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GTA6 will suck
It will suck as evidenced by V and RDR2. It will be yet another game with a singleplayer game you dont want to replay because theres nothing interesting to do after the story is over and there wont be due to all the new shit being placed in the online mode that expects you to be a lazy piece of trash who would rather just buy the monopoly money needed to access everything.
Well, GTA 6 is going to be politically correct DEI slop, so they should be afraid.

Gamers are obviously going to be very pissed and shit all over it.
Right wing grifters *
>>>>review bombing

Wouldn't happen even if it was worse than CP
What an odd thing to say
Call it what you want, but we always win.

>Flintlock flopped
>Concord is flopping
>Ubishit is panicking over Ass Creed Niggers in Japan and Star Wars Hannah Solo
why would they be concerned about review bombing when there are games getting released with good reviews? one example being elden ring.
did they perhaps add some shit to the game that would antagonize potential customers?
>Stellar blade flops, bg3 sells gorillions
There are people that actually enjoyed GTAV and RDR2. You can't cure people with terminal shit taste, you just make fun of them.
dude don't abbriviate cyberpunk like that
So did GTA V.
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if WE, vee sisters, manage to kill GTA that will send a clear message that we are more than capable, organized, and powerful enough, to kill games of any size. we desperately need to get grummz on this
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It gives me great pleasure to know you and your cabal are too stupid to stop failing at life no matter how many times you are proved wrong.
If you are worried about review bombing, then you better make damn sure your game is good.
Yeah I get that it can happen to any game for any reason, but if your game is good, the chances of it happening are slim.
stellar blade didn't flop retard.
even if it did it would be attributed to the fact that its chained to a console and the only people buying PS5s are normalfags and melanated individuals
It's a normie playpen game, it's gonna sell gorillions no matter what
they must be doing some pretty hard DEI shilling in the game if they fear review bombing for a GTA 6 game
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>Stellar Blade flopped
You wish, tranny.

Shift Up's IPO was a massive success for a reason.
Yes. Verification not required.
>Well, GTA 6 is going to be politically correct DEI slop, so they should be afraid.
And I revel in the thought of the increasing panic they will feel as they see everything else around them with a hint of woke implode before it even gets out the door. I would not be surprised at all if it gets delayed and revamped (poorly), and will still get destroyed. Fuck them.
>Not even adressing bg3
You lost chuddie
>nooo noooo nooo, we must defend the poor oppressed GTA! NOooo nooo nooo
>RDR2 had the mission where you escort a bunch of feminists
>GTA 6 will have a mission where you drive around a bunch of homosexuals in a pride parade
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Mfw virgins on 4chan are powerful enough to make a multibillion dollar franchise like GTA bomb financially.
All they had to do was deny the first half of your retardation to make the second half irrelevant.
Might want to educate yourself on what a grifter actually is instead of regurgitating the word over and over and continuing to make yourself look like a retard.
>off by 6
Why even come out the gate with a statement like that? It's all but a tacit admission that you KNOW the game is either not that great, or is packed full of shit that's going to instantly piss off everyone playing it.
not really powerful enough it's just that 4chan is an anonymous image board that mosty allows complete free speech. we say the shit everyone is thinking but too scared of saying out of the fear of social ridicule for not accepting current thing.
Right after you address the numerous woke flops I just mentioned.

You will also never be a woman.
Keeping quiet is smart, and that's not allowed.
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>review bombing
When the fuck did people start accepting this psyop as reality? Why do devs and publishers insist on gaslighting the fans who pay their bills, when the reality is that shitty games receive shitty scores?
Doesn't matter. You sloptards will still slurp it up, you'll still pay for all the content and the monthly fee it will likely have. You can't help yourself, so stop bitching and start slurping. The headline was bait anyways.
You bought the gay cowboy game, you bought the degenerate criminal game, so why wouldn't you buy this?
Satan pls just give me my hexes.
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The whole industry is betting hard on the success of GTA 6.
It's the big ''super game'' that every other developer besides Rockstar is gunning to make but don't have the resources or willing to take the risk. Except Sega, because they are fucking maniacs and they always were.
GTA 6 is supposed to be like $120, loaded with microtransactions, gacha bullshit and you still have to pay monthly for it. This is the logical conclusion to GAAS. Don't buy it. Every game developer salivates at the idea of only making 1 game forever and making people pay for it over and over again. Every developer does this, they all have their own flavor of trying to find a way to make you pay again for something you already supposedly own. Search your memory banks, your intuition, you know I'm right. The industry needs a crash.
Tranny THEY ARE afraid, the times of leftycuckholdry are over
They are worried about the negativity they'll get for their GTA-Online money printer.

You are retarded if you don't think GTA6 will be massively successful.
>GTA 6 is going to be politically correct DEI slop
GTA is supposed be parodying current trends. It's not a GTA game if its not making fun of real world ideas.
In fairness Squinx wasn't going broke from woke, just from many, Many REALLY bad decisions overall. Pouring too much money into games with no chance, really crippling exclusivity deals and dragging their feet on ports until they're just bloody stumps. So bad they actually realized they have to unfuck their approach. Though whether they actually follow through on what they've said, who knows...
I guess I could see it as a combination of stark terror and self-realization. If either of the rumors about the insane price or hundreds of GB install size turn out to be accurate and GTA6 isn't unquestionably the best experience ever created, even normies will go nuclear on it.
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Agreed. It won't flop though, brand loyalty is still too strong despire the PS2 trilogy demake fiasco.
RDR2 is only "Very Positive" on steam which just goes to show how retarded people are
Dude. You did you even play red dead redemption 2? Pretty sure Arthur Morgan throats a black tranny's dick at woman's rights rally.
Oh believe me I already have dedicated discord groups committed and ready to roll when this game drops. We're hitting everything. Steam, Youtube, Twitter, Reddit, etc. We've already got pre-written bad reviews and everything so it's as easy as copy and paste. We're still in the process of making new accounts too. It's going to be a shitshow we even have some lower level game journos on our side.
>GTA 6 is supposed to be like $120, loaded with microtransactions, gacha bullshit and you still have to pay monthly for it.
If that is 100% true, then Rockstar is right to be afraid of review bombing. Not only would the IP die, but Rockstar as well.
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>even normies will go nuclear on it.
I can definitely see that happening, GTA5 was Fortnite before Fortnite especially with how it prints money, but if GTA6 turns out to be another dud release in the sea of AAA slop I can see a lot of people just giving up on R* entirely.
>Annoying character can be killed
Good ol black lung
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I don't even care for GTA but even if the main story and overall world is awful they can just make all their money back via microtransactions. I'm saying this mainly because GTA 6 is gonna be the holy grail of video games for normies given how the multiplayer for GTAV is still popular today with the amount of streamers latching onto it. It's definitely gonna have a flood of godawful video essays both praising and criticizing it a few weeks after its launch but it'll be popular among the masses and clickbaiters nonetheless.
>it will die
Did you forget when they released GTA V with the shortest and least interesting story in a series that has always been marketed and beloved because of that aspect. They then released zero expansions to the story, instead selling in game money by the 10's of millions for so zoomer retards could buy in game cars to drive around a shitty repetitive multiplayer. Zoomers are indoctrinated into dogshit value for their money, and enjoying it!
>baiting retards to jump in front of a train
They'll probably do it too.
GTA is supposed to be the biggest media product of the world. They are not gonna ruin that to appeal to whatever you think they should be.
you already have a fat latinx slut you can imagine banging every time you play as her, his job's done
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>didn't link it
Imagine being concerned about player reviews before the game even releases or has a set release date other than a vague quarter towards the end of next year. If it's that big of a concern, delay it. Rockstar is apparently already in the hole to the tune of ONE BILLION DOLLARS MINIMUM developing it. Fix the offending portions and nut up. What's it to them losing another hundred million because they pushed it back half a year? There's a part of me that wonders if they've even managed to get the game beyond preproduction yet.
They are legally required to inform your shareholders over possible risks to a retarded extend. You wouldn't be so smug about this if you were less ignorant.
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This is confirmation GTA6 has been sweet babified
That's what happens when you whip your slaves into slapping together and churning out 600GB worth of "content" for four years and then give them one year to make a compelling 40 hour story with memorable well-rounded characters
Standard business practice, honestly.
GTA has never been seen by the media in a positive light. You don't think I'm expecting them to do anything different than what they were already doing, do you?
leftcucks are no longer confident in anything they believe or make. quite hilarious. after the election, this whole movement will likely end
Only thing that would warrant and could gather momentum for a review bomb campaign is if there are some really scummy buisness practice they insert in the game and as we see from GTAO that's a very real possibility that they will do the scummiest shit to get you to purchase shark cards n what not
Shark Cards are already top jewry scum and none of you zoomer retards complained? Why would you now?
exactly. people who thing a huge IP is too big to fail should remember that the NFS franchise died with just 1 bad game (Undercover). nothing is too big to fail
I don't have high hopes for 6's multiplayer. RDR2's flopped and GTAO already prints money.
RDR2's multiplayer was shit anyway and had a garbage premium currency step
rockstar? more like transstar lmao.
So they're already trying to inoculate themselves against any criticism by implying they're going to be review bombed. Why am I not surprised? It's all so tiring.
feel like VI will have a "Windows Vista" effect like IV did and people will go back to V after seeing VI suck
That’s a huge red flag
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The original term is the "zelda effect"
Any game that lets you to kill the alphabet people can’t be woke
I predict that Rockstar will halve the campaign and double the Online aspects.

The writers are no longer at Rockstar anon.
because most people stopped regularly thinking about gta5 years ago, the only people who play online now are the same type of retards who play gacha and cod/halo. people are 100% gonna call gta6 online a scam and if online and microtransactions are required for singleplayer they'll shit on it.
We did when GTAO first launched and payouts were extremely low and there were no heists.

Fuck off zoomer.
>We know what our audience wants, but instead of giving it to them we're going to push the same agenda as all these other failed games -- and we're concerned that our audience won't like this, and leave unfavourable reviews.
We need to get our best philosophers and scientismos to figure out why people might leave bad reviews, because I don't get it.
So they're afraid because their game will be full of DEI/progressive slop but the pendulum is already swinging back and that shit is getting buried. But they've already spent years making the game while that was being bankrolled.
>calls someone a zoomer
>played GTAO
Nice try Jose the Ps4 owner.
Bg3 is really the chud kryptonite.
Did anyone else lose all interest after seeing GTA6 was set in Vice City again? It looks like Rockstar has lost all creativity, and they just keep reusing the same locations over and over and over again, whether it is GTA or RDR. If they wanted fucking alligators and crime they should have made the GTA equivalent of New Orleans.
oh no
they're preemptively playing the review bombing card
yeah this is gonna be bad
There's no such thing as review bombing, if the reviewers are humans and not AI. People are allowed to think your product is garbage for whatever reason they can conjure.
well GTA2 was the only GTA not to take place in a city that was in GTA 1
I'm not buying it at launch anyways. Plenty of time to poke around and see what it's made of.
>Doesn't even know GTA 5 was on ps3/360 first
Way to out yourself zoom zoom
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>talented devs made the foundations of all popular vidya franchises back in the 90s and 00s
>gaming went mainstream
>publishers got greedy
>told devs to keep making the same game
>devs delivered excellent games but got bored of it in the 2010s
>talented devs started leaving for new original projects
>publishers got diversity hires and code monkeys to keep making clones
>all soul is lost, franchise slowly dies
many such cases
would be interesting to see GTA go the same way
4 sucked
5 sucked
Of course 6 will suck
I’m describing you, dumb spic. Go buy some shark cards for a virtual car better than your 09 civic 5 speed you drive to your Dominoes delivery job.
We're a year out from release and someone at the publisher is already mouthing off like they know it's going to be an abortion. These are special times
BG3 is not DEI slop. I’m about as “anti-woke” as it gets and I’ve spent over 100 hours in that game staring at drow tits and ass. DEI/woke games have this unmistakable lameness to them, where everything feels as bland and inoffensive as people and like it was written by middle-aged women.
>zoomer can't even project correctly
Spics play on ps3s since the online is free. You'd know this If you weren't a zoomer.

3 posts I completely btfo. Thanks for the ez win. Now stay mad you third worlder.
This already happened with GTA V
V was. And yes you should, Zelnick's stranglehold over R* has grown to an insane amount and he'll do everything to make it appease the shareholders first and foremost.
Can't wait for GTA6 to only make jokes against white men, given what 'wrong' things they patched out of GTA5 w/ GTAO updates.
>Played GTAO
>Knows how his spic family members and friends play games
Yeah you really got me!
You forgot to include Liberty City and Vice City Stories, and that's just excluding the top down games like China Town Wars and the Gameboy Game. So 6 to 8 games released prior to V, making it more embarrassing.
woke games can have ass and tits you retard.
V got review-bombed for a good reason, the kiked economy encouraged hackers, and cockstar done fuck all to combat it.
I don't have much outrage left for vidya.
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may as well post this one
Yeah that's you since you know what they're driving and playing all the time.
Pathetic turdy.
>went from 30 games in a decade to 1
God damn. RIP in piss.
>the 1 game made more money than the entire rest of their library combined
I hate it also, but money speaks.
100% truth, so all the rednecks from /pol/ showed up to cry about it.
>Make thing
>Add browns
>Thing is bad
>Clam brownism
simple as
Bonnie and Clyde but I bet they wrote it like shit. Fuck rockstar.
i mean i'm gonna buy it anyway so whatever
BG3 isn't safe horny
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How is bg3 woke
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GTA5 sucked
GTA4 was okay

Most of them are just shitty sandboxes
bear sex good
anything heterosexual bad
This will age like milk. No one likes trash at the end of the day. No one.
Everything rockschlop past SA sucked so that's not news.
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>traditional fantasy setting full of blacks, fags and trannies
Make a good game then you don't need to be concerned
isn't that like one scene in a 60 hour game?
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straight white man bad
bear sex, fag sex, good
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>trannies, faggots, zoophilia, dykes everywhere, stick women
>men bad and villians, women good
a mystery
You can have heterosexual relationships in the game
Then just don't do anything that goes against the video game community?
Nigga, how hard is it just to make good games with characters people enjoy and without any retarded pandering or political soapboxing?
the coomer outfits for shadowheart render all this irrelevant
You can streamroll the game as a straight white male
you can be a loser sitting in the corner while the character talks about cuckholdry and that's a good thing
you're so mentally ill and pornsick with trying to force your faggot fetishes onto heterosexuals, all we can do is laugh at you mentally ill tranny freaks
You take the gaybaits along and get surprised when you get the other sort of 'fairy' tale?
its going to go down as one of the greatest games of all time, the fact they have some fat ass latina as a character won't change a thing unless you're an an incel such as yourself
These same fags were complaining that players were all making genetic white guy as their character lol

also did they miss the jiggle physics in RE4
>projects own fetishes
didn't read lol, see >>683673292
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subversive commie faggots
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Imagine if Rockstar was cool and made a Turner Diaries game.
If anything I'd say bg3 is a cautionary tale.
>Don't even associate with or show kindness to the troon&groom crowd, they incapable of not making your life worse
itll be GOTY material and you'll seethe
>How is bg3 woke
All the dwarf slaves in the robot factory are gay for some reason (the men cry for their husbands and the women for their wives), but you can blow up the factory with them inside
what is troon about a generic bonnie and clyde plot? not that youve thought about it
neither of those games is gta, consider seeking help for your mental disorder thanks
not even associating with you
you can't even speak in full sentences, i pray for you
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I think it fits the old Rockstar. Think Manhunt and The Warriors
Who bother with full sentences when the audience clearly can't read them?
>bonnie & clyde
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>coping this early

Uh Oh, Confidence gone.
respond to me like a man you little coward
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Same company 10 years ago
Chud hypocrisy. You're fine with politics in video games, you're just salty it's not your politics.
It is an interesting concept, bitch
oh noes, (you)deprivation rape!
why are you under the impression im pro tranny? could it be perhaps you have a brain parasite?
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Rockstar have truly grown as artists!
Holy cope
how is that hypocritical?
>Oh, so you don't like when you lose but like it when you win??? you chud mask fell off
Kek, Max Payne wasn't made by Rockstar
Not even pretending anymore. I remember when the complaint was "I just want to play vidya without politics being shoved down my throat." Now here we are, dreaming about playing a literal racist character in a game based on a literal racist power fantasy written by a literal racist.
Why would they care? That studio must have gone to complete shit with nearly everyone gone. Old Rockstar never would have given a shit and just let it ride.
Wait until you see what the Club Penguin download file is called.
I'm proposing a new game, not trying to subvert whatever you like.
>muh left vs right
You're getting psyop'd you dumb faggots. And being against forced propaganda in games has nothing to do with being a right winger.
Stop falling for tribalist rethoric and open your eyes
The new GTA is going to be tonally the opposite of the old games. It wont make fun of the current decadence of America, it would become part of it.

It wont be a graphical step up over the competetion setting the bar for the next generation of games.

It wont have a long story mode with a rich and detailed open world full of things to do. The game would be designed for you to rush the single player mode and jump into the online as soon as possible. Get those whale cards rolling!
Whoa we got an enlightened centrist over here
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Poor wittle wockstar, might get reviewbombed as they make literal trillions of dollars selling fake car insurance for fake cars in a game called grand theft auto
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don't forget to short after the game releases and the hype dies shortly after
Imagine it in Anthony Cumia's voice
>The Turner Diaries.
Never encountered those scenes.Maybe I'm not that retarded to get them.
Economic radicalism will not be tolerated.
If you think le stronk fat sheboon wokieslop is any better than muh america's army/cod making everything look neat and hidden homo bromance, with a "you should enlist today" message, you are a bit of tool.
Die for the cause fodder
Knife After Dark, rated R for Retarded
It will be the new Cyberpunk and it is able to crash the videogame market if the game fails to sell 50 million copies in the first year.
So yeah, hopping that is a complete saturated bugged garbage.
Popular thing bad.
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instead of being a smug tranny axewound, why not just thank the white guy who made the game serviceable and probably said no to your uglywashing and blackwashing subversion you probably tried to force into the game
And never think that larian dev did not KNOW you'd just get a level up after smashing the drow faggot, and would hear that fag-skit 8+ times unless you are auto-building your whole party.
They make heatmaps for that sort of sneaky shit.
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Now everybody make a prediction of how they fucked up GTA6

>Always online system similar to the new hitman games but worst

>Realism making GTA less GTA so every car is locked

>Subscription based
its still gonna sell 2 billion copies thou and will break records
2013 was a different time when gta 5 released
i genuinly believe that gta 6 will cause atleast 80% of workforce to just not show up
>gta 4 and 5 already have locked cars the MC just breaks the windows
>gta + already exists and players ate it up
Theoretically, what would happen if GTA 6 was critically flop?

Personally, I think if that were to happen, it would result in another Atari ET scenario. The AAA industry would completely implode.
/v/ is genuinly the only place that actually thinks gta 6 is gonna flop lmao
The next big game is TES VI, so good luck
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Why does 'she' look like the tranny Ronaldo fucked before?
It's not going to flop because normalfags eat up AAA garbage.
>but the normies will and i'll make gazillions!
Doesn't matter.
What matters is if YOU will be that giant faggot who buys it just be with the crowd while knowing better.
i will buy it day one and theres nothing u can do about it
>contrarian troons actually buying games
Really? Cause one of the main hallmarks of woke games is ugly manjawed female characters and a lack of any sort of female sexuality. Point me to another DEI game that lets you strip hot women naked like BG3.
i actually cried while watching the gta 6 trailer
its gonna be kino of the highest order just like rdr2
chadstar is coming back...
You’re confusing these articles written about the game for the game itself. BG3 is a very horny game and lets you live out pretty much any sort of sexual fantasy. Since game journos are all safe horny fags naturally they’re going to highlight the gay bear sex options, but it’s much easier to play through the game as a White chad with a harem of hot women that you take turns banging. I’ve done multiple playthroughs and I’ve never seen the bear sex scene, I don’t even know exactly how to trigger it.
>And never think that larian dev did not KNOW you'd just get a level up after smashing the drow faggot, and would hear that fag-skit 8+ times unless you are auto-building your whole party.
What part of the game are you referring to?
Adamantine forge, or rather the path to it
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>having emotions and being happy for something = cringe

god i wish i was 14 again
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whats even funnier i knew you would either post this or reference it
npc behaviour 101
BG3 is NOT woke
Woke = Game forces you to support DEI bullshit
BG3 = You can play as a straight white male and murder every non-white and tranny you meet
BG3 includes woke stuff, but it's not a woke game
you /pol/fags never liked games to begin with (youd prolly would rather ban them all)
you just use them as a platform to spew your retarded worldview and indoctrinate children/gullible tards online
just like you do with movies and art
cant wait for kamala to win and put you guys back to irrelevancy
>her name is cumyala!
sure thing, election tourist
Good, hope it fails and the entire industry finally crashes
Well it's simple Rockstar, don't deliberately fill your long-awaited supergame with literally everything most gamers have been sick and tired of dealing with for two decades now while demanding every type of payment plan possible. Which you will anyways, so yeah expect proper criticism. If a game turns out to be shit no type of fandom "scolding" is going to hide it.
Literally looks like a man with heavy amounts of makeup.
>bitches about "/pol/fags"
>immediately starts to endorse a political candidate
You're replying to an actual shill
They're mentally ill fags, of course they can't help but double think.
trumpies legit peeing their pants right now because of chadyala
shes gonna make orange juice out of him and drink him outta a glas
all trump can do is cry in his diapees WAH WAH WAHHHHH
please, remember to pre-order gta 6

trumps actually gonna lose while trumptards lost billions on "sleepy joe" fan articles
thats why theire so mad he has resigned lol
cant wait for capitol storm 2 electric boogaloo
Notice how hard he is trying to get (yous)? AGP at its finest.
Cool, but how is this relevant in a GTA 6 thread?
Back to /pol/ with you.
even if you dont reply i know youre directly refering to me which gives me a dopamine hit aswell
suck it drumpftard and better yet, CHOKE. ON. IT.
>devs delivered excellent games but got bored of it in the 2010s
I dont think this is true, I do believe talented developers still love making good games but corporate suits with their budget cuts, milestone pushing, cater-to-all objectives and other corporate shit mentality has pushed talented people out, Ive worked in a big corporation and biggest and worst problem workers face is they are not allowed to work, you just get swamped with pointless paperwork, endless meetings, stupid training and stuff nobody cares about and adds zero value to the end product or the productive chain but you still have to do because some retard who has zero clue of what the company does got tricked by some coaching grifter about some sort of miraculous method will increase production tenfold.
Good luck purging the system out of those corporate fucks now...
>b-but i know
And I am not giving you the dopamine. Too bad huh?
you mentioned politics first
iam just speaking in a way that your peanut sized brain can understand

look all of this legit doesnt matter anymore
harris has already won the election and trump is gonna die of cardiac arrest following her moving into the white house <3
you are speaking to me
i dont need to see a (you) to understand that lmao

look, all of this legit doesnt matter anymore
harris has already won the election and trump is gonna die of cardiac arrest following her moving into the white house <3
The amount of trumpie cope in this thread is hilarious.
(Fuck GTA6 though)
Yep more salty every post
theyre planning to nickel and dime that shit out of you with some GAAS shit after letting the paid reviewers play an unmolested version of the game.
look all of this legit doesnt matter anymore
harris has already won the election and trump is gonna die of cardiac arrest following her moving into the white house <3
I seriously don't know why idiots like you even come here.
You're insulting a handicapped, gay black man right now. Just so you know.
I can't wait for the meltdown when shillary tries again.
That sounds pretty based. I will probably early adopt into the battle pass plan for some sweet goodies in the online mode so that when my friends join me, I can be up to speed with everything!
So an echo chamber?
its funny making /pol/tards mad because they will reply to anything
easiest replies
All new games suck, the west is dead
You realize how much democrat associated online grassroots pay to shit up this website? /pol/ isn't even usable anymore, board is literally just automated threads fapping to Kamala.
>harris has already won the election
hillary can still win vibes
Why is the media going along with corporations to demonize and kill user reviews? Do they think only "professional reviewers" should have their reviews out in the public sphere?
GTA 6 failing might genuinely be the catalyst of the second great vidya crash
God, I hope it happens
>GTA dies
>normies infiltrate other franchises
huh wonder who owns both the publisher and the "people" judging their expelled excrement for you
it's crazy how gay and dumb you sound
Normies will die en masse in ww3, fuck them
user reviews are never about the games quality
its always some bs outside of the game
if i was a game dev and my game had a black fem protag in it i wouldnt want game reviews to be enabled on my shit aswell

also only steam has this issue
consoles also allow for reviews and its never an issue there because the steam user base is made up of many incels and virgins who are also trump voters (still dont understand why as trump wants to ban all porn which is the only thing that incels have so they wont splatter all their brains over the wall or become spreeshooters)

look all of this legit doesnt matter anymore
harris has already won the election and trump is gonna die of cardiac arrest following her moving into the white house <3
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>GTA failing
>Why do devs and publishers insist on gaslighting the fans who pay their bills, when the reality is that shitty games receive shitty scores?
They're doing this because they want both ESG BlackRock money and consumer money. Pure fucking greed over quality of product, simple as.
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>not playing as a white pilot smuggling from Cuba to Miami in the 80s
>not playing a whole jail segment that turns into butcher bay where you can ally with gangs and interact with prisoners playing spades poker and chess
>not having a time skip where you’re released in CURRENT YEAR where it switches to another protagonist that somehow gets caught up in smuggling with the pilot as your mentor

No instead you will get zoomer goblina and her kucked white bf doing low level 99 cent store “heist” with half of the content locked behind online.

Fuck rockstar.
the difference is they will put dei stuff in without it being a parody
would play
With the budget, it needs to set a new sales record just to break even
It might very well fail
Hm, if the demotards are imploding as suspected I wonder if they will break their painted nails by attempting to finally remove the "i am with her" stickers of their apples, or if they'll claim that "It was always a sign for Cubayalala, the monkey on the donkey"
>it needs to set a new sales record
GTA online was a money printer. Don't think for a second that GTA 6 won't have the same online revenue.
it will sell 100 mil copies day one
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I honestly can't wait to see how much Take Two put their slimy hands in GTA6, after the money printer that was GTA:O there's no way they won't inevitably fuck with GTA6's development.
this, i don't care about the GAAS or DEI shit. i just wanna explore the game world, drive around in fast cars and slaughter bad guys. if the game just lets me do that i'll be happy (and i will also circumvent the GAAS shit with hacks just like i did with GTAO).
Okay, I'm screenshotting both these posts and keeping them in my /v/ folder
We'll see soon enough
i dont care if its just the online mode
they didnt jew the rdr2 SP either
the development is taking so long because they have to create the game systems around the online content dripfeed and also develop the content for the online as well. they'd be stupid if they didn't ready themselves to create massive updates for the online every fiscal quarter.
I'm ready
>Mission where you protect a pride parade march from evil whiteys
>Mission where you team up with a transgender to beat up chuds
>Instant game over screen if you shoot non-white civilians
>Main characters say "THIS IS FOR GEORGE FLOYD" each time you kill a police officer
>Ending credits thank BLM and AIPAC
That's what I'm saying, knowing R* the online mode won't be ready day one, I doubt Take Two is fine with that and I wouldn't be surprised if they fuck with the SP mode or allocated less resources towards it. We'll see
RDR2 development started way before GTAO became a major hit.
>Mission where you protect a pride parade march from evil whiteys
The others are most likely exaggerations, but this will absolutely happen in some form.
True they wouldn't dare using St. Fentanyl's name in vain
only thing i am genuinely worried about is that the street takeover events are no gunz zones and i can't shoot them up.
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You are chasing angry hallucinations created by grifters who make money off your rage
I dont know if GTA6 will be good or bad (probably bad seeing as 5 is bad) but Im sure it will sell like hotcakes because normies, niggers, wiggers and kids will buy it, Im sure of it.
someone is mad we are guessing the plot I see
One is gookshit sekiro. The other is botted dos3.
Expected. Wouldn't be surprised that anon also believes in the fake Trump assassination conspiracy theory.
>if you don't like this game you are a terrorist!

Whatever happened to "the krustomer is always right"?
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>Random guessing based of political delusions and outrage is guessing the plot
No, you lost the plot.
>most famous WRPG IP is successful
>new IP that was review bombed by left wing grifters "only" sells a million copies
it will suck if the main character isn't a black guy. every gta game with a black main character have always been godtier.
>sekiro but with korean tits
stop making me salivate for the port
Quincy World will be a fun, quirky, but benevolent company that just wants to help marginalized people. You have to help them fight and humiliate the evil and corrupt governor.
>most famous WRPG IP
>Baldur's Gate
>23 years after its last instalment
>Both horny coomer games
Sorry Todd you were never relevant
Bg3 is lgbt horny. There is not a single conventionally attractive romance other than midheart.
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>Sorry Todd you were never relev-ACK
All that embryo games ever had were the lore-autists, and From took even those from you and made them gay(er)
>GTA was supposed to be
Quincy World's Life Invader page will be full of man-babies complaining about children's entertainment while sporting AR15-s and American flags on their profile pics.

Missions with the "Antinat" group against "Pleased Boys"
Holy zoomer. If you were alive at the time you would know that 95% of people viewed Skyrim as GTA with dragons
>not fallout with swords
memory lapses?
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He is concerned, because it will be absolutely pozzed to the point, even blind will see it. Let me ask you a simple question. Do you see anything weird?
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>whats even funnier i knew you would either post this or reference it
>Oh no the incel nazi death squad might... Post some angry reviews about... GTA fucking VI
I think having public panic attacks over what the roaches in the ground might do is more pathetic than the roaches themselves holy shit
>Right wing grifters *
Boogeymen **
Why is there a truck
What's with all the GTA 6 damage control being posted in the news recently?
Did the pajeet coding team fail to deliver a functional product?
Look up Miami racial stats, it's completely normal
Maybe they should make a good fucking game
sounds like they're fully aware that the woke shit they're adding isn't going to go over well with their core playerbase. why even bother adding it if you know it's going to piss off the people you're trying to sell a game for $150 to? are they doing it just so that they can deflect all criticism as racist white incels and they don't have to bother making the game good?
If they spend enough money marketing their games, review bomb doesn't really happen.
Cyberpunk 2077 scored a 90 on PC in early reviews. Before the PS4 reviews came out, all the media said it would be the best game ever.
The same thing happened with The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Everyone quickly forgot about it, considering it to be mediocre, but its scores are among the highest ever.
leftists literally dont play video games
the year will be 2050 and you people will still be going "but muh bg3!!" despite all the failures
No, playing video games is in fact almost all I do.
Because of ESG funding
They won't get funded unless they add woke propaganda to their games, it's the cycle of modern vidya
tranny cope
i imagine the smug wojak every time i see this posted
why didnt you play concord?
the fuck does rockstar need funding for? they're like the one company that could probably be successful with zero advertising, which is what bloated GTA V's budget
Project 2025
R* has sucked since GTAIV
GTA is for RP faggots
I think even most normalfags are prepared for GTA 6 to suck big time.
>Original team are all gone
>They constantly announce how they want "modern audiences" and how the original offensive humor was "unacceptable"
>RDR2 shoved in shit like feminism and the main character being angry about racism while living in the Old West
>The first GTA featuring a female main character, where audiences have already been girlbossed so hard even normals are fucking tired of it
>We're at the apparent start of a political shift where the left finally SEEM to be getting weaker
Yeah, Rockstar should be worried. They're in too deep to scrap this all and make something we'd want, but at the same time if its too woke and shitty nobody will like it outside of twitter keyboard warriors who won't buy it anyway.
My prediction is that they might get some sense, try to salvage GTA 6, and the end result will be a story with huge plot holes due to sudden cuts as part of damage control.
I have no idea what that even is. The only major release I bought this year was Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
This is actually what will happen
you dont even know about video games dude
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What else did you expect?
Really? Good games like Factorio can be review bombed by retards and STILL have overwhelmingly positive reviews. They must have made an absolute stinker.
>it is able to crash the videogame market
god I fucking wish
Oh, it a competetive multiplayer game. That's not really my scene, I play singleplayer games exclusively.
>Would actually love to play crime drama shooters with a tight gameplay loop similar to Max Payne meets Breaking Bad or similar
>The whole niche has been monopolized by GTA, which is nothing but empty open world slop with reddit woke humor and "sandbox" gameplay for retards, now with abusive multiplayer grind and shark cards
all you do is play video games and you couldnt even know about major gaming news
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But also I don't see how GTA6 can do well. Cyberpunk post patch is miles ahead on them now, especially with gameplay and gadgets and styles of playing. I just don't see how GTA could compete.
Nope. And I still don't run out of interesting games to play.
Yeah it was downhill the moment I heard people leaving after GTA4 ay.
Personally, GTAV was not a good game. It's overrated as fuck.
I envy you
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Remember when GTA had interesting pulp plots?
With interesting characters that you liked, even though they were scum because they battled even worse scum that weren't worthy of calling the MC scum.
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I remember buying gta V on release date and playing it all week, finished it and then sold it to my classmate for 40 bucks, good times.
i heard they altered jokes because they could be considered offensive.
if that's true, then what is GTA without it's balls and the 'i don't give a fuck who i offend' attitude?
It was obvious it's going to be another woke disaster
It's called astroturfing, but that's one of the worst ones.
Just call them Pajeet and move on.
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Review bombing doesn't exist, meanwhile Review uplifting does and is paid, you don't want your game with negative reviews? don't releas trash simple as that
>You realize how much democrat associated online grassroots pay to shit up this website?
2bh, they pay both sides, it's called false flagging.

They're both cancer btw.
You should only really be here for lulz.
gta 6 is not flopping dude
>GTA is supposed be parodying current trends.
20 years ago maybe and still they didn't they just copied plots from movies like Scarface
Good, it might actually be funny. Just unintentionally.
companies just call all bad reviews review bombing now to shift blame off of themselves

we literally live in an age when even the businesses are conspiracy theorists
Smugglers Run was the shit mane.
No they can't
it's not flopping but that doesn't mean it's going to be any good
>Not to punch down
So will they make fun of Jews, the single most powerful and wealthy ethnic group in USA?
>even the businesses are conspiracy theorists
they will say that but they don't actually believe it. they just know they have an easy out in this politically charged culture. gamerg8 was unintentionally one of the best things that could have happened to them.
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They paid for the good reviews from the media and the disparity with the users review destroys their narrative, same shit happens with movies and shows
Better not say anything meaningful or interesting in your games because it could be problematic to some niche community
>You realize how much democrat associated online grassroots pay to shit up this website?
You guys are fucking delusional. Bad enough that retards on here actually believe that game companies pay for viral marketing on 4chan, but now fags believe they're paying people to shill for presidents on this god damn board? Are you fucking high? Are you outside of your god damn mind?
Fucking no. People on here are just fucking politics poisoned.
now imagine if gta 6 turns out shit on top of it
basically a dead studio slaving for the live service model
WTF, they put a dude in pink panties?
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it is just going to be gta5/rdr2 again.
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at least this anon gets it.
they are intentionally going to tone down the woke stuff and remilitarize society in the next few years because they realized they're going to need new cattle for their banker's wars.
of course the political right will call this a victory.
Those are called speedos
>They paid for the good reviews from the media
[citation needed]
>and the disparity with the users review destroys their narrative
No nigger. It shows that most professional reviewers think the show is at least better than a 6. This could be a bunch of critics rating it "meh, 6.5/10" and that'll give a positive rotten tomatoes score. Audience Score on the other hand is just fucking review bombing it and giving it 1 star, which is faggot behavior.
They're not actually engaging with the content they're just going "woke shit 1 star", as if there was zero positive moments in the show.
The Idea that good critic reviews and bad audience score proves paid of critics is fucking laughable, and pathetic cope. All it means is that there's a dumbass fucking culture war going on that reviewers have not bought into, and are thus not giving the show 1 star to tank it.
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if the big wigs could have things their way, then negative reviews could be deletable if they weren't "fair" or "truthful", the same way you get banned from steam forums for saying a game sucks fucking ass and is woke fucking garbage. i recently was banned from the civ6 forum for calling it woke fucking crap which is the fucking truth, but i was banned, anyways. for "trolling", apparently...
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It'll be GTA5 but worse and with no new gameplay elements.
And then CDPR will feel bad for murdering it's inspiration because they added too much new gameplay and things to the genre while Rockstar added nothing since GTA SA.
And then we'll all feel sad.
You deserved the ban. Now fuck off and tell your story walking.
we're in the "fugly bitches n' niggers" era of vidya. just keep mocking them and hold your ground. they'll either get the message, or go bankrupt.
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>inb4 some faggot posts all the DLC gta:O got
after GTA5 became such a cash cow Rockstar basically cancelled all other projects.
My personal head canon is that RDR2 only got greenlit because the devs sold the lie that the online could have been as profitable as GTA5.
Sometimes i forget how retarded the rotten tomatoes aggregate score is for reviewers
she can suck my big 4 inch Asian cock with those lips
lel cockstar can sell their gta slop for a million dollaridoos, i'm still gonna pirate it. and if i can't, then i'lljust never buy it. simple as that.
Smartest post in this thread.
Yes, being a keyboard culture warrior of German Beer & Brautwurst Board will fix 'em!!
rdr2 started production before GTA V's release
>And then CDPR will feel bad for murdering it's inspiration because they added too much new gameplay and things to the genre while Rockstar added nothing since GTA SA.
>And then we'll all feel sad.

sorry but i don't really get what you meant by this
and it probably only continued to be in production due to that.
Retard nigger zoomer all of the *experts* are given instructions on how to review and always give good reviews to woke globohomo trash.
Just a thought experiment, but
what if nobody likes the show at all, and its a genuine, honest to god 1 star for most of the people who encounter it? How would you know, that its not "review bombing", but actual criticism of an awful product?
Who gets to decide whats "review bombing" and whats not? Does spamming a bad quality product with 5 stars and glaring chatGPT generated reviews with the help of an army of bots qualify as "review bombing"?
>gay, fag, homo, fruity, zesty
This old man can't keep up with these lgbt terms anymore
You faggots can't even BEGIN to imagine how POZZED GTA6 is going to be.
Speedo and speedo type swim wear have existed since 1914
If a reviewer gives a movie 51% which is not worth your time territory Rotten Tomatoes counts that as a 100%
bro, stop hyping that shit fucking book on here, it's a mediocre fucking crap book and only retarded fucking trannie no-lifers who live on twitter think it's 'controversial".
It's a series with an insane amount of brand loyalty behind it, normalfaggots and troons will make sure it sells well.
It's going to be an unoptimized mess full of unfunny plebbit quip cancer that avoids """minorities""" and any other """""marginalized""""" groups and will have an insane leftist slant to it, guaranteed, but none of that matters because consoomers are the biggest plague on the industry.
Damn that goblina is fugly
it will sell well, but probably not as much as V.
Would the trailer been better received if they didn't have that massive leak last year?
oh boy
have I got news for you kiddo
you were probably a sperm stain when this came out
maybe. i doubt they need to do that, though. in case you haven't noticed, there are still plenty of dumb grunts in the military who have no problem dying for israel.
RDR2 was great
you disgusting fucking trannies can all ho syraight to fucking hell!
anon... dei didnt exist when this came out
>review bombing is when we release a bad game and customers call us out on it :(
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Every gta after SA have been dogwater.
Yes, so Gamers then. That's the narrative right? All gamers are evil right wing nazis, right? That's the narrative you faggots have been crying about for the past 10 years at least.
literally, yes.
>HURRRRR can't be that most reviews don't agree with my hardline anti woke politics, NO! They must be receiving instructions on how to review this stuff! After all, If *I* the main character of real life don't like it, it can't be possibly true that others believe it's at least "a servicable show" DURRRRRR!

Because almost nothing is a 1 star show if we're honest. Not even the fucking big bang theory or modern simpsons is 1 star. 1 star means "zero redeeming qualities, every minute was agony" and that's just not gonna happen. If you are rating out of 10, a REALLY fucking bad show on that budget level is gonna be what, a 4 at the lowest? If you rate it 1, that's not a review based on the merits of the show. That's just a statement that you are against the show.
>How would you know, that its not "review bombing", but actual criticism of an awful product?
Because on an actual awful product, there would be more consensus. As much as people love to talk about paid off critics, that's not usually the case, and a true trash fire will have low audience AND low critic score. After all, shilling out for a paid review, is essentially risking your job every time. If you get caught it's over, and even if you don't get caught, if people notice you keep glowing reviews to shit like "Jack & Jill", who's gonna read your reviews?
>Does spamming a bad quality product with 5 stars
Yes, reverse review bombing also very occasionally happens, and it's also retarded. It usually happen with fanatic fanboys. Like when DC fanboys all hyped up the fucking awful original suicide squad movie, or more recently: Lady Ballers, a fucking godawful unfunny shitass comedy with maybe 2 laughs in the whole god damn thing, somehow having a nearly 90% audience rating.
Yeah, people bomb shit for ideological reasons. Usually right wingers, christians, fanboys, people who are deep into culture war bullshit.
It's gonna break records. Certainly the record for most first day sales at the very least. GTA always does. Especially when you consider that it's been over a decade now since the last one.
how do you know? It could also end up like IV and not sell as much
>hurr durr the customer reviews are wrong because I disagree with them hurr durr
>Studios collapsing left and right, even money printers like fucking SW get btfo
>"Noo this here is le too big to fail"
Glad that lefties never notice where the revolution leads until they sit in a burned-out ruin and wonder why nobody picks up the recycling bins anymore
Wow elden ring sure got bats rights.
GTA6 is unironically too big to fail though. (You) will buy it, I will buy it, right wingers will buy it and left wingers will buy it.
See, I agree with the fact calling all gamers, racists, is stupid. The problem is that the actual racists(who may or may not play video) are too loud & poison the well.
You are an idiot
this. anybody who thinks a franchise is too big to fail should look at NFS Undercover. one bad game managed to kill the biggest racing franchise
>(You) will buy it
Dont bet the company. Oh, too late I guess.
You clearly haven't been around, but the well has been poisoned for a long time, and it was poisoned by game urinalists.
you're an idiot!
>bet the company
Real question, not counting yearly shit like Madden or 2K, is Mario, Zelda Final Fantasy & Dragon Quest the only major franchises to not have a "will they make another one" drought/not crater?
>game urinalists
This might be stolen, thanks
Thank you, your points are completely valid, and I understand your point.
I liked the original SW trilogy, even the prequels. I didn't hate the The Force Awakens, but found it lackluster and didn't went out of my way to watch anything Star Wars after for a long while. Fast forward a couple years, The Acolyte was trending, so I decided to give it a chance. Every minute was agony for me, and I didn't find any redeeming qualities in it. Didnt found the jokes funny and I couldn't care for any of the characters. I'm not American, so I do not really subscribe to any culture war stuff, but this show was just really bad, possibly worse than any show I've come across so far. Gave it 1 star after watching the first two episodes. Did I participate in review bombing?
No? If we are talking too big to fail the first IP you should mention is pokemon
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Damn people pissing everywhere
the co-founder, lead writer and executive producer of every popular rockstar game left
there's like a 90% chance they don't know what the fuck they're doing without him
Who the fuck replays GTA games??
AAA(A? , lol ubisoft!) lunacy.
When you dont make all that crazy money plus tip back which you had to sucker people into giving you? You holding a big bag of shit.
And since you dont want to be caught holding a bag of shit you hand it to your underlings. Take two, will ya?
stop responding to your own post
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You've got to be more specific
Bro gta 5 sucked already, what else did you expect dumb retard.
how could they fuck up gta 6 so bad that it causes the gta fan base to review bomb the game? this genuinely has my noggin a joggin thinking of the horrible possibilities
are they going to make minorities and women invincible or something?
Trump gonna win
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>you dont want to replay
kek. I never even finished gta 5 or rdr2. Everyone told me the second half of rdr2 sucked and it was more of the same too.
The downfall of Rockstar Games is that they're a live service company now, GTA 6 will all they do for the next decade. PRetty much all content will be for online only like any gacha game.
If anyone cared about single player games they pretty much don't exist anymore.
>Game is about crime, gangs, shooting NPCs and fucking hookers, sometimes makes biting commentary on modern culture
>Heh, I'm gonna use this game to teach the chuds a lesson >:)
I honestly hope they shove as much DEI as possible, it would be the ultimate irony that GTA is some moral grandstand
Maybe they should teach the kids who play how to obey traffic laws, and be kind to NPCs as well, when you pick up a hooker maybe you take her to rehab and help her life improve
>I never even finished gta 5 or rdr2
Same. It's why I really don't care if this game is 'woke' or not, because I'm not buying it either way.
people are saying its gonna be politically correct and woke but gta 5 and rdr 2 are already like this and people still love those games.
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Why do you guys want to be accurately represented in games, when you look like this irl?
Pretty sure starfield ruined Bethesda. I certainly don’t have any hope for the new elder scrolls now.
Nice selfie anon, you should go to /fit/ though, you're unhealthy
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The real OGs already gave up on Rockstar but there's no way GTA 6 won't be a huge hit. GTA 5 was mid as hell and people that play and whales just don't have any standards, the whales will just get the cards right away and spend 24/7 playing the new game.
If someone really play gta online all this time there's also no way they'll ever go back, they're all sick of the game.
Then there's the lack of games for xbox and playstation in general, there's nothing to play so gta 6 will be the one game a lot of players are looking forward to
tpbp, if people are seething it means you spoke the truth
yeah it kinda confirms to be full of anti white male woke stuff
Yeah idk, I know you're right and that most criticism of this game is going to come from those types of people, but at the same time, a lot of us non-Americans are very sick of media revolving around retarded mutts chimping out and blowing each other's guts out all over the sidewalk. It's just gotten really old, if I'm being honest.
99 dollars plus tip
>publisher concerned about people having a chance to voice their opinions
GTA sucks in general. It basically always has. Stuff like saints row and sleeping dogs has long since outperformed it.
I mean this game is about the worst aspects of America amplified to an absurd degree so it’s to be expected. Don’t know, if you’re tired of seeing American shit 24/7 it’s best to just disconnect from the internet. Culture is the US’s biggest export and the internet is no exception
Have guys considered that Take Two wasn’t talking about GTA here and likely the other irrelevant shit they produce
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>Game has been under development for a decade
>AAA game, from elite dev team, need to spend the GDP of a small nation EVERY YEAR, costs only increasing yearly thanks to popcornomics
>Add a whole bunch of woke faggotry cause a decade ago it was all the rage
>But now the pendulum swung, and there are a couple million chuds who will not only not buy your game, but will also move their influence to ensure others do the same
>Game sells well, but those chuds making daily videos and social media posts shitting on the game has costed you a large chunk of players
> Now the game is not profitable, have to layoff 60% of the staff
It keeps happening, Rockstar simply see how things are now and are afraid their game won't sell at least 50 million copies
why does /v/ hate GTA? so what if it succeeds or flops? how does it affect you?
People are attracted to rockstar games like flies on shit, Even those terrible GTA remakes hit 10 million sales
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>Rockstar themselves said they are concerned
Rockstar didn’t say it genius Take Two did if you actually look at the source GTA is never mentioned. Take Two publishes a bunch of shit like sports, mafia, borderlands, whatever
GTA6 also isn’t going to be on PC day one so no one’s going to give a shit about review bombing since there’s no where to review bomb
publishers should stop spending so much on marketing, listening to social media and being beholden to investors
I think you misunderstand what I was trying to say. What I meant was games like GTA are just boring as fuck to me now, and I really can't imagine I'm the only one who feels this way. I just have no interest in playing one of these games ever again. That being said, will it still sell over a billion copies on release day? Of course, only a coping retard would say otherwise.
I've replayed RDR2 and I know for sure that at some point I'll play it again.
Sometimes I feel like I died in 2014.
Rightoids are all about this gay anti-White faggot too. The RNC was a a Grindr meet-up full of niggers and kikes.
Stop being such a dumb rube. Everyone just hates this stuff regardless of politics. It's just forced as fuck.

I just wanted to play games.
what the fuck was rockstar thinking with this shit? this isn't the 00s anymore. PC is the leading platform and most devs are switching tp PC
they CAN'T not be beholden to investors. see Dodge vs Ford
normalfags will buy the same game twice
>we always win.
*except in 2020
Anti-White zionist faggot who backstabbed Whites lost 4 million White voters and got rekt. That's a win.
This >>683702972, they 100% know people will double dip for their games, at least Take-Two does. They did the same shit with RDR2 and it didn’t hurt them at all. Still sold 60 million+ at the end of the day
Just don't do stupid shit to incite review bombing. How hard is that?
>but muh free speech
Stupid shit has stupid consequences. Deal with it.
It certainly lifted the wool from most of the fanbase's eyes and let everyone see just how fucked bethesda has truly gotten since oblivion, without the Fallout or TES branding carrying it there was no shield for criticism
>The real OGs already gave up on Rockstar
I know I did.
While realistically you can't expect GTA6 to completely bomb in sales the way these woke FPS games as of late have, but I can already tell we're going to see some backlash from the buying public. From the normie fatigue with GTAO, RDR2 (the MP was DoA but even the singleplayer everyone was creaming about on release is now fully irrelevant in the public discourse) and the absolutely abhorrent trilogy release, I can forsee a "Sticker Star" effect happening where GTA6 starts off selling well but then is panned by both critic and audience alike.
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Iam not even fucking surprised any more
the guy that made that comic killed himself
the original comic or that edit? I don't see why that would happen either way
You think the game series that was a big part of popularizing the black gangsta culture for white youths at the time is anything but going with current trends?
>pretending they wont buy journalist
Bg3 is a mixed bag, not 100% woke because it still lets you create pretty women and strip them naked.
Stellar blade still sold slightly over a million according to shiftup.
It didn't do better because
>Part of a niche genre (character action games, which dont sell as well as open world action games)
>Exclusive to PS5
>Some people who were willing to buy it were driven away by censorship.
>I can forsee a "Sticker Star" effect happening where GTA6 starts off selling well but then is panned by both critic and audience alike.
That's pretty much exactly what's going on with Mortal Kombat 1 right now.
As long s I can make Lucia fatter I don't care about the rest
They won't get the message, we're just having fun at them. They'll replace the white liberals with Poojeets who are not that fluent in woke, so in the future the games will be awkwardly woke instead of just woke.
They can when it's Jew VS Jew.
You didn't get it? It's not Ford VS Dodge, it's Goy VS Jew.
Repeat after me, it's okay when Jews do it.
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I hope it's not gonna be trash, but there's been tons of evidence for years about studio restructuring and whatnot. I give it a 15-20% chance of being good at this rate, but you never know. Even the biggest companies are susceptible to fall for far-left brainrot and lose tons of money for it.

Thank God they release the beta a year early for consoles so we know if its pozzed or not.
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>Ubishit and Rockstar of David collapsing at the same time
Please make it happen. Total AAA death. It's hard to fuck with EA because of FIFA normies though. They will be the last one standing.
Not only that, but it's also a character action game which typically are a more niche genre, and it also has the censorship controversy that drove some customers away. So SB isn't a good example of right wing games flopping
Rockstar is not collapsing it’s probably the only western AAA studio with near limitless success financially speaking
Tell me more. I thought people loved MK1 as opposed to Tekken 8's rugpull and SF6's mediocrity, the Omniman character pack was received generally well iirc
You can kill trannies and gays in bg3. In my book that makes it based
Cowards at Rockstar have a history of punching down in their comedy and satire, targeting those at the bottom of the social hierarchy. In the days of GTA 3 and San Andreas, this meant taking aim at women, fags, trannies and niggers. But times have changed. Now, these woke groups hold significant economic and cultural power and are running America, while white people are the new underdogs. Given Rockstar's pattern, we can expect GTA VI to focus its satire on Trump voters, knowing it will provoke a strong reaction but won't be significant enough to make the go broke.
I bet it starts up and you see billboards everywhere for “get your fucking shark cards for online, you cunts”.
People just seem to really dislike the kameo system as a whole and changes made to certain characters in the story like Scorpion. There's also the fact that those games have always been bigger amongst casuals and the game's supposed lack of single player content has generated a lot of complaints among them...though, I honestly don't really understand that complaint since NRS games have NEVER had good single player content. Oh, and then there's the shit about gender-swapping certain characters like Cyrax and Sector, as well as nobody really being hype for the DLC in general.
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Considering how much industry shareholders value GTA as an IP, and how much Xbox/Playstation rely on it to move consoles, would it be a stretch to say that GTA6 underperforming could trigger an industry crash?
>why does /v/ hate GTA?
Because IV moved away from a lot of what made the series great, V did even more damage, and GTA Online is an outright plague.
that's because people trust their games to have quality. if the games become shit they will collapse, just like Ubisoft did. Ubisoft did not make a single bad game before Rayman Ravin Rabbids.
>Ubishit is panicking over Ass Creed Niggers in Japan
Are they? The last time I read about it it was the highest preordered AC game to date. I would like to see it fail but the slop is selling itself.
>Another console-limited game releases
>its shit
Well yeah, GTA6 will likely follow the trend of being amazing on a technical levels. That’s all people really care about. No one was buying GTAV or RDR2 for riveting and challenging game play.
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>People just seem to really dislike the kameo system as a whole and changes made to certain characters in the story like Scorpion.
Me too
>though, I honestly don't really understand that complaint since NRS games have NEVER had good single player content
I feel it's more of a lack of things to do because even the krypt has gotten worse than X. The story was always playing it's narrative cohesion fast and loose but at least it was there.
>Oh, and then there's the shit about gender-swapping certain characters like Cyrax and Sector
You know, I wonder why they even bothered doing any of this literal history revisionism via God Kang to begin with. They keep making dumber and shitter plots about time travel, multiverses and all this other stupid shit that keeps writing them into corners. Are NRS writers allergic to the status quo and just writing a story about "Tournament hosted, we punch now"? MK isn't a stranger to experimenting with new characters neither, so why change already established ones?
>Well yeah, GTA6 will likely follow the trend of being amazing on a technical levels
without Dan Houser? lol no
Dan houser just wrote shit, he doesn’t program the games
shit game releases are so dragged out now that at some point a generational disconnect has to hit.
GTA5 is a 2013 game. Imagine only getting one entry in a series you like in your whole youth.
>Right wing grifters *
>Everyone I disagree with is an alt-right nazi grifter
You're mentally ill, woketard.
would be nice
its not like AAA is worth much nowdays
Flop incoming
All GTA is doing is having a latina and a white dude as the main characters, that's you're DEI right there and that is why they will be reviewed bombed. GTA has had gay people in its universe before and they might be talking about "gamers" finding certain jokes offensively and literally since we live in the softest era in human history.
>GTA 6*
I would like if rockstar made a medieval game.
>36 results
This board makes normal conservatives look retarded
If you think anything Rockstar has done is woke then you have a poor understanding of what you're seeing and need to go back to Twitter where you belong
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Now we're talking
i can't envision take two being concerned about anything besides the freshness of their chocolate fountain
Take Two ruined both Rockstar and 2K
I'm not buying a console just to play GTA.
>Arthur Morgan throats a black tranny's dick
whoa that is crossing the line. care to share any screenshots of this scene so i can uhh, yah know, be reminded not to play it?
This is exactly what happened, except I would argue GTA has been absolute shit since 4. San Andreas was the last one with any sole

What in the FUCK are they thinking, it should be impossible to fuck up a GTA title, but somehow they found the way, what the fuck.
I don't need to know anything other than the fact that SBI is involved in the project, this is going to be a fucking titanic disaster, their executive probably started noticing the slew of disasters those fuckfaces are involved with and are going into rightful panic mode.
where does it say SBI is involved?
>SBI is involved in the project
Lmao you're as bad as democrats believing shit like project 2025 is real
I can guarantee you R* doesn't have sweet baby Inc consulting for their games, where'd you hear that?
>just make shit up and take it as fact
The internet is a sad place now
So what I'm getting is:
>Racially and Gender diverse characters, probably LGBT
>Day 1 DLC for GTA6:Online
>Rockstar Social Club account required to play
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it would be naive to think massive corps DONT pay pennies to turd-worlders to astroturf social media of all kinds, including this shithole. anyway, your a faggot and probably brown therefore your opinion is irrelevant
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this is actually really good news cause it implies day one PC release since the review bombing usually occurs with poor thirdies with toasters for PCs crying the game is "buggy" and "poor optimization" which is exactly what happened to CP77 and retards still using HDDs
no shit, Rockstar sucks, I don't understand why they have such a good reputation when they havent made a good game since San Andreas
Dan used to push back against T2, now he's gone
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>conveniently forgets to post every single free online dlc for both gtao and rdo cause hes a boomer dipshit
well it is wrong insofar that you have a a crowd of gay groomers doing it for free here
I just got fired cause I got the coof. After the stagnant shit that was 5 you couldn't pay me to play 6. Id sooner buy 20 used copies of the wokies go brokies saints row game before even thinking about touching gta6
Found the drip fed zoomer
>doesn't even read the article he posted
It's literally just an article comprised of reddit posts with people like you making shit up kek
>day one PC
they always wait to release it on PC for a couple years, they are double-dipping Jew faggots
doubtful, its been proven that consumer sales dont matter to these companies, their getting money from other sources
theres no proof SBI works with Rockstar, but its probably going to be BLM Gay garbage given the trailer so i wouldnt be suprised if that was the case
Well, boys, unless the publisher comes out to deny it, they're being associated, the risk on this is fucking sky high now.
The only risk you gotta worry about is a heart attack fatass, go post fake shit on Twitter with the other fat demorats
I thought SBI was kept on only for games like Nintendo and shit like Baldurs Gayte
You sound REALLY fucking agitated. SBI was involved with the project, weren't they.
Even if it succeeds, and it will, other companies won't be able to match the sales. They are fucked either way. They're not going to spend 10 years and $2 billion on every game. Some dumbasses will try but it won't be profitable.
I don't have to be agitated to call someone fat you gross mess
Normally if you bring up SBI and randos get real fucking aggressive about it, that means they're involved, only this time there's Billions on the line, this will be their biggest kill.
Yes and that game had you chasing a gay nigga with his prison gay boyfriend on the back shooting him. In the new game they will be walking on eggshells so it won't be entertaining to play or compelling.
>You sound REALLY fucking agitated.
Exactly what a fat democrat would say kek
>sees someone calling him a fatass on the internet as extreme aggression
Lmao must suck being such a fat pussy
based af
If the game is a deeply unlikable woke hole in the ground, could you salvage it before Q4 2025?
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I haven't seen a single GOOD game be "review bombed" regardless of wether the bad reviews are based on the issues that make it a bad game. So... Are they admitting that it will suck balls or what?
It's not hard to fence sit. I know they are staffed by soft faggots now but still.
*go broke
*Shitstar going Shitstar
Politically correct SBI/Resetera infused cancer in a GTA will bomb, really fucking hard, we've seen worse decisions made by now, so it's not off the table.
Samus will also go tranny.
That will be end for woke-tendo
Yeah but isn't the entire appeal, like the basic core of GTA that it's edgy as fuck and not politically correct at all? The fuck are these clowns doing? Did someone leave the studio or something?
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SBI involved? Ah fucking hell!!!
>Implying Nintendo hasn't been loved by troons since its creation
It’s not about GTA6 it’s clickbait article. It’s their publisher Take-Two worried about review bombing in general and they publish a lot of shit that isn’t GTA. It also doesn’t make sense since GTA6 won’t be on PC “review bombing” isn’t possible
So youre saying it's rage-bait just like every other thread on this board that hits 500+ replies???
It doesn't matter what troons made up in their mind.
Either way I'd prefer not to play the same gay ass cartoon shit that troons enjoy
Every single big entertainment project that fucked up due to woke retardation and keeping Larry Fink's cock hard has used this fucking gay excuse to their investors via media when performance was shit. They're preloading it in this case which means this is going to be a fucking colossal out of touch troon autopiloted SBI trainwreck.
That came to an end with IV when they started taking themselves seriously and tried to give lessons on morality.
>Did someone leave the studio or something?
Quite a few people actually, chased out by HR troons
they don't play anything, they just ruin it for everyone else.
Either way it looks like its made for and by trannies so i want nothing to do with Nintendo shit
>not politically correct
Fallout 1+2 had children to kill
GTA doesn't even have incincible children
also no pregant women either
>muh dressed "sex"
>muh ban the game lol
>Quite a few people actually, chased out by HR troons
Oh that's wonderful, games are made by people, if the cool people left then this will be a fucking resetera wet dream, holy fuck so much money up in smoke. You'd think TakeTwo would be smart enough to catch a disaster coming, do these retards just sit and collect shark card money, are they fucking braindead?
It’s not about GTA you dumb fuck. They weren’t talking about GTA and if anything it’s likely about their sports games like WWE and NBA that have been panned hard critically the past few years
Why would the CEO care when hes getting billions from BlackRock ? they chose to get money from Jews instead of an honest free market
You realize this thread is just a handful of discord troons patting eachother on the back and making shit up right?
Could you like hide SBI involvement for the sake of keeping stock stable etc?
By Q4 2025 the fatigue is going to apex, what a shit time to release a neutered GTA.
Nobody cares about apex legends troon
Fallout is my #2. It shares the Americana and freedom of GTA. Nuke the world of GTA and you would get something similar
>Needs a launcher stuffed full of DRM, where rockstar will ban you if you so much as think of installing a mod
Nobody gives a fuck about GTA on PC, nor should they
It's been pretty well established by now that big franchises can eat shit hard if they go too deep into SBI type shit and end of next year the fatigue will be fucking murderous.
>they patched out of GTA5 w/ GTAO updates
Yeah the warning signs were clear already, it's like when they started correcting problematic shit in WOW when retail started to fucking bomb.
Nobody believes that will happen but you. Lose weight fatty
The funny thing is, the obnoxious behaviors they mock minorities for are probably most annoying to minorities themselves. And those funny moments, even if they aren't flattering do make those characters the center of attention. By taking that out now, the making Trump voters the star of the show.

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