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>Concord looks bori-
this game spawnkilled deadlock
Looks like fucking Overwatch. Would you 3rd world shills fuck off and buy an ad already?
dei slop
>You a racist!
>And you a racist!
>And you a racist!
That's fucking op, just like in real life. They need a guy that just yells NIGGER to balance the game.
paid ad thread shitting up the board
lowkey this actually looks fire tho? why do we hate this game again?
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Sony really made a game about this movie
Wow a game where you can shoot people in first person. Never seen that before.
Those flips remind me of Seven's flips when you dash. Anyway, this shit could be the world's greatest game, but it'll still flop because of those horrid designs.
This is the best thing you could find to try and shill this? I thought it was a poor attempt to get the coomers to like the nigger, but this is laughably worse.
SEGA made one too what a coincidence
In addition to looking boring it looks like faggot shit.
Does hiphop music start playing when you do the goofy flips?
You get chimp noises and gays yelling YAAAAAS
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What, you don't like budget GoG?
This looks if you pulled a bunch of random NPCS together and made a game about them.
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>when the game was free
It's amazing how many millions just got set on fire, and they have to press on anyway.
The third-person dodge rolls are fucking awful, what were they thinking
That sure is gameplay that looks like every other clip of overwatch I've seen.
Don't insult that cinematic masterpiece pls.
Do the dodges give you iframes? If not, they're so slow they're be genuinely useless.
That's really the big thing, doesn't have anything Overwatch did where the characters were all recognizable/distinct. Silhouette is especially a big issue everyone is going to just blend in.
I'm so tired of these types of games. I'm convinced that it's all the West knows how to make at this point; run and gun, loot n' shoot, etc, etc.
god why is everything so slow, it's actually offensive to me how zoomers act like they want competitive hardcore FPS games but then everything in the games they play moves at a snail's pace and is balanced around waiting for cooldowns
>The mutt with a tupperware container on it's head
Kek wtf is this garbage?
zoomie adhd slop kys
I have been playing Concord and I am loving it so much. It is best game I have played in long time. You can play with your friends also, making it even more exciting. The missions and quests are very interesting, keeping you engaged for hours.
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>Starfield looks bori-
What's Roka look like from behind and without the retardedly oversized helmet?
>Those aerials and B-Twists
Probably as flat as it does in the front? Get some fucking standards
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Why is every character so fucking ugly in design?
No, I'm not talking about races or genders. They just all all have disgusting designs regardless of that
Holy fuck, how did they manage to make a game so terrible? This was literally designed for four year olds who are easily entertained by bright colors and flashing lights
Idk i'm surprised no one likes these.
They look like standard marvelslop and people love that.
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>game has thugnificent
>no booty butt cheeks to be seen
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>that hud
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>Try to be as ambitious as possible with different systems
>Said ambitious systems like base building and space travel only slow the game down
Why did Bethesdaslop peak at Skyrim?
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>first person shooter
>jumps to third person for animation
>jumps to third person for DODGE animations of all things
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imagine eating this good
All the weapons in Starfield are generic modern weapons? Or is this not actually Starfield? I've seen zero seconds of gameplay footage, but I expected alien weaponry if it's space shit.
urinocally, the gecko girl is pretty compared to the rest of the "girls".
maybe a better hairstyle can fix her but still, her skin color combination is horrible, need to be more vibrant and less muted.
and the robot is the less obsene to my taste.
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I don't know why they keep pushing the settlement building meme, it was by far the worst aspect of Fallout 4 and mostly served for them to do less work designing settlements. And it makes even less sense as a mechanic in starfield and is basically entirely missable just making it wasted dev time. I swear if they add it into ESVI it's a true sign they seem to have forgotten what made their games fun.
You think there will be a "Dick Riding Kamala" music video anytime soon?
>it was by far the worst aspect of Fallout 4
No. It's the only decent aspect of it and the only reason I actually put time into the game.
a tranny version of thugnificent from outer space doing flips while throwing kunais or whatever with that goofy run is the only good crumb of content from this DEIslop
>fat guy in blue winter parka and ski goggles
>takes out pizza
Oh there are others they just included some generic modern weapons. Still love they called that VSS a hunting rifle because nothing says hunting like integrated suppressor.
>so afraid of putting white people in, they painted them green
Can't make this shit up.
>haha dodge is a flipadip and I killed a bunch of low health people and hit people who are barely moving.
dead game.
shit game.
Fursona Ramona Flowers is kinda cute
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Really sit back for a minute and think about this. These devs sat down, looked at pic related the original cast of the game they are directly copying, and somehow created that and said "yeah these will be stand out memorable characters". Like how does that happen?
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This is so unbelievably retard it loops back to being based
What the fuck
But unlike Hunt Down The Freeman or YIIK, this piece of shit will never gain a cult following that is initially ironic only to slowly get overtaken by sincere retards missing the joke.
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I like these. The rest can fuck off
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The stark contrast between Concord and Marvel Rivals, which is having a closed beta with ten times more players than Concord's open beta, really lays it out
You like homeless woman, the fallout toilet armor, glamour granny, homeless black woman, and the purple guy.
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>cuts to third person every time you dodge
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All these hero shooters look the FUCKING SAME holy shit if you put this, Lawbreakers and Hyenas side to side I'll be unable to distinguish between them. What the hell is wrong with these devs?
The black sniper chick is a qt but the grey rag is awful, and her voice lines include a "dayum!" Like can't we have black people who aren't either gay men or 90's stereotypes
>Play as the sheboon
>Entire opposing team concentrates their attacks on me
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>Asian cape wearing grandma
Who are the fuck are the making this game for?
Roka looks like a guy from behind and yes that's because it's a guy.
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>the furry alien from voices of the void is in this
No, it's a girl.
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So their version of Genji is a fat, flipping niggress....
do they purposely make shitty default characters so they can sell cosmetics? feels like this is a trend
it really is just a mix of all the shit parts of destiny and overwatch
The game literally has pronouns right there.

its Yasukeisha the shinobi
black girl magic
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It looks bland
If this was the intention they should have included some more cosmetics in the beta.
only unlocked a few weapon charms and a recolor.
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>They're like real minorities! So it's good!
Take the blacks out and I would play this
The character design and art direction for this game is terrible from a gameplay perspective. Look at this image from a distance and it's obvious.
Most of the characters look the same and it's all visually noisy while also looking muddy at the same time.
>Years of development and millions of dollars just to make an inferior clone of Overwatch
games industry in 2024 in a nutshell

Honestly that design is so aggressive that I can't help but like it
Why do they all just awkwardly shuffle around? Even Overwatch, as dull as it is, has the characters move in a to try to sell their personality, or at the least what their powers/playstyle are. Look at the yellow mushroom girl that spins slower than a plate on my microwave. What is the point of that? It looks boring and tells me literally nothing about how she plays. It's feels like it's scientifically the most uninspired and lazy animations they could've generated.
Looks like clownfest.
I thought those gender labeling things were exclusive to twitter sort of like a niche culture. What in the actual fuck?
The gameplay looked OK, just too slow and samey to other hero shooters. I'd actually try it for the asking price + no battle pass shit alone, but holy FUCK the character designs are bad. I'm anti-culture warrior faggotry as it gets, but the char designs in this game are pure fucking slop garbage lmfao
Christ and there are people saying deadlock’s characters are lame looking
>there are people saying deadlock’s characters are lame looking
They kinda are.
>Honest Wingnut
>Poser Replier
This is a hell of a meme.
>Nigress flings baseless accusations at strangers, while jazz-handing and doing flamboyant flips.
>Ends the tyrade with an actual stabbing murder
This is a template if ever I've seen one.
>Characters all have pronouns
>Some are unironically they/them
What a boring UI, and people are hyped for this?
No, not really.
Nobody is hyped for this.
because it's aimed at late 30s-early 40s millenials with dull reflexes, they can no longer play fast games like arena shooters at a decent level
>tranny version of thugnificent
perfect description
>director of gay niggers from outer space died in 2019
was it aids?
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she cute, a shame she's stuck in a shit game

I hope the game gets shutdown after they realize the lack of players won't keep it afloat We got fucking Marvel Heroes coming, and it's just Overwatch with Marvel superheroes as the characters. It's hilarious so many companies jumped on the Overwatch bandwagon like 8 years after the game released. Overwatch isn't even popular anymore, surprised it hasn't shutdown.
She looks like a vortigaunt cosplayer on a budget.
That's not accurate gameplay footage by the way, if this really was starfield you'd be slashing and shooting at enemies for over 20 seconds at a time.
>not a single monstrous looking or non-humanish facial features alien
>colors are all muted almost pastel looking
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>There's a barely sentient gorilla doing flips n shieeet
The outfits are easily the biggest problem with the character designs, crazy how bad they are. Schizo-tier fashion sense. Even the simpler designs have at least like 6 things wrong with them.
Shame about the designs ruining the game, ah well, there's always next time
>people that just look like people
lmao no they look like aliens because of their ridiculous clothing, has nothing to do with them being minorities
>"The diversity and minority are so good because I'm a proud male ally!"
jewish investors
Yes anon, design is clearly not this teams strong suite
Legitimately the tumblr shit that this board has been making fun of for years
every one of those outfits is one a schizo would pick out for themselves for a day in the office
yo thugnificent looks mad fun
I don't like how camera switch back and forth between first and third person for flips. It looks disorienting, annoying and plain stupid.
This poster sounds extremely racist, I don't know why
Some people are trying to normalise this.
played marvel rivals for the first time yesterday
pretty fun tbqh
only did bot games tho
Even ai generated art looks better than this shit
nobody wants to play DEI goyslop
A common trend with games like these is that attractive female characters always have their head covered
I legit thought we were over hero-shooters.
When will these companies learn the DEI don't sell. Just look at Disney with their recent live action movies.
what game is this from that concord ape it from?
Man there's something really off about the way some of those faces move.
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Concord is failing because real men and real women would rather play this https://www.tiktok.com/@amandadarkoart/video/7389750723350662442
and WHO CAN FUCKING BLAME THEM? This is what fucking happens when corps get molested by DEI practices thinking that appealing to the toxically loud minorities will sell because of some brownie points.
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Damn! Roka looks like that?
Destruction Allstars also by Sony, same story, same fate
>have pronouns
>only a single trannoid and even then it's the fence-sitter type
what's the fucking point if you're not going to actually make use of the retardation?
-ing, ugly and soulless made for eSports garbage.
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Anon, you don't understand, it's the same as here.
Everyone fucking knows that none of these rich boomers are trans, but they still do it because the world has been going down the drain since 9/11
>makes her kill only 1 hp enemies because thats all bazz can do
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You guys could have just played Devils Third.
how can you possibly like the asian granny?
Look man I'm a madman that actually enjoyed Destiny 2 PvP but why would I want to play that while looking as some dyke negro instead of my own Hunter?
lol no fucking way
what the fuck is with sony repeating their mistakes over and over
because CHUDS like you keep thinking it's okay to play as a straight white male
Jap boomers that don't know how brown America is now.
its a validation cult at this point
because you dont have to grind 100 hours for the peepeepoopoo grenade launcher and the fricking epic smg and the must have exotic handcannon? plus at least in this game you can get dodge back immediately and not die to instant win buttons
Did Japan win WW2 and conquer the US west-coast in your timeline?

You're a fucking idiot if you think Oblivion or Skyrim did anything beyond what Morrowind did. In many ways those two other games are inferior.
Do Americans devs really think there is an untapped market of black female playerbase that just refuse to play a game unless they are represented in it? I mean it's more likely these games are made exclusively for Larry fink but it's getting ridiculous honestly, common Sony L I guess. What the fuck happened to the Sony of the PS2 era?
>Amputee in war
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funnily enough, xbox's future hero shooter looks much more promising
Literally budget Cyberpunk
I wish that pseudofurry was nearly as cute as the alien cat elves from VOTV. At least if the model was decent there might be some good porn come from this game. It's like the developers went out of their way to make their characters as ungoonable as possible because they didn't want the Overwatch legacy of being an okay game with way better source film maker videos of Mercy getting gang raped by dogs.
oh shit ok not bad, but for some reason I haven't even heard of this? Looks chinkmade?
this is the first i've heard of it, and it looks ten times better than concord
how the fuck did xbox pull that off
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See, they fucking get it, cute girls, girly guns, this shit will at least rival Valorant unlike Jewcord
Daw's hitbox looking JUICY
so it is chink shit
atleast they know how to make attractive looking characters
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Yeah I don't wanna play as some mentally ill nig-mutt, simple as.
>Find empty parking lot
>put shack on
>move to next parking lot
truly riveting
Why can't devs/execs figure out that Overwatch was mostly successful because of its character designs?
Too bad i have to grind lot of those dragonborn temples to do that in ng++++++
what is Teo the last white man in the concord universe
There are Destiny 2 devs involved.
>Looks chinkmade?
seems so
>Bad Guitar Studio is a video game developer and subsidiary of Thunder Fire Studio.
>Thunder Fire Studio is a video game developer headquartered in Hangzhou, China, and a subsidiary of NetEase Games.
honestly kind of sad that these days the only devs allowed to make designs that are not vomit inducing are asian studios
Ignoring the pozzed characters: this looks ten times more fun than Valorant and Overwatch.
it's weird too because they're not even pure coomer designs, same with the new Marvel overwatch clone or Valorant, they're just attractive designs rather than pure androgynous unattractive dogshit.
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LMAO they have a dude named Covid
does he have the shortest arms or is it just the angle
https://youtu.be/TMzCruMzmE8?si=7Kp7lkZpyBfh0l3v&t=112 nah scratch that, holy fuck this is some Gacha tier coomer shit I love it
>that scorpion bit straight to ass
This game made me fuckin reinstall overwatch
Mauga is great but, I never thought i'd enjoy playing Lifeweaver
What's that?
He is a spic.
I just now realized left is an underwater escort mission
When was this announced, I've never heard of it in my life
yeah same and I usually watch all the june game coverage, genuinely don't remember this
so this game looks exactly like valorant and is mostly a valorant clone with a bit of overwatch thrown in
why do this game and valorant look like chinese phone games?
is it because they are?
announced like a month ago, during the xbox games showcase 2024
I can see playing CoD on phone but Valorant is more like a mix between CSGO and Overwatch in a sense that you cant just spray and pray, it's much more tactical it just has the character powers instead of your regular nades and shit. It's overpopulated by egirls especially in american servers BUT it actually has a pretty high skill ceiling, higher than an average shooter that's not CSGO.
Wow I'm shocked because I saw the presentation and I don't remember it at all
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well that's fuckin depressing
oh it's the BIG HEAD MODE one
holy shit, they need a better trailer
easy to miss, it was like a 1-2 minutes segment (around the 46 minutes mark) in a 75 minutes presentation
it just looks like someone testing to see if the mocap works
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marvel rivals (overwatch clone) is their game too, currently in cbt.
I'd be more interested if the designs didn't look so... uninspired.
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everyone would be. But even a lot of media outlets (non-shill ones) are saying the gameplay is solid if undercooked, but the game is neither ready nor appealing, plus it should be f2p with battlepasses.
Or he's Corona because he's a fire guy and the corona is the surface of the Sun
Looks Australian too me.
Imagine is she was a cute blonde teenage white gymnast in a skin tight leotard (male), instead of being an ugly African (f*male)
thank you anon, today I learned.
i feel like there gottta be a middle ground between coomer bait and absolutely repulsive
>gameplay is solid if undercooked
I'm more interested, gameplay is king, but getting me interested without knowledge of that is based on looks primarily
>plus it should be f2p with battlepasses
No thanks. I've had enough of this shit.
if this doesn't snap you out of it and make you realize that this is a disposable product then nothing will
>fatso pulls a giant donut out of its ass
Then why is all the marketing aimed at Zoomers?
It looks like destiny 2, which is worse than overwatch.
kek, joshua moon should sue
Because they are.
It's the standard overcompensation:
>Black people and immigrants are great, the fact I live in a gated community and have and want zero interaction with them has no bearing on this whatsoever.
Disgusting. Only the blue chimp and yellow robot are the only passable designs and that’s a stretch.
destiny 3???
I really hate this gay trend that overwatch started where it’s a multiplayer game and the characters have relationships with one another and reference lore when there’s no lore to be experienced in game because it’s a multiplayer game. It’s nothing but a marketing gimmick.
Devs and execs knows that, but DEI/BRIDGE/black cuck free money is more important for shareholders and getting blackmailed by mental ill troons in HR+other higher positions don't help the situation.
>Then why is all the marketing aimed at Zoomers?
is it really though? most zoomers would tell you that shit is gay as fuck
the only people receptive to it are fucking millennial neogaf/resetera posters praising it for imaginary brownie points from their fellow basedchuggers, and they absolutely don't plan on buying it
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Would this game be doing better if it had cute girls as characters, or are people just tired of hero shooters?
I think it's both. It's the same reason AAA ubisoft-esque slop sales are in general slowly declining, even normies are kinda over it. Shit's been stale for almost a decade now with little to no innovation.
Why play Destiny + Overwatch rip-off when both Destiny and Overwatch are free to play?
as other anon said, it's both, there's live service fatigue in general, people can only play and keep up with so many games like this
wait Destiny is F2P? What about the expansions?
what free money?

more niggers?
Like I dont have enough niggers in my life, I need MORE niggers
It's what we call "technically f2p"
They get more investment funding from the likes of black rock if the company is in support of fugly homo troon nigger shit. Investors see their numbers goes up.
>alien or cyborg spy character
>have it wear a human slick attire
holy retardation batman

you could claim all of them except the recent one for free some time ago
most of them are shit anyway but Bungie is bleeding playerbase
Because black peopre and fatties
investment isn't free money

>They get more investment
not necessarily; diversity crap is just a metric used to characterise companies, one of many

>Investors see their numbers goes up.
which numbers?
>It's good that they look stupid because so do real minorities!
I hope this chud got banned for posting that.
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What were they thinking?
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Whoops wrong image
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When are game devs going to realise that putting ugly characters in their games makes people not want to play them. Say what you want about Overwatch, but most of the female characters are fucking hot - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vnz_fDOg9Co

I also fucking hate these scripted LE EBIN multiplayer moments for gameplay trailers. Shit is rarely going to play out that way.
I never liked hero shooters and how visually cluttered they are

B-but you just posted the same image again?!
winston actually has character
>I'm a big brute but I'm also an intellectual
You're not wrong, but I feel like for something this overused they didn't do a particular good job with it.
Wow a talking monkey, holy cow
you can pick any frame of this trailer
put it in here: https://matkl.github.io/average-color/
and you get a shitty brown

the art direction of this game is atrocious
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>Pantone 448 C is a colour in the Pantone colour system. Described as a "drab dark brown" and informally dubbed the "ugliest colour in the world", it was selected in 2012 as the colour for plain tobacco and cigarette packaging in Australia, after market researchers determined that it was the least attractive colour.[2][3][4][5]

i would actually fucking laugh if he shouted shit like that
matt booty looks like dave mccarthy from the future
I nearly spit my drink out
the broadcasting company made an entire Dr. Who series about it
Don't forget infantalizing them completely. Where would anyone be without middle class white faggots saving the world from their bedrooms?
I just noticed that one black chick has robotic legs?
They are really just working off a checklist they get passed down from their DEI department to design those characters.
I thought you were talking about thugnificent with "her" high top air force 1s, but it was the other girl with the sniper rifle
shit you're right, didn't even catch it
You can play a kung fu flipping Thugnificent in this game?! Nice!
It looks like overwatch but worse in every way.,
Just noticed that all her opponents are conveniently already at 5% health before she attacks them.
you would make a good janny, cleaning up threads for free
>could easily just have dialogue referring to characters as their pronouns like a normal fucking game
>do this instead
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This alone is fucking every "hero" shooters out there.

Let it go dog its over..
Those fucking flips in the first clip look clunky as fuck
Witnessing the spectacular failure this is going to be makes me happy.
I wanted Hyenas to crash and burn, but the cancellation denied me of that opportunity
In a way, I'm thankful Sony's still pushing for this dogshit looking game
>almost everyone has obvious normal pronouns
>the he/him girl is extremly fat and ugly
>hot as fuck girls
>even the token black guy looks actually cool instead of some ugly fat dyke or some mystery meat fatty
These look pretty well animated despite ugly designs. Maybe things were meant to be legit before some diversity officers came and demanded everything to be neutered.
>the person who plays the mushroom (cutest character) is some zesty black dude
why man why
They have an entire performance capture studio for their weekly story cutscenes. It'd be fucking embarrassing if the animations weren't on point in that game.
bruh get a grip, it's just a voice actor
No disrespecting deadlock, not in a concord thread
man, op sure showed me
/g_speed 50
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>trailer implies its some extraction shooter
>its just overwatch
Lol lmao
Do you guys remember how everyone hyped extraction shooters to be the next big thing? Everything that isn't tarok has closed their servers within a few months
What does the Blue Parka Person even do? What is their gimmick?
Sony wants Marathon to be their extraction shooter failure.
He's fat.
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they just did it because that's what the destiny dodge does. except this one feels like crap probably because it has terrible animations and is too slow or too long. they just copied overwatch plus destiny and called it a day, they probably forgot that destiny is mainly a PvE game
Kek. I mean, look at the fucking designs and tell me I'm not right.
the fat guy ? he's a healer, he drops healing spots
usually you want a character to easily represent what they do but I suppose that goes out the window when you're doing a checklist for designs, nothing says healer/support like "obese blue dude"
A healer? Wow. My guess would have been a gender-bent Mei, mayhaps. Unless that attire is supposed to be some sort of scrubs, instead of cold protection.
Here's your Vidya representation jigaboo, hope you like it
>every enemy conviniently on 10% hp and close-up
You can watch how boring the game is by the amount of damage the bullet in last frames did
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the character designs dont look bad, only the fat fuck and the monkey lady are retarded
I have to applaud them for actually having a distinct art direction, but I really don't understand how this gets funding. These games make their money by selling skins to whales and children, and if you look at any successful ftp game you'll see that the skins that actually sell are in just 3 categories:

1. Coomer skins. So either fetish stuff or just general hot girl stuff.

2. Edgy. Basically the 12 year olds idea of what is cool. Samurai, ninja, black, red, flames, carbonfibre textures, skulls etc.

3. Third party IP shit. IE. the fortnite special. everything from batman to ninja turtles to transformers. Bonus points if the skin happens to also be in category 1 or 2.

What kids and 30 year old man children generally don't like is rounded retro future designs with pastel colors. This is basically the problem that starfield had, but in a much much more dire circumstance, since these games live and die by the designs. With the tinyest amount of self awareness I bet with small adjustments many of these designs could be saved, and I'm not talking in the /pol/ way.

Overwatch wouldn't be half the cultural phenomenon it is if it didn't have the porn.
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>we can't let minorities have their own power fantasies, it would break their tiny little brains in half!
This poster is more fucking racist than I am
I really thought it was Thugnificent in the video. Now I am demoralize.
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Does it really go into third person every time you do that flip dodge thing? What the fuck?
It's the ninja guy from Overwatch but slower
It's true, nobody wanted to play concord that's why it had such low player counts, zoomies don't play this, streamers don't play this, blacks don't play this, women don't play this, the only people that do are 30 yo picrel that want you to know just how much they love minorities. (An I guess some snoys)
Insane, literally not 1 likable character.
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>singlehandedly mogs your roster
Creen que estan ganando?
Is the last one supposed to like their Jinx? Epic fail whichever developer made this shit.. epic fail.
>I'm glad they're boring because it's what I look like in real life

Fucking hell.
I was born in 2000 and yeah it's gay as fuck. But I mean people born in gen x and millenials probably have the same opinion. Lets call a spade a spade and say it like it is, there is no target audience and the numbers prove that. No one is going to play this over overwatch.
why is her melee overhead toddler tantrum punch
most streamers who played it chose... the garbage can robot because the other characters are that unappealing, meanwhile >>683685438 claims that the designs are salvageable with some "small adjustments" lmao
This should've been a comedy movie.
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>fingerless glove meter
16 years later and it still kills me
Normies love marvel shit for movies but absolutely do not buy the games.
Yeah, I do. For example, take the black guy with the wide brim hat and the future soviet lmg.

All you need to do to that design is change the color palette into something darker shinier and adjust the trenchcoat design a bit, and you have pretty much dollar store alucard from hellsing. I bet that would triple the amount of players that design would appeal to.

Or the 2 girls with the space suits and grenade/rocket launchers. Literally all you need to do is recolor and change the helmet to be smaller and more modern scifi.

I'm not saying they would be iconic or overwatch level, but they would hit the target audience way better. There are designs I wouldnt know what to do with, like the blue jacket skigoggles humptydumptyass looking dude.
i thought it was a woman
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It's probably not enough any more to keep ADHD zoomer attention with eye raping screen effects any more. It needs more clutter and more eye pain inducing effects.
Do you think higher ups/etc will finally stop shoving all these bullshit designs, DEI-aspects, and other trash down our throats? I'm not even commenting on the game itself, I'm talking these horrendously shit designs that actually hurt to look at. People might have complained about the "plain brown and bloom soldier shooter" game but god damn, atleast those are a consistent style and look good.

Is there literally anyone on the planet who looks at these designs and says "I want to play as that"? It always feels like these designs are made by a committee for no one, it's made to be "inclusive" while excluding 99.9% of all humans who would even look at it. wtf?
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whoa, epik fps gameplay my fellow gamers
I would buy it, if it had cute girls in it, but it doesn't even have humans.
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>cute delinquent girl with exposed midriff and a bandaid on her face
>she's trapped in a fucking chink hero shooter with spiderverse/Riot visuals
What the fuck are we doing here, man?
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Seriously, people play games like this and ask themselves why they can't concentrate on anything or why they are completely burnt out every day.
Kek, no way gaming in 2024 is a black sheboon spinning around shooting some lightling
They sure noticed that they were overreaching with their DEI bullshit. Despite what demoralizing fags are saying, companies still want to see line go up, so they will tone it down a bit and throw in more safe horny to quell the masses. Make no mistake though, they absolutely will not stop pushing DEI. It'll just be more subtle again.
Destiny is what they were thinking because some of the devs worked on Destiny and thats how it works in destiny
And she does it by yelling "ZAP, CRACKER"
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can we be done with trannies yet
>people that look like people
>which is incredible considering all the minorities
this is based man, implying that minorities do not look like people
At least Haymar is pretty
It's interesting to contrast this with TF2. TF2's character designs are fairly bland, and all the heavy lifting is done by the voice lines. These sorts of generic hero shooters seem to take the opposite approach, where all the characterisation is done visually and all the voice lines are terrible.
>comes off as an insufferable boss bitch in every cutscene she's in
They couldn't make her insufferable AND ugly.
This character design is so ugly it's hilarious.
>TF2's character designs are fairly bland
I don't even like TF2 but I'd argue this is wrong. They are distinct and you can tell who's who just by a glance. They might be "bland" in color or something like that but if you look at a scout you know it's a scout, you round a corner and see a big mass, it's the heavy. And so on. Their characterization in the voice lines/etc is also good and strengthens them. But I wouldn't call them bland at all.
It's a shame because she was one of the characters I thought actually looked good, especially for how bad black women normally look in games.
And then you see her from the waist down and she's ruined.
lmao they have like 10 different screens for the funny blind effect
hero shooter was a mistake
This game even fails at visual characterization, in TF2 you can roughly tell with a glance what each class does
>scout is small and lean
>medic has a lab coat and gloves
>spy has a baclava
Concord somehow manages to have some overdesigned characters while not telling us what they do. Obese dude is a support character but he doesn't have anything that would hint at that. I don't know what the role of the asian granny is supposed to be. Similarly what's the difference between the soldier dude and the black guy with the hat ?
The problem is that if your head it too far up your own ass with empowerment and wanting to spread the message that anyone can do anything, you end up with contradictory signals instead of going with the golden "characters look like what they do" rule.
>Busted nose
uh huh
Another topic I'd like to bring up is how nearly every character these days is a "joke" character. They're never serious or interesting in the setting. They're all just buzzword spouting faggots who are trying to "stand out". It's exhausting when every single character is like this cliche. Or they take the opposite approach and make them super-duper serious and that is also cringe because it's just as non-believable. It never feels like there's any cohesion between these characters or the world because it's all so goofy.
that is actual gameplay from Starfield. It's really low scifi, pretty much the tech we have now + 100 years of advancement but we still mostly shoot bullets and some energy weapons
I've said it before and I'll say it again: millennials use irony as a shield to give them plausible deniability for their failures. They're petrified of putting real effort into something because if they fail it'll shatter their ego.

>captcha: HRTP
The animations are like the mocapped cosplayers. Idk how else to describe it. It looks so bad
it disturbs me to know that there are people who think this way. there is absolutely nothing wrong with designing appealing characters. characters should have appealing designs, it makes them memorable and iconic. designing a character to look generic makes them forgettable, no different from a background npc.
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I'll admit, the graphics look quite nice, this was ex Bungie devs so they clearly know how to have high fidelity models.
But it's just dogshit design period. I always hated how Destiny was inspired by Mobius because it just didn't look good, like every design was sabotaged with a few pointless dongles that ruin the entire appeal.
Knowing this is the same devs, you have to wonder, this wasn't a mistake, they live to make garbage like this. They really truly love this cluster fuck of design.
There's scifi weapons like the NotP90 and the NotP90 Rifle and the aliens assault rifle at home, but it also has a modern shotgun, VSS vintorez, and 1911 which they refer to as a revolver

Got some news for you little buddy. That's all humans.
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>when the Concord hit
Failures and fuckups, sure. The world developed through people putting in good solid hard work.
they perfectly captured the really bad marvel movie background space character aesthetic
this is the product of the woke mind virus
fucking diversity checklist trite. how could valve fall so low?
hence why I expect Marvel Rivals to at least do initially well considering it's FtP
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wait the fat blue fuck's supposed to be a dude? i thought for sure he was "supposed" to be a woman.
i don't even know how to feel about this. i feel like i got like, reverse baited somehow.
how long was that coma you just woke up from? and more importantly how did you fall into it? because i want in
Those animations are the "outfit change" animations, the "character select" ones are here >>683666084 (better but still shit)
Wtf, the sniper shots didn't hit the railing! lol
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>When even aislop can improve your character
This looks just like Overwatch, but with placeholder character models purchased from an asset store.
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Do not disparage the pissjugman robot. He is the hero of all space truckers.
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>copies the Hunter dodge AND Strand super dodge
this just have me a headache
looks like marvelslop capeshit
Miss me with the faggot shit.
How many copies of Concord do you guys think this fag bought?
white savior complex
leftoids don't play games
Never heard of that, but it does seem very succinct
they copied way more, you can't even call it plagiarism because sony owns both and the concord devs used to work on destiny
they're just repackaging destiny pvp in an even more sloppified package
those flips look like leon's and chris's unnecessary flips
the designs look retarded and the realistic artsyle makes it even more retarded. The yelloow bug looks kind of interesting but the rest looks like bad cosplay
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The problem with DEI is that it's fundementally anti-art.

Art is the underlying collective taste of mankind. We love to act like we all have different taste, but our likes and dislikes are very similar on a fundemental level. We generally prefer sweet things over bitter things, beautiful things over ugly things, we like music with structure instead of meaningless noise etc etc. Different individual taste is actually quite small in the grand scheme of things. DEI tries to reject the underlying collective taste of mankind, but it will never work because it's hardcoded into our genes and memes.
He introduced himself with a romantic
>Hello sar
And then he courts her with a romantic poop dinner
We need to step up our game or these indians will take all the beautiful ladies for themselves
My wife was watching some true crime netflix slop yesterday about this prominent-nosed libshit ally for tards who can't speak. She would help them type on little Stephen Hawking computers by supporting their hand, but it was basically her operating an Ouija board, it was all her subconscious input. She eventually convinced herself that the negroid mong she was helping was a super genius who was in love with her and was interested in cinema and fine wine and poetry and stuff. Got him into college courses and wrote essays for him about black liberation. Started fucking him, tried to separate him from his family. Eventually she went to prison for it (less than three years, a man would have probably received life or been executed). I can't ever forget the interviews with her and the weird, deranged look in her eye. Even after they proved he couldn't form a thought more complex than "grug want food" in court she still believes all of the shit she made up in her head. This is the same thing. This is some kind of brain disease they have. It's real in their mind.
>Would this game be doing better if it had cute girls as characters
absolutely, but it still might have failed shortly after release.
Why is every millennial like this?
>tactician | undecided
So what will get you banned, calling this obvious female alien "she" or "he"?
>What is their gimmick?
he's American
I've always said it, people who want to prove so hard that they love minorities have the most internalized racism
>I love minorities so I made them ugly on purpose to show them that I'm not racist and I appreciate them even if they don't look normal
It's the "anime dub" of physical acting, they just look awkward as hell
>Ctrl F
>0 results for exaggerated swagger
Even the animations suck, it's like the mocap actors are saying "look, I'm a video game character"
How the fuck do you think she looks good? Her attire looks like it was done in Marvelous Designer in less than 5 minutes, she has a muted palette to emphasize stealth yet at the same time she has bright orange motifs and decals and her animations are yass kween tier.

All of the designs are all over the place. It's like they were done by different people that were forced to not leave their cubicle and interact with anyone. There's not a single thing that makes you feel that they are part of the same universe except the two Guardians of the Galaxy ripoffs at the top row.
The whole point of pronouns is that they are opposite to your sex, otherwise there would be no point in mentioning them
Those are city millenials.
Everyone is doing le quirky bounce/autistic hand movements. You have to be chemically lobotomized to find this shit appealing
it would absolutely be doing better if it had cute girl characters. the chinese already figured out the recipe for success with live service shit. weebshit with waifus and skins.
It actually looks worse than I thought
>they look cool because they're minorities

Do some people lack self-awareness when saying dumb shit?
So city millennials have no ability to relate to others who haven't lived a life like theirs?
Millenials growing up in the boonies are more well adjusted than spoiled city slickers
>people that just look like people, which is especially incredible due to the sheer amount of minorities in the game
I'm not suggesting that, but growing up outside of a city tends to keep you more grounded in reality.
that's richfags of any generation. people who grew up with money cannot relate to anyone "below" their station.
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>before some diversity officers came and demanded everything to be neutered
You still believe a group of consultants have any say in the creation process? Maybe try going to work first before spewing that bullshit.
It's overwatch having a gay tranny baby with valorant
Everyone involved in that must've been completely cut off from any and all reality to think
>Yeah, our character focused full-price live service game will totally thrive on people wanting to play and get cosmetics for THESE characters
What was the plan there? Starting low so that potential players get motivated to fix the shit design by using cosmetics?
Damn thugnificent looking good
>You still believe a group of consultants have any say in the creation process?

I refuse to believe someone on here is this disingenuous.
Is that black tinkerbell?
yes it looks boring, nothing in this video proves otherwise
I'm still baffled that there are still anons as ignorant as you about the whole situation.
Even the robot looks like shit.
The worst of these gamea can usually have at least a cool robot. Fuck, Pathfinder from Apex stands out and that game gave us Bangalore and Lifeline.
>posting a faggit nigger spinning
wow how exciting...
Like watching paint dry on a wall.
The video game version of a pair of khaki pants.
>You still believe a group of consultants have any say in the creation process?
Didn't that Mimimi studio reportedly change their entire game into a Luisiana voodoo shit setting, because of Sweet Baby telling them to change the game entirely? I absolutely agree that the people in these companies want Sweet baby and other consulting companies working on their games, which makes these DEI consultancy groups just a part of the problem, but they are also part of the problem. Their presence doesn't actually fix anything in these games, or work to improve anything. All these people involved need to get actively fucked out of gaming completely.
Makes total sense. It has that mocap look with very little prop interactions.
is it "booty butt cheeks" or is it "move them butt cheeks"?
>TF2's character designs are fairly bland, and all the heavy lifting is done by the voice lines

stop smoking so much crack holy shit
repulsive in every way. my god have we really fallen this low?
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Yeah, it does look boring.
They overpaid their employees, I don't know what the salary is at that studio for the core devs, but it's definitely too high.
the saddest thing is that the person behind this post is very likely a white man in his thirties
Damn is that the cat of that Norwood fella I've been hearing to much about ?
So these are the joke characters every game has in to make people who like being "quirky" have something to play.
So where are the real characters people are actually going to play?
"hero shooters" was never a thing
>They look good specifically they do not look good, which I was conditioned to think is morally right.
>t. someone who never had any interest in buying and playing the game, so sliding in those virtue takes is even easier
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lmao i picked up on that too, i swear this is a troll
>they look like regular people, which is amazing considering they're minorities
absolutely kek i've seen less racist stuff on /pol/
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Doesn't matter, until it's designed like this
i agree. there was tf2 and then there was overwatch and that's it, everything else turned out to be unplayable dogshit that died on release. even overwatch is dead, now there's just tf2.
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I don't know about the entire game but I've seen someone post artwork of the original front and center character who in all its irony and without fail used to be a redhead pirate lady before of course getting blackwashed when SBI got involved. These people are fucking clowns and it's amazing that they get paid so much just to consult companies on how to be the most pseudo-progressive meme stereotypes in existence. They could hire some random reddit users to get the same takes for less.
His favourite level was where jailbait Ellie systematically assassinates 20 battle-tested men in 12 minutes
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>consult companies
once again consultants get shit to say. If that change happened it happened internally within company
Because majority of FPS players played gaylo on consoles.
i thought the same, the roster is even more funnier now
Do blacks even like these ugly character designs?

Aren't they all playing fighting games with hot females?
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They are not lame, they are bad but in different way.
The helmet stays on during sex (and has heart pupil eyes)
the modern DEI movement, in its misguided quest for forced equality of outcome, attempts to reject and subvert this fundamental collective taste
it seeks to elevate the ugly, the discordant, the mediocre, in a futile effort to reshape human nature itself
but this endeavor is doomed to fail, for our preferences are not merely social constructs to be dismantled at will
they are deeply ingrained in our genetic and memetic heritage, the product of countless generations of evolution and cultural refinement

to deny the existence of objective beauty, talent, and merit is to deny the very essence of what makes us human
it is a betrayal of the countless artists, thinkers, and innovators who have striven throughout history to push the boundaries of human achievement, to create works that resonate with the deepest parts of our being
the DEI movement's insistence on quotas, tokenism, and the elevation of identity over ability is a direct assault on the meritocratic principles that have driven human progress for millennia

in the end, the DEI movement's attempts to reshape art and culture in its own image are destined to collapse under the weight of their own absurdity
for no matter how loudly they may proclaim otherwise, the truth remains that greatness cannot be mandated, genius cannot be manufactured, and the human spirit cannot be tamed by the dictates of a misguided ideology
art, in its purest form, will always remain a reflection of the timeless, ineffable essence of the human experience, transcending the petty politics and social engineering of the moment
The numbers already showed that. It took me over 10 minutes (which I didn’t do) to play support in hopes of playing Juno. Concord, on the same weekend, didn’t even crack 2500 players or so. That’s fucking terrible compared to a game that’s supposedly dead and has been out almost 10 years. Kudos to blizzard for throwing out a decent looking female character at the exact same time the concord beta became available. It was a power move and you can’t tell me any differently. They could have picked any other weekend.
I’m one of the few on this board that plays overwatch I guess. It’s not a great game, but it’s fun if you just don’t take it seriously. I play quick play with my friend every day and we have fun. I just turn off text chat, don’t play comp, and ignore any sjw stuff outside the game itself.
It's a AAA Sony 1st party game. The graphics and animation were the only guarantees for quality
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Couldn't have worded it better myself.
That dude is basically Seer from apex legends.
Why are they all black?
All white = diversity 0%
All black = diversity 100%
>skill to dodge that takes control from the player and moves from first person to third person for...what fucking reason

This looks fucking awful
you know, im starting think I'm just too old for video games. I'm sorry, but that just looks like every other arena shooter with some unique movement mechanic. I think it's time I hang up my hat and just play the new ANNO games when they release.
nigga who gives a fuck it's a song about butt cheeks
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people still play apex legends?
I want the hero shooter fad to die so badly
are americucks really this gay and pozzed?
Yeah. EA tried to double jew with their battle pass last week and were forced to kneel yesterday due to backlash
Are you stupid? Marvel character designs existed before half this board was even born
Pretty sure it's already dead. What we see now is all the games that went into production around 2016-2018. Shit like Hyenas, Bleeding Edge and all that other shit people have already forgotten about. Now we're on the cusp of the extraction shooter fad.
Well... They aren't wrong about that stupid fucking Killmonger hair that's everywhere at least?
never underestimate SEAniggers
Has everyone collectively lost their minds? Can't they tell a man from a woman? Why specify
This looks like they've put a mocap suit on a random guy at the studio and told him to come up with a dozen of two second poses all on his own. This is awkward as fuck.
>i have never played either game i'm talking about: the post
>Concord looks bori-

Dogshit clone of the same shit we saw aborted already, except it isn't even worth having porn advertise it since it's ugly as fuck.
Take your Hyena's garbage into a flaming trashcan where Hyenas ended up. Dumbass paid shills.
How much you getting paid to astroturf?
Mushrooms are genderless
This game is like an onion with multiple layers of incompetence
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This game can't fail hard enough. Games with this bad of aesthetics should be illegal.
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then why do the look like dicks
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Damn that fat black woman can sure gyrate
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>that shitty animation
>the pronouns
>those designs
How can you fuck up this hard
>TF2's character designs are fairly bland,
nice bait anon-kun, have a you for the effort
Konichiwa, dude!
wtf is this real?
yeah it does look boring, your webm just confirms it, a couple of flips don't change that
God this ["("people")"] are fucking insufferable. As if other cultures don't have anything to contribute to "cool" aesthetic, please white man show us what we actually wear before I forget I'm a brown monkey again!!!

kill me.
How funny would it be if someone made an fps designed to be the most offensive and stereotyped game ever? The black character is some ultra ghetto thug nigger who always holds his gun sideways, and can swipe his EBT card at health stations for extra healing. The Asian character is some unholy fusion of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and does matrix style shit with their super math brain, the African character is a literal spear chucker but has the fastest move speed in the game. The white man of course has a kkk robe and can temporary deal bonus damage to all black characters by using the spell "word of power" on his guns.
The level of patronization in this post is fuckin wild
what if I am I minority and I want sexy or cool characters, including minorites?
Game has characters that are all 'minorities', are all ugly, crippled, misshapened, old, etc
"Wow it's just like real life minorities! They look just like people!"
Holy shit even pol/an actual KKK member couldn't be this naturally racist
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There are so many underutilized cultures out there, but on the other hand I wouldn't want to see them butchered by the entertainment industry.
Also, progressives in burgerland only seem to care for minority-americans, not the ones that live outside the US and haven't had their unique identities ground into fine Hollywood dust.
I don't think that's how finance works.
He's kept from catching a chill from the winter breeze.
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>open beta has 3k players
>Marvel Rivals' closed beta has 50k players
>People look like people, which is incredible due to the amount of minorities in the game
What did the woke progressive mean by this?
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>the fact that the character designs are bad is actually a good thing!
Yes, guy.
The graphics are high quality in their rendering, and things like facial expressions are very detailed.
However...this is not a good thing. It doesn't fit with the colorful weird costumes and designs, it makes them look like actors in costumes, or actors in alien makeup, and not for a big budget movie either, for a network TV sci-fi show.
Watch their select screens with this in mind and you'll see what I mean. The incredibly bland voicelines don't help.
They don't need to buy it, they just need to praise it on twitter.
Of course they are, because those games are fun with cool or sexy designs, and they're human, they like to look at cool or sexy things.
>Marvel character designs
Are you claiming that you can't ruin a pre-existing design? Have there not been complaints about redesigns of Marvel characters, or toning down of them in adaptations, or race swapping them in adaptations, etc? If anything it being based on a preexisting design gives it even more scrutiny from players.

That Marvel Rivals has an appealing art style with attractive women stands out against these other hero shooters like Concord, Hyenas, Lawbreakers, etc.
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>brown people are ugly fat retards with a terrible sense of fashion
his words, not mine
They'd call this "racist" but I would play as this character in a heartbeat, he looks cool, and would look cooler in motion with all those tassels and feathers in motion
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well that game is actually fun

This game looks like it was running in the background in a scene from Robocop 2
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>tf2 designs are bland

Bro, make sure to let your mom pick your outfit from now on
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>watch your entire team jump off a cliff
>pause for nearly a full second
>follow suit
>hero shooter

people dont try and copy tf2 anymore because tf2 is not fundamentally a hero shooter
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Another SMAAAAAASH! hit from the fine lads at D2D Studios (Direct 2 Dumpster)
>The name of God....Jehovah...
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Hearty kek
>people that just look like people, which is especially incredible due to the sheer amount of minorities in this game.
Most racist sentence of 2024.
Alex Yiik poppin' off lately with these cameos
When DAW took out that round thing I expected him(her?) to take a bite haha
tranny I don't know why
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Kek, I didn't even notice.
It doesn't even matter how hard you try.
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Deadlock's the game that lives that meme unironically. Most other games seem constrained by comparison.
That looks terrible. Both gameplay wise and as an eyesore.
Goofy retards keep trying to reinvent the wheel with this by the numbers ass genre. If you're making a hero shooter make sure your characters are easily recognizable, extremely basic starting point. I've only played Overwatch when the first one had open beta however many years ago but I could immediately give you a good guess of what characters do based on their character design and initial character select animations. Blizzard and the game itself might be shit but the character designers know what they are doing. If you start off with these tumblr ass aesthetics yeah big shocker, you're not going to get good player numbers. Even Dota or LoL would be less interesting with lame looking heroes and you don't even look at them most of the time.
I can give games like Overwatch a pass because they are somewhat cartoony, but when I see realistically rendered humans preparing to engage in lethal gunfights and going like "Woohoo let's a go already!" I can only think of them as total psychopaths.
Are you all ESL speedreaders or something? It's easy to tell what they meant if you actually read the entire thing.
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they could have make money by making coomer skins and 3rd person view, now it will end like battleborn. This can't be disproved
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>that fucking hair
not touching this shit
>posting wip ui that has already changed since the Pic was taken
Kill yourself
You see... What makes Overwatch so popular is that their characters models were so good that it was the top searched phrase in Pornhub.

If you go woke and make ugly as fuck characters... ain't nobody want to play that.
The point was that it could be interpreted differently if taken out of context.
Imagine playing w*stern pozzware in the current year lmfoa
jesu christ, at least one of the designers is doing this shit on purpose.
>i wonder what kind of garbage designs i can get away with before someone calls me out
>they're ugly and fat and dressed like slobs, just like browns in real life! I can almost smell the BO!
This just reads like racism, but flipped
Are we sure it's not bait?

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