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Post characters no one has ever actually used.
the bald guy in bald n gay 3
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every single nigger in every rpg.
>pic unrelated
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Quina and all his equivalents in the other games. You might use blue mages if you're following a strat guide to get all the best abilities, but no one uses these fuckers on a blind playthrough.
Lord Commander, my son. You are man now.
You must to choose who will travel with you for long journey of Worldwound.

Will you taking just and noble-hearted crusader with untarnished soul of purity and cheerful optimisms?

Or shall you taking hideous corrupt spider monster of great evils and betrayals?
Haer'Dalis is borderline useless.
Was gonna post her or Khimari but you beat me to it faggot
I use him all the time
HD, Edwin, Viconia, Jan and Korgan are my favourite party set up.
He's cool and I don't like aerie so the cuck meme never bothered me.
He's an arcane caster, no one with mage spells can be considered useless in bg. Bards are pretty much discount fighter/mages, you buff him up to the point he's pretty much unhittable and then send him into the front line with improved haste.
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The latter is the way more fun choice lann is boring af
Anon, my son. That is point other post is make.
>S-Tier: Neera, Edwin, Korgan, Keldorn, Anomen
>A-Tier: Cernd (SCS), Imoen, Nalia, Viconia
>B-Tier: Aerie, Jan, Jaheira, Sarevok, Dorn
>C-Tier: Hexxat, Haer'Dalis
>D-Tier: Minsc, Valygar, Cernd (base), Rasaad, Wilson
Ignoring insect plague cheese for Cernd and Jaheira, of course. HD can can make himself unhittable, and he has good dispel magics because bards level quickly, but that's all he does. He can't actually injure enemies, and if he gets hit, his bard HP and no con will make him die in two hits.
I finally finished BG1 2 years ago after over 20 years since I first tried it and I can't remember any party members other than Imoen, Xan, Minsc and his black woman, and Jaheria and the stuttering fighter. Does BG2 give them actual personalities outside of a few lines of responding to being clicked on?
I'd put him in at least b or low a, he's better than fucking hexxat at least.
All he needs to do damage is a strength boosting belt which are everywhere in bg2. Con doesn't really matter when he's immune to most damage when buffed.
I'm not saying he's the best character in the game or anything but saying he's borderline useless is insane. He can dispal, cast strong offensive spells thanks to the high level, tank and deal melee damage with high apr.
He fills so many niches that he's always a decent choice for any party.
How the fuck do people play through Baldur's Gate so may times, the game is 90% woodland walking simulator and the characters barely have anything even close to story arcs. I'm not saying the game is bad, I certainly don't regret playing it all those years ago, but I've never once felt like replaying it and slowly meandering through the same copypasted forest map for the 10000th time.

What am I missing?
>forgetting about Maggy
Neera and Nalia should be on the same tier. Nalia is better than Neera in every way except for the lack of wild magic, and if you're sandbagging Cernd and Jaheira by ignoring Insect Plague it doesn't make sense to push Neira up because of NRD abuse.
It does. Every companion has related quests and they comment on various things as well.
Playing with different classes and party members, or trying to get through an ironman run.
Broes before hoes
I like my nigga lann
Add Mazzy to C-Tier, mostly on the strength of being the only character in the game to specialize in ranged weapons, and being hard to damage by dint of not being a melee character. And if you ignore NRD abuse, then Neera's unreliability makes her by far the worst pure mage in the game.
You're right that he's better than Hexxat, but I wouldn't say he's better by an entire tier.
It's such a shame you have to choose between his bland self and one of the best-written CRPG characters of all time, I'd probably have used him in more runs if recruiting him meant losing spidercat. They would probably have had some really interesting banter too.
I actually used him because I didn't know what the fuck a Tiefling was and thought it might be cool.
>acknowledging "Enhanced" Edition
I saw this dude's portrait and assumed he'd be some kind of badass Night Wolf type of character. You could not imagine my disappointment when I finally got him and realized how much of a loser he was.
Yes. Also, you might consider installing the NPC Project next time you'll be playing BG1.
I mean, on paper, Cernd should've been the coolest dude ever. How do you fuck up a WEREWOLF COMPANION?
The characters are written horribly, but the new classes and items added are sometimes good. SoD is atrocious, but you can just skip it.
Thankfully, there is a mod that removes the companions.
I swear to god, Neera has the most awful and least convincing romance quest I've seen in a while. How is it that the modders can make better companions than this?
You would think a guy who specialises in throwing his pet hamster at the enemy would be the most popular character but by the point you unlock him the game is already over
Also, they completely fuck up his stats in BG3. In BG1/2 he wasn't a top-tier companion, but he was viable all the way through. In BG3 he sucks so hard, it's as Larian hates him personally.
Why is Sarevok B tier? Saverok is the biggest gigachad in the game, with some ridiculous stats and custom abilities to back him up.
By the time you get him, he’ll be behind everyone else in experience forever. He’s also a two-handed sword fighter in a game where you also get Minsc, who joins you in the first five seconds of the game, and Keldorn, who is absolutely the best melee pure warrior because of his anti magic abilities.
Unfortunately if you use that mod you lose access to all the great shit you can buy in the red wizard area which is part of Neera's quest. Bunch of high level scrolls, wand of spell striking, etc.
You can get those items in other places, so nothing is lost. And I'll take it over dealing with Neera and her lolsorandom bullshit.
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I used Beast almost just because I prefer the dwarf terrorism plot in act 3.
I can't resist having a murder archer on the team, Ekundayo is still infinitely more broken but at least Lan is half human.
The other problem is that 2h is objectively worse than dual wielding weapons, you basically need to turn Saverok into a Ravager+4 user in order to have him keep up with Korgan and even then he'll need baby sitting via a cleric

Don't forget the experience and loot you get from nuking the entire bar with aoe
eh I dunno enemy skill is easy enough to use in FF7.
Yes, BG2 does a much better job with the characters and how they interact. Imoen is still somewhat shafted until TOB though
True Neutral druid is how.
Biggest issue I have with him is finding a slot on a party for bards in general. You want 1 or 2 people doing physical based damage, 1 rogue, 1 cleric and 2+ mages. I know they can be considered a mage in bg2 but bg2 isn't lacking in the mage department
Wendu is just as broken as Lann but also infinitely more interesting.
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>Character everyone used and fucking regretted.
Fuck this slow retard.
That's a tiefling? Where are his horn and red or purple skin?
I just took him because his voice is awesome. MAY OUR DEEDS BE SUNG THROUGH THE AGES
HD's easy to slot when you treat him as a physical party member that can also cast spells. Defensive Spin makes him giga tanky and he gets incredible use out of Tenser's Transformation, which you can get pretty early from the sewers.
I usually play BG2 with
>Yoshimo -> Imoen
Replacing Valygar or Mazzy with Haer'Dalis would probably be fine gameplaywise. Still don't to put a fucking gay Tiefling Bard in my party.

> 2+ mages
I like to play BG2 in 60 FPS without mid battles pauses so using more mages than Imoen seems to be very hard to use.
Jolee Bindo is cool though
The only obtuse blue magic is shit you need to use charm or a beastmaster in tandem to get in some of the games
Even then using a Blue Mage in Tactics for shit like Bad Breath is a no brainer
Same voice actor after all.
There is A LOT of Michael Bell in this game. Especially in the Underdark.
I dunno if I should a paladin or a dwarven warrior for my next BG1/2 playthough. Last time I went with a wizard and it was a blast playing a power duo with Nalia, although I'vs played wizards so many times it's getting boring.
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>Meet the new EE companion in the tavern
>He tells me to piss off and don't bother him because he can easily take me down
>No further dialogue options available
>Decided to attack him anyway because my character won't take shit from anyone
>He dies in one hit
do a berserker, it's goat
Quina is for grinding dinosaurs before the endgame.
If you leave him alone and transition to other location, you are treated with a very elaborate cutscene, where this orc faggot literally goes nothing personnel on a bunch of goons ambusing you, because HE IS SO COOL YOU GUYS!!!11.
And once he joins you, he dies to two fucks with a bow.
We have Sarevok at home.
EE trying to sell all those new companions as the coolest shit in Faerun, and waaaaaay better than those old ones, only to fail spectacularly, will never not be funny.
The EE companions clash with the original tone of the game, I hate them
They hate all old roaster - look what they did with Viconia.
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>HD has been Raziel this whole time
God fucking damn, I had no idea
juhani from kotor
swap minsc and imoen. cernd and nalia are shit too
If Rasaad didn't have his obligatory introduction cutscene he'd fit in pretty well. Neera and Dorn are too badly written and over the top respectively.
The fact that the EE companions won't get kidnapped by Bodhi, because they are sooooooooo cooler than the vanilla companions is some bullshit.
And they can abandon you before the Tree of Life boss fight. I once romanced Neera just to see how bad the romance is (it's really bad) and told her the obligatory "you don't have to sacrifice yourself for my sake" line and she went "ok" and left. Best love interest everybody.
For context - during that sequence, even the most chaotic evil of companions won't abandon you, because you've been through hell together at this point. But EE companions really can't be bothered with your problems. While showering you with theirs.
romance is gay
>and she went "ok" and left
Based af, I take it back, props to EE for depicting a realistic woman
The fuck? Nalia is the best spellcaster in the game after Edwin. She's actually way better than Edwin stat-wise, but he has this cheap amulet that buffs him.
But Nalia has:
>one if the highest stat distribution in the game, with very high DEX and CON, rendering her unkillable.
> +2 AC bonus due to her ring
>dip into a rogue which allows her to wear some ridiculous items
For me it's the Imoen Romance Mod
she's a faggot though
Too cringe at times.
For me, it's NPC Project + De'Arnise romance mod + Skitia's companions.
Plus an obligatory Ascension, because seeing Sarevok and Irenicus shittalking each other is always fun.
If you trying make a lot of character inhe main story act like giant idiot in order to make someone look smarter than others, you're just making a self-insert gary stu character. I also don't like this game trying to imitate MCA's writing style.
What a useless piece of stone
Apparently, it's WotC that have the hateboner. Swen claims it was WotC's mandate to portray the returning companions that way. Also, they didn't want Jim Cummings (Minsc) Kevin Richardson (Sarevok) and Grey Griffin (Viconia) to return and reprise their roles. Those actors are still in the business, with Cummings and Griffin reprising Minsc and Viconia in SoD and Neverwinter MMO.
>De'Arnise romance mod
Which one?
De'Arnise Romance. That's how it's called. With Nalia At Last for a ToB supplement.
Fucking terrible taste right here. HD can solo that room in bridge district because of how broken he becomes.
You faggots can't do anything except follow guides on the internet.
I took Beast because I didn't want to take Lohse.
Lohse has boobs. The Beast doesn't.
Ergo Lohse>Beast. QED.
HD is cool but using a bard as anything but a song bot requires too much micro on a single character for me.
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forgot pic
I used him in my last playthrough because I didn't play a fighter/mage and he's the only one who fits that archetype. He's not half bad for BG2, but falls of hard in ToB.
Shale is a stupidly strong party member.
But I hate every companion that isn't Morrigan/Alistair/Dog so I just kill them all in every run.
I guess she's a good tank? Doesn't she have that one ability that renders her immune to damage when tanking?
Viconia is my girl and superemely based, but gameplay wise she sucks balls. Every single cleric multiclass in the game is better.
Don't be mean to Leliana.
Viconia is at her best when she's passively-aggresively threatening other people what she's going to do to them if they keep messing with *her* CHARNAME.
At least I looted a neat sword from him.
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At least she was white. Black elves seem to be the newest SJW trend.
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Visually so interesting but absolute shit gameplay wise
Try learning how to speak english before trying to criticize a game's writing my guy.
I thought of trying out the classics after BG3. Then I say Zaric playing 1 and said fuck it because the combat looks hard to read. RTwP seems to be one of those things that people like because it takes them back to a time when things were simple. DAO is the only game that got it right, probably because the 3rd person perspective solves this issue. Also
every single fight.
there's nothing wrong with it, trying to start up this discussion is always retarded and gay
>RTwP seems to be one of those things that people like because it takes them back to a time when things were simple
Nah, it's just better than either full real-time or turn based with no downsides.
The combat is not hard to read as long as you are paying attention. The enemy mages even politely tell you what kind of spell they are casting using audiovisual cues. And there is a combat log that keeps track of the fight.
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I think you are wrong on every single point you wanted to make.
Damn, the fact that ESL retards don't like Regill makes me appreciate that I always used him in my party so much more
I used haer Dalis my whole run bro he's pretty decent
Ok nobody used cernd
>very high DEX and CON, rendering her unkillable.
I'm not sure if this is satire, or just a massive exaggeration.
> +2 AC bonus due to her ring
AC hardly ever matters when you're a mage with stoneskin and protection from weapon spells. AC becomes even more useless with SCS. This is the point where I KNOW you're a massive shitter, because the saving throws and the fire resistance from that ring are much, MUCH more relevant than a negligible +2 AC.
>dip into rogue which allows her to wear some ridiculous items
The strongest gear for mages is mage gear, perhaps surprisingly.
>Nalia is the best spellcaster in the game after Edwin.
Neither are best. The best mage NPC is Neera, unironically
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I genuinely have no idea why Obsidian or Bioware thought G0-T0 was a good addition to KOTOR II.
of all the FE characters to choose from...
The minor stat upgrades won't make me replace the much better characters I regularly use.
No cap, bro saw his litty streamer friend try BG1 out and thought, man, this shit is NOT bussin, frfr, deadass some boomer shit ong.
I used her. I liked Sera. Now Vivienne and Dorian on the other hand
Keldorn (SCS) is honestly D-Tier if you're gonna make the distinction with Cernd
>The strongest gear for mages is mage gear, perhaps surprisingly.
And the Blade of Zerth. That only the multiclassed mages can use.
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Is this character appealing to the gays and women?
Because as a straight male I see absolutely no reason to keep him. Ashley is also kinda shitty but she at least has a personality.
No one installs the nerf component
I'm a woman and I agree with everything you said. I actually used Ashley. I remember this boring deadpan creepy telling me a story about how he went into a sperg rage once and murdered a guy and wondering why the fuck he's on my ship lol
Tits or GTFO.
>only fuckable woman in game
>can't romance beacuse shes a dyke
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Brendan Fraser?
I suppose they wanted to make him this sad boy with a dark past at first but eventually ran out of time to flesh him out at all, and so we have this character who doesn't really have a stake nor distinguishable motivation in the story
What a useless piece of shit. Not only is he useless, he is also a fucking liability whenever you use his limit break. He is also the biggest cuck known to man. I'm talking like legit horror ntr doujin tier stuff over here.
Not even making him look like Madara in the remake is going to redeem him. He is suffering from 3rd degree cuckenings. There is no turning back from this.
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Am I missing out on much if it run through bg1 and 2 with a full custom party? I want to adventure with some loyal bros and not put up with anyones bullshit.
yes. play it with some loyal bros like minsc and keldorn, instead of some silent nothings with perfect stats
Elves in DA are obviously stand ins for le oppressed minorities with city elves being Jewish ghettoes(the idealized version see Shahak's Jewish History Jewish Religion) and dalish being a mux of cigani and indians. The Imperium is the land of everything bad with their chief crime being enslaving them. In the south progressives debate giving them rights but they don't care and prefer Solas in their majority which is surprising for Canadians to make a story about color blindness not working out.
Wasn't the entire point to just do the opposite of Tolkien elves to be special snowflakes? I don't think it's that deep. But they ended up circling back to ancient elves actually being the stereotype.
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Speaking of cool characters who are too slow to actually use.
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Anons, that image is posted by a mentally ill guy who has spammed several boards over the years. There is no point in arguing with him. Look in the a, tg, v and vrpg archives for "noldorfag" if you don't believe me.
He's just the generic whitebread dude that every Bioware game is contractually obliged to have. Kaidan, Alistair, Carth, Atton, etc. Sky and Jacob take this role for Jade Empire and ME2 even though they're not white.

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