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Why is there a divide between the two playerbases?
for me it's
>world has higher FPS animations on it's dumb ass environmental bugs
because they are two complete different games?
Rise base game is alo easy as hell so stupid ppl like it more
Turn out people saying Nintendo fanbase act like cultists to an extend are right, hence the shitposting
The one on the right isn't on Nintendo
Console wars also World brought in a too many new fans and you know how shit degrades when that happens.
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console warring mostly
they're both nu-monster hunter
just pirate both
one game is shit duh
There are rise fans?
One has cute cat servents and the other tries to force slobbery mutts into the one good thing cats got. Glad those pathetic K9iggers got cut from wilds
Worldfags have an autistic rivalry with every single title that isn’t World
Why do you think? World was a massive casualization of the series to the point where nearly all difficulty is gone now. Not that rise is any better but world was the downfall.
Worldbabies don't like other mh games
Rise is trash
Simple as
5th gen babs arguing over which poo smells better.
>but rise!
Rise is literal dogshit that ruined the series
Good thing is wild will be worldborn2 instead of gayass risebre-ack 2
Worldfags are literally trannies I'm not joking. Just join their rooms and they're talking about dilating and other tranny shit
Unironically speaking world is the only good mh game
the difference is rise is actually fun
>Why is there a divide between the two playerbases
There is no Rise player base
>player base
You're a comedian.
Rise's player base consists entirely off of tendies who don't even play the fame they are defending
There's a reason nobody plays world anymore
All these
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Rise is the first game to actually make palicos useful though
I like both
Though to answer the question one factor may be that Rise has a MUCH higher Waifu factor
Rise is actually fun and world is pure slop. 95% of players havent even fought fatalis.
Rise sister not like this
>using inflated numbers
kek worlos are desperate it's actually at 22k for world right now
Rise look like a ps2 game
While world is one of kind 10/10 masterpiece that made other titles obsolete
they're both great, but autists are rattled by change. and,
between rise presentation and the 'segregated', shitty endgame, people generally go back to world eventually.
just not as good as 3U honestly
Heres your proof worldtrannies
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MH hit the casual market with World, so a lots of it fans are new comer to the series. So when they see Rise they freaked out because of how different these 2 are

Can't blame them, because for a lots of people, your first MH will always be the best one
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As opposed to World's endgame? I much preferred Sunbreak's cause at least I have variety and stronger monsters to fight after the final story monster. After Fatalis there's really nothing stronger to use that set on.
yes, as opposed to world's. it has serious issues that i don't want to get into.
and for most, it's not about fighting 'stronger' enemies, it's about doing a better job against the enemies you know.
I've played MH since tri and I did not care for Rise. It is casualized worse than World, World was at least enjoyable.
both games are easy as hell compared to older ones.
It's entirely on asthetics.
I've been playing since the very first game in the series and world just had too many cutscenes rise is better
can you kill the monsters in world/rise faster than me?
A mainline entry, intended to build on the foundation of the numbered games before it. It is also babby's first MonHun to a lot of people, enough to overwhelm its preexisting fanbase many times over.
A 'portable' entry, taking after Generations as a more 'experimental' game that jumps the shark mechanically, aesthetically, and even narratively. Releases on completely different hardware for a year.

So, the new fans get tonal whiplash as a result, and anyone who liked or disliked Generations knows what to expect.
That's fair. People have different preferences, i enjoy the arcade hunting style and combat of Rise. But i do think the spiritbirds is kinda dumb
I'd argue I can say the same with Sunbreak. I just find Iceborne more of a pain to play than Sunbreak. Especially with SA cause holy shit it sucks fucking ass in Iceborne.
World = dogshit
Rise = a nice hamburger

It's that simple
There isn't much of one, I swear it's just one dude playing both sides spamming images and replying to himself "worldbabby/eric/whatever"
i play both and prefer sunbreak too, but i have an issue with scaling monsters, and how it splits up the playerbase
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>he started with world
so im just a piece of shit then? because i started with world im just a piece of shit? just for that?
World is better
Fight diablos or anjanath for the first time felt hard compare to babby rise
so what does blast dash actually do besides doing some movement that overlaps with wirebugs
managed to bonk one monster like this somehow but have doubt this caused it
So does anyone really like how Alatreon is mostly all about preventing Escaton? A DPS check to prevent an unavoidable OTK in a game that mostly stresses about positioning was one of the worst ideas I've ever seen. Especially in a game where element is shit and wasn't buffed.

Neither of those two are difficult in World.
pretty much
Rise would be better if it wasn't a shitty switch port
There isn't, some retards here are just trying to make one up, including you.
why do you guys always have to persecute us? what did we do that was so bad?
Yeah well world made more money so shut up
I'm embarrassed to have started with world I wish I knew about the series earlier...forgive me...
So what game should i start with then?
i rented and played the first versions and never felt like playing more. barely 100 hrs on the gameboy versions
1k+ hrs on world, rise
only put a few hundred in generations because i was fiending after world, but there's so much unnecessary tedium
I wanted to try Generations actually. What do you find tedious about it?
Why was I cursed to be born on this earth as a worlo? just fucking kill me
Veteran hunter here and i can say world is better and rise is a piece of shit casual babby game
Why does this post always trigger me so hard? Normally I don't care when people talk shit about world but this cat in particular sends me into a rage and I seethe for like 4 hours every fucking time
Because World was a giant departure of the series that attracted tourists like Maximilian Dood which angered OG fans and Rise was closer to traditional Monster Hunter and very different from World which made those fans mad. Now both sides are trying to "win".
World? more like morld hahaha fucking morld lmao
God i hate catposters so much
guess ill just kill myself then
Is there a franchise more impossible to discuss than MH on /v/?
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Platform wars. Both are dogshite games.
Play Freedom Unite or 3 Ultimate instead.
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dogs, wirebugs and switch skills >>> slingshot, clutch claw and mantles

I despise World's gimmicks so much it's unreal.
Love the visuals, love the atmosphere, hell I don't even mind the damn tracking, but this tacked on bullshit can fuck right off.
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Why do you care?
Why does anybody?
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huh... that's not the pic I intended to post...
There's more than one reason but it's basically:
1. Nintendo faggotry, both because of older games being on handheld devices and Rise coming to Switch first and suffers graphically because of it.
2. World is the first MH on PC and to get a major release, it made a lot of improvements and introduced a lot of people to the series, leading to bitterness, jealousy and resentment from older fans and nintendo cultists joining them out of braindead brand loyalty.
3. World is the most smooth and fluid MH to date and contrarians are so twisted they say doing farm runs (worse than gathering lands) and having loading screen between map parts is actually desirable. Playing an easy MH game designed for Japanese teens on the train does not make you a hardcore gamer.
Basically, World is the best MH to date that was also a huge success, causing jealousy and anger towards it while contrarians seethe as usual.
rise is too japanese for normies. world is too western for weebs. wilds is trying to appeal to both but satisfies no one.
Wilds is very clearly World 2.0.
put me in the screencap!
In some ways but the girls are disgusting sf6 tier trannies that only a rise fag could love.
the girls in world were just plain to below average (besides the mc) I guess.
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I like them both a lot. But I put the most time into World, and I think I prefer it.
Nope I started with 3U. I was just born better
it's just a million little jap console annoyances that add up
seriously so many of capcom's new bitches are unbelievably ugly and I know for a fact that it isn't the engine. It's 100% the devs but they get away with it by commissioning hentai to galight retarded weebs into jerking off to trannies and then releasing the game.

this wouldn't even be a problem normally but there are so many camera shots that close in on them and treat them as if they're hot.
this is what worlos deserve for ruining the series honestly
>both games are easy as hell compared to older ones.
yeah, and Rise is easy as hell compared to World, dumb
recently joining secondaries
>haha you're talking about-
i AM talking about both
Rise had better waifus than World though.
As someone who is above MR200 on bother and beat Master Hunter of the New World on World I will happily tell you World is held back by the lack of content and clutch claw. Rise went to hard on the whole wirebug thing making you OP but it has way more content. Im afraid Wilds is going to kill this debate for good but bring something much worse. Im afraid for this board when Wilds releases.
I bought World on sale for like 5 dollars
having a lot of fun playing IG, just beat the HR story
>Girls in world are better than rise
Is this nigga serious
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It's mostly console shitters and tribalfags who need to be a caveman online
Also what weapon is everyone using in Wilds
Cutscenes ruined world and they'll ruin wilds too
they were both ugly. just for different reasons. wilds looks like the worst of both worlds put together.
I like both, fuck off faggot
Both have some problem
>World clutch claw and lack of new monster and end game is a problem
>Rise base is piss easy, sunbreak solved this issue but i hate new quest coop system, in world you can see all the active quest and time but in rise you join random or wait gazillion hrs for particular quest
They made a technologically worse game to appease nincels, so im not playing their game.
Got no issue with the game itself tho
ME ME ME i started with world so i need to be punished spit in my mouth and spank my ass daddy make me your little slut yessssss
damn worlos are this starved for BIG TRI COCK? guess i cant just leave them hanging like this then open up
What girls did World even have?
>Serious Handler
>Third Fleet leader
>Research lady
Why are worlos such disgusting smelly worthless piles of shit?
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Oh, I almost forgot the two entire sets of guild gals in the hubs.
Low rank hub aknosom is harder than high rank fights in World
its because they irrevocably ruined the community for monhun
It's extremely unfortunate that Wilds went back to American designs for the characters instead of Rise actually having attractive people
christ they really are ugly wtf some of them unironically look like men in dresses
People who like world only like world and nothing else.
>some of them
Point them out specifically
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very organic thread. Too bad the IP counter is gone.
I recently tried Freedom Unite and didnt find that too bad but still had stuff that annoyed me. I thought it would take ages to finish so i started world but i did not like it at all. Are 3 and 4 better than rise, world and freedom Unite?
I genuinely dislike the realistic artstyle they've gone with. Rise and Stories's artstyle looks much better.
I remember a time when world players were hailed as heros
I agree. Would rather have Wilds looking more anime with better lightning and detailed textures than back to the World art style.
kill yourself
They seemed to make the girls a little more attractive or at least plain for Wilds though, and not Actively unpleasant to look at like the Handler was without mods.
too bad capcom said with REX that they want even more realism.
I don't
I personally don't like 4u because of the maps
play portable 3rd or 3u if you want swimming
Because World was the first game in the series for 90% of the current fanbase.
They see that Rise isn't World and whine.
World was exceptionally boring outside of a handful of hunts
Why the fuck would any person playing a video game be seen as a hero?
Just giving anons an id like /int/ would make actual discussions so much better
No flags though, everything will just be country banter
Cool factor and movement.
You can use it without a wirebug
>95% of players havent even fought fatalis.
By design
Fatalis was locked behind 300 hours minimum of decos grinding so 5% of hardcore players are about right
Correction I could've sworn /int/ had IDs but it's just flags
Pardon my retardation
World just ends up being boring because they wasted years on zorah and made the most barebornes roster ever, they also shoved too much side activity and focused a lot on the story and when making maps they made them into realistic environments before fighting zones, so all this and some other stuff makes it really boring, specially on replay, I will say that Iceborne improved a bit.
8ch had IDs.
My boy gunlance like usual. Probably some lance too.
>roster is super samey
>returning monsters besides Diablos suck ass
>Iceborne doesn't really fix the roster issue without dunping most of them in a well
>iceborne returning monsters are exceptionally dogshit
My friend started with world because he didn't understand how to play FU but he quit world after low rank lmao
Then why did a Souls & MHW "veteran" get filtered by a fucking village Khezu?
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good lord
I really hope they keep Adept Lance Guarding, it just feels so tight
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Bros, I played through pretty much every MH game with GS. I got into archery irl recently though and want to learn bow now for the next MHW2 game.

Do I learn first on World or Rise? Thank you frens.
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One of the supposed positives of World I've seen on comments on youtube is that they liked exploring the map. I don't think I've ever really explored the map asides the first time going through it and entering the story blocked areas for the first time.
Depends if they keep shot types in Wilds, if so then Rise if no then World
I would recommend learning in Rise because you're more likely to get one shot in that game with ranged
It's broken in both games so expect your times to be super short
Because neither are exactly like the older games in entirely different ways.
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>That pic
I wouldn't be as concerned with her looking different as the fact that she's very Fucking Luminescent
There are like very few fights that I liked to do endgame
>AT Velkhana
>Raging Brachy
>Yian Garuga
>The Jangs
And at this point I just fight the Jangs and Hazard Velkhana in sunbreak, I swear I want to replay world to reach tese fights again since I intend to sell my ps4 and I have the game on PC but I cannot keep myself from getting bored at the start, to the point that I am more inclined to do a brand new rise save file
>I don't think I've ever really explored the map asides the first time going through it and entering the story blocked areas for the first time
That's because there's not much of worth to actually find in the world maps, they're pretty barren
Nah, World had a bunch of walls, such as Anjanath being a fire creature with no good fire resistance gear yet, and in the DLC Yian Garuga which alarmed most players at how fast it was when they first encountered it until they got used to it
Rise has none of that, you just stomp everything as you go, one by one
And Rise has obnoxious floaty big end game bosses that can barely be hit throughout the fight even with those shitty wirebugs
Who wants to play a Monster Hunter game where you just spam silkbind attacks over and over because it's the best attack you've got
>It's broken in both games so expect your times to be super short
Ranged is easy mode? That's kind of disappointing. ty though
Ranged is easy mode when you know what you're doing, if you're learning you'll have plenty to struggle with
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Which is why I don't understand how does someone come to this conclusion. There's nothing to really find.
Seems to be the nature with the model swap mods.
I thought Mizitsune in Rise was more of a roadblock with how hard it hits for a first time fight and how much it moves around as opposed to Anjanath where the fire is a non-issue if you just hug his legs.
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I don't blame him.
LR Anja filtered newfags exclusively thoughbeit
Neither do I which is why I have 4 figures of her and drew her last month.
>I thought Mizitsune in Rise was more of a roadblock
I feel like it would have been, but it was available in the demo so we got plenty of practice.
To be honest if you jump straight into hub solo without doing village first, its way harder than most of the stuff in base world
It's mostly present on /v/ because retards like to argue about unimportant garbage in lieu of playing games or even having a job.
Practically World was their first MH game for many people. Switch graphics, and differences in gameplay like switch skills, palamutes, mission setup feel huge when you haven't played the rest of the series. Both World and Rise are variations on the MH formula, but Rise is more different to World than MH in general. Certain people wanted "more World" and they didn't quite get it. Others wanted more handheld oldschool MH, but they didn't quite get it. Ultimately their complaints are meaningless shite.
that's World 0.6
>Just join their rooms and they're talking about dilating and other tranny shit
This is just PC players, not a game's problem. Majority of online game lobbies on PC is like that, lmao. We memed programmer socks too hard.
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There isn't so much a divide as much as its just Sony fanboys and their unrequited war against Nintendo fans.
If you look in the archive you can see that no one actually had an issue with MH going back to consoles, the issue always lied with the Sony fanbase who would always just use games to shitpost. Persona 5 being the most recent example at the time since you couldn't discuss that in any critical manner without being called a tendie much like World.
They also shat on PC to a lesser extent before it released, claiming it would never come to PC either and when it did they shat on it for having denuvo and the late updates.
Back to the criticism however, there was a lot to actually criticise about the game from the stuttering framerate and slow loading times to the ugly character designs and bone weapons but because you were called a tendie just for uttering anything remotely negative, no matter how minor it was, the MH fanbase became one of the many fanbases to resent sony fanboys and their constant cock sucking getting in the way of discussion.
Then when Rise released they were so butthurt about it not being on PlayStation that they made up a ton of nonsense coping mechanisms like
>it's a spin off!
>it's not real MH!
>it's slower than World!
And so on and so forth because they legitimately didn't expect it to come back to Nintendo systems.

Basically, it's not that there's a divide per se, just that one fanbase everyone hates latched on to one game and dragged their personal biases into it and ruined our threads with their meaningless console wars everyone saw coming from a mile away.
>Which is why I don't understand how does someone come to this conclusion. There's nothing to really find.
Usually when people praise a game with large maps that have nothing in them it's just graphicsfagging and being amazed at nothing.
Thinking of starting the monhun series with gen ultimate. Thoughts?
LR Anja didn't filter anyone.
Try out every weapon and see what sticks, also be prepared to get deluged with quests
Rise: people who hate monster hunter
World: people who love monster hunter

Do the math
Fivers hate Monster Hunter and want all titles to be World.

Also they've got a heavy victim complex and don't realise every game has a stigma attached to it as your first MH, but because they're all normalfags who started using the internet in 2016, there's no hope for them.
GU is the last classic game with the most monsters, if you want to get a feel for that part of the series that's going to be the best place to start.
If you move on to new MH go with Rise for pretty much the same reason. Plus it's a bit harder than World.
If they love MH why do they hate every other game in the series other than the least MH game?
World: people who only love World (it is the only game they played)
Rise: people who like Monster Hunter as a whole
You seem to think World is for people who like MH because it's the only MH you know besides Rise, which you don't consider to be MH (because it's not World)
But they don't. You made that up because you're an asshurt Nintendo fanboy
Worldfags are massive cultists (so are tendies) but as someone that plays the older titles the vast majority of warring comes from worldfags who are essentially newfags that think anything other than World = bad. You'll see countless responses from pajeet snoys, tendies and newniggers to this thread that refuse to acknowledge they're unironically two sides of the same retarded coin shitting up the franchise.
GU is alright but just know that because it's an anniversary title it uses a bunch of way old maps, which are a bit shit. Once you're in the later game it'll cycle out the old shit maps for the newer gen maps though. Use the weapons with the guild style first if you want a feel of what classic MH. the other styles are fun to play with, they're just exclusive to GU. Only thing is that I'd recommend you look up how the armor skill system works in the old games, as it requires a bit of know how to use effectively.
GU is dogshit
>World is for people that like Monster Hunter
>Except the ones on Nintendo
>Which is half the series
>The latter half, excluding World
But you're the one that loves Monster Hunter, right
bc he's a retard
>But they don't.
And yet they're the ones shitting on every other game in the series including the ps2 and psp games calling everyone who mentions them tendies.
You know just like you did right now.
Nigger, Worldfags are the complete opposite of that they refuse to play anything other than world and didn't even know the franchise existed until a multi-million dollar campaign for a zoomer console. This is the pot calling the kettle black then shouting nigger repeatedly despite being blacker than black.
GUfags are so pathetic pretending they are traditional when they are an abortion from frontier
GUbabies are a thing now and thats fucking disgusting
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You can like the Nintendo games (except Rise) without being a Nintendo fanboy
If you like Rise you are a deranged Nintendo fanboy or a newfag who doesn't like monster hunter
All MH games are good EXCEPT Rise. Rise is a diarrhea shitstain on the franchise. Even the mobile games are worth playing over Rise

You are mad because you are a secondary whose entry into the series was when it was being held hostage as a Nintendo exclusive (or Rise), and now that World has freed it from such, you are IRREPAIRABLY MINDBROKEN BY WORLD'S SUCCESS

You will die mad.
We will get world peace before a 4chan MH thread brings up the endgame Sunbreak hunts and how they are by far the hardest things in the series next to Frontier hunts.
See you in 5 years when Portable 6th releases. Enjoy Wilds while it lasts. I will, too, because I like Monster Hunter games.
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I've done every hunt in Poopbreak to prove the point it was easy. It was. There was nothing remotely difficult in this game other than Risen Valstrax (still nowhere near as hard as difficult hunts in other games), because you the hunter are overpowered as shit.
Case in point.
The scathing hatred they have for Nintendo clouds their judgement.

The sad part is that all they can do is post reaction images while we laugh at them.
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But I literally just said the games on Nintendo before World are all good.
>last classic game
great joke GUbaby
Don't worry, Wilds will unite them by combining the worst aspects of both games.
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This, LOL. Rise is a return to classic. See picrel
The fact that you can't even read your own post properly speaks volumes.
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>Artemis posted it again award
Don't, go with 4U. GU will bombard you with "arrived to a gacha game 2 years into its lifetime" levels of disorienting content. 4U is as simple as it gets while still being relatively new and gimmick-less. Then, when you find your bearings, go in whatever direction.
because worldfags have deluded themselves into thinking that they're monhun fans. both games are casualized shit.
World is so different from everything before it that all the older games, be they Frontier-esque or not, is considered "classic" comparatively.
What's wrong with world?
Snoypedos are obsessed with rise for some reason, truly the most marhetic race in gaming
And here's Eric to post his fanboy war nonsense.
>World is so different from everything before it
It's the same game with nicer graphics
damn this actually really made me sad man
>Rise's artstyle
>talking cats from Stories, the most jap MH game ever
>fighting on mounts
>cool anime close in attacks

Wilds is a mix of Rise's approach to 5th gen combined with MH4U.
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So despite me being blinded by my apparent hatred for Nintendo, and despite the fact I love Tri, 3U, and 4U, it's all moot because I have nothing positive to say about Rise which proves I am blinded by Nintendo?

Hmm yes that makes sense you are totally right
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How so?
It's just not really a monster hunter game. Sure it has the monsters but it plays completely different to anything else in the series, even Rise has only a handful of similarities to it.
worldbros...how will we recover from this?
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To all the actual humans in the thread, how excited are you for Gamescom footage for Wilds?
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>Started with Generations on 3DS
I won. Fuck you worldfags
because one is alot better than the other one and the series could be more like either of the games going forward so people want to argue in favor of the one they prefer
>and the series could be more like either of the games going forward
So many people forget that it will literally alternate between the two, and has for the entire history of the series.
>To all the actual humans in the thread
uh oh worlos this post isn't for you
>You are mad because you are a secondary whose entry into the series was when it was being held hostage as a Nintendo exclusive (or Rise), and now that World has freed it from such, you are IRREPAIRABLY MINDBROKEN BY WORLD'S SUCCESS
Does this sound like someone who isn't blinded by hatred?
No, it sounds like someone with an irrational hatred for Nintendo who isn't even trying to make sense because of it.

That's why you can only post wojaks as a response.
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One thing I don't really see mentioned is that the environment in World seemed much more interesting and natural while still being a fun playground for attacking monsters. Meanwhile in Rise the environments seem too open which is evident by the fact that they had to make dogs mounts. I dare you to name any map in Rise that comes close to the beauty of the Coral Highlands in World.
From World
>cinematic shit
>broken multiplayer
>muh ecology
>overpowered environmental gimmicks
>RNG decos
From Rise
>anime super moves
>gay ass mount
>anomaly red spots gimmick
>So many people forget
has nothing to do with forgetting worlo newfags just didn't know full stop even ryozo had to tell them to stop chimping out because not every game is going to be world
I haven't been keeping track at all. When's Gamescon?
Eh, not really. I haven't been too impressed by anything I've seen so far, it just seems like more world which was already kind of underwhelming.
>clueless secondaries
>tryhard weebs
August, they'll have playable demos at the event and we'll actually get gameplay footage
this but include FU because it's good
fuck world though
Again how am I blinded by Nintendo hatred if I love Tri, 3U, and 4U; all Nintendo exclusives? Answer that question without dodging what I've actually said

I know you won't answer me because I know the reason you're dodging my statement is because you're a Risenigger
The environments were small and cramped and monsters could barely move in them, Ride deliberately went for open environments so they get less in the way of fights
Wilds will probably try and go for a middle ground between the two
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>cinematic shit
>broken multiplayer
>muh ecology
All started in 4
>anime super moves
>anomaly red spots gimmick
All started in Generations
world is such a redditnigger game god i want them all to die painful deaths
>One thing I don't really see mentioned is that the environment in World seemed much more interesting and natural while still being a fun playground for attacking monsters.
That's because it wasn't. The pathways between combat areas were small and cramped and most combat areas had obnoxious slopes which would initiate slides extremely easily.
post playtimes.
I don't understand, I thought all the MH games were well received, what's wrong with Rise?
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>rise fans when you make the implication that there's something about their game you dislike and think could have been executed better
world is trying to ape the western market and it shows
>toned down colors
>bone weapons
>more movie like cutscenes
but the gameplay still MH at core

X/G and Rise is basically frontiershit so no.
>but le portable!!
no you trannoid , P3rd/,MMH3G all felt like classic . FU same thing only with a portable (faster game ) idea in mind
>Monster Hunter fans talk about Rise in the main MH forum with everyone else
>World needs its own separate forum away from the rest of the franchise
>Snoypedos are obsessed with rise (a game they can play)
hey bingturd dare to explain why pcchads already abandoned rise aka garbage to play an older game aka world?
Rise isn't necessarily a bad game, it's just noticeably worse than World.
>get into World with a mate
>it's great fun
>he gets bored quickly and stops playing
>I haven't touched it since
I was really fucked off, I'll play it again soon on my own but monster hunter is more fun with frens
I know world is incredibly flawed as a game but I still liked it. Probably won't buy another one though i dont really like the grind
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Agreed, can't expect much from a tranny-filled fanbase
reminder risesissies are suicidal
>Answer that question without dodging what I've actually said
Look at the part of your post I just quoted. You're calling people secondaries and mad not because you know that they started with the Nintendo games but because you hate the Nintendo games and even with Rise going full multiplat you're still calling people who like it tendies.
You can claim that you like them as much as you want but you're wearing your biases on your sleeve, anyone can tell that you don't really care.
Hell I'd ask you to post playtimes but you no doubt have some edited saves floating about for just such an occasion.
well i do like hamburgers guess i'll start with rise
World is an extremely casual big AAA western bait adventure disguised as a MH game that did its job by attracting those casual babies.
Rise is just a sequel concept to GU that had all the strengths GU and actual MH had plus some major combat improvements. Now new people that only played World because Asmongold played it saw Rise doing actual MH stuff and were like "ewww tf is this?"

Even the devs in interviews admitted they barely put any soul in World and just did it cause Capcom wanted to bait westerners after 4U managed to have some impact in America.
how do you pirate the DLC for world again?
>what's wrong with Rise?
Nothing, it was just released on a Nintendo system first so Sony fanboys are obligated to hate it.
You can see the same phenomenon with SMT V.
it seems even worse so far with cutscenes back to back to back and the hunting locales seemingly being dumbed down.
Well for one, Rise is not an MH game.
Nobody actually likes Rise, they just feel compelled to defend it because we all know why.
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you know it really fits

safe to ignore all the other zoomerposting
It forgot it's not God Eater.
Because we didn't have to double dip since the switch version of Rise wasn't complete dogshit like the ps4 version of World.
Why did you think you can't find anyone to play world with on ps4 while Rise in switch is the most populated version?
dos is the DS2 of monster hunter thoughbeit
Why are worldtrannies.. the way they are?
if World was like 4U but with just open locales it would have been amazing, but that's not what we got.
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>God Eater
Funny, GE does Magnamalo's design better than Magnamalo itself.
World brought a bunch of newfaggots. Also console poverty so they must defend the one they own
The lack of a father figure, you know why.
>Delusional rant
I was playing FU while you were swimming in your daddies balls, nigger. This thread is filled to the brim with faggots saying every other than world is shit.
Stop talking like a retard, twitter tranny.
Can I have a MHFU remaster for PC please
That's not very nice thoughever
>the switch version of Rise wasn't complete dogshit
If you don't think 720p at 30FPS is complete dogshit then it's evident that you're too poor to afford a PC, let alone a PS5 or Xbox
>switch is the most populated version?
Source other than "my ass"?
Consolewar faggotry and old fans bitter at World's success because they think it being a big success means it's inferior when all it did was improve the gameplay.
A lot of the weapons look terrible in World though
Coral highland is beautiful, yes, if you ever fight anywhere other than the 3 central big areas 80% of the time. I think the only time i ever fought south was against tzitzi ya ku. The map is painfully impractical. And GOD forbid do not mention ancient forest. If you want good area both aesthetically and gameplay wise pick rotten vale.
Rise went for "classic map but now they are well connected with minimal hallway travel". The only real "bad" one is frost island due to its weirdly huge arenas. Personally? i prefer somewhere i can properly fight and enjoy the monster at utmost clarity
One other thing rise solved, the problem that has been plaguing the series since 4 introduced jumping, to XX, to world, is all the random mini-slopes, by virtue of giving you free jumps + mounting dmg is also bound to silkbind, in the name of equality cus IG cant be the only unique kid
Its the ancient curse of MH: every latest games divide the community
>FU vs tri/p3rd. remember "lol p3rd easiest game ever"
>3U vs 4U. granted this one was lopsided cus ts just "gen 3 has better line up, fuck gen 2 monster" vs "lol underwater"
>4U vs GU "lol anime"
>GU/4U vs World "lol casualized western trash"
I just realized, yeah, it's probably this. Since the last several games were all on Nintendo consoles, they rarely ever saw the deep discounts World saw until way later. Meanwhile World was selling for cheap way earlier on more platforms, so tons more people got into it. As such, despite looking the best, it's the one that appeals most to poorfags. They're obsessed with console wars and assume "tendies" only have the one system because they're projecting. They're the ones that can't afford anything else. Their only experiences are with World and Rise because they're the only ones to come to the platform they own, and they hate Rise because it reminds them of that by looking like a Switch game.
>All these replies
Ah, the change in monster hunter threads makes sense now.
>If you don't think 720p at 30FPS is complete dogshit then it's evident that you're too poor to afford a PC, let alone a PS5 or Xbox
Anon, you're saying that while defending a game that can drop to 19fps and takes a decade to load in one quest which for some reason requires a two different kinds of loading.
Reminder that, statistically speaking, about 60% of all Monster Hunter players have only ever played World.
>every latest games divide the community
No game before World divided the community. You're just listing random criticisms while saying "X vs Y" acting as if they weren't commonly held by members of the fanbase at the time.
They're incredibly grindy "forever" games that tend to attract autists, and autistic people hate change. Combine that with your typical shitposting and console warring
fucking kek never gets old
Because through a purposeful push in marketing one of the two gathered a massive normalfag audience who won't translate to players in any other Monster Hunter game except solely World 2 and World 3.
At the time the ps4 was just as expensive as a switch anon, the console price was a moot point. That said World dropped in price much, much faster than any other game in the series.
What never gets old?
He's just saying no, how is that funny?
you wouldn't get it newfag
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third worlders don't like nintendo
Oh so you're just making shit up now? I can do that to Rise on Switch actually runs on 360p upscaled 600x320 and has FPS drops to 5 every 10 min and it will randomly freeze and nuke your save file but for some reason you don't think that's dogshit LOL
Nintendo doesn't operate in India
why are anti nintendo posts getting deleted but anti sony posts stay up
Cry about it
don't have to I can simply turn airplane mode on/off but you keep spamming that report button whenever you lose the argument buddy I'm sure that will make your game more populated
that's not an answer
its the only new mh they can play of course is popular there
bet that sounded better in your head

pc , xbox and sony players can own both World and Rise
sounds like cope to me

>old fans bitter at both
rise apologist are just GUbabies

sad people make this into console vs console when it goes deeper than that
Did you just admit to ban evasion?
did you just admit to seething?
the absolute state
Totally ban evasion AND a phoneposter
How do you know?
Snoyjeets get fucked
>0 people playing iceborne
>20k playing BASE rise
How fucking embarrassing for worldbabs
>Oh so you're just making shit up now?
Anon, we've had framerate tests for years we know the game rarely runs at a solid 30 on ps4 unless you're using a pro on performance mode where it still stutters. Hell I'd say that's even worse since it can drop from 44 to 32 but I digress.

But hey, at least you admit you hate Rise just because it released on a Nintendo system rather than having tangible evidence that it's bad.
>its the only new mh they can play
Anon, they have access to world too and they'll have access to Wilds as well.
Do you know why?
and world runs at 1 fps on the WiiU, now pretend anyone gives a shit about a dead console
If you didnt start with the mobile port of mhfu, you arent a real monster hunter player
I would have loved to, but it was iOS only.
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The conversation was about the ps4 and why everyone double dipped for world and not rise since the switch version of Rise never had glaring issues like that.
Man, you don't kids are idiots.
>omg he doesn't know people cannot own more than one console i won!!
you cannot be serious
that doesn't explain the low numbers when they were so high before
sounds like gigacope from you
i started with Dynamic hunting
he is obviously baiting. Just call him a faggot and move on.
disgusting applefag
>that doesn't explain the low numbers when they were so high before
Of course it does, because they were never that high to begin with.
Kill yourself
this but unironically
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but they were and in both times after 4 months world was always above it
even before the campaign
>but they were and in both times after 4 months world was always above it
Anon, that means that they weren't that high. You've essentially done this
Good morning sir
they were high but the game loop was not that good so they dropped it
isn't funny how people say sunbreak has no content when it has like 1.5 more quest than world ?
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The funniest thing to me is people who actually engage with all of these talking points in earnest. It's like they haven't gotten it through their thick skulls that monhun discussion is dead and buried and has been since world launched. All that's left is shitposting since mainline vs portable has become a culture war issue. The series is already incredibly mainstream now and both of these games have sold more than 15 million copies and future games likely will as well. So all of these discussions are entirely meaningless. If you aren't just shitposting for fun and laughing at asspull gotchas and memes then you're genuinely stupid and being played for a fool.
t. newfag
>they were high
No, no they weren't. The all time peak was 230,942 players, that's low.
>isn't funny how people say sunbreak has no content when it has like 1.5 more quest than world ?
Not really, the only people who say that are people have a compulsion to defend world because of their choice of console aka sonyfags.
Snoytroon pedos deserve a bullet in the head
>It's just not really a monster hunter game
it is tho, your deluded schizo ramblings don't matter
So I'm just a piece of shit? because I'm a troon pedo i'm just a piece of shit? just for that?
I started with Rise then World and then some of the previous titles. World > Rise. GU was kino though
I started with world then rise and then some of the previous titles. rise > world
3u was kino though
People who complain rise is to anime probably only use longsword slop and can't blame them either since game treat this weapon as default hunter choice
I think new skill switch are pretty good and they made greatsword so much fun now
Hunting horn is nerfed though
>Most replies are triggered worldbabs
It's over...
Of course it's just going to be worldbabbies, deep down they know that they're inferior compared to real MH fans.
>want to start playing MH
>have to fucking go through 30 damn titles in the franchise or some shit
This and Armored Core are never evers for me. Shame, they both seem fun
I want to like Rise but it feels like a MH clone rather than an actual MH. I pray Wilds gives us a focus on environments and ecology rather than monster fight spam
Snoypedoniggertrannies dilating
I, too, yearn for the day when capcom finally removes the monster fights from monster hunter.
>have to fucking go through 30 damn titles
>This and Armored Core are never evers for me
this isn't rocket science you know
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World has nothing on mh3u, or even tri. I have played 200 hours of world with my 100% real female wife (who likes lizards and playing support). We got sick of world's constant bullshit, so i emulated the 3ds version of mh3u so we can play local coop. It's been the best coop fun we've had since DRG, THE ONLY DOWNSIDE of mh3u compared to world is the lack of little creature capturing. My wife really liked collecting all the rare bugs and crap. I like my wife, got to go to work now bye bye have a good tread
3u is perhaps the easiest MH, barely a challenge, monster movesets are fucked, weapon balance is fucked, free armor
Tri have good quality next to it but lack content drastically being the only game in the franchise missing weapons
play FU if you're going to emulate
Rise babies are mad their game isn't as good or as popular as World. Since Wilds is basically World 2, they are even more upset.
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which is the best monstie hunter to start w/ ive never played one before
Why are so many of the points in the SB side blatant lies or stuff that better fits in the IB side?
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>Nintendo Cultists CONVINCED MH World is going to FLOP
>Blows them the FUCK OUT
>They seethe to this day

Simple as.
World is the only good game in series
world, it's literally meant as an entry point into the licence
if you want to go for oldgen emulate FU
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There's no divide, it's just sonyfags being sonyfags and shitting on anything they don't have or didn't have first while defending everything other people don't have unconditionally.
Just look at persona 3 reload, a completely butchered remake and their first response was

It's kind of sad when you think about it since they're just shoveling money towards things not because they actually like it but because they want to rub it in to their boogeymen.
Yo where my Stories fans at
Too long, brother
you could have plugged in a fiew braincells for a fiew minutes, or looked up a decade of retards asking on internet where to start
base game world is the best game they ever made ruined by clutchclaw in the dlc
base game rise is the worst game they ever made atleast somewhat redeemed in the dlc but still bad because the mobility they give you makes monsters not threatening at all until they started giving everything screen covering aoe explosions
>muh sonyfags
>muh tendies
You are a part of the problem, so shut your dumb whore mouth, avatarfagging cancerous bitch, people like you made this board fucking unbearable
This reads like someone who never played MH and just parrots made-up talking points by shitposters who also never played MH.
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Gen 4 is better than both of these normified slop games. wilds will be even more casualized.
>still bad because the mobility they give you makes monsters not threatening at all until they started giving everything screen covering aoe explosions
You literally just described world
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what exactly has ridiculous mobility in world? the game is like half the speed and one third of the mobility of wirebugs
People have already analyzed the crap out of the 2 games and they both move at similar speeds. The real difference is that world monsters were slowed down from previous generations whereas rise monsters were not.
Also world was the game filling it's roster with screenwriter AoEs, not rise.
>People have already analyzed the crap out of the 2 games
so what you are trying to say is you watched some retard on youtube tell you the opinion you should hold instead of experiencing it yourself got it
>world was the game filling it's roster with screenwriter AoEs
you can surely name a few then
I'd start with the very first games of each series and progress from there, but shit I'll just save that for my twilight years on Earth or something
sup my nigga

Meanwhile Rise only has Amatsu, MAYBE Allmother.
No, I fucking played the games side-by-side and noticed that worldmons were unusually sluggish compared to rise and gen 2-4 monsters.
>monster hunter fans are just console warriors
So THATS why I hate the series!
collab event monster with instakill move with specific counter of standing behind rocks
instakill move with specific counter of standing behind rocks
dps check punisher designed to kill you not to be dodged
dodged with a specific counter of raising a fucking wall

weird if you look at rise post launch content its all aoe explosions because nothing else can threaten wirebug mobility

monster speed does not matter when the hunter is 3 times as fast thanks to wirebugs trivializing positioning and if you do manage to fuck up you just zip out of danger lmao
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>You are a part of the problem
Yeah, that's what you kids say when you're trying to shift the blame. You think playing the neutral act absolves you in the eyes of others but it's essentially just drawing attention because no person would willingly sit there when a problem is staring them in the face unless they are the problem.
After all if a wound is infected the last thing you want to do is let it fester and rot.

But hey, it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. I'm still the one enjoying the game while you chase ghosts for the rest of your life. Sure the loss of discussion is annoying but it ultimately doesn't affect me.
I equally enjoyed every MH game I played, that is FU, GU, IB and SB. Once again, shut the fuck up, go away, neck yourself, you are cancer
Whatever you say buddy. Let me guess, this is the part where you also post "your" steam play time right?
Anyway, it doesn't matter, the point is that it's easy to identify the problem here and the only reason you're angry right now is because I'm right.
This is the part where you stuff your whore mouth full of nigger cocks and fuck off this board forever.
Projecting that BBC obsession are we? Regardless it doesn't change anything, or the fact that you're seething out of your gourd.
Sunbreak isn't an MH game
just a couple retards mad about literally nothing that spends their day being the most annoying cunts possible, for no good reason
>it doesn't change anything
Yeah, sadly it won't change you into an actual intelligent white person capable of discussing video games without platform wars. I am not wasting any more of my time on you
No. Add flags and ID to but all these third world shitposters to the ground. I don't care If /v/ turns into a barren wasteland and hiro ends up selling the site because all the twitter rage kids are gone after seeing that 90% of the site is just canadians and br monkeys.
>because nothing else can threaten wirebug mobility
Uh, anon, you know what an aoe is right?
American and brainlet name a more iconic duo
I got bored of Monster Hunter World after 70 hours and reaching Hard Rank. Everything hit too hard and took too long to kill.
The Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale reminded me of Made in Abyss though.
Hunger should have played a more important role like in Dungeon Meishi and monsters respawning after you kill or capture them reminded me of Dungeon no Naka no Hito.
And yet you'll reply to this post anyway because you think it'll make me mad when in reality you're just proving my point.
>Everything hit too hard and took too long to kill.
You're playing fucking World. You have the hardest hitting hunter in the series while monster hp values are comparatively low.
Just how bad are you?
>weird if you look at rise post launch content its all aoe explosions because nothing else can threaten wirebug mobility
Anon, AoE attacks are worthless in Rise that's why they focus on standard attacks to make use of the superior tracking, they only work when the hunter is slow or if it takes up the entire area like in world.
if world got rid of the clutch claw and had some fight designs ported in from rise instead (rathalos / silver rathos / daora...) itd be pretty much perfect

fighting flying monsters with melee in mhw is fucking aids. they are so, so much better designed in rise
>Hard Rank
lmao hard rank monsters die in like 5 minutes or less even with shit builds.
>mfw he reaches master rank with 3x hp multipliers if he thinks HR is too difficult
Oh god, I got so used to suffering fighting this absolute cunt in Worldborne that I almost felt bored fighting him in Rise
yes seething bazel is exactly what aoe bullshit is
they realized nothing in the game can do shit to you and that was their solution as the first title update and also where i dropped the piece of shit that is rise
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>AT daora
rather fucking stab myself in the face. meanwhile risen daora is one of the better endgame fights in rise
>if world got rid of the clutch claw
this and fixing the hitzones back to pre claw would be enough
>AT daora
oh fuck, I stopped playing after Fatty and never touched the AT variants of MR elders because I was starting to feel burnt out, but I certainly need to go back to experience it. I can imagine how fucking painful it must be
I hunted it thrice with a pierce hbg set (not dealing with it longer than I had to) for layered armor and I felt burned out even with Fatty gear
I swear I've seen this post before from another retarded OP
Seething bazel is a world monster you jackass and none of it's moves in either game can be considered AoE.
Get gud shitters
How are you losing to World Daora?
AT or not it was nerfed into the ground.
when did i say i "lost" to it? im just saying its an absolutely awful fight and is zero fun to attempt with melee
Where did I say I was 'losing'?
All I said it was a massive pain in the ass to fight.
Because your bad
>monster speed does not matter when the hunter is 3 times as fast thanks to wirebugs trivializing positioning and if you do manage to fuck up you just zip out of danger lmao
Try again but this time without spewing buzzwords that out you as someone who never played the game.
Is this some kind of organised discord raid or something?
Either way, Daora isn't that hard to fight in World
I only ever played world, wasn't difficult. But damn was it boring.
>tip toe around the monster while caving its head in until it takes a nap
>bipity boppity
>now the fuck runs off to repeat the process-ity
>grind grind grind your gear
>cause you'll need to kill the same monsters but with inflated values for the sake of difficulty
Felt like a more cumbersome dark souls
Oh god, fuck off, please
FU and P3rd are the series peak, then it's all been downwards since then.
eating his tail
Because they go in quite different directions and people who like one will generally resent the thought of the series becoming more like the other
> 3u is perhaps the easiest MH

Worldfags have unironically lost their minds
>world mentioned out of nowhere
>about a guy that tell to play FU
nice strawman, rent free, aquire medication, and other platitudes
>0 people playing Additional Gesture Bundle 1
over for worldbabs
start with 3u, don't grind any more than you have to, enjoy the vibes then move on to 4u once you beat the endgame monsters
I vividly recall watching with total disgust that ending animation for MHGen, thinking to myself "is this the future of the franchise?" I waited patiently for world on the PC, put 2,000 hours in to it, and skipped rise. Second most hours I put in to a MH is Tri at ~700 hours because of how good its multiplayer integration was. All the handhelds never got past 500 hours for me.
Weird to judge a game based on its shitpost of a credits sequence and skip a game without ever trying it.
You do realize you have to play the game before reaching the credits right? Gen was shit. Arts were shit, and they were the precursor to rice mechanics
Your post only mentioned the ending animation. You said nothing about the rest. The monsters were good, the styles were good but I can agree that the arts weren't the best.
As for Rise, you haven't played it and judge the game solely off a different games mechanic. I can understand not liking them but they do not stop it from being a good game and worthwhile entry to the series.
get it right
Wilds will save us all and reunite the fanbase
I feel like most of the people who bought World found out they didn’t like Monster Hunter. Didn’t Iceborne have some ridiculous dropoff rate where it sold like 10 million fewer copies than World?
worldbabs, thats what happened. i am according to people a bab too since i started with 3U but i enjoyed all monhun games so far, though i didn't like some gimmicks ofcourse. But again it's mostly worldbabs seething
>I feel like most of the people who bought World found out they didn’t like Monster Hunter
That's why they're making the main story as un-MH-like as possible with tons of scripted cinematic sequences
Should I play 3U or 4U next?
>inb4 play Tri/P3rd/GU/
fuck off
Now imagine if they made these games without a decade of console limitations holding them back...?
It sold a bit more than half of what World did
Which is about the same % as people who actually finished the story before Iceborne was out so pretty normal for an action game
play FU
3u 4u are bottom of the barrel
Risen Kush is too easy, it's the easiest Risen Elder, he feels like a pushover compared to the others
Basically consolefags consolefagging. Actual MH fans either hate both or love both. There is no inbetween unless you're a consoletard fanboying secondary.
Their very different games with very different focuses. But they do both share the fact that they both heavily dumbed down the series. Though I will say that the clutch claw fundamentally hurts IB's combat more than wirebugs in Rise, being forced to hyper focus a single part just isn't fun, I have the same issue with the moving Frenzy weakspots in Gen.

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