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5.0 Soon. Are you gonna roll for Kinich or Mualani, or just gonna stick with Kachina?
Rank the lolis
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you mean like the natlan lolis or the lolis in general
and by rank you mean like in usefulness or damage or something else
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i see a female character and i pull
simple as
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i don't wanna scare you niloubro but
i think mualani CAN bloom
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bwehs in /v/
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even better, but ill probably use her to vape instead.
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Scaffolding reminder
>eating, blooming, breathing... sometimes I forget the last one, heehee
This will be the last summer event before the shit hits the fan. They're dragging in all the characters, they even added a Sumeru quest just to remind you of all the characters you've met. There's even a small side quest that shows you stuff from the previous summer events before everything is blown up in Natlan.
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Obligatory scared dorky hebe
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head empty, only bloom
the perfect woman
i like your funny words gacha man
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I'm rolling for Mualani. my Girlfriend is rolling for Kinich
Mualani. Thought I was gonna skip Emilie but it seems that she actually works with Mualani and is too strong a unit to ignore in general.
It honestly depends on how strong of an impression they make on me.
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thank you that means a lot to me
What does Emilie do?
Who cares? Fontaine was the worst region in Genshin history (critically and financially), and this is after we thought it couldn't get any worse than Sumeru.

Why should I give these hack developers the benefit of the doubt again? There are plenty of other games to play instead.
What the hell is it about Sumeru and Fontaine that you people find so much worse than Mondstadt and Liyue? Mondstadt was just endless grasslands and trees. Liyue's mostly just mountains and rocks.
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She's kinda like an anti nahida
Summons a lamp turret. Lamp turret will fire bullets at nearby opponents
If there are nearby Burning enemies, the turret will grow to lvl 2. Lvl 2 turrets shoot volleys of 2 bullets instead of 1, and each individual bullet deals more damage.
She has beyond 100% uptime on this.
If the turret is already at max level and there are still nearby Burning enemies, the turret will cause a dendro explosion on an enemy. This explosion has a fat scaling of 500% ATK
In short, she deals stupid good raw off field Dendro damage in burning teams
Moves the turret to Emilie's location and temporarily grows it to lvl 3. Lvl 3 turrets cause a ganyu-style rapid rain of bullets nearby. Once it ends, the turret returns to being whatever level it was before the burst was cast (this means that you can use it to reposition the turret without resetting it to lvl 1)

If a turret is active, the entire party takes highly reduced damage from any kind of Burning reaction.
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>mualani is hot
>kinich has fun gameplay
My primos will not survive this patch.
And keep in mind, you can still use her for the other Dendro reactions too since they got rid of that passive that made her do less damage if she wasn't doing Burning. There have been WebMs showing that she also works with Mualani somehow and lets her BurnVape.. Team charts for Mualani have her with her, too.
So she's pure burgeon support.
Well, I'll consider getting her for her rerun.
the idea that the majority of the genshin community hates fontaine and sumeru and that the game is flopping financially is ridiculous. i have no idea where people like you are gathering these opinions outside of the schizodungeon that is /gig/.
Why does she get special treatment? Nilou didn't.
Dehya-bros our time has come!
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I'm pulling and cooming
Sumeru was worse cope harder fagboi.
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BURNING support, not BURGEON
Although she can definitely run in Burgeon teams. Burgeon teams are basically burning teams with a little spice, anyways.
All the passive did was completely axe her damage in Quicken. It wasn't necessary because she still misses out on a lot of her damage if enemies aren't consistently Burning.
She simply becomes kinda like a Fischl without her A4 passive outside of Burning.
>she also works with Mualani somehow
it's because of her relatively low hydro application, she does big damage hydro hits but she doesn't do a ton of them or apply hydro really quickly, which makes maintaining burning a lot easier.
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>turrets that shoot bullets and level up to 3

Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma:
>charming simple stories and endearing characters
>huge high quality side zones like Chasm, Enka and Dragonspine
>massive kino summer events that took days to complete
>huge regular events with great lore-relevant stories like Albedo's events
>amazing soundtrack by Yu Peng Chen

Sumeru, Fontaine:
>absolutely garbage stories about women being made servants of men
>retcons and rewrites in full swing
>summer events took a nosedive in quality
>TCG, enough said
>shorter boring events with more festivals and pointless filler, smaller new maps like Remuria which was only 45 minutes long
>terrible soundtrack made by interns after Yu Peng Chen left the game

Go anywhere online and see how much people look back fondly on everything before Sumeru ruined the game. 100 hour Aranara quest? Wanderer cuck drama? TCG? Sumeru was the death of Genshin.
>shoots one bullet at lvl 1
>shoots two bullets at lvl 2
>shoots bullets+explosive missiles at lvl 3
holy shit you're onto something engibro
>She simply becomes kinda like a Fischl without her A4 passive outside of Burning.
Yes, and a Dendro pseudo-Fischl is very damn good. That's the point.
>Why does she get special treatment? Nilou didn't.
So that she can be used with Nilou, of course.
Oh, that actually makes perfect sense. Thanks for explaining, anon.
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>Yes, and a Dendro pseudo-Fischl is very damn good
mm you know what you got me there
now you've piqued my interest
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In my opinion, I love Sumeru, especially the desert area!
>it's another instance where MC just falls unconscious and has to be helped again
don't they ever get tired of this
Emilie went from being a relatively niche, rigid and weak character that could only be used one way to an incredibly versatile, flexible and strong character that can be used almost whatever way you want. Burning, Burgeon, Quicken, Nilou Bloom, probably even Hyperbloom. She even does good damage herself. If your Nahida is busy on one team, Emilie can cover that spot on another team.
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well dang i was interested in getting her before but now my interest is starting to peak
>take a look at emilie's ICD and fire rate out of curiosity
Looks like she applies Dendro and generates a Dendro particle every 3 seconds if the turret is left at lvl 1. I'm a bit of a retard, but is this good?
But her damage goes way down without burning. Quicken/Hyperbloom/Nilou Bloom will never make as full use of her abilities.
Her damage is still decently high even without Burning. Especially with that passive that intentionally lessened her damage being removed. Burning will be better, but she has far more uses now. There have been videos and streams of this in action if you look for them.
It's an okay rate, basically. Not amazing but not bad. Plus, there's her burst as well.
Yeah but for other things, Nahida exists.
>Who cares? (current thing) was the worst (thing) in (game) history (critically and financially), and this is after we thought it couldn't get any worse than (prev. thing).
And as I said earlier
>If your Nahida is busy on one team, Emilie can cover that spot on another team.
Not sure why you're so hellbent on not having another viable off-field Dendro option when everything has shown her to be just that.
God I wish Genshin could let me passively farm materials like Star Rail. I mean there's the expeditions, but you can't actually farm any useful materials from that aside from rocks. Seriously, why do I STILL have to kill Whopperflowers?
Kachina sexo
>Hmm maybe I should build Kirara, Kuki or Chiori
>*Checks materials*
Because this is an open world action game, not a mindless auto-battler. Besides, you should already have Whopperflower materials in the thousands and high hundreds by this point from playing for so many years. I know I do.
Whopperflower genocide has basically been indefinite since I started the game
I don't, because I got sick of farming routes very quickly and stopped doing them. I generally only kill enemies if I happen to run into them in the course of doing other things. Whopperflowers are an uncommon enemy type so most days you'll never see any at all unless you deliberately search them out.
That hasn't stopped me. I've never had to specifically seek out and farm Whopperflower stuff, yet I have lots of it. They're really not that rare, either. I tend to end up fight some every day when doing comms somewhere or just running around.

Though, if you really need to, don't forget you can always use Stardust to buy the smaller materials in the shop. I actually tend to forget that's there since I only buy Fates.
Whopperflowers are all over the place, it's the spectral shits that only appear on Watatsumi island that are a pain in the dick.
We are boycotting
I bought a years worth of Welkin so I'm good to join the boycott while remaining F2P for the duration of our outrage.
Eh, she still looks terribly dull same as every character from Fontaine
Meanwhile I want to breed every Natlan girl.
Remember to always roll with your dick
Are they? They only appear in a handful of areas per region and most commissions don't occur within their immediate vicinity.
They are all over the place try picking some fucking sweet flower once in a while, they are underground.
You can tell because it has the speak icon instead of the flower icon when you pick it.
Yes they do, I literally run into them any time I do commissions in any region. And there's LOTS of them in Sumeru and Fontaine.
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Sorry but I'm clearly not having the same experience. Whenever I do a commission, I make a beeline for it in the shortest possible distance to clear it in as little time as possible. I don't take detours. There's a small handful of commissions per region that have Whopperflowers immediately nearby, but the vast majority don't. Whether it's jumping on mushrooms, chasing away weasels, breaking Hilichurl towers, chasing lights, most don't have Whopperflowers.

And frankly, ever since they introduced the event point systems, I've done the minimum possible number of commissions so that makes it even less likely.
>I've done the minimum possible number of commissions
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I'm getting tanmarks character
dont care
Are we going to get some free spins ever?
I didn't save up.
Nah, prior to the recent update you did have to do commissions once in a while because there weren't enough event points to 100% guarantee never having to do a commission. Well, not unless you were extremely meticulous and only did the absolute minimum number of point-giving activities per day. This would slow your exploration of a region to a crawl though.

Also, the problem with this approach is that in some ways it defeats the purpose. For instance, character quests can give you the maximum number of points to fill out all four commissions in a single day, and they can do it up to three times. But completing a single chapter of a character quest takes more time than it would take to just do four commissions, so there's no point in rationing quests that way.
I don't like what i've seen of their gameplays so I'll probably stick to rolling for Mavuika.
My contrarianism makes me want to roll for Emilie and then Wriothesley but that's a dumb plan
>Well, not unless you were extremely meticulous and only did the absolute minimum number of point-giving activities per day. This would slow your exploration of a region to a crawl though.
That is EXACTLY what I did. I stopped playing after I opened my fourth chest.
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haha, encounter points. Good times...
Still, it's a good change. I just went overboard unknowingly
That seems obnoxious. Also, most chests didn't give you the full requisite number of points for a single commission.

I don't have the patience to note the location of every single object I came across, and I also don't see the value in only exploring just enough of the region in a sitting to complete the commissions as well. I don't enjoy such a meticulous style of play.
I like the system too. I'll slowly do stuff now instead of ignoring it lol.
It WAS obnoxious which is why I actually enjoy the game again since the latest update.
I don't know what they were thinking designing a system that rewards you for playing in such a ridiculous manner.
Well I don't think they were intending for players to do that. Again, it's kinda putting the cart before the horse. Commissions are annoying, sure, but they're not so significant that it's worth making the rest of the game play like shit just to avoid doing them. If you're actually playing the game that way then you probably got your priorities mixed up.
Mualani. The rest of the 5.0 are meh
Not interested. Fontaine killed genshin. Kill off neuvillette then we can talk.
>Well I don't think they were intending for players to do that.
My brother you do not understand game design.

>Devs make a circular hole
>Players put the circular shape within
>"I don't think that's what the devs intended"

Players will do what makes sense given the systems in front of them and what they reward. Do you think the devs intend for people to be cancelling animations and playing around reaction ICDs when they play? Probably not, but it's the game they made.
Sure but why would you deliberately play the entire game in a miserable manner just to avoid commissions? That's on you. No one told you to do that, you did it on your own. Commissions suck but avoiding them isn't worth doing that nonsense.
It's more efficient to stop playing once you complete your dailies, and if you do too much content you run the risk of needing to do MORE content for the exact same reward by completing too much content.
Efficiency is key, the game wastes enough of my time as is, why would I risk wasting more?
Because if you're deliberately making the entire game more miserable purely to avoid commssions, then frankly, you should just stop playing altogether. At that point, you're not really enjoying the game anymore. You're making the entire rest of the game less enjoyable in order to avoid something you don't enjoy. That's backwards logic. Just stop playing if you're going to resort to that.
I wanted to stop playing yeah.
But I need to bank spins for the Mexican girls, I don't just get to quit. That's not how the game works.
If they didn't fix the encounter point system with this patch, you'd have kept right on doing this shit even after Natlan released. That's ridiculous.
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>impling I will roll for anyone before the pyro archon
I'm glad they changed it, yeah. Big improvement.
That's why I don't quit the game. It has huge problems with easy fixes, I know they won't fix things too fast because that would make the game too convenient and they want people to spend money to skip grinding and stuff. But one day they will fix those problems, and when they do the game will be fun to play, and when it is I will have plenty of spins.
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Sigh... There goes my wanting that shark girl.
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>too lazy to do the summer event
Honestly not sure why I'm not so interested in playing..........................
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>51 to pity
>still no axe
Bruh, what the fuck...............
her damage per screenshot playstyle looked annoying as fuck especially with multiple enemies or against large foes so I wonder what their goal with this is
I guess they saw how CN players sperged out after they tried to bugfix neuvillette so now they're ensuring all future hydro dps chars won't ever reach his level
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have all waifus in the game + xiao + kazuha
gonna get all the natlan waifus + kinich for grapple
have 463 pulls and counting
It's just Yelan's skill
I'm near burned out from playing ZZZ and Genshin. Already dropped WuWa months back. I think I should take a break from all these games for a while.
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>we can now skip every text bloat commission
Thank god
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You ARE planning on showing off nine c6 characters once 5.0 updates the profile page, right...?
Anon, that's 12.
>You're stinkeh
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This doesn't seem that outlandish if the gimmick of Natlan is giving everyone some kind of vehicle/mount.
So what's her mental illness?
Shota cock addiction
first based archon
I can't wait to be disappointed from the terrible selection in their shops
Why are so many genshin women shotacons? What is Celestia putting in Teyvat's water?
Have you seen their shotas?
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Anemo sword..
Most powerful fighter in Teyvat is a swirl bot
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She's a troon
Omg its Yang Xiao Long from Rooster Teeth's hit webtoon RWBY!
Yeah if you don't mind waiting 3+ months be my guest
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Same. I (unintentionally) got every Pyro 5-star in the game, so I might as well keep saving for Mommy Pyro herself and keep the set complete.
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I say I'm going to save for the archon every region then they drop some 10/10 waifu that I have to roll for
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Should I play other games? After doing my dailies, I just closed the game.... The fire within me is dying....
Would be great if they didn't put some achievements and quests behind RNG daily commissions. I still haven't maxed out Sumeru because of Garcia's stupid quests.
Yes you should play other games. Genshin is not an MMO and should not be played like one.
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Genshin is meant to be played like 10 minutes a day outside of new regions or flagship events
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How much time do I have left to complete the summer event? I did part one the day it started and haven't touched it since, it seems kinda meh compared to the last few
Also, Fishe (featuring her wife)
It lasts for the entire patch so like one month
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I hope there's going to be an option to hide constellations. I have two C2s (Raiden and Nahida) and one C1 (luckshitted Venti twice in a single ten roll) and everyone else is C0. I don't want to be forced to have to C2 them all to have it be uniform across the board. I'm glad they're adding the third row, though, that means there's spot for the next two Archons and Harbingers on my showcase.
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oh good, i thought i only had another week or two like most events
>UID hidden
which of these niggas is DPS? should I just go with Navia?
All of them are, though the loli is a 4*
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Just realized Simulanka is an isekai inside of an isekai
it's fucking over
yet another female character to be gutted
just give me cute girls that don't feel like shit to play. only navia fits than in the past year, that's why i have over 1k rolls now
You know, everything said about the fake sky and fate also applies to Teyvat
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Yeah, most of these events are foreshadowing for the main story
wuwu your ass outta here jabroni
take your meds, schizo
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>ever trusting mihomo in the first place
You had Nahida cucking paggies already. Learn your place.
Saving to C6 Chiori on rerun!
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That one is one my favorites
ever since the sky is fake I've thought that teyvat is inside a blackhole and the abyss is between teyvat and the event horizon and celestia is the very center of the black hole (the floating island we see is just a way to get there
What? Arle and Clori both also feel great to play, though.
It's as short as bottlland so you almost want to avoid completing it too fast if you want content. About 8 hours shower included.
yes, Im just coming back after taking a 2 month break from the game, you need to take a break from the burn out every now and then.
They've been using some black hole imagery with the abyss/Skirk so maybe you have a point
Take me home... Natlan roads..
This is a whole new type of mental illness that I didn’t realize existed. Jesus fucking Christ
Overall I think the current Summer event is better than last year's with the exception of the combat minigame. I fucking hate Abyss.
I'm more of an inverted teyvat guy with the abyss going up
Nilou and Kirara carried it pretty hard but yeah it was nice.
I also like it better, I don't have anything against bottleland but it just felt so low stakes
I didn’t mind it. It told a decent story so it’s fine.
So let me get this straight, they fixed Neuv's spin to win nonsense because it was obviously unintended gameplay, then reverted the fix and gave everyone a free 10 pull, and then nerfed Mualani?
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I liked the Wanderer character development. One thing that always bothered me is how Wanderer seemed to continue abrasive despite everything that happened, and it's great to have confirmation that he actually is just acting tsundere and in reality is starting to actually form a bond with (You) and others.
It's a shame that you can't bring up Wanderer in that place without causing a shitstorm.
I called him Big Hat Logan because he wears a big hat.
CN netizens started compiling dox lists of MiHoYo developers that they simply *thought* were responsible for the bug fixes and started looking into reporting the company for false advertisement or something inane like that
Even if MHY wouldn't get convicted of something like that they'd probably still have to deal with all the paperwork and I imagine these two factors made them say fuck it and just reverted the change
No clue if the nerf to Mualani actually is related to the Neuvillette incident but the timing certainly doesn't help
I think kind of the opposite, his writing seemed kind of juvenile to me this event. His abrasiveness got played up to a comical degree (with no actual cause or reason) and he was hard to take seriously.
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Guys, please help us
>in that place
You can't exist in that place without someone throwing a shitfit.
I just tried this month abyss and what a load of bull.
Wave after wave of health bloated enemies. Im just going to leave floor 12 at 2 stars, not worth hitting my head against that wall
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frotstaine killed genshin with its rewritten story
I came back to it after a long break from the game and it surprised me too how spongy and tanky they were and how endless the waves felt.
But I got it down after a couple of tries, used pretty much the whole timer for the first floor, next two seemed a bit easier.
>with no actual cause or reason
He sympathizes with the dragon because he is also a discarded toy. Its not that big of a stretch
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i just realized this is basically like doing dailies in a gacha
every day or even several times a day, one of these haters goes into gacha threads, searches for posts saying "reminder" and if no one posted this pic he has to post it himself
you guys are literally doing dailies without even playing a game
It's one guy who has been doing it for years despite nobody caring about his opinion.
Really sad to watch, honestly.
Kind of you to give him a (you) at least, maybe he might cry a little less when he goes to sleep tonight.
can't be just one guy, no one is that retarded
it's the same shitty meme as that one pic in ms paint of summertime saga but at least here they don't mass reply to it
its a bot, report and move on
You’d be surprised to see how deep the mentally illness wormhole goes on this board
they took 7 months to "fix"
also, the fix basically ruined the DPI of turning around with him if you went fast and it certainly didn't change much of his power level despite what you might read in these threads
Mualani being changed is just the regular beta stuff, there's like 3 more weeks of beta, so every character can change I'm not sure if Kachina will get by unscathed if she's as good as people are saying
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I don't see the harm in it, giving returning or new players an actual decent 4 star isn't going to hurt their revenue, if anything it'll just get people more invested.
As for Mualani, I hope they change her a little bit and make her less about vape, I don't care if she does less numbers for screenshots, I just want her to be fun, and being locked into vape and vape alone is kind of cringe to me.
From my understanding, its not that Kachina is good, its the artifact set that is good.
the fix was terrible, regular spinning was slowed down too
Both sets were nerfed.
>its the artifact set that is good.
Isn't 8t completely tied to the new character's mechanics anyways? Like similar to how the newest set is only tied to BoL only useful for Arle and Arlecchino? Why would it be good if you can't really use it on anybody else?
the edited scara onto her lap gave me a laugh good job
None of them. 5.0 is a huge skip patch with how boring it is.
Diona > Klee > Kachina > Sigewinne > Nahida > Qiqi > Dori > YaoYao > Sayu
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I'm going to roll Emilie and then anything I have left over goes to Mualani. That was always my plan. Really hope Xilonen is way later because I must have her.
Who asked?
The OP did
I don't care how good or bad she is I'm rolling for Xilonen
>Really hope Xilonen is way later because I must have her.
I'm afraid we are both fucked. Leakers first claimed she will be in 5.1, then backtracked and said the archer hag will be in 5.1 and now they leaked Xilonen's kit crumbs.
Whoops, didn't mean to reply to that post lol
I mean the double gem bonus is reset bros, just swipe it's not hard.
Don't reply to the NTRfag
I'll throw the patch primos at, uh, I don't know her name... the blue girl with the tan lines. The cute kemono loli is enough for me.
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Do we know anything about the fire archon's kit yet?
Too bad she's ugly as sin. Easy skip, just like Venti and Kazuha.
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Leakers said her E is the same as raiden's but pyro
Off field pyro applicator at C0, at C6 she becomes playable as a main DPS.
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>just swipe
She'll be perfect then
seems weird that they'd make it so similar to another archon
Small indie company
I thought they all look gay and stupid but then I saw the exploration gimmicks and I'm thinking of getting a welkin again
I want to FUCK Yaoyao!
Honestly would've been funnier if this was real instead of everyone just being in love with you 24/7
that would be terrible, good thing it was probably a leaker with no actual reputation
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i fucking hate kpoopers
>aww he's just a mass murderer and war criminal :))) what a cutie!!
fujoniggers deserve the rope
How else is he going to get guarantee? He needs those months.
but how much meat do they drop?
was ganyu always that thick
>character development
>crashed an entire patch with one of the laziest asspulls we've had
genshin could never
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It's canon
stop being retarded
I don't lead the best life, but if I got to that point I'd just end it all.
It's Africa, South America, AND Australia.
It has Baobab trees from Africa.
It has a story straight out of Brazil.
It has the Sydney opera house.
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Natlan is mostly inspired in Mexico and Africa

There were already axolotls in Liyue kek
I hate those things, they literally will spit you in the face.
You're thinking of llamas, alpacas are pretty chill
>It's Africa, South America, AND Australia.
where are the africans?
>go against the gods and you get cursed with revitiligo
It's the places, not the people.
ask your mom
what do you mean Sydney opera house? I'm not aware
to me Australia is 100% Meropide
>Fontaine is mainly inspired by French, then Italy and then England
>Meropide was started by a group of exiles that was meant to guard a place for Egeria
>Fontaine exiles its prisoners to Meropide
>Eventually it becomes a prison to Fontaine
>Eventually becomes it's own place with autonomy
>The current leader is from Fontaine and is called Wriothesley
I guess you could also make an argument for the feel of it being a place surrounded by water that the prisoners couldn't really escape, but I'm not sure how to put that in words very well

It is inspired by Aztec, Maya and Inca, so I'm sure you can't say just "Mexico" to that
also, the one that has the most references in lore is Inca
>what do you mean Sydney opera house?
In the southern part of 5.0's landmass, there's a lot of water. And one of the large buildings is a fantasy version of the Sydney opera house.
Sadly, finding any pics of it right now is a bitch cause it's buried in the billion other Natlan leaks over on the place that shall not be named.
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Most lore references are Maya and Aztec

Only tupac is mentioned from Inca

Chasca is Salvadoran

You can also see that characters like Kachina are Aztec inspired
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>Popcorn (Popcorn originated from Mexico)
>Chocolates (Chocolate is from Mexico and Chocolate is a Nahuatl word)
>Mexican Ceviche




Believe it or not, all African food according to Twitter.
That's interesting, I knew they also got inspiration for some other places like NZ and Hawaii, but I thought Meropide was the Australia inspiration for sure
Have you seen the foods yet? If so, is there anything from Australia there?

Oh, you're right, I mixed Xbalanque with Tupac, these names are a bit hard to me
still, pretty bad reply to a post with Alpacas
>three brazuca ones
this was unexpected, for sure
Once a few days ago and most of it was African/mesoamerican looking.
Muy delicioso.
>Popcorn (Popcorn originated from Mexico)
>Chocolates (Chocolate is from Mexico and Chocolate is a Nahuatl word)
>Mexican Ceviche
from the way you wrote you should know this is not Mexican
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Of course
stop posting Nahida
Thank god this came just in time for the additions of the 9th and 10th lolis.
Now if only we could put more people in our teapots.
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How can i get a qt White Mexican Sucrose cosplayer gf?

>exchange resin for condensed
>all dailies marked as completed
Is this something permanent? I mean thank you but it kind of defeats the purpose of dailies.
yes if you do dailies then any encounter points gets turned into long term encounter points which revert back to regular encounter points when you use resin if you have unfinished daily commissions
yes, it'll only end at the end of the expansion, this time around is this patch, next time it'll last until 6.0, I will still do dailies when Natlan comes out for a good while, the novelty always feels nice during the first month or so.
Yeah it was added this patch
Yes and you don't know how it works.
Dailies currently function as follows:
>When you clear a daily commission, get Primos, do this 4 times then talk to Katheryne for your last 20
>When you clear a certain amount of one-time exploration/quest content (opening chests, completing quests, gathering Occuli) and then claim your alt commissions, you get Primos, do this 4 times then talk to Kathyrine for your last 20
>Doing any of the activities listed in the previous line after reaching maximum daily allotment generates extra points with no upper limit
>These points can be spent to instantly complete your alt commissions at a rate of 30 Resin (on any activity that consumed Resin) to 1
>These points also reset every X.0 version, so any accrued this patch will disappear next patch
Basically, exploration lets you preload Dailies so you can just do your Resin farm and fuck off.
Before you could explore/play the game to get points to use in place of doing dailies, but now those points don't expire/reset until the end of the version cycle (when 5.0 starts). Now you can just use resin to redeem those long-term points sar.
Chinese sloppa
thank u white piggu 4 supporting grorious People's Republic
Better than supporting Jews
China is a more free and healthy society than usa in every way

no I will not elaborate, fuck you
The real loss is that weeklies don't give points anymore. If I got a shitty commission I would just do 3 commissions + one weekly, sure it might not be needed anymore, but I'll miss that QoL...
3rd from the top is definitely this bitch's specialty
Stupid sexy tsundere ac
The only thing it's missing is Teqola to rival fonta.
>3rd from the top
There's 4 that are "3rd from the top."
3rd from the top row i guess
There are still 3 "3rd from the top row."
The entire 4th row is "3rd from the top row."
with some simple thinking you can understand he 3rd on the top row going form left to right you don't have to be so pedantic
by this point we both know which one i'm talking about and so do everyone that reads this, so why do you continue acting like an autist?
Which ones? Acaraje, feijoada and..?
question for imaginarium niggas
if i put a character up for grabs, will my friends get that character built how it was at the time of me posting it or will they get it the way i have it currently?
Just be clear and concise.
Row 3, number 2 is what i presume you're talking about.
Arcchelino absolutely shreds specters, I used to hate those bastards until I got her. Now harvesting their materials is actually fun.
should've placed some stat points into common sense instead of autistic intelligence then
Yoimiya + Yae Miko. Spectres are some of the few light weight enemies that don't bounce wildy with overloaded.
They're easy to kill, they're just in annoying places and they have like a 5 second delay on death once they hit zero HP.
Impressive, Alpaca... HOWEVER
The way you have it built currently as they would see it in your profile
>local legends in Natlan as well

Man, the eastern nations are really kinda lame, aren't they? The strongest enemy you'd find in Inazuma is probably the Thunder Manifestation.
Mualani is very sexy.
How did she get by the censors?
TM is probably still the strongest enemy you'll find in the overworld but I like how they added a single consecrated scorpion on one of the islands
Considering ZZZ, maybe China relaxed some of its policies recently?
All jokes aside, I love the vibe of that place. I hope its not an one time domain
No way. The Thunder Manifestations just annoying to fight but it's not that strong. Local legends are stronger than any overworld boss.
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You rolling?
Local Legends in Natlan have their own domains. you interact with a totem and it warps you to where the enemy is.
Yeah. What's her ETA?
Acarajé, Rocombole (de carne) and the usual Bombons you'll see in every kids party: Brigadeiro and Beijiinho plus their more sophisticated variants
I fucking wish feijoada was in, that would look fucking weird in an anime-style
>black goo
>wasting primos so close to natlan
lol no
I meant the overworld in the Inazuma areas, not across the entire game
Honestly, I want to save. Natlan seems to be as loaded as Fontaine was so I may have to leave her for her second banner.
Considering the Natlan characters need her, yeah.
Just under two weeks
Only the dendro boy
The one on the bottom right corner looks like what I know as fijoada
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Yes, I’m in love with her.
Kaveh posters are so fucking annoying.
Anyway, I will pull for Emilie.
Bottom left sorry
Mualani, too. She might actually need her more than him now.
Its just one guy. I didn't even open the pic or else I would've given a serious answer.
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I'll go for the superior sexo design that will run alongside her
Whatever gems I have left will get thrown at the Mualani+Kazuha (allegedly) banner in Natlan and after that I'll spend the rest of 5.0 and 5.1 saving up for the archon in 5.2
Can't Nahida fulfill her wants and needs?
ZZZ is because the game has a higher age rating
In the case of Natlan, I'm pretty sure they'll get away with a lot because of the region themes, like Mualani has a Hawaiian name, you wouldn't expect her to be wearing much
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without a second thought. ill just save for the archon
stop gloat posting about reminder anon
Everyone here loves him.
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I wish she was a hag
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Same, but to quote a wise man: “A hebe is fine too.”
Yeah. She should have been a hag with massive honkers.
If Chevy is in her banner might attempt to luckchad her but man the schedule is so oversaturated with new characters that waiting for rerun seems like the better option.
No. Emilie's damage will be stronger and she'll keep her from dying from burning. Nahida will just get her killed super quick. If Mualani's damage was long distance, Nahida could work, but Emilie would still be better.
Kazuha is with Kinich. Raiden is with Mualani.
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She's probably in the first half of 5.0 with raiden
Here's your emilie banner
Nope gonna keep saving.
>If Mualani's damage was long distance
We don't even have her kit yet.
Its been out since 4.8 started
What the fucl? We quite literally do, even in video
Her entire kit has been available for awhile now anon. There's even a WebM of her in the thread
Are you slow?
I thought this was about the Pyro Archon, not shark bitch.
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Thats's mavuika
>We don't even have her kit yet.
Apparently she's similar to raiden
I feel you
Mualani and Mavuika are both close enough to me
Navia Nahida Nilou
bro, I think Sumeru is bad too, but it's definitely not the Aranara quest.
Sumeru started going downhill with 3.3 with the Wanderer cuck drama and became unbearable with the Dehya nerf and the year of desert and homo banners
White doesn't exactly have a good track record, so it's probably false
he also claims thatMavuika isn't the pyro Archon and that kit would make it true since Mavuika wouldn't enable melt/vape
just use physical damage on them
Correct me if I'm wrong but in theory TotEF should be Mualani's second best weapon right? If true I scored big time.
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>heres your REAL pyro archon
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Return of the empty Sumeru desert
None. I'm blowing my two hundred pulls on Emilie and her weapon, then I'll probably quit until 5.8.
Liyue > Soulstad > Inazuma > Fontaine > Sumeru
She doesn't use CAs but it's still a good stat stick
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sumeru > fontaine >>>>mondstad > liyue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>inazuma
This nagga likes rocks
Femcel cope

If this is purely level design then it's almost correct, just swap Liyue and Monstadt.
newfag here, how do they get access to this?
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Wait until 5.0 starts
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We washed your blacks, their skin was so dark and filthy. Shame about their hair.
Beta build in a private server
MiHoYo sends out a beta of the upcoming version to a few trusted confidants that aren't very trustworthy
If you ask me it's fucking retarded
>Skill, spawn a stationary Pyro turret that does coordinated attacks (probably)
>Burst, become Heizou (forma de Pyro) for 5 seconds
Oh, so she's literally Raiden.
anon, that's Dehya's moveset
Anon that's literally Dehya except her model has been replaced with Mavuika's
Oh shit she looks awesome.
Love that gameplay.
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I hope Vennessa tribe still exists somewhere in Natlan, maybe in a future update.
I have literally never used Dehya. My bad.
Nice archon hair glow
You have got to be the dumbest person I've seen all day lmao
she looks like Lisa if she were a hebe, which is not a bad thing
They don't need to be black, just a bit more tan. It is strange that they are pale in a beach/tropical setting.
The stars are a lie.
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Yeah, I am going for C1 if I don't lose the 50/50 or if I lose early.
You probably only woke up 2 hours ago then.
It's just Australia bro
If you ask me it is on purpose, they want the leak buzz and free publicity.
Hotties in tight biker suits are my kryptonite
I don't see any extra glowy shit from the burst so archon deconfirmed
You might be into something there, anon
Nice detective skills
>literally has to swap mc with wanderer to fit his cuck delusions
I don't know who's more mentally ill between you and bikinischizo
also I remembered after posting their hair lights up with the elemental skill too. Her hair is just glowy naturally so I'm hesitant in believing she's the archon. I don't have neuv though so maybe it's a dragon thing
The hair looks absolutely retarded in motion
It's over, guaranteed skip
Ignoring the fact this isn't the actual archon kit or her animations, Neuvillette's hair only glows when his full passive is triggered
So she's an omni-battery?
Yes. She will be 100% identical to raiden except that pyro.
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She even pulls a claymore out of her chest
How can Raiden compete?
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This breaks my immersion. So there are no roads, crossings, or paths from Sumeru to Natlan? No one bothered to build a trail in the desert or a bridge over that river?
It is as if they have given up trying to make a logical connection between the regions after Liyue.
>Wriothesley team
>every punch does melt
maybe nobody in sumeru wants that connection
>build a bridge across small river
>you've now connected Natlan to a gigantic fucking desert

So that's why there's no Natlan NPCs anywhere. They just couldn't swim across.
People do go there for vacations so there has to be a path. Maybe they go by boat, but tabibito will go through the desert for reasons
you mean, she would be the one melting after the punch, Raiden's E applies after the hit
if she works like that, she's doesn't enable hydro/cryo
Wait until you hear about natural barriers, they exist in real life too
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The map is going to look pretty damn fucking ugly for a while, that's for sure. I hope that they'll add some sub-areas both north and south of that straight just so there isn't a black void on both sides whenever you open the world map
But do you know what the biggest loss is? The endless desert that stretches as far as the eye can see is most likely going to get replaced by water (boring) or some minimally textured landmass floating off the coast
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Nahida is VERY racist
I mean who wants eremites in their cities
Consider that I would probably have Yelan in the party too so no matter the delay it could flip between melt and vape damage.
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The people of the ancient civilization before the desertification of Sumeru could have built something.
is she actually the archon?
Not really, she's just a NPC
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I'm not hopeful for the red area though I wish they'd eventually patch it up. If they do it'll probably be a tiny area like 4.6's Remuria where the 'real' map is underground
I guess expansions to Natlan's landmass will be either north (blue) or to the west which probably only will cause it to stick even more out on the map. I know it's a fairly minor thing to be bothered by, but I just think it's a shame that they immediately add new black holes to the map now that they finally patched up the giant spot right in the centre of the current one
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And this is barely even any time after they pencilled in the giant ditto
so no dorman port before natlan?
Considering the next update is Natlan, no
Even if they add red and blue, it will still be only as big as the desert. I was hoping Natlan would be bigger, that's the real disappointment.
Where did you get that idea from? It will probably be added mid Natlan the way Chenyu Vale was
I think it will be the opposite. The blue area is too close to kaenriah and with this entrance leak it seems devs tried to avoid the obvious entrance cave in the Pari desert that so many people theorized would be the entrance. Beside it seems fairly logical that they should grag more to the south because of how emoty and big it is.
>too close to kaenriah
But the door to Khaenri'ah points to the other direction
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I guess this is another option but damn that's gonna look ugly
oh well, I guess we'll see how it turns out
I know it's just a fan made map fron long ago but except for a slight misplacement of Sumeru and Fontaine it is surprisingly accurate.
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Do we have pictures of the tops of the volcanoes?
It has a volcanic region, r-right?
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I've seen videos of lava so I guess there will be volcanoes. However, that doesn't seem to be the focus of the 5.0 patch.
Reminder to pity bump the /vmg/ colony
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>NO Domain is now just a golem
holy fuck when did this happen
thank god
>The blue area is too close to kaenriah
khaenri'ah is below everything else so it doesnt matter.
Did they add the option to molest our waifus within the Serenitea Pot yet ?
What I meant is that the area is a former warzone and both canonically and as seen playing the game it's meant to be an isolated area only populated by pari and a handful of desert mormons. It would be weird to just stuff civilization right next door.
It's just the NPC model put on top of Dehya
Jesus Christ the game's file size is going to be colossal
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What is the best main city in the game? For me, it's between Mondstadt and Fontaine
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i rank regions by trees and sumeru is #1
The sumeru city theme is my favorite, the city itself not so much.
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no more stamina draining icicle domain or that piece of shit hydro one that increased your cooldowns to over a minute
Fontaine > Inazuma > Mond > Liyue > Sumeru

And it's not for being mean to Sumeru, it's only that if you have to do the usual weekly stuff like going to the blacksmith or crafting table or other small stuff with dailies it's the most painful city to navigate.
I do everything in Fontaine these days, but I think they all have their charms
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I think that guy's life is gonna end way before Genshin.
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Some times I really berate myself for not starting Genshin sooner since I had avoided it due to all sorts of misconceptions about the game
Going into Inazuma as the first 'expansion' must've been an incredible experience for all the 1.X players. Not to mention all the events I've missed out on
I feel the same way, I started after Inazuma was done so I didn't really get the sense of wonder of traveling to the mysterious islands like other players did. But at least I was able to go down to the Chasm alongside everyone
>Leaving Fontaine
>No event where they try to film a Princess Fischl movie with Fischl
Missed opportunity...
>I was hoping Natlan would be bigger
This is pretty comparable to Fontaine's 4.0 in size actually.
And Fontaine is minuscule
Not really. It just feels smaller than normal because a little over half of the content is underwater.
It's more that Sumeru was fucking gargantuan.
I love Furina. Second quest when?
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How useful is she? She spooked me while summoning for Navia?
Is this an automatic thing?
Not very sadly. The infinite poise is nice but situational, with enough investment she can work but then so can anyone else.
I wasn't there either for Inazuma, but I was for Sumeru and Fontaine. I wouldn't worry much anon, new regions are always exciting to first step in and wander about. This time of year when anticipating everything thats coming is always fun
No. You have to consciously press the button to character swap, they just have conditional swap options.
>In air or on wall? Swapping to Kachina starts her in her drill to go zooming
>Sprinting? Swapping to Mualani starts her on her surfboard
>Sprinting? Swapping to Kinich causes him to grapple into action
They really fucked up Fontaine's LOD in that region man, it's so ugly.
Why do only Venti, Raiden and Nahida's themes incorporate their nations' leitmotifs? Zhongli and Furina's don't.
>Zhongli and Furina's don't.
One tries hard to larp as a nobody and the other is a broadway star. The rest of the archons still are openly gods except Venti who is a weirdo fuck.
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Oh baby, a triple
The island with constant lightning was a great source of funny webms. Shame you just turn it off.
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guys do I pull for Yelan or wait for Mualani?
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She's a good tank
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Navia Impact
Disappointed she didn't keep the moustache the entire time.
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geogods how are we holding up
Worst character in the game by far. Barely usable if you have her signature 5* weapon and multiple cons. Even then, 4*s characters are still more useful.
They are both main DPS characters but Yelan can be a sub-DPS too.
Mualani has a higher damage potential at c0 but c1 Yelan(which you should get if you get her) it's far behind.
Mualani's travel utility is better, she might even be better than c1 Yelan there but I'm not sure about that. But either way she can go up and down small cliffs, go over water, jump, and dash mid-air.

Yelan is probably still worth getting but if you're tight on gems or don't want too many hydros(do you already have Furina?) you might be better off with Mualani.
Would a C0 Gaming be better than her?
Do you need hydro main DPSes? Do you need subDPSes? They're for different jobs.
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Yes. Gaming is more or less a 5*.
Yelan can be a main dps too.
meanwhile all characters take infinitely less damage than dehya by pressing right click
Not even C6 is she a "main" DPS.
>The Mastermind state lasts 20s and will be cleared after Yelan fires 5 arrows
How does it get past the captcha?
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At c6 she dumps out damage and can instagib almost anything but we're just talking about normal investment here. Her DPS is greater than most 5 star DPS characters when you keep her on-field because she boosts her own damage and she is a great driver.
this is just embarrassing honestly. it has to be sabotage
This is genuinely going to affect their bottom line(even if it's by a small amount) and no one would have complained if there were more brown and black people. Mihoyo is racist!
Damn. Well the more you know I guess.
Fontaine main theme if Yu-Peng Chen wrote it
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why is this game still being jewish with resin?
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Doing pretty good, hopefully Xilonen comes soon.
Who gives a shit, I've literally farmed everything I need and I let it overcap everyday cause I got nothing else to farm for other than the neverending artifact grind.
Don't play like that retard.
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Make an argument to >>683753764, the Yelan wasn't even playing well.
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I hope they retrofit local legends into the older nations, shouldn't be that hard. I wouldn't mind fighting a super ruin guard in old Mondstadt or a super ruin Hunter like in that one liyue world quest.
Doesn't do enough with burning, I'm passing. I had hoped shed transform burning the same way Nilou transformed bloom, but she just uses it as an attack buff. Not even a team wide buff either.
There's a chance someone like the archon will buff burning which would make the Emilie and Kinich burning team probably really high tier but that's a steep investment for a meme team imo.
>An odd textual mystery
What the fuck was that supposed to be??
For me, it's Keqing. Give me more tired and overworked and frumpy and mildly autistic OLs. There aren't enough. MORE.
a metaphor about not always believing what you read
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>that fucking goblet
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Based Keka connoisseur.
Can't wait for Kachina-chan for my Navia team
>everybody but me has a godlike geo goblet
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Loom stream
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Why would Natlan want a bridge connecting them to an empty desert with nothing but monsters and sand niggers? Travel to civilized nations is faster via boat.
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Stop being so fucking racist, Liloupar
>It's been like four years
>We still haven't returned to the nameless isle with that guy
>We still haven't entered the interior of the Thousand Winds Temple
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Fine as always. No complaints.
Mondstadt part 2 is after Snezhnaya
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>mfw pyro archon comes out and i never have to use bennet again
she will kneel to benny boy
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Blasted the fuck out of that Golem while getting mats for Emilie. Hit it for about 300K with full stacks. Feels good, man.
is c6 keka strong?
asking for a friend, haha...
Kinda? I mean, nothing amazing, but she is better than before. Haven't pulled her out since getting Clorinde, though.
She's fine in Aggravate, it gave her a new lease on life pretty much. If you use her without Thundering Fury (ie using Gilded Dreams), you should cast her skill, burst and then warp to the skill after, so that you have continuous infusion uptime through the next skill+warp usage. After the second infuse ends you just switch to your other characters to restart the rotation.

and yes C6 Kek is worse than C0 Clorinde
Abyss will make it mandatory to use both of them because I said so.
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bro get a crit rate hat
Betas have to be done to make sure characters are reasonably balanced, don't have issues, the quests work, the events work, and the new content works so they send builds out to testers. Apparently they compensate them with Primos in the live server? These builds are always one patch ahead, so when 4.7 was out they were testing 4.8, and when 4.8 came out they are testing 5.0.

Some of the people who are testing know people they can confide information with without getting ninja'd by Mihoyo's lawyers or straight up just give the beta build to people who know how to strip it of information and then use it on the private server. In addition to this several sites get datamined information from each patch which is why you can easily find exact numbers of any brand new character a patch ahead. This is why when you see leaked footage of a character you will typically see some sort of weird UID or no UID, they sometimes use mod tools to spawn enemies in, or they use console commands to spawn enemies and items in.

The information we have of a character's kit in the first half of a patch is not always what you will see in the second half or even on release. Case in point was Dehya getting nerfed in the second half of the beta before she released, and Emilie going from being unable to do any Dendro reactions that aren't Burning to being able to do the other reactions but doesn't give bonuses to it like Burning. I believe Mualani also had some of her numbers lowered a bit just recently?

As a rule of thumb you should always pay attention to leaked content for gachas even if it ruins surprises. It lets you know what characters to save for, if they're worth the limited paid currency you have, and what rewards you have to look forward to or what you can pre-farm for.
>You’d be surprised to see how deep the mentally illness wormhole goes on this board
You tell me, we're inside a gacha general branch that should stay inside either /gig/ or /vmg/
Stop treating this board worse than the urinal for tourists it already is, all these daily gacha threads and related retarded ritualposters bring nothing but stagnation around here
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She crits more often than she doesn't while I see people with much higher crit rates complaining that she still doesn't crit. I'm good.
>She crits more often than she doesn't
she literally doesn't
>She crits more often than she doesn't
what do you think those numbers mean?
4chan pass
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Works fine on my game.
The game should give you something extra if you get more than C6 for a 5-star.
Not a good webm I'm afraid.
That would be racist against mobile.
what do you mean

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