why must it be this way?
Emulation is fantastic for people with no job and all the time in the world. Were I a teenager or something I'd be all over it. Real hardware is much more enjoyable to work with.
You sound obnoxious, and fragile. Sorry kiddo but X is still better than GX - the vehicles actually feel like they have weight to them. Ninja Gaiden Black is still amount the holy top games of all time.

Now go be an edgy faggot somewhere else.
>That's one of the few games that emulates well.
emulates so well it still has stuttering, slowdown, and graphical glitches
If you're making this thread, chances are you already know why
ha I should've expected this but I think knowing the real answer made this retarded shitpost more surprising and I actually laughed
I wish Gamecube had an action game to rival any dmc or ninja gaiden. Sad lunch box.
You plus stuff in once. I have a 32 inch CRT with scart, coaxial and composite and a 50 inch TV with three HDMI inputs. The 32 inch has a PS1 and two PS2s and the HDMI has a PC and a 360. I have a steering wheel and pedals on the 360, a Streeing wheel and pedal son the PS2, a GCON 45 and a controller on the other PS2 and a Komai lightgun and controller on the PS1. There is an eyetoy on one PS2 and a kinnect on the 360 (it has a bucket load of accessories from the DJ deck for DJ Hero, to rockband instruments to audio mics for rocksmith, to diney infinty and skylanders portals etc etc). I have everything from fishing reel controllers to dance mats to arcade and flight though and making that shit all work under emulation compared to using the original would just suck. Again, emulation is fine if that's all you have but its not as good as the real thing and never will be.
Viewtiful Joe
The reason Xbox emulation has taken so long is because people thought "oh, it's x86 code, you don't need low level emulation, just make an HLE emulator!" and that thought made devs go insane for like 15 years before they said " fuck it, we'll make the first new LLE x86 emulator since DOSBox!"
I still believe there is no reason HLE couldn't work but each title utilized the hardware in different ways.
VJ is better than DMC by a longshot.
It was a complete failure. Its only become a fetish item for nintendo brandfaggots because they are a bit retarded and can't understand nintendo was not very well liked or thought of for 20 years. The gamecube sucked.
Is there a reason you removed the Halo titles from your joke of an image?
>anons ITT are genuinely mad about people using emulators instead of original hardware

halo is trash and only failed normies shill it here

I think it's a humiliation kink, they get off on being reminded how inferior their consoles are.
>The reason Xbox emulation has taken so long is because
You don;t fucking need it becaus eyou can just use backward compatibility on a 360 which is still a 50 dollar machine witha great controller (unless you sit around fiddling with emulators long enough for them to get too expensive).
imagine holding a console war grudge for over 23 years, couldn't be me
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Fucking piece of shit retard
>Project Gotham Racing 2
>Rallisport Challenge 2
>Quantum Redshift
On Xbox alone shit on your F-Zero, let's not even take into account Wipeout on the Playstation that totally destroy this troon tendies race game called F-zero.

They're on PC, plus MCC.
because you can play them all on PC
I was wondering this myself earlier. I can play almost any PS2 game well with PCSX2, I can play 360 games almost perfectly on Xenia Canary, and yet when I try to play Ninja Gaiden Black on Xemu it slows to a snail's pace whenever there's 2 enemies on screen.
ok failed normalfag
Ninja Gaiden Black, since those fuckers at Tecmo refuse to port anything other than the Sigma versions
>PS2 emulation is improving every day
>with most titles playing nearly perfectly
You don't even play video games so you wouldn't understand why Viewtiful Joe is better than Kamiya's other games.
Halo is not ';thrash' reddit contrarian effort boy. There were several good games in the series. Turns out you were the normie all along. You do know normie is a codeword for non pedo going back to when this site was a pedo board no one visited because they used 711 chan?
Hibls kdfah dlkawr a!!jsk
I genuinely prefer emulation over original hardware

>have everything in one spot
>can play literally any game from any console with just a few clicks
>4K upscaled resolution and HD texture packs (stay mad accuracy fags)
>can use literally any controller I want
>ability to inject mods
>don't have to fuck with a separate TV/monitor from my computer
>free access to every single game ever made ever

Hardwarefags are coping hard as fuck in this thread
It's pretty good for the most part
the MCC and PC ports of Halo are corrupted versions of Halo. The original versions had old light christian themes in them that noone remembers. The originals are extremely desired.
>game has some tedious grinding
>turbo button to the rescue
Emulators are great.
Not mad just reminding you that emulators are not as good and don't let using them stop you from picking up original games and machines when they are still cheap and affordable.Even if you wanted teh perfect PS2/1 emulator, its called a PS3 and its very cheap. Same for the Xbox, get a 360 slim or elite. They won;t be cheap forever and there is no point bemoaning the fact you don;t have one because you were busy cunting around with config files and virused dlls
didn't ask, don't care, still prefer emulation over hardware

cope harder
The copping is from emulator fags. OG hardware posters are just being based
>seething and grinding of teeth from emulatorboy
normalfags are all pedophiles, the failed normies here just admit it. normies love "barely legal" and young looking girls, yellow fever is a manifestation of pedophilia, because asians generally look youthful for a lot longer. nobody cares about how "rad" your game nights playing halo with your fake friends were, failed normalfag.
Backwards compatibility, it being stupid easy to mod, and emulation of PCs from that era being very resource intensive. There just wasn't much of a reason to emulate it for years, since you could either play its games as pc ports, play them on a 360, or mod it to run isos off the hdd, and now that there is its still very hard to accomplish because emulating the 733Mhz PIII and GeForce 3 in that system is very difficult.
Based on what?
my issue with emulation is the front end experience always makes me feel like a nerd with a mouse in front of my TV. I had BigBox for a while but then they revoked my license because I never got 2FA so fuck them. Wish there was like a BigBox and Plex hybrid with all your games and movies and hacked youtube
I literally have a PS2 and a CRT and I would rather play my PS2 games on PCSX2.
It's actually people trying to trick people into buying a super overpriced OG xbox that may not even have the suicide capacitors removed
People are also trying to shill 1GHz CPUs, 256MB RAM, 2TB Shads, and Project Stellaris and cram all this Jew shit into your console for a pretty penny and shipping fees
Unnecessary, just upgrade your storage and make sure you're tsopped and enjoy at your leisure.

If you want the ps3 that isn't a ticking time bomb and doesn't do shitty software emulation your only choice is basically to pay a modder $700 + for a Frankenstein ps3 you idiot
continue using a shitty emulator that will never run an Xbox game perfectly
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Just use a PS2 for PS2
A PS3 for PS3
and an Xbox for Xbox.

But fuck the Gamecube, get a Wii.
>hmmm yes today i will scalp video game consoles, lets see
>ah, wii u, perfect. this will surely make me a generous profit *rubs hands together*
yeah dude let me just spend a bunch of money on a bunch of consoles that will die in a few years unless I spend more money to replace parts

or alternatively I could download an emulator and play the games for free (Xbox being the only real exception)
No, fuck Nintendo. Id argue that hardware is better for Xbox, 360 and PS3, but Dolphin is so much better because you can play shit like Metroid Prime 3 with a controller and not motion controls and no amount of modding an actual console can fix that yet
The question is why you would want to play metroid prime 3 at all
Rpcs3 runs better than og ps3.
I like playing playing my games at a stable 60 fps.
Dude, if you have a frankenstein ps3 or a later xbox 360 model the only thing that might fail is the disk drive. Besides that, if you clean out the dust every so often, they consoles are likely to last 40+ years or more
rpcs3 requires a supercomputer much like xemu
cool, cool. very convincing argument

or I could just use RPCS3

I won't try to pretend Xenia is a viable emulator
Trannies want to get back at Xbox gods
Until inFAMOUS works rpcs3 can go fuck itself personally
Oh damn, that's a shame. I had that one on my list. I've had fairly good experiences with RPCS3 so far.
What's wrong with spending money on consoles when pc is more and a clearly worse experience
this has a pc port retard.
PCSX2 is still dogshit
even a modern core i3 or ryzen 3 is enough nowadays
You do realize PC can play games outside of emulation, right?

Are you illiterate or did you just purposefully ignore the word "Future" just to shitpost?
no one cares enough to rip xbox games
>use nightly builds
this advice was actually legit until the 2.0 release came out like a week or two ago.
Nothing lasts forever, enjoy it while it lasts. If the present sucks waiting for a possible future won't change things. Taking action changes things. Embrace console superiority, reject reddit computer race.
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Are you sure about that?
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
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Xbox games are already ripped.
To be fair it was the last good nintendo system and there's a huge ransom on gamepads these days.
The switch is shit but has a better market name.
>car analogy
People ripped Xbox games 20+ years ago and put them on xbox-sky
it's just one guy working on xemu also most of the popular exclusives are "playable"
>food analogy
hahahahha you're a fucking loser irl
Just buy them. They're not that expensive.
Dolphin fucking sucks dude nothing but shader loading stutters the last time I tried it a few months ago
>Nintendo takes up 60% of potential devs who would work on an emulator
>Sony takes 30%
>Xbox takes about 10% but doesn't account for the fact that Xbox has less of the exclusives both had and the Xbox is much more advanced than PS2 and GameCube
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Unironically this. There's almost no "xbox autists" who would care to put in the work to program an emulator.

Xbox was always seen as the normalfag console with normal games like FPS and racing games for normal people. Hell, multiplayer and online social features were the most advertised features of the system. It had plenty of decent niche oddity exclusives, but the library was missing a lot of the big autism-attracting types of games or genres that no-life computer spergs with a shitton of time on their hands would stop at nothing to play, like all the ultracolorful furry platformers and highschool anime JRPGs on Gamecube, PS2 and Dreamcast. The closest thing it had is Halo which itself had a huge dudebro stigma attached to it and the OG xbox games had a PC presence for a while anyways, and Blinx which went under the radar pretty hard.

There also wasn't that much Xbox nostalgia online for that same reason, at least not until 6th gen as a whole became "retro". Xbox fans honestly always struck me as the kinda people who just gave their old games away and moved on to modern gaming or left altogether, unlike obsessive nintendofags who keep them behind glass cases. Whether it's true or not that would explain why prices for OG xbox games and hardware took longer to rise than for other consoles.
Zero interest. Which makes sense, the console has literally nothing worth playing.

The problem is that Sega used Xbox hardware for a few of their arcade titles due to Chihiro. Which means that if I want to play Virtua Cop 3, I have to use a really shitty emulator that can't even draw the target rings around every enemy, constantly fucks up effects, has the first bosses head just straight up disappear in a cutscene, and needs a fucking texture patch to be playable because they didn't fix the alpha layer on the fire effect so the game just goes black on the second scene otherwise.

In conclusion, fuck Sega for using Xbox hardware in actual games.
>Zero interest. Which makes sense, the console has literally nothing worth playing.
Then why are people developing a PS4 emulator? Is it literally just for ONE GAME (Bloodborne) because I think literally everything else has been ported or will be ported at this point. Oh sorry 2 games (Gravity Rush 2).
Because bloodborne is more compelling than anything on the Xbox. I don't think you understand just how shit this console was.
I miss it bros
>Xbox was always seen as the normalfag console
Yeah that's revisionist history right there. Starting with 360 you're right but PS2 was the normalfag console of its gen. Everyone had one and if you didn't you were weird.
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>Are you illiterate or did you just purposefully ignore the word "Future" just to shitpost?
NTA but he probably thinks it's the same thing as Jet Set Radio
does halo 2 still crash on pressing a few letters in the file naming menu
and i swear this popped up out of nowhere so its still in a bit of early-life jank, one of yuzu's first games that ran well was undertale
retardation or third world pc?
>Xbox has nogaems.
FTFY - Xbox has games, but nothing that would actually make you buy an Xbox. PS3 was the same for most Americans, which was the origin of that meme.
PS5 has literally no games, because they hushed away Japanese devs in hopes to score big with American devs, but that hasn't worked out.
i really wish dolphin would drop the gameini shit and implemented a proper per-game settings window already
Xbox was always a soulless console. People like to go back to old Nintendo, Playstation and Sega consoles because they were iconic but who the fuck wants to go back to Xbox? It was nothing more than a gimped PC, a disposable dated product even at lauch in the fashion of other microsoft products. Perhaps some middle aged former dudebro remembering his halo days?
Honestly it's pretty funny to me that there was the perfectly reasonable explanation of piracy being easy on both systems and that being why ps2 and xbox emulation sucks.
But there's people honestly seething and wheezing like there was fuck all to play in the early 2000s, or that the xbox tended to have the best versions of games.
This. Also NG Black, JSRF, doaxbv.

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