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she looks cool
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Its been awhile since they did a livestream
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>second half of 2024
>up to canto 7
>we'll only have gotten 2 cantos this year
>plan for 2nd half of 2024
>only gets up to canto 7

delays incoming
canto 7 now releasing in late november
Is this game good yet or it still plays itself?
It's good AND it still plays itself.
I liked lobotomy corporation but I don't like gacha. How bad is the gacha?
did you play the non gacha sequel to lobotomy corp?
what the
not the worst, 99% of the content can be obtained without gambling but only if you grind like a korean
is outis good?
As greedy as you'd expect from a gacha i guess? Idk i haven't played other gachas. Irrelevant if you only play the story.
getting EXP is a pain in the ass
unless you're a day 1 player
I like Limbus because it's so anticoomer
I meant to ask about that but forgot. I haven't played it yet, but I will before I give Limbus a try. Just figured I'd ask while it's on my mind.
Thanks for the answers anons. I shall ponder these.
Library of Ruina is really, really fucking good
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How time consuming is chingus comp.?
I want to play but already have like other 5 games already.
if you didnt beat the previous two games then fuck off
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Contemptuous reminder
there's like 80 hours of story mode with 1/3rd being cutscenes so...
Where my basedcliff id at director, when's the new walpeepee brah...
Spooky that it's a livestream instead of a PV and will only be in Korean
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This triggers me. Change it back.
I can actually see how much HP he shield is worth instead of a blue bar
Now can someone check how much shield Vergilius gives the party
Rip ass, she does not.
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old woman STRONG
Are we finally getting news on Erlking?
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I already have pic related + 90% of the identities released since S1. Should I even bother wasting credits on the new units?
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Who else is absolutely loathes mobile gacha with fanfic story and tagging along only to see PM fail? Just me?
Makes sense since she supports everyone else's charge and damage.
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I'm just waiting for the next PM game. But I don't think it will happen. But to be honest I was already tired of the city setting and how everything is awful and grim.
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>clashes insanely well
>support buffs out the ass
>gives allies clash power
>good damage too
new outis makes charge teams feel great.
no clue what charge potency does tho
When is this?
Charge potency works for Outis' passive which gives Warp IDs clash power. Basically to make the 00 IDs and Meursault not complete shit.
tomorrow same time as always
They're probably just going to yap about how there's cool stuff coming and maybe about the warp janny event but it'll be delayed. PM fanbase will just say some ai generated standard responses like "uwuuu take as much time as you need sir!"
The city was nothing but disapointment, I already wasn't thrilled when "Lyolyan~" showed up with a single goal of existence to indiscriminately shit on something that never even went through but it only went worse from there. Saddest thing that it was always th endgame and we'll be stuck here forever, vid very much related https://youtu.be/e-VF1UN7dEU Shit is grim
>yet another id that is dogshit outside md
Do they no longer care about the main content and only design ids for mirror dungeon now?
Gacha stories tend to bring out the absolute worst in storytelling especially when it relates to established franchises where at a certain point it just becomes excuses to wheel back in old veteran characters or do insane fanfiction fanservice scenarios (yoooo what if this character we loved came back but he was evil and a vampire and also because due to 'certain changes' he has this other popular character's arm)
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I liked how Outis' uptie story was longer than usual and showed how the ID mechanics work as well as Outis actually being a competent leader
fanfiction began at ruina tho, limbus inherits everything it has from it
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You know what genre the next PM game should be?
Doable with shards, but I presume a godawful beginner experience once you get tapped out of thread, egoshards, and exp tickets
Fixer Office/Association management
Fighting game
Or action
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Something progressive i hope
An actual game I hope
A bone-chilling spine-tingling genre-defining atmosphere-oozing slow burn 3rd person horror game
Anything. Just drop the Ruina-like RPG shit.
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But Ruina is a card game. Unless you mean a physical card game in which I would actually want one.
I would want some form of management game like dorf fort or rimworld. I also still think PM could totally make a Lethal Company ripoff on the cheap just to make money
Still can't let go I see
>It's literally the same Lobototroon whining and crying
It's always the lobotroon, the soft cartoony artstyle was a mistake.
so what are we thinking for a charge team now, does she actually shake things up, or is it still w don, ryuoshu, and hong + r heath, ish, and meur?
The samefagging was too obvious
>fanfic story
Nice bait but okay
Unironically just make the city builder and ripoff "This is the Police" x Sim City
Artstyle is nothing, narrative is everything, zoomzoom
Don't be a coward. Run a full w Corp team. Yes, w Corp Faust, Hong Ku and mersault were good in MD even before outis.
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Moses love...
Generic ritualpost
judging by this thread, the love for this series is truly gone.
I said I was already using hong lu, so I assume you mean w sang is good too
People are sick of gacha and the contant delats and are just waiting for the next pm game
You weren't already using w Corp yi sang? His s2 clashes like a motherfucker.
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Thats just a vocal of oldfags, trooning out of their minds, give it time and we'll have decent threads again ;)
ritualposts were worse back in the lobcorp days desu. I guess they all moved over to /vg/ or something, sad fucks
Erlking today, I know it.
Delay announcement with Director doing the naked kneeling thing while HE spanks his ass
It’s a gacha, I dunno what you people expect
Most people are really only in it for the story, but it’s hard to get excited with the constant delays
Total Lobotroon death, Absolute Ruina Gawd Supremacy
>but it’s hard to get excited with the constant delays
Nigga forgot how anons were outright starving between Ruina updates.
yeah I dunno, just ended up using hong lu instead. maybe a hold over from the old mirror dungeon thing when you had to spend cost to use 000s or something
At least Ruina actually wanted (you) to play it, while here at limbus i am stuck wondering how long exp ticket yapping will last before jeehoon premits enkephalin extraction after fight that he promised
Try him out, he's really fucking good. His s3 isn't hard to build charge for either, and using it at full charge feels so satisfying. Especially if it kills the target - more delicious charge barrier.
there is literally, and i mean LITERALLY, nothing new to talk about
this thread literally only exists because some retard thought 1) that a W corp (lol) ID was enough to hold a whole fucking thread and 2) that same retard though the announcement of an announcment was worth enough to make a thread
shut the fuck up about this shit you raggety BITCH
all i know about this guy is that he sucks at ruina and limbus and just bitches and moans about how everything is rng
>director stops adding release dates because you can’t delay it if there’s no deadline
sasuga… but this game is the epitome of “suck is forever”
That's pretty much any lobotomy holdout, I have a friend who keeps praising Lobotomy and complaining about how Ruina and Limbus botched the lore and turned everything into anime battles. He never got past Urban Plague I believe.
He's also gay, btw.
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>have to max out yi sang, faust, meur and outis for the w corp team
my precious exp tickets......
Sorry. Project Moon is a chud studio now
I’m that friend
Dew it. Embrace your new role as a warp janitor.
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>I come to see doomkeks coming out of the woodwork
That's fine, I'm here now. Their next post won't even last 5 seconds.
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>he hasn't max lvl'd every ID worth using and/or has enough resources to max them
are you even playing the game anon?

if the White Ordeal didn't give away the fact that it's always been anime battles in the City then you should sell him a bridge
>He's also gay, btw.
go figure
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actually wait that's 7 W corp IDs now with outis, so who's the stinker who stays on the bench, meur?
Man this looks like ass
Bench Faust. W Outis DESPERATELY needs charge count and her kit sabotages herself most of the time.
That's up to you to decide. Mersault is staggeringly good in MD as long as he has a way to fuel his charge expenditure, but without it he's not that great.
Other candidate for benching is Faust, but she's still good at UT. Only problem is her speed holds her back from being able to properly abuse Overcharge.
Fortunately, charge gifts are obscenely good and even the most basic ones can easily and consistently fuel the entire team with almost no effort.
Did anyone try out a full W Corp team in RR?
finally, the Monzo execution stream
Saturday cartoon, are we sure filters are off?
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I really wish they'd draw this stuff at a higher res if they plan on zooming in so much. the sprites are jpeg'd to fuck even on max texture quality and it looks so bad. it's also super noticeable in the ahab fight when she changes phases
I think they do draw it at a higher res, but for whatever reason they shrink all of their sprites the same amount, even the ones meant to be zoomed in on
I stopped and am learning to draw Malkuth’s fat ass, sorry
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>Get up
>Push your chair
>Sit back down again
More like the Jobber in Binds
There has to be some spaghetti code related to resolution because even though I set the game to be in 1920x1080p fullscreen whenever I go to graphical options I see that the resolution is set to 640x480.
Amazing how we went from the basic stills animations of LOR to all this kino from Limbus
fullscreen overrides the resolution option. ie it's rendering at your fullscreen resolution, but if you set it to windowed then it would shrink to 640x480. since it doesn't let you render at a lower res than your display res at fullscreen, it just doesn't bother saving the changes you make to that setting
It’s not kino when they last billions of years
I like the LC paperdoll art more than LoR but LC has tons of rng, like the fucking fetus, or where the train arrives
what's this about lc oldfags
S1: 5+8
S2: 4+5+5+5, extra fragile
S3: 1+6+6+6+6+6
Net charge gain: S1 4, S2 8

S1: 3+2+2+2
S2: 2+7+7+7, extra slash fragility
S3: 3+7+7+7+7
Net charge gain: S1 4, S2 7

S1: 4+4+4
S2: 5+7+7
S3: 4+5+5+5+5
Net charge gain: S1 4, S2 0
Needs to spend approximately 10 turns to reach maximum potential (+30% damage)

>Sit back down again
The BINDS forced him down retardo
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
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Shut the fuck up. The only reason why we didnt get decimated by his mass attack is because he willingly protected us with binds.
did he have a unique sinner kill sprite like some of the other big bosses?
Nope, same shit like MFE. Just the regular death sprites.
It’s the truth
Limbus animations are long and they keep getting longer
It's about being there "from the start" but that's no different from being a goddamn hipster.
Also IMO it's about the feeling of control, when you had PM being absolute nobodies relying only on Kickstarter money it made anons think they "own" PM because they directly fund them and can influence their decisions, but since PM has broken off that chain a lot of anons have become resentful because PM isn't "theirs" anymore.
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So, huh...

The Charge change is completely irrelevant for every previous Charge ID right?
I'm not sure what's not the same about PM, they still make absolute fucking gold even in gacha
I'm a "from the start" oldfag (at least for the /v/ threads, not the kuckstarter they bombed) and I'm still here because damn they're just so fucking good at what they do
I want to lick Don's stomach
why does Outis get so much porn
Why Project Moon is so incompetent? They are not working on a new game, they cut voice acting everywhere but main story and they didn't have any drama this year. Yet still a fucking delay? What the fuck?! What is the excuse now?
You are simply too normal to be schizo about it unlike most terminally online /v/irgins.
They're just like me fr fr
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Well I'm not sure why one would be here if they disliked PM stuff. I have a bunch of PM keychains (Yi Sang, Ruina Angela, Faust, wanted Ishmael but they sold out immediately, fucking fish) and all 3 games.
Found Bounpoun's pixiv recently and apparently that's the source of those pictures of Don with various shady objects I like, which is nice.
It's okay anon I'm you too.
I want to find all those Don +1 to image limit pics...
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kino's back on the menu
Thanks me
Don has a huge amount of art so I have no idea where the source for those is, nor a collection.
You're going to have to
browse the general for that
>Insane Erotic Slut Latino Blowjobs
I wish we had the weekly streams again where The Project Moon Intern/Director fucked around playing Ruina/some random game/writing his ideas on notepad. It was soul.
>the so-called team captain is strictly worse than the team members (WDon, WRyoshu)
>sabotages her charge gain through her S2
>even under the best case scenario (S2->S2->S1->S1) needs 4 turns to reach 15 charge count, so she can use her S3 on turn 5
>to reach 2 charge potency she also needs 4 turns (S1->S1->S2->S2) and then one extra S1 to get her S3 to activate extra coin power, so she can use her S3 on turn 6
Completely dogshit outside of MDs.
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This is quite possibly the most retarded line I've of thinking I've ever seen and I'm glad people are mad.
Get fucked you stupid retards. You're paying for a product, you're not fucking shareholders.
>Three turn the Faelantern
>Three turn the Steam Transport Machine in 5th floor
>Three turn the Headless Ichthys in 4th floor
So this is the full power of bleed...
>Good Animations are le bad
Get better bait
>why does Outis get so much porn
Purely because of that image about reigniting a dying star that spread on twitter, suddenly she became the one everyone draws porn of
Yesod won
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>mentioning 20 posts old bait that's been left dead in the water
I will never jerk my peener to a gr**k.
...the antimatter clothing competition.
>Good Animations are le bad
Get better bait
*long animations bad
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UUUU? Fauna? PM x Hololive confirmed?
Here's the stream schedule btw:
>W Corp mini-chapter has been delayed, also will not have event EGO or IDs like the previous ones
>Uptie V announcement, will cost lunacy, Sunshower Heathcliff still doesn't lose SP on skill usage
>"Invidia" PvP introduced, also top 1K players get insane rewards, please play this mode as toxic and tryhard as possible
>Season 5 & Canto VII have been delayed due to Don's VA sudden pregnancy (my fault, apologies). 500 lunacy will be sent as compensation.
>About 30 minutes allocated to show the new menu for hamhampangpang
>A new branch shop will be opened outside of Korea. It will be in Florence, Italy, directly on top of Dante's house museum, that has been bought out by KJH. Please understand HIS vision.
>Distortion detective's developement has started
>To conclude, Monzo will be executed live by crushing his skull between some random Gebura cosplayer's thighs
Just like old times...
Doomchads. You are the only sane people filled in a thread of faithslurpers
So fellas, when we flying to italy?
You forgot the intro where it shows the Director sitting behind a desk with 2 hot Faust and Don Cosplayers by his side, almost naked(The Outis Cosplayer can be seen dead behind Director's chair).
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>UUUU? Fauna?
Wrong answer.
She's sexy so it's okay but I feel like it's a lot for a character with minimal screentime.
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Assuming it's becoming a regular thing I thought the news stream would fire up sooner since those are big among gacha kusoges, I guess they've been busy with event booths.
>"invidia" PVP introduced
Pro bros? Where we at? Is it finally time? Is this the event that director was talking about at the last top 100 professional limbus players conference?
The Boys crossover incoming
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You don't get to bring friends.
Bleed's fun. I like my Burn runs too where I craft Glimpse of Flames ASAP and everything dies in 1 turn (even most abnormalities!)
I haven't played since purple eldritch train version of Yang (or was it Hong Lu?) came out. The nail cult story just wrapped up and I did the chicken restaurant stuff. Am I super fucked for missing all the content since then, or would it be easy to return to the game? I had a good team at that time
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Outiskeks... We were supposed to save charge...
Uhh when will we get 3d Chibi models?
Dating sim where I can marry and impregnate sexy hags.
a lot of strong new id's came out since then and the resource sink for lvl 45 and uptie 4 is kinda fucked for new/returning players
on the other hand there's no real time pressure and the story nodes aren't huge walls so it's easy to play at your own pace
You can make it up to Canto 5 in like a week if you're smart with luxcavations. Unless you amassed a huge stockpile of resources when you last played, Everything after might stonewall you for a bit since they're basically made for lvl 40 sinners minimum.
Never ever, cope and seeth lobco tranny, limbus is serious business
>story nodes aren't huge walls
I can easily see a new player getting filtered by 6-34, especially if they don't have sinking which counters it.
Honestly if push comes to shove he can just borrow a sinking unit. Just having one of them on his team helps immensely in that fight.
So is Janny Outis good? She saves charge IDs or what.
My friend had to make do with UT4 lvl. 45 Basecliff and borrowed Cinqlair, even managed to do it withing 10 turns.
No. She literally sabotages herself through her skill 2 for... 1 coin power on a 2-coin skill.

I like and miss this game, but honestly it kind of filters me. I felt like I never TRULY grasped what I was doing and I was overly reliant on matching colors in the chain and just hoping for the best. I forget the name of them, but EGO supers were always difficult for me to know if I should use them or save them when they were charged, or idk... basically I want to come back to the game but I don't because it feels overwhelming
It's honestly overwhelming if you try to understand it from the start, I only started actually thinking what the hell I am doing at 4-48.
With the addition of w corp outis, charge once again fully cements itself as my favourite archetype to play in this game.
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Thank you, more Light for my plan...
So how many starting buffs did you activate
You only really need to know what you're doing once you reach canto 4, archtypes are important but you can totally breeze through most important content with just picking random units you like.
I better get more free lunacy or I will... cope and seethe on a chinese basketweaving forum
>LC 100% ending
NTA but I want to whine how fucked the resource sink is for lvl 45 IDs (and it will get worse again with lvl 50).
The fact that IDs are only really 'useable' in the 40-45 lvl range, every ID added you want to use is an 11 Luxcavation tax (this was more problematic when we were getting 2 IDs a week), and that XP outside of tickets is beyond negligible is insane.
Bringing a lvl 40 ID through the entirety of Canto 6 will not net you a single level (and lvl 1 IDs as support will barely reach level 11, still requiring the same number of Luxcavations to bring them up to 45 ).
The Season 4 Battle Pass had either 0 or close to 0 blue xp tickets as rewards (events used to give barely any xp but I think Time Killing Time did give a decent number of golds).
The best idea I have to remedy this situation is give IDs below a certain level an XP multiplier based on how many Canto's you've cleared. That way if you've cleared the most recent Canto, it will take less XP to get an ID up to 'usable' status (say for example, clearing Canto 6 boosts XP gain up to level 40).
This way, IDs you bring with you as support during a Canto and Intervaldos can actually gain a non-negligible amount of XP.
Chances are PM knows and might start implementing something to remedy that. It also depends on whether level caps keep going up. Imagine the amount of tickets required to level an ID to 100.
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>Chances are PM knows
Also am I schizo or does 40-45 take less tickets than 35-40? It just feels like 35-40 is some insane EXP sink but everything after is back to normal.
Do you have the number of modules required if you are skipping? About 54?
>Chances are PM knows
*laughs in the entire TKT event tickets not even fully levelling an ID*
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>Chances are PM knows
Nope, 35-40 is 30k experience, 40-45 is almost 40k. You probably think it's less because blue experience tickets weren't a thing back in the day.
I havnt played this shit in over a year due to even my autism getting bored of gacha and even I can tell you they dont know
Well, please excuse me for giving the benefit of the doubt instead of being balls-deep in cynicism.
*SMOOOOCH* It's okay, just don't be that naive
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So what's the IDEAL charge team right now?
Yi Sang
Rodion ?
We just got yet another shitty Outis ID after months of jokes about her IDs being bad. PM is completely out of touch with the community.
It's not to insult you but PM's, I would say at this point, ICONIC incompetence.
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Faust. More Charge upkeep is always appreciated.
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I calculated the XP required for the level ups in the leftmost column. 40 to 45 is 37,319 and 35 to 45 is 67,896, so 35-40 is 30,577.
Haven't done that since I never skip. Wiki says it's 19,000 XP for a skipped Lux. 6.79 (round up to 7) skipped Luxes to go from 1 to 45 would be 42 Modules?
I gotta ask, why DOES anyone play at this point when you can just wiki the lore which, lets not play stupid, is the whole point of this crap.
>skiptard wants to get humiliated again
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>I gotta ask, why DOES anyone play at this point when you can just Youtube the lore which, lets not play stupid, is the whole point of this crap.
So Rodions ok? A bit strange since I thought Hong Lu is better due to him giving everyone shield which also gives charge.
Are you capable of answering the question or can you only communicate in dead memes?
>What is the excuse now?
>We can do whatever we want because we replaced the original fanbase with the one that won't leave us no matter what
>I gotta ask, why DOES anyone play at this point
Because I like playing the game.
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>The original fanbase is AGP trannies on /v/ and Tumblr fujos that have already 42% themselves
>Had to find new source of revenue
Simple as.
anyone else like to run around naked when they listen to mili
you don't need to level every new id to 45, and many of you retards always say how many of the old ids are still better than any of the new ones
they always were, LC was a piece of trash excused as "its their first game"
LR was a nightmare of bugs and poor decisions for a long while
LMC is a fuckin gacha
How would you go about catching Lunar Memory? Just buying out the whole shop and trying luck?
get a pack that features Lunar Memory and buy every refresh you can. Make sure to have a starlight stockpile.
While leveling every new ID to 45 would definitely be silly, it definitely is weird that it takes 11 Luxes to max an ID when at least 1 ID is (theoretically) released every 7 days.
Even that backlog of 'IDs you like to use' (theoretically several teams you like) requires a lot of XP to pump them all up +5 levels when a new Canto is released.
The way the module cost for (1XP+3Thread Luxes)x7 days per week + 1 MD4H per week leaves you with only 1 extra module per week (assuming you get 100% of your enkaphalin per hour turned into modules) so if you want to keep up with the XP requirements you either ditch Thread Lux or turn Lunacy into Enkephalin (the latter of which actually has pretty good value).
Point being, the balance of the XP system leaves much to be desired.
Do we have any gooks here to translate when the stream comes or will I have to begrudgingly go to /*g/ just to understand what's happening?
Limbus sucks, wonderlab chad btw
Merson Park...
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He is prime reason why "nugget" and Bong Bong spread outside 4chan
>random YouTuber is the sole vector for CULTRUL PHEMOONENON
I think you're full of shit, he wasn't active that far back
Itt limbuskeks rewriting history
He was making shipost videos when Ruina was still in development and then he transitioned into vtuber and fucked off from /v/ when his shilling was not effective. I guess you weren't here back then
following their fraudent leader's footsteps
>Western PM Fans
Who cares where's Battler
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My knees.... They're bending....
I wish. We'll have a decade filled with limbus slop
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>release ze Joker collab
>make them pump it
>kill them
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the thread/shard grind is also pretty nutty. I made this a while ago, so it's a little out of date (haven't accounted for the last couple banners, don't remember if I did this before or after maxing stuff out for rr4, etc.) but the number of resources I would need to get everything to tier 4 is absurd, and then the exp grind on top of that is even worse
I used to grind a shit ton of boxes last 2 seasons so I guess I feel that thread/shard grind a lot less and haven't mathed stuff out (besides that it's 168 Thread per week and a 000 is 250 Thread to get from 1 to 4).
According to my spreadsheet I need 850 more shards to obtain every ID+EGO and boost them to Uptie/Thread 4 (in actuality it's a lot less because I have 100-300+ Sinner Egoshards for various sinners).
Thread is a real killer since I need 1718 more to Uptie 3-4 every ID and (separately) 3673 more to Upthread 3-4 every EGO. I'm sure if I threw out all the bad IDs and EGOs I'd be in the green.
The 50% Shard to Thread conversion at the end of the season is really the only thing that gives decent Thread.
yeah thread is the real bottleneck. I've got about 3k yellow boxes so I'd have all the shards I'd need and a little extra, but I've only got like 25% of the thread required for everything. and then I don't have jack shit for exp after having to level up a bunch of units for rr4
you have nothing else to farm, compared to any other game this is nothing, stop being fucking retarded
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inb4 constellation system
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Charged thread, limbabs
There's a point where you can just stop rolling on your units and spend your time only rolling on ego. Just Farm everything that you like and ignore mechanics you don't like.
This is one of the major complaints I have. I could not fathom the idea of having to grind. I fortunately have been able to just enjoy the rewards from every Railway every event and so on and so forth. Not to mention the free threat you get from Rolling On banners. Imagine someone trying to catch up to current content, they're going to have to beat everything just to get permission to go into the railway for free upgrade materials for your units.
People still love the game, it's just that we're going to have quite a few dead weeks and possibly months if the upcoming live stream is just an announcement of delays. Everyone is very much more cordial when they have content to play through and not sit around bored gallons of extra boxes and free stamina going to waste
Believe in the plan
We'll get 3 Cantos per year instead of 4 I think. Canto 6 was 4 months or so.
Is she actually any good or is that cap?
where can i lean ruina modding that isnt on d*scord
No one tried the Heathcliff ego yet or what?
We’ll get one canto per year>>683684738
My Hero
>*plaps you*
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Rate this id based on Rando from the LISA series. Also post your id ideas.
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The shield is useless, and the charge comes a turn too late, with it requiring management to trigger on multiple people.
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Is charge any good now or is it just "okay" to run, now?
When charge was bad again?
Since day 1 considering only Warp Don was any good for the first 5 Cantos and up to today it was just her and Ryoshu being good charge IDs.
Well, I guess uptie 4 did make R Ish go from dogshit charge ID to a decent one but I don't think anyone even uses her.
S3 too OP.
He should lose some SP before it.
Just answer the fucking question, retard.
Another fraud id by FRAUDtis
>MIDtis literally sabotages her own kit not unlike Molar Rodia
>didn't manage to save charge
Yeah it's time, grudgeking.
I'm groodging you, grudgeBITCH >>683672816
Ah. In that case it's mostly the same deal. Just slightly better in MD. Since Outis LOAD is very good way to increase damage further. Still boring as fuck to play with.
the fucking question, retard
her hat is wrong
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"Savior" of charge btw.
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Swimsuitbros… we lost again.
>small value then bigger number and then bigger value
Correct. You do small medium big not medium small big.
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R Corp bunnysuits will save Limbus
>offmodel garbage
On it.
Not gonna lie I want to read the uptie story but I really don't want to shard that Outis ID since apparently she's just okay at best.
On what?
On his dick LOL
>Stream starts
>Default windows wallpaper
>Director opens notepad
>Announces warp train walpurgis and new canto with 3 exclamation marks each.
>Announces new HHPP event
>Mentions no progress on other games
>Closes stream
>No vod saved
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There are no other games in development, and imagine not recording the vod for yourself.
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They will announce a new game. The question is what type of game?
>city management set after or while Limbus Company is going
>train management where we explore the outskirts on the old rails mentioned in Intervallo III
>the actual promised dungeon-crawler, where we delve into the ruins of the old world
>or an rpg like game, where we have a linear story about a random Joe climbing the ranks of a fixer
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>We lost the VOD where Director tried to tease the Red Mist update by doing solo Gebura but he sucks too much at the game and was never really able to pull it off for 2 straight hours
>not a single person brought up fell bullet in 300 replies
It's pretty bad. But looks pretty. Also they changed "Leg it" and ruined it. Here.
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>or an rpg like game, where we have a linear story about a random Joe climbing the ranks of a fixer
I would sacrifice my soul for a city CRPG in the vein of Age of Decadance that has tons of winding paths while simultaneously being hard as fuck
>>city management set after or while Limbus Company is going
>>or an rpg like game, where we have a linear story about a random Joe climbing the ranks of a fixer
You forgot the DD VN and that the RPG was supposed to be a 3D ARPG but otherwise this is the most likely
I'll mention it when Heath has an ACTUAL Poise ID. No, Pequod sucks at poise.
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wtf is this shti
>restore 1(one) ammo
>2-3 times per encounter
Gregor can't be Gregor, since he isn't missing limbs. Brad, on the other hand. Plus, I don't see burn anywhere, with Armstrong style using fireballs. Skill 1 and Skill 2 are overpowered, simply because it deals with rupture, and making extremely rupture count positive attacks with skills that have many coins is absurd. Passive is broken for something that requires owning and not resonance. Only thing that can argue with all above if he has extremely low coin value
Explain the lore relevance for the Rupture placement.
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How do you respond without sounding mad? (Turn 1 btw)
There is no way this thing designed as rabbit support. Simple explanation.
>b-but 4 fragile on S3
Yeah good luck landing cit killing blow on second coin. For an ID with 0 poise.
Sir, this is a Sinclair/Ryoshu/Hong Lu game. Everything else is an afterthought or a fluke (Ring Yi Sang was a horrible mistake).
>How do you respond without sounding mad?
press ESC and click on Retry until he starts with his S1.
Reset till he gets low dice rolls
Dont ever clash with him, stagger him with slashes and offside blocks because he is a bitch
>1 count
>7 potency
What in the actual fuck were they thinking??? 1 COUNT? What the fuck am I supposed to do with 1 count? Did Biden economics hit The City?
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I die.
Well with how statuses work Potency automatically gives you 1 count, so the poise count after makes it so you have 7 Potency, 2 count. Exactly enough for 2 shots.
>got Chargehag at UT4
>got zero resources pumped into any Warp guys except for Ryo and Sang
Back to the mines I go.
Game needs fanservice IDs
Sorry, meant skill 1 and Skill 3. But in anyway, Gregor should use Brad as base and not Rando.
Jun will sodomize your team by tanking for 10 turns.
>already have every warp ID at max
>don't want to shard this ID
It's over, kek. I did a 10 pull with my individual tickets and got like 8 commons and 2 00's and then 2 of the commons turned golden and I got fucking Reindeer Ish and Rhino Meursault duplicates instead.
You need fanservice ID. Asap.
Ryoshu unironically tanked his counter and everyone else could pile on infinite Bleedworks on his ass. Props to Yi Sang for just dealing insane damage and Meursault almost letting him snowball by losing an easily winnable clash.
I went with rupture and not fire because rupture resonates more with the Lisa's gameplay of punching someone multiple times with your fists, and making fireball as one skill and the rest rupture or other status was too much, that's why I went with his skills while he is your team ally. As for the reason he is so strong, well, his is Rando. Someone that could be a Grade one fixer with ease. His skill 3 is busted because he is a power-house, with a reasonable change regarding his power being maybe making is passive resonance and not owning.
And of course, I choose Rando and not Brad because of his relations with Buddy as brother-sister, but now I realize the same could be applied for Brad and Lisa, so it's up to anyone's preferences if you think Brad or Rando would fit better with Gregor.
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I loev Laetitia
Why can't we just let go of our grudges and be a wholesome finger that supports trans rights? Pinkysister btw
>This guy hasn't posted anything in months
Grim, so grim
>up to canto 7
isn't that just w corp event and probably erkliff?
Dante would say this.
Go back to your general you fucking cultists
This is the skibidi toilet and ntr thread
wrong, this is the gmod idiot box thread
wrong yet again, this is the sharty containment thread.
We used to the the smartest posters on this board what happened?
This is what no Ayin for 2 games in a row does to people.
All of the smart people left after the mystic of PM was dispelled and the only thing that remained was competently written fanfiction.
You and >>683690168 and >>683690219 came here.
Yep yep yep, faithslurper needs to defend his korean daddy.
I've been here since the LC days bwo
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It's shameless how public they are and how easily you can see their posting styles.
hi /vg/scholar
You literally post in a general where you can't go a thread without ntr posting. Two in fact.
The /v/ threads? A general.
The dragon ball threads? A general.
I'd say the hardest filters in the game are 5-35 and the canto 5 dungeon, the fights there are fairly harsh stat checks that require you to have at least 2 good blunt IDs and 2 good Pierce ids.
It's a gacha game. Gacha games make every dev somehow more incompetent and lazy thanks to the millions constantly pouring in.
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>look for fan merch on Etsy
>find this
It's SO over.
Fucktons of people get filtered by Dongbaek too somehow.
Heh. Still brings a smile to my face.
It's bad. Gives too little poise to matter for his nonexistant poise IDs, and the ammo gain is nice, but will probably not be useful unless he gets some funky poise/ammo ID soon.
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There's nothing wrong with *cough* having your wife spend time with *cough* cough* her childhood friend.
>and the ammo gain is nice
It's on crit kill, nigga, and you get one bullet. It's fuckin useless, unless like you said he gets some poise ammo hybrid ID. Would be cool if he got a double barrel shotgun or something else that had only a couple shots, but it was crazy strong.
I prefer IDs over EGOs
You're not black, you don't have the pass.
Hindley id for Heathcliff will save the game. trust the plan
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>R*dditors are n*zis
Feels good being in the trans safe space that is known as /v/
bongbong would never do that to her jewish overlord
>he doesnt know
>she doesnt know
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She picked chaos route.
Not expecting anything, it's the same feelings I have.
Bongbong is reddit and discord culture. IDC if she originiated from here.
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Is that fucking KK model? NEED IT
Sounds like I hit a sore spot given your reaction. Come on, Limbus makes two major sins:
1) Constant draughts of content
2) forces anons to constantly engage with it every day.
the magic is gone.
Trvke, the only way to save PM is by subliminally hypnotizing the director into hating gacha.
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>BongBong is-
Wrestling culture you dumb Smark get it right don't slander main event talent in these hallowed halls ever again
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>by subliminally hypnotizing the director into cock addicted whore
Fixed that for you.
The reddit meet up is so wholesome
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The director should cosplay as Philip and make the Philip game already
>Rodion ?
this guy is a time traveler how's W Corp Rodion
Judging by ID history she has W Outis's kit but better
I'm not rolling/sharding for this.
It will be an accident if I acquire this.
Would it be too greedy to make him stop throwing chairs at his lead artist too?
That's a fundemental part of his character. No amount of sissy hypno could fix that.
This is what Philip goons to btw.
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Post more BongBongs. I miss her in these halls.
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BongBong is they because they are Legion.
But single one BongBong is "a she".
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I must flee this thread
>they are legion
This has been deboonked.
There is only 1 bongbong in a state of superposition existing in multiple places at the same time
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>Bounds you in place
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If that's true... it opens a lot of kinky scenarios...
Too bad i'm too braindead for any of them.
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I, Outis, hereby acknowledge that:
>I am an irrelevant nobody
>I shall never play an important role in the story
>I shall never have a meta ID
>I shall never have a meta EGO
>my UT5 will be shit
>Faust is Dante's legal wife
>the best I can hope for is a lesbian wife to appease the LGBTQ+ fujo crowd
>Philip is my hero
>I shall have no expectations
How big would Meursault's tits would be if he was a woman?
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Wait, since when bepis added Sims 4 "cards"?
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Imagine if this guy was a sephirah in LC. His cult would have been legendary.
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>still no Nai_Ga art for BongBong
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BongBong and the rest of the architecture team is in the Light with Ayin
Outis is my favourite sinner now?
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One and only.
Still this do not look like his style enough
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Loving limbus = having no expectations
Hating limbus = having expectations
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what if I'm neutral on Limbus?
You reserved your expectations for something else.
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Oswald stop making mind tricks, you'll have expectations. You liking it or not.
Mind tricks eventhough expectation CHADS are seething at gachaslop made for the masses.
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Huh, his was working with PM so early?
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>No BongBong on the 1st of april
PM keeps disappoiting me.
Also, wtf, everyone here except me can draw i'm going to kms
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>the new charge mechanics
It's so funny to see PM try so hard to make Ruina's status effects work in Limbus and failing miserably because they're not designed for a preset deck-based phone game
>because they're not designed for a preset deck-based phone game
What did she mean by this
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Trvke, limbuskeks are unable to comprehend shekinah kino because they need to be force fed classical book slop.
that limbus is made for phones and that you dont design your key pages in limbus like you do in ruina so you cant properly strategize properly. I thought it was very obvious for people who played ruina to-oh no way......are you a gacha secondary?
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This thread sucks, like actually sucks. Anyway I'm the reason why it sucks.
>america is run by pedophiles
Where is the lie?
People who say dumbass shit like that always turn out to be shitters or ADD retards that got filtered by the latter two games going turn based (even though LC is borderline turn based with the pause mechanic lol)
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Jews not mentioned.
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>gets btfo
>goes to another thread to cry
I see you faggot
>Monzo naked dogeza
>Limbus will enter EoS on canto VII and be remade as a single player game with actual mechanics.
>We also redesigned Faust, Don and Yi Sang as lolis who only wear microbikinis.
I agree with everything except for lirbary of ruina.
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>18 hours until stream
>18 hours until EOS
Naming them guarantees social media banning
>18 hours until Farmwatch
Okay now that most of the retards have left, what are the expectations? Do you think that El Director will be doing an update livestream like Mihoyo does it or will it just be the old Notepad stream?
Im 40% sure its delays
40% sure it may also be EOS where they go "yeah we fucked up we cant do live service stuff sorry"
20% sure its just an updated roadmap
1% sure they just say the next intervallo is cancelled because they wanna move onto the next main canto
He's got budget now, I'm expecting him to open the stream up with a PV for the next event, and end it with PV for Canto 7. And of course notepad in the middle.
>Monzo sabotages the stream and shows El Director throwing chairs in the meeting room at the staff, before being killed by the Director himself
They don't need to announce delays, we already know it is. Canto 6 was 4 months ago.
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>Finally complete all the constellation buffs for the MD
>Let's check how many gifts im missing
>Pic related
I must have done at least 5 each week since the season started, how am I still missing so many? im guessing past a certain point it's just Intervallo ones, so I have to target SEA, Miracle, Claim their Bones and TKT. But even so, ive been playing since launch, how is it I have yet to see Lunar Memory?
considering PM has a steady source of income now it'll probably be some kinda thing like Mihomo does
It'll probably be something like;
>WARP Event Preview + nude dogeza for it taking so long
>Erlking ID teaser
>Walpurgisnacht teaser
>Canto 7 teaser featuring Don's BP EGO
>Lunar Memory
Skill issue.
>infinity stones
Skill issue.
>fusion mirror
Understandable, it's rigged bs and even I only got it yesterday after +1000 BP levels.
>chicken event EGOs
Understandable for some.
>BL gifts
>timekilling egos
Understandable 100%, it's only realistically possible to get them now.
it's delays, it's always delays
Anon...they reseted the past compendiums when the new mirror dungeons were updated. Only now with the addition of Floor Packs they didn't reset it again. Meaning you can now see a gift and not worry about having to search for it again for the compendium...yet.
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I'm capping all of you faithless bitches
Removing voice acting from the intervallos was just to cut costs. The director is a kike
So which abnos could give the fusion gifts, or do they only exist as fusions?
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I respect this poster's power.
Should've figured. clever little rat trying to throw archivists off his trail. I'll learn from this though.
Plot twist the lead artist and Monzo are one and the same. Truly the most overworked and chair battered employee.
I would actually appreciate it if they regularize showing their roadmaps in livestreams from now on.
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Doing this week hard MD. I hope I can form any fusion gift from right set
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What are the best clocks to get, Tremorbros?
Is Tingtang Honglu still good or outclassed?
I will try to get those, I'm doing tremor run
Which are the events that get them? I only ever get trickle down wine and a warning note.
The Time-Killing one. You get the parts from shop, events or fusions themselves and fuse them on the Rest Stop.
Y > P > E > L
Y is the best because it gives you more coinpower, untop of the watches already giving you coin power
>The Time-Killing one
Yeah, no shit, I just said that I only get trickle down wine and warning note which are events that only happen in TKT, im asking which events in TKT are the ones where you get the cases and the clock hands, can I just reroll the shop until they appear?
>Gives you coin power
>Doesn't mention it's only for 2 IDs
Give him whole information, at least
It's alright.
As it has always been.
He can have his uses for railway.
Type L is pretty good.
You get the clock cases from the event in the factory where you can convince the rich guy or look around. The clock hands you can get in the street event where you can follow the young man or the old man. You can also reroll in the shop, but I think if you do that without getting the event first, you're gonna be locked out of the event if you do buy an item related to it. You can get the items after the event, though.
> but I think if you do that without getting the event first, you're gonna be locked out of the event if you do buy an item related to it.
Not True, I bought one of the clock hands then later got the event of the factory with the boss and the worker. I chose the same gift I bought and ended up receiving nothing from sucessfully completing the event.
*Clock cases
What the fuck is this yappaton?
Hello, this is Kim Ji-hoon, the CEO of Project Moon. I am writing this notice regarding the discontinuation of the publication of the Leviathan comic version that had been uploaded. Last year around December 2023, I received a certified letter from the Wonderlab comics artist and the Leviathan comics artist. The certified letter was received through the 'PM User Association (Game Consumers Association)', with which we were in a legal dispute until recently, and the content of the letter ultimately demanded that Project Moon give up all rights, including the copyright rights, to the Wonderlab comics and Leviathan comics. Specifically, we have received a final notice that all rights, authorizations, agreements, and consents to Wonderlab and Leviathan will be completely withdrawn. In addition, the authors registered themselves as copyright holders with the Korea Copyright Commission without any consultation with Project Moon. After the first certified mail, we exchanged responses to the certified mail three times, but after our response in late January 2024, which attached conversation records and work records, we have not received any response from the opposing law firm, and we have not taken any action requested by Project Moon. After that, the 'Game Consumers Association' and the 'Wonderlab' author filed a copyright civil lawsuit against Project Moon. In order to not continue the copyright dispute in an ambiguous manner and to reach a clear conclusion, we will proceed with the copyright dispute lawsuit, and accordingly, we will stop publishing the published Leviathan comic version.
>FANFICviathan is dead
>Killed by PMURAss
In addition, we decided to actively respond to the notice that Project Moon received to give up all rights and the fact that we unilaterally registered the work with the Korea Copyright Commission, so we have written this notice. We would like to inform you that we will proceed with a copyright lawsuit to have the two comics Wonderlab and Leviathan recognized as Project Moon's "works created in the course of employment." The information provided below is the limited but detailed information that we can provide at the moment. This is for those who have questions about the situation. Please read it carefully as it is relatively long. One of the things Project Moon received was that since Project Moon did not directly participate in the production of the comics, the copyright of the comics is entirely the work of the respective authors, and therefore it is unfair for Project Moon to claim rights to the comics. However, Project Moon signed a contract with the authors as a contract employee during the serialization of the comics. In addition, we signed a contract and worked with the goal of paying them a monthly salary during the contract period and treating them as work-related works while receiving the salary. This was clearly stated in the Leviathan comics writer recruitment notice, and it can be seen that it was also notified in advance. 2021.05.28 [Project Moon Worldview-based Webtoon Serialization Writer Recruitment] - https://projectmoon.postype.com/post/9941572
During the process of creating the comic, there are records of Project Moon staff members, including me as the director, directly providing feedback on the planning and review of the comic. In this way, we created a contract and produced the comic as a company employee, and regardless of the serialization status of the manuscript, we paid them a salary of more than 3 million won, the same as an employee, in accordance with the contract. In addition, during the serialization of Leviathan, we paid incentives at the same percentage as the incentives given to the development staff. In other words, the two authors produced the comic as employees of Project Moon, and were paid the same compensation as employees according to the contract. Nevertheless, I do not understand the fact that they claim to be the sole copyright holder as external authors and demand that Project Moon give up all rights, so I plan to take legal action. Regardless of the form of the work, in the case of Leviathan, the author posted an article saying that Project Moon unilaterally notified them to stop serialization. I will tell you my position on this. Project Moon received a call from the writer during the serialization that it would no longer be possible to continue the Leviathan serialization, and the company accepted this and hastily changed the serialization to a novel serialization even during the development of Limbus Company. In the process, we reached an agreement based on consideration for the other writer, saying that we would post a notice stating that Project Moon was largely at fault so that the writer would not be held responsible. The writer expressed his gratitude for this, and it remains on record. Although there may have been some shortcomings in the preparation of the Leviathan comic, we have never notified the cessation of the serialization
. We plan to submit the conversation and records regarding this in court. The Wonder Lab writer said that he had been asked to draw Leviathan without being too PC, unlike Wonder Lab. And I also answered this in an email exchange with the Wonder Lab writer around August of last year. I will transfer some of the email responses from August 2023. ----------------- 'I heard later that Wonderlab was too strong for your style and that you didn't want the direction you wanted, and that you asked me not to make the comics 'PC' in the future.' I would like to speak carefully about this. I don't know where or how the content you mentioned was delivered, but I think the author must have been very upset and offended when you heard it. If I may be careful to say what I can guess, when discussing Wonderlab, I remember that we decided not to set or reveal the genders of the Wonderlab characters in the settings at the author's request and agreement. However, we decided that there needed to be settings and descriptions related to gender in future works.
This is because, in Project Moon's works so far, we have tried not to let the narrative or treatment differ depending on gender, but there have been almost no cases where we didn't set the gender itself. So, we even thought about setting the gender in the next work, and I think that kind of story has been distorted. --------------------- Wonderlab also has records of planning and discussions regarding the fantasy entities that appear in the comics. In 2020, when the company was small, we exchanged work feedback through a group chat room on KakaoTalk, and all of the work and communication records from that time remain. We plan to submit this in full in court as well. Regarding copyright, we apologize for causing concern to fans outside of the work. We tried our best not to respond to the writings that writers post on the Internet, and waited for the misunderstanding to be resolved someday. However, we were told to give up all rights, so we concluded that we had no choice but to respond. Project Moon will actively respond to copyright disputes and take action according to the results.
Damn, everyone knew the FANFIClab nigger was the scum of the Earth and we cheered when he got the boot but this paints that faggot as x10 worse. Same with Leviathan.
TL;DR Wonderlab and Leviathan's comic drama.
Vergil is dying soon.
>gender gender gender
Merson Park... save us!
Vergiliusbros, Charonbros... we're getting ERASED from canon soon.
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another scandal like with the previous artist ?
>We would like to inform you that we will proceed with a copyright lawsuit to have the two comics Wonderlab and Leviathan recognized as Project Moon's "works created in the course of employment"
BLUNDERlab is gonna be canon again, it's so fucking over
>21 max coin power awakening
what were they cooking with fell bullet
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Next time do contracts with professional people director, not the hit and run kind.
Basically the Wonderlab author was a fucking faggot and decided to get the Leviathan author on board with him so they could sue Project Moon and gain ownership of the copyright of Wonderlab and Leviathan.
His main argument being that PM didn't help at all in the creation of these so it should belong to them among other things.
Seems like it.
Good thing Kim got lawyerpill after Vell drama and have power to protect HIS works..
it always was canon there's fucking aberrations in Limbus also Servant of Wrath and Road Home
You'd think he'd have learned his lesson with the google translation for Lobotomy Corp but nope.
July is a fucking cursed month for PM
Wonderlab is canon? Does that mean we can discuss the intricate lore of wonderlab?
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>The dear little girl is going to be a D*stortion instead of fully fledged character and we will have they-them clerks.
I was already angry enough that SoW's design made it to Ruina.
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Making the same mistakes and overwhelm them is THE path of Justice.
yearly drama post every july
>it always was canon
Are you retarded?
It's not because it introduces a concept that it's canon.
It's not because you see Road Home in Wonderlab that it's canon. We knew Road Home existed in Lobotomy, for example.
Wonderlab also retcons a lot of pre-established lore and there's also shit we can make fun of now like how the Fairy Festival "aberration" looks nothing like any of the other fairy aberrations we have seen.
Nah it's never coming back to canon.
Even when it released back then it was only half-canon.
Reminder. Clerks are non binary, and Ayin only recruited enbie folx for L corp.
>El Director sends the CLAWS after Wonderlab artist to take everything he owns because removing his fanfic from the canon setting wasn't enough
Fucking BASED. Take his fucking house, his car and all his money after you win that lawsuit please.
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That explains a few things.
Distortion detective and wonderlab walpurgisnacht when?
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I think i just had aneurism
What the second part of your post mean?
I think he's talking about Drifting Fox?
>Distortion Detective
Hopefully never.
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>Takes a shot from the leviathan artist BITCH behvaior in tapping out
>TRANNYlab was so tranny even PM knew they had to change things
Reiterating the first sentence, but instead of saying non binary I used a nickname and called them enbies.
You jest, but I did have a handful of agents whose random names + face generations were so ambiguous I jokingly referred to them as 'thempress' (shoutout to Poussey for surviving Gebura's rush)
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He should do that sooner.
Man, I hope after PM is done taking all of the money from the artists they start developing an actual game for once.
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This is the problem with game devs full of passion and stupidly thinks innocently about the industry they're in.
ChargeChads, what's the best Charge setup right now?
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I'll post porn of that dog when 10 hits.
Sex with Director..
Project moon needs to work with good pepole like roblox devs. Especially the guys who made item asylum.
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You know they can change story aspects of Wonderlab once they are the legal owners of it, right? Judging by their assumptions, they are guaranteed to win the court case, so them clerk are now actually humans, if you can believe it.
>>683673826 (Me)
lol, nevermind. Vergilius and Charon dead soon
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Well...the little fairies that follow the main one are still there, so it still resembles Fairy Festival, not the overall look of the fairy abnormalities(We will never see the LoboCorp Fairy Festival again). Sometimes it's difficult to find the resemblance on aberrations since for me, the tour guide looks nothing like Nothing There until you look at his code.
They were busy suing artists and replacing them with nai-ga + ai.
you jinxed it
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This "drama" is pretty cut and dry. PM is very obviously getting lawfully fucked by 2 faggots but seeing how people responded with the previous drama, i will not be surprised if some "fans" attack PM again
post sex
>they win the case and gain ownership
>now we're going to either see Wonderlab characters in Limbus or they're gonna remake Wonderlab into something decent
I'm scared if the former happens.
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We need another twittertard purge, at the very least.
>The dungeon crawler game is reworked into the wonderlab game
How would you react to this?
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El Director is going to fully ERASE Wonderlab from the world when he wins that lawsuit.
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it's time
I wasn't going to play the dungeon crawler unless it's 80% abnos so it's either who cares or a devastating loss.
It isn't summer if PM don't have some shit going on
>arbiter Ayin
I always find this stupid cause Ayin is clearly not a fucking Goth like the 2 creepy bitch
Only the hero of LC2 can save us all
The hero of LC2? The uhhh the catty girl.
Vellmori got fired EXACTLY 1 year ago this is kinda funny
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It's not about who he is
It's about fashion and style
Limbus Company 2
Dante but with a clock body and a normal head
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It's all about the grooming you see
Vellmori wasn't that bad in comparison
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The only PM novel i cared about was distortion detective so i don't care about this
>Director decided to threaten Wonderlab's artist and told her he'd kill his parents if she didn't sue PM so he could have an excuse on tomorrow's livestream to explain why the Canto was 4 months long instead of 3 and why Canto 7 is taking so long to come
He's dedicated.
Deserved for making a g*cha
Never get on my bad side again…
Ermm, guys? DiscordCHADS are saying mimi bludnerlab artist is in the right.
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Who cares, they all gonna pay for double-crossing Director-seonbae.
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>Two nine elevens in a row.
>Two summer shitstorms in a row.
>and I think that kind of story has been distorted.
EGObros...? The distortion phenomenon is affecting PM's headquarters
the artist i respect is my hero CHAD_ ga
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You copyrighted a tumblr story because of gacha?
Don't forget the CHAD who drew LC as well.
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Oh? Wonderlab is coming back? Would be a shame if...
What happens next summer bros? Monzo trying to take over the board by having the shareholders fire Kim Ji-Hoon?
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There's a drama every year.
i want to be a PM artist
kankan not again
Good ending: The director gets sued into oblivion and the game is forced to shutdown
Bad ending: The director wins the lawsuit and we get a decades worth of limbus slop
>Lunar Memory gift in Hard MD
Monzo will BACKSTAB El Director just like ANGELA with the Project of Light and ROLAND with the one perfect book.
>50 year old Ayin
I don't think you can groom an old man
Best ending: a chinese company buys PM
Worst ending: Sweet baby buys PM
It's too late Kankan.
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Best ending: The director wins the lawsuit and we get a Wonderlab spin-off game with LC's gameplay
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Yes... She will....
if wonderlab artist wins what would happen with LoR?
Imagine if the director reimplements the sex mechanics from legacy edition.
Nothing. Literally.
>The Good Ending is the suffering moments of the bad endings we didn't get as the official ones in LoR
We truly live in a City
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We have had drama since day 1.
Wonderlab is self-contained anyway.
Best case scenario they can remove Servant of Wrath, which I'd love since I always disliked that abno, god it's fucking dumb.
They also have to remove the 2 other parts of the alice in wonderland abnos.
Someone should trigger the wonderlab artist in court by sneaking in a merson park image similar to the chicanery scene
What if Mason Park redrew wonderlab and followed the undistorted vision of the director?
>the 2 other parts of the alice in wonderland abnos.
Eh. That's iffy since those reference Lobotomy abnormalities and said abnormalities reference Road Home and the Cowardly Lion.
Well, even if they're gone who cares as well, these were both just average abnos.
>Wonderlab is self-contained anyway.
Most of the characters in WL are also retardedly OOC compared to regular city folks before SOL
>you asked me not to make the comics 'PC' in the future.
Based Director.
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what the fuck Twitterbros I thought PM was a great LGBT universe...
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Why these fuckers always come back like nothing ever happened?
drama = artist purge
its over
The fuck is happening this time?
It reads more like the Director then clarifies he made no such request, and his only assertion was that if characters from Wonderlab would be brought back in the future, they would need to be assigned genders.
wonderCHADS our time had come!
This deserves another thread when they make the notice in English, my minions.
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who should I shard
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You have a few hours. Its nighttime in worst korea. Get to it.
Purify the thread now
Don and Dieci are alright
Ringsang is OP somehow
Tbh even if this is ironic, the WL artist is such a fucking loser you can't even ironically do this
Okay, you won director. You get wonderlab and all of the characters in it. Wait, I have to pay 1 billion dollars in damages for your indie game? THAT'S INSANE, I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY? Wait, I'll be forced into slavery? I'll be your personal concubine who will have to have sex with you every dawn, noon, dusk and midnight? And I'll be used as a hole by your employees if they do a good job? I'LL BE FORCED INTO BINAH COSPLAY? And my first time will be recoreded and sold to the masses as the first official PM porno? AND YOU, THE DIRECTOR, WILL BE TAKING MY VIRGINITY AS YOU CAVE MY HEAD IN WITH YOUR SUPERHUMAN STRENGHT? All while you start selling servant of wrath loli sex dolls to the masses and making a wonderlab 2 where all of the non binary folks are turned into normal people and all of hte lolis are raped for thousands of pages? AND I WILL BE FORCED TO DRAW IT SO MY MAGNUM OPUS WILL BE A THOUSAND PAGE LONG LOLI RAPE MANHWA? What can I say except YAAABAAADABAAADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Please calm down Monzo. It's about Wonderblub artist and not you.
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>image saved from an already privated account
I already have 7k pm art on my shit, man
>monzo out of nowhere

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