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There will not be a Nintendo Direct this September because in it's place will be the Switch 2 reveal and your first look at it's launch line up of games. Get ready for 3D Mario bitches.
Seems too early for a Switch 2 reveal, I'm still expecting a direct because there's still games coming, I'm just expecting zero first party announcements.
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Hand it over, Sakurai!
>3D Mario
God I hope so. There hasn't been a good Switch game since Odyssey.
Seems to early? How anon? When Switch 2 is more than likely a Q1 2025 launch the absolute fuck you mean to early and if there's zero 1st party announcements then there's no point in a direct at all unless it's a partner showcase direct. The hell.
The fact you're interests in gaming are that limited is beyond fucking sad. You need to broand your Horizons anon because you're living a terribly pathetic and sad life in terms of gaming right now.
Switch wasn't revealed until October and I feel that was rushed due to the failure of Nintendo's 2 current consoles, I'm expecting a November reveal, maybe a January showcase and a March release, that's more hopeful on the showcase/release, it wouldn't surprise me if it launched end of year 2025, Nintendo tend to be pretty fucking retarded so I could see them having not recognized the value of a March launch.
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Launch Title for the Super Nintendo Switch.
the switch 2 isn't real they cancelled it they're just releasing another DS

screencap this
It can still happen.
Sora disbanded
It is if anything overdue, they would want it out for Christmas I'm sure, maybe the supply rumors pushing that back were true
The Switch 2 isn't coming out any earlier than 2028, you idiots.
To be fair, I was shitposting a 2025 release date years ago and here we are.
Rumors are high Nintendo's aiming for March 2025 release to build up a solid launch line up, a high stockpile of units, and skip Christmas madness.

I also had assumed a Christmas Launch, but people on the internet tell me I'm dumb for thinking that.
Not for anything, but have you guys ever seen what the "Switch " was originally going to be?


This would have been a massive failure if they actually went with this
March is the perfect time to launch a games console, great for your fiscal year report, it splits the launch and first christmas more evenly giving you more demand, and it gives you ample time to have a restock while still in high demand for golden week/US tax returns, but I could see Nintendo completely ignoring all of this shit because everyone else does for some reason, Christmas seems like where you go because you want artificial demand propped up by christmas demand. Year 1 black friday wasn't even a discount for Switch just a bundle with Mario Kart 8 and at the same price as separate, even when MK8 was bundled digitally.
Oh, so that's plenty of time for Sony to release another useless dying console!
You know, I never considered Japanese Holidays until you said Golden Week.

Now it does make a whole lot more sense.
But even your link shows that it wasn't the Switch, it was a 3ds successor, and those features all make sense, I would still say that they are shit because Nintendo's engineers are and have been for decades complete shit when it comes to technical specs, but everything shown places it at less than half the Switch debut price, which would have been fine for Nintendo's next handheld after the 3ds, but it wouldn't have been the Switch, it's good that the WiiU flopped as hard as it did considering that it lead to them consolidating their resources onto one platform and Nvidia did the engineering so it was at least cromulent.
Look at the length of time between each console before now
This is the longest any Nintendo console has existed without a successor being released
I just hope they bring back analogue triggers for their controllers on Switch 2
Switch 2 should have been out this year, but there's no need to kill holiday sales by announcing a Switch 2 even before Black Friday, then again Nintendo should be doing a price drop to push out all the Switch stock they possibly could.
Switch 2 is never coming out
Man, I still gotta finish up my backlog before this comes out.
>Aiming to build up a solid launch line up
Nintendo's launch line up have always been bad. The Switch launch lline up were bad too, with absolutely nothing worth playing except BOTW but the console turned out fine in the end

So why should they care about it now?
Longer dev times that they obviously didn't plan for, they are waiting to get a launch lineup to match the Switch. I don't expect a single third party to have anything more than a half assed multiplat ported by ticking the Switch 2 checkbox in UE5 for Switch 2's first 2 years.
>I also had assumed a Christmas Launch, but people on the internet tell me I'm dumb for thinking that.
You're not dumb, but you don't understand corporate financial projections. In accordance with their Q1 investors' briefing, Nintendo essentially cannot release the Switch 2 before March 2025. That's because they did not project any Switch 2 sales for the financial year. If they were to surprise us with an early launch, it would surprise investors as well. Moreover, Nintendo has strong projections for Switch 1 hardware sales this year that do not take into account the dramatic dropoff that will occur when the Switch 2 releases. The next financial year begins March 2025, and although there's no guarantees it will launch in March, it would allow them to present an impressive financial year having the Switch 2 available from Q1. It would also follow the pattern of the Switch 1 launch, and it would match the timeline of hardware production that's been leaked by shipping data. I am personally predicting a March release. If they follow the same marketing schedule they used for the Switch 1, we could expect an announcement in October.
No that is entirely false. They don't need to disclose the switch 2 forecast in their Fiscal year forecast as per the recent investor Q&A. So they can still release the system in march

"In our business, it is important to
surprise our consumers in a positive way. Sharing specific product information or sales strategies
in advance would diminish the surprise. For that reason, we are often unable to disclose such
information when announcing our earnings forecasts, and we find it challenging to announce
earnings forecasts at that stage. "
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nintendoland was great though
I hadn't read that, that's a good philosophy. But I still doubt they'll be able to meet the 13.5M sales projection for the Switch 1 if they release its successor in Q3.
The Switch and the Wii are nothing alike. The Wii, despite its explosive launch, turned out to be more of a fad than a software platform, and died on the vine years before the Wii U came out. It was a difficult platform for third parties to accommodate, on account of actually using the exact same hardware from the Gamecube. The only support it got was from developers who were willing to develop exclusives, or allocate a second team to de-making PS360 games. By the end of its lifecycle, it was only receiving first party titles, and bottom of the barrel shovelware. Nintendo proceeded to address none of these problems, and introduced a slew of new ones with the Wii U. They even used the Gamecube processor, again. In 2013. Third party support remained as dead as ever, and Nintendo carried the system entirely on their own backs, only managing to profit through those years with 3DS sales.

The Switch is different. They designed it with 1-year-old technology instead of 10-year-old technology, which made it extremely easy for third parties to work with, even if it wasn't capable of running every multiplat. Yes, it also started with no third party support due to the lack of goodwill from the previous generation, but over the 7 years it's been out, nearly every major third party has seen the vitality of the platform and decided to strongly support it. The Switch 2 is already receiving strong commitments from third parties, like Square promising AAA multiplat support, or Microsoft signing a contract for 10 years of Call of Duty. Moreover, Nintendo has collaborated with Nvidia for a cutting edge SoC that will bring it *almost* up to par with the Xbox Series S. The hardware gap between Nintendo and the competition is narrowing, and multiplats are going to be much more common, and much closer to parity than they were on the Switch 1. I would expect a lot of high profile multiplats for launch. Nintendo has given everyone lots of time to prepare for this.
What games do you think will launch first year for Switch 2?
>super mario next big 3d game
>breath of the wild port but not tears of the kingdom port
>mario kart 9 or 8 upgraded to infinite
>splatoon 4 because they just can't help themselves
>metroid prime 4 cross platform
>pokemon legends cross platform but not in 4k because gamefreak are a joke
>mario tennis
>a slew of shitty third party ports
It's alright I guess, but nothing special
>astral chains
>xenoblade x de
>2d metroid
I'm more hope because game development will now take a year or 2 longer after their dev teams are expanded by nearly double so I just don't expect these games anytime soon, Nintendo's new office won't even open until 2028, so even Nintendo are going to have a hard time keeping up, maybe by 2023 things will stabilize.
I mean 2030, it's going to be until 2030 at the earliest until Nintendo's new office is staffed enough to push development times of internal titles down to being longer than they are on the Switch.
I think you're making a mistake expecting any ports of Switch games. The Switch 2 is almost certainly just going to play Switch games out of the box, and any developer who cares to patch their game will be able to add two enhanced performance profiles to supplement the original handheld and docked modes.

I say this because it's common sense given the hardware they've bought from Nvidia, and also because the final crop of Switch games is conspicuously using color-coordinated representations of the face buttons in their UIs, which is likely going to be part of the Switch 2 design.
Monster Hunter Wilds.
Nintendo wouldn't announce the switch 2 before Christmas because it would slow sales during the busiest time of year
Nintendo are quite cheap so it's hard to tell what approach they will take, either a free patch or a paid patch, but I am expecting Switch games to be re-released pre patched for Switch 2 as is, and the first game will most likely be Breath of the Wild, I could see Nintendo launching them in a cart that works on both Switch and Switch 2, that says more about how little the changes between releases will be.

Covered in a slew of third party ports, I expect it to be exceedingly lazy, and a very late launch.
It was in all the headlines yesterday with Capcom deconfirming a Switch version of Wilds at their meeting, but I read the briefing and it actually convinced me that Wilds is coming to the Switch 2.
>One concept we’ve incorporated into this title is aiming to portray the maximum of the world of Monster Hunter by utilizing the latest technology to its limit. To that end, the platforms capable of realizing that concept are currently the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Going forward, we will provide more thorough details regarding these concepts and themes when we release information on the game. We hope you look forward to it.
>To that end, the platforms capable of realizing that concept are currently...
There's a sneaky implication there. The list of platforms may change if another capable platform appeared.
I want the switch 2 eshop to have all switch games and DLC available for purchase, nintendo would be too stupid to drop that library.
why dont you faggots forget about nintendo already?
In spite of the expected power of the Switch 2 there's 1 big issue for third party ports and that's Switch 2 carts, we don't know how fast or how big they will be, but you can bet they won't be big or fast enough for an overwhelming majority of third party releases, and as far as things go the Switch 2 carts will set the speed for other storage options.
>Nintendo are quite cheap so it's hard to tell what approach they will take, either a free patch or a paid patch, but I am expecting Switch games to be re-released pre patched for Switch 2 as is, and the first game will most likely be Breath of the Wild, I could see Nintendo launching them in a cart that works on both Switch and Switch 2, that says more about how little the changes between releases will be.
Running Switch games in an enhanced form is a tremendous value-add, and one that has already become industry standard with the PS5 and Xbox Series consoles. There's no technical reason why it can't be done, only the vague idea that Nintendo will sabotage themselves by trying to nickel and dime people.
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Holy shit imagine the seething if bloodborne got a port but not the port they wanted
The Switch 2 SoC comes with built-in decompression hardware, similar to what was implemented in 9th gen consoles. It also has SD express support. All indications are they plan on accommodating very fast storage. There's also no reason Switch 2 carts can't implement faster storage. The form factor and pinout is not any kind of limitation.
As for cart size, it's not as big a deal as you might imagine. Games are enormous these days because devs no longer have any limitations on filesize. They could compress their games, but they don't. Ace Combat 7 recently got a Switch release with very few compromises, and Namco brought the filesize down from 55GB to 14GB, in order to sell it on the cheaper 16GB card. I also wouldn't be surprised to see the high-end Switch 2 carts come in at at least 128GB.
I'm talking more about Switch 2 upgraded versions, backwards compat with just default will probably be the standard, no res boost, no higher res textures, no framerate boost, just improved performance thanks to being on more capable hardware,
Why are you assuming there will be upgraded versions rather than standard backwards compatability? They likely won't care since their goal is to sell people new products, not old ones. Nintendo doesn't like people dwelling on the past unless they're selling on nostalgia.
I don't remember reading anything about SD express but that's also just SD express, it's an issue of whether Nintendo can get rom carts priced well enough at SD express speeds, SD express is the closest product to this and it's proportionally a lot more expensive than SDXC was for Switch launch. I doubt we will see 128GB carts until end of life, are there any Switch games that use a 64GB cart, even 32GB is rare for Nintendo's own titles and I don't think most Nintendo published games will use more than a 32GB cart either.
You can already jack up Switch game framerates and even play with the resolution on modded Switch consoles, depending on the game. Every game on the Switch is designed to be scalable, because they have to support two hotswappable performance profiles. There is literally no reason the Switch 2, with ~8x as much raw computational power, would be locked into the way games originally ran for BC. It's simply a matter of whether they decide to put in the small amount of work to make it happen. If you believe they're going to disregard this opportunity so they can sell upgrade patches or rereleases, that would make sense, but you also have an extraordinarily dim view of Nintendo leadership. I don't think the same people who designed the impressive new SoC from Nvidia we've read about would make an elementary mistake like this.
Firstly because of that Gamescom "leak" secondly because I'm expecting standard backwards compatibility as well as upgrades and thirdly because it lets Nintendo keep older games even more evergreen and available for new buyers.

So that's not actually true since some Switch games need 60fps patches when emulating them like that, and there's other things like Nintendo would need to replace Xenoblade 3's upscaler, as well as add higher res ui textures, most games won't just work, but even for the games that do there's hundreds of millions of dollars to be made by charging a fee to access an upgraded version of that game with higher res textures, higher rendering resolution and higher framerates.
I was actually being conservative estimating the cart size. Nintendo has very consistently increased the upper limits of their cart sizes by a factor of 8 with each new gen.
GBA carts could hold up to 64MB. DS carts could hold up to 512MB. 3DS carts could hold up to 4GB. Switch carts could hold up to 32GB. Are you seeing a trend? Follow that line up and you would expect to see 256GB carts for the Switch 2.
Naturally, choosing a larger is more expensive and eats into the profit margins of every game sale, so publishers try to ship on the smallest cart possible. But the option for very large carts is going to be there.
>So that's not actually true since some Switch games need 60fps patches when emulating them like that, and there's other things like Nintendo would need to replace Xenoblade 3's upscaler, as well as add higher res ui textures, most games won't just work, but even for the games that do there's hundreds of millions of dollars to be made by charging a fee to access an upgraded version of that game with higher res textures, higher rendering resolution and higher framerates.
Like I said, depending on the game. Some Switch games will allow you to increase the FPS target with a simple plugin. Some, of course, do not. That's why they will most likely need patches to set the new performance profiles.
I think your imagination is running away with you now, though. You think Nintendo and their partners are going to commit to significant rework of their back catalog to produce true 4K versions, and then sell them for jacked up prices, and you predict "hundreds of millions of dollars to be made". Ridiculous. Nintendo is already stretched thin with their AAA development, why would they ever do this when they could fiddle a few numbers and achieve a very impressive result anyway? Have you played Xbox 360 games on a Series X? You should, you'll see they've done exactly what I'm describing.
360 games are emulated and Xbox does that as a form of marketing because they have nothing else,
You act like I'm talking about a full rewrite of the game from the ground up when I'm talking about a patch that alters to open it up for modern hardware, even boosting textures isn't a big ask since games are made with higher res textures that are downsampled. There's hundreds of millions to be made by asking for a small fee to upgrade your games, and there's hundreds of millions to be made by keeping existing games evergreen by releasing them in a Switch 2 version for customers that didn't play the Switch 1 release.
>360 games are emulated and Xbox does that as a form of marketing because they have nothing else,
Sure sure, except they also do it for Xbox One games, and the PS5 does it for PS4 games with the Game Boost feature. Like I said, this is already industry standard. Those marketing benefits work for Nintendo just as well as anyone else. The draw of the entire Switch back catalog available in 4K or close to it is going to be tremendous. And broadly, all the developers have to do is change a few configuration values. There's no need to do any rework at all. They can already keep the catalog evergreen for the Switch 2, and they can do it with very little effort and without generating an obvious scandal over charging people extra for something Sony and Microsoft already do for free.
Because they make good fun games
N64 carts had a max speed of 50MB/s Switch carts have a max speed of under 100MB/s, you're forgetting that increasing that speed costs money, but also I don't expect 128GB carts to become the standard for Switch 2, Switch most likely has the hardware to support 128GB carts, most likely well beyond that but we don't even see 64GB carts because cost will determine use, like I said I don't expect Nintendo's own games to go past 32GB, with maybe a handful like Xenoblade or Zelda sitting on a 64GB cart, and Nintendo doesn't have to pay the licensing fee for their own games.
You seem to be off in your own little world and not even following what I'm talking about, sure Switch 2 will be able to support a 256GB cart, good luck finding anyone who will pay for it, and that's before considering the speed of these carts, 1TB/s carts won't be cheap at all.
>this is already industry standard
This is already a discussion about Nintendo.
>They can already keep the catalog evergreen for the Switch 2
Yes, by releasing select Switch games in a Switch 2 case pre patched.
The staples like Mario and Zelda and their new ips like Splatoon
oh, my bad
You seem a little dim, anon.
Upgrades aren't free, so Nintendo will not make them free, maybe upgradese will be part of the online expansion, that could be a very good angle to get more subs.
>I would still say that they are shit because Nintendo's engineers are and have been for decades complete shit when it comes to technical specs
I do hope you understand that none of these companies are making their own chips.
Still play that as a party game
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Super Switch won’t need 256GB carts, but the cost of 128GB now is 33% less than 32GB was at Switch launch.
Just get a goddamn PC or Deck.
Super Mario Legacy.

It's a GTA clone. Splatoon water guns and Karts for cars. You get a Mario Phone which looks like a switch. Mario GTA is more than just a clone, it is the system menu to play all Nintendo games. Drive to the golf course to play Mario golf, head to the stadium to play Smash bros. Access points to Yoshi games and others will be featured. The next Mario Kart is modeled after burnout paradise and is played in the Mario GTA map. Most games can be played for free with a short demo, and it acts as a simple activity you can do, but offers seasonal content to purchase to fully access. There is even an arcade where you have to pay a real quarter to play old Mario games.

The actual game features Bowser and Wario wreaking havok. Bowser flies his airships over and his koopas take over a part of the map. You clear them and then go up and engage a mobile sky island. Wario is basically a GTA character on a rampage. Mario has to dress as a Toad cop and chase after and George Floyd him again and again.
What if he wants to play portably?
>Then just get a $400 device for one game!
Splatoon is a decade old with three nearly identical games, it's not a new IP.
You can get a deck for under $300, it's cheaper than a regular switch at this point. And if he wants to play something like new vegas, pc is a way better platform for those kinds of games in general.
It's too early for 3D Zelda as the system seller, but we're overdue for 3D Mario. I think we will come to realize that Bowser's Fury was a prototype for the new game. It's a itty bitty proof of concept tech demo for open world Mario, and they nailed it. All they have to do is make it about 4 times bigger and they will have a banger on their hands.
Open world Mario, a series that's all about platforming, would be the gayest shit ever, please no. Not everything and their mother needs to be open world slop. I'm so glad Prime 4 didn't go that route.
Nintendo builds cheap consoles and makes bank. Microsoft and Sony would kill for Nintendo’s margins
lol what? bowsers fury was awesome and basically all the open world would do is get rid of the load screens in odyssey. The game is still basically the same.
You want open level, not open world. Open levels are still nice and compact. Open worlds will have you running a quarter of a mile to find the next platform to jump on.
ahhh ahhhhhh we want scrimblo bimblo!!! we need scrimblo bimblo!!! we demand... scrimblo bimblo!!!!
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>The next financial year begins March 2025
Scrimblogods dominate you little chud
While I’m playing GODRIO, you’ll be pooping your pants while posting on the sharty

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