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Why did fans of the series miss the point of the story so hard?
Kojima is a faggot and his morals suck. Ignore him, acquire Mercenary company.
>the game is meant to be empty because it represents a phantom just like Venom!
Did Infinite Heaven ever get fixed? Was waiting for it to be fixed before replaying but forgot all about it
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>No! NO! This is a self aware critique of the genre or meta narratives of the game
>No, stop!

Haha, Fulton go swoosh. Gun go boom boom. I am already a demon.
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they all got filtered
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A story having a good point to make doesn't make it not boring.
MGS2 had a meta point to make as well but that game kept the story engaging and exciting throughout, MGSV is unable to do the same.
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MGSV plot is Kojima fucking butthurt he had to learn English to talk to gaijin celebrities he fawns over.
>Vocal parasites
>Specifically english ones
>Joost's character had them
Fuck me, you're right
>You missed the point of the game chud
>Don't you understand Snake is evil
>what even is your media literacy

Lol, lmao
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Thats actually fucking genius. I wonder how accurate it is.
Am I the only one who think the gameplay blows? Maybe I should play with a gamepad, but sticking to walls often doesn't work, the game will often automatically switch to a crouch stance from prone on some weird geometry, instantly revealing you, and the camera is so zoomed in that you can't really see around corners. Chaos Theory did nearly everything better and that released a decade before this. I'm having a bitch of a time playing with the marking disabled.
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wrong, it was kojima doing the story of genocidal organ, by his deceased friend project itoh and author of the mgs4 novelization (would've done 2 and 3 as well, but he died), but in metal gear. does feel like spitting on the dead to not include him in the credits or at least put genocidal organ in the inspirations section of the credits.
joost can speak japanese, though.
it isn't at all. it's the plot of genocidal organ filtered through kojima's autism.
There might be some common elements, Genocidal Organ is way too different. MGSV is more Kojima trying to point out the dangers of mono culture(the villian is supposed to be sympathized with, but writing fails. BUT WHO!!1). There are other themes in relation to the more personal aspects of some of the characters. But it's not the same thing as being related to Genocidal organ.

Either way, they are both third worldist, leftist retards. Who don't know that they swim in the waters of modernist beliefs.
I got the point, I just didn't care for it
like i said, it's filtered through metal gear lens/kojima's autism, but the main thing is there. a "chain of retaliation" caused by language that sets the world ablaze. only difference is that genocidal organ, it actually happens, leading to harmony, where in TPP they manage to contain it.
It not being a completed product doesn't really help. 1/3rd of the story is just completely missing.
Shut up autist, it's a fucking joke. Jesus Christ
the game was fun
that's what keep me playing. Is that not the point.
I bet you like movies and books.
Besides the scrapped DLC mission everything was tied up. And even with it the point would be exactly the same.
We know what happened in it and it wasn't important.
>nonono you don't understand.... the game is unfinished on purpose.... because like..... le the game itself was the phantom pain all along!!!!!!
Fuck off
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What was Kojima thinking with this scene?
It was very important
Game was designed to filter faggots
Storywise? No. You just fight Sahelanthropus again, take what is left back to the base and Liquid with Mantis fly way. It doesn't do anything for the themes, the ending, the message etc. it's useless besides being potentially fun to play through and properly tying up a subplot.
Nope, it literally helps tie the series to the game. Like it was ment to. You can shut your autistic mouth up now. All you care about is trying to sound smart about this gay shit
I'm going to make a pic of Big Boss kissing Ishmael unmasked and /v/ will enjoy it
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project itoh mentioner here, you are conflating me with someone else.
You're both autistic faggots. Now go kiss in the corner
I want to play it but my backlog is too big
>bring up kojima's collaborator and a work that shares a lot of similarities
kill yourself
Do it and I will pay you $100
MGS2 is the game Kojima wanted to make, and every subsequent sequel to it is some sort of commentary on the fan response to the previous entry. It is what it is
>All the tapes not given to snake are fake and not real.
>its all in snakes head bring remembered

this game felt like it had no ending but that was the point of it. Also this game did it amazingly well to hide snake being crazy
Hideo Kojima is known for his unique storytelling and meta-commentary within his games. MGS2 is particularly noted for its complex narrative and themes, including the manipulation of information, the nature of reality, and the role of the player. Kojima's later games, such as Metal Gear Solid 3, 4, and 5, can indeed be seen as responses to both the narratives and the fan receptions of the earlier titles.

For example:

MGS3 shifted the setting to the Cold War era and introduced new gameplay mechanics, while still maintaining deep narrative layers.
MGS4 brought the series' story arc to a more definitive conclusion, addressing many questions and themes from previous games.
MGS5 further expanded the gameplay and explored themes of control and freedom, while also addressing the expectations and reactions of the fanbase.

Kojima's work often blurs the line between game and commentary, making the series a rich subject for analysis and discussion among fans.
>the message of the game is that Big Boss is a parasitic life force
I want him to parasitize me if you know what I mean :))
>killing children = bad
You will unironically die a horrible death with him holding a machine gun next to your ear
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>Two Big Boss doppelgangers were operating in the same region during the same time period, have similar thematic origins, overarching themes, and both attempt to raise and train child soldiers, notably a blond child who leads his own child unit and is known as "White Devil/Mamba"
What the fuck did Kojimbo mean by this?
It's fixed though. Been playing with it for 2 months straight now.
>shit went between them so bad, they had to package the game incomplete
>chapter 3 is literally concept art and cutscenes packaged with the collector edition
Coping retard
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>litteral bot posting ITT
KOTF is not Chapter 3
It was a DLC mission
Chapter 3 was a unused post-game title card after unlocking nuclear disarmament
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You talking about the Metal Gear 1 recon?
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Let us talk about how Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a better MGS V than MGS V
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I don't care what the point of the story is, the game is so boring and unengaging that I grudgingly put about 10 hours into it then never touched it again.
>I know nothing about the game other than faggoty "gamer wisdom"
It's ok, anon. There are plenty of useless people in the world like you.
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MGS fans are almost as cringy and retarded as the sonic fandom.
Solid Snake > Big Boss
Who are you quoting?
BB = Least best TASer ever
Medic = Best speedrunner ever

No I will not elaborate
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That autist is more of a man than you ever will be. He's just slow.
Why, the anon posting a four year old video instead of talking about any sort of personal knowledge or experience. What an useless man, ain't he?
Why is the Metal Gear fanbase so unintelligent?

>can't understand something when it's not explained 50 times
>illiterate, does not read when half of the series is inspired by books and philosophy
>good storytelling = seeing the character I like
>bad storytelling = not seeing the character I like
>gets bored easily without something wacky happening every 5 seconds
>cannot comprehend things like unreliable narrator, unusual story structure or double meanings

You can see how the fan favorite games in the series are basically just those that barely do anything interesting with the story and are more of a cinematic ride.
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>made long ass videos over and over pulling MGSV theories out of his ass
>the final game was nothing like he hoped/ theorized
>the only jackpot he got was of us playing as someone else, but sure as shit wasn’t Gray Fox
>still creating shit to this day
There’s a point in life where you must stop and move on away from certain subject, whether you liked the outcome or hated it
This nigger is waaay past that point
Let me guess
TASers are whizz kids but also autismo dorks, some are OK, some are fine and some are completely outright annoying and insufferable
And speedrunners are total trannies
But is Wildlands with Breakpoint gameplay (no RGP bullshit, bland sidekicks and all the soul of Wildlands)

God I fucking hate Ubishit so much is unreal
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>Tries to get people to talk about a game unrelated to the thread
>Does nothing to actually spark conversation
>Gets mad that other people haven't played it; says nothing to convince them to play it
Ubisoft should hire you for their marketing team
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>Why did fans of the series miss the point of the story so hard?
What was the point of the story?
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Shut the fuck up Tim, you will always be a fucking retard and a pussy repellent KEK
There's a devil inside all of us, and he's trying to do... something
Wildlands "soul" is insanely overrated, anon. The briefing videos explaining each Buchon were great but other than that, the game is paper thin. I saw a bunch of reviews saying how the game feels "so alive" and one retard even said how it "felt like he was in Bolivia" but it's all dogshit. NPCs seldom have anything to say, all the buildings are copy pasted red brick ruins and the terrain is mostly hills with lots of snaking roads.

I do agree about the sidekicks in breakpoint needing some work. Although personally I find them more memorable than the original squad thanks to their special abilities. The other guys were just 100% generic.
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Nigger, why are you coping by proxy?
That's just describing the average person and every Fandom of retards in general. Not just these people who are out to slander your precious Kojimbo la creatividad.

>cannot comprehend things like unreliable narrator, unusual story structure or double meanings

Unreliable narrator is only good if it's done from the beginning or in a specific way. It has to be consistent and fair. Not MGS2 shock value bait. Poorly written things like MGS demand that you accept what they present to you 90% of the time to move the plot forward. Then pull a gotcha and brow beat you(so clever).

Unusual story structure is only ever good if you are experimenting with non linear causality or trying to emphasize specific points/times. MGS doesn't do this much(when it does its simple enough).

>double meanings

Like most wordplay, it's just masturbatory garbage only meant to appeal to dilettantes. When MGS does it, it's so cringe that it spawns memes till this day.

Who cares? MGS is low brow and so is the fantasy. You pointing this out doesn't elevate the vidya writing. Kojimbo is still mad to this day that he's stuck making video games instead of movies.
No one cares about you, anon. I'm talking to people who did play the game. You are an useless cunt butting into a conversation you know nothing about and then whining "waaaaaaah why are you not catering to me waaaaah"
>You can see how the fan favorite games in the series are basically just those that barely do anything interesting with the story and are more of a cinematic ride.
Genuinely does this series even have most and least popular entries? They're all so highly acclaimed in their own rights that it seems like it's mostly just down to what age group/online community you ask in.
Truly? Need to check it out
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That is him, not me. At the very least, he's imprinting on someone masculine. Unlike you, who is a sneaky little based boy. Posting screenshot and talking about people behind their back.
MGS3 is clearly the favorite, also the most boring and safe game in the series
There is no conversation.
because it was fucking super bad and gay with fun gameplay
the best is probably 2 and 4 believe it or not. 3 is nothing special
what story
did it have a point? it literally didn't have an ending.
Do you really think I'm that guy? btw Who do you think will be getting more pussy? An autist edge lord who is a sperg but assertive and open. Or someone like you who posts screens of other people behind their backs in order to make fun of them. You are a fucking woman.
Oh yeah. Especially if you play without squadmates. It was interesting how familiar the gameplay felt compared to MGS V. Most of Breakpoint's locations are smaller, although there are huge ones scattered here and there, but the sneaking around feels really good, as does the shooting.

It's funny how the plot is all about drones and AI and rogue military corporations too, albeit obviously not as well presented as pre MGS 4 games.
>Why did fans of the series miss the point of the story so hard?
Because it was shoved out the door unfinished padded with 60% of the game being filler levels.
What did you think this part was? A beginning?
Brainlet cope to dismiss the game because it exposed the fanbase as literal retards that are unable to interpret a story without 20 hours of cutscenes
Here let me save you the trouble of figuring out the story, after you missed it chud.

War bad
Violence bad
Revenge Bad
Anger Bad
Brow People Good
Afrikaans Bad

You're bad for wanting to be in a Mercenary company. This game was made as bait so someone like me could pretend to lecture you about bullshit. Worship Kojimbo
MG1 = Zelda 1
Bro, don't forget America Bad and English bad. They killed the Indians which love burgers.
The "point": you're big boss lmao
mgs2 did it better a decade earlier
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4 has some of the most unbearable cringe in the series... dare I say, crowd control grade cringe.

>Ocelot's pseudo schizo shenanigans, special mention when guns of the Patriots kicks in and he starts a self humiliation ritual.

>Otacon and Naomi ALL SCENES

>Vamp and Riden (though I might be biased due to my liver clenching hate to faggotry)

>Meryl and Johnny dialogue about getting married, brain melting cringe at its finest.

>The cringe Not Foxhound backstories

>And of course, the fucking arsenal gear design.

Other than that, is pretty good...
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Based Kojangles, taking a dump in ameritards mouths and still asking for seconds kek
literally all of that is based though. who doesn't love seeing eggs being cooked in HD on the PS3's 8core processors
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Will he be a good snake?
i thought he was confirmed off the project
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because 90% of MGS "fans" only played a single title before TPP.
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calling me every time i take a step isn't engaging it's annoying
Which title is that?
For the record, I've only played 3 and PW prior
I played 1,2, PW and GBA MGS before TPP. But you're right, TPP exploded the popularity.
games unfinished
Kojima wasn't the real director of Phantom Pain.
That's the real reason his name was taken off the box.
No, he's talking about the similarities between Venom and Solidus and the blond child soldiers they raised, Eli (Liquid Snake) and Jack (Raiden).
It's obviously the deep memetic memory imprinted deep within solidus soul as result of being clone from big boss. Totally not Kojmia re using plot points or making this shit up as he went along.
because it's mgs2 all over again but people can't come around to appreciate what it did well and are stuck in memetic loops because of the proliferation of social media and constant connection through smartphones.
It was too high-brow and deep.
god damned furries.
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>commence mission
they're naked but you don't go out in broad daylight? what's the point?
>the game is meant to be empty because it represents a phantom just like Venom!
i kneel, Kojima.... Once i knew her story i felt ashamed of my actions...
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What are you saying, I love those scenes.
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I really wish this game had better mod support, bless that one guy making mission mods
Yet it's all over the game, including a side mission where you can recruit him

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