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I don't want to hear another boomer whine about the state of video games again. Not after I saw them shillingh this soulless, ugly, time wasting, onions garbage. Thank God I didn't pay.
>he fell for the meme
Zoomer moment
Gojo won.
Who is Gojo?
40 year old here. Fucking loved this remake. Only real video game that's been released in many years. You kids are fucked in the head and I hate you.
SS remake was excellent.
It was a good remake though and actually respected the player's intelligence.
let me guess, you were too retarded for the puzzles and navigating the station
Puzzles are easy. Navigation sucks because everything looks the same and the map is trash. I don't need objective markers but you need to properly sign post which room is what and where.
How? By being boring?
Hope they do the sequel as well. Also the first two Thief games and the original Deus Ex.
No thanks. Time to let boomer garbage die.
We'll all be dead by Thief 1.
it was good zoomer
Nah, it's trash. Play a real immersive sim like Prey.
>shitposting with Prey
Heresy. Prey and SS1 are the best games in the genre.
System Shock isn't an immersive sim. There's no player agency beyond finding keycards and pressing a button to progress the boring non-plot.
Are there "boomers" in the room with us right now anon? Are they laughing at you?
you'll be dead soon
Boomer here, I never shilled it, I knew it would be dogshit, like every single """"""""""remake"""""""""" in existence.
Why do we hate it now? I must have misplaced my chud marching orders for this week People were praising this here before.
you just dont have any intelligence
I really wish this game had multiplayer,
getting a couple of friends and just bum rushing through the station just sounds fun.
i really enjoyed it bros and now i have it hate it again?
>went from hating it but not playing it
>pirated it and loved it
>played original too and purchased it on steam to play it again
its because of what the dev tweeted isn't it? what the fuck do i do i can't refund it now.
Nightdive founder said he wishes Trump died during the assassination
You retards don't what an immersive sim is and just use the term to prop up your inflated egos and further your pseudo intellectual ways
just don't buy another Nightdive game
will do. it's a shame but i get it.
>>683672291 this shit here is unforgivable.
if System Shock is an immersive sim then every dungeon crawling metroidvania ever made is an immersive sim
you got filtered and SHODAN is hot
to all my system shock remake chads in the thread, look into the ironman randomizer mod on nexus. it easily bumps the game up a full letter grade in my opinion.
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>you die in the game you die for real
I'll pass.
>I'll pass
only after i feed you chocolate, little doggo
I bought this game
Congratulations insect
I prefer the original

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