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What killed the reputation of the FF games?
was it 13 really that bad?
FF died at 13 for me. Mediocre game that got 3 mother fucking games in a row. Essentially undoing the entire godamn purpose of what the franchise was going for. Stand alone titles that told a story with familiar elements from previous titles but each one was supposed to be a brand new final fantasy. Some sequels got made but never every back to back to back.
Mediocre is far too generous for XIII, it completely killed mainline entries in the series for an entire generation. It's a legitimately bad game.
Games started taking way too long to come out while being mediocre at best. And yes I include the MMOs in that. It's hard to sustain such long hype cycles so many times.
>was it 13 really that bad?
Yes, please refer to 15 years of constant posting on the matter.
imagine being a FF fan, getting teased with FF7 remake for the PS3 and then getting FF13 instead. imagine the disappointment
couldn't be me f a m lmao
13 was the diagnosis, 15 was the death after a long terminal illness. Some people will say 12 was the start but it still *FELT* like a Final Fantasy game.
it was me fampai. frowny face
FF13 was indeed the beginning of the end as it showed that square enix could not adapt to the high definition era of console gaming, it was a general problem with all Japanese studios that generation.
13 and its sequels are good.
And do I need to remind you that XIII-2 saved the series after the failure that was XIV 1.0 ?
holy shit i hate zoomers
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We Were Robbed of Final Fantasy Versus XIII
>calling a person a zoomer
>doesn't remember FF XIV at launch
Yet another FF "fan" who knows about it thx to youtube shorts.
There was LESS time between FF7 and FFX than there was for the 13 trilogy to come out, it encompassed the entirety of the PS3 generation and did irreplaceable damage to the franchise and its legacy.

>Actually, bad thing good
Wow Anonymous you're so heckin' unique and valid.
FF XI was an MMO
XIII was one of the only good ones after this, hence why it is very popular in Japan.
13 and sequels are good.
6 are 9 are still the worst games in the series.
The one who actually killed the franchise was 15. With 13 people still had hopes but for some reason they decided to triple down on it and made 3 games about Lightning, then XIV 1.0 came out and finally 15 turned out to be the biggest disappointment ever, it had anime, movie, side games, etc, but they were all shit and the game itself was also incomplete because you needed to engage with the other media plus DLCs to get the whole story.
It was the fuck up after fuck up that killed it. It started with 13 but it got destroyed by 15. 2m
XIV 2.0 is what made people actually play the older FF games, it also made WoW players become interested in the franchise, it basically saved it from being forgotten.
16 is like 12, just good enough but not amazing and easily forgotten.
>hence why it is very popular in Japan
You disingenuous fucker, 13 is as hated there as much as it is overseas, the two sequels had the lowest domestic launch sales in the franchise until Rebirth, mirroring global sales as everyone rushed to buy the PS3 launch FF and were left thoroughly disappointed and said FUCK THAT to the prospect of buying a sequel. There was a similar fall off from players who did buy 13-2 going into LR.
I will save this pic, thanks. It's a proof that FF8 really is the best one.
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For posterity here is total sales in all regions up until a few months after 7-R.
Lightning Returns is the single lowest selling mainline entry in the franchise, and the dropoff between each sequel is hilarious.
holy shit that post XIII crash, FF really never recovered
You don't know how to read graph trends. It shows VIII was a disappointment that benefited from VII's popularity, and then caused an immediate drop for the next title. XIII was just the final nail in the coffin, but VIII was really where the franchise started to die.
>akshually, games that sold more are worse
>and games that sold less are better
is what you just said.
The wait. I was so excited after 10 then 11 turned out to be mmoshit so I had to wait even longer for 12 and by then I lost interest. 7/8/9/10 had a 1 year wait between games.
How the FUCK was squeenix able to shit out games so fast but now take forever to make 1 game.
was the transition to HD really that bad for them
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You know what could've saved Final Fantasy?
S-E releasing Versus XIII on the PS3 back in December 2014
It happened to gaming as a whole, the eternal push for GOOD GRAFFIX has had disastrous consequences on the last decade or so of gaming after we plateaued somewhat in the PS3/360 era.
FF games were always about spectacle and pushing the limits of visuals ever since VII, and LR is almost a step backwards compared to the original XIII.
A lot of us skipped it. I didn't play XI either.
FF13 was the first FF game and as such I thought it was pretty great. I won't go back and play it again though, let the nostalgia stay
man I wish they would have made this freakin game. >:o| damn it.
It went downhill with FF11 tho
IV was my least favorite FF game, purely because of the combat system. Either be turn based or not, I hate this gameplay of seeing how fast I can navigate a menu. I completely acknowledge also that the problem is I played it on PC and sped the game up in the config files because the normal fights were SO FUCKING SLOW but then the boss fights became incredibly hard due to how fast it was. FF12's combat system was ok though because the game was so easy with the gambit system playing it for you
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Unironically, Final Fantazy VII
>b-but anon-sama, VII skyrocketed the franchise and the medium's popularity into mainstream appeal!
Yeah, but for the wrong reasons. It solidified the franchise as only being notable for visual fidelity and music, and effectively ended any and all attempts (not that the predecessors were great, mind you) at mechanical ingenuity.
So everything that followed just mimicked that formula of convoluted, visual storytelling (and gameplay, for that matter) that relies almost entirely on musical queues to elicit any emotional reaction.
Turn-Based, ATB, Action... it doesn't matter. Squaresoft can't design or balance gameplay, and they sure as hell can't tell a proper story, and after the success of VII, they realized it didn't matter. Retards will buy and "play" it anyway. And they did, for awhile. XIII was not bad, it was just that inevitable point in time when a portion of the fanbase realized the franchise was stuck up its own ass. Unfortunately, the majority of them are still ignorant of precisely how long its been like that, so they pretend that there were the "good old days" of VIII, X, or XII, and use XIII as a scapegoat for their nostalgia. The reputation of Final Fantasy was a shadow on the wall. It was just a trick, and better players have been doing that trick for over a decade, along with actually having decent gameplay to go along with it, so Final Fantasy is rightfully forgotten.
Remake Trilogy is the embarrassing culmination of their mechanical and creative incompetence.
Kill yourself
>only being notable for visual fidelity and music
lol you weren't even born when it came out if you believe this
Imagine typing all of this out just to say you're a genuine fucking retard who can't follow any storytelling that isn't 16 bit sprites bouncing around each other
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It's a shame how that Episode Duscae turned out better than the full release of FF15
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Just deleted this piece of shit, this is where it started to go down hill. Shit dialogue, shit story, shit voice acting, the shittiest characters I have ever seen in my life and not a single piece of music was matched to any kind of tone or emotion in a scene. Half of it was literally that holy prayer track that plays any time anything to do with the religion is on the screen regardless of if the scene is happy, sad, frantic or whatever.

I held on until they get to the machine muslim camp in the desert and then that chinese hamster chick gives tidepod the super secret piece of information that everyones been ignoring about the summoners going on a suicide quest. I couldn't take it, the writing was so bad, the voice acting was worse and then the music, just fuck all of it was awful; deleted the binary immediately.
This is true, there was some hype for FFXV because
But then it came out and was lame and then people stopped caring about Final Fantasy.
>With 13 people still had hopes
Speak for yourself, lad.
FFIV is pretty lame IMO, has basically no player agency at all, and has the simplest iteration of ATB combat. Story is absolutely retarded and full of fakeout deaths. Only gets by on nostalgia, it's one of the weaker FFs.
I don't think it's genuinely possible to get filtered by a game like X but people on /v/ still manage to be autistic enough
Not yet.
When did it come out?
I didn't say that.
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What's wrong with this?
It mogs the final release of FF15
Multiple reasons, really
1. Kids and teenagers who grow-up with the games are now adults and obviously the games don't fit their adult taste. Beware, I'm not saying their taste is better or worse, just different and doesn't fit FF anymore.
2. Ever since 7, and maybe 6, the stories and their narrative got way too convoluted for their own good. Maybe you can argue that 7 - 10 actually benefit from that kind of writing and deliver something interesting but for most people, including SE creatives themselves, is just convoluted writing for the sake of convoluted writing.
3. Presentation is always something important, you can argue that FF has pretty unique art styles and aesthetics but a lot of people will just not like it, it is neither full anime or realism or jpop visuals, so, that leaves FF aesthetics as something for the people who have an acquired taste for it, which obviously is a minority.
4. I'll argue that despite the somewhat easy difficulty (for the most part) FF actually offers good gameplay but because the series has touched all kinds of turn based and real time combat it is pretty easy to find someone who likes one kind of gameplay and despises the rest. It is like Digimon where each new iteration changes too much and reinvents the wheel. Also, because it is mostly easy, the players looking for a challenge will just ignore the series.
5. Some people don't really hate FF but they have found other IPs, both japanese and western, that take the elements they liked about FF and do them better.
6. Now, something very important about FF and everyone forgets with the time: every single game since FF7 has been involved in some kind of drama during its release and sometimes that drama still persists today, just see
Honestly makes me wonder when SE will be able to deliver a numbered entry that is just a good game with a simple but cool story and zero drama, but I guess that's impossible.
It was a good game, but it was marketed as a Final Fantasy game in an era where Final Fantasy games had many things in common with each other that did not appear in Final Fantasy 13. You may be thinking,
>Final Fantasy 12 was also very different
Final Fantasy 12 had more in common with the first 10 Final Fantasy games than Final Fantasy 13, and despite being a good game, it received a lot of criticism for being too different.

Final Fantasy 13 was hated because Squeenix was revving up it's phase where it was releasing tons of games using IPs in order to drive sales and recognition but had no intention of actually making a similar game. In that regard, they deserve all negative criticism and blowback, because they made the conscious decision to misuse an existing IP. Squeenix is not required to slap random IPs onto games they release. They do it for sales. If they didn't want people to get pissed off about the game not being similar enough to the older games, then they shouldn't mismarket the game. So it's entirely their own fault, and fuck 'em for it.
>XIII-2 saved the series
FF lost its identity after X, now it's just another button mashing action game.
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Fuck S-E's upper management from 2003 to 2024!
How so? It just looks like Armiger, Noctis' Limit Break.
What was it before?
over the decades other games started doing the same thing but better or with their own take on the gameplay (near the end of their turn-based entries). this led to square experimenting too hard on a concept to grab new fans by changing the formula but failed
to appease old ones (13). then they started falling back onto formulas that, once again, other games already did or had done better (15 released in an already saturated open world game market, hack-n-slash games are now a niche sales base as far as 16 is concerned and zoomers don't want it).
Tl:dr they banked too much on making their games for everyone so no one ended up happy, old fans or new.
If any of that were true then people wouldn't jerk off over the opera scene in VI
How did they manage to make an entire cast of unlikeable characters lacking any compelling story? Every FF game has a few stinker party members, hell even 8 despite its flawed characters had some redeeming qualities to them. Its like they went out of their way to make 13's party members the most boring and annoying characters ever.
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FF14 killed FF then FF15 saved FF then FF16 killed FF again
lol dumb as fuck sheep still going baaa baaa, 13 bad baaaa

don't forget to get vaxxed this autumn.
why do you keep saying this, literally the only person to think this
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They couldve recovered after 13.
People still had passion shitting on 13.
By 15 the fire was extinguished. 16 straight up has zero cultural impact.
Lightning Returns is the best FF game period
Spirits Within Movie sucked
11 was an MMO
12 was too much like an MMO
13 was a shallow hallway
14 was an MMO
15 was a failed action game and a development trainwreck
16 was a boring action game
i mean... yeah pick your place but most people realized by 13 that FF wasn't good anymore
it's what happens when you let people direct that have no vision
here are our demos and surveys please tell me how to make the game please so i don't get fired
you need people that have an actual vision and the talent and or passion to execute it
13 is bad (ok game but not good enough to be considered good as FF mainline)
13-2 is good
13-3 is okay
They really need to go back to their roots
12 damaged it and then 13 finished it off.
People underestimate how many people were put off my 12. They tried something new and immediately lost people. It just wasn't Final Fantasy to many older players. It's become a cult classic since but it was unpopular, massively underperforming 7-10.
8 is funny because the cast is pretty likable but the game refuses to give focus to anyone not called Squall or Rinoa
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Stealing formulas and contributing nothing to the medium? They're still doing that.
Squeenix themselves said that the XIII sequels kept them solvent after the disaster that was XIV 1.0
Im a simple man , I like Viera women
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They already did and even that cant save the franchise
Only hope is unlikeable. The others are good and have good character dynamics. Snow is an idiot but he's a somewhat likeable idiot that fucks up a lot in his pursuit of romance. Lightning is a loner bitch and she learns not to be a bitch because she accidentally almost made Hope into a murderer. Vanille suffers from immense guilt and when she offers to die to atone for Sazh, Sazh decides to be a better man. Fang is possibly the most boring one but she becomes a lesbo statue with Vanille so that's interesting.
>It was a good game
Stopped reading here.
You could remove the middle 45 hours from a 50 hour FF13 playthrough and replace it with modified datalogs explaining what you skipped and actually have a greater understanding of the game's plot on to of improving the experience.
13 sucks ass and always did.
Squenix is so scared to put 4 niggas in a row, despite that being what would save FF. Shame.
I wish they would go back to at least 13's level. It was still better than everything after it.
That's because they were basically asset flips with trashy plots and writing that utilised the already-existing Crystal Engine, of course they were profitable despite selling record low numbers of copies, all the real expense had been covered in making 13.
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funny because vanille was the only character I've found really unlikeable, from her voice, the mannerisms they gave her to her role in the story
people gave her a pass because she was hot

hope was fine imo, a bit annoying at times but it was understandable: he was just a teenager with a comfy life and loving parents who suddenly lost almost everything
it's like how people complained about how annoying tidus was when from my pov he reacted stoically to what happened to him
I grew to tolerate Hope
Sazh was always based
Fang and Vanille are both terrible from start to finish
Lightning is an insufferable cunt from start to finish
Snow is obnoxious from start to finish, but that's possibly because of his generic Troy Baker voice
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>>Sazh was always based
>getting teased with FF7 remake for the PS3
Retards still don't know what a tech demo is.
Was this a teaser for an FF8 remake on PS2?
It was XII actually
> What killed the reputation of the FF games?
Being lost without Sakaguchi-san. Trying to please Western audience not understanding they did not want Japan to emulate the west. The creative failure of tackling modern technology by streamlining production pipeline. The lost of craftmanship in video game, mainly due to how capitalism works when a product become relevant to the mass.

> was it 13 really that bad?
Yes, not just because of the tunnel vision and shitty convoluted story, but mainly due to the uninspiring cast no one want to identify with and have no chemistry together (idc it's supposed to be a plot point, you don't follow a boring cast period). But combat was okayish I guess.
> It was XII actually
I'll say it was XI, they never should have put an official number on this thing and just call it "FF Online".

I guess XII can be a main serie culprit, it took too long to make, was impressive but just a singleplayer MMO, way to combat focused with an uninspiring teenager main character and not so FF story. The fact they used an other team to make a main serie FF game is more to blame. Same problem, they should have spinoff or make a new serie which is hard with the budget they've got, you gonna milk those IPs.
FF7 remake is unironically worse than FF13
Good post.
One of the most awesome theme of the serie imo, Ô those comfy jazzy vibes, it give off FFX : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5-mJJH5UJk
>Being lost without Sakaguchi-san
the gooch isn't doing so hot either, currently slumming in mobage hell after all his post square enix big projects failed to meet expectations
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I feel like FF13-2 is slightly worse than FF13.

FF13 had its problems but it still did some pretty cool things, had some interesting ideas and some built up its cast through treating its entire cast as protagonists equally and giving them time to understand where they're coming from.

FF13 2 is literally the most insane fucking plot I could imagine, the individual things range from wtf to fine but the premise is so beyond ridiculous it feels like someone took a lot of drugs and played FF13 before writing out the weirdest fanfiction ever. The stories of the characters are all directly tied into each other too so it's not like you can ignore FF13 and play FF13-2, it seems like they want you to go straight from one to the next which is weird because it feels like they wanted to make a completely different game.
10-2 is where the cracks started to show. It took away the inviduality what each numbered ff had.
11 shouldn't had been numbered. Final fantasy online should've been the title.
12 is fine
13 is a trainwreck and caused massive brand damage. Also the unnecessary sequels
14 should be online 2
15 is fine but similar western games had been better for years
16 not sure about. Maybe again similar problems like 15. Too bland
12 is still one of the best mainline FF games. let's face it the reason people were "put off" by it was that it had an actually slightly complex political story and it wasn't 2 teenagers falling in love and saving the world that the average FF fan expected at that point
15 is what killed it, hating 13 is a forced reddit meme, guess who infests this site now?
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>pitting 4.6 against 4.5
Meanwhile the golden age FF games are sitting around 4.9 & 4.8 lmao
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This was the moment Final Fantasy never recovered from.
lmao this pic always gets me
/v/ rightfully was hating XIII before reddit existed, lad. The few weeks on and after the launch were filled with disappointment and rage.
don't care still want to fuck Lightning raw

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