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/v/ - Video Games

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What happened to all the GTA clones? it seems like there was a million of them in the early 2010s, then GTA V had a monopoly on the entire open world crime sandbox/lifesim genre for like a decade despite pretty much everyone agreeing it was kind of lacking content/detail and aging quickly
Other, easier to monetize genres came along.
boring genre
Everyone who could AFFORD doing games like that got themselves closed down or they switched to GAAS model.
GTA clones were one hell of investment back then and they are even worse now.
>GTA clones were one hell of investment back then and they are even worse now.
I've wondered this too, but I've just assumed it's >>683663904
Still, GTA Online makes SO much money, if everyone else is already running off the GAAS cliff together already, you'd figure more devs would also run off this one, too, and not just make Battle Royal and Hero Shooters.
No one has the confidence and budget to fund a $2 billion game and reasonably make it back except for R*
I wonder if Epic will eventually make Fortnite try an take a bite out of RS's lunch.
The only relevant one (Saints Row) took a knife to its own gut by going woke, and insulting long-time fans who just wanted to back to the gangsta schlock it was before 3 redditified the series.
because the open world sandbox genre stopped being a novel idea, and GTA only sells because of its brand, otherwise the genre would've died
same thing will happen to GTA. it won't flop but won't even sell half of V.
It'll have a couple decades to catch up, though.
This is the first GTA where they know Online will be a hit; they're going to go hard.
Turns out they are very expensive and hard to make, and the audience just wants to play GTA. Same with linear fps campaigns, the standard is high so everyone else fumbled it. But its just trends, today publishers are sering their ten year long developed Overwatch clones bomb harder than Dresden. Tomorrow they will chase another thing, always chasing the money.
Retarded mindset, genuinely no one bought GTAV for the story past 2014
IMO They're gonna bank entirely on Online, which probably won't be as pozzed. Or as blatant as it will be in SP. GTAO will carry sales even if the story is cringe and lame because everyone just wants their criminal sandbox with their own characters
None of them were as good. Mafia 1 was on par but the sequels sucked.
As oppose to whatever nodev fags on V think. Making big open games is really really difficult.
Ubisoft can't even get car physics right. While jc struggled to have satisfying gunplay.
But v tards are too contrarian to admit how good rockstar is.
False almost all gtas are fun to play
>This is the first GTA where they know Online will be a hit; they're going to go hard.
They tried that with Red Dead Online and failed totally.
NuRockstar has retarded leadership and a pajeet workforce.
I know this for a fact actually, Achievement rate for beating the game for the 360 verison of GTAV is 59%. Achievement rate for beating GTAV on Xbox One which came out in 2014 was 15%
Everything that's not GTA ended up dying after a few entries at best
It's a saturated genre and publishers have moved onto different bandwagons.
The genre died because they stopped releasing gtas and everyone forgot it existed
We'll see. It was dumb of them to even try to push RDR2 online so hard as cowboys just aren't that big of a genre.
>failed totally.
It just didn't make as much as GTAO, RDO was and still is more successful than most active live service games today. Just like there will never be another RDR2 even though it's the 7th high selling game of all time, it's still less than GTA
they dropped out of production arms race with rockstar. Their games cost billions now
RDR2 Online failed because the audience for a slow paced cowboy sim where half of the gameplay is just walking around admiring nature skews a fuckload older and more mature than a game where you speed around blasting rap music and wearing gold chains.

They built the whole fucking game around spending real money, adding levels of grind that make gta v look like nothing, and surprise surprise people didn't bother with it
>They built the whole fucking game around spending real money, adding levels of grind that make gta v look like nothing, and surprise surprise people didn't bother with it
while it looks grindy surface level wise, the reason it failed is due to incredibly poor balancing. There is a role they added in the game where you can make enough money to buy everything you want within a few days because someone made a map where you can collect the items and out buy pretty much everything. The devs could not make enough content to counter how much money people made. There is no money sink
please let this fucking genre die. it stopped being novel a long time ago and non-Rockstar open worlds are fucking shit. llinear games destroy open world ones 99% of the time
Reminder that everyone who was competent in Rockstar left the company or retired a few years back.
They were replaced by DEI for writing and pajeets for coding.
No they didn't retard, they replaced Dan houser and his bootleg south park writing that hasn't even been good since GTAIV
Look up Rockstar India
agp simulator
It doesn't get much more linear than a Rockstar open world game. But I know what you mean.
They didn't have mass layoff at R* you dumbass everyone who programmed the previous games are all there
all of them sucked
>despite pretty much everyone agreeing it was kind of lacking content/detail and aging quickly
4chan incels isnt the entire world
gta 5 has the most entertaining story, and a decade full of multiplayer support made it even better
not many care about entering internet cafes or pizza and burger shops
GTA is like SecondLife for males of the brown variety, from what I've heard.
I never claimed they had layoffs, all the veterans just left the company or retired after RDR2.
The geniuses in Rockstar's leadership never trained new talent in house so they imported mostly pajeets and expanded their indian studio even more.
name the veterans buddy these games aren't made by 5 people, they're made by 2000+ who all still work at rockstar
It's really hard/expensive to make an open world city based game.
/v/ likes to shit on GTA but they ignore how much detail gets put into these games. It's hard to do even a fraction of that if you don't have GTA's budget.

That's why open world games shifted to nature based stuff, y'know, forests, deserts, seas or post-apocoyptia like wastelands and ruined cities. They don't require half of the intricate details and manual tweaking that a real living city does.
Open world graphics used to be shit, so the games were cheaper to make. Vice City looks like a PSX game. Also Saint’s Row was a thing, but everything after 2 was shit and the reboot was woke and killed the franchise dead.
>Vice City looks like a PSX game.
Man, you've forgotten what PSX games looked like. Or what Vice City looked like.
It's hard to clone a $500 million game

Lower fidelity 20 years ago meant they were cheaper to make
Saints Row Reboot says hello..
this pic goes hard
Now he's replaced by the guy who wrote Veep.
All the trend chaser tards moved on to looter/hero shooters.
They realized that they are just aren't going to compete with GTA online.
The PSX was a Japan-exclusive modified PS2. So indeed it looks like a PSX game.
Genre is closing up because of a general lack of innovation. Gta6 is primed to fail.
I want to rape a latina in the asshole.
Based based based!
Same so much bro.
And not exclusive to latinas.
Ew, almost stepped in a pile of shit.
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Expensive to make and they usually flop or don't really sell that well.

That's why Ubisoft abandoned Watch Dogs, 2 didn't earn that much and Legion was a complete flop, so why bother when they have franchises like AC or Far Cry.
>they have franchises like AC or Far Cry
They are trying their hardest to kill off those also.
Shitty normiecore sandboxes with handholding missions and gameplay somehow less advanced than DOOM.
Only brand recognition can keep the genre going.

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