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Now: Re-runs
Next: Re-runs
Later: Re-runs

Stream 1: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon
Stream 2: Plummed

Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683643859
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Plum mig
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Could dicking plum down be called plumming?
it do be like that
GDQ shills are the fucking worst.
But what can you do? Anti-fun to the last.
I'm watching Tetris tranny explain why she (male) fucked up at GDQ. Actually kind of interesting explaining the mechanics: https://youtu.be/75vLAt7jQnI
GDQ doesn't ban you for saying nigger or kike, unlike these faggots. Those kikes actually have a sense of humor.
>GDQ doesn't ban you for saying nigger or kike
? They absolutely do.
I went the entire SGDQ without being banned once, and I freely called Spike and Rubie kikes. Cope.
GDQ would have the entire staff rush the stage and mercilessly beat you if you said nigger on their presentation.
I-I have to finish my Plum tonight
Hurry up!!!
The stage is not these threads, you disingenuous retard.
To be fair Anon's right but only because you'd never get close to even saying those, they'd ban you for wearing a hat or talking about Air Canada or something first.
Bro, we are talking about event communities, not fucking 4chan.
You dumb ego-centric nigger.
I wasn't, you fucking retard. Sorry about your reading comprehension.
>35 minutes
>uploaded 13 days ago
>donation from seclusive's wife's boyfriend
are you faggots even watching the (re)runs or just using these threads as a surrogate discord server
Why would I watch something I've already seen?
Bro you're the one that started this conversation chain by replying to me. The original comment was about GDQ corporate masters.
Who the fuck is a corporate master on 4chan. The only one with reading problems is your fucking ass. Completely divert the conversational point to something else because you refuse to read and then say it's everyone elses problem you refuse to read.
Fuck you, lazy ass faggot, read.
is he finally honest and willing the admit the annoying announcer contributed
why would you stay in these threads if you aren't watching the runs
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I'm 2 hours in on the LotR RPG, emulated 60fps patch like anon recommended
it's such a nice little game man
>music and dialogue from the movies
>beautiful artstyle
>part of the original cast voices the characters
>gameplay lifted straight up from FFX

so rare that licensed games have actual quality
Shut the fuck up faggot. Everything is discord to your schtizo ass, go throw your PC out the window before your entire desktop environment becomes discord.
Why not?
I'm using them as a surrogate discord server. Got a problem with that?
I'm watching it since I didn't catch it earlier, seems like a pretty cool run.
You're incredibly naive if you don't realize that these event threads have staff standing in and telling the mods to give out bans because it affects their bottom line.

>wait 60 seconds before posting truth, goy!
FFX had a great battle system, I'm glad someone straight up ripped it off.
>on fucking 4chan
Yeah okay. Holy shit bro, go outside, or do something to help level you out. We as a website and you as a person aren't that significant for that influence.
GDQ/ESA show runners lurk here to get an unfiltered public "toxic" opinion because no other space is able to give a hostile opinion without being banned/crusified, but bro. Come on, no corporate masters are controlling 4chan. At best the FBI controls /b// and a portion of 4chan with the CP problems it used to have.
Halo 5 any good?
Fuck no
>go outside
Stopped reading here.
it's awful
it literally is discord behavior, just own it instead of being a faggot in denail
You're fucking unhinged and retarded.
There I trimmed it down for you.
Keep conversations on point instead of your schtizo garbage conspiracy theories. if I wanted to read that trash I'd go back to social media
what went wrong
Bungie left after Reach
>so starved of (you)s that he now thinks making random posts that no one reads and ignored is 4chan behavior
Oh wait, you did, and me refusing to read past your first few words was the correct choice. FUCKING LMAO
(you) learn to read.
I read perfectly, you passive aggressive jew boy.
>worst story in the franchise, somehow worse than 4
>enhanced mobility
>weapon and armor gacha
>more of the 343 art style
It's a shame, they got the guy behind Republic Commando as the creative director and the campaign squad mechanics suck dick.
You're both being stupid and have a bloated to fuck sense of importance about these threads.

Nobody in charge of ESA or GDQ gives two fucks about the opinions of some random asshats on /v/ about anything, the rating charts mean nothing to them, and they're not making changes to suit /v/ or else there wouldn't be so much fucking whining.
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>event retires for the day
>the posting police crawls out of the woodwork
You're demonstrably wrong.
Bro ESA didn't put a tablecloth on a table because of some Chinese basket weaving forum.
>Nobody in charge of ESA or GDQ gives two fucks about the opinions of some random asshats on /v/
They took it off because of the Chinese basket weaving forum, you drooling retard. Just like the donocam.
It's a singular cuck that sold their dick to chartanon (aka 'ecker) for access to the shitpost mainframe.
>uses 4chan as an example of thirsty simps throwing money because prize mommy
>Shifted the goalposts after he was proved wrong
No the point remains that people give a fuck about the opinions in these threads.
The weight of those opinions is what the argument is about. We barely weigh on the scale, but we are there, while schtizo mcgee says corporate jews control /v/ and ESA as a whole and they moderate this thread so the conversation is acceptable for the corporate Jewish overlords or some shit.

So you're wrong that people "don't give a fuck" cause they do, but it's just a matter of how much which is little or almost virtually none depending on the organization.
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stop fighting
Technically I could submit this to speedrun.com and hit 4th place, but I didn't record it and I don't feel these runs are worth recording. Also, competition's dead anyway lol.
yall really need to go log off and fap
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Unreal died so Tim Sweeney could shove his head further up his own ass.
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forgot pic
>the point remains that people give a fuck about the opinions in these threads
the implication is just that they're aware of the horny posting, a bit of a stretch to extend that to them giving a fuck about our opinions
>thread not even pretending to watch the stream
>goes to complete shit
i'm completely shocked
I'm watching the Resi 4 run from 2019
No one was watching LotR while they were loredumping, either.
I am, though I've considered running Unreal before so I'm seeing what it's like to run these days.
They lurk the threads and read the charts, I'm pretty sure. Doubt they take much into consideration on the running of the event though.
Yes we were, there was frequent commentary on the game
>oh look, a purple elephant
>wow, this is fucking boring
Like this anon said >>683663556
They lurk, they read, they internalize the info. If they didn't give a fuck, they wouldn't come here period. They wouldn't care what we say, and they wouldn't even acknowledge out existence.
You just gotta admit that we have a modicum of presence in the world, and take it as that. We aren't what /b/tards or /pol/lacks hype us up to be, but we have something some people might give a shit about.
Just because an anon got you all hot and bothered arguing about dumb bullshit doesn't mean you have to lash out about an enjoyable part of the day
I think I would prefer a weekend marathon that streamed the whole time vs a week long "marathon" that sleeps.
>hot and bothered
I agreed.
Other than the former staff that openly posted here. But ya know, that doesnt mean anything.
Being that the last two or three ESAs have had spates of pure outrage about changes, usually proclaiming the death of ESA if they don't get reverted, you'd think they would revert them if they were watching and gave a fuck about /v/.
>Amount of ESA I've been home to see that wasn't reruns:
Approximately dick
ASM was more fun than this because at least there was people to talk to in the threads
Ben posted his dick here, you mean.
What run would you show someone (female) to get them into speedrunning?
English_Benis :-DD
People who browse 4chan don't discuss 4chan. Aside from whatever fag joked about it to louvre, any anons on the staff would not be sharing what we think. Normalfags generally dismiss anything related to 4chan as a hate machine not worth looking in to
Doom worked on me but I wouldn't advise that.
Yep but I wasnt on about him.
It's amazing there's TWO separate faggots that post their dicks in these threads for years.
Y'all are so sexy
>Normalfags generally dismiss anything related to 4chan as a hate machine not worth looking in to
which is hilarious, because the vast majority of this site is more sfw than plebbit
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18th place on the leaderboards with this sloppy run.
This. Plebbit calls for Free Palestine way more than /v/ does.
The cardboard cutout audiences are beautiful.
We hate jews because we think they are masters of the world.
Reddit hates jews because they view them as oppressor conquerors.
Kind of different contexts for the hate there.
They're also animated, they stretch to simulate cheering.
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I miss the furkino
Nice, I'd be tempted to try to edit plum in there or something.
/srg/ revival soon!
>XIV furry tranny bullshit
XIV needs to not show up at these events at all. MMOs are not good speedrunning content or gimmick content. It's just an excuse for narccisitic losers to talk about themselves and how much they love a game while paying someone to read it live while someone is playing said game.
Oh, that's a good idea, but I can't draw a straight line to save my life. I'll find the texture if someone wants to doodle over it.
I miss Leonis.. and Metako..
metako's fat bald cock...
both those furry are males, anon, calm your tits
why did I laugh, lmao
Metako's at BSG in a couple weeks.

Think this is it.
It's still cringe tranny (derogatory) bullshit. Just like how I can call someone a faggot without knowing if they are gay.
It's just cringe bullshit. Runescape was a snore, and I'm sure this was a snore as well.
That run in particular was pretty entertaining since you could donate $20 to screw with them, and it had an entire saga of the German having a meltdown.
>and it had an entire saga of the German having a meltdown.
I'm not sure which part was better, that anon donating so his hotbars got screwed with without him being able to see, or that the WR holder who he was obsessed with NTR'd him by going off to Metako instead.
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For me it was this
XIV tier
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It's quick, dirty and will probably fail but here's an attempt.
live runs soon
I'll give it a whirl.
So it's funny because just in fashion of an average XIV player, they are socially starved, got fucked with constantly, had a meltie, and got cucked by a girl for another person.
Yeah that's why it's cringe - I see this shit commonly on XIV as it is, they just took the larp IRL, furry cringe and all.
It was just a stage play version of what typically happens in game.
>I may want to wipe Israel off the fucking map, but at least I'm not a nadzee
Man even with the timer up they don't say what the first game will be when they have so much room to do it with.
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Oh shi only 20 minutes
bit of a false equivalence innit
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please understand, small marathon community
That guy sure looks hyped.
Thread going so fast no one will notice I like girls that fart loudly
literally nobody gives a fuck about this website you queer
You must be a fan of that new HoloEN girl from Germany.
It works. She's a very tiny Plum. The animated crowd is a different texture so she's just standing there honking her nose in celebration.
Except you, apparently.
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Forgot to ctrl-v.
lol, awesome.
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the sleeper has awakened
No idea what Sonic Suggests is, but I'm looking forward to this block and then whatever I catch of the giant NES block tomorrow.
Oy vey, you got me.
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Made me go back and check Dogwater's intermission UI, it's got everything ESA's is missing this year.
you have a bloated ego, if you think people here hate esa changes then guess what, most people watching probably do too.
mori is american
The game supports swapping in high-resolution assets, so theoretically I could fill the entire crowd with Plum doodles.
it doesnt mean anything. this is an ocean of piss, you can come piss here but in the end its still a piss ocean.
>JoJo reference? Check.
>Comfy beach background? Check.
>Racially ambiguous fashion model? Check.
It's time to speedrun.
My guess is that this shit was updated manually and nobody at ESA could be arsed to do it anymore.
Wish ESA would use Rainwave.
this marathon seems like it's absolute dogwater
Man that was neat once it got figured out.
this song is a bop
Why is my dad there.
Oh no, he thinks he's funny.
>30 minute timer
>stalling even more with a shitty bit
Alzheimer's won bros...
is this supposed to be some kind of reference?
>yuroid """humour"""
No, he's just disappeared up his own arse.
It's the classic fuck it I'll pretend to be a spy bit!
I just want truck or train sim
>our mascot Gooseberg
wait the thing nobody cares about is the official mascot?
>another gimmick game
This is genuinely THE worst ESA.
I will never be as cool as them I give up
That's what happens when a bunch of virtue signaling faggots drop out. They gotta rely on gimmick runs to pad out air time.
It was a stupid joke at ESA Legends because somebody found it in some prop bin, Edenal loved the fuck out of and made it his own thing.

Also Metako immediately seemed to hate it and I think he threw it out of the building at one point.
>90 seconds of ads

Twitch tells better jokes than these guys.
LMAO, nice.
Please learn what a "gimmick" is before posting, thank you. A shitty game is not a "gimmick," it's just a shitty game.
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...but why
what incentivised this
>sega HIRED that man
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why is that shirt purple
what is this shit
is this the bad games block?
the fuck is going on
shoutout to the anon that put my song request to get played.
in this episode of zoomer or boomer
I think gurumin poster was the DJ.
>Donocam is back

>not only a meme game, but a meme run where they stand around explaining shit for minutes, and he's shit at the game, and he played through it twice
jesus christ
Is this the dono cam?
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but it gets more posts in the chat than Plum and sells more shirts than Plum
That was genuinely hard to get through, even though it was under 10 minutes long.
Rate this fucking garbage?
this was a little too low effort for my taste
Absolutely not
or lower if possible.
not rating that shit

what the fuck did i even watch

Pure shit.
they're still talking
F. It got bonus points for being short.
agent, your mission should you choose to accept it, is to stop being gay
I do not accept
>the commentator is running the next game
>and the runner is running the game afterwards
Great fucking start to the day, ESA. What a shitshow.
Then you must accept the monkeypox.
He's gonna do this the whole time, huh.
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I miss this guy.
Whenever I think maybe I misjudged him by thinking he was a complete and utter cunt, he manages to remind me I was always right.
This bit of them standing and talking like this is not funny.
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Always got horny when he popped up
uhh uhhh uhhh uhhh uhhh uhhhh uhhhh
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raymoo and eevee have joined forces to ride into battle
uhh.. uhhh. uhh
the fumo squad is out
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Guten morgen anons.
What are you having for breakfast?
Some nuts, blueberries and pre-workout here
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They must have been sealed away with Plum.
I just had roast beef.
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Niggas just letting their Fumos hang out like that
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Water because I am a fat fuck.
But how would you feel if you had not eaten roast beef?
But I just had it.
Sorry I'm late..............
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>more sonic autism
Don't give up anon, cutting out trash food and soda is the most important step, it just gets easier from here
don't forget to brush your teeth afterwards
I always enjoy Sonic runs.
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I gotta say, if this was GDQ, this run would've been done by three turbo autists who barely have a filter

When's Bat Tats going to post his shirt?
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wait, wrong game
That one anon talked about his shirt a few threads ago.

IDK about Bat Tats anon and the print he won though.
That's also the wrong game.
teh dorito of d00m
Prepare for blue balls.
How the fuck do I get rid of ads easily? They're playing them every 10 minutes for me
I don't know why, but someone actually answering this joke like a normal person got a good laugh out of me. Thanks.
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Post all the MS paint Plums, I don't have any saved.
Like and subscribe.
Smash that like button.
The shitty MS paint scribbles aren't there thoughbeit, there were a lot of them on the last day of ESA.
say uh one more uh fucking time
is there a list to the timestamped vods of each run? I don't feel like scrubbing through hours of vods + all the reruns that clutter it all up
yes dummy look at the ESA schedule.
These cowards never do Big%
Kart skip ftw.
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im not bat tats, I was talking about the regular shirt, i think they said they sold less than 10 which tracks for the amount of people on stream and in the thread
Two hard skips in a row, damn.
Hey! It's that roof I always see from that one anon's webms who defends Sonic Adventure.
Why does Sonic turn into a ball?
Still cool as fuck that you got one.
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Hedgehogs turn into balls.
Armadillos do it better, he should have been Sonic the Armadillo.
imagine if staff told that guy to stop shaking the anime doll
Why are the audience attention whoring with the miku?
>miku autist got his wish
If it was GDQ he'd be gone and I would agree with the ejection
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if i could rate todays schedule
i'd give it a Z
If the Baba Yaga gives you a gift, you must accept.
Holy cringe
holy autism batman
just die
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>fumo kino in the audience
My soul is at ease tonight.
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NOW it's a Sonic speedrun
jej they're having fun with it.
why are german-adjacent fags like this?
What is it with Sonic games and people that play t having pure autism?
Start large scale terrorism against big tech corporations
>one lap around the room
>I need to catch my breath
Autism is based.
Everyone is wearing glasses.
That title was already taken.
A very small percentage of our fans are autistic...
mom was right...
gotta go fast (to mental illness)
How come Sonic's schtick is going fast even though everyone else can also go fast?
Sonic's schtick is being blue, collecting rings and going fast. Also, not everyone else can go fast. Look at Rouge.
which game series is more autistic? minecraft or sonic?
sonic by far... by faaaaaaaaaaar
Minecraft because higher player base.
Do you really have to ask?
Sonic appeals exclusively to autists.
The true question is Pokemon or Sonic.
That is a good question. I might have to go with Pokemon because you have to be a special kind of fucking loser to care about the numbers
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RATE THAT RUN (STREAM 1) (Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut)
>Dillinger Escape Plan shirt
fucking based
B bretty gud.
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i think pokemon attracts the types of autists that are more beneficial to society while sonic gets the rest
A for Autism
S, good and comfy
Nature, gender, IVs, EVs, movesets obtained from breeding, shiny hunting. Sonic don't even come close to this.
S for Sonic. Good skips, properly autistic.
>he runs both
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I'm doin' him an A
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These intermissions are not necessary, bring back the old one.
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Just delete that hour of final fantasy from todays schedule and we got a pretty good day ahead of us.

So long as there's not 20 minutes of talking heads after every game.
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Awesome freaking tie.
>Fundraising Handbook
Pokemon is more autistic, but they are the shitty version of autistic.
20 minutes on showdown will give terminal cancer.
Sonic autism is just cringe, the kid never grew up past the age of 8 pity autism.
I think the guy in charge of these quit.
>the kid never grew up past the age of 8 pity autism
It was a trick question, Chris Chan proves that they're both equally retarded.

i didnt know sonic parties were this wild
I don't know man, he didn't try to run over a gamestop employee about pokemon or how bad their graphics/model interactions are.
But he did do it over the color of sonics arms. He leans way heavier towards the sanic tism.
>he didn't try to run over a gamestop employee about pokemon or how bad their graphics/model interactions are.
Who did?
Oh wait, you're saying the sonic part of his autistic brain was stronger than the pokemon. Incredibly autistic argument.
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But that hour of Final Fantasy is more action game than RPG
Plus all three runners are pretty good
>inb4 they all choke and we get a trainwreck instead
Anyone else get into a corner and climb up the walls as a kid?
I will not allow you to talk about showderp like that
Enjoy this meme
Yes, I'm saying he is way heavier into sonic than he is pokemon. Pokemon is a light interest, I mean he did sonichu and that was it. That dude committed crimes over sonic the hedgehog.
I wouldn't say he's a fair representative of pokemon autism.
i was expecting this to be arceus-steel but kek none the less.
based egg

Better then the first one.
I don't care to scrawl through the wiki for evidence, but I'm sure he's done or said incredibly subhuman shit over Pokemon. You're honestly just coping because you're a Pokefag.
B. Overall despite all of the fails that happened, this was fairly impressive. Shame most of the hard skips didn't work.
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Didn't watch.
Get a a load of THIS!
I'm saying it because pokefag autism just behaves differently. And honestly, the gamestop run over attempt is like... basic oldfag knowledge anon...
Pokemon people aren't typically making headlines trying to harm people with a car over shit the developer did that you don't agree with.
They just fuck plushies of pokemon, seethe rent free online, and act unbearable to be around.
This is purely objective and how the different forms of autism are different.
B, short and sweet, had some decent skips but didn't really explain how they did it
I still don't fucking understand why they decided to only have the song play in the first phase of the fight
I've been both a Sonicfag and a Pokefag, though I had the good taste to just move the fuck on after multiple shit games. You're both groups subhuman retards.
I remember Pokemon Go causing accidents when the game used to work when in a car and shit, people pushing prams and not looking where they are walking while being glued to their phone. I know Pokemon Go is more normie shit than the actual mainline games. But it was definitely in the news for retardation.
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Robo looking like a protestant pastor
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i love this guy like you wouldnt believe
ngl, that's pretty sick
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I knew some fumos are big, but this one just looks gigantic
Peter Jackson is behind the camera
That one is actually big.
It took me a moment to realize it wasn't a massive butt from a girl wearing a skirt that was bending over
Look at this >>683669680
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Got me a bag of dark cherries to munch on.
Pass me one bro
Another woman on camera
Can anyone work in the government? How is this woman a MP?
I mean... it's Sweden...
Why does this game have extreme screen tearing?
>apply as a candidate
>get votes
>gets elected

Is this not how it works in otherplaces?
looks intended
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Good morning. I'm ready for some Hotline Miami
VHS aesthetic
Is the game audio muted?
It's not happening when he's not moving, it's screen tearing.
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migged, why everything is purple?
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MoD366 is a fake gamer
Been ages since I listened to the OST, god damn this game was great
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no shit
I remember the difficulty getting kinda bullshit later on, since the maps are way larger and enemies tend to snipe you from across the screen. I'm surprised he's actually playing on hard mode
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>riding Goosbert
Is this your first time seeing a speedrun? Vsync is always turned off because frame perfect.
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this soundtrack
I'm sure I've seen way more screen tearing than I have seen frame perfected attempts.
Got Roller Mobster is such a masterpiece track.
I say this as someone who doesn't even like electronic music generally
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I want to play this game but I think I am too shit to play it. Looks cool, sounds cool too.
I'm unused to hearing music in my speedrun events
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Good news, Outrun 2006 works on Radmin (tried it earlier and it didn't work for some reason. We can play online now if any anons wants to later.
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For me, it's Le Perv
>music audible
>hard mode
>relaxed commentary
Honestly one of the best all marathon. Even the deaths are forgivable, the game is a little bullshit going this fast
The first game isn't hard, and it's generally considered the better game.
Play the 1st game. It has an actual learning curve and the 2nd game pretty much picks up where the first one ended. Also has some great music
Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.
Start with HM 1, it's much easier.
HM 2 is basically just a straight continuation in terms of difficulty of the later levels of HM 1.
I never like HM, it insist upon itself
For reference I don't consider myself very good at games, probably average, yet still had a great time with both games.

Normal gameplay isn't as fast as this too, you'll be playing much more safer.
I still don't know what that means despite knowing the family guy clip.
the second game is bullshit with enemy placement from the start the first game its only bullshit sometimes
That's all modern western trash.
I think it means 'it's trying too hard' but that's never been a real, articulated criticism either
>ample warning
>>.4 seconds
play OTXO instead
for me it's
It keeps happening
this is comfy
This is just a let's-play but it's a very cozy let's-play.
Comfy is a synonym for boring
This guy feels like yisk's brother.
He is playing on hard mode though not easy.
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for me, it's tapan kaikki and BOFH: severs under siege.
oh shit EDF 6 is out now.
Play 1 and ignore 2.
They very obviously did not want to make 2 and it essentially just exists as a fuck you to the fans
That's Hotline Miami. There's no real skips, just playing the way it was intended and very skilfully
He's clearly using strats and cycles, but you're going to die on hard mode
complex and sophisticated glitches are very interesting from a scientific standpoint, really great if you see them for the first time or read up on how they work.
But speedruns that are for the most part just "play the game good and fast" are the coolest overall to watch
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>vtuber trash
was gonna buy it, but not anymore
Not my problem.
>vtuber diamonds
Thanks, already bought it.
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I hope you never cared for baseball. They're coming for other sports next
Today is "silly" (shitty) game day
What the fuck
I hate vtubers so much, it's the single most soulless and corporate thing to exist.
Nah they're never touching my hockey since it's the white normie mans sport
>NES day
And that's why it's a good speedrun
HKN has arrived at the event
I'm looking forward to it. The only thing I'm dreading are the intermissions, which I pray are going to be shorter than the average.
I'm awake, got my coffee and heard the plum song yesterday
Seeing these cops instantly 180 and blast him is giving me PTSD, I fucking hate the AI in this game
>Takeshi's Challenge
Playing this on controller filtered me, I couldn't keep up with these snappy motherfuckers
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Anything else to add while we're reading your blog mate
carpenter brut's trilogy is one of the finest pieces of music ever conceived.
Play 1, it's very approachable. 2 is also easy, but you have to play in a more restricted way for it to really be consistent.
vtubers are women who realised they dont even need to be attractive to get internet simps, just pay for a anime 3d model
Clown world
holy based
>I hope you never cared for baseball.
I don't.
Craig Charles made that show
Rate this run

I love Hotline
C very mid
That's Takeshi's Castle. Which is actually better as MXC.
B overtime
B I'd rank down for overestimate but HM2 hard mode is such fucking bullshit
Played on hard, heard the music, knew what he was doing. Died, went 30 seconds over, and I do not care.
A this game is bullshit
>we were still muted
We had a nanosecond of peace.
nice high skill playthrough, good watch/listen, if it went under estimate might be S
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Preach, brother

A. Overestimate is a pity but he played a real hard category and routed it like a champ. I adore pure-skill speedruns like this
>thank you for waking up at this time
nigger hasn't worked for a single day of his life
A - pretty good and hard.
B. Over estimate, but one of the only hard mode runs I've seen at a marathon.
MoD366 is a fake gamer
that's a
Same person...?
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Those are NOT my fumos. Remove them from the screen.
Oh yeah, sorry. Have to disagree with you about MXC though but I respect your opinion
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me on the right getting gooned
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I'll say it, Naru making his entire personality around fumos and his dekas is cringe and getting obnoxious and annoying.
You're mindbroken by trannies, can't even recognize bio females anymore.
is that women?
you're cringe, anon, Naro is based
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I do not like this fumo, it's smug aura mocks me
i miss prizemommy
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Fuck off GDQ shill, fumos are soul
That's nice, but no one cares for your opinion.
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You're wrong and also soulless.
He's as genuine as can be, his powerlevel is simply too high for normalfags to understand.
>hey guys I brought my 10 dekas with me again please give me attention
Anon... he IS the normalfag.
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Her smugness. It mocks me.
>having fun for 600 points
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Kaori Makimura if she's old
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>at least it's more entertaining than standing and talking for 10-20 minutes after every run
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Purple my beloved
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>mfw Plum's song comes on
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Free Frame Perfect when?
the dude is pretty convinced IRL he's a sentient fumo, so he might just be insane.
plum is so cool i hope someone makes a videogame with her like in the mv
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at 50k
If you're not singing along, out loud, then you have no soul.
They played it yesterday after Plum, so it's already free. Just a question if they remember to play it
He actually interfaces with the media more than 99% of fanbase
I'm not even trying to shill the guy, but he's always here actually playing the fangames
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>The entire thread when they play Plum's song
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i couldnt find my Plum reaction pics in time
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maximally plummed
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>there is no cure for Alzheimer's
You can suck my plums
>REMEMBER, that WOMEN can also be MAGICIANS (they are called WITCHES, not WIZARDS) and DRILL this into your MISOGYNISTIC fucking SKULLS!!!!!!!
Compare to this year's ESA.
I had that problem yesterday when they freed Plum. So decided today to create a Plum subfolder to never have that issue
I hate Plum
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do not have fun
Death penalty.
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Not for much longer
>he doesn't already have a plum folder
at least you're on the right path now
/v/ was like this the first time the ad played
>still posts plum
the gdq agents woke up
Oh boy
Bros, he's getting old. Wait, I'm also getting old...
cute game
Playing Touhou is never normalfag, especially nowadays, it's pure otakucore. And how is he trying to grab attention? He just places the fumos in the audience and then leaves them there, doesn't even sit down next to them. And then has his niche Touhou fangame that he plays before disappearing again.
Is this more 2hu bullshit?
/v/ defended Susan when he posted here
Why the fuck did they make a song for Plum to begin with again
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/v/ will instantly 180 and then defend to the death anyone who posts, FACT
Only like his first appearance after GDQ. After nuggets no one defended him.
Watch BSG in two weeks, Heinki has a ring fit run there
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>(New Game+)
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To sell more games of course...
These events should have more runs like Quake. I want to see speed, not "speedruns" almost indistinguishable from normal playthroughs like that 6 hour shitfest yesterday or fucking randomizers so convoluted no one but the runners have any idea what's going on.
yea hes fine
one of the least obnoxious touhoufags you'll ever come across
They defended him when he acted like a bitch to the donation reader that couldn't pronounce his name.
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I was lazy, just dumping everything in a big speedrun marathon folder and then finding stuff based on date. At least it's better than my /v/ folder, and this is after I finally spent the past week sorting 4000 pictures
But it isn't Plum's game, it's just the game Plum is in.
>2hu fangame
>giant fumos in the background
yep, it's soul time
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/v/ did this but not me
the Zelda randomizer was terrible because they were too busy telling the runner what to do to explain literally anything
this guy has a good voice for streaming
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>yep, it's soul time
It always is when Naro runs
>Susan locked his twitter
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100% correct
What I do is I have a different folder for each event, then sub folders for each specific event (winter 23, etc), and of course a folder just for plum and a folder for Mona back when Monaposter posted stuff of her before he got banned or left. It helps me find stuff from like asm, dogwater, nwsf, etc quickly.
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it should have been a normal randomizer instead of a randomizer + person telling you where everything is.
if I had to guess, it's blowback from him trying to jump on ESA and be all "lol told you guys, I was right, so absolve me nenenene"
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This is some.. truly.. riveting.. gameplay..
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>/v/'s face when Touhou is on the screen
duuuude this O.S.T. (Original Sound Track) is fire frfr!
Is at least he the dev?
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Man nobody cares about Mona or her ass anymore, what a flash in the pan gacha thot
Super Touhou Wars run when
All me.
I miss Mona anon, but don't let el janitor know that
Wait, what was th
/v/ has literally always been a /jp/ colony board
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spent too long on this idc anymore
it's comfy
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I still love Mona, I'm just reformed The eyes, man, they spoke to me
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Tourists and newfags unironically hate 2hu tho.
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Is that so
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would you
>only $28 865 raised
Feels sad.
Jp is v's colon for sure
Toe hoe
why do they keep saying Door-Eh-Me instead of Do-Ray-Mii
It's like a 10x increase from a few years ago. It's pretty good for something not backed by megacorporations
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It sounds like a smart system, although I sometimes don't save a lot. And I kinda like the scrolling past everything sorted by date, just feels like a time capsule of every marathon.
I love her ass, me finally sorting my /v/ folder made me create a special Genshin folder filled with a lot of her art
It's half of what they raised this Winter alone, if that doesn't ring any alarm bells idk what to tell you
>sudden funk
Oh shit picked up the ost
What a baka
Hey, take it easy /v/
>I'll take it easy, stop resetting and let the music play
this man is very based
Why do these types of games have nice music?
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Look at her go!
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>It all returns to nothing, I just keep cumming in Plum, cumming in Plum, cumming in Plum
>that smirk when he said flandeliers
>page 8
>during dead hours
You ok mate?
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Should replace the entire crowd with buff Garfield Plum. I'll do that later and see how disturbing it turns out.
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It bothers me that so much of the old flash stuff is forgotten. Most people are only going to know the stuff converted into video with the extremely lossy format that was normal back then, and of course it's missing all the parodies and other stuff.
Oh, well, that's the nature of subcultures and "you had to be there" stuff I guess.
It's all remixes of already existing good music
I still remember egoraptor telling people to go to his Newgrounds for flash animations since Youtube compresses the shit out of everything while Newgrounds is lossless flash.
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Just once, anon, for you
is this a bot?
>It bothers me that so much of the old flash stuff is forgotten.
Me too anon. So much cool shit that I can never find again. I miss the old internet, felt way more genuine in having fun
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nah it's just an anon dedicated to being a tattle-tale for jannies.
to be fair, that was also at a time when youtube's video quality was pretty bad, and the existing flash-to-video converters weren't that good, and many of them were propietary premium things with trials
nowdays Newgrounds themselves provides the best flash-to-video converter (swivel)
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Thanks anon, love you
I feel like you could show people interactive flash stuff in a few years and they would ask what strange new technology it is that allows you to interact with "videos", or what crazy AI is involved with allowing them to scale with the window.
that is just ~44s between posts? you're seriously telling me someone backseat jannies that fast in this thread?
how new?
Yes, there's someone who is that much of a faggot. He probably had his janny application denied and is forever mad about it.
y-you too if uksg threads need a sacrifice to get off the ground i will pray the gods have mercy on my ass
it's just a meme from old times here, don't overthink it
all the Mona posting got me to start playing, but I quit because it sucked except for all the overworld exploration, kek
It's not a meme, it always resorts in anything not Christian enough getting deleted and the user being banned.
you say meme yet I got warned twice already. Someone is clearly doing something
pretty new yeah
that is wild
if it's a meme it's still weird considering it only takes like 30s-50s to reply to that, i thought there was a cooldown between posts unless it's multiple people
It is definitely best in small doses. Not nearly enough Mona in new content for my tastes, even if she gets a lot of love as is for a legacy character
Oh then someone really is being a killjoy. I honestly just like thread traditions for laughs, but reporters gonna report

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