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>few months left until 2025
>still no chapter 3
>not even a release date
what's taking toby so long???
deltarune thread
there is hope with next newsletter but even so people are falling out of love with deltarune, just see how dead the threads have been lately
I don't even know if I'll even care if another chapter is released
I forgot what's even going on in the story, what a joke
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Nice disco portrait.
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Goat Sexo
I think Toby is insisting on releasing 3 and 4 together which is dumb. What I've liked about Deltarune is that each chapter has gotten the chance to shine on its own, releasing two at once would undermine that. Just release 3 now and 4 can be whenever. If he wants to charge money for it then so be it.
Toby knows his autistic swarm will wait forever and pay him for anything he makes so why rush?
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Does Toby have the balls to drop a joke about this?
Need more manly/menacing looking Kris. I eat that shit up.
>what's taking toby so long???
I think it has to do with the infinite undertale money glitch. He is going to release it for free anyways, so its not a priority
Toby sucks the """girl""" dick and Chris claims he's troon
What do you think?
Please understand, there are vtubers to watch and make songs for. Producer-san made me work 17 minutes this week... my poor wrist looked like... well, I can't tell you that yet. (laughs)
>He is going to release it for free anyways
next chapters will be paid, probably 20 dollars and you get the next chapters as updates as they get made
Well there's absolutely nothing to talk about unless the thread starts with coombait
And considering a fangame with questionable writing quality got a month and a half of pretty active threads I'm pretty sure Deltarune discussion will be fine once something actually comes out
>what's taking toby so long???
This time it's Gamemaker's fault.
i would not consider /v/ posters representative of any group of fans, this is the only place where i see people going on weird autistic rants about how toby is a crypto-jew or something
I'm pretty sure the reason Deltarune is taking forever is because it wants to be an ultra-ambitious meta-annihilating blockbuster ball-smasher with multiple complicated routes to make a gorillion dollars, and will NOT settle for anything less even though it'd do just as well with telling a relatively simple story and gameplay.
Imagine Undertale but instead of being a 3 hour game it's stretched out 20-40 hours if we're going by how long chapters have been so far.
Here's the weird thing though, yeah there's retarded teenagers shitposting in these threads, but generally on /v/ you find the people that actually just straight up care about Deltarune.
No ulterior bullshit.
the worst part is deltarune is more linear than undertale, even with the weird route I doubt the story will deviate much as it has to have one ending unless by one ending toby means the credits play regardless
I'm thinking maybe there will be intentional softlocks, you never technically actually reach "an ending". Like how Spamton suggests you should have just let him kill you, or how partially doing a snowgrave route will still trigger the hospital scene
I don't think he's ever going to give us a release date. He didn't for either of the previous chapters. He'll just drop it on us one day with no warning.
3 and 4 may not be as big or as standalone as 1 or 2.
It'll probably be out by September or so
Toby waiting on Gamemaker's update for this newsletter makes me think they're very close to release, I mean his friend already played through a version of chapter 4 so we're on the home stretch
the /v/ deltarune/undertale fanbase don't look at /utg/ is unironically the most sane and honest because there is no forced positivity filter
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I fucking wheezed. Why does anyone write it like that kek
>waaah where is my 3rd free toy waaaaaaaah
but chapters 3+ wont be free
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Alright /v/, my sisters and brothers from other mothers, at what point did you drop Deltarune for the melodramatic, preachy slop that it was? For me it was this point. I think this was Toby's "la creatividad" moment indeed, but let's see what everyone else thinks.
it was the opposite for me, that moment is the only reason I am still interested just to see where it will lead
otherwise that would be the ferris wheel scene
even better, for the full experience it will be 100 dollars at minimum
I thought snowgrave was really cool and felt genuinely bad for Berdly here. Toby made me go from hating him to genuinely liking him.
what the fuck are you talking about
That's how Toby-sama writes now. He is the Japanese King of Eroge, after all. (laughs)
Get outta here poopy joe
when the man said 7 years, he meant 7 years.
Isn't that the monkey from the tf2 special delivery map?
deltarune chapters 3-10 ain't free, please understand.
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Well yes, but also no. Poopy Joe in this context is some insane schizo. One died a hero, the other will die glued to his creaking chair.
I imagine it will be a one time purchase of 20-30 dollars and you get the new chapters as free updates as they get ready
Ch 3 is done
Ch 4 is being translated to chingchong, almost done
Toby said 3/4/5 being one release is being downsized to just 3/4
Toby always likes to give news and releases on anniversaries
It's coming out in either September (UT, Ch2) or October (Ch1), 100%
entirely the fault of his old dev team.
"chapter 3 is kinda done but not really" to "chapter 3 is 100% and chapter 4 is almost content complete" in a few months and the same newsletter that he announced a new dev team.
That was for the whole thing though, not just chapter 3. The whole game will take 50 years to come out.
>route thats intentionally melodramatic
>"wtf why is it melodramatic?"
you might be retarded.
undertale is 10 bucks, 1 buck if you buy it on sale, i doubt it'll be that expensive
He's very busy writing yuri fanfiction please understand
Dedicated forums are also not terribly representative. The fact is, when there's nothing to engage with, investment fades, and gives way to schizoid nonsense.
dunno what you're talking about i had a boner the entire section with noelle
childhood friend corruption route ftw
unless the beat everybody / open jevil's door / keep spamton's disk is a real distinct route
I mean also uniquely with Undertale/Deltarune people too overtly read it as metacommentary, to the point it loses its structure and meta gags fall out.
Like how aggressively impersonal the language used to talk about Kris and Frisk.
Until the Berdly scene I was laughing maniacally because I thought I had finally made a choice that mattered and escaped the one ending trap.
Don't forget you can start Chapter 3 with the Chapter 2's dark world items
Will it have been worth the wait?
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Fuck I'm late
Anyway Deltarune x Disco Elysium
Eh, probably I don't know, Deltarune's sort of got a different kind of energico.
Something like pizza tower, or Undertale.
I get a strong feeling from it that I'll be happy to see it through
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If you spent the hiatus obsessing over Deltarune instead of putting it at the back of your mind, whatever disappointment that will come from high expectations will be your fault.
That starwalker goes hard
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>Toby told us not to get burned out from waiting last newsletter
I think it may already be over bros
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Damn the filename fucked
Anyway, credit: AngusBurgers https://www.pixiv.net/users/12281407
This one does not go hard. He looks like a pig that's been smeared with motor oil.
Made her too muscular. So close too perfection, yet so far...
Her face is good but she has a man's body.
her best depiction is that one nsfw susie 3d render, can't find it offhand
Additional information: The hospital scene is triggered on an "abandoned" weird route if you defeat Berdly by attacking him, rather than sparing him.
he doesn't care anymore, he's made it big in Japan
>he doesn't know about the Clownmajyks Toby learned while living in Hussies basement to grant him perpetual fame and fortune so long as his hiatus lasts
i mean, it is a paintover reference of a fat 45 year old drunk gym teacher
one ending, one credit roll
multiple epilogues
>he thought he'd escaped the one ending trap only 2 chapters into the fucking game
I know better now, but at the time I felt like Agent Smith breaking the Matrix.
It’s been 3 years we’ve exhausted every possible topic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U4ACEhVW50 i have uncovered some prime beep content and would like to share

also kenshi thread
whoops meant to create a thread LMAO
Anyone here played that moon: Remix RPG game?
Do you use cute anime mods in your kenshi game?
same as silksong took the money and ran
This, Toby forcing two opposites into an OoC love drama is absolutely his weakest skill and will be the momentum-killer for me. Even UT knew to take the comedy route with most examples while the semi-serious one (the Dreemurrs) kept everything in the tragic backstory.

Weird route is also interesting since it's about breaking fate as much as possible in a game clearly about the multiverse of all fiction, as opposed to total player carelessness in UT's geno route but while being equally heinous in means. Assuming Toby doesn't pull some subversion and makes it lame on purpose.
It's not even August yet. If September passes with nothing, THEN we riot.
For me it's the 500lbs of subtext of the ferris wheel scene being followed up by Berdly pretending to reciprocate to Noelle's "romantic advances".
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ah right found it, forgot about this thread.
I think there's still hope considering we can outright skip the ferris wheel scene. Also Noelle seems like she's going to go on some mental breakdown at some point regardless of the route
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Why did Toby feel the need to make me fall in love with this dumb goat?
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I told you guys. 2026. I fucking told you.
Nigga I've seen /pol/fags like this series. Toby is like the modern Lovecraft. Everyone likes him even if they disagree with his politics.
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Chapter 3+4 will release on Halloween
screencap this
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And even then, we still will need to wait for Chapters 5, 6 and 7.
>Childhood friend enslavement, dominance, mind break and corruption is melodrama
No, it's based.
and both chapters put together will be shorter and smaller than Chapter 2 was by itself
be prepared for that
I still think 3+4 will be this year, even if the next newsletter doesn't confirm it I could see toby to be the type to only confirm the date like a couple days before
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This is your threadly reminder that even if Chapter 3 is release this year, and considering they will take the same amount of time to make the rest of the Chapters, Deltarune will be completed in 2040.
I kinda don't want chapter 3 and 4 at the same time.
Not far off from each other but i wish 3 comes first so it gives us time to digest everything and schizo out about every detail. It was one of the most fun aspects for 1 and 2 for me, if 3 and 4 at all at once, i feel that magic will be lost a bit especially by people insta spoiling the ending of 4.
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It's been too long, I'm bored now
I even lost my passion for seeing kris/susie shit
I want content, where the fuck is the god damn game
there are thousands of mini games made every year, why do you fucking weirdos obsess so much over this particular little shitty "game"??
Can't wait to feel the withdrawal for years to come again after we run through all of Chapter 3 and 4 and find the new secret weird route, all within a month
did anyone compile all the schizo stuff from the Spamtom cheapstakes? I remember there was a bunch of hidden stuff in those.
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What’s his major malfunction?
So, unless Toby intends on working overtime during the weekend, I doubt the newsletter will be sent out on Saturday or Sunday
This leaves 4 days, either tomorrow or the 3 last days of this month next week
No Asriel.
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>this is the hero of prophecy
lack of friends
lack of other human beings in general
lack of purple dino pussy
Opposite for me on that pic.
I was a bit tilted at the fact that we were apparently going to get locked into one route and one outcome, this made me glad since it showed we clearly do have choices.
*goat bussy
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Kris doesn’t even like this dude that much based on the tea
she has the highest attack and hp
she's the strongest of the gang
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Have you seen Undyne? The bitch is a fish stick and she can bench-press a car. Monsters don't need muscles. Also, that's just not a good look. I appreciate a toned physique, like in >>683680039, but in that drawing Susie straight up has a man's frame, like >>683671676 and >>683673498 said.
it's only 10hp less than noelle, a longtime childhood friend, i'd say they're fine with him
Yeah, Kris distrusts Ralsei alot which is fair. If a guy that's basically a clone of your brother came to you with kinda of a shady story i would be hella suspicious.
fair enough
i think she's skinnyfat myself, i don't think any of the characters have model bodies
Kris and Noelle’s relationship clearly declined. No surprise kris doesn’t like her that much anymore
>Kris distrusts Ralsei
>so that's why...
Reminder the whole prophecy is a lie so Toby can subvert conventions again. On the surface the game is presenting a straightforward adventure you've seen a million times and your enemies are operating under misinformation so you winning is best for everyone, as opposed to undertale where your victory dooms a whole race to imprisonment. This is to hide whatever's going on behind the scenes, which is why Ralsei doesn't want you looking into the schizobosses.
I just want Kris to fuck Ralsei.
I want Kris to fuck Noelle
I want to fuck Ralsei while Kris fucks me
I want Ralsei to fuck Kris while he fucks Asriel
>not staying far away from this place until you complete both chapters
What do you expect?
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>unusued dialogue of Susie begging Kris to wake up in the intro
>has a save file
>weirdly likes Susie despite the fact she bullied him constantly
He’s time looped before right?
I want every permutation of Kris, Ralsei, Asriel DR, Asriel UT, Hyperdeath Asriel, Asgore DT, and Asgore UT fucking each other.
The more goat cock the better.
nah he's just a weirdo into that kinda shit
4 is going to be the longest chapter in the game so far and you know it. Every chapter after is going to be even longer
>4 is the religion chapter, obviously long
>5 is the knight chapter
>6 is the gaster chapter
>7 is the roaring
3 will be like 30 minutes though.
is toby currently living in japan?
He's in Boston, Massachusetts usually.
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[Hochi Mama]-[[Hyperlink Blocked]]ing WEEABOOBS ! EVERY [#@!%]ing TIME ! IT'S [[Their]] FAULT ! BECAUSE OF [[Them]] WE ARE STILL [In Hell, Michigan], AND I [Loving Every Agonizing Second] !
So what’s Kris’ endgame?
what if one of the reasons chapter 3 has been taking so long is that gamemaker has been slow on delivering the updates that toby wants to implement in the game. Like I mean prior to his recent tweets.
isnt the entire point of deltarune is that theres no routes like in UT? either way I am never going to play deltarune 1 and 2 I will only play the completed release
That is cope, real reason is Toby has gotten lazy
No the real reason he fucked around for 2 years trying to add experimental gameplay mechanics like stealth which wasn’t fun and eventually got scrapped which wasted years of development time
Indiscernible. Though one can infer a couple things
>Kris prepared to create a dark world since, at the latest, Chapter 2 morning
>Kris slashed the car tires, possibly to keep Susie in the house for the night
>Kris is upset by Snowgrave, but follows through with his plan anyways. This indicates that whatever Kris is trying to do with the dark world is even more important to him than psychologically abusing Noelle and killing Berdly in cold (lol) blood.
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What in the goddamn is there for us to even fucking think about besides how long this cuckold of a furry is taking to make the game on fucking game maker.

We're going to be 60 years old by the time chapter 8 comes out, even with a fucking team. This man wants to sell shit but he's just not making anything, like what the fuck even is this, Chapter 1 released in 2018. That is SIX FUCKING YEARS AGO. Chapter 2 released in 2021, THREE YEARS AGO. He's got a team, he's got the plot down, he's got fucking everything and even still this tumblurite lesbo lover can't fucking get his shit together and goes off to Japan for fun jacking off about speaking nipponese.

Were it not for Snowgrave, I wouldn't be giving a single shit about this.
Pretty sure he was planning it since ch1 night. Since he plugged the tv in.
Yeah, I suppose that's true. It would have to have happened Chapter 1 night.
That's what was said, but then there's the weird route so I don't trust shit.
>"Oh your choices don't matter"
>"Oh looks like some of your choices might matter..."
>Proceeds to then have the Snowgrave route remove the bead off the path just to drive it home
Will we be able to mind break Toriel?
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Assuming the timeloop theory is real he's trying to break the cycle, but has kinda given up. Like he'll go through of motions of trying to end it but has no expections of succeeding. So when snowgrave happens he continues anyway because he's *that* desperate to the extent he'll put up with your murderboner bullshit if it means changing anything. Or he's expecting you to fail anyway so who cares if you kill Berdly he'll come back in the next loop.
Nah. I can't see her being a party member at all.
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So who wrote this if it wasn't Gaster? The Man behind the tree? I remember seeing someone say it referenced a poem called "The Old Year".
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The Egg Man, AKA spr_mysteryman
maybe it's just Gaster but drunk
he gets really chummy and weird when he's tipsy, you see
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>Head is a round oval
>Has cracks in it
one more year bros
trust the plan
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Toby is a weeaboo, so it's written as if it was an interview instead of a blog post.
Wrong. The only problem is that her tits are too small.
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This, but unironically. Too much fucking doomposting in between these newsletters.
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What role will Noelle play in future chapters?
>unusued dialogue of Susie begging Kris to wake up in the intro
Ralsei was built to rape and abuse me
Right, I meant more in the sense that chapters 3 and 4 is part of some devious infinite money scheme, not in any political way.
There is a difference between having faith and being naïve... albeit the difference is minimal
the prophecy is true, but the people described in it have yet to appear since the events heralding their arrival have not happened yet
there's a very good chance that kris, susie, and ralsei are not the heroes, but three other characters entierly
we have yet to see another human, the monster, while sill likely to be susie, could also be noelle or another classmate, and the prince is almost certainly lancer
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It is highly likely Chapter 4 will take place in the church, with her father and her present. It is also highly likely that Dess, her sister, will be important to the resolution of the plot, perhaps even Undertale Asriel-tier. And of course, she is the cornerstone of the Snowgrave route.
All in all, very important. As the pieces are set now she appears to be more important than even Susie, though that will probably change as Susie takes center stage in a pivotal moment of some sort.
>Susie becomes a paladin and ends up with both good attack and healing
>Kris ends up with Susie
>Kris usually dies at the end and needs the player to help him survive the game
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What would Toby do if someone on the dev team got pissed for some reason and leaked the game?
Lawsuit and suicide
Fuck YoYoGames and their retarded proprietary shitware, embarrassing that they're still using it instead of just using c and sdl2

Toby's waiting for a sign from Him.
Kill himself, maybe give up.
He spend a fuckton of effort and time to find people he trusts though, and those people basically worship him. I can't see that happening.
i definitely see killing himself as a possibility since its his dream game in both a metaphorical and literal sense and what he's spent the last decade of his life working on.
he's 32 now, if someone leaked it that would be a whole fucking third of his life ruined.
>deltarune thread
Thank fuck... Now I can post my wacko unused line interpretation for criticism.
>You've come again to this wonderful place. Now tear off the mask beneath your face!
A long time has been spent wondering what the hell a mask beneath the face could mean, but a short while ago my rot - for exactly two lines in the legend implying a character - gave me an idea. The speaker is talking to the Earth, and the 'face' here means the face of the Earth AKA the whole world, meaning there is a 'mask' or disguise/illusion of some kind beneath the world itself. First thing that comes to mind is the dark realm, but that sounds too obvious, the illusion could also maybe be the depths or code of the game world. Of course, if they're speaking to the Earth, how can she come to a certain place when she IS that place? Then to make it work, 'this wonderful place' could refer to a state of mind or a memory.
It sounds very weird, but so far I haven't heard any other definition of what a mask under the face might be, so this is what I'm sticking with unless you all come up with something better or new proof proves me wrong.
Chapter 3 secret boss.
where does that line appear?
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>Tfw you remember Susie will end up with Noelle
Toby is a touhoufag, any straight relationships are destroyed.
>Susie will end up

It's pretty obvious this game won't have a happy end. Shipping should be the last thing we're worried about
worst part is that the relationship between susie and noelle is actually toxic. noelle only likes susie on a surface level "ooo she scary"
meanwhile kris and susie have a much better dynamic as the outcasts that can run around the town and disappear for hours at a time with no questions asked.
Thats NOT what i mean.
I mean i like US schizoing out for weeks on end after each chapter, and i just feel lumping both at once will distill some of it
It's a placeholder message/error handler, unused in the main game.
>Toby spends so much time hanging around with Japanese people that he ends up making Kris x Susie canon
A man can dream...
To be fair on that, Noelle's reason might be tied to her loss of Dess and her shitty mom. And i'm pretty sure i remember Susie being weirded out alot by Noelle's behavior in chapter 2.
They're waiting for the next LTS version not beta
the simple truth is that it should not take 3-4 fucking years inbetween chapters now that Toby has a team and all the kinks got worked out in the first 2 chapters
He's the one who said "oh yeah we have our team now and we figured out all the stuff with the engine that was slowing us down so they'll be coming out faster now :)"

it's not doomposting to point out the obvious fact that this shit is taking too long
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I really hope this doesn't get pushed in Deltarune. I see so many people talking about how they hope it becomes a thing
This ship is so weird for me. I normally love every yuri ship imaginable but this is just kinda gross and I hate it, I don't even know why
it has this strange undertone to it where it feels like Undyne isn't really into it, but she doesn't know what else to do except say "OK sure I'll be gay with you I guess haha" because she'd feel bad about hurting Alphys feelings
it's extremely one-sided and kind of fucked up
The cope is real
They don't have all the kinks worked out, deltarunes code is garbage and gamemaker+their complete lack of understanding in how to use it is probably half of the reason its taking so long
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this is going to turn out to be some sonic the hedgehog shit where rouxls kaard fused himself with an egg in an experiment gone wrong
I'm not saying they won't get together, it's a Toby project. They will. I'm just trying to explain why Noelle acts that way.
lol see you when chapter 3 releases and half the board is DR threads
Well then Toby straight up fucking lied because after Chapter 2 came out he said that the team had finally found their footing and it would be SMOOTH SAILING
My schizo headcanon is that the bit with the fun gang wanting to go darker than dark in chapter 2 is Toby Fox commenting on how video games and social media can be much more absorbing and addictive than toys are.
Forgot to mention: rhyming strings are usually associated with Gaster, and while the unknown speaker could be related, the Earth already is through having the CORE he created share its name with the Earth's core.
None of the Undertale characters aside from Toriel and eventually Asriel will get a significant role. Their big story is done.
Because Alphys in UT is a legit terrible person who ruined alot of lives and was too much of a weak spined freak to let the families know what happened in the lab.
She basically does nothing to redeem herself and still gets a "happy ending" with a girl that had no business being tied to her.
So the actual yuri experience
yep, I guess when you don't know how game dev actually works, anything slightly better than before is "smooth sailing" even when its still leagues behind actual understanding of the tools you're using
Asgore has a strong set-up too.
He will probably kill himself again
Doubtful. There would be no point to just repeat that scenario.
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He should have after that eggs husband shit
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Pretty much
hits too close to home I guess
>pic related
why isn't the cutest couple not canon tobias?
Kris is lesbophobic and closeted, duh
>narrator voice:
>In the shadowy alleyways of Cyber City, where neon signs flicker and old machinery hums, stands Spamton. Draped in a patchwork of ragged suits, his eyes gleam with a manic energy that hints at deals too good to be true and promises that vanish like morning fog.
>Spamton is a relic of a bygone era, a salesman who once flourished in the bustling digital marketplace. Now, he’s a ghost in the machine, a glitch in the system. His voice, a chaotic mix of static and desperation, echoes through the deserted corridors, peddling bargains no sane person would consider. Yet, there's a certain charm to his madness, a charisma that pulls you in, making you question your reality.
>His unsettlingly wide smile masks the turmoil within. Behind those pixelated eyes lies a tale of ambition turned to ruin, dreams corrupted by the very system he tried to master. He’s a tragic figure, a testament to the perils of unchecked ambition and the relentless advance of progress.
We need the dyke audience.
No one seems to remember that it's possible Kris is a girl
He isn't
Toby can try all he wants to backpedal and act like it's supposed to be ambiguous, but he already screwed up a long time ago. Kris is a boy.
Be honest with yourself. You know he isn't in your heart of hearts.
>0 femenine traits
They is clearly a boy
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Cause Toby is a massive faggot
Schizo theory including nietzsche and judeo-christianity:

deltarune talks lots about choice and 'making your own destiny' and that kind of stuff. I think it could be connected to concept of the ubermensch or 'overman'. a shift from the judeo-christian to the death of god (wink wink the angel) and the 'overman' being the one who takes his destiny into his own hands. this itself connects to the 'great man theory', the fact that a few 'great men' were the ones that shaped history and put it in its current course.
the overman could also be connected to the everyman? the everyman being the antonym of the former

the angel has lots of 'god' allegories. like Noelle being God the Son in the trinity (angel the daughter?) due to her being called angel and having lots of christ symbology connected to her.
this makes me think though: is there a holy spirit to the angel if it is indeed a trinity? y'know, someone who empowers people on the path to salvation? that reminds me of something..
Christianity thinks of Christ being the 'door' to the path, the holy spirit being the one who empowers us on the path and the Father being the 'destination'. This personally makes me think of the weird route
but we must also consider the judeo part of judeo christianity.
If there is indeed a parallel between the deltarune religion and real abrahamism, then it would currently be in it's Jewish state. since y'know, the messiah (noelle) doesn't even know that she's the messiah.
Jews believe that all humans go to hell and are eventually released from there, making it inconsequential whether sin is committed or not in the grand scheme of things.
Jews don't believe in a trinity, only in one all powerful God.
when you look at it like that , and do indeed consider that it has not reached the 'christianity' state yet, Noelle being the Christ in this situation makes more sense.

any criticism/ideas?
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childhood friend sex!
hot interspecies breeding!
the Holiday/Dreemurr family line will converge!
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>>0 femenine traits
>They is clearly a boy
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she has a lot of femenine traits
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I feel like Toby could've been a lot more successful if he gave Kris long hair to balance out the flat chest rather than going for the hentai protagonist haircut
>emo and like knives
>only friends were Catti and Noelle
>occult shit
I could see it
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>she has a lot of femenine traits
fat cat tits
he's delicate, not girly
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Kris needs to continue the Holiday bloodline
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Is what world is this not girly?
Seriously what the fuck was Toby thinking
My argument in is shambles. Lord save me.
"Yeah, that's hot." probably
But it’s a guy
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He knows what we patricians need and made sure to deliver.
And what >femenine traits does Susie have that aren't >zesty?
Ralsei should have been a girl. I would cum buckets to a cute goat girl
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That's why you have to prone bone him until he turns into one.
>still no chapter 3
how many newsletters will it take for people to remember it's a paid bundle and always has been. anyways, release of THE PAID, 3+4 BUNDLE, AS OUTLINED IN SEVERAL STATEMENTS AND NEWSLETTERS, will happen before EoY, probably around DTR anniversary or a bit after
she's probably the most important character in the game apart from Kris/The Dreemurrs, Susie, and (You). the Holidays are guaranteed to be entangled in whatever tragedy is tied to Dess and the thing that got Asgore forced off the police which will come together in one great big emotional payoff at the end (and completely smashed to pieces in the weird route)
I wouldn't say he's timelooped, but it's entirely possible he entered a Dark World before the events of Chapter 1 before (You) took the driver's seat
All of you piloting Kris like a drone and forcing him to do gay shit with a guy that looks just like his brother
For shame
no wonder he hates (you)
>will happen before EoY
>source: my ass
He’s only mad it’s not the real one
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Daily reminder
>we want the HMoAM audience
>Dess is deer Sans
Retard, kys
Ralsei is obviously Kris’ horns that he used to wear right? Why does Ralsei look so zesty then?
>"woah, jack. i see people having fun! time to bitch about it and post an unfunny, unoriginal, and ugly template."
>team has internal deadline and "on schedule to meet it"
>duh, our new producer that's been really helping us out set an internal deadline for february 30th 2029
you're slow. anything less than the end of 2024 would be a deadline so utterly meaningless and arbitrary I wouldn't even bother thinking about deltarune ever again if it doesn't come out this year
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99.9% chance the wait for this gamemaker update was actually pointless to us and it was only relevant to Toby to satisfy his autism like some OCD tic. I mean even when all the chapters are out in 20 years this would still mean nothing.
Fuckin Toby.
Hey Tobert you faggot make Kris and Noelle canon. Or Kris and Susie. Or Kris giving them both HIS human dick and make it clear he's a guy. Come on man don't be a faggot.
So this is /v/ ASOIAF...
What would sex between Kris and Noelle be like?
So you're speculating
Like I said, the source is your ass
there is no set guarantee, no firm announcement, that it will be out by the end of the year

you just think it will be
so the source is in fact your anus
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boku no natsuyasmi type ending. the more you find the closer you get to spoiling your ending. droughtrot in full effect
Good and right
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what happens in the end of boku no natsuyasmi and what does droughtrot mean
>this is Kris’ fursona
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The effect that Kris wanted to achieve by wearing the headband was most likely to fit in. If that's the outcome they wanted and was reflected onto the object, Ralsei does seem strange. Being effeminate doesn't seem very conformative. But what about being feminine?
Actually if you pay attention, men tend to have thicker eyelashes.
Women wear fake ones these days.
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My depraved thoughts are cooler than his he should be grateful.
damn that starwalker is cool
The eyelashes would make sense on their own but why eyeshadow
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There's no eyeshadow.
Why do devs get so pissy about leaks? Why does the concept of people seeing it before its finished horrify them so much?
droughtrot is the term for tweaking for deltarune 3/4. boku no natsuyasumi, at the end, if you get all possible interactions, recontextualized the game as just a dream/a work of fiction. the theme is that ur supposed to just sit back and enjoy your summer vacation, but optimizing the fun out of it causes you to lose the feel good nature of the ending.
Creative types want you to experience their creation the way they intended it to be experienced
Not difficult to understand
Sometimes it gives free hype (such as when TOTK was leaked), but sometimes it causes fans to be disappointed by the unfinished work (such as when an earlier version of GTA 6 was leaked).
>make jenga building
>about 80% done
>someone takes a picture of it and posts it online
>"Damn, look at that retard, that part doesn't even look right!"
Same reason why publishers are very careful with new titles. First impressions are VERY strong and it will take a ton of effort to change that. Why bother opening yourself to that kind of burden if you can avoid it in the first place?
Then what are the pink pixels above his eyelashes? The area around albino eyes is sort of pink, but if that's what they were going for why not add pink somewhere else there as well? Is it mere shading?
Reminder that (you) are getting jewed for the sake of merch sale, and that your base instincts are getting exploited so that Deltarune, and Undertale for that matter, are worshipped despite being objectively bad. The "fanbase" is akin to a cult, and that's no exaggeration
See picrel.
He has very light pink fur.
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Scott won, Toby lost. FNAF got a movie, Undertale/Deltarune is still stuck using shitty pixel graphics like its 1991. FNAF has two VR games, Toby has none. Scott is the most based game dev in history.
>but if that's what they were going for why not add pink somewhere else there as well?
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>Undertale/Deltarune is still stuck using shitty pixel graphics like its 1991
extremely ironic of you to say that considering the upcoming pixelshit FNAF game, which also happens to be the one I'm most excited about.
I WILL have my new Clock Tower one way or another.
Like his horns and eyes?
They did, look at his cowlick
>not first person
I will now play your jumpscare horror game
Meant around the eyes. If it's fur and not eyeshadow, why does only the upper eyelid have the light pink?
Because he's got super utilitarian shading.
>Not difficult to understand
It is for me. I am a creative type and what I want more than anything is for as many people to see my work as possible. I have to actively struggle to not tell everyone everything there is to know about my work myself.
I don't think people are going to be disappointed by things that are obviously a consequence of the game not being finished. The only thing I've ever seen people disappointed by in leaks are intentional design decisions by the devs.
I've never once seen anything like that happen. But even if it did, we're well past the first impressions stage now.
Tell us about your work, anonymous user of the 4th channel
I haven't bought any merch though.
Fnaf lost its soul when it stopped looking like an early 90s fmv game
>and what I want more than anything is for as many people to see my work as possible
I wonder how long you can keep that energy up when the wrong type of people see your work.
I HATE this cat thing!
>I don't think people are going to be disappointed by things that are obviously a consequence of the game not being finished.
At least one retard complained about the leak of the unfinished version of GTA 6 looking unfinished. Companies are scared that even if it's a retarded opinion, it could ruin potential customers' first impressions.
even that is excessive, it's probably going to be 15 bucks or 20 at most
>It is for me
Then you're autistic
I shouldn't have to explain to you why Toby Fox would be upset about somebody on his team leaking Deltarune before he was ready for people to see it
>but I wouldn't feel that way!
This may come as a surprise to you but different people feel different ways about things
Sorry man, I just can't unsee it as anything but eye shadow even with the excuse of shading. Nice talking tho
>chapters 3 and 4 is part of some devious infinite money scheme,
I'm tired of Toby's subversions and how it's actually becoming MORE predictable what he'll do especially now that more people know about the Halloween Hack.
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>the "Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Girl" persona noelle is infatuated with is just that - a persona - and susie is actually a good person deep down
>this will never be acknowledged and the HECKIN VALID LESBIAN KWEENS will continue YASS SLAYING because toby simply cannot put his dick away when two girls are on screen
>toby says that merch isn't canon
>also doesn't want to release merch of lightner characters
I mean you say TOBY's doing that, but that's more a situation of mentally ill genderologists worshipping the idea of them clapping clams
Ok well I've been working on a conlang for a space opera novel about imperialist lemurs in coal powered space dreadnoughts. I've also been working on a power system for a supernatural action animated series which is heavily inspired by shows like Bleach. And I've also got a sci-fi action thriller story about genetically engineered monsters working for a secret non-government organization which I keep reworking.
The Newest Girl Girl Sweepstakes post seems to be really heavily implying something like that, yeah. Either a time loop or a divergence and we don't know which one we're in in the game so far.
>the wrong type of people see your work.
Those being?
Where does it imply that
>STILL [In Hell, Michigan], AND I [Loving Every Agonizing Second] !
People who will become obsessed with your downfall and go to the very ends of the earth to try and make it happen.
This is inevitable and yet so many people will still be pissed because Toby has been making people wait for so long that there likely will be some people that will kill themselves if Kris doesn't end up with Susie or Noelle.
I can see why a corporation would do that, they're run by committees who don't know the first about video games or what players actually want. I struggle to see why one man would care so much apart from it being an ego thing.
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>Silver Drake is the final boss of the Ice Palace, as said by Rudy in the hospital
>Ice Palace is foreshadowed as a maze with a strange door that does not appear anywhere else in the game
>Noelle is present
>The mage (ralsei) is gone
>The whole thing is described as some kind of an unintended impossible area to access
>Gaster blasters, the magic weird weapon based on Gaster looks like a dragon beast

You guys aren't ready for dragon gaster
>some people that will kill themselves if Kris doesn't end up with Susie or Noelle.
Or will just call Toby Fox a massive faggot.
I suppose I'd just think it was funny that someone gets that mad over something so unimportant.
What Noelle is currently doing is equivalent to what Alphys was doing during her date in Undertale.
What will happen near the end is also what ended up happening in Undertale. She will be forced to accept that was retarded of her, and then move on to a "healthy" version of the relationship.
>So when snowgrave happens he continues anyway because he's *that* desperate to the extent he'll put up with your murderboner bullshit if it means changing anything.
this is what i want to believe, that kris is still a decent person (fanon vastly plays up their weirdness) forced into bizarre and awful circumstances and snowgrave is just an offshoot with (you) Assuming Direct Control, not "kris is secretly a bloodthirsty murder hobo like Chara and wants to kill/enslave everyone he knows (writes down notes for my newest murderbabes/krusie-kills-noelle fic depending on alignment)"
more like dragon my nuts on gaster's face lmao gottem
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>Silver Drake
>Ice Palace
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Some people need to remember this.
>I'm the main character.
The fuck you are, Susie is the main character.
>telling an elaborate story with lots of surprises you want people to experience in a particular way
>some retard tells the whole world the ending and fucks it all up instead
I think you're just being willfully retarded at this point because the idea of spoilers just escapes your peanut shaped head entirely just doesn't seem possible.
I guess it'd be annoying, but its not the end of the world. Shit gets spoiled all the time and it doesn't ruin the story. If a story is ruined by knowing the ending then it wasn't good to begin with.
I am.
So you are just being retarded on purpose, got it.
>newsletter comes out
>more touhou stuff
>hey i did that song for this game
>chapter 3 is almost done
>hardly anything about chapter 4,cant say it,spoilers.
>here comes sans
>the gamemaker new feature is this.
No, I think you and any writer who believes that a story which relies on surprise alone is good is a retard. If I wrote something and it were impossible to enjoy once you knew the ending I'd consider it a failure on my end to write an engaging story.
I'm still not entirely sure thats supposed to be eyeshadow, it could just be the palette (and intentional trolling).
I'd love to know what the fuck is going on behind the scenes. Chapters 3&4 were set to drop around this time this year. Chapter 3 has been done for nearly 5 months now, maybe a little more. Chapter 4 assumedly has a large portion of it chunked out. Then Toby just randomly goes and says they are still working on minigames from Chapter 3?

What the fuck is this tranny doing?
Everything we've seen about tv world is chapter 4, it's chapter 3 we know nothing about, apart from it being finished I guess.
You can consider yourself a failure of a writer right now because you've clearly never done any before.
Where did you hear about that, retard? He talked about chapter 4 gimmicks. Chapter 3 has been content-complete since last october
spoilerfags are the worst because they literally cant understand that most people want to go into things blind and that knowing the twists and plot beats on your first time through ruins the experience.
Games that take 15 years to make are always shit. no exceptions. There's no reason to hold any hope whatsoever that
a) Deltarune will ever be finished
b) It will be good if it miraculously manages to be released
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>Games that take 15 years to make are always shit. no exceptions
>Everything we've seen about tv world is chapter 4
how do you know
the only chapter 4 things we've seen are light world scenes and castle town scenes, the green room is not chapter-labeled and neither was the sweepstakes stuff
it does feel kind of disappointing that we're getting 2 chapters instead of 3 by now. I don't wanna wait another year after ch3-4 just for the act 2 of the story to wrap up. I wanna see the story progress significantly
If you don't want it to be spoiled then avoid spoilers. Even if something leaks, you can just choose to not look at the leak. I still haven't read the leaked hl3 script because I'm waiting on someone to adapt it into a game.
he said so in one of the newsletters
Honestly the latest update sucks, Marriage Edition better.
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I'm too old and too ugly to care about any of this goddamn character ship bullshit, and on the list of plot threads that Deltarune already has going- all 22 or so of them- "who will Susie fuck" is way, way down the list of 'things I want more time spent on.'
kinda hard to do with something as major at DR. you'd need to abstain from ALL digital media to be safe, for 5 years AT LEAST
I cannot find it.
2.2 is basically a different game, 2.1 is the final and kinoest form of the true srb2 vision
there must be some rabbithole of garbage information being spewed out about the development of this game because everyone seems to be pulling complete fanfiction out of their butts about deltarune's progress
shipping is the least interesting part of the game, I don't get the hype of self-inserting into high school romances in what's ultimately yet more of the same Rei and Asuka (and Misato) that's been done to death over the last quarter-century.
Chapters 3 & 4 will take place in the same day, the first one during midnight and in the dark world and the second one during day time and in the light world, and Chapter 4 will end with a cliffhanger at the church
retard, ch3 is confirmed to be a TV world. Chapter 4 is the one we know nothing about. You confused the two. We did get some concept art and a sprites for ch4's light world and probably a darkner (the marching cup)
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Pain & Suffering
we know chapter 4 has a dark world too. It'll probably just be the church. I have no clue where this retarded idea that ch4 is LW only started. It'd genuinely kill all the hype for me after 3 years of waiting. Good thing we know it has a dark world.
many people still believe each chapter takes 3 years to make and that ch4 is gonna release in late 2025 or even later lmfao. People are simply retarded and don't actually read the dev updates
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>as the outcasts
it bothers me that for being such an outcast, quite literally everyone in town is happy to talk to kris, even mega-bitches like bratty, and almost all of them have happy or at minimum good things to say. the idea that kris and susie work well together because "they're both outcasts" is such a common yet bizarre to me take since it strips both of them down to their bare minimum stereotype of "not cool," even though kris is for all intents a pretty normal if quiet person other than the (recent?) SOUL shit and just seems weird because everyone else in town is a quirky JRPG character, while susie is closed off at best and outright malicious at worst with constant reminders both in-game and in the newsletter that kris is only on her good side by chance and many, many people are *not* on that good side
This game always looked like motion sickness personified
I tried reading this in the Disco Elysium narrator voice but somehow my mind instead read it in the Space Dandy narrator.
Skill issue
i hate that all it took was giving a purple worm hair and Homestuck eyes and somehow toby made the most sexo scalie character of all time, maybe ever
>we know chapter 4 has a dark world too
Going just by how the status quo has been like for the only 2 chapters out of 7 we have, or did I miss any info and pictures of chapter 4's dark world?
Why did they stop being friends
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>3. - "I am the law."
Just don't discuss deltarune and don't join discussions about it. Its pretty easy to avoid.
They never actively stoped being friends, their families just distanced from eachother
i still think Toby should pull a real spicy curveball and make the "Terrible Horrible Very Bad Girl" persona a double-subversion where under the nice face she puts on for her new friends/partners-in-crime she's still actually a Very Bad Person underneath, and Noelle just goes along with it because that's what Toby wants but for everyone reading it just makes their relationship even more horrible and toxic
toby mentioned it in one of the newsletters but nothing about it was shown off
Toby realized Deltarune's overarching story is fucking shit.
Toby said chapter 4 is much more standard compared to ch3, which wouldn't make sense if ch4 was LW-only. Then he extensively talked about bosses, gimmicks, areas, etc in the last newsletter. He also showed off a cup darkner in the Valentine's letter right after talking about chapter 4.

I also think a purely LW chapter would be finished in like 3 months content-wise. It'd also just suck because the dark worlds are the actual meat of Deltarune. Having an entire chapter shit on that pattern seems really pointless, and especially underwhelming after several years of waiting. There's nothing narratively interesting enough to justify a 4 hour long light world chapter.
Kris is an outcast by choice. He keeps away from people despite being well liked, and people leave him alone because its obvious that's what he wants.
Aside from the tidbits that don't mesh up with the game events so far (Susie still being a huge dick to Kris and Noelle specifically mentioning she targets Kris in particular, the "your mom is gonna get tired of you" speech that was already used in chapter 1, Noelle somehow knowing that Susie is the one stealing chalk), Kris predicts exactly when Susie is gonna throw something at them to the point of being able to precisely ricochet it upwards and catch it, knows just what to say to completely deflate her and send her walking off with her head down which they've never done otherwise, AND knows that not only is Noelle watching from outside the classroom, but that she's hidden in a locker and which locker in particular.
their loss, I only ever read toby's twitter, fangamer, and the newsletters for anything related to the game these days (and of course the occasional /v thread)
Kris is most certainly an 'outcast'. People are nice to him because he's part of the 2nd most important family in town and everyone remembers his family fondly. Even if Kris is 'accepted', there's strong evidence pointing towards how he doesn't feel like he's 'fitting in' and experiences a good deal of discomfort/resentment for it. Susie is new in town (relatively), has no past connections with anyone and it seems like only Kris can see through her facade and likely feels a sort of kinship even if their situations aren't the same
They both became depressed shut ins. Noelle eventually got over it, Kris didn't.
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>"Nice Susie usurps Kris as protagonist" prediction comes true
>Reveals she's actually pure fucking evil immediately afterward and ruins everything
>Scott won
Have you seen the fnaf gens recently?
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>5 years at least
>over 5 years and not even halfway through the series
These threads always server as a good containment for the special kind of ultra supreme naive faggot that lacks the ability to recognize patterns.
What does that make /utg/ then?
>Noelle eventually got over it,
I feel like if anything Noelle is just better at forcing herself outside and hiding it.
progress sped up with the last newsletter, the one where toby said he git a new dev team.
his old team was composed of twitter loons
>go to youtube
>"recommended "DELTARUNE LEAKED, KRIS DIES?!?"
>read DM from friend
>"dude i cant believe deltarune leaked and that kris dies
>play completely unrelated multiplayer game
>text chat is talking about the leaks
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Kris Dreemurr, brother friender.
>susie says not to inspect the bed in case noelle has ticks
>bratty wonders if catty got lost looking for the litter box while at the beach
what the fuck is going on with these scaly bitches and being monster-racist?
Every general is a complete and utter mess.
>Light world only chapter
Why? What is there even to do there? Go back and forward between NPCs to deliver messages or items? That would not work.
Real leaks below
deltarune will be a video game
I would physically leave my chair and proclaim Toby a kino master. But that'll never happen.
Obviously, it's the chapter where you fight using the first person black and white undertale battle style
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>Reveals she's actually pure fucking evil immediately afterward and ruins everything
toby has done well to learn from his master
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You would be wise to delete this (doesn't laugh)
>the reason toby almost never shows up in public is because he's actually hussie
>the few times the real toby has appeared, he was just hired by hussie to show up for a little bit
>deltarune's ending is just an advertisement for hiveswap
I mean, she's already talking about bringing the Dark Worlds into the light ones before passing out at the end of chapter 2. Even if she doesn't end up being outright evil she's 100% gonna blow off the prophecy and try bringing about the end of the world because "lancer and toothpaste boy are my only real friends :( the light world is so mean and scary and I'm not to blame at all :("
I would actually kill myself
>go to youtube
>"recommended "DELTARUNE LEAKED, KRIS DIES?!?"
Just don't watch it. Until you do you have no way of knowing is he's click baiting, lying, or telling a half truth. You also don't know if it'll even be in the final game.
>read DM from friend
>"dude i cant believe deltarune leaked and that kris dies
You could just tell your friends not to spoil stuff for you.
>play completely unrelated multiplayer game
>text chat is talking about the leaks
You could just not read the chat.
>this will happen but she won't actually be a boss fight because toby would never give you the chance to put down his wife like the rabid dog that she is
Kris after the species reassignment surgery
>You will never be a monster. You have no dust. You have no magic.
No she'll be a boss that you can't kill just like all the others
who's the artist? i really like how they draw Ralsei
neither do deltarune monsters
Trans monsters are real monsters
goddammit toby that's even more insulting
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Let the boy dream
>erm well if you abstain from all digital media you can avoid spoilers
honestly just kill yourself. the world would be better with one less spoiler nigger in it
Imagine buying someone something they've wanted for a very very long time as a birthday present, and then before their birthday, they get told what the present is by another friend of yours. Sure, it's still exciting for them to get the present, but part of the ritual of giving and receiving a present is the surprise. It kind of ruins the moment that you put time and care into
>No one got the joke that derails mother 3 threads.

Better than Earthbound btw
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I'd like him to have fun with that, but understand that it's okay to be human too, he's still a wonderful special person in ways that monsters may never be able to understand.
He very well may be the future of Humans and Monsters.
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Yeah that was pretty much my reaction too
1. You are an addict
2. It's literally the only way to avoid them. Take it or leave it
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I love Kris.
But does Kris love you?
WILL Kris love you?
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He will.
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We all do
>Jews if jews were cool: the character
I love Kris, in a strictly platonic, younger brother I want to keep out of trouble sort of way.
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>Destroyed the chocolates
>Mention everything except Alphys to Undyne.
>Mention everything except Undyne to Alphys.
I will do everything in my power to not let this happen a second time.
>destroyed the chocolates
>didn't share them with susie
lmao you locked yourself out of the Kris/Susie timeline, nice going retard
>he didn't trade them to Sans for $5
Low net worth individual detected.
>t. Asriel
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I love Kris in the weird and creepy "older man lusts after a young emo twink" sort of way.
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Who would wanna fuck this?
I usually never wrap gifts because I don't care if its a surprise. This whole ritual thing never made sense to me.
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everything that there is to discuss has been discussed to death, now there's just AUfags and coomers or people waiting for the next chapters
>I don't think people are going to be disappointed by things that are obviously a consequence of the game not being finished
lmao, you'd be surprised
people shat a lot on GTA6 despite obviously being unfinished, and people shit a lot on deadlock despite the fact it's also an unreleased, unfinished alpha still
Not everything has been discussed to death. No one told me if >>683705440 sucks ass as an idea, for instance.
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I shat on deadlock because it's yet more assfaggots esports garbage because valve can't make anything but dota anymore
People shit on them, but not because they were unfinished. Deadlock is a hero shooter Moba which is obviously aping blizzard games with its character designs. No amount of polish will fix the core concept being trash. GTA 6 looks like woke trash and it should've already been finished and released years ago. Those two things are enough to safely tell us it'll be trash when it releases, if it releases at all.
you say that but i've seen people specifically complain about things that are obviously unfinished parts of both games, mostly graphics
Valve is dead set on becoming Blizzard 2. They even blizzardified their character designs in HL:A with those stupid shoulder pauldrons.
I hate Deadlock's graphics because of the artstyle. I saw what they were going for and I hated it. No amount polish will make that look good.
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>Noelle will ride with me
I've never been so hard in my entire life
and I wasn't even thinking of sex
Toby holy fuck PLEASE just release the game or cancel it already. It's been 6 years I want off the ride
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Damn shame he already used the Justice soul for chapter 2. It would be fitting considering the Wild West leitmotif. I wonder what power he's going to use during this next chapter. Why did he spontaneously manifest Justice when fighting spamton. Was that us the player that did that or was that kris himself manifesting a new power. Will he ever use it again?
He looks like some manwha villain now
is this fan made?
no, it's real
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It was just a mettaton reference
It mostly is, Justice, Perseverance, Integrity, Kindness, Patience, Bravery, all of these are really just a foot note in Ball Game.
>justice soul
Massive headcanon. Yellow does not represent justice, not in any meaningful way, concrete or abstract.
this is literally just a homestuck trollsona
even the makeup and plastic horns thing
Anon, I don't know how to break this to you, but furries are older than homestuck.
I'm sorry.
Lol it was based on something.
There's still a lot to human soul we don't know about. Spontaneously changing from red to Yellow implies something. Could he also change into different colors.
whats red then
cant be determination if thats stuff every human soul has
Ball Game
revealing red will probably be a big twist of deltarune
and susie is literally a troll
Great, another for the "Big twists Toby may reveal in Deltarune" pile. I'm sure having this many plot irons won't make the end of the game a fucking mess.
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No, that is stupid
Deltarune is also stupid, and Toby is, after all, just a silly guy.
The game's already completed
He's just fucking with everyone
We're talking about chapter 3, 4 and 5.
Not the demo that he sat on for years because he and Scott thought it would be funny to mess with Matrick Patthew
you know I always wondered why it was "determination" instead of something like willpower
One ending has a question mark now
The original only referred to chapter 1.
If there's weird routes on other routes that kill other characters theres no way killing a bunch of characters will not have an impact. Even just killing Berdly is a stretch since now other routes will be different and cause a butterfly effect even if he isn't in the ending at all.
>One ending has a question mark now
watch toby remove it on final chapter release
The dude in those threads just replies to himself over and over, sometimes like 50 times. Same thing could be happening here
i cant see it being anything other than one of these three or something extremely similar "player soul" seems like an obvious option but everything implies it was also the color of chara's soul so that wouldnt work.
either way im prepared with my fan project.
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Just watched that theory video claiming that angel's heaven might be referring to a final dark world created by Noel to escape her life, and I find the idea so compelling that I feel like I've spoiled myself
that was called out back when snowgrave was first discovered
I've been in these threads since then and have never seen anyone bring up the idea but if you say so
erm actually the Angel's Heaven is (the connection to) our world and banishing it will be the ending
I want to fuck this deer
This idea I actually have heard before, and I don't find it as compelling. It being Noel's dark world ties everything together so neatly and provides payoff to all the angel association and importance being given to Noel. The player hasn't been associated with angels at all and wouldn't feel as neat, at least not at the moment, but we've only gotten 2 chapters to be fair
got a link to the video? that sounds very interesting
it's probably POWER, "power" is a recurring word within Deltarune specifically within the context of your soul
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How did he figure out you can rip your soul out?
what about "love"? "strength"? "freedom"?
and when?
love (in the LV sense) and strength are just power.
forgot about freedom but yeah that works too.
Everyone has these crazy edgy ideas and imo, i think Kris is the one that called onto to you so you could help him do something, either locate Asriel or help Noelle.
Otherwise why would he agree to put us back in for chapter 2 after ripping us off.
Because he dies without it?
I assume he'd just drop dead after the residual determination animating his body runs out
He's a [B I G S H O T] now he doesn't need to care
Fan project?
leaning towards either freedom or detachment
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I do as well.
DRYanon2 from the yellow threads.
Never played Yellow, let alone lurked the threads. Is it a UTY fan game?
DeltaRune Yellow, the "anon2" part is because someone else started it and left so i picked up the idea but then he came back
also play UTY. perfect filler for the 3+4 wait.
>DeltaRune Yellow,
Would you mind giving a QRD on the premise?
>also play UTY
Knowing the ending, I really don't want to. I do not like stories that end like that.
It is determination. Why do you think it's not?
How do we feel about "tree man/valentines man as gasters jungian shadow" theory?
Except the color of determination is Gold.
post it and i'll let you know
And yes, I am asking your opinion about a theory post with 15 views with linking or copy pasting. That's how u roll
That could just be a save point thing unrelated to it. The save points in Delta Rune are white are they not
The knight is multiple niggas

I was gonna copy and past the whole thing but it was long.
Anon, nobody here knows what a jungian shadow is.
There's just so little evidence supporting the conclusion that it's just fan fiction, much like every tree man theory. I think the only tree man theory that doesn't come across as fan fiction is that he may have written the valentine's card
giving the deltarune treatment to yellow's cast pretty much.
cole (clover given the frisk > kris treatment) kanako (fox monster thats dead before UTY's events, but still an important character) are the main duo.
then the rest of the main cast are similar to how susie and noelle tie into UT (being the clam's dialogue and the alarm clock app), all three are nameless in UTY
sadie (bug monster) gizmo (cat? monster) and mylo (blue soul girl. she was murdered before the story by one of UTY's bosses. using the same clover > cole and frisk > kris logic to get mlyo from melody)
so far ive managed to plan the story around any twists toby can throw at us, im not even using the deltarune legend. im making some assumptions, like monster souls working the same as they do in UT. but i do have backup plans for if toby reveals anything contradictory.
The game will release January 3rd, 2026
Would I have to play UTY to know what's going on in your game?
it would be the same as playing undertale compared to deltarune, where you may recognize the characters and see how they change but the stories aren't directly connected
just like deltarune, no.
and yeah UTY's ending is the number one complaint within yellow threads, wont be making that mistake. i mean seriously just ONE what if ending where clover gets to live as a normal child.
I've always found it weird how Sonic's first instinct was to attack the guy and run away and then just try to kill him for years.
I mean it's his former friend who shaped him into what he was. Shouldn't he have at least tried to reverse the process and bring Kintobor back? At least in the beginning. It's like the moment he sees Eggman all fucks are dropped.
I would do ANYTHING for a full script leak. I simply want it all right now regardless of consequences.
hack toby's computer and steal his txt files with the entire game script he made in 2012
all humans have determination
i will be SO MAD if eithe kris or the player don't end up with either susie or noelle
I'll keep it in mind. As long as I don't get End of Evangelion'd at the end.
(You)elle is the greatest DR ship
The Player gets the Vessel back and gets Kris, Susie, Noelle and Ralsie into it/its/itselfs harem.
The player gets Kris and Susie together, then gets the vessel back to go on more adventures. Noelle x Vessel is optional.
There's an artist that does animatics for deltarune on youtube that gives him longer hair and it really helps a lot in being able to convince yourself that maybe she's just real flat.
>noelle is attracted to spooky stuff.
>whats spookier than a human gonner?
the logic is sound
the reason your choices dont matter is because if they did then the characters choices dont matter and viceversa
Once she realizes you have the power to put her into a trance and control her Dracula style, she's gonna be down bad.
Making an entire youtube video to celebrate this game NOT being out yet to be posted the first week of January 2025.
Maybe the red soul is just more determination than anything else.
Broke: Suselle
Woke: Kriselle/Krusie
Bespoke: Krusielle
Your choices don't matter because you have to make every single choice to reach the end anyway. Completionism is mandatory this time.
that's what I'm hoping for, people saying weird route isnt required are just coping
Someone on tumblr just went on a massive art reblog spree of Krusielle. It's too bad this thread is dead or I'd post some
Three save slots with actual differences makes it a guarantee that you need to do three entire routes to finish for real. Anything else is just denying what your eyes see.

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