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Redpill me on Persona 1 and 2
Do I need to play 1 to play 2? I played 3-5 and strikers recently and I'm dying for more.
Are the psp versions the way to play 2? What am I in for when I play them?
They're not worth playing. Persona started at 3.
Persona 2 has nothing to do with Persona 1. It's also my favorite Persona game(s), so I'd definitely recommend you play them.
Did you actually play them? I've heard the story of p2 is great. I'm not a zoomer and I actually like older jrpg's
Pretty sure there are some references to P1 literred around in both P2 games. There's also a "hey that's the thing!" type of connection from one of the characters in the velvet room for both games, but you don't need to play one for the other

I would just say play the PSP versions to keep it simple and because in persona 2 there's new content in the remade versions.
What you're in for? Good characters, decent story, good endings but pretty piss poor gameplay
Personally I've played persona 2, some characters return from 1 but aren't central and more of a "hey its that guy!". I really enjoyed the story and characters, though the gameplay has definitely aged
Thanks anons, I can deal with dated gameplay, I'm here for the story
Gonna start p2 up this weekend once I finish danganronpa
>played P2EP when it came out
>damn I feel like there's a lot in the plot that I'm missing maybe I need to play P1
>play P1
>well that didn't help and why is there a black kid
>Do I need to play 1 to play 2?
No, but some characters from 1 appear in 2. Play them in order if you want to get the references.
>Are the psp versions the way to play 2?
Yes, although there's no official translation of Eternal Punishment.
>What am I in for when I play them?
They're great games, I'd say that Innocent Sin is the best Persona game in terms of story.
>Do I need to play 1 to play 2?
Kinda, all the callbacks aren't as important in Innocent Sin but you should definitely have played P1 by the time you're playing Eternal Punishment
>Are the psp versions the way to play 2?
They're easier to set up and you get some bonus content with Climax Theater, be sure to grab the isos with all that content translated
Be sure to also get the P1 iso that has the old music, it doesn't restore everything from the PS1 version but it helps
There are some translation and gameplay differences but I think the QoL you get from the PSP versions makes up for it
>What am I in for when I play them?
I will say that I enjoyed P1 and P2 a lot (IS is probably my favourite Persona) but I will also say the combat is a complete slog and the fusion systems are crap (getting slightly better in EP), you should learn where your turbo key is for your emulator and be prepared to use it
Also you will probably have to use a guide at points, especially for P1 since you aren't going to stumble upon SQQ or Reiji's recruitment on your own, and demon negotiations can get real tedious pretty fast
In P1, fuse a Lilim and a Gozu-Tennoh
In IS, fuse whatever you want, it literally doesn't matter
In EP, get Maia Custom by being nice

Hope you have fun OP
Releasing the second half of Persona 2 in america on the ps1 and not the first half was very devilish. and then they fucking ported IS's psp remaster but not EPs
Best boys
Best girls
>Peace Diner Girl (and Elly)
>Ulala (and Elly)
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first post worst post

Psp is most certainly the way to play both games as they added the snow queen quest in 1 and added several new features in 2. There's no fucking doubt that 1 is dated as fuck and is a pure dungeon crawler rpg, but is still a decent story and has a solid soundtrack. It's recommendable to play 1 as a bunch of characters and references of 1 are made in 2. If you don't mind emulation you'll be fine as I think they finally finished the PSP eternal punishment english patch. Fatlus formally ported 1 and 2.1, but gave up on 2.2. as it was near the end of the PSP lifecycle. TLDR: don't listen to these autistic retards that say persona started with 3, there's definitely much to be loved in 1 and 2 despite their age.
>Persona 2 has nothing to do with Persona 1
Why lie?
I appreciate you lads, I will keep all that in mind, I don't mind using a guide at times since I just want to experience the story efficiently
Hearing you guys say innocent sin has the best story has me erect
They're not hard games nor 100+ hour slogs like say persona 5. Definitely worth playing through. If even for just the music.
Yeah I already knew that anon was a nigger repeating dumb shit that he has no idea about, convenient that he didn't reply when asked if he actually played them, kek
I get that the PSP ports didn't sell very well, but that retarded decision unironically kept my autistic ass from playing 3 onward. I don't want to play out of order and I want to play the best possible version. So many games have been ported to newer systems that never made it to the coast. I just want Persona 1 and innocent sin and eternal punishment PSP version ported to a modern system. I'd even settle for digital. It's all I've wanted all these years...
It's confirmed they are both being remade or remastered, right? Obviously there's no timeline and I think midori was the only source though so who the fuck knows
1 is jank, not like impossible but it is kind of annoying
2 needs to be played at x4 speed if you don't abuse fusion spells/grinding for cards(fuck the last dungeon)
EP is bad fanfiction, not worth your time. IS not only has a better cast but an actual sensible story where the dynamics affect the plot
You can play 2 without playing 1 just fine and it's maybe better you play 2 first because there's no ideal version of Persona 1 available in English. The original PS1 release changed a lot and removed the Snow Queen Quest while the PSP version has a botched soundtrack, replacing the original with one designed to appeal to fans of Persona 3 and 4. It'd be one thing if all it did was ruin the atmopshere but the PS1 version has one of the best soundtracks in the series.
1 is only fun if you remember to fuse megido demon due to bullshit random encounter rate. Otherwise, it's quite fun.
Persona 2 is only playable with fast forward because every single fucking turn takes one full minute due to snail pace animation.
You guys got me too hype to wait. Which psp emulator is recommended these days? Still ppsspp or am I living in the past
I'm starting with innocent sin
To be fair P1/2 and P3/4/5 are very disconnected in terms of story and gameplay, when people say "Persona started at 3" it's not entirely inaccurate given the sheer differences
Of course the older games have a lot of merit (arguably in some cases more than the later games) but you can't go into one set of games expecting them to be like the other
It is nice there are some connecting threads between 1/2 and 3 at least
It helps that the cast is so tight compared to later Personas, among other things
Be sure to talk to all of the NPCs to really appreciate how nuts everything gets
There's a P1 PSP iso that restores most of the PS1 soundtrack, but not all of it
>Are the psp versions the way to play 2?
Yeah but they're way easier if you care about that sort of thing, IS PSP is kinda infamous for being almost braindead easy, I also think they way they changed the battle UI/turn mechanics makes it a bit more clunky, that may just be me though
I'd kill for a new port of P1 that's basically the PSX version in widescreen (and the other route's included, of course). I actually really enjoyed playing Revelations
After you finish it, you should look up how to do save transfer for Eternal Punishment.
PPSSPP is what I used, at least
I'd recommend finding the iso with the restored Climax Theater content, it is purely optional content but some of it is fun
It's been 10+ years and nothing was announced during the anniversary. My hope is lil to none. When I see it, I'll celebrate.

One day.
It's actually a iso patch on gamebanana, my mistake
There is a translation patch for Eternal Punishment on PSP these days
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persona psp ost is some grade a corn

Thanks for spoonfeeding me bros, just fired up the game. Was gonna sleep but you guys got me ready for action
Bout to enjoy this kino. Music is already fucking kino in the game opening
For which game?
Yea I'm aware of that so I'll make sure I figure out how to do it
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I remember there being a lot of active P2 threads back when P4G released on Steam, good times
Original music over remixed im guessing? Ingame option
Believe it or not but there was a pretty good P2 thread on /co/ of all places a few weeks back.
Not having a dialogue history is a bummer, understandable since it's an old game, but fuck am I so used to them it's hard to go without
You can play them stand alone but I actually recommend 1. The story is great and the pacing is better than the modern Persona games. The combat is also better than p2 IMO
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I would but honestly for the most part the new one's pretty good, it just has a couple misses that make me prefer the original (Knights of the Holy Lance comes to mind).
Both for PPSSPP
Climax Theater for IS
I think EP PSP isos will come with Tatsuya's Scenario bundled anyway
For IS? The remix isn't all that different compared to P1's redone soundtrack, you'll be fine with either
Definitely listen to the ones you don't use on Youtube though, there are some real bangers in there
They are both solid, feel free to switch from time to time
You heard from people who never played these games.
IS is great because its bonkers and wacky and has a decent cast. EP is fucking awful. Its just a lazy retread of IS that thinks that saying “its supposed to be a lazy retread!” is somehow an excuse. The retread is also significantly less interesting.

Tldr: everyone praises IS for its optional gay “romance” so its super inclusive. Everyone praises EP because “FINALLY, adult cast so I don’t feel subconscious, plus it has a torture porn grimdark ending for the IS protagonist!”
Had to google, damn you, now I'm hoping. Granted it's becoming a major trend of porting older games to the states that never made it stateside. Ace Attorney Investigations 2 and the Trace Memory sequel are the most recent.
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EP has a route split that you will be completely lost on if you didn't play P1. Everyone saying otherwise is a retarded secondary who hasn't even touched these games
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oy vey!
I guess I'll do IS -> p1 -> EP then. I do want to play p1, I'm excited for IS though because all the good I've heard
Im not gonna romance any homos
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>Kandori is the villain
>Kei Nanjo is based
That's all you need to know. Persona 1 doesn't really have much characterization beside Nanjo and Maki.
Maya is the canon romance anyway. EP basically hinges on that.
Elly is cute and she has her own route in EP that you are clearly not supposed to take.
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Nanjo alone is reason enough to play the first game. Also.. the P1 cast appears in EP. And they get a glow up similar to the P3 characters in Arena.
You mean the Eriko/Nanjo thing
It ain't that confusing without knowing who they are
I have beaten Persona 1 before and Elly doesn't really have any story significance because she's an optional recruitable character.
I pick her every time anyway, she's cute.
Mark has some good moments (though they are Nanjo related)
Ayase in SQQ is so based Atlus couldn't handle it and removed her from the series completely
Elly is great and best Persona girl
Reiji is completely cliche but he does give some context to Kandori
Brown has exactly one moment in both routes and it's so dumb it's kind of funny
Yukino gets shafted but she does get two thirds of IS to herself and she canonically bench pressed the Snow Queen on her own so that's cool
Kandori’s whole character in 2 expects you to have played 1.
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Total mark death
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The music is God tier so far
I'm out though anons thanks again for spoonfeeding and getting me hyped, I'm gonna get spoiled if I stay
See you on the other side
Kino art.
there's some people working on a translation for P1 PS1 version right now if you'd like to wait (it's the same people that did the translation for SMT 1 PS1 so it's not one of those translations that never get finished, also one of them keeps posting updates on twitter)
they're kinda boring and look like ass
Adult cast so the twitter users don't have to worry about other twitter users calling them pedos for thinking the characters look hot
Persona 2 is a direct sequel to 1, with all of your party members from 1 showing up in one form or another, and certain party members from 1 actually joining your party in 2. There's also other connections that are spoilers. You could play the P2 games on their own, but you definitely get more out of them playing P1 first
Even Persona got nu-Persoinified, that's hilarious.

Thankfully there are roms that remove this garbage ost and replace it with the original
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The psp ost was better and you know it
>Persona 2 has nothing to do with Persona 1.
Several characters from Persona 1 show up to play major roles, don't lie.
The OST doesn't loop properly and 80% of the songs are still missing.
I don't mind the new musics anyway
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I played P2 because the cover was badass, but it was fucking dogshit and one of the worst JRPGs I've ever played. the story is a clusterfuck that makes no fucking sense and shoves random shit into your face. none of the characters are likeable and are all fucking shit

>Tatsu was a silent retard
>Michelle is a fag
>Lisa is a whore
>Maya is an immature dumb overpositive retarded pedophile
>the green haired chick exists
>Jun is a femboy faggot, and not the cool kind Gwyndolin is

>Katsuya is a cuckold pussy
>Urara is le strong independent womyn
the only decent character is the based gigachad Baofu

the gameplay is super slow, has way too many fucking random events and requires way too much grinding, and talking with the monsters hardly fucking works and they always change what answers you should give for them to be friends.

the only good thing about 2 was EP's cover art. Maya looks so fucking badass there unlike her ingame self. she looks like she's going to slaughter anybody who fucks with her.

1 was so much better but still very average, and 3-5 are just shitty overrated friend and dating sims for friendless trannies. this franchise was never good.
Ok but talking to your party in the different safe areas around town was comfy.
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>and 3-5 are just shitty overrated friend and dating sims for friendless trannies

That's 5

3-4 characters and the stories are great.
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I haven't played persona 1 but the impression I got is that it's a very janky game not worth playing
Persona 2 is divided in 2 parts but most people only played part 2 because that one got officially translated, I like the game, I like it better than persona 3 and the game that came after it but it's a bit messy
The encounter rate is so fucking high, the game is almost unplayable without the spell that cuts out all the encounter that are lower level than you, everytime you use a persona, the persona itself gains XP and you get special items and some of them evolve and shit like that when maxing one out so it's the sort of game that autistically reward grinding, persona can do combo attack between them (for example a fire attack that hit harder if you have a fire,wind and earth spell) so you are pushed into having a variety of spells and you really go nowhere without mastering them
But the reason I like the game is that it has a personality, you can talk to demon like in SMT and each party member has a way to deal with them, the policeman threatens them, the swindler tricks then, it's pretty fun
If you can tolerate the encounter rate, you should at least try persona 2

>Pretty sure there are some references to P1 literred around in both P2 games
Characters from P1 are literally playable in P2, but it's more of a cool easter egg than a proper follow-up
>STILL no definite edition of P1
It's the PSP version, and yes the music is better.
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PSX. always play the originals.
>t. was a moody teenager when he first played P3
Not an argument
What? niggy persona 1 and 2 are literally made for edgy moody teenagers. And they only started becoming games for friendless losers with 4 and 5 but 4 is good so that game is ok.
>the music is better.
Don't be a contrarian.
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isn't persona 2 IS an autobattler? Why would you ever want to play that

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