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You wake up in 2002
I go back to sleep in 2002
I want to go back
the 2000's was garbage. get fucked up idiot.
9/11, housing crisis, war in iraq. fuck you.
time to boot diablo 2 lord of destruction.
it was a great time to be a YOUTH though
>tfw never invited to an all girls sleepover/vidya in the early 00s
2000's were great times
I was born that year I'd just relive my entire life
bababa BUAAAAAA *shits*
She would either play this or the Sim.
Okay boomer.
I wish. It gives me 5 years to correct the biggest mistakes of my life
oh cool games are starting to get shitty
2000s were when humanity peaked
>but my local US problems
Nobody cares. And 2008 didn't lead to an actual economic downfall until 2010s, these things take time to actually hurt normal people. The company I worked for stayed afloat until 2012.
MJF is saving AEW. How does that kike do it?
Are people still watching sloptank?
Besides the usual paypigs
Googoo gaga (I was a born in 2002)
Its great compared to now. None of that shit ever went away, more just got added on top of it.
I'd prepare to buy some NVIDIA stonks after 2008 crash.
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>Wake up in 2002
>It's Hell, and will continue to be so for decades
Enjoy. People want to go back to the Clinton era. When you could break-dance into Canada with no form of ID. When you could spend all day in a mall arcade, because malls existed. Back when you could walk into a Best Buy and see rows and rows of PS1 games.
>all self inflicted
am i supposed to feel bad about americans?
inside job or not you had it coming
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I want to go back
>im 11
>9/11 happened
>my parents are freshly divorced
>my sisters friend just hung herself
I swear 7th grade felt like 5 fucking years. I dont want to go back. Id sooner wageslave than be trapped in the hellish public school system again.
no thanks. I don't want to go back to that boomer civic nationalist faux patriotic era. fuck that shit. yeah shit's worse now but people are getting redpilled and shit is actually happening
you guys all talk like this with America fresh in your minds, yet we dont even know what shithole country youre from, nor do we fuckin care. Youre welcome for us being the world police and keeping you safe though
This poster enjoys paying taxes to his tranny government
this poster has a funny accent
This poster is fat
Gee it sure is video games in here
I doubt it. Views have been steadily dropping since they kicked off that autistic Chinaman during s1.
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why'd you have to go and make things so complicated
nah I had fun
>t. turned 18 in 2005
2003 was the last great year for films
To be more exact, America helped out Mujahadeens who then got pissy and used the equipment funded by the US taxpayer money to do 9/11.
Women didn't play videogames in 2002
tranny claws typed this post
>European culture manged to survive countless generations and survive dozens of wars
>American pop "culture" deteriorated and went to shit when two buildings collapsed
nice "superpower"
Lmao fail
Get the fuck over it, it wasn't even that bad
Whole country of whimpering pissbabies
My mum did, she liked Donkey Kong Country and nothing else.
That's not Clarissa (my wife)
Who fucking cares?

>housing crisis
Housing was far, far more affordable back then.

>war in Iraq
Who fucking cares?
Being largely ignorant when it comes to the rest of the world isn't as impressive as you seem to think it is.
>wake up in 2002
>know what's coming
>would rather go back to 2024
Maybe if I didn't retain the memories of everything past 2002.
I hug my parents.
>Youre welcome for us being the world police and keeping you safe though
Actually, your government caused unfathomable amounts of death and suffering in my country, but for some reason most of the population love your country. Weird
lmao no
lol resident of cuck island over here lmao
this. either I go back to pre-WW1 before the world went to shit or I live in the present where things get worse but people get more and more redpilled on race and the jews and try to fight for a better world. going back to being a bluepilled cuck living in a bubble in the 80s-00s is stupid
t. zoomer who never live the kino 00's
you missed
All times are hard times , there hasn't been a decade where this wasn't the case.
I put a very large amount of money investing in the stocks of several companies that will explode when COVID hits in 17 years, then wait.
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i am happy
>Anon talking about those things like it's any important to him when he was still wearing diaper or learning how to read
your mum has a based taste
Nta but I remember the 00's a being a miserable and lonely time. Everyone's attachment to the decade is aesthetic
>housing crisis
only for amerimutts lmao
>I do not care about your shithole country but do care about my country and 9/11 and the housing crisis and the 2008 economic collapse
It's incredible how entitled Americans feel. Nah, I do not care about your made up issues since I have my own real issues I have to care about, stop crying and grow up.
2008 crash affected euros too, 00's was only good for maybe 1/8th of euros. Eastern Europe was a shithole , western Europe had varying degrees of poverty and instability
>I do not care about your made up issues
Yet they're living rent-free in your head lmfao
This is from the Fishtank Filler season ain't it? Any tits yet?
>Entitled faggot feels so entitled he thinks his problems are more "real" than others based on nationality
You get what you deserve
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the 2000s were great if you were from ages 5-15. nobody cares who was already 32 at that time, old man.
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I'm going to buy those pc games at walmart instead of reading the boxes
00's for me was playing Gameboy at my grandma's house wondering whether or not my two alcoholic parents wanted me back or not lmao

00's were not a special decade, nostalgia is just one hell of a drug
>the decade couldn't have been good because I was born of deadbeats
cry more pussy
>world police
>looks at ukraine
>looks at taiwan
>looks at gaza
lmfaoooooooooo, good job """world""" """""""police""""""""

thoughts on your moms taxes feeding the MIC?
Die zoomer or boomer
>9/11, housing crisis, war in iraq

Why would 6 year old me care?
kek none of that shit affected me even in the slightest, you neither since I'm positive this is a baitpost
>the 2000s were bad because my parents are subhuman trash

sounds more likely that you're the one with a skewed perspective of that time period
I whack my dick off using my mom's "massager". The orgasm from your dick vibrating is far stronger than jerking off. Try it.
Kids were assholes in the 2000s
Don't think americans have a leg to stand on when making fun of how people speak
>wadder boddle
>dude thats awesome!!!!!!11
you talk like cartoon characters. very nasally and gay
Now they're troons
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>"Hey babe...wake up. You were mumbling about a black president and fictional money you can make on the computer"
Don’t care

I’m still going back and you can’t stop me
A black? In the White house? Not in this lifetime
Lions are ignorant of ants.
you would be shocked how many europeans think and behave the same way regarding europe
>inb4 some rando says yeah well ur amerifat
born and raised in europe to euros. the people here are as flawed as americans.
>you wake up in 2002 knowing where things will be going in 2024
how do you stop the faggotry?
how do you realistically do your part?
Shit, I gotta find my future husband before his 2002 girlfriend babytraps him. I don't want to be stuck with his pos daughter for the rest of our relationship.
She doesn't want you Karl, she wants your money, she's gonna break up with you as soon as the kid is born and move in the next guy.
Oh yeah and video games or something.
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Time to fix everything
>probably fuck it all up again anyway
realistically I would jot down exactly what I did before the time slip and try to do it again when I get back to current day. then I would spend my days in a loop full of scene girls
It's more that Americans are arrogant and unable to interact normally with non Americans. They also have this idea that America isn't the most oppressive and violent nation on the planet that just keeps starting illegal wars that it won't win.
Who cares
>housing crisis
NA issue who cares
>war in iraq
Who cares
>become world police after WW2
>own all of Europe
>start wars for profit
>be untouchable
>get mad when people talk about you
>think that there's no good reason for people to care about you
The American is a fascinating animal to observe.
the few times i visited america i only met four americans who couldn't talk normally to foreigners. two were tweakers and two were cops at customs. the rest were welcoming and pretty chill.
i'm sure there's types in for example very rural towns who are anti social as shit though, not to mention delusions of grandeur but the types you describe seem to be the /int/ stereotypes i saw back in 2002 when i still went there, not sure how true it is now.
>violent nation on the planet that just keeps starting illegal wars that it won't win
i can't refute that one. there's an oil joke here but i have almost a litre of vodka in me so i can't atm kek
none of these affected me personally
those things are a constant anon, every era has crises
9/11 was bad, theres more wars now than ever, more people dying or in poverty more than ever, humans are inarguably much more demoralized across the planet now than 2006. But this systematic deconstruction of everything we hold good has been happening since the 60s.
convince my parents to buy apple stock
drop out of school
play vidya for the rest of my life
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>9/11, housing crisis, war in iraq
The good ol' days.
buy just so many R34s
>You wake up in 2002
Invest in Youtube, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Nvidia, Apple and Disney.
There are much easier ways to get rich.
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>Mid to late 2000s scene and scene esque fashion girls never again
No I want them
None of these underage dipshits ITT remember what the net was like during the late 90s - mid 2000s. 9/11 lead to the patriot act which lead to mass government surveillance and glowfaggots infesting every corner of the Internet. Kids think it's no big deal because they don't remember a time when the Internet and our right to privacy wasn't an absolutely joke. inb4 Euros give me yous. Don't care. You faggots were never free. We were once. There was a time when 4chan was actually less shit.
>Don't care
Yet you continue to be compelled to mention them.
yeah I miss pre-9/11 4chan
Ahhhh fuck I'm back in middle school get me the fuck out I don't want to keep waking up at 6 AM.
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i also miss the scene queens, anon
>patriot act
>There was a time when 4chan was actually less shit.
Don't move the goalpost. Under 30 need not apply, kid.
That opened the floodgates which lead to stuff like the NSA being formed in the years that followed. Do you have single digit brain cells?
go back in time kill all weebs and save the web from dog shit cancer
They might come back
It's not impossible, right?
Yeah 4chan was much better before that happened.
The peak was 1999. 9/11 was the beginning of the bad times.
Neat I can prevent my girlfriend from dying in a car accident
t. Soulless faggot who doesn't know how to have fun.
>housing crisis
Not 2002.
It was much better before those agencies formed and took over everything which started to happen around 2010 or so on 4chan. You're retarded. moot bounced for a reason besides simply being tired of you idiots.
it's not impossible, i honestly fear the chance is slim but we cannot lose hope!
No, you can prevent her from dying in THAT car accident. She might still die in a car accident.
>US problems!
Sounds like a third world problem to me
9/11 wasn't that bad, maybe if you were a mudslime living in America for the next couple of years you probably got a lot of shit but it was business as usual for me
>9/11, housing crisis, war in iraq.
I was in school so none of that meant shit to me.
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>look at ancient 4chan threads
>people having fun
>u win teh internets
It should have stayed like that. Fuck this bitter shithole this site's become.
Yeah it did. Housing prices, oil prices, food prices, patriot act, current Russian and Zionist wars, etc. You're living in it and you don't even know it.
Cherish my life as much as possible before leftists and (((others))) finally finish off western civilization
Don't move the goalpost.
True. They weren't able to stream themselves playing games on the internet for male attention yet.
It might have been a mistake not diversifying my tastes at least a little bit when I had the chance
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Nope. Just a few upskirts.
I haven't a single time, retard.
>9/11 lead to the patriot act which lead to mass government surveillance and glowfaggots infesting every corner of the Internet

What part of that don't you understand? You probably weren't even born yet so what I'm saying is lost on you.
Try reading your first post from start to finish.
I lived in 2002 and it was post 9/11 and everything was very quickly becoming like today's nightmare very fast.
But I just thought that was normal.
In retrospect, 2000 was nothing like 2002.
Fucking US psyops.
There isn't anything wrong with it. 4chan was better during the 00s but 9/11 was the nail in the coffin for the Internet and this place. People ITT trivializing it don't realize that all of the things that went to shit within a few years of it happening were directly caused by it. Even Euros were affected by it since they use 4chan and other American websites (at least until they stop giving a shit about our government).
No they weren't, they were basically now but duller.
People are about 5 times more woke and dumb. It got so bad Green Day, who started that shit, lampooned it (and had been since like 1996).
you can still diversify a bit, just don't forget the lovely 'rawrr xD' scene beauties when you do.
Paramore and Sasha Grey helped me deal with the scene girl draught, i know Sasha is not a scene girl but she helped nonetheless kek
They will. I saw one on the street a few days ago.
>2000's were such wholesome chungus...
>Fuck you nigger , how dare you say otherwise
Typical topkek

No, that's every single decade. Nostalgia is for brainlets
Yeah this place was already dying but 9/11 really killed it
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What people didn't realise (well what most people didn't realise) was what 9/11 was being used for with regards to impoverishing people and consolidating power to a rich upper class - though pyrrhic-ly because they were being fooled by foreign subversive ops and sleeper agents into causing their own demise since the end of the cold war.

All I saw with 9/11 was as system killing itself. I was probably 7 and I had already gathered that. There were cogs behind the scenes butchering people for god knows reason (the reason didn't matter, what mattered was that the system was doing it and people were caught in it).
And that was fascinating to me. I was entertained.

That was the earliest I realised that I was "probably abnormal" and edgy and couldn't help.
I tried to be normal right up to 15 hard. Tried so god damn hard.
Just couldn't do it. People thought I looked at them like I wanted to burn them or something. I hated myself for that. Still kinda do.
>14 years old with >nogf
Thanks a lot anon
Everything's always dying. It's the side effect of living.
>I can't remember the past fondly because my past was shit therefore people who do remember it fondly are stupid

I think your mother was on the drink even before you were born.
Retard take. What ruined this place was waves of tourists. The only board glowies infest is /pol/.
I did...
In the 90's
Like I said, it's a big joke to you because you don't remember when the Internet wasn't just a gigantic google server with a gaping NSA backdoor. 2000s were shit and directly caused all of the problems we're dealing with today. Just because things are still shit doesn't make that decade better.
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there were miserable gits posting then as well, but only happy stuff was worthy of a screenshot so that's what got remembered
I'm glad I didn't have a gf when I was 14, hanging out with the boys playing shitty video games was way more fun
I wouldn't have had money to do anything fun, nor be left alone to grab some butt, but I still yearned for a gf
God the music was good back then too
Time travelers must be living their dreams in early 00's, like John Titor. Peak civilisation.
I've said for years that Sk8er Boi is the best song ever
Yeah, papa roach and limp bizkit was so good, right? The music was shit.
It was a nice time, irc, trance and raves
>No they weren't, they were basically now but duller.
Peak of innovation, expermental games, graphics. Cool stuff.
I'd get myself set up to play FFXI like I wanted to but never did
The occupy protests scared them because people of all creeds and political affiliations were united for a few months. They couldn't just let that happen.
I might be the only one who doesn't look back fondly on HCTP. By the way is this picture real?
Oh games were in their golden age.
But music and movies are arguably better nowadays. It was so fucking shit until like Saw came out and made horror shit it's pants. I think only Lynch and a couple other directors were doing anything creative in retrospect. Even Disney turned to pure garbage by 2002. Treasure Planet was their last good movie from that era. That remained shit until Frozen.
Music was fucking garbage. Thank god for the Strokes and bands like Interpol really fucking with punk again. Metalcore did peak, but that started in the 90s and frankly both 90s and 10s/20s metalcore is better. Trap was better than any crap in the 00s. 00s hiphop put me off hip hop. I didn't know about pre-Tupac hip hop until recently really. I think DJ shadow and shit were the only snippets of good hip hop I got. Oh and Trip Hop (still amazing sounding) was dead by 2000.

Yeah video games got lucky.. just. By 2007 though it was getting kinda boring and derivative. It's taken a while to get to new places, largely driven by Souls clones and indie devs doing weird things. In 2001 we did Halo. In 2007... we were still doing Halo but with a few more features because the industry relied so heavily on newer graphics and more processing to sell new games, rather than making innovative games.

I think it was the new grounds of computer hardware and software that exploded in the early 00s that did the damage. Industries relied too heavily on that progress in the 2000s, rather than innovating ideas. They focused on doing 90s ideas but on an xbox or a 360.
Nintendo were an anomaly - they were kinda creative with the DS and Wii. But their games, while creative with gameplay, sucked with developing story ideas. TP was just so derivative of their former stuff and other people's stuff. OoT was cutting edge, MM was cutting edge. TP was lagging in 2001. So was SS.
Final Fantasy sorta half died that decade, but for FFX. GTA was already just doing the same as GTA3 over and over again.
All I know is that if you told some idiot to kill themselves on 4chan back then and someone was stupid enough to actually do it, you wouldn't go to jail. That can actually happen now.
Now try see this from a perspective of edgy teenager and feel the difference. Amount of freedom was incredible.
How old are you? Your framing of things seems like someone that read about this stuff rather than living through it
The occupy movement was a reaction to their pre-emptive attack in 2001 and earlier.
They were already making moves to eliminate the leverage of lower classes - just look at the property bubble developing since the 90s.

I think Grunge may have been a big cause. It was shocking, violent and popular and directly criticised them as a demographic. That really didn't happen in western states until the fall of the wall on that scale of popularity (ignoring Sex Pistols). Suddenly the soviets weren't a threat and so recently signed alt rock bands both focused on their own state, themselves and the sleeper agents obviously exploiting them (which even Cobain complained about as they were probably very annoying and obvious).
Crazy how a rock movement could cause so much of a headache, but that wasn't the first time that's happened. It's happened several times, just not this way.

Yeah never underestimate the power of the arts. It can destroy worlds. It's done so since antiquity arguably.
I mean just look at the damage 4chan has done with mere shitposting.
Look at diogenes. Hives obsess over their weirdest freaks. That's always been a thing.
And we're, though not the freakiest, are one the larger groups out there today. Discord gives a good run though, so does streaming. Though unlike plebbit these three things seem to hate each other so much that they jerk each other off vigorously.
>That can actually happen now.
[citation needed]
>muh music muh disney
Who gives a shit, while you were whining about media you didn't like I was busy enjoying the FREEDOM of 2000s internet.
Well I kinda have been retrospectively examining my past with some research. I don't like nostalgia. Nostalgia leads to creative stagnation.
So I meticulously examine my own history and experiences.

I try not to make it as subjective to how I felt at the time. Though I was not really a happy person in the 00s because terrible things happened to me.
Things like abuse.
But in the 00s this was part and parcel.
Nowadays only politicians can do it. :^)

Also 30ish.
Plenty of people have been arrested for posting stupid shit on 4chan, retard. The servers have had government back doors since the Palin hack in 08. You never had to worry about trolling and flaming back in the day because there was no fear of going to jail.
>"The music was shit."
far from it. check out the releases around the 2000s from Motorhead, Hatebreed, Agnostic Front, Fear Factory, Static-X and Slayer to name a few.
eurodance was top notch as well.
Early 2000s internet was dumb and naive.
It was stupidly political too. You just forgot about that.

It was worse back then and far more tame and dogmatic.
You just forgot it was this bad.
>Plenty of people have been arrested for posting stupid shit on 4chan, retard.
[citation needed]
Plenty of metal bands still make good music. Popular music is ass now but most of it was ass back then, too. You can argue that it was less shit but it's still way worse than music from the 90s and 80s. The rap metal shit was fucking terrible as was the pop punk stuff.
>check out the releases around the 2000s from Motorhead, Hatebreed, Agnostic Front, Fear Factory, Static-X and Slayer
>all bands from the 70s-90s

New shit was this. Metal was super uncool until Metalcore sorta revived in the late 00s.

I grew up with this emerging and older existing genres, like nu metal, playing garbage.
>still on school
Oh and I forgot about this, how could I?
I lived it and was posting here. If you missed out, that's on you. People can argue all day about all of the ways that 4chan sucks now but at the end of the day, it used to be way more chaotic and carefree before everyone worried about the government reading all of their troll posts. I blame 9/11 and the draconian acts that were passed for eventually "taming" the Internet.
>Early 2000s internet was dumb and naive.
Sounds like a crude way of saying innocent and soulful
>It was stupidly political too.
Yeah I do remember some political shit, it was the 9/11 era after all. However it didn't invade every single space like modern politics do, today's internet is way worse in this regard.
the good music of the 2000's was Indie and Emotive.
>I lived it and was posting here
source: I made it the fuck up
Yeah 4chan was better pre-9/11
i think less shit is a better way to describe 2000s music and i agree that it cannot match 80s or 90s music even if i put my nostalgia glasses on. i never took rap metal seriously with the exception of Cypress Hill and Bodycount. pop punk didn't speak to me at that time because i wanted heavier stuff so i am ignorant on pop punk
unga bunga rockstop
Google 4chan arrests and read through them. Fuck off, newfags. I'm not under any obligation to force feed you shit.
dude I've been here since before the second tower fell
true and after 2005 it went downhill fast
Yep agreed, the music was the worst part, complete corpo-slop RnB takeover and pop rock that was so bad it killed Rock music being a popular genre dead. Then you had the birth of fast fashion, where it wasn't fitted yet, so everyone wore these paper thin shitty clothes that were all saggy and awful.
Only good thing was the clubbing/rave scene and even then, the 10s were better if you knew the Psytrance doof scene or free party scene.
On top of this, PC gaming was functionally dead in the 00s.
you sound like a destiny fan
I was actually into punk like greenday and didn't get into indie until my teens.
Hearing, before my teens, adults say fucking retarded shit about the state of things and regurgitating left and right winged dogma on TV like lemmings really did a number on me.
Especially when this came out:

Until like Kendrick or Trap in the 10s, rock and power/pop/punk rock, ironically given it was criticised for stagnation in that period, was trying hard to do interesting things. I'm guessing the state department just ignored them until this track came out too. I didn't give a shit about music until this came out that's for sure. It was nothing but safe shit. In retrospect so was this compared to early GD, but hey that's how bad the 00s were. Everything was not right with media industries. America was in hysteria.

Then this band came along and shat over most pop rock for a long time for me. In fact it's still sublime and their shit after this was ... disappointing.
Anyway this was how I got into metal because all the other metal shit was so up it's arse until late 00s metalcore appeared.
9/11 was great we used to post 9/11 memes all the time here
>most people rejected his message because he told the truth
Your "4chan predates 9/11" gotcha is retarded because my entire point was that the patriot act (which was directly in response to 9/11) was the catalyst for stuff like the NSA which resulted in mass government surveillance which--in my opinion--tamed 4chan in a very bad way. It's shitty and sterile now and has been since 2010 or so.
Yeah chitwood deserves more than death.
He makes money from sharing loli pron.
as a joke the legs on 911 are unbelievable, its as funny today as it ever was and shows no signs of slowing
>token black girl
So you admit the patriot act didn't affect the internet until 2010. So what's the problem with the 2000s? The consequences weren't apparent then.
A large part of why the 00s sucked was because mobile phones and social media killed irl socializing.
Mobile phones made everyone flakey as fuck and people just stopped turning up to social events or randomly turning up at your house to chill and social media began the corporatization of the internet and the massive influx of normies.
The 90s were far better than the 00s and it's not even close and the mid 10s/20s have been far better than the 00s for music, TV and movies.
T. 80s kid.
The problem was that it all started there. The entire world changed for the worse after 9/11 in a big way. I was in my late teens when it happened and the changes transcended just "muh people dying." Legislation was passed that turned everything to shit. People claiming that it didn't affect anything in the long run are just ignorant or too young to remember what life was like before 9/11. Even the Internet was better. I'd take webportals like Portal of Evil over this Google botnet/NSA trash we have now.
I'm a 30 year old boomer now. What am I gonna do, fuck teenagers?
Nah it's too late bro. I'm gonna invest all my money in Apple and the oculus rift and then I'm gonna be rich and depressed and kill myself through autoerotic asphyxiation.
>A large part of why the 00s sucked was because mobile phones and social media killed irl socializing.
Which didn't happen until 2008
What's your point? You have a problem with the 2010s not the 2000s
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People weren't used to the drugs in the water in the 00s. Only kids were getting used to them. So the rest of the society were flying high and were in a state of trauma.
While I was seeing this as normal.
So now when things are not crazy and effed up, my body starts to get physically ill. Probably withdrawal symptoms.

Reminder that the CIA definitely did not find any of the BZ that they had supplied to Saddam Hussein during their operations in Iraq btw.
And they are not using it right now to fuck with you and your family.
But you shitposting here causes more damage than nukes.
Are you really slipping on that opportunity? They have literal bots on here now 24/7. So good they can catch assassinations before they happ- oh wait only if the state wants them not assassinated apparently and that definitely wasn't a fake assassination to cover for the state murder of citizens. He's apparently not even wearing a bandage now? Very speedy healing.
Everyone had mobile phones from about 2002-2003 dude, it fucking sucked, everyone went from being super punctual and always turning up to social events or meet ups to literally flaking at the last fucking moment through "omg slpt in cant m33t next wk mby?".
Social media was around since 2004ish with 2006 being Facebook era.
On top of that the rest of the culture sucked. Fashion was the worst it's ever been, music was all goyslop and TV was terrible fake reality shows.
Only good thing about the era was video games, but PC gaming was dead and most great games were console exclusives.
>Fashion was the worst it's ever been
Fuck you homo
Send me back one more year and I would had stopped 9/11 and give us the two decades we deserved.
Do tell how you would turn up and stop 9/11
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Was anything not better back then?
good, that's sexy.
Built for Big Pajeet Cock
What if timelines are failed timelines with apocalypses. But some are utopias.
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>You wake up
>but 9/11
You should have nuked the middle east and solve all our problems in one swoop.
But the last time the USA had balls was in 1945.
god, i hate women...
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ioshgiodfhgoidfhgd make up

SOAD unironically was making gold in a time when everyone was making trash.
Yeah... generals got soft.
So was she like a poser or something?
The emo look was cuter and her face looks like its made out of plastic now.
that posture always makes me think of carlos mencia
She's still playing dress up but now her outfit is made of silicone.
I had to image search that since I never bought Stewart's book. He definitely used to be way funnier and edgier.
The internet actually ended up being serious business in the end, and it's so much worse for it.
>all these zoomers saying they were unaffected
You fags weren't even alive, and they're still affecting you right now.
I remember seeing older teens (I was yet a teen) play videos of Slipknot on their Ipod (wasn't yet an Ipod classic) and thinking "damn this is super fucking cringe". It was so corny and it didn't understand metal as a dynamic soundscape or riffs that well (well they were okish in retrospect).
I remember hearing nothing but past their prime 90s hip hop stars completely sell out and look like dumb fucking idiots with their fashion and ethos (Kanye was a massive exception).
I remember seeing music go from crazy fucking techno to nothing by Progressive House that remained until 2009 when electro "did something atleast".
I remember seeing the industry destroy Green Day despite their attempts to sabotage themselves over and over again.
I remember seeing nu metal rightfully go from "siiiiiiiiick" to "so cringe it makes me sick".

I remember movie stars getting pissed at South Park time and time again.
I remember games going from the decent shit at the end of the 90s and in the early 00s to the AAA garbage it rehashed over and over again to us, to the point where I nearly always pirated it with bootleg copies from Asia.
I remember seeing liberals go from the "cool" to being the same cringe as the conservatives.
I remember seeing the Taliban prove their point and eventually win their case in the end.
I remember seeing the GFC destroy my life in front of my eyes and I had only entered high school then.

FUCK the 00s. The 00s was worse than any decade since. At least covid was a real fucking crisis. At least the arab spring kicked peoples asses in the 10s.
oh no an actual regarded person
It was ruining their lives BEFORE covid. Covid was just the final nail to seal the deal. They wanted to end us all. Hence gen Z. Z being the terminus.
You're just being purged up to gen Z.

NWO aren't that subtle about their engineering here.
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>actual regarded person
Why thank you.
You're so kind.
theres no better time than the here and now, always.
high school fucking sucked. it was a literal mental and physical hell. this coming from someone who had frens and sex during that time.
in 2002 I was playing lots of everquest and warcraft 3. Morrowind was my favorite single player game and always took my gameboy with pokemon gen 2 everywhere I went.
my favorite band was radiohead and they still are. greatest band ever desu.
On all metrics things were vastly better.
Housing Crisis was self inflicted by negroes. Clinton caused it through housing acts. Iraq lost a geopolitical game and should have remained USAs allies.

Political events didnt start destroying the literal fabric of society until after SJWism was pushed everywhere after 2008
He was telling me how highly regarded I was. What a nice anon.
Oh yes very very regarded
you are anon. so heckin’ valid and regarded.
... i hate sickos
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>I remember seeing nu metal rightfully go from "siiiiiiiiick" to "so cringe it makes me sick".
Why would I honestly care about 9/11 and the war in Iraq? Didn't care about it then, don't care about it now.
Can you imagine that people in 2046 will be making threads about waking up in 2024?
2000s were kino you retarded faggot. It only started to get bad at around 2008.
Why does some schizo here have such a hate boner for the 2000s? Did he constantly get bullied at school or why is he so mad?
hey I liked limp bizkit and korn. never liked industrial through that shit sucks. industrial fans are probably the most pretentious group ever. not even goths with their over the top dressing style
were this gay.
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Entertainment peaked from somewhere in the 90's all the way to 2007ish where shit started going downhill, quality of things just started to plummet.
from RwAR to rough…
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>Housing Crisis was self inflicted by negroes.
I did an entire degree on why you are wrong.
It's a cartel driven to float the mortgage pools of banks in order to maintain their credit rating.
That's why it can't stop.
If it goes, we get a depression, again.
But I guess at this stage who cares? We're in a constantly depressed economy that lies to itself about it's state by not taking into account the reality of the ENTIRE state population and it's different demographics.

You could argue it was Japan, the Asian tigers or China fucking with their currency and export/import prices that caused this, but really the industry stopped being creative because it didn't want to change things. The people in the position to change things simply didn't see it to their benefit. It could endanger their lives and their position.
Doing a fucking degree on "why is the economy so fucked and what was the government doing wrong" was pointless because "the economy is a lie at this stage and the government is a cartel trying to limit the power of pleb classes through proxies such as pricing mechanisms, Mohammed Ali Pasha style".

And then I tell people this and they call me crazy, ostracise me, then have covid happened and the blood drain from their face since then as they realise "maybe he was onto something there". Only for the state to turn into a Half Life nightmare that terrorises people into complacency and pacifism to the state.
You don't need any hacking skills to know this shit. It's pretty obvious and a google away if you know what to look for.
Is this that new Sam Hyde thing?
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Don't take the c-
Here Comes the Pain wasn't released in 2002. Especially not the Greatest Hits version.
There's nothing new about it, though, It's just 30 years of politicians accepting bribes from corporations and Zionists, and misusing public funds. It's still happening.

All that coronavirus allowed, was for them to make money from a bunch of government contracts to their friends, that their friends couldn't fulfil. There's no special conspiracy with covid, the same politicians have spent decades accumulating wealth by doing things like that.

Time to play AQ.
What you're saying makes sense to me, anon. People that were calling you crazy aren't worth your time.
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>the internet was a totally wild place still untouched by normies and unmonetized
>getting totally unrestricted internet access at age 10, jerking it to WWF Divas and then hitting the goldmine typing 'tits.com' into the address bar, all on dial-up
>spending hours downloading pirated music, burning them to CDs and accidentally downloading CP via torrent programs
>talking to complete weirdos on Gamespy Arcade's client in chatrooms
>waiting patiently for my internet girlfriend to sign into MSN every night
>recording myself getting my first blowjob from my girlfriend on a shitty flipphone in 144p and showing it to guys in school
>pizza chains in my area were a million times better and cheaper than they are today
>going to my first proper rock and metal concerts after just having discovered music
>amazing videogames after school everyday, not a care in the world
>parents were still alive
I was born in 1991 but the 2000s really were fucking based beyond belief
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Thanks frens.
You're so kind.

Now remember, make sure to clean your guns before use or they may accidentally shoot that transgender Semitic neighbour that always parks on your lawn (you know, the one with that black boyfriend) in the back of the head 3 times.
We wouldn't want that to happen.

Either that or that ex-soldier/CIA agent stalking him with a knife that day. Now THAT would be a disappointment. No one likes disappointments.
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I don't need you to tell me. I know.
Because the fucking cartel themselves taught me this. They see it as a problem.
That's why they blackmailed prominent members as assurance.
Didn't the banks already admit that they were doing that back then? I might be misremembering. They didn't mention anything about a cartel but they're basically an oligarchy at this point, anyway.
They did
Women loved Soul Calibur back then
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better times
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No, it's an interconnecting cesspit of blackmail, rings and cartels that self perpetuates and can't stop. People don't have the time often to think on their feet, so the dominoes just keep ticking.

The internet was potentially a method (to someone) to make everyone dirty so no one was dirty.
But clearly that just got used as more leverage. Putting chickens in cages. Obviously someone had planned that one and had convinced decision makers this was a way out. Instead it's just now used to profile you for dissent. Then they most likely fabricate crimes and blame targets for them.

Anyway, if you just ignore it, it fucks everything up and you realise it's too sophisticated to properly function now as a plot. It's backfired. So who knows what's about to happen now.
The FBI have been doing it since the 50s. But targeting the head of a snake when it's devouring itself is not too easy.
immediately sucking dick for bitcoin funds
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> they most likely fabricate crimes and blame targets for them.
the very definition of soul/soulless
The thing about psychological priming is that they can lead into a spiral of causation.
That alone saves so many asses it's not even funny.

That and the state causing it potentially disappeared.
Be it nazi or soviet.
I am assuming nazi because the soviets were very unsophisticated back then. The nazis had sleepers everywhere.

But I'll bet the anglosphere started it, just look at the protocols shit. It's clear bait for Russia.
Now you'd think it would be Germany that might conspire that, but you forget the great game, which could have been crucial for an escalation.
You see it goes dark after the 50s. World Wars do that.
4chan used to be so progressive
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>peak video games
>peak internet
>peak technology
>peak anime
>peak manga
>peak girls
>fuck tons of great niche indie music genres and bands
>peak cartoons
>hot as fuck goth, scene, emo, and punk sluts with exposed tummies everywhere
>a lot of great TV shows like Supernatural, The Office, Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Jackass, and Lost
>mainstream movies still had huge cultural hitters like Harry Potter, Lords Of The Rings, Pirates of The Caribbean, Spiderman, Kill Bill, and Fast & Furious not to mention fuck ton of smaller projects from all over the world, especially in the first half of the decade
>basically heaven if (You) were a weeb back then. Japan had fuck ton of different subcultures and the West was crazy about it and tried to copy and reference it everywhere
>last decade when people were normal human beings instead of effeminate fragile snowflakes offended over everything and obsessed with treating the most trivial shit way too seriously
growing up in the 2000s was a wonderful thing desu. I feel really bad for Zoomers like you who didn't get to experience it
I'm not reading all that
All of that stuff was better in the 90s.
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>that mutilated dick
You gotta be a lion first and not a nation of lead drinkers led by an octogenarian pedophiles for the sole purpose of defending Israel.
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I think he's from /tv/. People on that shithole board are a small group of 40 something year old edgy boomer menchildren who are obsessed with shitting on every single decade besides the one they grew up in. Every single time you ask them why the 00s are le bad, they either start copy-pasting the same Wikipedia articles about American politics over and over or give you zero arguments at all. Like they never say anything about personal experiences, hobbies, careers, love life, friends, family, or daily life in general. It's like they spend the entire decade in their basements in front of computers, get bullied in school 24/7, or both. It's really funny how obsessed they are with it tho. Like they are super mad every single time someone says that it was a great time and their life was great back them
imagine being nostalgic for anything post-1945
>I hate modern liberal democracy but prefer a slightly earlier version of it that would eventually lead to our modern version anyway
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agree 100% with everything you said. Had my own PC in my room at 10!!!! Also had online RTS lobbies like Red Alert 2, that was sick. MSN, oh man. P2P like limewire, imesh for the music collection.

The average quality of people on the INTERNET was SO FUCKING GOOD. There were no 3rd worldies or phoneposters it was restricted to people that knew how to operate a computer and could afford one - and fuck everyone else! Fuck it was good. Miss that. Quality of newsites like BBC was so much better back then too, online journalism. Engaget, Slashdot etc. I miss it so much bros.
>People who remember the past fondly are stupid
Sheltered, stupid, naive, yeah those are all words I would use to describe people who are nostalgic for the 00's. You're an idiot blinded by a false sense of reality that most of the world does not share
based Epic Movie enjoyer
>When you could break-dance into Canada with no form of ID.

Anon we're being absolutely flooded with indians. They're digging holes in our beaches to shit in them and I heard from mechanics who have to deal with them cutting holes in their trucks to shit while driving. Its insanely easy to get here. Take me back fucking take me back I fucking hate indians.
>The average quality of people on the INTERNET was SO FUCKING GOOD
Lol, lmao even. No it wasn't you're just too young to remember all of the terrible shit , especially if you're nostalgic about here. The racism, pedophilia, hacking, and harassment campaigns weren't ironic no matter how much you might hear
I miss when people didn't only post pepe and wojaks.
Oh yeah, pedobear and pools closed were terrible, i'm still shaking just thinking about that.
>The racism, pedophilia, hacking, and harassment campaigns weren't ironic no matter how much you might

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leave him alone. you can see how much he's losing it with every single post
It's been about 7 months since I last had a nightmare about Boner Robin coming to get me
>Anon doesn't remember the A Wyatt Mann, Holocaust denial, and child porn threads
Wow probably because you weren't actually there. Everytime with you newfags lmao
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reminder that the smartphone ruined civilization
I personally think that smart phones have made stupid people
You're a newfag , deal with it. If you think ironic pedobear memes and pools closes we're the height of /b/'s edge then I don't know what to tell you
Oh, it was garbage, but objectively things weren't as fucked and people weren't as poor. Bougies hadn't rigged the GFC and told the Fed to print them a money trough for like 15 years yet. Coincided with 20 years of war in Afghanistan. What a coincidence!
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Don't care, don't care, don't care

Fuck you, death to America
it didn't. the society was already degenerated since the 50s. we wouldn't have had this issue with the morals and values of the 50s,
>Bougies hadn't rigged the GFC and told the Fed to print them a money trough for like 15 years yet
The fed has been nonstop printing money since the post WW2 era , faggot
>Glorious Revolution
>French Revolution
>Industrial Revolution
>Civil Rights Movement
>Sexual Revolution
we've been declining since 1689 and I just want it all to fucking end.
bork tank isn't being promoted
also as much as i understand "making" an account for that shit, fuck off
i just want to see it for a few minutes every so often. being a viewer isn't the same as being a viewer of fuckin how i met your mother or family guy.
they know this but damn dude, unfortunately for longevity you might actualy have to incorporate some big dawgs
Not at zero or negative interest rates you fucking idiot
The former two were only after the Hal Turner refugees shat up the place and never left. moot was correct about raids being cancer.
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The Clinton era, when music with bad words was the devil and GTA: SA having a removed sex scene in it was the actual end of the world despite the Clintons making blowjobs and a cum-stained dress the most discussed mainstream news of the decade (maybe second to the O.J. trial). Also, don't forget that the Clinton era was when we got BLM riots version 1.0 in L.A. The only good things about that time period were vidya, the early internet before it got all fucked up and Stargate SG-1.
>war in iraq
And how did it change your life as a 5 year old?
had to grow up without a dad for one
>normalfag ruins my nostalgia thread
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oh yeah, it shows
>At least the arab spring kicked peoples asses in the 10s.
Yeah for the US state department
>Not at 0 or negative interest rates
You're an idiot
You're just mad because he mentioned getting a BJ right?
I agree. Fuck that guy.
You're combining the early 2000s and mid 90s together which tells me that you didn't live through either.
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yeah. it's a shame how 2008 had to fuck everything up. it was great until the plans of those rich fucks from the 80s finally took effect
9/11 was kino
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>look up MTV's Downtown (1999 show)
>it's on YT
>comments full of zoomers wishing they'd been alive during this period
It just goes on and on and on
Which part of that happened in the early 2000's?
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you don't even know what happened in Japan for 8 fucking years do you?

No one that grew up in the 90s would think that game was released then. It was crazy how rapidly video games were developing but GTA: SA would have blew everyone's mind.
I'll admit to getting confused on that part, I graduated in 2003 and I distinctly remember getting a PS2 in high school to play GTA, but I guess I am thinking of 3/VC. Wouldn't have been the late 90's anyway. As for it being mind blowing, I was already playing Morrowind by then, that was mind blowing. SA was just VC but bigger and with a shittier soundtrack and that horrible ghetto filter over everything.
Anon you're an idiot, but you're my idiot. have a nice day
Stop deflecting and tell me why or you're full of shit
All of that is better than what we have today

>US supporting genocide for "the tribe"
>US sacrificing Ukraine in a proxy war with Russia
>grocery bills cost a small fortune
>your average citizen cannot afford home ownership
>rent is 60% of most people's monthly income
>unprecedented political divide

Early 2000s are a dream compared to this shit.
>Fishtank Filler season
What's this? My googling has failed.
>housing crisis
I yearn for another 2008, housing prices are more unaffordable than they have ever been for no reason besides greed. We need another crash desperately, it would be a net positive for literally everyone except landlords and investors.
>US supporting genocide for "the tribe"
...Anon, we always did that. WTF are you talking about?
You're absolutely crazy anon, people got foreclosed on and the only people who will be in a position to snatch up the houses are the same people who did it last time. The landlords and investors.
>it would be a net positive for literally everyone except landlords and investors.
And anyone who bought a house in the past five years. Also, you aren't going to get a crash, for various reasons. We just don't build enough houses, despite the houses that are being built having every corner cut possible, so supply is under an ever increasing deficit. Combine that with the growing price of building materials and the price of homes looks to only get even worse with time.
I'm just gonna kill myself before I become a pod person
>all these delusional mentally ill millennials absolutely malding in the replies
All problems created by the right, curious
I finally just bought a fucking house a few months ago. Prices are only going to get worse, and if the interest rates ever fall then I can just refinance. Better to buy what I can afford now than to wait for my money to be worthless.
>implying there's no housing crisis now
>war in israel
>war in ukraine
Wow! So much better!
>All problems created by the right, curious
The current sitting president, a Democrat, voted in favor of the war in Iraq and famously promoted it in his speeches at the time.
>the 2000's was garbage
The year 2000 itself was fun, as was 1999. The Dreamcast era, a lot of optimism around that time for the new millennium. Fun visual designs, lots of use of color and transparency on electronics, like the iMac. The internet was a bastion of creativity, every website looked and behaved differently. Online gaming wasn't controlled by large corporations, people hosted their own dedicated servers that they controlled themselves, often running them out of their homes. Good times.
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>>war in israel
>Wow! So much better!
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>dead Americans
>homeless Americans
>dead Americans and mudniggers
Bring it back
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We have even worse versions of all those things now
Based. Fuck third worlders
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>think it’s gonna be a comfy nostalgia thread
>it’s just another thread of euromutts seething about America
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The autistic Chinaman has been back for every season
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take me back
If reminds me of that tragedy...the holocaust lol
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I'm 12 fuck you
>wake up
>it's the weekend
>play StarCraft Brood War for 10 hours because already did my homework
>12 years to make all the preparations to not fuck up this time
i wish
I didn't know who Hitler was. Like most people. And let me tell you something. That guy is no good! Now, I grew up thinking that the nazis were a bunch of funny fellas. Because I watched hogan's heroes. But it wasn't like that. The old I KNOW NOTHING, I SEE NOTHING! A lot less funny when you realize that was the cornerstone of the Nurembergs trials defense.
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>viral marketing thread failed
>turned into real nostalgia thread
i'm so proud of you guys.
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>spent every second after school making jackass like movies with my friend with the super expensive camera my dad got for me
>spent the rest of the day playing wc3 tft with frens

ah 2002 it was a better time.
go play one of the games you played 20 years ago.
you WERE playing games back then, right?
you WERE alive back then, right?
I am playing diablo 2
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Isnt that the bitch that got eliminated last night? [Spoiler]the video games are really carrying the show
we did lan parties, smoked trees and played vidya all night long, it was the peak of my teenage years
back then you didn't have to buy a game the second it came out. you could've bought a game from just 2 years prior and still enjoy it. no FOMO shit
inside job
housing is still fucked
now that was based
>go play one of the games you played 20 years ago.
I'm playing WoW, it came out almost 20 years ago.
>Everyone responding to 1 super retarded post

i dont get it, is it a bot or something?
It got a lot of replies, so people want to dogpile on it. Also theyre wrong because the 2000's were a fantastic time to be growing up in. Zoomers missed out by not being born
pretty sure it's the zoomers who were born and grew up in that era
They were shit but less shit than today. It doesn't help that it came after the 90s--easily the best decade for vidya.
>They were shit but less shit than today
well that's everything past 1945
>disingenuous retarded post
Grandpa did you steal the nurse's phone again?
>it's the zoomers who were born and grew up in that era
Maybe if they were born before the turn of the millenium. I hardly count being 6 in 2008 as 'growing up' during it. Now being in your teens during the 2000s? Thats who the people who really matter were
>a nigger in the corner
Nah lol
No, there was a dramatic decline after 9/11. 2000s are the decade of mass government surveillance/rise of the NSA, shitty rap metal, the death of webportals, and the rise of shitty social media like Facebook.
>the rise of shitty social media like Facebook.
That was the late 2000's. The peak before the decline as it were
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I can confirm this, everyone in my class around 2005 had a phone and the dean constantly got on their asses for not turning them off or being on them during class. I didn't get it then and thought it was a problem. Never mind when smartphones popped up alongside mobile gaming. I've never touched a mobile game and will continue to do so.
nigger the housing crisis and zogbot wars in the middle east still haven't ended you retard

counterpoint we had metalcore and xbox games and the us dollar was worth more and you're mom's a fag
if millennials born in 92 claim they grew up in the 90s, then zoomers born in 02 grew up in the 00s
>counterpoint we had metalcore and xbox games
Uh, those are supposed to be positives? That shit sucks ass.
you're naive if you think 9/11 fucked the world more than WWI, WWII and the French Revolution. very bluepilled
You're fine with mass government surveillance? I remember a time when that didn't exist and people would have been up in arms about it. All it takes is a bit of a scare and people roll over for it and claim that the world has always been like that.
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Big scene girl milks?
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Looks a bit young
If you werent alive for 9/11 your opinion is discarded
90s vidya edged like milk. especially the fifth generation
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Officer, I had no idea.
Baldur's Gate
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario World
Half Life
and on and on and on

You're retarded. Those games inspired all of the soulless, crappy clones that you grew up with.
you think that wouldn't have happened without 9/11? it's the same ruling class and group of people. WWI was the end of monarchies and WWII was the end of any resistance towards globalism and liberal democracy.
shit taste
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it's mainly just one guy samefaging. I don't what he wants to accomplish tho. he stays for hours in a thread about things he doesn't like and tries to convince others to have the same opinion as him about the things he hates. it's pretty bizarre
americans hate the 00s because their 56-year long economic prosperity that came from destroying and screwing europe and the europeans came to an end.
Why in the fuck does it matter when it happened and everyone in the west got their privacy fucked even non US citizens? The worst of all is that the government has retards like you defending it because that's what you were born into and it's all that you know. Fuck the 2000s. They're shit just because of that.
literally not my problem, I was a kid
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Ehh stil would.
God I want to fucking smash Brody Dalle
Be nice to have my old snacks and tv shows again. Go to Wendy's, have a spicy chicken sandwich back when they're still good.
Games wouldn't even be on my radar. Just saving money and preparing to stop some really bad changes in my life.
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Are you retarded? in the 00s bush literally started the reason for the immigration crisis that we have still today. Anglos never stopped fucking over us europeans.
where the fuck was I defending the government, retard? I'm completely against liberal democracy and the modern world we've had since 1945. I want it all to collapse and for liberalism, democracy and all "enlightenment" values to die.
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I grew up during the best and most revolutionary, creative, artistic, and fun era for vidya. the era of the perfect balance of creative freedom, technology, and budgets. all of the games you listed aged like fart and Look and play way worse than everything that came after it. most of my favorite 2000s games were not only great since day one but still feel amazing to play to this day
>in the 00s bush literally started the reason for the immigration crisis that we have still today.
holy fucking retard
Your argument is that "it probably would have happened anyway so it's good." Zoomers are fucking deranged.
Yes, this is the truth, you nigger. The moment Saddam was gone, the entire middle east collapsed, but that's what Americans wanted because you are the main reason for wars because your entire economy is based on wars. You are evil.
bush only accelerated it. this immigration shit was planned since WWII. read "Germany Must Perish".

I don't think europeans should be nostalgic for any period past 1945. Germany's peak were the 30s and Britain's peak were the Tudor period.
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Ah yes, the 2000s daddy issues girl thread
How can people go on about something as boring as politics all day non stop is beyond me.
Oh I got some nudes from the last time you posted her
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Here comes the Pain came out late 2003, greatest hits would have come out 2004 the EARLIEST.

Get your nostalgia fukken rite.
it's sad that 2008-2009 will forever prevent the 00s from being nostalgic, just from two bad years the decade had to be split into "early" and "late"
Maybe once you grow up and stuff starts to affect you, kid. You'll understand.
you are an utter moron and dont know anything about america except that it props your shithole up
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Keep them saved because the site I got them from finally went down after almost 20 years
If you expected to enter a thread about the 2000s without 9/11 and the resulting legislative fallout being mentioned, you're retarded. It was one of the biggest events of the decade.
>you are an utter moron and dont know anything about america except that it props your shithole up
I have dual citizenship you, subhuman. I'm more American than you. I've seen your country before spic and niggers took it over.
I'm 28, I have a job and a car. I'm still unable to comprehend how people dedicate so much time to that, and even worse, to listening to old fucking grandpas try to deliver speeches where they dont actually say anything, its like the world suffered collective brain damage around 2013.
I expected people to talk about Team Fortress, Battlefield, Half Life and to post hot Myspace chicks.
cool larp bro
>you wake up in 2002

You expect nothing but a bubble of positivity on /v/? It's about the entire decade not the handful of things you're nostalgic for.
>It was one of the biggest events of the decade.
Well guess what, since I'm not 60 years old I was too busy calling everyone a faggot in voice chat in Call of Duty 4
>I'm 28, I have a job and a car.
I mean, it's common sense to know who's responsible for the refugee crisis and no it wasn't Angela Merkel. It was America with their wars.
I'm 34 btw. I'm not really interested in politics.
I love watching that clown show you guys have going.
I expect people to talk about shit that wont put the average person to sleep.
This thread feels like its full of boomers in suits.
>legislative fallout
Just reading this makes me start to feel sleepy.
But SC is a sexist gaem!
>Maybe once you grow up
Maybe you could take your shot too and get off the bing bing wahoo section of the mongolian basket fucking forums
Then you should take your adhd meds, Brayden.
I'm from Norway, and I have nothing going on except posting in this thread and watching Casino Royale in the other monitor.
White girl 400+ replies all from chinks
Burger problem, not mine.
>housing crisis
Burger problem, not mine.
>war in Iraq
Burger problem, not mine.
holy fuck what a deformed bpd rat butterface
If something prevents you from caring about something as boring and full of endless nothingness as politics, does it really need to be medicated? Maybe its the others who should take their meds.
most normies shit on the 00s but would take it over most of the 20th century. not me though. I prefer the medieval period (what retards call LE DARK AGES but where actually good)
im not from usa so none this affected me
if you live in the west as white those are/were your problem. If you live elsewhere you have bigger problems. so either retarded or a shitskin. or both
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Yeah, and I would still fill her up
all of these replies and none of them say you're wrong kek great job
The fact that you like Korn says enough about your music taste so I wont say anything else
good for you buddy
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Korn is based though leave zoom zoom
How is that a butterface? She's cute
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For me its Leda.
I was born and raised in a western country. Those were not my problems.
There's a world our there, but you yanks can't point out Alaska on a map.
>emo shit is the only thing people will remember from this decade
seething asian woman
nah, all the subculture like punks, nazis, skaters and shit you will never have that only gay zoomers who all look the same with their gay skin tight jeans.
>playing Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime for the first time
I don't need to go back, but it was a good time.
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If I could go back to 2002, I would listen to pic related on release. It's my favorite album.
>warcraft tats
now that's trashy
that was pretty common.
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And there's the zoomers stealing those aestherics
It’s amazing how none of the newfaggot zoomers replying to this have any idea why you brought up 9/11. They’ve been boiling in water for so long that they don’t even know the water has been cooking them. Because of 9/11, we got the following:
>the Patriot Act, which was the start of the overwhelmingly powerful police and surveillance state we all (regardless of country) live in. Every thing you do is tracked and recorded without your consent and there’s nothing you can do about it
>perpetual warfare. Starting with the invasion of Afghanistan at the start of GWOT, the world hasn’t known a period where NATO, Russia, or some muslim military group wasn’t fighting somewhere
>the trend towards movies, film, and video games becoming more “super serious” because of the mood around the world post-9/11. The fun, lighthearted media we used to get is just about non-existent. The best you get is something mimicking that feel, but with a gallon of irony on the side
>middle eastern “asylum seekers” all over the world, but especially Europe. This only happened because of GWOT

Post is long enough, but 9/11 affected everyone and everything, you retarded zoomies.
cultural decades never line up with the actual decades, it doesnt affect everyone knowing how good the 00s were.
People have already brought that up but zoomers said it was boring because you couldn't fap to it.
>Korn is based
>posts one of their shittiest overrated songs (Not as if they have any good songs)
>resorts to age to justify it
OK bud, just say you sucked everyone elses dick because you got told it was cool
Korn feels like edging with no cumming ever because they never DO anything with their guitar
This is because Zoomers like bright colors and or an entirely dark outfit; its all fashion to them so it's become a cesspit of arguing who's best emulating it and whining about who is fake and real in goth/scene/gyaru/emo groups.
zoomers have the altright aka REAL counterculture that's bringing out REAL change and is a threat to the system. no fake manufactured poser shit.
>Tell my mom to buy stock in Apple until 2009
>Promise it's gonna pay off big
I still remember how flying was pre 9/11 compared to after 9/11 it was crazy. You were literally never checked for anything. Like, people just didn't think that some insane shitskin would do this and be financed and trained by the CIA. The world before 9/11 was completely different.
Yeah, I'll fuck it up in different ways but at least I get to enjoy the fuck ups all over again
now bring up the boiling frog of WWII
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>Not insider trading and selling at the top
>Not acquiring BTC for pennies
Noone thought anyone would be crazy enough to crash themselves with an entire plane of people. Mustve been nice living in a high trust society.
>zoomers have the altright aka REAL counterculture that's bringing out REAL change and is a threat to the system. no fake manufactured poser shit.
Yea we had Skinheads, you have these onions cucks.
But why does he wear the mask?
She looks like a pillhead who hasn't reached the face picking stage
ah yes degenerate druggie wignat trash
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At least she did actually play WoW, her youtube channel was just music, makeup and WoW stuff.
peak cutie
They don't even mention "the right to privacy" in schools anymore, anon. They don't miss or care about something that they've never known.
Today is a good day for anon :)
Wished i was also regarded D:
No you dont, all you did was scream on the internet to vote in the american elections to one of the two parties that have been exchanging power between them for 200 years.

Skinheads and anarchists would rape the "alt right" and feminists of today, simply because they had they werent autistic weebs who have mental breakdowns at the idea of leaving their homes.
The affect of 9/11 is more apparent on modern society simply by virtue of recency bias; who the fuck here was alive for WWI, WWII and the French Revolution?
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>no niggers, women, and trannies whining 24/7
Bring me back, please
They were you're just a projecting retard lol
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>I want higher quality slop
Understandable considering how grim things are now, but don't delude yourselves that you weren't fed slop back then. The stuff you miss were sowing the seeds of everything that is wrong these days
ok most of us didnt feel the affect of the world prior and after ww1 ww2 and the fucking french revolution you dumb fucking asshole
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She was, shame she basically vanished from the internet one day.
nobody in the dissident right gives a shit about elections as both sides are jewish

skinheads and anarchists where not race and JQ aware so they're movement is fake and irrelevant
>the 2000s sucked
Okay I can see that
>the 2000s sucked and the 2010s were better
You're retarded
So you are doing even less.
>skinheads and anarchists where not race and JQ aware
And what does that matter when you dont do anything about it, you just gossip about social media posts all day.
Whenever a cute girl disappears it's probably for the best because her fate is probably disappointing at best >>683683948
>Civil Rights Movement
>Sexual Revolution
>1965 Immigration Act
>California turning blue permanently
>Rise and normalization of nigger culture
>Promotion and normalization of degenerate lifestyles

All this was already happening before 9/11. 9/11 only accelerated shit that was bound to happen anyway.
They were all shit but at least the emo girls were hot during the 2000s. I'll concede that point. I still think that their music is shit (not that whatever awful shit people listen to now is any better).
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>oh yeah scenes girls were the best, dude
>he missed out and can only rage about it
many such cases!
>he's wrong because he's ugly
You have never done anything and you will never do anything because you live in the digital world, thus "your" influence is nonexistent. Unless you're a complete retard you'd realize by now that facts and logic are a thing of the past so being right or wrong is pointless.
underage go outside you fucking loser
I remember Leda, she left because she had a myriad of trolls who kept insulting her in every vid and she was the sensitive kind so she was easy bait for trolling.
Think she became a medieval fantasy writer.
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I just like it when girls obscure one eye with their hair, man.
I like scene girls because that's what teen girls looked like when I was one and I want to fu
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What does Anon want to do, again?
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Cristina Scabbia is 50 now.

and still extremely wouldable
Anyone know one single helpful thing. I've been tracking the planets and asking them for wisdom with our crops. I'll check with my dickination rod. No, when the dickination rod doesn't recieve a connection with a vagina, it says no. That's a sign for a coming winter. And then another storm.
That sounds like a good development arc for her honestly. Sort of jealous, sounds comfy
She tried getting back to Youtube but just didnt have it in her. This is the last thing she ever posted.

fucking collapse and starve when you can't have 6000 calories per day,you have destroyed this planet
Module of the solar system looks like a nucleus. Planets are stars__. Temperature and object density. The resulting gravity, and also particle waves coming from them, are our most significant interaction with them. Light is reflecting from it and coming straight at us. Likely that mystery particles have been ejecting out of each planet into our space system. Jupiter is most likely touching us, in ways that talk. The sun is way more helpful. I've been asking them way more than I should. They keep telling me the same thing. They shout it over the intercom. Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down.
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90's revival is almost out, 2000's revival is just around the corner

which means these scene whores are back soon bros
I havent watched since Fat Neptune had his first meltdown with Hassle. Jet needs to go trans and go away already.
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Kinda already are, look up "scenecore".
2000s were shit, but good things were still coming out.
the fuck you on about? we STILL haven't gotten past the 80s nostalgia with the cyberpunk purple neon synthwave shit

also 00s nostalgia likely won't happen simply due to 2008-2009
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I know that I'm feeding an obvious troll who just wants free (You)s by using his obviously fake and retarded take but whatever. I reply anyway. most of the things you mentioned were non issues for the vast majority of people in the world. I lived in Europe during the 2000s and it rocked. it felt like a decade of perfect balance. we had just enough technology to lead more interesting lives without being bombarded by it 24/7. people spent a lot more time outside and were really open and genuine irl because there was much less social media that let them boost their egos. we had much less yet we were much happier because we could appreciate it way more. a lot of countries like Poland were rebuilding themselves and going through massive changes after decades of poverty. it was the last decade of badass rock and punk music genres being mainstream before electronic zoomer genres like dubstep started taking over. the last decade of actual subcultures like goth, scene, and punk existing. the last decade of video games being creative and innovative art form. last decade of the internet being a fun and free wild west where everyone could create their own social circles and communities dedicated to whatever they wanted. last decade of extreme sports like snowboarding, skateboarding, bmx bike riding, and surfing being truly popular. the last decade where entertainment industry created new fun franchises and ideas instead of focusing on rehashing the same IPs that were popular for decades with soft reboots, hard reboots, remakes, reimaginings. Etc, etc. I was born in 1991 and thought that the 2000s were great. I still think that when looking back at not only my life but the lives of a lot of people I knew no matter what age they were at the time
>girls and young women of today are going to spend all that time doing the hair
lol no
>we STILL haven't gotten past the 80s nostalgia with the cyberpunk purple neon synthwave shit
Good, that shit is kino
2000s were Kino, but bad things were still coming out. Fuck Michael Bay and fuck Transformers
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just bring me back to 2006 or 2007, shit was cozy as fuck.
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No need to go crazy over the hair, not all of them had 10 hair dyes
Time to go to anime RP chat rooms and get cyber laid.
it aint about the dye
>2000s were Kino
Yeah, maybe in Japan and some very specific places from Europe.
Late 90's was truly the best time. I was in high school, and everything was fun then. Movies, music, tv shows, video games. Now everything is woke garbage, with a message.
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I just find it funny that everyone thinks the time they were a kid was the best time to be alive. They never pause to think it was just because they were a kid and nothing else had much to do with it.
We have and we haven't
this is very comparable to the 70s nostalgia we saw in the 00s where it was still being shaken off as the few 40 something guys that grew up in that time still didn't have a family or off themselves. It's the same energy here really.
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The other is just flattening the hair and using a ton of hairspray.
It feels like a costume more than it did back then.
TikTok is performative in ways the old web couldn't be.
Real scene girls were more focused on raver stuff, instant messaging chats, and expressing themselves in ways that were silly. That girl has the look but it looks like an actress rather than a real person.
Okay after seeing this I'm depressed, wtf happened to our hobby?
>wtf happened to our hobby
minorities and women
It's also very telling that games such as FFX and SotC looked better on PS2 hardware than anything that came after. FFX in particular has seen just horrendous updates to the player models. There was a beauty to the cohesion.
When it comes to the internet stuff they just used what was available back then, wasnt out of choice.
You're pumping your girl up and Jupiter is screaming in agony. Jupiter has banned sex. Saturn and Mars. Gay. Venus is a tranny God. They're all trans. That's why. They're yelling at you. Screaming. They're always horny. They need it. Stop. Pluto is the orchestrator. That's the guy who can help. We need to demand it. Be firm. Pluto. You're fucked up Pluto. That's going to come from me, every 0.2 seconds. Until something else is coming out. Something better. I've been needing a reason to eat a mint.
>Xbox Live Halo 3 all day everyday
>9/11 was a true to life action movie scene
>god tier cartoons with reruns of 90's marvel shows
>gaming's cultural peak
2000's were some good shit, everytime someone is hating on the 2000's it's always some fat american tranny crying about muh 9/11
Short answer was infinite growth. To reach the masses you have to go past high quality and dip into that right level of mediocre skill cap and flashy scenes that you get 5million+ copies sold.
My younger sister brought her friends over for vidya and took my Xbox

My mom told her it was okay since I had a 90s gayming PC (was a Winblows 98 Compaq)

A couple of her friends were teasing me on where I hid my porn
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my boy. for me 2006 was especially magical when it came to atmosphere, people, and media. everything had that gothic and punk rock vibe and style to it
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it was kino almost everywhere besides fat murcia burgerland with their retarded president
I did consider that but when you look at that girl in the clip, the way she's bouncing around and all that is very "practiced" as in not organic, but instead meant to be something else. But the other reason those things I mentioned apply is because scene girls were also often very emo and had tighter circles rather than being eye-candy for a wide net of people outside of their limited MySpace page. When Facebook came, it offered way more opportunities to be social but they were still on MySpace, or using other sorts of sites. In other words, scene was not a mass-appeal demographic pandering to the audience but rather because it made them feel things and they had issues to go with them. I remember one scene girl was in love with my friend and carved his name into her leg to demonstrate her devotion. Her best friend was like a big sister type that had short hair and glasses. Their whole aesthetic was invader zim and nightmare before xmas, with hot topic at the cornerstone.
Closer to 40 for some here.
Corporations happened, anon. Money was the outlier, always was but the industry grew too big and corporations and publishers wanted even more profits. Each new console generation killed more and more smaller studios, even as far back as the NES to SNES and Master System to Mega Drive, you get the idea.
Don't worry, no one over 40 regulars here
Amerimutt moment
>Russia's entire military empire literally got shut down by the US supplying their 10x smaller neighbor mothballed1980s surplus to kick their shit in

>continues existing obstinantly despite being a micronation versus the entirety of China due to the mere threat of US participation

>Iran and saudi Arabia didn't dare try arab war three despite having ample opportunity on 10/7, gaza is basically made out of reflective glass at this point and without the US saying "don't finish the job, we find going furtherdispleasing", it would be.

So yeah, unironically good job world police, our weaker enemies are cowed, and our desires abroad are respected and feared. It's a great time to be an American.


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take me back

>publishers wanted even more profits
by appealing to minorities and women, yes
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I am so fucking tired of goddamned money, every fucking time my mother calls it's half of what she talks about the other bitching about her mother talking about death when she calls not realizing the irony
no bitch i am fucking not, how many times have i tried to beat it through your head it does not fucking matter. one mother fucking ching chong achoo and that 100k you saved up got cut in half as is getting less by the day but cant get it through her head that MOTHERFUCKING MAGIC THE GATHERING CARD BOXES would have been better than holding cash. I love my mother but im so fucking sick of this shit
The fuck are you smoking? No, it was not, at all, I'm completely sure you were a kid or a teenager in those years. Almost the entirety of Internet and videogames were great, sure, that's all. The late 90's were the absolute peak.
Venus has knocked up millions of high as fuck shopping women. In the head. Venus is on fire, total chaos and destruction. Mars is pissed, because he demanded it. They've installed a constellation of pure gay sex. It's in the shape of a rainbow flag. It's invite only. You can go there to have endless cumshots into men. They are working on a straight sex constellation. But Venus has been corrupt.
>let me tell you about your country
who was your retard at the time, hmm?
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yeah basically but Japan was especially kino
why not early 90s? the early 90s were superior and the late 90s weren't even nostalgic until very recently. all the love the 90s get comes from the first half

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