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Only one girl got to claim the man, which of the four was it?
This shouldn't be an erotic image so explain to me why it is.
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Honestly, I'm tired of being horny. Can we talk about these characters without exclusively talking about who's the most attractive?
No, women are for sex only
No one? He died a Stalfos alone and with regrets.
Twilight princess Link is his descendant, so he had to have gotten it on with SOMEONE.
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I'm going to fantasize about her teaching me how to ride a horse, and you can't stop me!
Child Zelda doesn't sell apparently.
I want to milk the horse
Malon has the objectively best personality.
Zelda is bland as hell and just exists to be your generic co-worker to defeat evil and then mess up the time stream.

Ruto is a cliche Tsundere stalker who even admits she has no chance of getting with link.

Saria is a childhood friend who's forever illegal due to being a kokiri, and while she likes him as a friend that's all she would ever be to him.
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Paya won.
Because it had a nude variant that is very easily found, and quite good. Almost all those girls are pure sex.
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Like, I agree, but there's no need to fight...
Girls take up horse riding to “feel the grind”.
I want to take the virginity of all 5
It's saria
They needed a 5th to make the power rangers/sentai vibe work and the other option was the cucoo lady.
>Honestly, I'm tired of being horny.
Get the fuck out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to know if he ever found Navi; I think she was a better love interest than any of the others.
OoT Link already deflowered the 3 on the right, Medli went to be a sage and Aryll wants her brother.
They all lost to Zelda
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Settled with Malon after a fling with Ruto.
true but still
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Navi was up on the windowsill the entire time.
Aryll is a simple imouto.
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But in a better world...
Linkle being relegated to a spin-off may be one of the biggest shames in the entire franchise. Granted, it’s a really good and fun game but there will always be that regret that we couldn’t get a semi-recurring sexy sister character.
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I'm still mad.
Your more likely to get Cia back than Linkle.
Though the last hyrule warriors didn't do so hot, so I doubt we'll ever get another one.
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We can't get a sister character at all.
>we felt this conflicted with the concept of Aryll
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Obviously Malon, because she's the best. Have I mentioned that I fucking love red headed farm girls?

Joke's on you, I can be horny and still do that.
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Not quite sure why red headed farmgirls are such a common occurrence. Doubly so with the "childhood friend" part.
Maybe it establishes the precedent that every sister of link must now also be named Aryll, because that's definitely how this whole repeating fate thing works
malon isn't a childhood friend character, that's saria
It is important for the Hero of Legend to impregnate as many beautiful women as he can so that his seed may spread and his lineage continues.
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Saria is adoptive family.
>Link and Malon adopting Saria as their own child.
Funny. I struggle to imagine how it would happen though.
>Though the last hyrule warriors didn't do so hot
thanks switch hardware
Why the fuck do I remember Saria having a grown up model as a sage?
Malon won the OoT bowl.
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Probably remembering Hyrule: total war.
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I want them to beat me up, Sentai style.

He died with regrets but that doesn't necessarily mean he died young, and doesn't tell us everything he did before that point. I think hero of time wound up with Malon, and lived a good and peaceful life, but still pined for his lost hero days until he got old and died.
little girl thighs and butt
Don't reply to bad bait.
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Its canon that he died a kissless virgin Skelly bro. Otherwise he would have just passed on his sword skills to his kids normally.

Face it, the hero of time died a tragic, meaningless death.
He met with a terrible fate as it were.
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The last Hyrule Warriors was BotW slop but I get why Nintendo would misinterpret the problem
Redheads are perfect. Farm girls are perfect. Childhood friends are damn near destiny. It's the perfect storm.

Link befriends literally all these girls as a child, so technically they all qualify. Saria does fit the bill more on some level, but fate sort of snuffs it. Malon combines the idea with the girl next door vibe since the ranch is close to the forest. Plus the more overt romantic tones really elevate her.
I like that she sings. It's really sweet
I could not tell you how many hours I spent just hanging out at that place, listening to her sing.
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honestly they should've just made a proper squeal to hyrule warriors instead of botw slop, they still have characters they could use like vati, line beck, princess styla, the oracle of ages/seasons characters, plenty of options.
>series and the game wherein multiple links from different games can be on the field exist
>"this is fine"
>link having more then one sister despite the fact hyrule warriors isn't cannon and features multiple timelines converging

Aonuma might legitimately be super autistic

Black ranger should be Tetra instead of Medlii
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Not having Malon in any capacity was a crime against humanity.
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>nude variant
Where can i find this
It's not hard to find, just search for Aryll and Malon tags together. Those two never get drawn at the same time.
All images are erotic if you try hard enough.
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Malon a cute!
Looking a little WEG there but not bad.
You people are so retarded. He went into the Lost Woods as a CHILD in Majora’s Mask. Hero’s Shade is obviously an adult, for fuck’s sake
God I wish
It’s just his half-assed bullshit PR reason. The real reason is probably something completely business related
Probably Malon on the sole reason she’s the reincarnation of Marin from Link’s Awakening who was very obviously in love with him but it was a love that could never be. The did the same exact thing with Ilia being a reincarnation of Saria in Twilight Princess.
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>The did the same exact thing with Ilia being a reincarnation of Saria in Twilight Princess.
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Where to search? Rule 34?
Gelbooru and paheal are safer bets.
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It's a really old image now. Considering how many have that combination of characters and how it should be instant when looking oldest first, there shouldn't be any trouble finding it.
I swear people have been getting worse at finding source images when it should be easier that it used to be.
Anyway here's an edit I made in the time you've been failing to find it.
It's weird how many people these days seem to think Rule 34 is the only place to find porn, when the site's always been dog shit compared to the other boorus, even Sankaku.
Whatever happened to this artist, they die?
Tags on 34 and its variants are pretty minimal too, I occasionally check it to see if there is something that's above the usual quality and upload it to one of the boorus.

No, their last upload on pixiv was in May this year. They just didn't do many zelda images.
What makes you think I’m that guy, I was the one saying how and where to find it. Nice edit, though.
Ruto literally got the farthest out of all of them.
These mighty morphin rangers make my monster grooow
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yeah sorry about that, I meant to tag the one above
He marries Aryll and she goes hoooyyyy
Cute, I love it when the underdog wins
Thank you, found it on paheal
>sister and father are both dead by the time Link wakes up post-Calamity
If I had to throw a wild guess, it's because the farm girl/common low class girl archetype means the girl can't stand out terribly on her own, since the whole point is that they're just one more humble human making her way through life as best she can, but authors still want them to stand out and be perceived by the audience as someone special. So they go with redheads, the rarest hair color.

Also I fucking loved how Guild Girl just spends the entire season 2 basically making herself out to be GS' actual wife already.
Children don't become Stalfos when they get lost in the forest, literal dumbass. They become Skull Kids.
Most likely this. Queen Rutela looks awfully human-like.
>Malon on the sole reason she’s the reincarnation of Marin from Link’s Awakening
Ocarina of Time predates Link's Awakening. And Malon's first appearance is in Minish Cap, which takes place even earlier. Malon and Marin are not related at all.
>The did the same exact thing with Ilia being a reincarnation of Saria in Twilight Princess.
Ilia is not a reincarnation of Saria.
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sure My favorite character used to be malon because she is the spitting image and reference to marin and I definately felt exactly how nintendo wanted me to feel upon seeing her for the first time, but as I grow older I realize that saria is the actually the new marin, Saria is the character who had to watch the hero go outside the bubble universe she's trapped in as the sage of the forest and as time wanes on and she fulfills her role I feel even closer to her as a person as our baggey eyes are filled with sights and horrors we'd really rather not have to see.

The thing is unlike malon saria is never given any time with link to demonstrate her frienship, I think the scene would have worked better if she went into the deku tree and she was called up instead of you because you dont have a fairy, I think thats why i never noticed.

Either way this artistic hallucination made by an AI has just about as much sovl as any human made art in the current year and is proof that even randomly generated slop can reach somewhere deep inside the human heart and irrevocably change it by pulling out a hard feeling from the distant past and putting it into a new perspective.
are you trying to refer to the timeline or are you actually brain damaged?
Why are retards so hellbent on who Link gets to fuck? Are shipfags all cucks?
Should I post myself fucking Aryll to soothe you?
I don't think you understand what the word cuck means
Hmmm, hit it right on the nail, it seels
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>link chases sheik in several cutscenes
>sheik isn't even a person who exists
must suck for him
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I just realized I said Guild Girl when I meant Cow Girl, whoops.
Even if it's AI, I feel for this pic. So I guess you're right, and Saria is cute even smoking.
There will never be enough loli art in the world. It almost makes me want to struggle through learning to draw at my age
Cunny Rangers...

>Ilia is not a reincarnation of Saria
I can see it, since she's Iria in nipspeak which has that hint of Saria's name in it, they live near the forest and she's a childhood friend. But Saria's far cuter.
>if you hold them backwards they can't fly away
What's the logic in that?
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The only resemblance I ever saw was her hair has the same outline as the forest spiritual stone
Quickly thrown together image from concept art so you see what I mean
When you hold a bird backward, it disrupts their natural orientation and balance, making it challenging for them to take off.
Did any scholars ever conclude as to why Malon stank?
ilia is similar to both saria and malon.

kind of like how mipha has aspects of both ruto and saria.
Are they not used to moving backwards? Or is it to do with how their body is tilted when they are held that way?
It was Romani and it'd be because she's a kid who lives on a ranch away from the town so there's little need to bathe regularly. Probably only gets a bath when Cremia needs to go to town and wants to look nice.
All of them!
Poor Mipha, got double the losing genes...

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