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Which g*cha game has the best lore?
Limbus Company by a mile, but it is kinda cheating since its universe is also explored in two other non-gacha games.
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>Inb4 GFfags come in to shill their slop no one cares about
Snowbreak makes more than GF1, GF2 and NC combined is ALL I'll say btw
I thought this was MMD and a Tda Miku Append edit
bragging about being a shitty coombait gacha in a thread (supposedly) about lore isn't a win
I'm here for the backstory.
Why are these gacha threads the only threads that ever embed shit?
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>playing gacha
Post her pudding
limbus company, kino
Barneyfag tier
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Prevaricating reminder
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Genshin Impact, unironically
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Is that an oppai lore or a hag?
>gacha """lore"""
The only thing that matters in gacha is cunny
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Most likely it's Girls' Frontline
It's pure political drama kino with cute dolls
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I love Azur Lane's characters backstories
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Nah, don't worry about it. GFLfag lost their rights after being kek by Raymond

Now they had to get permission to post from their wife's boyfriends
>Azur Lane
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Fuck off to trash retard
please no brats posts anon it's unhealthy
Azur Lane Grand Prix?
>But it made le more money!!!!
Why are zoomers like this?
Yeah something like that....just keep posting and keep talking
Go hang yourself ESLfag
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Well if you insist
That's a good one
Bunnygirls are nice
um anon
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It's starting
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I have a weak spot for race queens.
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>Thread about gacha lore
>BA players immediately start posting cunny
>Snowbreak player immediately insecure and coping
>Azure Lane player immediately starts ERPing
If this thread doesn't perfectly summarise the current sphere of gacha discussion on /v/ then I don't know what does
That outfit looks really really tight
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I'm not a fan of sexualized Enteprise tho
Limbus, Girls frontline and Arknights. Don't play anything else
I don't really care who she is but shes really helping me out
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Look at the filename!
>>Snowbreak player
You really don't know the... LORE of this guy do you
I don't care
I don't blame that other anon, it's hard to look at the filename when there is so much else to look at.
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You don't get it
Erm I dont think you guys are discussing the story…
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Best lore? I'll do you one better. Best Gacha General Lore
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not honkai
Does the mc have an active role in the story or is more in the background?.Like even nikke commander got some personality in later chapters was capable of something
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i know absolutely no one playing that garbage. its like artificial players
Do you remember that in its early days, the focus of the story is a girl called M4?
That's not the case anymore, M4 is basically just a plot device. Commander now is the real MC because being too competent only gives you harder job that crush your soul instead of a raise.
Did she died?
Hag. Extra hag, she has already died once.
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Not even close, but he's still a schizo
Trash. Mediocrely touches on "philosophical" topics so briefly it barely even counts as touching the surface much less scratching it. Very "I'm 14 and this is deep" reddit style, and then shoehorns anime troupes to get the ironic weeb crowd who can't read or write going. Out of all current MiHoYo games it's easily the worst.
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Star rail go full hetero pander for 1, 2 patch and shipfag melty for many threads

>this girl is show to have interest in male main character. It a tiny bit more on the romantic side, but never go all the way
>shipfag, lgbtfag having a melt down because of it, calling others "self insert" and how they ruined the game
>the "self insert" post the male character to trigger shipfag and lgbtfag to this very day

Pic related, it's the last scene in the girl character trailer. It shown male MC at the last moment. My previous pic is from another trailer, where they show the girl and MC fight together back to back shonen style
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>Which g*cha game has the best lore?
Limbus company and Arknights

GFL struggle between wanting to be a serious political drama and pandering to fat neets who want to marry gun-influenced android womens that would let them sniff their feets, mica keep trying to mix oil and water and this resulted in the raymond cuck shit
Nikke want to pretend they are not just coombait by providing grimdark lore about the nikke themselves, that goes through the window real quick when nearly all of the girls had canonical sex with the MC
Genshit/HSR/WW is so basic the fucking plot of every dragon quest game is more engaging
The lore of other gachas is underdeveloped or taking a backseat permanently
nta but you phrase it like it wasnt pandering to the player like that from the beginning?
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My bad if i phrase it like that, but i did mention how they go full hetero pander at the start
>From the start
Like going into a gay bar and complaining about fags.
These types of people are the same that try to campaign against Japanese media to remove problematic content such as loli etc.
Nigger you're obviously not the audience, go consume another medium that's actually made for you.
>go consume another medium that's actually made for you.

As a matter of fact, i did already. Hsr is my "login for 7 days every patch for 10 free roll" gacha
Wasn't actually directed at you.
I was just ranting about retards who play games made for straight people then complain about the lack of shipshit and fags.
No one mentioned granblue fantasy
Because while the lore has interesting bits, it's ultimately a patchwork of contradictions and shit made up on the spot.
The setting/IP needs a hard reset, but that would just put angels even more in the center than they are now which is bad.
I'll give you three guesses why
Arknights may take claim for the best lore but that's meaningless thanks to their shit execution. It's better as a lorebook than an actual narrative.
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I see. There will always be people complaining, especially when hoyo newest gachas are aim for mass appeal

But i will admit that it's my guilty pleasure to lurk hoyo forum and discussions, they made themselves so easy to be make fun of
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Hypergryph's method of delivery for the story is certainly obnoxious but personally i don't mind, the wordcount never scared me and they spend it wisely regardless
now that sounds like kino
If it's chinese it's shit by default, since chinks love to drop wall of text to say simple things(See honkai impact and anything related to miHOMO)
the only exception being girls frontline, yuzhong emulating MGS was fun to read
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MICA stopped writing the Commander as silent self-insert is a good decision.
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reminded me of this for some reason
thanks for paying for mecha break
are you actually complaining about devs giving players a designated girlfriend
>GFL struggle between wanting to be a serious political drama and pandering to fat neets
It never struggled bro. It's praised because it was able to mix both in it's main story
It's the nigger saying that GFLfags never cared about fanservice. You can change th way you type but it's pretty obvious its the pajeet that writes cuck fanfiction
No he's posting about how he and other people troll the shipfags and homos by posting the MC and his girlfriend.
>pajeet that writes cuck fanfiction
Witch Weapon
Limbus Company is just a bunch of SCP shit. It's fucking garbage.
Limbus and GFL. Arknights comes close, but as a story you have to read it becomes really terrible experience to read.
it's okay arknights can get a golden biscuit just like Limbus and GFL anyway on the account of it having Ch'en.
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Nikke is just GFL fanfic written by secondaries. They go all in with "the robots are suffering" part but missed out on what actually makes GFL good.
No one mentioned FGO so far, I guess gachatards are finally heading in the right direction.
shame it's dead, i kinda liked it
I always preferred her original outfit...
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Big lores.
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I love BB!
Nice screencap faggot
idk why azur lane makes faggots instantly jump to erp. Back when it was one of the big dogs of gacha there would be daily AL ERP threads and then they kinda just died but now Im seeing them pop up again
Last Origin
Mostly because I have no idea what other gachas are doing.
Pump a shotgun and blow your head off retard
Based gooner
Shut the fuck up and post more BB
I used to like Fate but the part 2 made me drop it.
There were some high points but it was always the same formula of "le big evil local is actually... le good! as is the crypters!" thing.
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While not as deep as other games I really love how far Last Origin goes in its worldbuilding to explain why the world ended up the way it is with a population of horny 200% for (You) bioroids.
The backstory is so absurdly fucked up and tragic I wouldn’t expect it for a game that is mostly advertised for fanservice.
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Shill pic
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BB stands for big business
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Destiny Child lore was getting pretty good, but I think it shut down now.
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>Shaq Attaq
Now that's something I haven't seen in a while
it stopped being SCP shit after lobcorp fag
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Very good backstory.
Why would you post this?
What about mihoyoslop players?
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purpose built for maebiri and anal only sex
just like ur mum
Why would you even click on that ?
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Team Fortress 2
I went to a Brazil theme cafe and had some pudin. it's delicious.
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My netorase GF who will sleep with anons.
As long as you are happy.
She sure can be popular in these threads so she probably has a bunch of stories.
To add to this.
>Fate players immediately starts to talk about being cucked
Don't "play" any of these but I do appreciate how FE makes their hot chicks have even bigger tits for their gachaslop.
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>limbus company, kino
kill yourself limbnigger
If only it wasnt a chore to read
Nah, it and the other games are shit.
Arknights is better, Granblue is better, and even fucking Blue Archive has better story and lore than Limbushit
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embedtranny spam thread
>what if gay manhwa fantasy but slotmachine
You are genuinely the most despicable demographic on this board
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games with minor characters supporting the main character
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I was gonna buy a coom statue of Le Malin that had nudity in that you could take off the breast straps and see the itty bitty titty
but the company canceled my order for some reason and then doubled the price of the piece and now im sad
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Hello saar
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Once you understand a good chunk of the lore the reading isn't that bad
If anything it's the best part of events considering the gameplay is
Well, it's Girls' Frontline 1
GFL sticks out for me because despite its convoluted plot, the writing makes it the easiest one to digest. TL team actually deserve a credit here.
what's the matter
They all suck. What a retarded fucking thread.
the writing is dry as shit and it takes like 6 events and the entire campaign for shit to get into gear
>conversations with the enemy mid gunfight at poorly defined distances
This shit is dumb when fantasy stories do it in a sword fight but it gets infinitely more stupid with guns
No the dolls moving kind of fast in animations doesnt make it anyb etter
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It helps that they have /ourguys/ on the TL team
How is GFL better than limbabs?
Nah, Reverse Collapse doesn't count. Its TL is not as good and TLAnon himself has said he wants to enjoy the game without spoiler so he only handled things like item descriptions.
its korean
fans of korean stuff are always utterly unbearable
>conversations with the enemy mid gunfight at poorly defined distances
This shit pretty much ended with lowlight's (arknights' director) departure.
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Was just making the point that they harness anon-power
im fairly certain nikke heads into a different direction, but i never finished the gfl campaign

gfl takes forever to get good
nikke starts decent then its quality nosedives off a cliff and never returns
>'dork' is now a go-to expletive in the script
I kinda hate it.
>nikke starts decent then its quality nosedives off a cliff
bad experience with baggots?
I like it
Especially with PNC where they can get a bit more silly with it
project moon fans are functionally identical to kpop stans.
interesting worldbuilding, characters and buildup all for a shitty nothingburger resolution with tons of fakeout deaths in chapter 16 that returns to the status quo

the localization and overall consistency of the writing has been trending downhill
>it is all le virtual dream
PNC is dog anus
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It's fun and zany
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Reverse 1999 has a very good story. You should try it out.
why the fuck gfl has its stupid username system.How am i supposed to take it seriously if only some stupid names are available.
I was invested till the story got put on hold for several ching chong side stories with no bearing on the main plot
new main story chapter came out and it's great
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Can't you just put whatever you want?
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>half of it is spend on an irrelevant C plot again
>half of it is more numbernigga island where nothing happens
Nah dude every chapter not about vertin is a waste of my time
We went from that fucking incredible foundation flashback chapter straight into
>dogshit phantom thief story with the worst male sidecharacter ever
>wacky crazy ironic cliche horror plot with the new worst male sidecharacter ever
>random indian astrology bullshit with a female lead that sleeps through every line
>weird attempt at creating some instantly iconic magician olympics that were incredibly uninteresting
>russian redhead in ching chong wonderland with a male lead that sleeps through every line
They killled my investment so hard I already listed my account for sale
Nah you have to get creative if you want use your name lol.Its so stupid That my friend has his gamertag as a commander name cause others were taken lol
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You guys supposed to talk about game lore
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It's not like your username appears in the script like in NC so it doesn't really matter
More like
"Which g*cha game has the best WHORE?"
Doesn't exist, they're all written to sell characters to retarded whales
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Why did she sacrifice them?
For me its really just blue archive right now, i tried nikke last week but it was too boring for me, and that i already have my hands full with AL and BA.
>have my hands full with AL
you're real funny
I have my moments.
we all do to a degree.
I will trust you on that.
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Vidya 2
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Fuck lore
Get turn-based kino instead
wish formi had at least one naughty looking skin
I think her swimsuit is already naughty.
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i dont think its sexy enough, but its the one i bought for her ingame since i thought it looked naughty enough, but then i realized the background is a small circle which ruined everything for it. but it shows skin at least.
There is always a chance she will get some new one then.
Genshin Impact. The main story is complete dogshit but there's a fucking mountain of amazing lore buried in item descriptions, to the point where people are predicting characters and events based solely on background story that ninety nine percent of players will never see.
she just has gotten an skin and a alt character, so it wont happen for a good while now. maybe a racing queen skin for next year could be a thing.
I see, but surely she can't be the only girl you like anyway.
Shame GBF is basically a 2008 era korean mmo in its soul sucking grind. A lot of cool things mired in dogshit bad UI and being stuck as a web browser game.
i do have a few others yes. for example lusty and the rest of her sisters and kuu chan, but these are essentially my top (poor vicky). and the rest are the one's i actually like but dont find them alluring or interesting enough like bataan.
I guess you really love aircraft carriers then, nice picks.
i guess so, my chart of the more girls i like is probably like this carriers>heavy cruisers>submarines. although i do like honolulu way more than st.louis, since you posted her and we do share the same birthday.
Cute. But i'm sure you love them all a lot.
Ok, which images have porn embedded in them?
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Toki Archive
only op
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its mostly the result when AL first came out, trashposting also started becoming a thing so trashfags saw the girls and latched onto them first
I don't believe you.
i wouldn't lie to you
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What was the result anon?
kek did you really crop my bad quality screenshot ?
It was a result!
grand summoners, come on /v/
I just got done helping an anon play videogames myself
Sounds nice, hope it was fun.
I had fun.
Video games with friends can be great.
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Depending on the game, finding someone that fits your playstyle can sometimes be a bit annoying. Make sure you keep your gaming friends nice and close!
That's true, but i think it's worth the effort to find someone nice.
I hope you will have plenty of fun.
I don't have any close gaming friends, I'm too finicky. I just toss myself around.
Of course it is worth the effort silly. That is why you need to keep the good ones.
Take care!
Sometimes I'm finicky too. Just keep looking!
limbus company is the only real competitor here. it was built with an actual story and setting in mind, not just mindless bullshit meant to get you gooning to twelve year olds or androids who are built you want to have sex with you.
i thnsdk im havingu a sotrnke im calling the po
That can be pretty fun too.
Guess you are right. Take care!
Damn I wish it wasn't basically dead. And that the gameplay wasn't so thin
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I agree.
The new story chapter was so good it saved the game for me. Discovering of how the ritual works is pretty significant.
The whole chapter took place in one of the most important events in the settings history as well. It jumped to the island for a second, no more than it needed to show the current situation. It's all setup for Vertin's eventual escape.
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BA because it makes no effort to explain anything and lets you formulate your own wild schizo theories.
Delicious hot girl
Also true.
She looks like she enjoys coop video games.
You might be onto something.
Yep, a body made for fun and exciting coop video games. She probably knows the best way to support her partner.
I can definitely see her as the support.
Guiding and helping out her fellow gamer when things get messy. Eager to apply herself where needed.
Sometimes your friend needs a helping hand to deal with some harder challenge.
This was hot
A helping hand, words of encouragement that pushes things forward. Making progress even when it goes up and down over and over.
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It's important to keep going no matter how hard or messy things get, until you finally beat it.
I sure do love video games!!
It will get sweaty and sticky trying our hardest to beat it. But eventually we win and the reward comes pouring out. With her assets, this hard and aching challenge will be beaten easily
Want to play video games together?
>No he's posting about how he and other people troll the shipfags and homos by posting the MC and his girlfriend.
But if it's the same anon he later admits he did jump ship to something else he doesn't complain about. I didn't process his intent incorrectly.
Sorry but I'm too autistic for multiplayer
Aw, really?
Oh well!
I also saw that most of them are frequents of shitholes like gamingcirclejerk and keep praising their gook garbage for being "difefrent" from other gachaslop. It wasn't a surprise as they always gave off them kind of aura and gookshit somehow attracts the most abhorrent subhumans to shill.
Taking that challenge head on with a wide open mind will make it very worth. The harder and harder it gets, the more rewarding it end up being.
Beating a huge challenge must feel great no matter how hard it was. It also shows how much your friend cares to help you out like that.
A very caring friend that is used to helping me out no matter how rough it gets. Not worrying about when they start choking when it gets too intense. That just makes the whole gaming experience worth it, and the reward is quite the mouthful, so it's not like they would say no to it.
Not that they ever would.
Helping someone out doesn't sound too bad either... Having someone that treats you right in return for the help must be really nice, not to mention the rewards he can shower you with.
Of course, nice friends help each other out. If a friend would go that far to help me with video games, I would do my best to give them a rewarding and fulfilling experience. The kind that leaves them speechless and filled with so much thick joy. Video games really just bring out the best out of people, right?
You seem like a really good friend. It would be hard to wait for the next gaming session if they were always this nice and exciting.
Video games are best enjoyed together after all. I know what a helpful person you are, so I have to make sure you end up drained but happy, too!
And hey, that gaming session might be happening very soon. I just need to get ready for a couple of minutes. I know my gaming partner is very needy for coop games.
I am too... so very, very needy for hot and exciting video games.
I'll be sure to save the best games for thst session.
True, coop games are always so much fun. And that's okay. Rushing things can be bad so it's important to take your time. You wouldn't want to finish a nice game way too fast anyway.
So helpful, and patient? This might take just a few more minutes than I thought. But it will be worth the wait, I'm sure. A good game is worth taking it's time, especially when so long and hard.
Just keep yourself a little busy with some solo gaming for now for me, okay?
It's important to be patient too in some games.
I guess solo gaming is a good warm up sometimes...
those two dorks have been flirting for over two hours now, I wonder if they'll ever queue up for those video games
I'm just having fun watching them
It wasn't really that long... right?
I mean time sure files but still...
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Same, even if I occasionally posted instead of lurking.

Yup. I hope your friend didn't get cold feet after chatting for that long.
>even if I occasionally posted instead of lurking.
Nothing wrong with that
Contributing to threads is perfectly fine, yeah
I think i already know this friend a bit... so don't worry about it...!
From some private chats too.
Contributing high quality art to a thread is more than fine

1 on 1 gaming sessions are always the most intense!
If so, then you should make sure your friend is doing okay. Maybe with a private check-in.

Glad you agree.
Post more of the pink slut.
Is this supposed to be a faggot thing or an extremely straight chad activity?
this thread is making me feel...
Extremely gay and cringe if you're a beggar like this retard >>683770109
But that's what makes them so fun...!
I think you are right...!
I already am making sure of it...
Embeds dont even work anymore
Ask nicely and don't beg.

Feel what?

Bait harder retard
who the fuck makes these kind of posts
The beggars are the best though! When they say what they want so directly, I can't help but want to help them in whatever gaming endeavor they might be taking
the SK thread currently up says otherwise
it's hard to describe anon...
It must be painful to be unable to explain your problems.
Woah, did she died?
She caught ligma.
You are not worth any effort.
Trash like you can't help but do what you're doing. You come here for attention. Don't play hard to get and just do the thing you already have been doing.
It's apparently worth the effort of making a post saying you're mad lol
Who is that brown hag with the fertility meme that's often posted? Whatever gacha she comes from is automatically the best.
Oh, right, that filename just reminded me to start doing something important

Don't worry Anon, I think it's fine if a gamer is assertive about focusing on the objective. Here you go
qrd on snowpoint schizo
Same (confirmed) pajeet cuck falseflagging into that game?
Too bad almost most of lore and story is yaoi for faggots in the west, and fujos in the east. Also cucks because of letting women writing.
It's torture. Throbbing torture.
She got better, don't worry!

Some of you anons really can't help yourselves. Not like it's a surprise though.

Poor anon...
Yeah it's awful... I feel like someone here might now how to help though!
Is your hand aching from handling your joystick too much?

That's great! It's always nice when something suddenly sparks the desire to game
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Help how?
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Came to say this, Limbus by itself probably loses to at least one other gacha in terms of lore but being backed by two full games does wonders for it.
Video games
Maybe not enough...
Maybe like what your image says...
The thread is sleepy...

Ako is cute.
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Is this how other gacha generals behave most of the time?
yes, this is how most gacha threads on /v/ are. as for generals, they're usually just as bad depending on the day. /bag/ even has weekend /trash/ threads
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it's kind of cute actually
Co-op video games, even.
I didn't say I dislike them...
looks like its sweaty too
It's getting pretty late. Though, that's usually when the most exciting gaming sessions happen

The best kind!
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It's only natural when she's on the beach.

I like late-night gaming with anons.
It's very comfy, everyone can relax and blow off steam from the day and just focus on having fun gaming
Yes but there is no sex so it's a trade off
it must be super hot! just look at her face...
nothing feels as good as blowing off steam with anons!
they're keeping me from posting images
Imagine knowing the answer to this...
is drop-in mid session enabled on this lobby?
Are you having fun gaming? It's pretty cute that you switched from posting JAlter to Yae after I stopped feeding with her.
Luckily there's some water to keep her cool!
You're doing it wrong
Ako truly is great! I want to love her lots and lots more!
Yes! I'm just sad I'll probably have to sleep before this thread reaches the end... Actually I switched from Yuuka! When an Anon is demanding, it's hard for me not to wanna give him what he wants!

the mole- i mean, more the merrier!
Lucky! I'm feeling pretty hot myself
You're doing it wrong
Who says I'm doing anything wrong? I guess I could humor you for one itty bitty little post, beggar-kun.

Still just as cute.

How about you get as far as you can and hold it until my next post?
I'm sure you are looking to get something before it ends. And you will get it faster the sooner you post Bremerton instead. Right now.
That was the joke btw
what a nice umbrella!
Thank you!

Get something? No, it's moreso that people usually wait until right before the thread goes down to share their gamer tags!
Glad you think so!
The more the merrier!
You just want a gamertag? To play video games with others? Keep going. the more you post the bigger it will be.
Getting kinda tired, so Im going to go to bed. good luck playing games tonight anons!
Mhm, or being able to share mine!
Oh wait, this needy anon switched again. You're not the new player! Still cute though.

Sleep well!
Just be careful to share yours. You might get plenty of (un)wanted attention. And fill you up with so much of it.
Nope! Sometimes you gotta switch roles for your team

That's fine though! I'm happy to play support for lots of Anons
What a dedicated gamer. Post it. Now.
Very true. I am debating switching to pvp soon, rather than continuing with open co-op...
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Genshin's gnostic themes and incorporation of actual cultural myths and legends is unironically too high IQ for this board and most gamers
can i have your gametag anon?...
There's not one Gacha game I've thought was well written.
Tried Limbus but it was edgy SCP shit with uninteresting characters and lore, tried AK and it had the worst prose I'd ever been exposed to.
What's sad is that those two were the best of the bunch.
If you say so! Anyone can add! But be aware, I mainly just provide art (for studing character design) and I'm not great at (potentially lewd) communication!


PvP can be daunting, but potentially even more fun!
Mhm, it sure can. You also have to hope matchmaking works out in your favor so that it's still fun!
I might swing on over. I wonder if that new brem anon will show up, or if that brem was just the anon that asked you for your gametag. Oh well!
note what I mean by SCP shit is that it reminded me of the donutsteel faggotry that went down with namefags like kondraki, clef, bright, etc.
lobcorp is more literally SCP
That'd be great if you could join! Or you can always add now and we can game another time
i wanna help this cute anon get ready for any sudden pvp!
some generals are far worse since while they not be gay erp they have their own brand of giga schizos
Give me one Bremerton pic To let it all out to. Her ass or tits, or even mouth. Your choice.
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Defend this
I sent something your way.

What kind of help?
Great pics. Made me cum hard, good work.
you cant keep doing the same combos against a training dummy! you need to practice your defence too and try to block all these mixups!
Live targets are often better than just sticking to the lab, that is true!
how experienced are you on a tournament setting? do you still get butterflies on your tummy when facing a new person?
also aaaaah 4chan ate my post and i had to remake it! sorry for taking so long!
I think I am decently experienced, but those nerves can pop up sometimes in the right situation.
Nerves are something you'll eventually learn to work through, or at least endure!
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Anon got got...
Shame they didn't get you instead, at least he posted something
I had a feeling it might happen when I saw that picture. I wonder if that anon is still here. I'm feeling 50/50 on it...
RIP in pieces
If the late Anon is lurking, you can find my gamer tag in a post from an hour ago!
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I'm sure you can sneak it in, mhm.
and also finding source material that abides by the rules and doesnt get me DQ'ed from the set..
i survived! i got hit with just a 15 min timeout to the naughty corner! shows how much of a newbie i am at this..
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There he is! Glad you're still with us.~
I suppose it wouldn't hurt.
Dummy. Looks like you got lucky.
Awfully suggestive there, BBanon.
Welcome back! Usually a 15 minute disconnect is followed by a game ban, though!
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Really? I think it's still fairly acceptable!
Fuck off beggar
Sure you should be skirting that edge and playing it so dangerously?
so BAfags based?
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>this cringe retard again
This anon is incredibly cute
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>ESLfag is at it again
Thank you! I'm tempted to just repost my gamer tag a second time for anyone just now joining the thread!
I feel like you are adding the same anon in every thread
FGO mogs all
I don't see why that'd be the case! I tell everyone I'm down for PvP whenever I'm online so it's not like someone would need to make an alt
I love Guns!
huh, how did that happen
Could always kick it up a notch...
What's your fave?
Hard to say, I love most of them
Absolutely, more BB is always appreciated.
Post some then
>posting anything
ESLs are cute
It's hard to find one I don't like
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I love "night experts"
What about you anon?
Tokarev is an expert at squeezing gamer juice out of my joystick.
German guns are nice
So sexy
>standard gritty gook huntershit """"urban fantasy"""""
>but with added shipshit, cuckshit, and put in a fucking gacha game format instead of a VN or web novel
kill yourself
project moon is unironically just nasuverse but for ironic weebs
>Nikke want to pretend they are not just coombait by providing grimdark lore about the nikke themselves, that goes through the window real quick when nearly all of the girls had canonical sex with the MC
not surprised that a limbus cuck thinks the presence of sex in a story somehow undermines any other theme it has. surely Neuromancer isn't actually gritty or dystopian or the literal inventor of Cyberpunk as a genre because Case has a lot of sex! Same with Bobby in Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive, everybody knows cyberpunk can't have fucking or it's not real, right?

god I despise you irony-poisoned faggots
Saberface is the lewdest attribute
>snoggers is genshinfags of 2024 (genshin invented open world, snowbreak invented fanservice)
>limnigger is arknigger of 2023 (equally obnoxious as being ironic weeb who act like they are above fanservice)
For me, it's Nero
I need more of this
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damn so this entire thread is just one deranged tranny necrobumping
>thread's still up after two days
Hot Saber bunny
Lived a long, healthy life.~
You can't be serious. When did an entire album of Linkin Park became "good lore".
for sure it did. i even gave formi a five hour session last night
Great choice! Sounds strenuous, but I bet it was a great time.~
i really like her so its hard not to be tempted into it it was, i only wished that my fellow illustrious class worshipper was online at the time
I fucking hate ERP fags.
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I gotta agree. She's got one of the nicest designs in her game. Unfortunate, having a partner's always so much better.~
>place, time
>crawling in my skin
>shadowy figure enters
>these wounds will not heal
>fear is how I fall
>shadowy figure leaves
>confusing what is real
This is what I remember from most of the plot that wasn't the chapter frostnova died and Kay SOL stories.
hey, shills, iam interested in playing snowbreak, but the main gameplay(gunplay), how is it, is it any good, i don't wanna suffer through shit gunplay vs. bullet sponge enemies
at least you know your tastes anon
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Hail to the king, baby

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