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>it's all a dream
>plot immediately loses all tension, weight, and impact
Why did they do it?
It wasn't all a dream.
the scourge is actually happening, and the dream is a tool to help fight it.
It's not a dream, it's IN a dream.
And just because it's in a dream doesn't mean it didn't happen, or wasn't important. Dream cycles were important in the Cthulhu Mythos as well.
Bloodborne doesn't even have much of a plot.
The game literally tells the player what to do in a developer message in the hub (just go kill some beasts). Complete mess.
Gain more insight
Because you die more than one times in the game, and thats unrealistic. By that rule, every souls plot loses its meaning. In fact, its even worse because the other souls games take place in reality, which means that you are an unstoppable creature that cannot truly die.
HP Lovecraft Dreams are scary places, man.
The player signs a contract at the beginning of the game, in which the player is asked to kill the children of the other great ones, specifically Mergo(seek paleblood). You play as an assassin for The moon presence in exchange for not dying from your sickness that you had at the beginning. The player fulfills the contract and when he is done, Gherman attempts to end things properly by waking you up from the dream and forgetting the job. If you decline you are either punished by the moon presence, or you kill it. It's a simple plot but a souls game doesn't need more plot than that. Nothing messy about it.
It's more of an alternate dimension
That's lore not plot, none of what you're saying is clear just by playing the game aside from the fact that you have some kind of contract and there's a dev message to kill beasts. It's very flimsy.
All the other games (except Dark Souls) have a very clear plot that clearly explains the player's role in the story.
In Demon's Souls you have to kill the demons in order to put the Old One back to sleep before he fucks shit up.
In Dark Souls you're fulfilling Oscar's wish to ring the bells of awakening, which opens the way to Anor Londo, and after receiving the Lordvessel Frampt gives you a new quest to defeat the four lords so you can link the fire to restart the age of fire.
In Dark Souls 3 you're also out to link the fire by killing the lords of cinder.
In Sekiro your goal is initially to save Kuro, then after saving Kuro he gives you a new quest to gather special ingredients in order to perform a ritual that can end the Dragon's Heritage (curse of immortality).
In Elden Ring you are a Tarnished given a quest to defeat the shardbearers and become the new Elden Lord.
Bloodborne doesn't give you anything like that. You just kill shit and things happen.
>(except Dark Souls)
except Dark Souls 2*
Dark Souls 2 is something something memories something something curse, though at least there's the goal to open the Shrine of Winter
its a video game, none of it had weight.
That's not lore that is things happening in the game, therefore plot. The rest of your babble is easily explained by the fact that you don't have nearly enough eyes lining your brain, a major plot point of the game.

Dark souls 2 has a clear plot. You have a curse and you must cure it, the king was known to study the curse and the essence of the soul so you should go meet him, but first become strong by slaying these rotten old creatures. It's not hard to understand but you can dishonestly simplify it if it makes you feel like part of a circlejerk all you want.
>which means that you are an unstoppable creature that cannot truly die.
no shit sherlock, what do you think muh going hollow was about
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>he thinks the dream isn't real
What was his problem, unironically?
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he knew
Didn't want to wake up.
If he died, he'd fall out of the dream and forget everything he had experienced. He was desperate to stop that from happening.
>interactive medium
>it's all a dream
Being a god with a doll mommy is based.
but you turn into a slug
so what, youll probably grow up big and strong and less sluggy

It's not "all a dream", the Hunter' s Dream is just the canonical reason why there's a hub world and why you the player can respawn at all.

All of the monsters are actually real within the game world, even the ones in Nightmare of Mensis. [sp]Even the ones in the Hunter's Dream itself[/sp].
Gotta start somewhere.
Who gives a fuck about the plot

Just hit things with your axe and enjoy the atmosphere
>That's lore not plot
The first thing he described, is a cutscene in the game. BB is a 10 year old game now, pretending to be retarded or shitposting about something you haven't played isn't cute anymore for something that old. Do it for Elden Ring you will get more attention.
they're pocket dimensions created by outer gods nigga this is basic lovecraft shit
ypu didnt get it
the outside world is a dream, and within is yharnam in another dream layer, and within is the hunter's dream and mensis nightmare as another layer, the entire reason you can even respawn is because youre dreaming yourself into yharnam from within the hunters dream
Did this do anything other than letting you see big spiders?
Wasted mechanic. Shit devs.
The basic premise of Bloodborne is pretty much nightmare Inception. As other anons have pointed out, everything that’s happening is still happening just in a different local space (the hunters dream). Think of it like if Leonardo DiCaprio didn’t succeed in his mission, the consequences would’ve been the whole world getting nuked but in Bloodbornes case, everyone gets mind raped by space gods.
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You used to be a sperm
Is this an actual media literacy issue? People so poisoned from being told "It was all a dream" is bad that they just blindly parrot it?
>If you decline you are either punished by the moon presence, or you kill it.
You had me until there
the moon presence doesn't want to punish you per say, it's just that you killed Gherman who's the surrogate child for moon presence and MP forces you to take his place if you haven't eaten the cords.
I assume the cords makes you a candidate for becoming a great one so that's why MP cannot force you to become a slave-child so it tries to kill you.
Bro, it's like inception, reality and then dreams within dreams. 'It was all a dream' is a low iq take.
Is the DLC worth it /v/?
I want to play this game, but I don't want to buy a Play Station.
The player wants paleblood to be cured, gets it from killing Mergo in the Nightmare of Mensis.
The dream ending improves his health, and since he's cured he can leave Yharnam. All other endings lead to him being stuck in a coma.
tentacle sex with doll
It’s still From’s best dlc, so yeah.
Wait a few years for emulation to run it on PC.
Illiterate fag.

it has coolest weapons in the game and the best boss fights fromsoft has ever made, and all of the areas are incredibly memorable. if you enjoyed the base game and don't buy the dlc, you are doing yourself a disservice.
I never played this, have a PS 5 always consider it but the 30FPS is a major turnoff
I didn't used to read Word Up magazine
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>Bro, it's like inception
It's the only From game where I consider the DLC a totally vital part of the experience. It's 10/10.
BB isn't worth playing without the DLC
Really? I don't wanna give sony any money though...
Shouldn't have bought a playstation then
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My brother. I've beat every souls game (except DS3 which I've yet to play) and that's how we do things around here.
Who fucking cares. They look cool, they sound cool, they feel cool and are good to play. Plot might as well be a mumbo jumbo "make your own story" shit and an excuse to have cinematography on the cutscene previous to the bossfights. I'll never forget the cutscene that plays when you first fight Father Gascoigne.
Fun tip: the game is localized and fully voice acted on a myriad of languages (the only souls game where it's the case). I played it on my native one and it was all kinds of kino.
>except DS3 which I've yet to play
DS3 is great. Anybody who tells you otherwise is just trying to be cool.
I'm sure it is. I pirated it on release and didn't really get into it because the level design was too linear. But I've played so much miyafuckery since that I'm sure I'll get a kick out of the fights alone.
Waiting for a sale to play online, but namco are jews.
or some say,
Mind as well play it. I haven't yet to play the dlc. The base game is subpar with its bosses which holds it back from being the best souls games. Also this game is easier than Elden Ring.
lmaoing at the amount of headcanon in this thread

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