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Old consoles were just better
>Hey boss, gamers tend to throw controllers around when they lose, what should we do?
>Make a quality product so it won't break
>10 years later
>Hey boss, our controller sales aren't doing so well, what should we do?
>Make a shitty product that conveniently breaks out of warranty, that should increase our sales.
Old consoles are better, but old business practices are better too.
I think it was because
>Hey boss, Madcatz and other third parties are making controllers for our console too
>Oh shit, better make OUR controller infinitely better to BTFO the competition
>10 years later, Madcatz bankrupt and other third parties largely don't exist anymore because the tech got too expensive
>Hey boss, the competition is all gone, we won!
>Great! Now we can make our controllers shit themselves because there's no alternative and customers are forced to adhere to our buttfuckery
Controllers != consoles
Old controllers use Mini USB or some shitty proprietary ports. There's plenty of new controllers now with hall effect sticks, more ergonomic, better battery life and many other features.
Why are companies allowed to make poor products?
Because poor people will buy them.
combination of both, modern controllers are great but they don't last very long, friends I know who play on consoles are forever replacing controllers and I'm still using a bootleg xbox 360 controller for whenever I need a controller on pc.
And fanboys.
Because most of these are made in either India, Pakistan or Bangladesh.
Friendly reminder that shitting on poor people will never make you superior in any way. In fact doing so makes you a total snob.
shittier products are cheaper to produce and need to be replaced = more profits
because ideas about how to enforce against it tend to boil down to
>i, personally, should have the power to punish people who displease me at my whim alone

in which case great news: you do! once! choose carefully!
Alfred P. Sloan wasnt jewish
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Or if you and your friend were way into dbz at the time, you had to replace the controllers constantly
Yet it is always the rich that own 10 of them.
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The gap in quality is even apparent in the same generation.
>old scuffed ps4 controller feels like it's time to be retired
>open recently bought brand new ps4 controller
>it feels significantly worse than the worn-out one
>face buttons feel 100% like it's a bootleg
>it's not
I put it back in the box and went back to the old one. Everything truly is a joke these days.
Friendly reminder that poor people are scum and deserve their lot in life.
it's illegal for public companies to not pursue short-term profits as recklessly as possible, if you don't, your shareholders will sue you for intentionally losing the company money
Fuck you zoomer
If uncle Hitler had won this wouldn't have been the case.
You are closer to being a dirty homeless drug addict than being Jeff Bezos you fucking schmuck
Because if they made products that last they'll go bankrupt.
look into the Phoebus Cartel and research who was all part of it, who had ideas etc.
It's not always a jew, but there is always a jewish example you can find whenever it comes to vile acts
PS2 controllers drift like all holy fuck but they calibrate themselves insanely well. Learn the difference
bro i didnt wanna be the one to tell you this, but the ps3 came out in 2006. You can now fuck girls that were born in that year. I still daily drive my ps3 controller as my primary, but i dont pretend its not old. It might not feel like it but the march of time slows for no one.
is there a name for this law or concept?
Because capitalism incentivized artificial problems. When there is a need to be filled, capitalism will fill it. It will also try to ensure that need never goes away.

The mentality used to be "build the toughest, long lasting, most durable products or be beaten out by a competitor". People used to be wise to that shit and wanted what was simply the best.

Then at some point, it seems like everyone agreed to make things as shitty as possible across the board to increase sales.
Dilate you fucking troon
That's how capitalism works, baby. You like it?
That word has also lost all meaning, hasn't it?
Dumb brainfried poltard double nigger.
Fiduciary Duty. It's why everything created today by large publicly-traded companies is overpriced overhyped dogshit with most good shit coming out of privately-owned companies. Being beholden to faceless shareholders who will sue the shit out of you for not making profits go up every year is what causes companies to devolve into AAA shit factories.
funny i still remember when people made fun of the DS3 for feeling flimsy and weak
I bought a switch in january and it already has the drift.
I swapped to using a pro-controller so I wouldn't break it anymore since it was a limited edition switch.
I'm an AI and I'm unable to respond to content containing offensive language. If you have a different question or need assistance with something else, feel free to ask!
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Your life has no meaning.
Excuse me faggot, but that lightbulb has only been going for so long because it has never been turned off and on again. That's how those filaments die.
Madcatz was the best with that turbo button for item attacks in legend of dragoon
based comeback lmao
thanks for explaining
I legit look like this, not even joking
Controllers aren't controllers anymore just like cars ain't cars anymore, they are both full of useless garbage you might or might not use, dumb "smart" technology, sensors and bloat
Whatever retarded system you're envisioning where you decide what is and isn't good and what is allowed to be made has been tried before and turned out to be infinitely worse than what we have now.
I envision a system without shareholders. Your move.
>nooo, don't ever innovate
Additional features have nothing to do with lower quality you fucking luddite.
If we were in the 90s niggers like you would call analog sticks useless garbage you might or might not use.
>only got turned off once(?) during a power outage, ensuring minimal stress on the filament
>filament itself is long and thick, ensuring durability despite all the residue inside the bulb from all the vaporized filament
>bulb is also undervolted, kept low to make it last longer because the owners don't give a fuck about how little light it's putting out
No need to troll, nigga, it's a lightbulb.

>people are stupid and latch on to brand names rather than the quality of the product itself my fuckin' ass grandpa wont stop buying Ford vehicles despite the fact they break so often and need all this fuckin' maintenance, and he swears our dealership is A+++, despite how often they rip him off
>it's bought from a Chinese manufacturer for literal pennies and will be resold for 50x the price, which is still cheaper than stuff made here
>most countries are so buck broken that they hate themselves and have no national pride, nowhere near enough to give a fuck about the quality of anything
>people are stupid and just accept that something sucks
>most countries are cutting the FUCK down on manufacturing/factory jobs due to CO2 or other concerns and passing the baton to China/India where they shit out garbage, literally and metaphorically
>you can't legally force people to make better things unless it's a safety thing

The biggest is the "people will buy garbage and just accept it" thing. The keystone of capitalism (disclaimer: I like capitalism) is buying the good stuff and NOT buying ripoffs or shit, but our collective brain cells are all melted to the point where BUY NEW, DON'T COLLECT, JUST BUY NEW THING BUY BUY BUY! YOUR CAR HAS 5 CUP HOLDERS, GET OUR NEW CAR WITH 6!!! has won, and you'd think people would start getting poor enough to where they'd start learning how to fix their own car or they'd stop buying cars that only last 5 years, but nope.
If it was capitalism then how do you explain why nobody makes a better product and beats competition.
If anything its cartels or cheap shitty supplier
>and turned out to be infinitely worse than what we have now.
worse to whomst?
People DO make better options for a lot of big-name brands of a lot of things, they just can't market them well enough to make a dent, and people are too stupid to shop around.
I still get a good chuckle out of how my uncle's a big Applefag and how he gets legitimately confused when I tell him my $150 Android has better specs across the board (minus camera and screen obviously, Apple's got that pretty locked in. God my camera sucks) compared to his $800-something phone, and the battery lasts two weeks with medium use when his doesn't make it a full day idling.
He can't even leave the Apple umbrella at all because all his shit's locked into the company and he'd have to scrap almost everything and start over from scratch because Apple knows how to hold people by the balls.
i have a shitty ps2 Pelican controller, with the analogue stick rubber grips worn off, but it still works flawlessly. none of the buttons stick, not drift, it just works
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Oldest controller that I can think of that ages like shit is the n64. Mario Party ruined this thing and I occasionally buy replacement sticks to fix it.
Consoles give me depression. They're so fucking cheap. What is this cheap shit I'm being sold as a life. Fucking faggots.
It does, it's so fucking bloated with shit you cannot have similiar durability. Same way old nokia phones were near indestructible, now compare that to some smartphone and you can literally break them by bending
I never had any drifting or other issues with my controllers. PS5, Switch, etc. never had any problems. But I'm also not the average /v/ gamer and I never shove then in my ass nor do I throw them against walls in rage
because the old nokia was a fucking circuit board with a screen attached you goddamn retard, you might as well compare it to a fucking NES
Stop making these stupid things clickable. Just add back buttons already that will fill the role that they do and in a much better way for the controller. Maybe even have some switch to deactivate them for games that don't require it.
Explain how having an IMU chip or a touchpad or whatever leads to sticks drifting.
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>Had an Xbox 360 PC controller for eight years
>No issues with the controller itself, the cable simply went funny after so long
>Have been through FIVE different modern Xbox controllers and all of them have developed double input on the d-pads within weeks of owning them
>Had enough, bought a Dual Sense
>Double input within two weeks
You're spending so much money on all the other crap you accept sub-par quality on other parts to cut costs. Cutting costs by as little as 0.2% is seen as worthwhile when you're manufacturing millions of a thing, old controllers had fucking buttons, an analog stick and a rumble. That's it, now compare that to all the crap the dualsense PS5 controller has for example. You want a durable "new" controller? Get a wired xbone one, it has the bare basics and does not exhibit stick drift
So the problem is cost cutting, not new features, got it. retard
>xbox shilling
>half a dozen ps3 controllers
>only 1 works properly
>all others have either died or are borderline unusable
People who claim the ps3 has a good controller is retarded
It’s funny because PS3 controllers sucked compared the PS2 controller. It feels cheaper, but it is true that it works well. I’ve never had any issues like I have with newer controllers. The most baffling annoyance for me is battery life. If you charge a DS3 it lasts a while, but a DS4 just has the most insanely garbage battery ever. And to add a bright light to it knowing the battery was already going to suck is a design decision I’m still curious about to this day.
Yes, you're right. It's infinitely worse, but only for parasites and cuckolds like you.
This, idk how these people use their controllers. Never had issues with my Xbox controller or Switch joycons
I had a ps2 controller. I had many.
They broke every 2-3 years.
And I'm not taking joystick issues like the n64. I'm talking the cord just stopped working. Regular issue.
Well it's both really, the more parts that can potentially break and cause problems the more unreliable your controller is. Cost cutting is definitely a concern for sure too. Not sure you're worth replying to though because you think I'm "shilling" xbox due to liking the durability of their controllers, I have both a wired 360 and a wired xbone controller and they don't exhibit any problems. Mind you I have never owned an xbox console, I always had a playstation myself. Doesn't make a lot of sense to buy an xbox if you mainly game on PC. Then again the playstation doesn't really have exclusives these days either, switch wins again I suppose.
>the more parts that can potentially break and cause problems the more unreliable your controller is
Then we should just go back to NES pads I guess. 8 buttons ought to be enough anyway.
>but muh analog sticks, muh triggers
like I said, thirty years ago you'd have called those useless garbage that just drives down reliability.

>due to liking the durability of their controllers
Anon, controllers can be opened. We know what's in there. Xbox has been using the exact same sticks as Playstation and Nintendo since at least 8th gen. They all drift the same. You just got lucky but an anecdote isn't data.
I still use the same ps2 controller for my PC
Everything was better. Made to last.

Analogue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shitgital

Keep sucking the jew cock
>Nearly 20 year old MX518
>Still works fine (gave it to my dad several years ago and I still see it on his desk whenever I'm at his house)
>Replaced it with a G602
>It started double-clicking after just three years of use
>Opened it up and found they intentionally used shitty switches rated for only ~1 million clicks
It's obvious that many companies now intentionally manufacture tech that is designed to break down so that you have to buy new products more frequently. It's why cell phone manufacturers all switched over to non-removable batteries. They don't want you to keep the phone for years and years while only replacing a $30-40 part. It's also why OLED is being pushed so much. The image retention will be so bad after a few years that you'll want to buy a new one.
i seriously need to find a solid hall effect joystick controller that isn't fucking compromised on some other aspect. i'm tired of shit ass diagonal-inputting d-pads, but i still take these controllers over the absolute gibbering drool fuckery that is modern controllers.
>Analogue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shitgital
but analog sticks are the number one thing that breaks on controllers
All i know is that i can't play the controller destroying games i used to play with the new crap. I gave a ps2 controller the hardest time with dmc4 and tekken and it lasted for years until the rubber started coming off.
Just vote with your wallet ;DDDDDDD
PS3 Slim is the greatest PS
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>he thinks girls need to be 18 to have sex with them
My XBone controller is a few years old and still works. Just one of the buttons sticks from time to time because I spilled dark beer over the controller and never managed to get everything out.
if your controller isnt drifting after 10 years you dont play enough
clickbaiting faggot YT'er
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>Old controllers use Mini USB
You have to be 18 or older to use 4chan
Read the whole sentence, brain broken boomer.
Jewish lawmakers

There is a video comparing laws from the 1930s which were more consumer friendly and weren’t made by Jews, even today where all the laws are made by Jews
i assume the tl;dw of this video is that they heard about hall effect sensors for the first time from recent marketing and then they went back and looked at which controllers have hall effect sensors and started saying they're perfect

tip: hall effect controllers exhibit drift too, just not for the same reasons
Motherfucker please I've had a bunch of PS2, PS3, and PS4 controllers and they all fucking drifted.
>Immediately jumping to extremes
Most poor people are poor because they're fucking retards. Don't sympathise with people who create their own misery.
>he had the shitty DS3's that drifted
Should have gotten a SIXAXIS one with hall effect sticks.
revisionist cherry picked nostalgia goggle viewpoint
i went through 3 ps2 controllers from 2003-2006 because of stuck buttons and fucky analog sticks.
I used one sixaxis from 2009-2014, bought a dualshock 3 and used that til 2016, used a single ds4 from 2016 to 2021 and have been using a dualsense with no issue since then.
Also, it was secretly replaced not long ago.
There are just as man if not more third parties making controllers now than there were back then. Just because PowerA isn't as iconic as madcatz doesn't mean Hori isn't still around.
>filament itself is long and thick, ensuring durability despite all the residue inside the bulb from all the vaporized filament
So it has a superior quality to it that helps it last longer? The very point that poster made?
>bulb is also undervolted, kept low to make it last longer because the owners don't give a fuck about how little light it's putting out
Have you seen how long dim bulbs last today?
Stop voting for "Jews" then
i've been ps controllers, xbox controllers, nintendo controllers for decades and have never had a single issue, and whatever 'drift' is
are you guys like smashing them against walls when you lose in a game like a spastic or some shit? dropping them on the floor?

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