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Why do time travel plots in vidya almost always suck?
I've always wondered, is it meant to be a cutout like they apparently had on piers in the 1930s, or is it a lady with a tambourine head? Because the pattern on the edge looks like both the layers of corrugated cardboard, and the jangly bits on a tambourine.
>Why do time travel plots always suck?
definitely a tambourine head
>tfw never saved her in some sort of time machine.
Because the story shouldn't be about time travel. It should be a story that happens to have time travel in it.
Titanfall 2's mission was tight as fuck
whatever it is, i dig the art style. nautical art is always kino of the highest degree.
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every interesting time travel plot has been written. and not even steins gate does time travel well.
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That's the ticket.
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Wrong album bro
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>posts the perfect example of a series ruined by fucking time travel being added

This manga went to shit the moment most of the inital questions/mysteries were answered. The fucking time travel tacked in is just their attempt to save a ploy when they have no idea wtf to do or how to finish it(once they reached a milestone in their desired development). Dorohedoro is perfect example of a fucking author winging it until it becomes a dumpster fire. Lack of major forethought on the writers part. I dropped it Shorty after time travel garbage.

Time travel is ALWAY BAD.
I know but I like miracle musical and wanted an excuse to post it
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>Is singing about having sex at a young age
>I've never had sex

How am I supposed to relate to this
time travel plots end up shit pretty often because the people writing them don't put in the effort of making the time travel have logical consistency

even beyond the slew of media that resolves problems with time travel at the end and never fleshes it out, there are plenty more that have it as a central mechanic but the way it's implemented is paradoxical and illogical (stuff like steins;gate doesn't hold up under scrutiny)

the only good way to do time travel is either to not do it at all or have very strictly defined in-universe rules for it that cannot deviate at all
a story stops mattering once time travel gets involved
>wah i cant relate
Are you a woman? Just assume their actions as yours and enjoy the album like everyone else.
Unironically the best depiction of time travel in recent games is Scarlet Nexus somehow. Never expected a mediocre anime game to do it right
I couldn't enjoy Zero Escape once Time Travel got involved -_-
Best recent depiction is Sekimeiya actually
Your inability to enjoy it doesn't have any bearing on story itself. If anything, time travel makes everything worse, while filtering all sorts of brainlets in the process.
They don't? Time travel as a plot device sucks but there's nothing wrong with time travel stories themselves. Come to think of it like 4 of my favorite games involve time travel
there are two ways to do time travel, you either put your head up your own ass trying to figure out how to make it make sense, or you just accept it makes no sense and have fun with it
since games are ((((art))) now apparently, nobody does the latter anymore
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Nah, it was good and kino.
>semen stains the mountaintops
What did he mean by this?
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Time travel is probably by far the plot device most indicative of quality. It's peak contrarian to even insinuate that there's anything inherently wrong with it when it just delivers masterpiece after masterpiece.
The commonly accepted greatest game of all time is a time travel game ffs
welp, time to rewatch tatami galaxy I guess
Subahibi isn't time travel, baka
it's a potato
Holland 1945 is the best song on the album.
Yeah I was trying to figure why that was there as well. There's no time looping as far as I remember...
it would be cool if you could remake this without all the faggy anime
Because even in a fictional story with fake physics or metaphysics backwards time travel is completely nonsensical except for two scenarios. Either it’s a completely closed loop in that you going back to the past always had happened, so the things that happened in the then present take into account the time travel, which means you’re not really changing anything so it’s hard to build a game around it. Or you create an alternate timeline and at that point the actual time travel plot device doesn’t really matter. The only time travel plots that have real meat on their bones are in sci fi stories that are using relativist mechanics to travel to the future.
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This is true
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Everything there is garbage, you should reconsider your life choices.
Time travel stories are kino. Stories that don't begin as time travel stories but randomly insert it later on as a major plot device when the narrative works completely fine without it (attack on titan) are almost universally shit unless it's just some one off gag/episodic deal.
Higurashi isn't real time travel
Same for Subahibi
Steins Gate is shit
MLA is shit
Yuno is shit

You didn't even play any of these
I wonder how Jeff felt when he found out the whole Anne Frank thing was all bullshit, i wonder if he even knows
>see all those stakes and plot lines we've introduced and built over the course of the series?
>We solved it all with time travel lol, nothing up to that point fucking mattered
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Now THIS is real time travel kino.
YU-NO and Majora's Mask are a couple of the greatest games of all time. In fact they're the best.
You're right about Muv Luv though
This, like Terminator. Action movies with time-travel only being what transports the protagonist/hero in the movies intros.
For me it's Oh Comely.
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>Rob in the background yelling 'HOLY SHIT' because Jeff nailed it in one take
That's how you know it's good.
Steins;Gate's time travel holds up, stop speedreading.
Because le complexity and paradoxes its the perfect excuse to asspull whatever bullshit you want, specially if you re japanese
>so uh, I duct taped my phone to a microwave and now it's a time machine
The entire basis of it is even more retarded than your average VN
Because it has no relationship, concrete or metaphorical, to reality. It's the epitome of genre fiction trashiness and crutching.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
this might be the biggest bugman album I've ever heard in my life, I had to turn it off before it implanted homosexual tendencies in my head. thanks /mu/
it's a potato slice
It SUCKS cuz you time-travelled to the PAST, pussy.
Real GOOD stories time-travel to the FUTURE

Time travel is too easy to fuck up
How do you know that's not how you build a time machine?
>Complaining about the premise of a fictional story
What film is that first pic from?
>One of the bad guys was from the future and time traveled to the past

Nope, sorry
I fucking love Medium Onions Hostel
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Life is Strange
Chrono Trigger
all considered kino
You don't get to declare a work a masterpiece of the genre then shrug off any criticism saying it's 'only fiction'.
>Life is Strange
found the tranny
>reddits gate
>donie darko
>re zero
Shouldn't have posted slop if you wanted to give credibility to your post
Surface-level criticism like "I don't like it" can absolutely be shrugged off. Unless you'd like to specify how you want your time travel served?
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This, for example time travel in Looper makes absolutely no sense and the characters know it. It's a fun movie anyway because it doesn't focus too hard on the details.
One of the best songs of all time, a statement I stand by with my life
>Surface-level criticism
The method of time travel is a pretty major point of a story about fucking time travel.
I wish I could save her in some sort of time machine
Why the hell is music culture still stuck in the late aughts and early '10s
It feels like the "patrician movement" just fizzled out and there ain't a cohesive wave anymore.
and /mu/ declined the most out of the hobby boards
Do you have an actual issue with the accidental discovery of how information can be sent back in time beyond just not liking the mechanic?
Ghost Trick Phantom Detective
Titanfall 2
Outer Wilds
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For me, it's tragic time loop stories
As far as I'm concerned /mu/ died when mediafire did. It was the Golden Age of music piracy. I rarely visit there anymore but the few times I have were fucking bleak.
bayonetta 3 was good tho or at least the best iteration of a time travel plot
KEK, just grow hair kamiya
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hell yeah
no it doesn't, reread the end of the vn and ask yourself what happened to the second okabe

you're the fucking speedreader with zero comprehension here
>complaining about time travel in 2024
The new tool for hack writers is multiverse shit, get with the times gramps.
Time travel plots always suck regardless of medium. Either you go with a fixed timeline (Terminator 1), in which case the characters have no agency, or you go with a mutable timeline (Terminator 2), in which case nothing matters.
What's with the long face?

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